/** * Render * * @param object $object * @return string */ public static function render($object) { $input = $object->options['input']; $filter = $object->filter; $full_text_search = $filter['full_text_search'] ?? null; unset($filter['full_text_search']); // generating form $table = ['header' => ['name' => i18n(null, 'Column'), 'value' => i18n(null, 'Value'), 'sep' => ' ', 'value2' => ' '], 'options' => []]; // fields foreach ($filter as $k => $v) { if (!empty($v['range'])) { $table['options'][$k] = ['name' => ['value' => i18n(null, $v['name']) . ':', 'width' => '25%', 'class' => 'list_filter_name'], 'value' => ['value' => self::render_column($v, $k, false, $input), 'width' => '30%'], 'sep' => ['value' => '—', 'width' => '1%', 'class' => 'list_filter_value'], 'value2' => ['value' => self::render_column($v, $k, true, $input), 'width' => '30%']]; } else { $table['options'][$k] = ['name' => ['value' => i18n(null, $v['name']) . ':', 'width' => '25%', 'class' => 'list_filter_name'], 'value' => ['value' => self::render_column($v, $k, false, $input), 'width' => '30%']]; } } // full text search last if (!empty($full_text_search)) { $names = []; foreach ($full_text_search as $v) { $names[] = i18n(null, $filter[$v]['name']); } $table['options']['full_text_search'] = ['name' => ['value' => i18n(null, 'Text Search') . ':', 'class' => 'list_filter_name'], 'value' => ['value' => html::input(['name' => 'filter[full_text_search]', 'class' => 'list_filter_full_text_search', 'size' => 15, 'value' => $input['filter']['full_text_search'] ?? null])], 'value2' => ['value' => implode(', ', $names), 'class' => 'list_filter_value']]; } $body = html::table($table); $footer = html::button2(['name' => 'submit_filter', 'value' => i18n(null, 'Submit'), 'type' => 'primary', 'onclick' => "numbers.modal.hide('list_{$object->list_link}_filter'); \$('#list_{$object->list_link}_form').attr('target', '_self'); \$('#list_{$object->list_link}_form').attr('no_ajax', ''); return true;"]); return html::modal(['id' => "list_{$object->list_link}_filter", 'class' => 'large', 'title' => i18n(null, 'Filter'), 'body' => $body, 'footer' => $footer]); }
/** * Render * * @param object $object * @return string */ public static function render($object) { $input = $object->options['input']; // generating form $table = ['header' => ['column' => i18n(null, 'Column'), 'value' => i18n(null, 'Value')], 'options' => [], 'skip_header' => 1]; $model = new object_content_exports(); $table['options'][0]['column'] = ['value' => i18n(null, 'Format') . ':', 'width' => '1%', 'nowrap' => true, 'class' => 'list_filter_name']; $table['options'][0]['value']['value'] = html::select(['id' => 'export_format', 'name' => 'export[format]', 'options' => $model->options(['i18n' => true]), 'value' => $input['export']['format'] ?? null]); $body = html::table($table); $footer = html::button2(['name' => 'submit_export', 'value' => i18n(null, 'Submit'), 'type' => 'primary', 'onclick' => "if (\$('#export_format').val() == 'html2') { \$('#list_{$object->list_link}_form').attr('target', '_blank'); } else { \$('#list_{$object->list_link}_form').attr('target', '_self'); } \$('#list_{$object->list_link}_form').attr('no_ajax', 1); numbers.modal.hide('list_{$object->list_link}_export'); return true;"]); return html::modal(['id' => "list_{$object->list_link}_export", 'class' => '', 'title' => i18n(null, 'Export/Print'), 'body' => $body, 'footer' => $footer]); }
private function buildTable($data) { $id = uniqid('table'); $tvpag = <<<EOT function table_setpage(tableid,page) { alert('Set page ' + page); } EOT; App::document()->addInlineScript($tvpag, 'text/javascript', 'tableview-pagination'); $hc = empty($this->options['header-columns']) ? 0 : $this->options['header-columns']; $hr = empty($this->options['header-rows']) ? 0 : $this->options['header-rows']; $rows = []; $ri = 0; $ipp = $this->options['items-per-page']; foreach ($data as $row) { $ri++; $ci = 0; $cols = []; foreach ($row as $col) { $ci++; if ($ci <= $hc || $ri <= $hr) { $cols[] = html::th($col); } else { $cols[] = html::td($col); } } $rows[] = html::tr(join($cols)); if ($ipp && $ri > $ipp) { break; } } $table = html::table(join($rows), ['class' => $this->options['table-class'], 'style' => 'width:100%;']); if ($ipp) { $page = 0; $numpages = floor((count($data) - 1) / $ipp) + 1; $pagelinks = html::a(' « First ', ['href' => 'javascript:return false;']); $pagelinks .= html::a(' ‹ Prev ', ['href' => 'javascript:return false;']); for ($n = 1; $n <= $numpages; $n++) { $pagelinks .= html::a(' {page} ', ['href' => 'javascript:return false;'], ['page' => $n]); } $pagelinks .= html::a(' Next › ', ['href' => 'javascript:return false;']); $pagelinks .= html::a(' Last » ', ['href' => 'javascript:return false;']); $table .= html::div('Page {page} of {pages} ({items} items) {links}', ['class' => $this->options['footer-class']], ['page' => $page + 1, 'pages' => $numpages, 'items' => count($data), 'links' => $pagelinks]); } return html::div($table, ['style' => 'width:99%']); }
/** * Render * * @param object $object * @return string */ public static function render($object) { $input = $object->options['input']; if (empty($input['sort'])) { $i = 0; foreach ($object->orderby as $k => $v) { $input['sort'][$i]['column'] = $k; $input['sort'][$i]['order'] = $v; $i++; } } // generating form $table = ['header' => ['row_number' => ' ', 'column' => i18n(null, 'Column'), 'order' => i18n(null, 'Order')], 'options' => []]; $order_model = new object_data_model_order(); $columns = []; // we need to skip certain columns foreach ($object->columns as $k => $v) { if (!in_array($k, ['row_number', 'offset_number', 'action'])) { $v['name'] = i18n(null, $v['name']); $columns[$k] = $v; } } // full text search goes last if (!empty($object->filter['full_text_search'])) { $columns['full_text_search'] = ['name' => i18n(null, 'Text Search')]; } // render 5 rows for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { if (empty($input['sort'][$i]['column'])) { $input['sort'][$i]['order'] = SORT_ASC; } $column = html::select(['id' => 'sort_' . $i . '_column', 'name' => 'sort[' . $i . '][column]', 'options' => $columns, 'value' => $input['sort'][$i]['column'] ?? null]); $order = html::select(['id' => 'sort_' . $i . '_order', 'name' => 'sort[' . $i . '][order]', 'no_choose' => true, 'options' => $order_model->options(['i18n' => true]), 'value' => $input['sort'][$i]['order'] ?? null]); $table['options'][$i] = ['row_number' => ['value' => format::id($i + 1) . '.', 'width' => '1%', 'align' => 'right'], 'column' => ['value' => $column, 'width' => '25%', 'class' => 'list_sort_name'], 'order' => ['value' => $order, 'width' => '30%']]; } $body = html::table($table); $footer = html::button2(['name' => 'submit_sort', 'value' => i18n(null, 'Submit'), 'type' => 'primary', 'onclick' => "numbers.modal.hide('list_{$object->list_link}_sort'); \$('#list_{$object->list_link}_form').attr('target', '_self'); \$('#list_{$object->list_link}_form').attr('no_ajax', ''); return true;"]); return html::modal(['id' => "list_{$object->list_link}_sort", 'class' => 'large', 'title' => i18n(null, 'Sort'), 'body' => $body, 'footer' => $footer]); }
/** * Render debug toolbar * * @return string */ public static function render() { $loaded_classes = application::get(['application', 'loaded_classes']); self::$data['session'] = []; if (!empty($_SESSION)) { self::$data['session'] = [$_SESSION]; } $application = application::get(); $result = '<div class="container" dir="ltr">'; $result .= '<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" width="100%">'; $result .= '<tr>'; $result .= '<td>'; $result .= '<table width="100%">'; $result .= '<tr>'; $result .= '<td nowrap> ' . html::a(['value' => 'Hide All', 'href' => 'javascript:void(0);', 'onclick' => "\$('.debuging_toolbar_class').hide();"]) . ' </td>'; foreach (self::$data as $k => $v) { if ($k == 'errors') { $count = count(error_base::$errors); } else { if ($k == 'classes') { $count = count($loaded_classes); } else { if ($k == 'application') { $count = count($application); } else { if ($k == 'phpinfo') { $count = 1; } else { $count = count($v); } } } } $result .= '<td nowrap> ' . html::a(['value' => ucwords($k) . ' (' . $count . ')', 'id' => "debuging_toolbar_{$k}_a", 'href' => 'javascript:void(0);', 'onclick' => "\$('#debuging_toolbar_{$k}').toggle();"]) . ' </td>'; } $result .= '<td width="50%" align="right">' . html::a(['href' => '/numbers/frontend/system/controller/dev', 'value' => 'Dev. Portal']) . '</td>'; $result .= '</tr>'; $result .= '</table>'; $result .= '</td>'; $result .= '</tr>'; // errors $result .= '<tr id="debuging_toolbar_errors" class="debuging_toolbar_class" style="display: none;">'; $result .= '<td>'; $result .= '<h3>Errors (' . count(error_base::$errors) . ')</h3>'; $result .= '<table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" width="100%">'; foreach (error_base::$errors as $k => $v) { $result .= '<tr>'; $result .= '<td><b>' . error_base::$error_codes[$v['errno']] . ' (' . $v['errno'] . ') - ' . implode('<br/>', $v['error']) . '</b></td>'; $result .= '</tr>'; $result .= '<tr>'; $result .= '<td>File: ' . $v['file'] . ', Line: ' . $v['line'] . '</td>'; $result .= '</tr>'; $result .= '<tr>'; $result .= '<td><pre>' . $v['code'] . '</pre></td>'; $result .= '</tr>'; $result .= '<tr>'; $result .= '<td><pre>' . implode("\n", $v['backtrace']) . '</pre></td>'; $result .= '</tr>'; } $result .= '</table>'; $result .= '</td>'; $result .= '</tr>'; // suppressed $result .= '<tr id="debuging_toolbar_suppressed" class="debuging_toolbar_class" style="display: none;">'; $result .= '<td>'; $result .= '<h3>Suppressed (' . count(self::$data['suppressed']) . ')</h3>'; $result .= '<table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" width="100%">'; foreach (self::$data['suppressed'] as $k => $v) { $result .= '<tr>'; $result .= '<td><b>' . error_base::$error_codes[$v['errno']] . ' (' . $v['errno'] . ') - ' . implode('<br/>', $v['error']) . '</b></td>'; $result .= '</tr>'; $result .= '<tr>'; $result .= '<td>File: ' . $v['file'] . ', Line: ' . $v['line'] . '</td>'; $result .= '</tr>'; $result .= '<tr>'; $result .= '<td><pre>' . $v['code'] . '</pre></td>'; $result .= '</tr>'; } $result .= '</table>'; $result .= '</td>'; $result .= '</tr>'; // javascript $result .= '<tr id="debuging_toolbar_js" class="debuging_toolbar_class" style="display: none;">'; $result .= '<td>'; $result .= '<h3>Javascript Errors (' . count(self::$data['js']) . ')</h3>'; $result .= '<table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" width="100%">'; foreach (self::$data['js'] as $k => $v) { $result .= '<tr>'; $result .= '<td><b>' . implode('<br/>', $v['error']) . '</b></td>'; $result .= '</tr>'; $result .= '<tr>'; $result .= '<td>File: ' . $v['file'] . ', Line: ' . $v['line'] . '</td>'; $result .= '</tr>'; } $result .= '</table>'; $result .= '<div id="debuging_toolbar_js_data">'; $result .= ' '; $result .= '</div>'; $result .= '</td>'; $result .= '</tr>'; // benchmark first $result .= '<tr id="debuging_toolbar_benchmark" class="debuging_toolbar_class" style="display: none;">'; $result .= '<td>'; $result .= '<h3>Benchmark (' . count(self::$data['benchmark']) . ')' . '</h3>'; $result .= '<table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" width="100%">'; $result .= '<tr>'; $result .= '<th>Name</th>'; $result .= '<th>Time</th>'; $result .= '<th>Start</th>'; $result .= '<th>Total</th>'; $result .= '<th>Memory</th>'; $result .= '</tr>'; foreach (self::$data['benchmark'] as $k => $v) { $result .= '<tr>'; $result .= '<td>' . $v['name'] . '</td>'; $result .= '<td align="right">' . $v['time'] . '</td>'; $result .= '<td align="right">' . $v['start'] . '</td>'; $result .= '<td align="right">' . $v['total'] . '</td>'; $result .= '<td align="right">' . format::memory($v['memory'], 'm') . '</td>'; $result .= '</tr>'; } $result .= '</table>'; $result .= '</td>'; $result .= '</tr>'; // sql $result .= '<tr id="debuging_toolbar_sql" class="debuging_toolbar_class" style="display: none;">'; $result .= '<td>'; $result .= '<h3>Sql (' . count(self::$data['sql']) . ')' . '</h3>'; $result .= '<table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" width="100%">'; $result .= '<tr>'; $result .= '<th>Sql</th>'; $result .= '<th>Error</th>'; $result .= '<th>Errno</th>'; $result .= '<th>Num Rows</th>'; $result .= '<th>Affected Rows</th>'; //$result.= '<th>Rows</th>'; $result .= '<th>Key</th>'; $result .= '<th>Structure</th>'; $result .= '<th>Time</th>'; $result .= '</tr>'; foreach (self::$data['sql'] as $k => $v) { $temp = is_array($v['key']) ? implode('<br/>', $v['key']) : $v['key']; // header first $result .= '<tr>'; $result .= '<td valign="top"><pre style="width: 500px;">' . nl2br($v['sql']) . '</pre></td>'; $result .= '<td valign="top">' . implode('<br/>', $v['error']) . ' - ' . implode('<br/>', $v['error_original'] ?? []) . '</td>'; $result .= '<td valign="top">' . $v['errno'] . '</td>'; $result .= '<td valign="top">' . $v['num_rows'] . '</td>'; $result .= '<td valign="top">' . $v['affected_rows'] . '</td>'; //$result.= '<td valign="top">' . html::table(['options' => $v['rows']]) . '</td>'; $result .= '<td valign="top">' . $temp . '</td>'; $result .= '<td valign="top">' . html::table(['options' => $v['structure']]) . '</td>'; $result .= '<td valign="top">' . $v['time'] . '</td>'; $result .= '</tr>'; // results second if (!empty($v['rows'])) { $temp = array_keys(current($v['rows'])); $header = array_combine($temp, $temp); if (!empty($header)) { $result .= '<tr>'; $result .= '<td valign="top" colspan="8" style="max-width: 1000px; overflow: scroll;">' . html::table(['header' => $header, 'options' => $v['rows']]) . '</td>'; $result .= '</tr>'; } } } $result .= '</table>'; $result .= '</td>'; $result .= '</tr>'; // cache $result .= '<tr id="debuging_toolbar_cache" class="debuging_toolbar_class" style="display: none;">'; $result .= '<td>'; $result .= '<h3>Cache (' . count(self::$data['cache']) . ')' . '</h3>'; $result .= '<table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" width="100%">'; $result .= '<tr>'; $result .= '<th>Type</th>'; $result .= '<th>Link</th>'; $result .= '<th>Cache #</th>'; $result .= '<th>Has Data</th>'; $result .= '</tr>'; foreach (self::$data['cache'] as $k => $v) { $result .= '<tr>'; $result .= '<td valign="top">' . $v['type'] . '</td>'; $result .= '<td valign="top">' . $v['link'] . '</td>'; $result .= '<td valign="top">' . $v['cache_id'] . '</td>'; $result .= '<td valign="top">' . ($v['have_data'] ? 'Yes' : 'No') . '</td>'; $result .= '</tr>'; } $result .= '</table>'; $result .= '</td>'; $result .= '</tr>'; // dump $result .= '<tr id="debuging_toolbar_dump" class="debuging_toolbar_class" style="display: none;">'; $result .= '<td>'; $result .= '<h3>Dump (' . count(self::$data['dump']) . ')' . '</h3>'; $result .= '<table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" width="100%">'; $result .= '<tr>'; $result .= '<th>Name</th>'; $result .= '<th>Dump</th>'; $result .= '</tr>'; foreach (self::$data['dump'] as $k => $v) { $result .= '<tr>'; $result .= '<td valign="top">' . $v['name'] . '</td>'; $result .= '<td valign="top"><pre>' . print_r($v['value'], true) . '</pre></td>'; $result .= '</tr>'; } $result .= '</table>'; $result .= '</td>'; $result .= '</tr>'; // input $result .= '<tr id="debuging_toolbar_input" class="debuging_toolbar_class" style="display: none;">'; $result .= '<td>'; $result .= '<h3>Input (' . count(self::$data['input']) . ')' . '</h3>'; $result .= '<table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" width="100%">'; $result .= '<tr>'; $result .= '<th>Input</th>'; $result .= '</tr>'; foreach (self::$data['input'] as $k => $v) { $result .= '<tr>'; $result .= '<td valign="top"><pre>' . print_r($v, true) . '</pre></td>'; $result .= '</tr>'; } $result .= '</table>'; $result .= '</td>'; $result .= '</tr>'; // session $result .= '<tr id="debuging_toolbar_session" class="debuging_toolbar_class" style="display: none;">'; $result .= '<td>'; $result .= '<h3>Session (' . count(self::$data['session']) . ')' . '</h3>'; $result .= '<table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" width="100%">'; $result .= '<tr>'; $result .= '<th>Session</th>'; $result .= '</tr>'; foreach (self::$data['session'] as $k => $v) { $result .= '<tr>'; $result .= '<td valign="top"><pre>' . print_r($v, true) . '</pre></td>'; $result .= '</tr>'; } $result .= '</table>'; $result .= '</td>'; $result .= '</tr>'; // autoloaded classes $result .= '<tr id="debuging_toolbar_classes" class="debuging_toolbar_class" style="display: none;">'; $result .= '<td>'; $result .= '<h3>Loaded Classes (' . count($loaded_classes) . ')</h3>'; $result .= '<table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" width="100%">'; $result .= '<tr>'; $result .= '<th>Class Name</th>'; $result .= '<th>File</th>'; $result .= '<th>Media</th>'; $result .= '</tr>'; foreach ($loaded_classes as $k => $v) { $result .= '<tr>'; $result .= '<td><b>' . $v['class'] . '</b></td>'; $result .= '<td>' . $v['file'] . '</td>'; $result .= '<td>' . html::table(['options' => $v['media']]) . '</td>'; $result .= '</tr>'; } $result .= '</table>'; $result .= '</td>'; $result .= '</tr>'; // application $result .= '<tr id="debuging_toolbar_application" class="debuging_toolbar_class" style="display: none;">'; $result .= '<td>'; $result .= '<h3>Application (' . count($application) . ')</h3>'; $result .= print_r2($application, true); $result .= '</td>'; $result .= '</tr>'; // phpinfo $result .= '<tr id="debuging_toolbar_phpinfo" class="debuging_toolbar_class" style="display: none;">'; $result .= '<td>'; $result .= '<h3>PHPInfo</h3>'; helper_ob::start(); phpinfo(); $str = helper_ob::clean(); $str = preg_replace('%^.*<body>(.*)</body>.*$%ms', '$1', $str); $str .= <<<TTT \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<style type="text/css"> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t#phpinfo table { \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tborder: 1px solid #000; \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t} \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t#phpinfo table tr { \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tborder-bottom: 1px solid #000; \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t} \t\t\t\t\t\t\t</style> TTT; $result .= '<div id="phpinfo">' . $str . '</div>'; $result .= '</td>'; $result .= '</tr>'; // acls $result .= '<tr id="debuging_toolbar_acls" class="debuging_toolbar_class" style="display: none;">'; $result .= '<td>'; $result .= '<h3>Acls (' . count(debug::$data['acls']) . ')</h3>'; $result .= print_r2(debug::$data['acls'], true); $result .= '</td>'; $result .= '</tr>'; $result .= '</table>'; $result .= '</div>'; return $result; }
/** * @see html::grid() */ public static function grid($options = []) { $rows = isset($options['options']) ? $options['options'] : []; unset($options['options']); $data = ['header' => [], 'options' => [], 'skip_header' => true]; foreach ($rows as $k => $v) { $index = 0; foreach ($v as $k2 => $v2) { foreach ($v2 as $k3 => $v3) { $cell = ['header' => [0], 'options' => [[$v3['label'] ?? ''], [$v3['value'] ?? ''], [$v3['description'] ?? '']], 'skip_header' => true]; if (!empty($v3['separator'])) { $data['options'][$k][$index] = ['value' => $v3['value'], 'colspan' => 24]; } else { $data['options'][$k][$index] = html::table($cell); } $data['header'][$index] = $index; $index++; } } } return html::table($data); }
function compose($_focusElement = 'to') { // read the data from session // all values are empty for a new compose window $sessionData = $this->bocompose->getSessionData(); if (is_array($_REQUEST['preset'])) { if ($_REQUEST['preset']['file'] && is_readable($_REQUEST['preset']['file'])) { $this->bocompose->addAttachment(array_merge($sessionData, $_REQUEST['preset'])); $sessionData = $this->bocompose->getSessionData(); } foreach (array('to', 'cc', 'bcc', 'subject', 'body') as $name) { if ($_REQUEST['preset'][$name]) { $sessionData[$name] = $_REQUEST['preset'][$name]; } } } // is the to address set already? if (!empty($_REQUEST['send_to'])) { $sessionData['to'] = base64_decode($_REQUEST['send_to']); } //is the MimeType set/requested if (!empty($_REQUEST['mimeType'])) { $sessionData['mimeType'] = $_REQUEST['mimeType']; } // is a certain signature requested? // only the following values are supported (and make sense) // no => means -2 // system => means -1 // default => fetches the default, which is standard behavior if (!empty($_REQUEST['signature']) && (strtolower($_REQUEST['signature']) == 'no' || strtolower($_REQUEST['signature']) == 'system')) { $presetSig = strtolower($_REQUEST['signature']) == 'no' ? -2 : -1; } $this->display_app_header(); $this->t->set_file(array("composeForm" => "composeForm.tpl")); $this->t->set_block('composeForm', 'header', 'header'); $this->t->set_block('composeForm', 'body_input'); $this->t->set_block('composeForm', 'attachment', 'attachment'); $this->t->set_block('composeForm', 'attachment_row', 'attachment_row'); $this->t->set_block('composeForm', 'attachment_row_bold'); $this->t->set_block('composeForm', 'destination_row'); $this->t->set_block('composeForm', 'simple_text'); $this->translate(); /* $this->t->set_var("link_addressbook",$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',array( 'menuaction' => 'addressbook.addressbook_ui.emailpopup' ),true)); */ $this->t->set_var("link_addressbook", $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/felamimail/addressbook.php', false, true)); $this->t->set_var("focusElement", $_focusElement); $linkData = array('menuaction' => 'felamimail.uicompose.selectFolder'); $this->t->set_var('folder_select_url', $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', $linkData, true)); $linkData = array('menuaction' => 'felamimail.uicompose.fileSelector', 'composeid' => $this->composeID); $this->t->set_var('file_selector_url', $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', $linkData, true)); $linkData = array('menuaction' => 'felamimail.uicompose.action', 'composeid' => $this->composeID); $this->t->set_var("link_action", $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', $linkData, true)); $this->t->set_var('folder_name', $this->bofelamimail->sessionData['mailbox']); $this->t->set_var('compose_id', $this->composeID); // check for some error messages from last posting attempt if ($errorInfo = $this->bocompose->getErrorInfo()) { $this->t->set_var('errorInfo', "<font color=\"red\"><b>{$errorInfo}</b></font>"); } else { $this->t->set_var('errorInfo', ' '); } // header $allIdentities = $this->mailPreferences->getIdentity(); #_debug_array($allIdentities); $defaultIdentity = 0; foreach ($allIdentities as $key => $singleIdentity) { #$identities[$singleIdentity->id] = $singleIdentity->realName.' <'.$singleIdentity->emailAddress.'>'; $identities[$key] = $singleIdentity->realName . ' <' . $singleIdentity->emailAddress . '>'; if (!empty($singleIdentity->default)) { #$defaultIdentity = $singleIdentity->id; $defaultIdentity = $key; $sessionData['signatureID'] = $singleIdentity->signature; } } $selectFrom = html::select('identity', $defaultIdentity, $identities, true, "style='width:100%;' onchange='changeIdentity(this);'"); $this->t->set_var('select_from', $selectFrom); // navbar(, kind of) $this->t->set_var('img_clear_left', $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->image('felamimail', 'clear_left')); $this->t->set_var('img_fileopen', $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->image('phpgwapi', 'fileopen')); $this->t->set_var('img_mail_send', $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->image('felamimail', 'mail_send')); $this->t->set_var('img_attach_file', $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->image('felamimail', 'attach')); $this->t->set_var('ajax-loader', $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->image('felamimail', 'ajax-loader')); $this->t->set_var('img_fileexport', $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->image('felamimail', 'fileexport')); // prepare print url/button $this->t->set_var('img_print_it', $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->image('felamimail', 'fileprint')); $this->t->set_var('lang_print_it', lang('print it')); $this->t->set_var('print_it', $printURL); // from, to, cc, replyto $destinationRows = 0; foreach (array('to', 'cc', 'bcc', 'replyto', 'folder') as $destination) { foreach ((array) $sessionData[$destination] as $key => $value) { $selectDestination = html::select('destination[]', $destination, $this->destinations, false, "style='width: 100%;' onchange='fm_compose_changeInputType(this)'"); $this->t->set_var('select_destination', $selectDestination); $this->t->set_var('address', @htmlentities($value, ENT_QUOTES, $this->displayCharset)); $this->t->parse('destinationRows', 'destination_row', True); $destinationRows++; } } while ($destinationRows < 3) { // and always add one empty row $selectDestination = html::select('destination[]', 'to', $this->destinations, false, "style='width: 100%;' onchange='fm_compose_changeInputType(this)'"); $this->t->set_var('select_destination', $selectDestination); $this->t->set_var('address', ''); $this->t->parse('destinationRows', 'destination_row', True); $destinationRows++; } // and always add one empty row $selectDestination = html::select('destination[]', 'to', $this->destinations, false, "style='width: 100%;' onchange='fm_compose_changeInputType(this)'"); $this->t->set_var('select_destination', $selectDestination); $this->t->set_var('address', ''); $this->t->parse('destinationRows', 'destination_row', True); $this->t->set_var("subject", @htmlentities($sessionData['subject'], ENT_QUOTES, $this->displayCharset)); $this->t->set_var('addressbookImage', $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->image('phpgwapi/templates/phpgw_website', 'users')); // $this->t->set_var('infologImage',html::image('felamimail','to_infolog',lang('Save as infolog'),'width="17px" height="17px" valign="middle"' )); // $this->t->set_var('lang_save_as_infolog',lang('Save as infolog')); $this->t->set_var('lang_no_recipient', lang('No recipient address given!')); $this->t->set_var('lang_no_subject', lang('No subject given!')); $this->t->pparse("out", "header"); // body if ($sessionData['mimeType'] == 'html') { $style = "border:0px; width:100%; height:400px;"; $this->t->set_var('tinymce', html::fckEditorQuick('body', 'simple', $sessionData['body'])); $this->t->set_var('mimeType', 'html'); $ishtml = 1; } else { $style = "border:0px; width:100%; height:400px;"; $this->t->set_var('tinymce', html::fckEditorQuick('body', 'ascii', $sessionData['body'])); $this->t->set_var('mimeType', 'text'); $ishtml = 0; } require_once PHPGW_INCLUDE_ROOT . '/felamimail/inc/class.felamimail_bosignatures.inc.php'; $boSignatures = new felamimail_bosignatures(); $signatures = $boSignatures->getListOfSignatures(); if (empty($sessionData['signatureID'])) { if ($signatureData = $boSignatures->getDefaultSignature()) { if (is_array($signatureData)) { $sessionData['signatureID'] = $signatureData['signatureid']; } else { $sessionData['signatureID'] = $signatureData; } } } $selectSignatures = array('-2' => lang('no signature')); foreach ($signatures as $signature) { $selectSignatures[$signature['fm_signatureid']] = $signature['fm_description']; } $selectBox = html::select('signatureID', $presetSig ? $presetSig : $sessionData['signatureID'], $selectSignatures, true, "style='width: 70%;' onchange='fm_compose_changeInputType(this)'"); $this->t->set_var("select_signature", $selectBox); $this->t->set_var("lang_editormode", lang("Editor type")); $this->t->set_var("toggle_editormode", lang("Editor type") . ": <span><input name=\"_is_html\" value=\"" . $ishtml . "\" type=\"hidden\" /><input name=\"_editorselect\" onchange=\"fm_toggle_editor(this)\" " . ($ishtml ? "checked=\"checked\"" : "") . " id=\"_html\" value=\"html\" type=\"radio\"><label for=\"_html\">HTML</label><input name=\"_editorselect\" onchange=\"fm_toggle_editor(this)\" " . ($ishtml ? "" : "checked=\"checked\"") . " id=\"_plain\" value=\"plain\" type=\"radio\"><label for=\"_plain\">Plain text</label></span>"); $this->t->pparse("out", "body_input"); // attachments if (is_array($sessionData['attachments']) && count($sessionData['attachments']) > 0) { $imgClearLeft = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->image('felamimail', 'clear_left'); foreach ((array) $sessionData['attachments'] as $id => $attachment) { $tempArray = array('1' => $attachment['name'], '2' => $attachment['type'], '.2' => "style='text-align:center;'", '3' => $attachment['size'], '4' => "<img src='{$imgClearLeft}' onclick=\"fm_compose_deleteAttachmentRow(this,'{$_composeID}','{$id}')\">"); $tableRows[] = $tempArray; } if (count($tableRows) > 0) { $table = html::table($tableRows, "style='width:100%'"); } $this->t->set_var('attachment_rows', $table); } else { $this->t->set_var('attachment_rows', ''); } $this->t->pparse("out", "attachment"); }
/** * Render * * @param string $type * @return string */ public function render($type) { $result = ''; $session = new session(); // main switch switch ($type) { case 'pdf': // document properties $this->header['pdf']['orientation'] = isset($this->header['pdf']['orientation']) ? $this->header['pdf']['orientation'] : 'P'; $this->header['pdf']['unit'] = 'mm'; $this->header['pdf']['format'] = isset($this->header['pdf']['format']) ? $this->header['pdf']['format'] : 'LETTER'; $this->header['pdf']['encoding'] = isset($this->header['pdf']['encoding']) ? $this->header['pdf']['encoding'] : 'UTF-8'; $this->header['pdf']['font'] = isset($this->header['pdf']['font']) ? $this->header['pdf']['font'] : array('family' => 'helvetica', 'style' => '', 'size' => 8); //include 'tcpdf/tcpdf.php'; // create new PDF document $pdf = new TCPDF($this->header['pdf']['orientation'], $this->header['pdf']['unit'], $this->header['pdf']['format'], true, $this->header['pdf']['encoding'], false); // set margins $pdf->SetMargins(0, 0, 0); $pdf->setPrintHeader(false); // disable auto break $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(false, 0); // set default font subsetting mode $pdf->setFontSubsetting(true); // set color for background $pdf->SetFillColor(255, 255, 255); // set font $pdf->SetFont($this->header['pdf']['font']['family'], $this->header['pdf']['font']['style'], $this->header['pdf']['font']['size']); // stats $page_counter = 1; $page_y = 0; $flag_new_page = true; $flag_filter = true; $flag_first_row = true; $columns = array(); $all_columns = array(); // gethering all columns foreach ($this->data as $k => $v) { if ($v['t'] == 'columns') { $all_columns[] = $v; } } // looping through the data foreach ($this->data as $k => $v) { if ($v['t'] == 'columns') { continue; } if ($flag_new_page) { // add new page $pdf->AddPage($this->header['pdf']['orientation'], '', true); // drawing header $pdf->MultiCell(40, 5, format::datetime(format::now()), 0, 'L', 1, 0, 5, 5, true, 0, false, true, 10, 'T'); // company + book name $pw = $pdf->getPageWidth(); $pdf->SetFont($this->header['pdf']['font']['family'], 'B', $this->header['pdf']['font']['size']); // todo: fix here $pdf->MultiCell($pw - 90, 5, $session->company_name . ': ' . $session->book_name, 0, 'C', 1, 0, 40, 5, true, 0, false, true, 10, 'T'); // page counter $pdf->SetFont($this->header['pdf']['font']['family'], '', $this->header['pdf']['font']['size']); $pdf->MultiCell(40, 5, 'Page ' . $page_counter, 0, 'R', 1, 0, $pw - 45, 5, true, 0, false, true, 10, 'T'); // report name $pdf->SetFont($this->header['pdf']['font']['family'], 'B', $this->header['pdf']['font']['size']); $report_name = $this->header['name'] . ' (' . implode('-', application::get(array('mvc', 'controllers'))) . ')'; $pdf->MultiCell($pw - 10, 5, $report_name, 0, 'L', 1, 0, 5, 10, true, 0, false, true, 10, 'T'); if (isset($this->header['description'])) { $pdf->SetFont($this->header['pdf']['font']['family'], 'B', $this->header['pdf']['font']['size']); $pdf->MultiCell(205, 5, $this->header['description'], 0, 'L', 1, 0, 5, 15, true, 0, false, true, 10, 'T'); $page_y = 25; } else { $page_y = 20; } // if we need to add a filter if ($flag_filter) { if (isset($this->header['filter'])) { foreach ($this->header['filter'] as $k2 => $v2) { $pdf->SetFont($this->header['pdf']['font']['family'], 'B', $this->header['pdf']['font']['size']); $pdf->MultiCell(50, 5, $k2 . ':', 0, 'L', 1, 0, 5, $page_y, true, 0, false, true, 10, 'T'); $pdf->SetFont($this->header['pdf']['font']['family'], '', $this->header['pdf']['font']['size']); $number_of_cells = $pdf->MultiCell($pdf->getPageWidth() - 60, 5, $v2, 0, 'L', 1, 0, 55, $page_y, true, 0, false, true, 10, 'T'); if ($number_of_cells > 1) { $page_y += 5 * ($number_of_cells - 1); } $page_y += 5; } } $flag_filter = false; // adding one line space $page_y += 5; } // page counter $page_counter++; $flag_new_page = false; } // rendering rows if ($flag_first_row) { if (empty($columns)) { $columns = current($all_columns); // repopulate width $count_empty = 0; $taken = 0; foreach ($columns['d'] as $k2 => $v2) { if (empty($v2['w'])) { $count_empty++; } else { $taken += $v2['w']; } } if (!empty($count_empty)) { $new_width = floor(($pdf->getPageWidth() - 10 - $taken) / $count_empty); foreach ($v['d'] as $k2 => $v2) { $columns['d'][$k2]['w'] = $new_width; } } } $flag_first_row = false; // columns foreach ($all_columns as $k20 => $v20) { $x = 5; foreach ($columns['d'] as $k10 => $v10) { foreach (array('v', 'c', 'a', 'b', 's', 't', 'u') as $v30) { if (isset($v20['d'][$k10][$v30])) { $v10[$v30] = $v20['d'][$k10][$v30]; } } $new_width = @$v10['w']; if (!empty($v10['c'])) { // we need to get width of next elements for ($i = $k10 + 1; $i < $k10 + $v10['c']; $i++) { $new_width += $columns['d'][$k10]['w']; } } $align = str_replace(array('left', 'right', 'center'), array('L', 'R', 'C'), @$v10['a']); if (empty($align)) { $align = 'L'; } if (@$v10['b']) { $pdf->SetFont($this->header['pdf']['font']['family'], 'B', $this->header['pdf']['font']['size']); } else { $pdf->SetFont($this->header['pdf']['font']['family'], '', $this->header['pdf']['font']['size']); } $pdf->MultiCell($new_width, 5, @$v10['v'], $this->flag_pdf_show_borders, $align, 1, 0, $x, $page_y, true, 0, false, true, 10, 'T'); // underline if (@$v10['u']) { $pdf->SetLineStyle(array('width' => 0, 'cap' => 'butt', 'join' => 'miter', 'dash' => 0, 'color' => array(0, 0, 0))); $pdf->Line($x, $page_y + 5, $x + @$v10['w'], $page_y + 5); } $x += @$v10['w']; } $page_y += 5; } } $pdf->SetFont($this->header['pdf']['font']['family'], '', $this->header['pdf']['font']['size']); $x = 5; foreach ($columns['d'] as $k10 => $v10) { // we do do render cells if no data if (isset($v['d'][$k10]['v'])) { $align = str_replace(array('left', 'right', 'center'), array('L', 'R', 'C'), @$v['d'][$k10]['a']); if (empty($align)) { $align = 'L'; } if (@$v['d'][$k10]['b']) { $pdf->SetFont($this->header['pdf']['font']['family'], 'B', $this->header['pdf']['font']['size']); } else { $pdf->SetFont($this->header['pdf']['font']['family'], '', $this->header['pdf']['font']['size']); } // if we override width $width = $v10['w']; if (isset($v['d'][$k10]['w'])) { $width = $v['d'][$k10]['w']; } else { if (isset($v['d'][$k10]['c'])) { // colspan // we need to get width of next elements for ($i = $k10 + 1; $i < $k10 + $v['d'][$k10]['c']; $i++) { $width += @$columns['d'][$i]['w']; } } } $value = @$v['d'][$k10]['v']; $value = str_replace(' ', ' ', $value); // rendering cell $pdf->MultiCell($width, 5, $value, $this->flag_pdf_show_borders, $align, 1, 0, $x, $page_y, true, 0, false, true, 10, 'T'); // underline if (@$v['d'][$k10]['u']) { $pdf->SetLineStyle(array('width' => 0, 'cap' => 'butt', 'join' => 'miter', 'dash' => 0, 'color' => array(0, 0, 0))); $pdf->Line($x, $page_y + 5, $x + $v10['w'], $page_y + 5); } // subtotal if (@$v['d'][$k10]['s']) { $pdf->SetLineStyle(array('width' => 0, 'cap' => 'butt', 'join' => 'miter', 'dash' => 0, 'color' => array(0, 0, 0))); $pdf->Line($x + 1, $page_y, $x + $v10['w'] - 1, $page_y); } // total if (@$v['d'][$k10]['t']) { $pdf->SetLineStyle(array('width' => 0, 'cap' => 'butt', 'join' => 'miter', 'dash' => 0, 'color' => array(0, 0, 0))); $pdf->Line($x + 1, $page_y, $x + $v10['w'] - 1, $page_y); $pdf->Line($x + 1, $page_y - 0.75, $x + $v10['w'] - 1, $page_y - 0.75); } } $x += @$v10['w']; } // incrementing $page_y += 5; if ($page_y > $pdf->getPageHeight() - 10) { $flag_new_page = true; $flag_first_row = true; } } $pdf->Output($this->header['name'] . '.pdf', 'I'); exit; break; case 'csv': case 'txt': case 'xlsx': $sheet = strip_tags($this->header['name']); $sheet = str_replace(['/', '\\'], '', $sheet); // generating header $header = []; $header[$sheet][] = [format::datetime(format::now()), '', $session->company_name . ': ' . $session->book_name, '', 'Page 1']; $controllers = application::get(['mvc', 'controllers']); $header[$sheet][] = [strip_tags($this->header['name']) . ' (' . implode('-', $controllers) . ')']; if (isset($this->header['description'])) { $header[$sheet][] = [$this->header['description']]; } $header[$sheet][] = [' ']; $temp = $header; // displaying filter if (isset($this->header['filter'])) { $temp2 = []; foreach ($this->header['filter'] as $k => $v) { $temp[$sheet][] = [strip_tags($k), strip_tags($v)]; } $temp[$sheet][] = [' ']; } // converting data foreach ($this->data as $k => $v) { $temp2 = []; foreach ($v['d'] as $k2 => $v2) { if (is_array($v2)) { $value = $v2['v'] ?? null; } else { $value = $v2; } // replaces $value = str_replace(' ', ' ', $value); $temp2[] = strip_tags($value); } $temp[$sheet][] = $temp2; } // get output buffering helper_ob::clean_all(); // content switch ($type) { case 'xlsx': echo io::array_to_excel($temp, io::$formats[$type]['excel_code'], null); break; default: // csv or text header('Content-Type: ' . numbers_frontend_exports_csv_base::$formats[$type]['content_type']); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $sheet . '.' . $type . '"'); header('Cache-Control: max-age=0'); echo numbers_frontend_exports_csv_base::array_to_csv($temp, numbers_frontend_exports_csv_base::$formats[$type]['delimiter'], numbers_frontend_exports_csv_base::$formats[$type]['enclosure']); } exit; break; case 'html': case 'html2': default: // rendering data $table = ['options' => []]; $counter = 1; foreach ($this->data as $k => $v) { $flag_colspan = 0; $row = []; if (!empty($v['d'])) { foreach ($v['d'] as $k2 => $v2) { if ($flag_colspan > 0) { $flag_colspan--; continue; } $colspan = ''; if ($v2['c'] ?? null) { $colspan = $v2['c']; $flag_colspan = $v2['c'] - 1; } $align = 'left'; $title = ''; $style = ''; if (is_array($v2)) { $value = $v2['v'] ?? null; if (!empty($v2['h'])) { $v2['h']['value'] = $value; $value = html::a($v2['h']); } if (!empty($v2['a'])) { $align = $v2['a']; } if (!empty($v2['l'])) { $title = $v2['l']; } // bold lines if ($v2['b'] ?? null) { $value = '<b>' . $value . '</b>'; } // todo: convert styles to classes if ($v2['s'] ?? null) { $style .= 'border-top: 1px solid #000;'; } if ($v2['t'] ?? null) { $style .= 'border-top: 3px double #000;'; } if ($v2['u'] ?? null) { $style .= 'border-bottom: 1px solid #000;'; } } else { $value = $v2; } $row[$k2] = ['value' => $value, 'align' => $align, 'colspan' => $colspan, 'style' => $style, 'title' => $title, 'nowrap' => true]; } } else { $row[0] = ['value' => ' ']; } $table['options'][$counter] = $row; $counter++; } $result = html::table($table); // printable export if ($type == 'html2') { $header = ['options' => []]; $header['options'][] = [0 => format::datetime(format::now()), 1 => '', 2 => $session->company_name . ': ' . $session->book_name, 3 => '', 4 => 'Page 1']; $controllers = application::get(['mvc', 'controllers']); $header['options'][] = [['value' => strip_tags($this->header['name']) . ' (' . implode('-', $controllers) . ')', 'colspan' => 5]]; if (isset($this->header['description'])) { $header['options'][] = [$this->header['description']]; } $header['options'][] = [' ']; // displaying filter if (isset($this->header['filter'])) { $temp2 = []; foreach ($this->header['filter'] as $k => $v) { $header['options'][] = [strip_tags($k) . ':', strip_tags($v)]; } $header['options'][] = [' ']; } $header = html::table($header); layout::render_as($header . $result, 'text/html'); } } return $result; }
<?php echo loader_box('cms/nav'); loader_import('saf.HTML'); echo template_simple(CMS_JS_ALERT_MESSAGE, $GLOBALS['cgi']); if (false && @is_dir(site_docroot() . '/inc/app/sitetracker')) { echo html::table(html::tr(html::td(html::h1(intl_get('Inbox')) . loader_box('cms/messages/inbox') . html::hr() . html::h1(intl_get('Bookmarks')) . loader_box('cms/bookmarks'), array('valign' => 'top', 'width' => '66%', 'style' => 'padding-right: 10px')) . html::td(loader_box('sitetracker/stats/summary'), array('valign' => 'top', 'width' => '33%', 'style' => 'padding-left: 10px'))), array('border' => 0, 'cellpadding' => 0, 'cellspacing' => 0, 'width' => '100%')); } else { echo html::table(html::tr(html::td(html::h1(intl_get('Inbox')) . loader_box('cms/messages/inbox') . html::h1(intl_get('Drafts')) . loader_box('cms/autosave/drafts'), array('valign' => 'top', 'width' => '66%', 'style' => 'padding-right: 10px')) . html::td(html::h1(intl_get('Bookmarks')) . loader_box('cms/bookmarks'), array('valign' => 'top', 'width' => '33%', 'style' => 'padding-left: 10px'))), array('border' => 0, 'cellpadding' => 0, 'cellspacing' => 0, 'width' => '100%')); }
/** * Details - render table * * @param array $rows * @param array $values * @param array $options */ public function render_container_type_details_rows($rows, $values, $options = []) { $result = ''; // empty_warning_message if (empty($options['details_new_rows']) && empty($values) && isset($options['details_empty_warning_message'])) { if (empty($options['details_empty_warning_message'])) { return html::message(['type' => 'warning', 'options' => [object_content_messages::no_rows_found]]); } else { return html::message(['type' => 'warning', 'options' => [$options['details_empty_warning_message']]]); } } // building table $table = ['header' => ['row_number' => '', 'row_data' => '', 'row_delete' => ''], 'options' => [], 'skip_header' => true]; if (!empty($options['details_11'])) { $table['class'] = 'table grid_table_details_11'; $table['header'] = ['row_data' => '']; } // header rows for table if ($options['details_rendering_type'] == 'table') { foreach ($rows as $k => $v) { array_key_sort($v['elements'], ['order' => SORT_ASC]); // group by $groupped = []; foreach ($v['elements'] as $k2 => $v2) { $groupped[$v2['options']['label_name'] ?? ''][$k2] = $v2; } foreach ($groupped as $k2 => $v2) { $first = current($v2); $first_key = key($v2); foreach ($v2 as $k3 => $v3) { // hidden row if ($k === $this::hidden && !application::get('flag.numbers.frontend.html.form.show_field_settings')) { $v3['options']['row_class'] = ($v3['options']['row_class'] ?? '') . ' grid_row_hidden'; } $data['options'][$k][$k2][$k3] = ['label' => $this->render_element_name($first), 'options' => $v3['options'], 'row_class' => $v3['options']['row_class'] ?? null]; } } } // add a row to a table $table['options']['__header'] = ['row_number' => ['value' => ' ', 'width' => '1%'], 'row_data' => ['value' => html::grid($data), 'width' => !empty($options['details_11']) ? '100%' : '98%'], 'row_delete' => ['value' => ' ', 'width' => '1%']]; } // we must sort array_key_sort($rows, ['order' => SORT_ASC]); // generating rows $row_number = 1; // 1 to 1 if (!empty($options['details_11'])) { $max_rows = 1; $processing_values = 1; } else { $max_rows = count($values) + ($options['details_new_rows'] ?? 0); $processing_values = !empty($values); } do { // we exit if there's no rows and if we have no values if ($row_number > $max_rows) { break; } // render $data = ['options' => []]; // grab next element from an array if ($processing_values) { if (!empty($options['details_11'])) { $k0 = null; $v0 = $values; } else { $k0 = key($values); $v0 = current($values); } } else { $k0 = $row_number; $v0 = []; } $i0 = $row_number; // we need to preset default values if (!empty($options['details_parent_key'])) { $fields = $this->sort_fields_for_processing($this->detail_fields[$options['details_parent_key']]['subdetails'][$options['details_key']]['elements'], $this->detail_fields[$options['details_parent_key']]['subdetails'][$options['details_key']]['options']); } else { $fields = $this->sort_fields_for_processing($this->detail_fields[$options['details_key']]['elements'], $this->detail_fields[$options['details_key']]['options']); } // todo: handle changed field foreach ($fields as $k19 => $v19) { if (array_key_exists('default', $v19['options']) && !isset($v0[$k19])) { $temp = $this->process_default_value($k19, $v19['options']['default'], $v0[$k19] ?? null, $v0, true); } } // looping though rows foreach ($rows as $k => $v) { // row_id if (empty($options['details_parent_key'])) { $row_id = "form_{$this->form_link}_details_{$options['details_key']}_{$row_number}_row"; } else { $row_id = "form_{$this->form_link}_subdetails_{$options['details_parent_key']}_{$options['__parent_row_number']}_{$options['details_key']}_{$row_number}_row"; } array_key_sort($v['elements'], ['order' => SORT_ASC]); // group by $groupped = []; foreach ($v['elements'] as $k2 => $v2) { $groupped[$v2['options']['label_name'] ?? ''][$k2] = $v2; } foreach ($groupped as $k2 => $v2) { $first = current($v2); $first_key = key($v2); if ($first_key == self::separator_horisontal) { $data['options'][$row_number . '_' . $k][$k2][0] = ['value' => html::separator(['value' => $first['options']['label_name'], 'icon' => $first['options']['icon'] ?? null]), 'separator' => true]; } else { $first['prepend_to_field'] = ':'; foreach ($v2 as $k3 => $v3) { // generate id, name and error name if (empty($options['details_parent_key'])) { // 1 to 1 if (!empty($options['details_11'])) { $name = "{$options['details_key']}[{$k3}]"; $id = "form_{$this->form_link}_details_{$options['details_key']}_{$k3}"; $error_name = "{$options['details_key']}[{$k3}]"; $values_key = [$options['details_key'], $k3]; $field_values_key = [$options['details_key'], $k3]; } else { // 1 to M $name = "{$options['details_key']}[{$i0}][{$k3}]"; $id = "form_{$this->form_link}_details_{$options['details_key']}_{$row_number}_{$k3}"; $error_name = "{$options['details_key']}[{$k0}][{$k3}]"; $values_key = [$options['details_key'], $k0, $k3]; $field_values_key = [$options['details_key'], $i0, $k3]; } } else { $name = "{$options['details_parent_key']}[{$options['__parent_row_number']}][{$options['details_key']}][{$k0}][{$k3}]"; $id = "form_{$this->form_link}_subdetails_{$options['details_parent_key']}_{$options['__parent_row_number']}_{$options['details_key']}_{$row_number}_{$k3}"; $error_name = "{$options['details_parent_key']}[{$options['__parent_key']}][{$options['details_key']}][{$k0}][{$k3}]"; $values_key = [$options['details_parent_key'], $options['__parent_key'], $options['details_key'], $k0, $k3]; $field_values_key = [$options['details_parent_key'], $options['__parent_row_number'], $options['details_key'], $k0, $k3]; } // error $error = $this->get_field_errors(['options' => ['name' => $error_name]]); // counter for 1 to M only if (!empty($error['counters'])) { $this->error_in_tabs($error['counters']); } // hidden row $hidden = false; if ($k === $this::hidden && !application::get('flag.numbers.frontend.html.form.show_field_settings')) { $v3['options']['row_class'] = ($v3['options']['row_class'] ?? '') . ' grid_row_hidden'; $hidden = true; } // generate proper element $value_options = $v3; $value_options['options']['id'] = $id; $value_options['options']['name'] = $name; $value_options['options']['error_name'] = $error_name; $value_options['options']['details_parent_key'] = $options['details_parent_key'] ?? null; $value_options['options']['__parent_row_number'] = $options['__parent_row_number'] ?? null; $value_options['options']['__row_number'] = $row_number; $value_options['options']['__new_row'] = !$processing_values; // need to set values_key $value_options['options']['values_key'] = $values_key; $value_options['options']['field_values_key'] = $field_values_key; // tabindex but not for subdetails if (!$hidden && empty($options['__parent_row_number'])) { $value_options['options']['tabindex'] = $this->tabindex; $this->tabindex++; } // label $label = null; if ($options['details_rendering_type'] == 'grid_with_label') { $label = $this->render_element_name($first); } // add element to grid $data['options'][$row_number . '_' . $k][$k2][$k3] = ['error' => $error, 'label' => $label, 'value' => $this->render_element_value($value_options, $v0[$k3] ?? null, $v0), 'description' => $v3['options']['description'] ?? null, 'options' => $v3['options'], 'row_class' => ($value_options['options']['row_class'] ?? '') . (!($row_number % 2) ? ' grid_row_even' : ' grid_row_odd')]; } } } } // increase counter if ($processing_values && empty($options['details_11'])) { $this->error_in_tabs(['records' => 1]); } // subdetails if (!empty($this->detail_fields[$options['details_key']]['subdetails'])) { $tab_id = "form_tabs_{$this->form_link}_subdetails_{$options['details_key']}_{$row_number}"; $tab_header = ['tabs_subdetails_none' => html::icon(['type' => 'toggle-on'])]; $tab_values = ['tabs_subdetails_none' => '']; $tab_options = ['tabs_subdetails_none' => []]; // sort subdetail tabs $tab_sorted = []; foreach ($this->detail_fields[$options['details_key']]['subdetails'] as $k10 => $v10) { $tab_sorted[$k10] = ['order' => $v10['options']['order'] ?? 0]; } array_key_sort($tab_sorted, ['order' => SORT_ASC]); // render tabs $have_tabs = false; foreach ($tab_sorted as $k10 => $v10) { $v10 = $this->detail_fields[$options['details_key']]['subdetails'][$k10]; $this->current_tab[] = "{$tab_id}_{$k10}"; $labels = ''; foreach (['records', 'danger', 'warning', 'success', 'info'] as $v78) { $labels .= html::label2(['type' => $v78 == 'records' ? 'primary' : $v78, 'style' => 'display: none;', 'value' => 0, 'id' => implode('__', $this->current_tab) . '__' . $v78]); } $tab_header[$k10] = i18n(null, $v10['options']['label_name']) . $labels; $tab_values[$k10] = ''; // handling override_tabs method if (!empty($this->wrapper_methods['override_tabs']['main'])) { $tab_options[$k10] = call_user_func_array($this->wrapper_methods['override_tabs']['main'], [&$this, &$v10, &$k10, &$v0]); if (empty($tab_options[$k10]['hidden'])) { $have_tabs = true; } } else { $have_tabs = true; } $v10['__values'] = $v0[$v10['options']['details_key']] ?? []; $v10['__parent_row_number'] = $row_number; $v10['__parent_key'] = $k0; $temp = $this->render_container_type_subdetails($v10['options']['container_link'], $v10); if ($temp['success']) { $tab_values[$k10] .= $temp['data']['html']; } // we must unset it array_pop($this->current_tab); } // if we do not have tabs if (!$have_tabs) { $tab_options['tabs_subdetails_none']['hidden'] = true; } $subdetails = html::tabs(['id' => $tab_id, 'header' => $tab_header, 'options' => $tab_values, 'class' => 'tabs_subdetails', 'tab_options' => $tab_options]); // add row to the end $data['options'][$row_number . '_subdetails']['subdetails']['subdetails'] = ['error' => null, 'label' => null, 'value' => $subdetails, 'description' => null, 'options' => ['percent' => 100], 'row_class' => !($row_number % 2) ? 'grid_row_even' : 'grid_row_odd']; } // delete link if (empty($options['details_cannot_delete'])) { $link = html::a(['href' => 'javascript:void(0);', 'value' => '<i class="fa fa-trash-o"></i>', 'onclick' => "if (confirm('" . strip_tags(i18n(null, object_content_messages::confirm_delete)) . "')) { numbers.form.details_delete_row('form_{$this->form_link}_form', '{$row_id}'); } return false;"]); } else { $link = ''; unset($table['header']['row_delete']); } // add a row to a table $table['options'][$row_number] = ['row_number' => ['value' => format::id($row_number) . '.', 'width' => '1%', 'row_id' => $row_id], 'row_data' => ['value' => html::grid($data), 'width' => !empty($options['details_11']) ? '100%' : '98%'], 'row_delete' => ['value' => $link, 'width' => '1%']]; $row_number++; // we need to determine if we have values if (next($values) === false) { $processing_values = false; } } while (1); return html::table($table); }
function reloadAttachments($_composeID) { $bocompose =& CreateObject('felamimail.bocompose', $_composeID); $tableRows = array(); $table = ''; $imgClearLeft = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->image('felamimail', 'clear_left'); foreach ((array) $bocompose->sessionData['attachments'] as $id => $attachment) { switch (strtoupper($attachment['type'])) { case 'MESSAGE/RFC822': $linkData = array('menuaction' => 'felamimail.uidisplay.display', 'uid' => $attachment['uid'], 'part' => $attachment['partID']); $windowName = 'displayMessage_'; $att_link = "egw_openWindowCentered('" . $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', $linkData) . "','{$windowName}',700,egw_getWindowOuterHeight()); return false;"; break; case 'IMAGE/JPEG': case 'IMAGE/PNG': case 'IMAGE/GIF': default: $linkData = array('menuaction' => 'felamimail.uicompose.getAttachment', 'attID' => $id, '_composeID' => $_composeID); $windowName = 'displayAttachment_'; $att_link = "egw_openWindowCentered('" . $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', $linkData) . "','{$windowName}',800,600);"; break; } $tempArray = array('1' => '<a href="#" onclick="' . $att_link . '">' . $attachment['name'] . '</a>', '2' => $attachment['type'], '.2' => "style='text-align:center;'", '3' => $attachment['size'], '4' => "<img src='{$imgClearLeft}' onclick=\"fm_compose_deleteAttachmentRow(this,'{$_composeID}','{$id}')\">"); $tableRows[] = $tempArray; } if (count($tableRows) > 0) { $table = html::table($tableRows, "style='width:100%'"); } $response =& new xajaxResponse(); $response->addAssign('divAttachments', 'innerHTML', $table); return $response->getXML(); }
/** * Render widget * * @return mixed */ public function render() { $result = ''; // action bar $result .= '<div style="text-align: right;">'; $result .= html::a(array('value' => html::icon(['type' => 'comment']) . ' ' . i18n(null, 'New'), 'href' => 'javascript:void(0);', 'onclick' => "numbers.frontend_form.trigger_submit('#form_numbers_frontend_html_widgets_comments_model_form_comment_form', false, true); numbers.modal.show('widgets_comments_{$this->widget_link}_comment');")); $result .= '</div>'; $result .= '<hr class="simple" />'; // form $pk = http_build_query2($this->options['pk']); $js = <<<TTT \t\t\tvar mask_id = 'widgets_comments_{$this->widget_link}_mask'; \t\t\t\$.ajax({ \t\t\t\turl: numbers.controller_full, \t\t\t\tmethod: 'post', \t\t\t\tdata: '__ajax=1&__ajax_form_id=widgets_comments_{$this->widget_link}_list&{$pk}', \t\t\t\tdataType: 'json', \t\t\t\tsuccess: function (data) { \t\t\t\t\tif (data.success) { \t\t\t\t\t\t\$('#widgets_comments_{$this->widget_link}_wrapper').html(data.html); \t\t\t\t\t\teval(data.js); \t\t\t\t\t\t// remove mask after 100 miliseconds to let js to take affect \t\t\t\t\t\tsetTimeout(function() { \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$('#' + mask_id).unmask(); \t\t\t\t\t\t\t// we need to trigger resize to redraw a screen \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$(window).trigger('resize'); \t\t\t\t\t\t}, 100); \t\t\t\t\t} \t\t\t\t} \t\t\t}); TTT; $form = new numbers_frontend_html_widgets_comments_model_form_comment(['input' => $this->options['input'], 'no_actions' => true, 'bypass_hidden_values' => $this->options['pk'], 'other' => ['model' => $this->options['model'], 'pk' => $this->options['pk'], 'map' => $this->options['map']], 'on_success_js' => "numbers.modal.hide('widgets_comments_{$this->widget_link}_comment');" . $js]); $body = $form->render(); $footer = html::button2(['name' => 'submit_comment', 'value' => i18n(null, 'Submit'), 'type' => 'primary', 'onclick' => "numbers.frontend_form.trigger_submit('#form_numbers_frontend_html_widgets_comments_model_form_comment_form', true); return false;"]); $result .= html::modal(['id' => "widgets_comments_{$this->widget_link}_comment", 'class' => 'large', 'title' => i18n(null, 'Add Comment'), 'body' => $body, 'footer' => $footer]); // list of comments in descending order $where = []; foreach ($this->options['map'] as $k => $v) { $where[$v] = $this->options['pk'][$k]; } $datasource = new numbers_frontend_html_widgets_comments_model_datasource_comments(); $data = $datasource->get(['model' => $this->options['model'], 'where' => $where]); if (!empty($data)) { $table = ['header' => ['id' => ['value' => '#', 'width' => '1%'], 'inserted' => ['value' => i18n(null, 'Date & Time'), 'width' => '1%', 'nowrap' => true], 'important' => ['value' => i18n(null, 'Important'), 'width' => '1%'], 'em_entity_name' => ['value' => i18n(null, 'Entity'), 'width' => '10%'], 'comment_value' => i18n(null, 'Comment')], 'options' => []]; $row_number = 1; foreach ($data as $k => $v) { // we need to hide old comments $row_style = ''; if ($row_number > 10) { $row_style = 'display: none;'; } $table['options'][$v['id']] = ['id' => ['value' => $row_number . '.', 'row_style' => $row_style, 'row_class' => "widgets_comments_{$this->widget_link}_list_hiden " . ($v['important'] ? 'success' : null)], 'inserted' => format::datetime($v['inserted']), 'important' => ['value' => $v['important'] ? i18n(null, 'Yes') : ''], 'em_entity_name' => ['value' => $v['em_entity_name'], 'width' => '10%', 'nowrap' => true], 'comment_value' => nl2br($v['comment_value'])]; $row_number++; } $result_list = html::table($table); // link to show all rows $total_comments = count($data); if ($total_comments > 10) { $result_list .= '<div style="text-align: right;">' . html::a(['href' => 'javascript:void(0);', 'value' => i18n(null, '[count] comment(s) are hidden. Show all comments.', ['replace' => ['[count]' => $total_comments - 10]]), 'onclick' => "\$('.widgets_comments_{$this->widget_link}_list_hiden').show(); \$(this).hide();"]) . '</div>'; } } else { $result_list = html::message(['type' => 'warning', 'options' => [i18n(null, object_content_messages::no_rows_found)]]); } // if we are making an ajax call if (!empty($this->options['input']['__ajax']) && ($this->options['input']['__ajax_form_id'] ?? '') == "widgets_comments_{$this->widget_link}_list") { layout::render_as(['success' => true, 'error' => [], 'html' => $result_list, 'js' => ''], 'application/json'); } // load mask numbers_frontend_media_libraries_loadmask_base::add(); // put list into result $result .= "<div id=\"widgets_comments_{$this->widget_link}_mask\"><div id=\"widgets_comments_{$this->widget_link}_wrapper\">" . $result_list . '</div></div>'; // wrap everything into segment if (isset($this->options['segment'])) { $temp = is_array($this->options['segment']) ? $this->options['segment'] : []; $temp['value'] = $result; $result = html::segment($temp); } // anchor $result = html::a(['name' => "widgets_comments_{$this->widget_link}_anchor"]) . $result; return $result; }
function createAccountDataTable($_identities) { $linkData = array('menuaction' => 'felamimail.uipreferences.editAccountData'); $urlEditAccountData = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', $linkData); if (is_array($_identities) && !empty($_identities)) { foreach ($_identities as $identity) { $description = $identity['id'] . ":" . $identity['realName'] . " " . $identity['organization'] . " <" . $identity['emailAddress'] . ">"; $description = $identity['default'] == true ? $description . ' (' . lang('default') . ')' : $description; $tableRows[] = array('1' => $identity['id'] != -1 ? html::checkbox('accountID', false, $identity['id']) : '', '.1' => 'style="width:30px"', '2' => '<a href="' . $urlEditAccountData . "&accountID=" . $identity['id'] . '">' . @htmlspecialchars($description, ENT_QUOTES, $this->charset) . '</a>'); } return html::table($tableRows, 'style="width:100%;"'); } return ''; }
/** * Data default renderer * * @return string */ private final function render_data_default() { $result = ''; // if we have no rows we display a messsage if ($this->num_rows == 0) { return html::message(['type' => 'warning', 'options' => [i18n(null, object_content_messages::no_rows_found)]]); } $counter = 1; $table = ['header' => [], 'options' => []]; // action flags $actions = []; if (object_controller::can('record_view')) { $actions['view'] = true; } // generate columns foreach ($this->columns as $k => $v) { // if we can not view we skip action column if (empty($actions) && $k == 'action') { continue; } $table['header'][$k] = ['value' => i18n(null, $v['name']), 'nowrap' => true, 'width' => $v['width'] ?? null]; } // generate rows foreach ($this->rows as $k => $v) { // process all columns first $row = []; foreach ($this->columns as $k2 => $v2) { // if we can not view we skip action column if (empty($actions) && $k2 == 'action') { continue; } $value = []; // create cell properties foreach (['width', 'align'] as $v3) { if (isset($v2[$v3])) { $value[$v3] = $v2[$v3]; } } // process rows if ($k2 == 'action') { $value['value'] = []; if (!empty($actions['view'])) { $mvc = application::get('mvc'); $pk = extract_keys($this->model_object->pk, $v); $url = $mvc['controller'] . '/_edit?' . http_build_query2($pk); $value['value'][] = html::a(['value' => i18n(null, 'View'), 'href' => $url]); } $value['value'] = implode(' ', $value['value']); } else { if ($k2 == 'row_number') { $value['value'] = format::id($counter) . '.'; } else { if ($k2 == 'offset_number') { $value['value'] = format::id($this->offset + $counter) . '.'; } else { if (!empty($v2['options_model'])) { if (strpos($v2['options_model'], '::') === false) { $v2['options_model'] .= '::options'; } $params = $v2['options_params'] ?? []; if (!empty($v2['options_depends'])) { foreach ($v2['options_depends'] as $k0 => $v0) { $params[$k0] = $v[$v0]; } } $crypt_object = new crypt(); $hash = $crypt_object->hash($v2['options_model'] . serialize($params)); if (!isset($this->cached_options[$hash])) { $method = factory::method($v2['options_model'], null, true); $this->cached_options[$hash] = call_user_func_array($method, [['where' => $params]]); } if (isset($this->cached_options[$hash][$v[$k2]])) { $value['value'] = $this->cached_options[$hash][$v[$k2]]['name']; } else { $value['value'] = null; } } else { if (!empty($v2['options']) && !is_array($v[$k2])) { if (isset($v2['options'][$v[$k2]])) { $value['value'] = $v2['options'][$v[$k2]]['name']; } else { $value['value'] = null; } } else { if (isset($v[$k2])) { $value['value'] = $v[$k2]; } else { $value['value'] = null; } } } } } } // put value into row if (!empty($v2['format'])) { $format_options = $v2['format_options'] ?? []; if (!empty($v2['format_depends'])) { $format_depends = $v2['format_depends']; $this->process_params_and_depends($format_depends, $v); $format_options = array_merge_hard($format_options, $format_depends); } $method = factory::method($v2['format'], 'format'); $value['value'] = call_user_func_array([$method[0], $method[1]], [$value['value'], $format_options]); } $row[$k2] = $value; } // put processed columns though user defined function if (method_exists($this, 'render_data_rows')) { $table['options'][$counter] = $this->render_data_rows($row, $v); } else { $table['options'][$counter] = $row; } $counter++; } return html::table($table); }
public static function simple($attributes, $headers, $rows) { return html::table($attributes, self::thead($headers) . self::tbody($rows)); }