Exemplo n.º 1
 public function compose($view)
     \Assets::add(['admin', 'offcanvas', 'datepicker', 'responsive-tables']);
     // Build menu tree for the top bar
     $menu = new Node('menu', [self::buildTree()->addChild(AdminPanelMenuComposer::buildTree())]);
     $rightmenu = new Node('rightmenu', [AdminPanelMenuComposer::buildSecondaryTree()]);
     // Pass menu to the view
     $view->with('menu', $menu->setRender(new FoundationTopBar())->purge())->with('rightmenu', $rightmenu->setRender(new FoundationTopBar())->purge());
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Define the secondary sections of the menu.
  * @param  User $user User to checked permissions against
  * @return array (of Menu\Node)
 public static function makeSecondarySections(User $user)
     // Section: Change application language
     $currentLanguage = app('language');
     $allLanguages = Language::getAllByPriority();
     $changeLanguage = new Node($currentLanguage);
     if ($allLanguages->count() > 1) {
         $newLanguages = new Flat(_('Change language'));
         foreach ($allLanguages as $l) {
             if ($l->id != $currentLanguage->id) {
                 // Do not add current language
                 $newLanguages->addChild(new Link(route('language.set', ['code' => $l->code]), $l->name));
     // Section: User panel
     $userPanel = new Node($user->getName());
     $userPanel->addChild(new Link(route('user.options'), _('Options')));
     $userPanel->addChild(new Link(route('logout'), _('Logout'), ['class' => 'button alert expanded', 'style' => 'height:auto;']));
     return compact('changeLanguage', 'userPanel');