include "inc/"; /* * Defining the pages */ $pages = array("category"); /* * Controller routines */ $id = $_GET["id"]; $seo = $_GET["seo"]; $left_limit = 0; $right_limit = 0; if ($seo != "") { $res = ShopobjectsCtl::SeoGetShopobjects($seo, DEFAULT_LANGUAGE, "price", "ASC", 0, 0, array("name", "img1", "price", "short_description")); } else { $res = ShopobjectsCtl::GetShopobjects($id, DEFAULT_LANGUAGE, "price", "ASC", 0, 0, array("name", "img1", "price", "short_description")); } if (count($res["products"]) == 0) { $res = 0; } /* * Assignments to the engine */ $tpl->assign("content_pages", $pages); $tpl->assign("res", $res); $tpl->assign("title", $res["title"]); $tpl->assign("keywords", $res["keywords"]); $tpl->assign("description", $res["description"]); $tpl->assign("img", $res["attributes"]["img1"]["value"]); /* * Output of the page
* Init routine */ include "inc/"; /* * Defining the pages */ $pages = array("category"); /* * Controller routines */ $searchstring = $_GET["searchstring"]; $_GET["page"] != "" ? $page = $_GET["page"] : ($page = 1); $constraint = array(array("OR" => array("name" => array("LIKE", $searchstring)), array("short_description" => array("LIKE", $searchstring)), array("description" => array("LIKE", $searchstring)), array("vendor" => array("LIKE", $searchstring)), array("tags" => array("LIKE", $searchstring)))); $left_limit = 0; $right_limit = 0; $res = ShopobjectsCtl::SearchProducts($constraint, $left_limit, $right_limit, array(), "ASC", DEFAULT_LANGUAGE, array("name", "img1", "price", "short_description")); $res["pages"] = ceil($res["count"] / CATEGORY_PRODUCT_COUNT); if (count($res["products"]) == 0) { $res = 0; } /* * Assignments to the engine */ $tpl->assign("content_pages", $pages); $tpl->assign("res", $res); /* * Output of the page */ $tpl->draw("header"); $tpl->draw("body"); $tpl->draw("menu");
* Init routine */ include "inc/"; /* * Defining the pages */ $pages = array("get_product_details"); /* * Controller routines */ $id_product = $_GET["id_product"]; $seo = $_GET["seo"]; if ($seo != "") { $res = ShopobjectsCtl::SeoGetProductDetails($seo); } else { $res = ShopobjectsCtl::GetProductDetails($id_product); } if ($res["class"] == "sizeprod") { $sizes = array(); $sizes[$res["attributes"]["size"]["value"]] = $res["id"]; foreach ($res["variations"] as $variation) { $sizes[$variation["attributes"]["size"]["value"]] = $variation["id"]; } asort($sizes); $res["sizes"] = $sizes; } $tags = explode(",", $res["attributes"]["tags"]["value"]); $res["attributes"]["tags"]["arr"] = $tags; /* * Assignments to the engine */
* Init routine */ include "inc/"; /* * Defining the pages */ $pages = array("get_content_details"); /* * Controller routines */ $id_content = $_GET["id_content"]; $seo = $_GET["seo"]; if ($seo != "") { $res = ShopobjectsCtl::SeoGetContentDetails($seo); } else { $res = ShopobjectsCtl::GetContentDetails($id_content); } /* * Assignments to the engine */ $tpl->assign("content_pages", $pages); $tpl->assign("res", $res); $tpl->assign("title", $res["title"]); $tpl->assign("keywords", $res["keywords"]); $tpl->assign("description", $res["description"]); $tpl->assign("img", $res["attributes"]["img1"]["value"]); /* * Output of the page */ $tpl->draw("header"); $tpl->draw("body");