public function content($text, $type = "html") { $content = $this->dom->createElement("content", html::chars($text)); $content->setAttribute("type", $type); $this->element->appendChild($content); return $this; }
function __construct() { parent::__construct("entry"); /* Set feed ID and self link. */ $this->id(html::chars(url::abs_current())); $this->link()->rel("self")->href(url::abs_current()); }
public function action_index() { if ($_POST) { $message = html::chars((string) arr::get($_POST, 'message', '')); if ($message) { // Append user information if ($user = $this->auth->get_user()) { $message .= '<h2>Användarinfo</h2>'; $message .= '<dl>'; foreach (array('id', 'username', 'email') as $field) { $message .= sprintf('<dt>%s</dt><dd>%s</dd>', $field, html::chars($user->{$field})); } $message .= '</dl>'; } $from = arr::extract($_POST, array('e-mail', 'name')); if (!Validate::email($from['e-mail'])) { $from['name'] .= " ({$from['e-mail']})"; $from['e-mail'] = '*****@*****.**'; } $sent = Email::send('*****@*****.**', array($from['e-mail'], $from['name']), '[Änglarna Stockholm] Meddelande från kontaktsidan', $message, TRUE); if ($sent >= 1) { $this->message_add('Ditt meddelande har skickats till ' . html::mailto('*****@*****.**') . '!'); } else { $this->message_add('Något blev fel. Försök igen eller skicka ett vanligt mail till ' . html::mailto('*****@*****.**') . ' istället.', 'error'); } } else { $this->message_add('Du måste ange ett meddelande.', 'error'); } $this->request->reload(); } $this->template->title = 'Kontakta Änglarna Stockholm'; $this->template->content = View::factory('kontakt/index'); }
function action_login() { $this->template->title = 'My Index Title'; $this->template->subHeading = "Login Page"; if ($this->auth->is_logged_in()) { $this->addMessage(__('You are already logged in!')); $this->_redirect(''); return; } // Load the user $data = array(); $user = ORM::factory('account')->where('email', '=', $this->request->post('email'))->find(); if ($this->auth->login($user, $this->request->post('password'))) { $this->addMessage(__('Welcome, ') . ' ' . html::chars($user->gname) . ' ' . html::chars($user->sname) . '!'); $this->_redirect(''); return; } else { $data['email'] = $this->request->post('email'); } foreach ($this->auth->errors() as $err) { $this->addError($err); } $this->auth->clearErrors(); return $this->action_loginOrRegister($data); }
public function action_view($hash = NULL) { $commit = $this->repo->getObject(sha1_bin($hash)); require Kohana::find_file('vendor', 'htmlpurifier/library/'); require Kohana::find_file('vendor', 'markdown/markdown'); $this->template->title = html::chars($commit->summary); $this->template->content = View::factory('changelog/view')->set('commit', $commit)->set('htmlpurifier', new HTMLPurifier()); }
public function action_index() { $errors = array(); $auth = Auth::instance(); if ($auth->logged_in()) { $session = Session::instance(); $user = $session->get('auth_user'); if ($user->nivel == 5) { $this->request->redirect('admin'); } else { $this->request->redirect('dashboard'); } } else { if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $validate = Validation::factory($this->request->post()); $validate->rule('username', 'not_empty')->rule('password', 'not_empty'); if ($validate->check()) { $user = $auth->login(html::chars($_POST['username']), html::chars($_POST['password'])); if ($user) { $usuario = ORM::factory('users', $auth->get_user()); $session = Session::instance(); $session->set('username', $usuario->nombre); $session->set('username', $usuario->username); $session->set('cargo', $usuario->cargo); //vitacora $this->save($usuario->id_entidad, $usuario->id, $usuario->nombre . ' <b>' . $usuario->cargo . '</b> ingresó al sistema'); if ($usuario->nivel == 5) { $this->request->redirect('admin'); } else { if (isset($_GET['url'])) { $this->request->redirect($_GET['url']); } else { $this->request->redirect('dashboard'); } } } else { $this->template->errors['login'] = '******'; //$_POST=array(); } } } } $this->template->title .= ' / Ingreso'; $this->template->content = View::factory('templates/login'); }
/** * Is the password provided correct? * * @param user User Model * @param string $password a plaintext password * @return boolean true if the password is correct */ static function is_correct_password($user, $password) { $valid = $user->password; // Try phpass first, since that's what we generate. if (strlen($valid) == 34) { require_once MODPATH . "user/lib/PasswordHash.php"; $hashGenerator = new PasswordHash(10, true); return $hashGenerator->CheckPassword($password, $valid); } $salt = substr($valid, 0, 4); // Support both old (G1 thru 1.4.0; G2 thru alpha-4) and new password schemes: $guess = strlen($valid) == 32 ? md5($password) : $salt . md5($salt . $password); if (!strcmp($guess, $valid)) { return true; } // Passwords with <&"> created by G2 prior to 2.1 were hashed with entities $sanitizedPassword = html::chars($password, false); $guess = strlen($valid) == 32 ? md5($sanitizedPassword) : $salt . md5($salt . $sanitizedPassword); if (!strcmp($guess, $valid)) { return true; } return false; }
<div class="box"> <h2><?php echo html::chars($title); ?> </h2> <?php if (!empty($images)) { ?> <ol class="gallery images"> <?php foreach ($images as $image) { ?> <li> <a href="<?php echo $image->path; ?> " rel="shadowbox[galleri]"><img src="<?php echo $image->thumb; ?> " height="80" alt="<?php echo $image->alt; ?> "></a> </li> <?php } ?> </ol>
<tr> <td class="align-right">Forma płatności</td> <td colspan="4"> <?php echo $order->meta()->fields('payment')->choices[$order->payment]; ?> </td> </tr> <?php if ($order->sendform->name != "Odbiór osobisty") { ?> <tr> <td class="align-right">Adres dostawy</td> <td colspan="4"> <?php echo nl2br(html::chars($order->address)); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <td class="align-right">Do zapłaty</td> <td colspan="4"> Netto: <b><?php echo number_format($sum_netto_plus, 2); ?> zł</b><br /> Brutto: <b><?php echo number_format($sum_brutto_plus, 2);
<div class="yui-gd"> <div id="botinfo" class="yui-gd first"> <div class="yui-u first leftinfo"> Bot Name:<br /> Author:<br /> Challenge:<br /> Coding Lanuage:<br /> Created on:<br /> Last online:<br/> Author's Notes:<br /> </div> <div class="yui-u rightinfo" > <?php echo html::chars($bot->name); ?> <br /> <?php echo html::anchor($bot->user->uri(), $bot->user->name()); ?> <br /> $challenge<br /> $language<br /> $created_date<br /> $last_login<br /> $author_notes<br /> </div> </div> <div id="chart" class="yui-u">
<h1>Inbjudan hos Änglarna Stockholm</h1> <p> Du har blivit erbjuden att registrera en användare på Änglarna Stockholms hemsida av <?php echo html::chars($inviter); ?> . </p> <?php if (!empty($message)) { printf('<p>%s meddelar också:</p><pre>%s</pre>', html::chars($inviter), html::chars($message)); } ?> <p> Registrering sker på följande adress: <?php echo html::anchor($url, html::chars($url)); ?> . </p> <p> Mvh, Änglarna Stockholm </p>
<?php View::set_global('field_lang_prefix', 'auth.changeEmail_field_'); echo '<div id="form">'; echo form::open(); echo '<h3>' . html::chars(__('convention.registration_form_header')) . '</h3>'; echo '<p>' . __('ecmproject.form_required') . '</p>'; echo "<fieldset>"; foreach (array('email') as $field) { echo new View('global/_form_field', array('field' => $field, 'fieldData' => $fields[$field], 'value' => $form[$field], 'hasError' => isset($errors[$field]) && $errors[$field])); } echo '</fieldset>'; echo "<fieldset class='left'>"; echo form::submit(null, __('auth.changeEmail_field_submit')); echo '</fieldset>'; echo form::close(); echo '</div>';
/** * Registration procedure (from a given invitation) */ public function action_register() { $token = arr::get($_GET, 'token', NULL); if (!Model_Invite::valid($token)) { $this->message_add('Din inbjudan är ogiltig.', 'error'); // TODO: better message $this->request->redirect_back(); } else { $invite = Model_Invite::factory($token)->load(); } // Registrera användare if (!empty($_POST)) { $_POST['email'] = $invite->email; $_POST['logins'] = 0; $user = Sprig::factory('user', $_POST); /** * The following is executed as a transaction, and rolls * back if something goes wrong */ try { // Start transaction DB::query(NULL, 'BEGIN')->execute(); $user->create(); $user->add('roles', array(Sprig::factory('role', array('name' => 'login'))->load(), Sprig::factory('role', array('name' => 'ängel'))->load()))->update(); // Make invite invalid $invite->values(array('invitee' => $user->id))->update(); // Commit transaction DB::query(NULL, 'COMMIT')->execute(); // Log in! $this->auth->login($_POST['username'], $_POST['password']); // Welcome message and redirect to control panel $this->message_add(sprintf('Välkommen, %s! Du är nu registrerad och inloggad. Jag tog mig också friheten att dirigera dig till forumet.', html::chars($user->username))); // TODO: Make message $this->request->redirect('forum', 303); } catch (Exception $e) { // Rollback transaction (innodb ftw) DB::query(NULL, 'ROLLBACK')->execute(); // Non-validation errors are re-thrown and logged if (!$e instanceof Validate_Exception) { throw $e; } // Show validation errors foreach ($e->array->errors('user/register') as $error) { $this->message_add($error, 'error'); } } $this->request->reload(); } $this->template->content = View::factory('user/register')->set('invite', $invite); }
<tr> <th>Defaults</th> <td><?php if (count($array['_defaults']) == 0) { echo "none"; } foreach ($array['_defaults'] as $param => $default) { echo "<code>\"{$param}\" = \"{$default}\"</code><br/>"; } ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th>Compiled Regex</th> <td><code><?php echo html::chars($array['_route_regex']); ?> </code></td> </tr> </table> <?php } ?> <?php } else { ?> <p>No routes</p> <?php }
* @author Antti Qvickström * @copyright (c) 2010 Antti Qvickström * @license MIT license */ ?> <ul> <?php foreach ($gallery->find_images() as $image) { ?> <li class="unit size1of4"> <div class="thumb"> <?php echo html::anchor(url::model($gallery) . '/' . $image->id, html::image('http://' . Kohana::config('site.image_server') . '/kuvat/' . $gallery->dir . '/thumb_' . $image->legacy_filename), array('title' => html::chars($image->description))); ?> </div> <?php echo html::icon_value(array(':comments' => $image->comments), ':comments comment', ':comments comments', 'posts'); ?> <?php echo html::icon_value(array(':views' => $image->views), ':views view', ':views views', 'views'); ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ul>
/** * Escape special HTML chars ("<", ">", "&", etc.) to HTML entities. */ private static function _escape_for_html($dirty_html) { return html::chars($dirty_html); }
<html> <head> <title>Сайт pm-11</title> </head> <body> <a href="/group/create">Добавить</a></br> <?foreach($groups123 as $group):?> <a href="/group/read/<?php echo $group->id; ?> "><?php echo html::chars($group->name); ?> </a></br> <?endforeach?> </body> </html>
<?php foreach (Session::instance()->take('messages', array()) as $type => $msgs) { printf('<ul class="message %s">', html::chars($type)); foreach ($msgs as $msg) { printf('<li>%s</li>', $msg); } print '</ul>'; } /* End of file messages.php */ /* Location: ./views/koxtend/messages.php */
</dd> </dl> <?php echo form::close(); } ?> </div> <div id="art-Header-search"> <?php echo form::open('products/search'); ?> <dl> <dt>Szukaj:</dt> <dd><?php echo form::input('query', !empty($query) ? html::chars($query) : NULL, array('placeholder' => 'Szukaj…')); ?> </dd> <dd><?php echo form::submit('search', 'Szukaj', array('class' => 'art-button')); ?> </dd> </dl> <?php echo form::close(); ?> </div> </div> <div class="art-contentLayout"> <div class="art-sidebar1">
</td> <td> <?php echo $form->second_name; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><?php echo $form->label('address'); ?> </td> <td> <?php echo nl2br(html::chars($form->address)); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><?php echo $form->label('phone_number'); ?> </td> <td> <?php echo $form->phone_number; ?> </td> </tr>
<?php echo View::factory('common/header')->set('title', 'Home'); ?> <h3>Your Settings</h3> User - <?php echo html::chars($user->name()); ?> <br/> <?php if ($message !== false) { echo '<h2>', html::chars($message), '</h2>'; } $fields = array('firstname' => 'First Name', 'lastname' => 'Last Name', 'email' => 'Email', 'password' => 'Password', 'password2' => 'Confirm Password', 'key' => 'Auth Key'); echo form::open(); echo '<ul class="reg">'; foreach ($fields as $key => $label) { if ($key != 'password2') { $value = $user->{$key}; } $input_type = 'input'; $attr = array('class' => 'text'); $error = ''; $extra = ''; if ('password' == $key || 'password2' == $key) { $input_type = 'password'; $value = ''; $attr['autocomplete'] = 'off'; } if (isset($errors[$key])) { $error = $errors[$key];
//If the row containing the information is set, print out the information. if (isset($row)) { ?> <tr> <td><?php print html::chars($row->gname) . ' ' . html::chars($row->sname); ?> </td> <td><?php print $row->reg_id; ?> </td> <td><?php print html::chars($row->email); ?> </td> <td><?php print $row->statusToString(); ?> </td> <?php foreach ($actions as $action) { print '<td class="center">' . $action; '</td>'; } ?> </tr> <?php
<?php // Displayed feeds are cached for 5 minutes if (!Fragment::load('feed:' . $feed . ':' . $limit, Date::MINUTE * 5)) { // Parse the feed $items = Feed::parse($feed, $limit); // Set the "link" and "title" variable names isset($link) or $link = 'link'; isset($title) or $title = 'title'; foreach ($items as $item) { // Clean the title so no one can inject anything $clean = html::chars($item[$title]); // Shorten it to 50 characters, but don't cut words in half, add 2 so that if the 51st char is a space, it will grab the 52nd character, and the word its attached to, so that the strrpos below works. $short = Text::limit_chars($clean, 52, false, true); // If the string is longer than 50 chars, cut off the leftover workd from limit_chars, and append '...' if (strlen($short) > 50) { $short = substr($short, 0, strrpos($short, ' ')) . '…'; } // At this point, $short is at MAX 51 characters (50 characters of the string + "..."), usually less, because its rare for the words to line up exactly with the 50th character. echo '<li>' . HTML::anchor($item[$link], $short, array('title' => $clean)) . '</li>'; } Fragment::save(); }
Här samlar vi bilder från både matcher och änglamöten. Sitter du och trycker på lite bilder? Skicka dem till oss på <?php echo html::mailto('*****@*****.**'); ?> ! </p> <?php if (!empty($galleries)) { ?> <ol class="gallery galleries"> <?php foreach ($galleries as $gallery) { ?> <li><a href="<?php echo url::site(Route::get('gallery')->uri(array('galleri' => $gallery->path))); ?> "><?php echo html::chars($gallery->path); ?> (<?php echo $gallery->images; ?> bilder)</a></li> <?php } ?> </ol> <?php } ?> </div>
if (count($venue->images->find_all()) > 1) { ?> <article class="pictures lightboxed"> <header> <h3><?php echo __('Pictures'); ?> </h3> </header> <?php foreach ($venue->images->find_all() as $image) { if ($image->id != $venue->default_image_id) { ?> <?php echo html::anchor($image->url('normal'), html::img($image, 'thumb', __('Picture')), array('title' => html::chars($venue->name))); ?> <?php } } ?> </article> <?php } ?> </div> </section> <div class="lightbox" id="slideshow"> <a class="prev" title="<?php
<?php if ($event->venue_id) { ?> <span class="details venue">@ <?php echo html::anchor(url::model($event->venue), $event->venue->name); ?> , <?php echo html::chars($event->venue->city->city); ?> </span> <?php } elseif ($event->venue_name || $event->city_name) { ?> <span class="details venue">@ <?php echo html::chars($event->venue_name) . ($event->venue_name && $event->city_name ? ', ' : '') . html::chars($event->city_name); ?> </span> <?php } ?> <?php if ($event->age && $event->age != -1) { ?> <span class="details age">(<?php echo __('Age limit :limit', array(':limit' => '<var>' . $event->age . '</var>')); ?> )</span> <?php }
echo form::open("user/register?token={$invite->token}", array('class' => 'box')); ?> <h2>Registrera dig som Ängel!</h2> <dl> <dt><label>Namn <input type="text" name="username" class="voodoo" maxlength="50"></label></dt> <dd> Det alias eller nick du vill ha för att logga in med. Får inte vara längre än 50 tecken. </dd> <dt><label>Lösenord <input type="password" name="password" class="voodoo"></label></dt> <dd> Hitta på ett lösenord som du vill ha associerat till ditt konto och skriv in det i rutan ovan. Detta används när du loggar in. </dd> <dt><label>E-Mail <input type="text" disabled="disabled" value="<?php echo html::chars($invite->email); ?> " class="voodoo"></label></dt> <dd> Den mailadress som registreras till ditt konto. Den går att ändra efter registrering men inte innan dess. Adressen används för att återställa glömda lösenord. </dd> </dl> <p> <input type="submit" value="Registrera" class="voodoo"> </p> </form>
public function action_view($galleri) { $this->template->title = 'Änglarna Stockholms galleri: ' . html::chars($galleri); $this->template->content = View::factory('galleri/view')->set('images', Model_Gallery::factory($galleri)->load()->images)->set('title', $galleri); }
var disp = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, null).getPropertyValue('display'); // Toggle the state of the "display" style = disp == 'block' ? 'none' : 'block'; return false; } </script> <div id="kohana_error"> <h1><span class="type"><?php echo $type; ?> [ <?php echo $code; ?> ]:</span> <span class="message"><?php echo html::chars($message); ?> </span></h1> <div id="<?php echo $error_id; ?> " class="content"> <p><span class="file"><?php echo Kohana::debug_path($file); ?> [ <?php echo $line; ?> ]</span></p> <?php echo Kohana::debug_source($file, $line);
public function name() { return html::chars($this->firstname . ' ' . $this->lastname[0] . '.'); }