throw new Exception("No file {$pagefile}"); } // ob_start(); require_once $pagefile; // ob_end_clean(); $class = ucfirst($name) . 'Page'; if (!class_exists($class)) { throw new Exception("Class {$class} not found"); } $page = new $class($config, $services); if (!$page instanceof AdminPage) { throw new Exception("Not an admin page"); } return $page; } } try { $config = Server::getDefaultConfig(); $services = new SblamServices(sblambaseconnect($config)); Admin::process($config, $services); } catch (Exception $e) { header('HTTP/1.1 500 ERR'); header("Content-Type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8"); if (ini_get('display_errors')) { echo $e; } else { echo "Error " . $e->getSourceLine(); } error_log($e->getMessage() . " in " . $e->getSourceFile() . ':' . $e->getSourceLine()); warn($e, "Died"); }
/** extract all IPs from request headers @param headers $_SERVER array @return array */ static function getRequestIPs($headers = NULL, $routable = true) { if (NULL === $headers) { $headers = $_SERVER; } if (!isset($headers['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { $headers['REMOTE_ADDR'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } $out = array($headers['REMOTE_ADDR'] => true); // order IS important for security $search = array('X_FORWARDED_FOR', 'FORWARDED_FOR', 'CLIENT_IP', 'X_CLIENT_IP', 'X_CLUSTER_CLIENT_IP', 'X_FORWARDED', 'PC_REMOTE_ADDR', 'FORWARDED', 'X_WAP_CLIENT_IP', 'X_COMING_FROM', 'X_REAL_IP'); foreach ($search as $h) { $h = 'HTTP_' . $h; if (isset($headers[$h]) && preg_match_all('!\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}!', $headers[$h], $t)) { foreach ($t[0] as $ip) { if (!isset($out[$ip])) { $out[$ip] = true; } } } } foreach ($out as $ip => $whatever) { if (self::isPrivateOrReservedIP($ip)) { //d($ip,'Unroutable IP - dropping'); unset($out[$ip]); } } if (count($out) > 1) { d('checking for proxies'); $db = sblambaseconnect(Server::getDefaultConfig()); $prep = $db->prepare("/*maxtime=1*/SELECT 1 FROM trustedproxies p JOIN dnscache d ON = WHERE d.ip = ?"); if (!$prep) { throw new Exception("b0rked" . implode(',', $db->errorInfo())); } foreach ($out as $ip => $whatever) { if (!$prep->execute(array(sprintf("%u", ip2long($ip))))) { throw new Exception("bork" . implode($prep->errorInfo())); } if (count($prep->fetchAll())) { d($ip, 'found to be a trusted proxy'); unset($out[$ip]); } else { d($ip, 'not a trusted proxy, bye!'); break; } } } return array_keys($out); }