function createComponents() { $button = new java("javax.swing.JButton", "I'm a Swing button!"); $button->addActionListener(java_closure($this, new JavaClass("java.awt.event.ActionListener"))); $label->setLabelFor($button); $pane = new java("javax.swing.Jpanel", new java("javax.swing.GridLayout", 0, 1)); $pane->add(button); $pane->add(label); $BorderFactory = new JavaClass("javax.swing.BorderFactory"); $pane->setBorder($BorderFactory->createEmptyBorder(30, 30, 10, 30)); return $pane; }
#!/usr/bin/php <?php include_once "java/"; $ar = array(1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, -13, -17.01, 19); unset($ar[1]); $v = new java("java.util.Vector", $ar); $Arrays = new java_class("java.util.Arrays"); $l = $Arrays->asList($ar); $v->add(1, null); $l2 = $v->sublist(0, $v->size()); echo java_cast($l, "S") . "\n" . java_cast($l2, "S") . "\n"; $res1 = java_values($l); $res2 = java_values($l2); $res3 = array(); $res4 = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($v as $key => $val) { $res3[$i++] = java_values($val); } for ($i = 0; $i < java_values($l2->size()); $i++) { $res4[$i] = java_values($l2[$i]); } if (!$l->equals($l2)) { echo "ERROR\n"; exit(1); } if (java_values($l[1]) != null || (string) $res3 != (string) $res1 || (string) $res4 != (string) $res1) { echo "ERROR\n"; exit(2); }
#!/usr/bin/php <?php include_once "java/"; $ListClass = new java_class("java.util.ArrayList"); $list = new java("java.util.ArrayList"); $list->add(0); $list->add("one"); $list->add(null); $list->add(new java("java.lang.Object")); $list->add(new java("java.lang.Long", 4)); $list->add($list); // the list now contains itself $list->add(new java("java.lang.String", "last entry")); foreach ($list as $key => $value) { echo "{$key} => "; if ($value instanceof java) { if (java_instanceof($value, $ListClass)) { // second argument may also be an instance of a class if (!java_instanceof($value, $list)) { exit(1); } echo "[I have found myself!] \n"; } else { echo "[found java object: " . java_cast($value, "S") . "] \n"; } } else { echo "{$value}\n"; } }
#!/usr/bin/php <?php include_once "java/"; $v = new java("java.util.Vector"); $ar = array("one" => 1, "two" => 2, "three" => 3, array("a", array(1, 2, 3, array("a", "b"), 5, "c", "d"), "five" => 5, "six" => 6)); $v->add($ar); $result = array_diff_assoc(java_values($v), $ar); if (sizeof($result) == 0) { echo "test okay\n"; exit(0); } else { echo "ERROR\n"; exit(1); }
$t1 = java_values($Sys->currentTimeMillis()); $v = new java("java.util.HashMap", $a1); $t2 = java_values($Sys->currentTimeMillis()); $T2 = $t2 - $t1; $Arrays = new JavaClass("java.util.Arrays"); $Sys->gc(); $t1 = java_values($Sys->currentTimeMillis()); $v = $Arrays->asList($a1); $t2 = java_values($Sys->currentTimeMillis()); $T3 = $t2 - $t1; $Sys->gc(); $t1 = java_values($Sys->currentTimeMillis()); java_begin_document(); $v = new java("java.util.LinkedList"); for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { $v->add($i, $i); } java_end_document(); $t2 = java_values($Sys->currentTimeMillis()); $T4 = $t2 - $t1; $Sys->gc(); $t1 = java_values($Sys->currentTimeMillis()); java_begin_document(); $v = new java("java.util.HashMap"); for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { $v->put($i, $i); } java_end_document(); $t2 = java_values($Sys->currentTimeMillis()); $T5 = $t2 - $t1; $Sys->gc();
} $path = JPATH_PLUGINS . DS . $plugin->type . DS . $plugin->name . '.php'; $className = 'plg' . $plugin->type . $plugin->name; require_once $path; $instance = new $className($dispatcher, $plugin); $pluginindex = $indexpath . DS . $plugin->name; $index = new java("", $pluginindex); if (!$index->exists()) { continue; } $searcher = new java("", $index); $phrase = new java(""); $hits = $searcher->search($phrase); //$hits = $searcher->search($_qobj); $n = java_values($hits->length()); echo $n . " results for " . $plugin->name . "\n"; if ($n > 0) { $iter = $hits->iterator(); java_begin_document(); while ($n--) { $next = $iter->next(); $title = $next->get("title"); $content = $next->get("summary"); $resultList->add($title . "\n" . $content); } java_end_document(); } } $result = java_values($resultList); } print_r($result);
static function ArrayList($ar_data) { $arrayList = new \java('java.util.ArrayList'); foreach ($ar_data as $value) { $arrayList->add($value); } return $arrayList; }
function indexData($writer, $fields, $data) { if (is_array($data) && !isset($data['content'])) { return; } if (is_object($data) && !isset($data->content)) { return; } $doc = new java("org.apache.lucene.document.Document"); foreach ($fields as $field) { $type = $field['type']; $store = $type == 'unStored' ? java('org.apache.lucene.document.Field$Store')->NO : java('org.apache.lucene.document.Field$Store')->YES; $index = $type == 'text' || $type == 'unStored' ? java('org.apache.lucene.document.Field$Index')->TOKENIZED : java('org.apache.lucene.document.Field$Index')->NO; $content = is_array($data) ? $data[$field['name']] : $data->{$field['name']}; if ($content == null) { $content = ""; echo 'id:' . (is_array($data) ? $data['id'] : $data->id) . ' :: ' . $field['name']; } $doc->add(new java("org.apache.lucene.document.Field", $field['name'], $content, $store, $index)); unset($index); unset($store); } //Reindex $writer->addDocument($doc); //index this document. unset($doc); }
$iter = $hits->iterator(); $n = java_values($hits->length()); echo "done\n"; echo "Hits: {$n}\n"; /* Instead of retrieving the values one-by-one, we store them into a * LinkedList on the server side and then retrieve the list in one * query using java_values(): */ $resultList = new java("java.util.LinkedList"); // create an XML document from the // following PHP code, ... java_begin_document(); while ($n--) { $next = $iter->next(); $name = $next->get("name"); $resultList->add($name); } // ... execute the XML document on // the server side, ... java_end_document(); // .. retrieve the result, ... $result = java_values($resultList); // ... print the result array print_r($result); delete_index_dir(); } catch (JavaException $e) { echo "Exception occured: "; echo $e; echo "<br>\n"; } /** helper functions */