function getItem($id = NULL) { $id = $id ? $id : $this->getState('id'); $this->setState('id', $id); $limit = $this->getState('limit') ? ' LIMIT ' . $this->getState('limit') : ''; $q = $this->getListQuery($this->getStates()); $item = new struct_core_alias($this->query($q->toString(), $q->getValues())); $theme_id = $item->themeid ? $item->themeid : 0; $theme2_id = $theme_id; if ($item->group_id) { $theme2_id = rad_dbpdo::query('SELECT theme_id FROM ' . RAD . 'themes WHERE theme_aliasid=? AND theme_folder=?', array($item->group_id, $item->themefolder)); $theme2_id = !empty($theme2_id['theme_id']) ? (int) $theme2_id['theme_id'] : $theme_id; } if ($this->getState('join.aliasgroup')) { $table = new model_core_table('aliases'); $ali_item = $table->getItem($id); } if (!$this->getState('without_joins')) { foreach ($this->queryAll('select params_presonal,inc_id,inc_name,inc_filename,controller,order_sort,rp_name,rp_id,id_module,m_name, as incinal_id, ia.params_hash as params_hash, 0 as is_ga ' . ($this->getState('join.original_params', false) ? ', ip_params AS original_params ' : '') . 'from ' . RAD . 'includes_in_aliases ia ' . 'inner join ' . RAD . 'includes on include_id=inc_id ' . 'inner join ' . RAD . 'modules m on m.m_id=id_module ' . 'inner join ' . RAD . 'positions p on position_id=p.rp_id ' . ($this->getState('join.original_params', false) ? ' left join ' . RAD . 'includes_params ip ON ip.ip_incid=ia.include_id ' : '') . 'where alias_id=' . $id . ' and ia.theme_id=' . $theme_id . (($this->getState('join.aliasgroup') and isset($ali_item) and $ali_item->group_id) ? ' UNION (' . 'select params_presonal,inc_id,inc_name,inc_filename,controller,order_sort,rp_name,rp_id,id_module,m_name, as incinal_id, ia.params_hash as params_hash, 1 as is_ga ' . ($this->getState('join.original_params', false) ? ', ip_params AS original_params ' : '') . 'from ' . RAD . 'includes_in_aliases ia ' . 'inner join ' . RAD . 'includes on include_id=inc_id ' . 'inner join ' . RAD . 'modules m on m.m_id=id_module ' . 'inner join ' . RAD . 'positions p on position_id=p.rp_id ' . ($this->getState('join.original_params', false) ? ' left join ' . RAD . 'includes_params ip ON ip.ip_incid=ia.include_id ' : '') . 'where alias_id=' . $ali_item->group_id . ' and ia.theme_id=' . $theme2_id . ')' : '') . ' order by rp_name, order_sort') as $idi) { $item->includes[] = new struct_core_include($idi); $item->includes[count($item->includes) - 1]->is_ga = (bool) $idi['is_ga']; } } if ($this->getState('join_description')) { $wlangid = $this->getState('ald_langid'); $wlangid = $wlangid ? ' AND ald_langid=' . $wlangid : ''; foreach ($this->queryAll('SELECT * FROM ' . RAD . 'aliases_description where ald_aliasid=' . $id . $wlangid) as $idd) { $item->description[$idd['ald_langid']] = new struct_core_aliases_description($idd); } } return $item; }
function getItem($id = NULL) { $id = $id ? $id : $this->getState('id', $this->getState('lng_id', NULL)); if ($id) { $table = new model_core_table('lang'); return $table->getItem($id); } else { $this->badRequest(__LINE__); } }
function __construct() { if ($this->getParamsObject()) { $params = $this->getParamsObject(); $this->_pid = $params->_get('treestart', $this->_pid, $this->getCurrentLangID()); $this->showfirstifempty = $params->_get('showfirstifempty', $this->showfirstifempty); $this->_isshowpage = $params->_get('isshowpage', $this->_isshowpage); $this->_assignRubric = $params->_get('assignrubric', $this->_assignRubric, $this->getCurrentLangID()); $this->setVar('params', $params); } if ($this->request('cp') or $this->request('pgid') or $this->_assignRubric) { $this->assignPage(); if ($this->getVar('item')) { $this->assignRubrics($this->getVar('item')); $this->assignSuRubrics($this->getVar('item')); } } elseif ($this->request('title')) { $this->assignPageByName(); if ($this->getVar('item')) { $this->assignRubrics($this->getVar('item')); $this->assignSuRubrics($this->getVar('item')); } } else { $this->assignLanguages(); } if ($this->_isshowpage) { $table = new model_core_table('pages', 'corearticles'); $page = $table->getItem($params->pgid); $this->setVar('item', $page); $this->addBC('pages', array($page)); } elseif (!$this->_assignRubric) { $this->assignMenu(); if ($this->showfirstifempty and !($this->request('cp') or $this->request('pgid')) and count($this->getVar('items'))) { $model = rad_instances::get('model_corearticles_pages'); $items = $this->getVar('items'); if (!empty($items)) { $model->setState('tre_id', $items[0]->tre_id); $pages = $model->getItems(1); $this->setVar('pages', $pages); $this->addBC('pages', $pages); } //if !empty items } } else { $this->setVar('title', rad_instances::get('model_coremenus_tree')->getItem((int) $this->_assignRubric)); } $this->setVar('page', $this->request('page', 0)); }
/** * @param struct_core_users $item */ private function sendActivationCode($item) { rad_instances::get('model_coremail_subscribes')->removeExpired(); $table = new model_core_table('subscribers_activationurl', 'coremail'); $table->setStates(array('sac_scrid' => $item->u_id, 'sac_type' => 2, 'email' => $item->u_email, 'date_confirmed' => 0)); $item_url = $table->getItem(); if ($item_url->sac_id) { if ($item_url->date_created + 300 > time()) { // wow, spam return; } $item_url->date_created = time(); $table->updateItem($item_url); } else { $item_url = new struct_coremail_subscribers_activationurl(); $item_url->sac_url = md5(rad_session::genereCode(31) . now() . $item->u_id); $item_url->sac_scrid = $item->u_id; $item_url->sac_type = 2; $item_url->email = $item->u_email; $item_url->date_created = time(); $table->insertItem($item_url); } rad_mailtemplate::send($item->u_email, $this->config('activate_email.template'), array('user' => $item, 'link' => $this->makeURL('alias=register&c=' . urlencode($item_url->sac_url)), 'clearpass' => ''), 'html'); }
function addComment() { if ($this->request('hash') != $this->hash()) { return $this->redirect('404'); } $item = new struct_coreresource_comments(); $item->rcm_datetime = now(); $item->rcm_type = 'product'; $item->rcm_active = $this->_premoderation ? 0 : 1; //$item->rcm_parent_id = 0; $item->rcm_parent_id = strip_tags(stripslashes($this->request('parent_id'))); if ($this->getCurrentUser() and $this->getCurrentUser()->u_id) { $item->rcm_nickname = $this->getCurrentUser()->u_login; $item->rcm_user_id = $this->getCurrentUser()->u_id; } else { // @TODO: What really should we do if user is anonymous? $item->rcm_nickname = strip_tags(stripslashes($this->request('nickname'))); $item->rcm_user_id = 0; } $item->rcm_item_id = (int) $this->request('p'); $item->rcm_text = strip_tags(stripslashes($this->request('txt'))); $table = new model_core_table('comments', 'coreresource'); $table->insertItem($item); $item->rcm_id = $table->inserted_id(); $parentComm = $table->getItem($item->rcm_parent_id); $modelUser = rad_instances::get('model_core_users'); if ($parentComm->rcm_user_id != 0) { $userCommParent = $modelUser->getItem($parentComm->rcm_user_id); if (filter_var($userCommParent->u_email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { //$link_to_comment = $this->makeURL('alias=product&products_action=i&i='.$item->rcm_id); $link_to_comment = $this->makeURL('alias=product&p=' . $item->rcm_item_id); $this->_sendMail($userCommParent->u_email, $item->rcm_text, $parentComm->rcm_text, $link_to_comment); } } //$this->_sendMail($parent->rcm_user_id); }
function assignItems() { $model = new model_core_table('delivery', 'corecatalog'); $model->setState('where', 'rdl_lang=' . (int) $this->getContentLangID()); $items = $model->getItems(); $this->setVar('items', $items); }
function newOrdering() { if ($this->request('hash') == $this->hash()) { $new_ordering = (int) $this->request('no'); $cat_id = (int) $this->request('c'); if ($cat_id) { $product = model_core_table::getInstance('catalog', 'corecatalog')->getItem($cat_id); $product->cat_position = $new_ordering; $rows = model_core_table::getInstance('catalog', 'corecatalog')->updateItem($product); echo 'RADCatalogList.message("' . $this->lang('-saved') . '");'; echo 'RADCatalogList.refresh();'; } else { $this->securityHoleAlert(__FILE__, __LINE__, $this->getClassName()); } } else { $this->securityHoleAlert(__FILE__, __LINE__, $this->getClassName()); } }
/** * Special offers module, for New products, Sales, hit of sales e t.c. * * @param unknown_type $item */ function updateOffers(struct_corecatalog_catalog $item) { $table = new model_core_table('cat_special', 'corecatalog'); $table->setState('where', 'cs_catid=' . (int) $item->cat_id); $offers = $table->getItems(); $exist_offers = array(); if (count($offers)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($offers); $i++) { $exist_offers[$offers[$i]->cs_type] =& $offers[$i]; } } //NEW PRODUCT if ($item->cat_special_spnews and !isset($exist_offers[1])) { $exist_offers[1] = new struct_corecatalog_cat_special(); $exist_offers[1]->cs_type = 1; $exist_offers[1]->cs_catid = $item->cat_id; $exist_offers[1]->insert(); } elseif (!$item->cat_special_spnews and isset($exist_offers[1])) { $exist_offers[1]->remove(); } //SPECIAL OFFER if ($item->cat_special_sp and !isset($exist_offers[2])) { $exist_offers[2] = new struct_corecatalog_cat_special(); $exist_offers[2]->cs_type = 2; $exist_offers[2]->cs_catid = $item->cat_id; $exist_offers[2]->insert(); } elseif (!$item->cat_special_sp and isset($exist_offers[2])) { $exist_offers[2]->remove(); } //SALES if ($item->cat_special_spoffer and !isset($exist_offers[3])) { $exist_offers[3] = new struct_corecatalog_cat_special(); $exist_offers[3]->cs_type = 3; $exist_offers[3]->cs_catid = $item->cat_id; $exist_offers[3]->insert(); } elseif (!$item->cat_special_spoffer and isset($exist_offers[3])) { $exist_offers[3]->remove(); } //HIT OF SALES if ($item->cat_special_sphit and !isset($exist_offers[4])) { $exist_offers[4] = new struct_corecatalog_cat_special(); $exist_offers[4]->cs_type = 4; $exist_offers[4]->cs_catid = $item->cat_id; $exist_offers[4]->insert(); } elseif (!$item->cat_special_sphit and isset($exist_offers[4])) { $exist_offers[4]->remove(); } }
/** * Assign Votes in category ans for showing on site */ function assignRubricVotes() { $vt_id = (int) $this->request('v'); if ($vt_id) { $this->setVar('$showOneVote', true); $this->showVoteRandom($vt_id); } else { $table = new model_core_table('votes', 'coreothers'); $table->setState('where', 'vt_lngid=' . $this->getCurrentLangID() . ' and vt_treid=' . (int) $this->request('vcp', $this->_pid)); $table->setState('showSQL', true); $items = $table->getItems(); $this->setVar('votes', $items); } }
function deleteItem() { if ($this->request('hash') != $this->hash()) { $this->redirect('404'); } if ((int) $this->request('i')) { $table = new model_core_table('comments', 'coreresource'); $item = $table->getItem((int) $this->request('i')); if ($item->rcm_id) { $table->deleteItem($item); } } else { $this->securityHoleAlert(__FILE__, __LINE__, $this->getClassName()); } }
protected function activateUser() { $c = urldecode($this->request('c')); $this->setVar('onlymessage', true); if ($c) { $this->setVar('action', 'c'); $model = rad_instances::get('model_core_users'); $model->setState('code', $c); $user = $model->getItem(); if (isset($user->u_id) and $user->u_id) { if ($user->u_email_confirmed) { $table = new model_core_table('subscribers_activationurl', 'coremail'); $table->setState('sac_url', $c); $activation = $table->getItem(); if ($activation) { if ($model->emailExists($activation->email, $user->u_id)) { $this->setVar('message', $this->lang('mail_alreadyregistred.registration.text', null, true)); } else { $user->u_email = $activation->email; $model->updateItem($user); rad_session::updateUserData($user->u_id); rad_instances::get('model_coremail_subscribes')->confirm($c); $this->setVar('message', $this->lang('subscribers.mailactivated.text', null, true)); } } else { $this->setVar('message', $this->lang($this->config('registration.code_not_found'))); } } elseif (!($error = $this->beforeActivateUser($user))) { $user->u_email_confirmed = 1; $model->updateItem($user); rad_instances::get('model_coremail_subscribes')->confirm($c); /* make referals component */ if ($this->config('referals.on') and class_exists('struct_coresession_referals_users')) { $this->setReferral($user); } $this->setVar('message', $this->lang($this->config('registration.mailactivated_text'))); //send message to user $this->_sendMail($user, 'register_ok'); $this->_sendMail($user, 'send_admin'); } else { $this->setVar('message', is_array($error) ? implode('<br />', $error) : $error); } } else { //code not found $this->setVar('message', $this->lang($this->config('registration.code_not_found'))); } } else { $this->securityHoleAlert(__FILE__, __LINE__, $this->getClassName()); } }
function getProductsWithCurrency() { $cur_id = (int) $this->request('cur_id'); if ($cur_id) { $model = model_core_table::getInstance('catalog', 'corecatalog'); $model->setState('select', 'count(*)'); $model->setState('where', 'cat_currency_id=' . $cur_id); $cnt = (int) $model->getItem(); echo $cnt; } else { $this->securityHoleAlert(__FILE__, __LINE__, $this->getClassName()); echo 'RADCurrency.message("' . $this->lang('-error') . '");'; } }
/** * Deletes the answer from vote * @return JS */ function deleteAnswer() { if ($this->request('hash') == $this->hash()) { $item_id = (int) $this->request('id', $this->request('i')); if ($item_id) { $model = new model_core_table('votes_questions', 'coreothers'); $rows = $model->deleteItem(new struct_coreothers_votes_questions(array('vtq_id' => $item_id))); echo 'RADVotesQuestions.message("' . addslashes($this->lang('deletedrows.sustem.message')) . ': ' . $rows . '");'; if ($rows) { echo 'RADVotesQuestions.refresh();'; } } else { $this->securityHoleAlert(__FILE__, __LINE__, $this->getClassName()); } } else { $this->securityHoleAlert(__FILE__, __LINE__, $this->getClassName()); } }
function getItems($limit = NULL) { $table = new model_core_table('includes'); $table->setState('left join', RAD . 'modules m on m.m_id = id_module'); return $table->getItems($limit); }
/** * Copy components from theme */ private function copyComponentsFromTheme() { $theme = trim($this->request('theme')); $alias_id = (int) $this->request('alias_id'); $from = trim($this->request('from')); if ($alias_id && $theme != $from && (!$from || is_dir(THEMESPATH . $from)) && (!$theme || is_dir(THEMESPATH . $theme))) { $model = rad_instances::get('model_core_aliases'); if (strlen($from)) { $model->setState('theme', $from); } $item = $model->getItem($alias_id); $struct = new struct_core_includes_in_aliases(); if ($theme) { $table = new model_core_table('themes'); $table->setState('where', 'theme_aliasid=' . $alias_id . ' and theme_folder="' . $theme . '"'); $themes_obj = $table->getItem(); $struct->theme_id = $themes_obj->theme_id; } $struct->alias_id = $alias_id; if (!empty($item->includes)) { $this->deleteComponentsFromTheme($alias_id, $theme); $ret = true; foreach ($item->includes as $include) { /** @var struct_core_include $include */ $struct->include_id = $include->inc_id; $struct->controller = $include->controller; $struct->order_sort = $include->order_sort; $struct->position_id = $include->rp_id; $struct->params_hash = $include->params_hash; $model = rad_instances::get('model_core_includes'); if (!$model->insertItem($struct)) { $ret = false; break; } } $this->clearAliasCache(rad_instances::get('model_core_aliases')->getItem($struct->alias_id)); if (!$ret) { echo "ERROR!!!! '.__LINE__.' Problem in DB"; } } else { echo $this->lang('nocomponentstocopy.aliases.error'); } } else { $this->securityHoleAlert(__FILE__, __LINE__, $this->getClassName()); } }
function getItem($id = null) { $id = $id ? $id : $this->getState('id'); $table = new model_core_table('langvalues'); if ($this->getState('lang_id')) { $table->setState('lnv_id', $id); } return $table->getItem($id); }
function getQuestions($limit = NULL) { $item_id = (int) $this->getState('item_id', $this->getState('vt_id')); if ($item_id) { $table = new model_core_table('votes_questions', 'coreothers'); $table->setState('where', 'vtq_vtid=' . $item_id); return $table->getItems($limit); } else { $this->securityHoleAlert(__FILE__, __LINE__, $this->getClassName()); } }
/** * change the langs from change lang form * full post request * */ function changeLangs() { if ($this->request('lang_id')) { $langs = model_core_table::getInstance('langvalues')->getItem($this->request('lang_id')); $langs->lnv_lang = $this->request('nl'); $rows = model_core_table::getInstance('langvalues')->updateItem($langs); if ($rows) { echo 'RADLangList.message("' . $this->lang('-saved') . '");'; echo 'RADLangList.refresh()'; } else { echo 'RADLangList.message("' . $this->lang('-notsaved') . '");'; } } else { $this->securityHoleAlert(__FILE__, __LINE__, $this->getClassName()); } }
/** * Saves the type showed fields * @param integer $type_id */ private function saveTypeFieldsShow($type_id) { if ($type_id) { $model = new model_core_table('ct_showing', 'corecatalog'); $model->setState('where', ' cts_vl_id=' . $type_id . ' '); $items = $model->getItems(); if (count($items)) { foreach ($items as $id) { $model->deleteItem($id); } //foreach } //if $added_items = array(); if ($this->_showinlist) { if ($this->request('CTshowing_showinlist_catalog_option')) { $added_items[] = new struct_corecatalog_ct_showing(array('cts_vl_id' => $type_id, 'cts_show' => $this->_showinlistID)); } } if ($this->_showindetail) { if ($this->request('CTshowing_showindetail_catalog_option')) { $added_items[] = new struct_corecatalog_ct_showing(array('cts_vl_id' => $type_id, 'cts_show' => $this->_showindetailID)); } } if ($this->_showinbin) { if ($this->request('CTshowing_showinbin_catalog_option')) { $added_items[] = new struct_corecatalog_ct_showing(array('cts_vl_id' => $type_id, 'cts_show' => $this->_showinbinID)); } } $rows = 0; if (count($added_items)) { foreach ($added_items as $id) { $rows += $model->insertItem($id); } if (!count($rows)) { throw new rad_exception('Can\'t save the showing type! file: ' . __FILE__ . ', line: ' . __LINE__); } return $rows; } } else { $this->securityHoleAlert(__FILE__, __LINE__, $this->getClassName()); } }
function __construct() { if ($this->getParamsObject()) { $params = $this->getParamsObject(); $this->setVar('params', $params); } $this->setVar('hash', $this->hash()); if ($this->request('action')) { $this->addBC('action', $this->request('action')); $this->setVar('action', $this->request('action')); switch ($this->request('action')) { case 'install': break; case 'network': break; case 'getjs': $this->setVar('main_action', $this->request('ma')); $this->setVar('current_lang', $this->getCurrentLang()); break; case 'getnodes': if ($this->request('ma') == 'install') { $this->getLocalNodes(); } elseif ($this->request('ma') == 'network') { $this->getNetworkNodes(); } else { $this->securityHoleAlert(__FILE__, __LINE__, $this->getClassName()); } break; case 'getinc': //GETS the include $this->getIncludeInfo(); break; case 'getmod': //Gets the module $this->setVar('subaction', 'getmod'); if ((int) $this->request('i')) { $table = new model_core_table('modules'); $this->setVar('item', $table->getItem((int) $this->request('i'))); } else { $this->setVar('i', $this->request('i')); } break; case 'getxmlparamsstring': $this->getXMLParamsString(); break; case 'getParamsSettings': $this->getParamsSettings(); break; case 'savexmlparamsstring': $this->saveXMLParamsString(); break; case 'getfullxmlparams': $this->getFullXMLParamsString(); break; case 'savefullxmlparams': $this->saveFullXMLParamsString(); break; case 'installXML': $this->installXML(); break; case 'saveinclude': echo $this->saveInclude(); break; case 'getfile': $this->setVar('params', ''); $system = new stdClass(); $system->module = new stdClass(); $system->module->folder = $this->request('folder'); $system->module->filename = $this->request('fn'); $this->setVar('system', $system); $names = new stdClass(); $names->url = 'http://'; $this->setVar('names', $names); break; case 'validateXML': $this->validateXML(); break; case 'deleteComponent': $this->deleteComponent(); break; default: $this->securityHoleAlert(__FILE__, __LINE__, $this->getClassName()); break; } } }
function showFullComments() { if (!$this->request('t', false)) { $this->securityHoleAlert(__FILE__, __LINE__, $this->getClassName()); } if (!(int) $this->request('item', false)) { $this->securityHoleAlert(__FILE__, __LINE__, $this->getClassName()); } $this->setVar('typ', $this->request('t')); //Временная заглушка безопасности switch ($this->getVar('typ')) { case 'folknews': case 'news': $tbi = new model_core_table('news', 'corearticles'); $toItem = $tbi->getItem((int) $this->request('item')); $this->setVar('item_title', $toItem->nw_title); $this->addBC('item_title', $toItem->nw_title); break; case 'articles': $tbi = new model_core_table('articles', 'corearticles'); $toItem = $tbi->getItem((int) $this->request('item')); $this->setVar('item_title', $toItem->art_title); $this->addBC('item_title', $toItem->art_title); break; case 'product': $tbi = new model_core_table('catalog', 'corecatalog'); $toItem = $tbi->getItem((int) $this->request('item')); $this->setVar('item_title', $toItem->cat_name); $this->addBC('item_title', $toItem->cat_name); break; default: $this->securityHoleAlert(__FILE__, __LINE__, $this->getClassName()); break; } //switch $this->setVar('to_item', $toItem); $this->setVar('item_id', (int) $this->request('item')); $model = rad_instances::get('model_coreresource_comments')->setState('order by', 'rcm_datetime DESC')->setState('item_id', (int) $this->getVar('item_id'))->setState('type', $this->getVar('typ'))->setState('active', 1); //GETS THE COUNT $model->setState('select', 'count(*)'); $itemsCount = $model->getItems(); $model->unsetState('select'); $limit = $this->_itemsperpage; if ((int) $this->request('page')) { $limit = ((int) $this->request('page') - 1) * $this->_itemsperpage . ',' . $this->_itemsperpage; } $this->setVar('items', $model->getItems($limit)); $gp = 'comments_action=f&t=' . $this->request('t') . '&item=' . (int) $this->request('item') . ''; $this->setVar('paginator', new rad_paginator(array('total' => $itemsCount, 'itemsperpage' => $this->_itemsperpage, 'getparams' => $gp))); }
function getItems() { $model = new model_core_table('measurement', 'corecatalog'); $model->setState('where', 'ms_langid=' . (int) $this->getContentLangID()); $this->setVar('items', $model->getItems()); }