function enter() { import::load('lib', 'Validar'); }
<?php define('CMSPATH', str_replace("\\", "/", dirname(__FILE__))); define('DS', "/"); define('COREPATH', CMSPATH . DS . 'core'); require_once COREPATH . DS . "loader.php"; $access = Import::load("lib", "Start_Page"); $access = $access and import::load('lib', 'view'); $access = $access and import::load('lib', 'Validate_Auth'); validate_auth::start(); $LestStart = new Start_Page(); if ($access) { if ($LestStart->checkURL() == URL . DS) { header('Location: http://' . URL . DS . 'login' . DS . "start"); } else { $LestStart->start(); } } else { echo "No se logro realizar la carga de los archivos."; }
</div> <h4 class="panel-title">Detalle Base de Datos</h4> </div> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="table-responsive"> <table id="data-table" class="table table-striped table-bordered"> <thead> <tr> <th>Descripcion</th> <th>Host</th> <th>Usuario</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php import::load('lib', 'MySQL'); $query = "\tselect descripcion,host_conexion,user\r\n\t \t\t\t\tfrom billing.bases_cobro\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\torder by id_base;"; $conexion = new MySQL(0); $exec = $conexion->consulta($query); while ($row2 = $conexion->fetch_row($exec)) { //if ($row2[2] == 1){$value = "Activo";}else{$value = "Baja";} echo "<tr><td>{$row2['0']}</td><td>{$row2['1']}</td><td>{$row2['2']}</td></tr>"; } ?> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end panel --> </div>
<?php require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/core/import.php'; import::load('lib', 'Validate_Auth'); import::load('core', 'Start_page'); import::load('lib', 'Session'); import::load('lib', 'MySQL'); import::load('lib', 'view'); class Usuario { function __construct() { $this->titulo = 'Billing Vas Pass'; $this->mensaje = ''; } function start($mensaje) { if (self::check()) { if ($_SESSION['access'] == 1) { $data = array("Titulo" => "Billing Vas Pass", "mensaje" => $mensaje); self::LoadTemplate("usuario/usuario.php", $data); } else { $_SESSION['value'] = 'Acceso denegado'; session_write_close(); exit(header('Location: http://' . URL . DS . 'dashboard' . DS . 'start')); } } else { exit(header('Location: http://' . URL . DS)); } } function edit($mensaje)
<?php define('CMSPATH', str_replace("\\", "/", dirname(__FILE__))); define('DS', "/"); define('COREPATH', CMSPATH . DS . 'core'); require_once COREPATH . DS . "loader.php"; $access = Import::load("lib", "Start_Page"); $access = $access and import::load('lib', 'view'); $MainLogger = new Logger(); $MainLogger->OpenLogger(); $MainLogger->WriteLogger("--------------------------------------Main Page Start---------------------------------------"); $LestStart = new Start_Page(); if ($access) { $MainLogger->WriteLogger($LestStart->checkURL() . " validando " . URL . DS); if ($LestStart->checkURL() == URL . DS) { $MainLogger->WriteLogger("Redireccionando -> Location: http://" . URL . DS . 'home'); $MainLogger->WriteLogger("--------------------------------------Main Page End-----------------------------------------"); $MainLogger->CloseLogger(); header('Location: http://' . URL . DS . 'home'); } else { $MainLogger->WriteLogger("Cargando Start_Page()"); $MainLogger->WriteLogger("--------------------------------------Main Page End-----------------------------------------"); $MainLogger->CloseLogger(); $LestStart->start(); } } else { $MainLogger->WriteLogger("No se logro realizar la carga de los archivos."); $MainLogger->CloseLogger(); }
<?php //include_once("paths.php"); //require_once('../core/import.php'); import::load('lib', 'MySQL'); import::load('lib', 'Session'); class Validate_Auth { public static function start() { Session::start(); } public static function logout() { $conexion = new MySQL(0); $query = "update usuario set logged = 0, date_logged = now(), session_id = '' where usuario = '" . $_SESSION['login'] . "';"; $result1 = $conexion->consulta($query); $conexion->MySQLClose(); Session::destroy(); } public static function check() { $session = Session::get("login"); if ($session != false) { $conexion = new MySQL(0); $query = "select logged, date_logged,now() as fe from usuario where usuario = '" . $_SESSION["login"] . "';"; $result1 = $conexion->consulta($query); $row = $conexion->fetch_row($result1); $valor = $conexion->num_rows($result1); if ($valor == 1) { $fechaGuardada = $row[1];