Exemplo n.º 1
include_once "java/Java.inc";
$sys = new java("java.lang.System");
$sys->setProperty("utf8", "Cześć! -- שלום -- Grüß Gott -- Dobrý deň -- Dobrý den -- こんにちは, コンニチハ");
$arr = $sys->getProperties();
foreach ($arr as $key => $value) {
    print $key . " -> " . java_values($value) . "<br>\n";

Exemplo n.º 2
// server/tests/SwingTest.php for a better swing example. It uses java
// as an "execution environment" for php scripts and uses System.exit()
// to avoid issues with swing's background threads.
include_once "java/Java.inc";
ini_set("max_execution_time", 0);
if ($argc < 2) {
    echo "No automatic test. Use php swing-button.php --force to run this test.\n";
 * Swing's native peers are switched off by defaul t (we don't want to
 * run in one of the many swing related bugs or crashes).
 * Switch it on for this test.
$System = new java("java.lang.System");
$System->setProperty("java.awt.headless", "false");
class SwingApplication
    var $labelPrefix = "Button clicks: ";
    var $numClicks = 0;
    var $label;
    var $frame;
    function actionPerformed($e)
        echo "action performed called\n";
        $this->label->setText($this->labelPrefix . $this->numClicks);
    function createComponents()
        $button = new java("javax.swing.JButton", "I'm a Swing button!");