public function checkForDuplicates()
     // show warning if duplicate products found
     $listingsModel = new WPLA_ListingsModel();
     $duplicateProducts = $listingsModel->getAllDuplicateProducts();
     // $duplicateASINs    = $listingsModel->getAllDuplicateASINs();
     $duplicateSKUs = $listingsModel->getAllDuplicateSKUs();
     $msg = '';
     // if ( ! empty($duplicateProducts) || ! empty($duplicateASINs) || ! empty($duplicateSKUs) ) {
     if (!empty($duplicateProducts) || !empty($duplicateSKUs)) {
         $duplicates_total = max(count($duplicateProducts), count($duplicateSKUs));
         $msg .= '<p><b>' . sprintf(__('Warning: There are %s duplicate listings. Your action is required.', 'wpla'), $duplicates_total) . '</b>';
         $msg .= '&nbsp; <a href="#" onclick="jQuery(\'#wpla_dupe_details\').toggle();return false;" class="button button-small">' . __('Show duplicates', 'wpla') . '</a></p>';
         $msg .= '<div id="wpla_dupe_details" style="display:none"><p>';
         $msg .= __('To list on Amazon it is important for each product to have a unique SKU.', 'wpla');
         $msg .= ' ';
         $msg .= __('Additionally, there can be only one listing per product per account.', 'wpla');
         $msg .= '<br>';
         $msg .= '<br>';
         $msg .= __('Please keep only one listing and remove all other duplicates from the database.', 'wpla');
         $msg .= '<br><br>';
         $msg .= $this->renderDupeTable($duplicateSKUs, 'sku');
         // $msg .= $this->renderDupeTable( $duplicateASINs, 'asin' );
         $msg .= $this->renderDupeTable($duplicateProducts, 'post_id');
         // $msg .= __('If you are not planning to use the synchronize sales option, you can hide this warning in settings.','wpla');
         $msg .= '</p></div>';
         $this->showMessage($msg, 2);