Exemplo n.º 1
  * Returns statistics for all tickets in database. Result is cached.
  * Format or result:
  * <pre>
  * 	array(
  * 		'departments' => array( //statistics per department (if there are no tickets in department then there will be no record with its id here)
  * 			<department id> => array( //tickets assigned to department with this id
  * 				'last_activity' => <date and time of last activity on tickets in this department>,
  * 				'total_items' => <total amount of tickets in this department>,
  * 				'total_unresolved_items' => <total amount of unresolved tickets in this department>,
  * 				'ticket_statuses' => array( //statistics per ticket status in the department
  * 					<ticket status id> => array(
  * 						'last_activity' => <date and time of last activity on tickets with this status in this department>,
  * 						'total_items' => <total amount of tickets with this status in this department>
  * 					),
  * 					...
  * 				),
  * 				'ticket_types' => array( //statistics per ticket type in the department
  * 					<ticket type id> => array(
  * 						'last_activity' => <date and time of last activity on tickets of this type in this department>,
  * 						'total_items' => <total amount of tickets of this type in this department>,
  * 						'total_unresolved_items' => <total amount of unresolved tickets of this type in this department>,
  * 					),
  * 					...,
  * 					'unknown' => array(  //in Kayako 4.01.204 all ticket types will be unknown because of a bug (http://dev.kayako.com/browse/SWIFT-1465)
  * 						...
  * 					)
  * 				)
  * 				'ticket_owners' => array( //statistics per ticket owner in the department
  * 					<owner staff id> => array(
  * 						'last_activity' => <date and time of last activity on tickets assigned to this staff in this department>,
  * 						'total_items' => <total amount of tickets assigned to this staff in this department>,
  * 						'total_unresolved_items' => <total amount of unresolved tickets assigned to this staff in this department>,
  * 					),
  * 					...,
  * 					'unassigned' => array(  //tickets not assigned to any staff
  * 						...
  * 					)
  * 				)
  * 			),
  * 			...,
  * 			'unknown' => array( //tickets in Trash
  * 				...
  * 			)
  * 		),
  * 		'ticket_statuses' => array( //statistics per ticket status in all departments
  * 			<ticket status id> => array(
  * 				'last_activity' => <date and time of last activity on tickets with this status in all departments>,
  * 				'total_items' => <total amount of tickets with this status in all departments>
  * 			),
  * 			...
  * 		),
  * 		'ticket_owners' => array( //statistics per ticket owner in all departments
  * 			<owner staff id> => array(
  * 				'last_activity' => <date and time of last activity on tickets assigned to this staff in all department>,
  * 				'total_items' => <total amount of tickets assigned to this staff in all department>,
  * 				'total_unresolved_items' => <total amount of unresolved tickets assigned to this staff in all department>,
  * 			),
  * 			...,
  * 			'unassigned' => array(  //tickets not assigned to any staff no matter what department
  * 				...
  * 			)
  * 		)
  * 	)
  * </pre>
  * @param bool $reload True to reload statistics data from server.
  * @return array
 public static function getStatistics($reload = false)
     if (self::$statistics !== null && !$reload) {
         return self::$statistics;
     self::$statistics = array('departments' => array(), 'ticket_statuses' => array(), 'ticket_owners' => array());
     $raw_stats = self::getRESTClient()->get('/Tickets/TicketCount', array());
     foreach ($raw_stats['departments'][0]['department'] as $department_raw_stats) {
         $department_id = intval($department_raw_stats['_attributes']['id']);
         $department_stats = array();
         $department_stats['last_activity'] = intval($department_raw_stats['lastactivity']) > 0 ? date(kyConfig::get()->getDatetimeFormat(), $department_raw_stats['lastactivity']) : null;
         $department_stats['total_items'] = $department_raw_stats['totalitems'];
         $department_stats['total_unresolved_items'] = $department_raw_stats['totalunresolveditems'];
         foreach ($department_raw_stats['ticketstatus'] as $ticket_status_raw_stats) {
             $ticket_status_id = intval($ticket_status_raw_stats['_attributes']['id']);
             $ticket_status_stats = array();
             $ticket_status_stats['last_activity'] = intval($ticket_status_raw_stats['_attributes']['lastactivity']) > 0 ? date(kyConfig::get()->getDatetimeFormat(), $ticket_status_raw_stats['_attributes']['lastactivity']) : null;
             $ticket_status_stats['total_items'] = $ticket_status_raw_stats['_attributes']['totalitems'];
             $department_stats['ticket_statuses'][$ticket_status_id] = $ticket_status_stats;
         //this is broken in Kayako 4.01.240, tickettype id is always 0 (unknown) - http://dev.kayako.com/browse/SWIFT-1465
         foreach ($department_raw_stats['tickettype'] as $ticket_type_raw_stats) {
             $ticket_type_id = intval($ticket_type_raw_stats['_attributes']['id']);
             $ticket_type_stats = array();
             $ticket_type_stats['last_activity'] = intval($ticket_type_raw_stats['_attributes']['lastactivity']) > 0 ? date(kyConfig::get()->getDatetimeFormat(), $ticket_type_raw_stats['_attributes']['lastactivity']) : null;
             $ticket_type_stats['total_items'] = $ticket_type_raw_stats['_attributes']['totalitems'];
             $ticket_type_stats['total_unresolved_items'] = $ticket_type_raw_stats['_attributes']['totalunresolveditems'];
             $department_stats['ticket_types'][$ticket_type_id > 0 ? $ticket_type_id : 'unknown'] = $ticket_type_stats;
         foreach ($department_raw_stats['ownerstaff'] as $owner_staff_raw_stats) {
             $staff_id = intval($owner_staff_raw_stats['_attributes']['id']);
             $owner_staff_stats = array();
             $owner_staff_stats['last_activity'] = intval($owner_staff_raw_stats['_attributes']['lastactivity']) > 0 ? date(kyConfig::get()->getDatetimeFormat(), $owner_staff_raw_stats['_attributes']['lastactivity']) : null;
             $owner_staff_stats['total_items'] = $owner_staff_raw_stats['_attributes']['totalitems'];
             $owner_staff_stats['total_unresolved_items'] = $owner_staff_raw_stats['_attributes']['totalunresolveditems'];
             $department_stats['ticket_owners'][$staff_id > 0 ? $staff_id : 'unassigned'] = $owner_staff_stats;
         //unknown department is for example for tickets in Trash
         self::$statistics['departments'][$department_id > 0 ? $department_id : 'unknown'] = $department_stats;
     foreach ($raw_stats['statuses'][0]['ticketstatus'] as $ticket_status_raw_stats) {
         $ticket_status_id = intval($ticket_status_raw_stats['_attributes']['id']);
         $ticket_status_stats = array();
         $ticket_status_stats['last_activity'] = intval($ticket_status_raw_stats['_attributes']['lastactivity']) > 0 ? date(kyConfig::get()->getDatetimeFormat(), $ticket_status_raw_stats['_attributes']['lastactivity']) : null;
         $ticket_status_stats['total_items'] = $ticket_status_raw_stats['_attributes']['totalitems'];
         self::$statistics['ticket_statuses'][$ticket_status_id] = $ticket_status_stats;
     foreach ($raw_stats['owners'][0]['ownerstaff'] as $owner_staff_raw_stats) {
         $staff_id = intval($owner_staff_raw_stats['_attributes']['id']);
         $owner_staff_stats = array();
         $owner_staff_stats['last_activity'] = intval($owner_staff_raw_stats['_attributes']['lastactivity']) > 0 ? date(kyConfig::get()->getDatetimeFormat(), $owner_staff_raw_stats['_attributes']['lastactivity']) : null;
         $owner_staff_stats['total_items'] = $owner_staff_raw_stats['_attributes']['totalitems'];
         $owner_staff_stats['total_unresolved_items'] = $owner_staff_raw_stats['_attributes']['totalunresolveditems'];
         self::$statistics['ticket_owners'][$staff_id > 0 ? $staff_id : 'unassigned'] = $owner_staff_stats;
     return self::$statistics;