  * Constructor
 function __construct($a_parent_obj, $a_parent_cmd, $a_comp)
     global $ilCtrl, $lng, $ilAccess, $lng;
     parent::__construct($a_parent_obj, $a_parent_cmd);
     include_once "./Services/Help/classes/class.ilHelp.php";
     $this->addColumn("", "", "1px", true);
     $this->setRowTemplate("tpl.help_tooltip.html", "Modules/LearningModule");
     $this->addCommandButton("saveTooltips", $lng->txt("save"));
     $this->addMultiCommand("deleteTooltips", $lng->txt("delete"));
  * Delete tooltips
 function deleteTooltips()
     global $lng, $ilCtrl;
     if (is_array($_POST["id"])) {
         include_once "./Services/Help/classes/class.ilHelp.php";
         foreach ($_POST["id"] as $id) {
             ilHelp::deleteTooltip((int) $id);
         ilUtil::sendSuccess($lng->txt("msg_obj_modified"), true);
     $ilCtrl->redirect($this, "showTooltipList");
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Render main menu entry
  * @param
  * @return
 function renderEntry($a_tpl, $a_id, $a_txt, $a_script, $a_target = "_top")
     global $lng, $ilNavigationHistory, $ilSetting, $rbacsystem, $ilCtrl;
     $id = strtolower($a_id);
     $id_up = strtoupper($a_id);
     $a_tpl->setCurrentBlock("entry_" . $id);
     include_once "./Services/UIComponent/GroupedList/classes/class.ilGroupedListGUI.php";
     // repository
     if ($a_id == "repository") {
         $gl = new ilGroupedListGUI();
         include_once "./Services/Link/classes/class.ilLink.php";
         $icon = ilUtil::img(ilObject::_getIcon(ilObject::_lookupObjId(1), "tiny"));
         $gl->addEntry($icon . " " . $a_txt . " - " . $lng->txt("rep_main_page"), ilLink::_getStaticLink(1, 'root', true), "_top");
         $items = $ilNavigationHistory->getItems();
         $cnt = 0;
         $first = true;
         foreach ($items as $k => $item) {
             if ($cnt >= 10) {
             if (!isset($item["ref_id"]) || !isset($_GET["ref_id"]) || ($item["ref_id"] != $_GET["ref_id"] || !$first)) {
                 if ($cnt == 0) {
                     $gl->addGroupHeader($lng->txt("last_visited"), "ilLVNavEnt");
                 $obj_id = ilObject::_lookupObjId($item["ref_id"]);
                 $icon = ilUtil::img(ilObject::_getIcon($obj_id, "tiny"));
                 $ititle = ilUtil::shortenText(strip_tags($item["title"]), 50, true);
                 // #11023
                 $gl->addEntry($icon . " " . $ititle, $item["link"], "_top", "", "ilLVNavEnt");
             $first = false;
         if ($cnt > 0) {
             $gl->addEntry("» " . $lng->txt("remove_entries"), "#", "", "return il.MainMenu.removeLastVisitedItems('" . $ilCtrl->getLinkTargetByClass("ilnavigationhistorygui", "removeEntries", "", true) . "');", "ilLVNavEnt");
         $a_tpl->setVariable("REP_EN_OV", $gl->getHTML());
     // desktop
     if ($a_id == "desktop") {
         $gl = new ilGroupedListGUI();
         // overview
         $gl->addEntry($lng->txt("overview"), "ilias.php?baseClass=ilPersonalDesktopGUI&cmd=jumpToSelectedItems", "_top", "", "", "mm_pd_sel_items", ilHelp::getMainMenuTooltip("mm_pd_sel_items"), "left center", "right center", false);
         // my groups and courses, if both is available
         if ($ilSetting->get('disable_my_offers') == 0 && $ilSetting->get('disable_my_memberships') == 0) {
             $gl->addEntry($lng->txt("my_courses_groups"), "ilias.php?baseClass=ilPersonalDesktopGUI&cmd=jumpToMemberships", "_top", "", "", "mm_pd_crs_grp", ilHelp::getMainMenuTooltip("mm_pd_crs_grp"), "left center", "right center", false);
         // bookmarks
         if (!$this->ilias->getSetting("disable_bookmarks")) {
             $gl->addEntry($lng->txt("bookmarks"), "ilias.php?baseClass=ilPersonalDesktopGUI&cmd=jumpToBookmarks", "_top", "", "", "mm_pd_bookm", ilHelp::getMainMenuTooltip("mm_pd_bookm"), "left center", "right center", false);
         // private notes
         if (!$this->ilias->getSetting("disable_notes")) {
             $gl->addEntry($lng->txt("notes_and_comments"), "ilias.php?baseClass=ilPersonalDesktopGUI&cmd=jumpToNotes", "_top", "", "", "mm_pd_notes", ilHelp::getMainMenuTooltip("mm_pd_notes"), "left center", "right center", false);
         // news
         if ($ilSetting->get("block_activated_news")) {
             $gl->addEntry($lng->txt("news"), "ilias.php?baseClass=ilPersonalDesktopGUI&cmd=jumpToNews", "_top", "", "", "mm_pd_news", ilHelp::getMainMenuTooltip("mm_pd_news"), "left center", "right center", false);
         // overview is always active
         $separator = false;
         if (!$ilSetting->get("disable_personal_workspace")) {
             // workspace
             $gl->addEntry($lng->txt("personal_workspace"), "ilias.php?baseClass=ilPersonalDesktopGUI&cmd=jumpToWorkspace", "_top", "", "", "mm_pd_wsp", ilHelp::getMainMenuTooltip("mm_pd_wsp"), "left center", "right center", false);
             $separator = true;
         // portfolio
         if ($ilSetting->get('user_portfolios')) {
             $gl->addEntry($lng->txt("portfolio"), "ilias.php?baseClass=ilPersonalDesktopGUI&cmd=jumpToPortfolio", "_top", "", "", "mm_pd_port", ilHelp::getMainMenuTooltip("mm_pd_port"), "left center", "right center", false);
             $separator = true;
         // skills
         $skmg_set = new ilSetting("skmg");
         if ($skmg_set->get("enable_skmg")) {
             $gl->addEntry($lng->txt("skills"), "ilias.php?baseClass=ilPersonalDesktopGUI&cmd=jumpToSkills", "_top", "", "", "mm_pd_skill", ilHelp::getMainMenuTooltip("mm_pd_skill"), "left center", "right center", false);
             $separator = true;
         // Learning Progress
         include_once "Services/Tracking/classes/class.ilObjUserTracking.php";
         if (ilObjUserTracking::_enabledLearningProgress() && (ilObjUserTracking::_hasLearningProgressOtherUsers() || ilObjUserTracking::_hasLearningProgressLearner())) {
             //$ilTabs->addTarget("learning_progress", $this->ctrl->getLinkTargetByClass("ilLearningProgressGUI"));
             $gl->addEntry($lng->txt("learning_progress"), "ilias.php?baseClass=ilPersonalDesktopGUI&cmd=jumpToLP", "_top", "", "", "mm_pd_lp", ilHelp::getMainMenuTooltip("mm_pd_lp"), "left center", "right center", false);
             $separator = true;
         if ($separator) {
         $separator = false;
         // calendar
         include_once './Services/Calendar/classes/class.ilCalendarSettings.php';
         $settings = ilCalendarSettings::_getInstance();
         if ($settings->isEnabled()) {
             $gl->addEntry($lng->txt("calendar"), "ilias.php?baseClass=ilPersonalDesktopGUI&cmd=jumpToCalendar", "_top", "", "", "mm_pd_cal", ilHelp::getMainMenuTooltip("mm_pd_cal"), "left center", "right center", false);
             $separator = true;
         // mail
         if ($this->mail) {
             $gl->addEntry($lng->txt('mail'), 'ilias.php?baseClass=ilMailGUI', '_top', "", "", "mm_pd_mail", ilHelp::getMainMenuTooltip("mm_pd_mail"), "left center", "right center", false);
             $separator = true;
         // contacts
         if (!$this->ilias->getSetting('disable_contacts') && ($this->ilias->getSetting('disable_contacts_require_mail') || $rbacsystem->checkAccess('internal_mail', ilMailGlobalServices::getMailObjectRefId()))) {
             $gl->addEntry($lng->txt('mail_addressbook'), 'ilias.php?baseClass=ilPersonalDesktopGUI&cmd=jumpToContacts', '_top', "", "", "mm_pd_contacts", ilHelp::getMainMenuTooltip("mm_pd_contacts"), "left center", "right center", false);
             $separator = true;
         if ($separator) {
         // profile
         $gl->addEntry($lng->txt("personal_profile"), "ilias.php?baseClass=ilPersonalDesktopGUI&cmd=jumpToProfile", "_top", "", "", "mm_pd_profile", ilHelp::getMainMenuTooltip("mm_pd_profile"), "left center", "right center", false);
         // settings
         $gl->addEntry($lng->txt("personal_settings"), "ilias.php?baseClass=ilPersonalDesktopGUI&cmd=jumpToSettings", "_top", "", "", "mm_pd_sett", ilHelp::getMainMenuTooltip("mm_pd_sett"), "left center", "right center", false);
         $a_tpl->setVariable("DESK_CONT_OV", $gl->getHTML());
         // shop
         if ($a_id == "shop") {
             $gl = new ilGroupedListGUI();
             // shop_content
             $gl->addEntry($lng->txt("content"), "ilias.php?baseClass=ilShopController&cmd=firstpage", "_top");
             // shoppingcart
             include_once 'Services/Payment/classes/class.ilPaymentShoppingCart.php';
             global $ilUser;
             $objShoppingCart = new ilPaymentShoppingCart($ilUser);
             $items = $objShoppingCart->getEntries();
             if (count($items) > 0) {
                 $gl->addEntry($lng->txt("shoppingcart") . ' (' . count($items) . ')', "ilias.php?baseClass=ilShopController&cmdClass=ilshopshoppingcartgui", "_top");
             $a_tpl->setVariable("SHOP_CONT_OV", $gl->getHTML());
     $a_tpl->setVariable("TXT_" . $id_up, $a_txt);
     $a_tpl->setVariable("SCRIPT_" . $id_up, $a_script);
     $a_tpl->setVariable("TARGET_" . $id_up, $a_target);
     if ($this->active == $a_id || $this->active == "" && $a_id == "repository") {
         //$a_tpl->setVariable("MM_CLASS", "MMActive");
         $a_tpl->setVariable("SEL", '<span class="ilAccHidden">(' . $lng->txt("stat_selected") . ')</span>');
     } else {
         //$a_tpl->setVariable("MM_CLASS", "MMInactive");
     if ($a_id == "repository") {
         include_once "./Services/Accessibility/classes/class.ilAccessKey.php";
         if (ilAccessKey::getKey(ilAccessKey::LAST_VISITED) != "") {
             $a_tpl->setVariable("ACC_KEY_REPOSITORY", 'accesskey="' . ilAccessKey::getKey(ilAccessKey::LAST_VISITED) . '"');
     if ($a_id == "desktop") {
         include_once "./Services/Accessibility/classes/class.ilAccessKey.php";
         if (ilAccessKey::getKey(ilAccessKey::PERSONAL_DESKTOP) != "") {
             $a_tpl->setVariable("ACC_KEY_DESKTOP", 'accesskey="' . ilAccessKey::getKey(ilAccessKey::PERSONAL_DESKTOP) . '"');
  * Get drop down
 function getDropDown()
     global $tree, $rbacsystem, $lng, $ilSetting, $objDefinition;
     $tpl = new ilTemplate("tpl.admin_drop_down.html", true, true, "Services/Administration");
     $objects = $tree->getChilds(SYSTEM_FOLDER_ID);
     foreach ($objects as $object) {
         $new_objects[$object["title"] . ":" . $object["child"]] = $object;
         //have to set it manually as translation type of main node cannot be "sys" as this type is a orgu itself.
         if ($object["type"] == "orgu") {
             $new_objects[$object["title"] . ":" . $object["child"]]["title"] = $lng->txt("obj_orgu");
     // add entry for switching to repository admin
     // note: please see showChilds methods which prevents infinite look
     $new_objects[$lng->txt("repository_admin") . ":" . ROOT_FOLDER_ID] = array("tree" => 1, "child" => ROOT_FOLDER_ID, "ref_id" => ROOT_FOLDER_ID, "depth" => 3, "type" => "root", "title" => $lng->txt("repository_admin"), "description" => $lng->txt("repository_admin_desc"), "desc" => $lng->txt("repository_admin_desc"));
     //$nd = $tree->getNodeData(SYSTEM_FOLDER_ID);
     $new_objects[$lng->txt("general_settings") . ":" . SYSTEM_FOLDER_ID] = array("tree" => 1, "child" => SYSTEM_FOLDER_ID, "ref_id" => SYSTEM_FOLDER_ID, "depth" => 2, "type" => "adm", "title" => $lng->txt("general_settings"));
     // determine items to show
     $items = array();
     foreach ($new_objects as $c) {
         // check visibility
         if ($tree->getParentId($c["ref_id"]) == ROOT_FOLDER_ID && $c["type"] != "adm" && $_GET["admin_mode"] != "repository") {
         // these objects may exist due to test cases that didnt clear
         // data properly
         if ($c["type"] == "" || $c["type"] == "objf" || $c["type"] == "xxx") {
         $accessible = $rbacsystem->checkAccess('visible,read', $c["ref_id"]);
         if (!$accessible) {
         if ($c["ref_id"] == ROOT_FOLDER_ID && !$rbacsystem->checkAccess('write', $c["ref_id"])) {
         if ($c["type"] == "rolf" && $c["ref_id"] != ROLE_FOLDER_ID) {
         $items[] = $c;
     $cnt = 0;
     $titems = array();
     foreach ($items as $i) {
         $titems[$i["type"]] = $i;
     // admin menu layout
     $layout = array(1 => array("basic" => array("adm", "stys", "adve", "lngf", "cmps", "accs", "hlps", "trac"), "users" => array("usrf", 'tos', "rolf", "auth", "ps", "orgu")), 2 => array("services" => array("pdts", "nwss", "tags", "prfa", "skmg", "cals", "mail", "---", "seas", "mds", "cert", 'ecss', "pays", "extt")), 3 => array("objects" => array("reps", "---", "blga", "chta", "crss", "facs", "frma", "grps", "lrss", "mcts", "mobs", "svyf", "assf", "wbrs", "wiks", "---", 'otpl', 'sysc', "root", "recf")));
     // now get all items and groups that are accessible
     $groups = array();
     for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) {
         $groups[$i] = array();
         foreach ($layout[$i] as $group => $entries) {
             $groups[$i][$group] = array();
             $entries_since_last_sep = false;
             foreach ($entries as $e) {
                 if ($e == "---" || $titems[$e]["type"] != "") {
                     if ($e == "---" && $entries_since_last_sep) {
                         $groups[$i][$group][] = $e;
                         $entries_since_last_sep = false;
                     } else {
                         if ($e != "---") {
                             $groups[$i][$group][] = $e;
                             $entries_since_last_sep = true;
     include_once "./Services/UIComponent/GroupedList/classes/class.ilGroupedListGUI.php";
     $gl = new ilGroupedListGUI();
     for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) {
         if ($i > 1) {
         foreach ($groups[$i] as $group => $entries) {
             if (count($entries) > 0) {
                 $gl->addGroupHeader($lng->txt("adm_" . $group));
                 foreach ($entries as $e) {
                     if ($e == "---") {
                     } else {
                         $path = ilUtil::getImagePath("icon_" . $titems[$e]["type"] . "_s.png");
                         $icon = $path != "" ? ilUtil::img($path) . " " : "";
                         if ($_GET["admin_mode"] == "settings" && $titems[$e]["ref_id"] == ROOT_FOLDER_ID) {
                             $gl->addEntry($icon . $titems[$e]["title"], "ilias.php?baseClass=ilAdministrationGUI&amp;ref_id=" . $titems[$e]["ref_id"] . "&amp;admin_mode=repository", "_top", "", "", "mm_adm_rep", ilHelp::getMainMenuTooltip("mm_adm_rep"), "bottom center", "top center", false);
                         } else {
                             $gl->addEntry($icon . $titems[$e]["title"], "ilias.php?baseClass=ilAdministrationGUI&amp;ref_id=" . $titems[$e]["ref_id"] . "&amp;cmd=jump", "_top", "", "", "mm_adm_" . $titems[$e]["type"], ilHelp::getMainMenuTooltip("mm_adm_" . $titems[$e]["type"]), "bottom center", "top center", false);
     echo $gl->getHTML();
  * Get rendered html of sub object list
  * @return string
 protected function getHTML()
     global $ilCtrl;
     if ($this->mode != ilObjectDefinition::MODE_WORKSPACE && !isset($this->url_creation)) {
         $base_url = "ilias.php?baseClass=ilRepositoryGUI&ref_id=" . $this->parent_ref_id . "&cmd=create";
     } else {
         $base_url = $this->url_creation;
     $base_url = $ilCtrl->appendRequestTokenParameterString($base_url);
     if ($this->url_creation_callback) {
         $base_url .= "&crtcb=" . $this->url_creation_callback;
     include_once "./Services/UIComponent/GroupedList/classes/class.ilGroupedListGUI.php";
     $gl = new ilGroupedListGUI();
     $gl->setAsDropDown(true, true);
     foreach ($this->sub_objects as $item) {
         switch ($item["type"]) {
             case "column_separator":
                 case "separator":
             case "separator":
             case "group":
             case "object":
                 $type = $item["value"];
                 $path = ilObject::_getIcon('', 'tiny', $type);
                 $icon = $path != "" ? ilUtil::img($path) . " " : "";
                 $url = $base_url . "&new_type=" . $type;
                 $ttip = ilHelp::getObjCreationTooltipText($type);
                 $gl->addEntry($icon . $item["title"], $url, "_top", "", "", $type, $ttip, "bottom center", "top center", false);
     $this->gl = $gl;
     return $gl->getHTML();
  * Get tab tooltip text
  * @param string $a_tab_id tab id
  * @return string tooltip text
 function getTabTooltipText($a_tab_id)
     global $lng;
     include_once "./Services/Help/classes/class.ilHelp.php";
     if ($this->screen_id_component != "") {
         return ilHelp::getTooltipPresentationText($this->screen_id_component . "_" . $a_tab_id);
         //return $lng->txt("help_tt_".$this->screen_id_component."_".$a_tab_id);
     return "";
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Import record
  * @param
  * @return
 function importRecord($a_entity, $a_types, $a_rec, $a_mapping, $a_schema_version)
     switch ($a_entity) {
         case "help_map":
             include_once "./Services/Help/classes/class.ilHelpMapping.php";
             // without module ID we do nothing
             $module_id = $a_mapping->getMapping('Services/Help', 'help_module', 0);
             if ($module_id) {
                 $new_chap = $a_mapping->getMapping('Services/Help', 'help_chap', $a_rec["Chap"]);
                 if ($new_chap > 0) {
                     ilHelpMapping::saveMappingEntry($new_chap, $a_rec["Component"], $a_rec["ScreenId"], $a_rec["ScreenSubId"], $a_rec["Perm"], $module_id);
         case "help_tooltip":
             include_once "./Services/Help/classes/class.ilHelp.php";
             // without module ID we do nothing
             $module_id = $a_mapping->getMapping('Services/Help', 'help_module', 0);
             if ($module_id) {
                 ilHelp::addTooltip($a_rec["TtId"], $a_rec["TtText"], $module_id);
  * Delete module
  * @param
  * @return
 function deleteModule($a_id)
     global $ilDB, $ilSetting;
     // if this is the currently activated one, deactivate it first
     if ($a_id == (int) $ilSetting->get("help_module")) {
         $ilSetting->set("help_module", "");
     $set = $ilDB->query("SELECT * FROM help_module " . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer"));
     $rec = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($set);
     // delete learning module
     if (ilObject::_lookupType($rec["lm_id"]) == "lm") {
         include_once "./Modules/LearningModule/classes/class.ilObjLearningModule.php";
         $lm = new ilObjLearningModule($rec["lm_id"], false);
     // delete mappings
     include_once "./Services/Help/classes/class.ilHelpMapping.php";
     // delete tooltips
     include_once "./Services/Help/classes/class.ilHelp.php";
     // delete help module record
     $ilDB->manipulate("DELETE FROM help_module WHERE " . " id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer"));
  * Put admin panel into template:
  * - creation selector
  * - admin view on/off button
 function fillAdminPanel()
     global $lng, $ilHelp;
     $adm_view_cmp = $adm_cmds = $creation_selector = $adm_view = false;
     $toolb = new ilToolbarGUI();
     // admin panel commands
     if (count($this->admin_panel_commands) > 0) {
         foreach ($this->admin_panel_commands as $cmd) {
             $toolb->addFormButton($cmd["txt"], $cmd["cmd"]);
         $adm_cmds = true;
     } elseif ($this->admin_panel_commands_toolbar instanceof ilToolbarGUI) {
         $toolb = $this->admin_panel_commands_toolbar;
         $adm_cmds = true;
     // Add arrow if desired
     if ($this->admin_panel_arrow) {
         $toolb->setLeadingImage(ilUtil::getImagePath("arrow_upright.png"), $lng->txt("actions"));
     if ($adm_cmds) {
         $this->setVariable("ADM_PANEL1", $toolb->getHTML());
         $adm_view_cmp = true;
     // admin view button
     if ($this->page_actions != "") {
         $this->setVariable("PAGE_ACTIONS", $this->page_actions);
         $adm_view = true;
     // creation selector
     if (is_array($this->creation_selector)) {
         if ($adm_cmds) {
             $this->setVariable("ADD_COM_WIDTH", 'width="1"');
         include_once "./Services/UIComponent/AdvancedSelectionList/classes/class.ilAdvancedSelectionListGUI.php";
         $selection = new ilAdvancedSelectionListGUI();
         foreach ($this->creation_selector["options"] as $item) {
             $link = $this->page_form_action . "&new_type=" . $item["value"];
             $link = str_replace("cmd=post", "cmd=" . $this->creation_selector["command"], $link);
             $ttip = ilHelp::getObjCreationTooltipText($item["value"]);
             $selection->addItem($item["title"], $item["value"], $link, $item["img"], $item["title"], "", "", false, "", $ttip, "right center", "left center", false);
         $this->setVariable("SELECT_OBJTYPE_REPOS", $selection->getHTML());
         $this->setVariable("CENTER_COL_CLASS", trim($this->right_content) != "" ? "one_side_col" : "");
         $creation_selector = true;
     if ($adm_cmds and $this->admin_panel_bottom) {
         if ($this->admin_panel_arrow) {
             $toolb->setLeadingImage(ilUtil::getImagePath("arrow_downright.png"), $lng->txt("actions"));
         $this->setVariable("ADM_PANEL2", $toolb->getHTML());