Exemplo n.º 1
function listUser()
    global $DB;
    global $MySelf;
    global $IGB;
    global $TIMEMARK;
    global $IGB_VISUAL;
    // Are we allowed to peek into peoples files?
    if (!$MySelf->canSeeUsers()) {
        makeNotice("You are not allowed to do this!", "error", "forbidden");
    // Is the supplied ID truly numeric?
    if (!is_numeric($_GET[id])) {
        makeNotice("Why would you do such a thing? Are you evil at heart? Lets assume its a \"mistake\" for now..", "warning", "*cough*", "index.php?action=editusers", "I'm sorry...");
    } else {
        $id = (int) $_GET[id];
    // Query the database.
    $users = $DB->query("select * from users where id='{$id}' AND deleted='0' limit 1");
    // Build the tables.
    while ($row = $users->fetchRow()) {
        $table = new table(2, true);
        $table->addHeader(">> Managing user " . ucfirst($row[username]));
        $username = ucfirst($row[username]);
        $table->addCol(str_pad("{$row['id']}", 5, "0", STR_RIGHT_PAD));
        $table->addCol("Username:"******"<input type=\"text\" name=\"username\" value=\"" . $uname_temp . "\">";
            $confi_temp = "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"username_check\" value=\"true\">";
            $table->addCol($field_temp . " (changing username tick here also: " . $confi_temp . ")");
        } else {
        $table->addCol("<input type=\"text\" size=\"40\" name=\"email\" value=\"" . ($row[email] == "" ? 'no email supplied' : $row[email]) . "\">");
        $table->addCol("Password:"******"<input type=\"password\" size=\"40\" name=\"password\">");
        // Ranks System
        $RanksDS = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ranks ORDER BY rankOrder ASC");
        $rankCount = $RanksDS->numRows();
        if ($rankCount >= 1) {
            // We have at least 1 rank.
            while ($rank = $RanksDS->fetchRow()) {
                if ($rank[rankid] == $row[rank]) {
                    // The current rank is selected.
                    $rank_pdm .= "<option SELECTED value=\"{$rank['rankid']}\">{$rank['name']}</option>";
                } else {
                    // The others of course, are not.
                    $rank_pdm .= "<option value=\"{$rank['rankid']}\">{$rank['name']}</option>";
            $rankColumn = "<select name=\"rank\">" . $rank_pdm . "</select>";
        } else {
            // No rank has been set yet.
            $rankColumn = "There are no ranks. Go create some!";
        $table->addCol("Last login:"******"{$row['lastlogin']}" < 10) {
        } else {
            $table->addCol(date("d.m.y H:i:s", $row[lastlogin]));
        $table->addCol(number_format(getCredits($row[id]), 2) . " ISK");
        // Is the account confirmed?
        if ("{$row['confirmed']}" == "0") {
            $table->addCol("Account confirmed:");
            $table->addCol("This account has <b>not</b> been confirmed yet.");
            $table->addCol("Confirm account:");
            $table->addCol("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"confirm\" value=\"true\"> Tick box to confirm account. <br><br>This is a one-way action only. Once an account" . " has been confirmed you can not unconfirm it. Tho you can block or delete it." . " Be careful not to confirm an account by accident - you could allow a non-authorized third party to access your MiningBuddy!");
            $table->addCol("Account confirmed:");
            // Give a red light if user has not even verified himself.
            if ("{$row['emailvalid']}" == "0") {
                $table->addCol("<b>WARNING!</b><br> The User has not yet verified this email yet! If you choose to enable" . " this account at this time, be very sure that you know the person requesting the account!", array("bgcolor" => "#662222"));
            } else {
                $table->addCol("<br><br><b>The user validated the email address.</b><br>");
        } else {
            $table->addCol("This account has been confirmed.");
            if ("{$row['emailvalid']}" == "0") {
                $table->addCol("<font color=\"#ff0000\">WARNING!</b></font><br> The User has not verified this email but the account has been confirmed!");
                // Add a "confirm email" checkbox.
                $table->addCol("Mark users email as valid:");
                $table->addCol("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"SetEmailValid\" value=\"true\">");
            } else {
                $table->addCol("The user validated the supplied email address.");
         * API Goodness
        $api = new api($row[id], true);
        $apit = new table(2, true);
        $apit->addHeader(">> Api information for " . ucfirst($row[username]));
        $apit->addCol("API Key in database:");
        if ($api->getApiID() && $api->getApiKey()) {
            $apit->addCol(yesno(1, true));
            $apit->addCol("API valid:");
            $apit->addCol(yesno($api->valid(), true));
            if ($api->valid()) {
                $apit->addCol("Character ID:");
                $apit->addCol("Validated on:");
                $apit->addCol(date("d.m.Y H:i:s", $api->validatedOn()));
            $apit->addCol("Remove API key from database:");
            $apit->addCol("[<a href=\"index.php?action=delapi&id={$id}\">delete api key</a>]");
        } else {
        // Permissions matrix
        $perms = array("canLogin" => "log in", "canJoinRun" => "join mining Ops", "canCreateRun" => "create new mining Ops", "canCloseRun" => "close mining Ops", "canDeleteRun" => "delete mining Ops", "canAddHaul" => "haul from/to mining Ops", "canSeeEvents" => "view scheduled events", "canDeleteEvents" => "can delete events", "canEditEvents" => "add and delete scheduled events", "canChangePwd" => "change his own password", "canChangeEmail" => "change his own email", "canChangeOre" => "manage ore prices and enable/disable them.", "canAddUser" => "add new accounts", "canSeeUsers" => "see other accounts", "canDeleteUser" => "delete other accounts.", "canEditRank" => "edit other peoples ranks.", "canManageUser" => "grant and take permissions.", "isOfficial" => "create official mining runs (with payout).", "isAdmin" => "edit site settings.", "isLottoOfficial" => "administrate the lottery", "canPlayLotto" => "play Lotto!", "isAccountant" => "edit other users credits.", "optIn" => "User has opt-in to eMails.");
        // Create a seperate permissions table.
        $perm_table = new table(2, true);
        $perm_table->addHeader(">> " . ucfirst($row[username]) . " has permission to... ");
        $perm_keys = array_keys($perms);
        $LoR = 1;
        foreach ($perm_keys as $key) {
            if ($LoR) {
            if ($row[$key]) {
                $perm_table->addCol("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"{$key}\" checked> " . $perms[$key]);
            } else {
                $perm_table->addCol("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"{$key}\"> " . $perms[$key]);
            $LoR = 1 - $LoR;
        if (!$LoR) {
        // Delete User
        $perm_table->addCol("<hr>", array("colspan" => 2));
        $perm_table->addCol("Delete user:"******"<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"delete\" value=\"true\"> Tick box to delete the user permanently.");
        $perm_table->addCol("<hr>", array("colspan" => 2));
        // Commit changes button.
        $perm_table->addHeaderCentered("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"send\" value=\"Commit changes\">", array("colspan" => 2, "align" => "center"));
    $form .= "<form action=\"index.php\" method=\"POST\">";
    $form .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"" . $_GET[id] . "\">";
    $form .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"check\" value=\"true\">";
    $form .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"edituser\">";
    // Show all logins.
    $logins = getLogins($id);
    // Show failed logins.
    $failed_logins = showFailedLogins("15", idToUsername($id));
     * Transactions.
    if ($MySelf->isAccountant()) {
        $acc = new table(2, true);
        $acc->addHeader(">> Create transaction to user " . ucfirst(idToUsername($id)));
        $acc->addCol("Credit to:");
        $acc->addCol("Authorization by:");
        $acc->addCol("Time of Transaction:");
        $acc->addCol(date("r", $TIMEMARK));
        $acc->addCol("Withdrawal or deposit:");
        $pdm = "<select name=\"wod\">";
        $pdm .= "<option value=\"0\">Deposit (give money)</option>";
        $pdm .= "<option SELECTED value=\"1\">Withdrawal (take money)</option>";
        $pdm .= "</select>";
        $acc->addCol("<input size=\"8\" type=\"text\" name=\"amount\"> ISK");
        $pdm = "<select name=\"reason1\">";
        $pdm .= "<option>requested payout</option>";
        $pdm .= "<option SELECTED>normal payout</option>";
        $pdm .= "<option>payout of loan</option>";
        $pdm .= "<option>manual deposit</option>";
        $pdm .= "<option>cash recived</option>";
        $pdm .= "</select>";
        $acc->addCol($pdm . " -or- <input type=\"text\" name=\"reason2\">");
        $acc->addHeaderCentered("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Authorize transaction\">");
        $transBox = "<form action=\"index.php\" method=\"POST\">";
        $transBox .= $acc->flush();
        $transBox .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"" . $_GET[id] . "\">";
        $transBox .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"check\" value=\"true\">";
        $transBox .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"transaction\">";
        $transBox .= "</form>";
    $page = "<h2>Managing user details</h2>" . $form . $table->flush() . "<br>" . $apit->flush() . "<br>" . $perm_table->flush() . "</form>" . $transBox;
    $transactions = getTransactions($id);
    if ($transactions) {
        $page .= $transactions;
    // Add login table if we have more than 0 logins.
    if ($logins) {
        if ($transactions) {
            $page .= "<br>";
        $page .= $logins;
    $page .= $failed_logins;
    // Return the page.
    return $page;
Exemplo n.º 2
function makeWelcome()
    // Load the globals.
    global $VERSION;
    global $SITENAME;
    global $IGB;
    global $IGB_VISUAL;
    global $MySelf;
    global $DB;
    global $ValidUntil;
    /* HTML stuff */
    $page = "<h2>Welcome to {$VERSION}!</h2>";
    /* The welcome table */
    $table = new table(2, true);
    $table->addHeader(">> Welcome to {$VERSION}");
    $table->addCol("Logged in as:", array("bold" => true, "align" => "right"));
    $table->addCol("Registered Rank:", array("bold" => true, "align" => "right"));
    $table->addCol("Latest login:"******"bold" => true, "align" => "right"));
    if ($MySelf->getLastlogin() < 1) {
        $table->addCol("This is your very first login! Welcome!");
    } else {
        $table->addCol(date("r", $MySelf->getLastlogin()));
    $table->addCol("Your account:", array("bold" => true, "align" => "right"));
    $table->addCol(number_format(getCredits($MySelf->getID()), 2) . " ISK");
    $table->addCol("Your profile:", array("bold" => true, "align" => "right"));
    global $BLESSED;
    if ($BLESSED) {
        $table->addCol("Installation Blessed!", array("bold" => true, "align" => "right"));
        $table->addCol("It is not affected by expiration. It runs with the highest priority on the server and all limitations have been lifted.");
    // Set the filename to the announce textfile.
    $announceFile = "/path/to/your/announce/txt.file";
    // Check its existance...
    if (file_exists($announceFile)) {
        // Then load it.
        $globalAnnounce = file_get_contents($announceFile);
    // Only display contents if more than X characters long.
    if (strlen($globalAnnounce) > 10) {
        // Create announcement table...
        $announceTable = new table(1, true);
        $announceTable->addHeader(">>> Important hosting information");
        // ... and add it to the page.
        $page .= $announceTable->flush();
    $page .= $table->flush();
    /* Show failed Logins to admins. */
    if ($MySelf->isAdmin()) {
        $page .= showFailedLogins("15");
    } else {
        $page .= showFailedLogins("10", $MySelf->getUsername());
    /* permissions table */
    $permsTable = new table(1, true);
    $permsTable->addHeader(">> Your permissions");
    // Permissions matrix
    $perms = array("canLogin" => "log in.", "canJoinRun" => "join mining operations.", "canCreateRun" => "create new mining operations.", "canCloseRun" => "close mining operations.", "canDeleteRun" => "delete mining operations.", "canAddHaul" => "haul to mining operations.", "canSeeEvents" => "view scheduled events.", "canEditEvents" => "add and delete scheduled events.", "canChangePwd" => "change your own password.", "canChangeEmail" => "change your own email.", "canChangeOre" => "manage ore prices and enable/disable them.", "canAddUser" => "add new accounts.", "canSeeUsers" => "see other accounts.", "canDeleteUser" => "delete other accounts.", "canEditRank" => "edit other peoples ranks.", "canManageUser" => "grant and take permissions.", "isAccountant" => "manage the corporation wallet and authorize payments.", "isOfficial" => "create official mining runs (with payout).");
    $permDS = $DB->getAssoc("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id='" . $MySelf->getID() . "' AND deleted='0'");
    $keys = array_keys($perms);
    foreach ($keys as $key) {
        if ($permDS[$MySelf->getID()][$key] == 1) {
            $permsTable->addCol("You are allowed to " . $perms[$key]);
    $permsTable->addHeader("If you believe your permissions are faulty, consult your CEO immediatly.");
    // Show the balance
    $balance = getTransactions($MySelf->getID());
    $logins = getLogins($MySelf->getID());
    $page .= "<br>" . $balance . "<br>" . $permsTable->flush() . "<br>" . $logins;
    // .. then return it.
    return $page;