function wpla_woocommerce_custom_product_columns($column)
     global $post, $woocommerce, $the_product;
     if (empty($the_product) || $the_product->id != $post->ID) {
         $the_product = get_product($post);
     switch ($column) {
         case 'listed_on_amazon':
             // $item_source = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_amazon_item_source', true );
             // if ( ! $item_source ) return;
             // $asin = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_wpla_asin', true );
             // $asin = $listingsModel->getASINFromPostID( $post->ID );
             // if ( $asin ) $status = 'online';
             // get all listings for product ID
             $listingsModel = new WPLA_ListingsModel();
             $listings = $listingsModel->getAllItemsByPostID($post->ID);
             if (empty($listings)) {
                 // $listings = $listingsModel->getAllItemsByParentID( $post->ID );
                 // $item = $listings ? reset($listings) : false;
                 // get ALL child items (variations)
                 $listings = $listingsModel->getAllItemsByParentID($post->ID);
                 // echo "<pre>count 2: ";echo sizeof($listings);echo"</pre>";//die();
                 // group found child items by account
                 $grouped_listings = array();
                 foreach ($listings as $listing) {
                     $account_id = $listing->account_id;
                     if (isset($grouped_listings[$account_id])) {
                     } else {
                         $listing->counter = 1;
                         $grouped_listings[$account_id] = $listing;
                 $listings = $grouped_listings;
             // show select profile button if no listings found
             if (empty($listings)) {
                 if ($the_product->product_type == 'variable') {
                     $msg = 'Variable products can only be matched on the edit product page where you need to select an ASIN for each variation.';
                     echo '<a href="#" onclick="alert(\'' . $msg . '\');return false;" class="tips" data-tip="' . __('Match on Amazon', 'wpla') . '" style="width:16px;height:16px; padding:0; cursor:pointer;" ><img src="' . WPLA_URL . '/img/search3.png" alt="match" /></a>';
                 } elseif ($the_product->post->post_status == 'draft') {
                     $msg = 'This product is a draft. You need to publish your product before you can list it on Amazon.';
                     echo '<a href="#" onclick="alert(\'' . $msg . '\');return false;" class="tips" data-tip="' . __('Match on Amazon', 'wpla') . '" style="width:16px;height:16px; padding:0; cursor:pointer;" ><img src="' . WPLA_URL . '/img/search3.png" alt="match" /></a>';
                 } else {
                     $tb_url = 'admin-ajax.php?action=wpla_show_product_matches&id=' . $post->ID . '&width=640&height=420';
                     echo '<a href="' . $tb_url . '" class="thickbox tips" data-tip="' . __('Match on Amazon', 'wpla') . '" style="width:16px;height:16px; padding:0; cursor:pointer;" ><img src="' . WPLA_URL . '/img/search3.png" alt="match" /></a>';
             // show all found listings
             foreach ($listings as $item) {
                 $msg_1 = 'Amazon item is ' . $item->status . '.';
                 $msg_2 = '';
                 $msg_3 = 'Click to view all listings for this product in WP-Lister.';
                 $linkurl = 'admin.php?page=wpla&amp;s=' . $post->ID;
                 $imgfile = 'amazon-16x16.png';
                 switch ($item->status) {
                     case 'online':
                     case 'changed':
                         // $msg_1   = 'This product is published on Amazon';
                         $msg_3 = 'Click to open this listing on Amazon in a new tab.';
                         $imgfile = 'icon-success-32x32.png';
                         // get proper amazon_url
                         if ($item->asin && $item->account_id) {
                             $account = new WPLA_AmazonAccount($item->account_id);
                             $market = new WPLA_AmazonMarket($account->market_id);
                             $amazon_url = 'http://www.' . $market->url . '/dp/' . $item->asin . '/';
                         $linkurl = isset($amazon_url) ? $amazon_url : '' . $item->asin;
                     case 'matched':
                     case 'prepared':
                         // echo '<img src="'.WPLA_URL.'/img/amazon-orange-16x16.png" class="tips" data-tip="'.__('This product is scheduled to be submitted to Amazon.','wpla').'" />';
                         $imgfile = 'amazon-orange-16x16.png';
                     case 'failed':
                         // echo '<img src="'.WPLA_URL.'/img/amazon-red-16x16.png" class="tips" data-tip="'.__('There was a problem submitting this product to Amazon.','wpla').'" />';
                         $imgfile = 'amazon-red-16x16.png';
                         // echo '<img src="'.WPLA_URL.'/img/search3.png" class="tips" data-tip="unmatched" />';
                 // get account
                 $accounts = WPLA()->accounts;
                 $account = isset($accounts[$item->account_id]) ? $accounts[$item->account_id] : false;
                 if ($account && sizeof($accounts) > 0) {
                     $msg_2 = '<i>' . $account->title . ' (' . $account->market_code . ')</i><br>';
                 // show counter
                 if (isset($item->counter)) {
                     $msg_2 .= '<small>Variation listings: ' . $item->counter . '</small><br>';
                 // output icon
                 $msg_html = '<b>' . $msg_1 . '</b><br/>' . $msg_2 . '<br/>' . $msg_3;
                 echo '<a href="' . $linkurl . '" target="_blank">';
                 echo '<img src="' . WPLA_URL . '/img/' . $imgfile . '" class="tips" data-tip="' . esc_attr($msg_html) . '" style="width:16px;height:16px; padding:0; cursor:pointer;" />';
                 echo '</a>';
             // each listing
     // switch ($column)