private function load_skin() { global $globals; //Force h4ck3s (reloaded) /* $gf = new GroupFilter((Group::isId('h4ck3s')) ? new GFC_Id('h4ck3s') : new GFC_Name('h4ck3s')); $group = $gf->get(true); if(!S::user()->hasRights($group, new Rights('member')) && !isSmartphone()){ S::set('skin', 'default.h4ck3s'); } */ if (!S::has('skin') || S::v('skin') == "") { if (Cookie::has('skin')) { $skin = Cookie::v('skin'); } else { $skin = isSmartphone() ? $globals->smartphone_skin : $globals->skin; } S::set('skin', $skin); } else { $skin = S::v('skin'); if (S::v('auth') >= AUTH_COOKIE && Cookie::v('skin') != $skin) { Cookie::set('skin', $skin, 300); } } return $skin; }
function handler_exit($page, $level = null) { global $globals; if (S::has('suid')) { Platal::session()->stopSUID(); pl_redirect('/'); } Platal::session()->destroy(); http_redirect($globals->baseurl_http); $page->changeTpl('exit.tpl'); }
private static function init($type) { if (Platal::globals()->cacheEnabled() && S::has('__DE_' . $type)) { self::$enumerations[$type] = S::v('__DE_' . $type); } else { $cls = "DE_" . ucfirst($type); $obj = new $cls(); self::$enumerations[$type] = $obj; if (Platal::globals()->cacheEnabled() && $obj->capabilities & DirEnumeration::SAVE_IN_SESSION) { S::set('__DE_' . $type, $obj); } } }
function handler_su($page, $uid = null) { if (S::has('suid')) { $page->kill("Déjà en SUID !!!"); } if ($uid === null) { throw new Exception("You forgot to pass the uid you want to impersonate"); } $user = new UserFilter(new UFC_Uid($uid)); $user = $user->get(true); if ($user !== false) { $user->select(UserSelect::login()); if (!Platal::session()->startSUID($user)) { $page->trigError('Impossible d\'effectuer un SUID sur ' . $uid); } else { S::logger()->log('admin/su', array('uid' => $user->id())); pl_redirect('home'); } } else { throw new Exception("Impossible de faire un SUID sur " . $uid); } }
public function setSkin() { if (S::logged() && (!S::has('skin') || S::suid())) { $res = XDB::query('SELECT skin_tpl FROM accounts AS a INNER JOIN skins AS s on ( = WHERE a.uid = {?} AND skin_tpl != \'\'', S::i('uid')); S::set('skin', $res->fetchOneCell()); } }
function handler_edit($page, $action = 'show', $qid = 'root') { $this->load(''); $action = Post::v('survey_action', $action); $qid = Post::v('survey_qid', $qid); if (Post::has('survey_cancel')) { // after cancelling changes, shows the survey if (S::has('survey')) { $action = 'show'; } else { // unless no editing has been done at all (shows to the surveys index page) return $this->handler_index($page); } } $page->assign('survey_editmode', true); if (S::has('survey_id')) { // if 'survey_id' is in session, it means we are modifying a survey in admin mode $page->assign('survey_updatemode', true); } if ($action == 'show' && !S::has('survey')) { $action = 'new'; } if ($action == 'question') { // {{{ modifies an existing question if (Post::has('survey_submit')) { // if the form has been submitted, makes the modifications $survey = unserialize(S::v('survey')); $args = Post::v('survey_question'); if (!$survey->editQuestion($qid, $args)) { // update the survey object structure return $this->show_error($page, '', 'survey/edit'); } $this->show_survey($page, $survey); $this->store_session($survey); } else { // if a form has not been submitted, shows modification form $survey = unserialize(S::v('survey')); $current = $survey->toArray($qid); // gets the current parameters of the question if ($current == null) { return $this->show_error($page, '', 'survey/edit'); } $this->show_form($page, $action, $qid, $current['type'], $current); } // }}} } elseif ($action == 'new') { // {{{ create a new survey : actually store the root question if (Post::has('survey_submit')) { // if the form has been submitted, creates the survey $this->clear_session(); $survey = new Survey(Post::v('survey_question')); // creates the object structure $this->show_survey($page, $survey); $this->store_session($survey); } else { $this->clear_session(); $this->show_form($page, $action, 'root', 'newsurvey'); } // }}} } elseif ($action == 'add') { // {{{ adds a new question if (Post::has('survey_submit')) { // if the form has been submitted, adds the question $survey = unserialize(S::v('survey')); if (!$survey->addQuestion($qid, $survey->factory(Post::v('survey_type'), Post::v('survey_question')))) { return $this->show_error($page, '', 'survey/edit'); } $this->show_survey($page, $survey); $this->store_session($survey); } else { $this->show_form($page, $action, $qid); } // }}} } elseif ($action == 'del') { // {{{ deletes a question if (Post::has('survey_submit')) { // if a confirmation has been sent, deletes the question $survey = unserialize(S::v('survey')); if (!$survey->delQuestion(Post::v('survey_qid'))) { // deletes the node in the survey object structure return $this->show_error($page, '', 'survey/edit'); } $this->show_survey($page, $survey); $this->store_session($survey); } else { // if user has not confirmed, shows a confirmation form $survey = unserialize(S::v('survey')); $current = $survey->toArray($qid); // needed to get the title of the question to delete (more user-friendly than an id) if ($current == null) { return $this->show_error($page, '', 'survey/edit'); } $this->show_confirm($page, 'Êtes-vous certain de vouloir supprimer la question intitulé "' . $current['question'] . '" ? ' . 'Attention, cela supprimera en même temps toutes les questions qui dépendent de celle-ci.', 'edit', array('action' => 'del', 'qid' => $qid)); } // }}} } elseif ($action == 'show') { // {{{ simply shows the survey in its current state $this->show_survey($page, unserialize(S::v('survey'))); // }}} } elseif ($action == 'valid') { // {{{ validates the proposition, i.e stores the proposition in the database // but an admin will still need to validate the survey before it is activated if (Post::has('survey_submit')) { // needs a confirmation before storing the proposition $survey = unserialize(S::v('survey')); if (S::has('survey_id')) { // if 'survey_id' is in session, we are modifying an existing survey (in admin mode) instead of proposing a new one $link = S::has('survey_validate') ? 'admin/validate' : 'survey/admin'; if ($survey->updateSurvey()) { // updates the database according the new survey object structure $this->show_success($page, "Les modifications sur le sondage ont bien été enregistrées.", $link); } else { $this->show_error($page, '', $link); } } else { // if no 'survey_id' is in session, we are indeed proposing a new survey if ($survey->proposeSurvey()) { // stores the survey object structure in database $this->show_success($page, "Votre proposition de sondage a bien été enregistrée,\n elle est en attente de validation par un administrateur du site.", 'survey'); } else { $this->show_error($page, '', 'survey'); } } $this->clear_session(); } else { // asks for a confirmation if it has not been sent $survey = unserialize(S::v('survey')); $errors = $survey->checkSyntax(); if (!is_null($errors)) { $this->show_error($page, "", 'survey/edit', $errors); } else { if (S::has('survey_id')) { $this->show_confirm($page, "Veuillez confirmer l'enregistrement des modifications apportées à ce sondage.", 'edit', array('action' => 'valid')); } else { $this->show_confirm($page, "Veuillez confirmer l'envoi de cette proposition de sondage.", 'edit', array('action' => 'valid')); } } } // }}} } elseif ($action == 'cancel') { // {{{ cancels the creation/modification of a survey if (Post::has('survey_submit')) { // needs a confirmation if (S::has('survey_id')) { // only possible when modifying a survey in admin mode if (S::has('survey_validate')) { // if a link has been supplied, uses it $this->clear_session(); return $this->show_success($page, "Les modifications effectuées ont été annulées", 'admin/validate'); } else { // else shows the admin index $this->clear_session(); return $this->handler_admin($page); } } else { $this->clear_session(); return $this->handler_index($page); // else shows the 'normal' index } } else { // asks for a confirmation if it has not been sent $this->show_confirm($page, "Êtes-vous certain de vouloir annuler totalement l'édition de ce sondage ? Attention, " . "toutes les données éditées jusque là seront définitivement perdues.", 'edit', array('action' => $action)); } } // }}} }
public static function getSilentWithValues($login, $values) { global $globals; if ($login == 0) { // If the anonymous_user is already in session if (S::has('anonymous_user')) { return S::v('anonymous_user'); } $uid = IPAddress::getInstance()->is_x_internal() ? $globals->anonymous->internal : $globals->anonymous->external; S::set('newuid', $uid); try { $u = new User($uid); $u->select(UserSelect::login()); } catch (Exception $e) { S::kill('newuid'); throw $e; } S::kill('newuid'); S::set('anonymous_user', $u); return $u; } throw new Exception('DEPRECATED call to getSilentWithValues()'); }
function gpex_make($chlg, $privkey, $datafields, $charset) { $tohash = "1{$chlg}{$privkey}"; $params = ""; $fieldarr = explode(',', $datafields); $user =& S::user(); if ($user->hasProfile()) { /* Transition table for authentification. */ $personnal_data = $user->profile()->data(); $personnal_data['full_promo'] = $personnal_data['promo']; $personnal_data['promo'] = $personnal_data['entry_year']; $personnal_data['matricule'] = $personnal_data['xorg_id']; $personnal_data['matricule_ax'] = $personnal_data['ax_id']; $personnal_data['promo_sortie'] = $personnal_data['grad_year']; $personnal_data['nationalite'] = $personnal_data['nationality1']; $personnal_data['naissance'] = $personnal_data['birthdate']; $personnal_data['deces'] = $personnal_data['deathdate']; $personnal_data['nom'] = $personnal_data['lastname']; $personnal_data['prenom'] = $personnal_data['firstname']; $personnal_data['flags'] = $user->profile()->isFemale() ? 'femme' : ''; } else { // Missing fields: promo, entry_year, grad_year, ax_id, xorg_id, forlife $personnal_data = array('lastname' => $user->lastname, 'firstname' => $user->firstname, 'sex' => $user->gender); } foreach ($fieldarr as $val) { // Determine the requested value, and add it to the answer. if ($val == 'perms') { $params .= gpex_prepare_param($val, S::admin() ? 'admin' : 'user', $tohash, $charset); } else { if ($val == 'forlife') { $params .= gpex_prepare_param($val, S::v('hruid'), $tohash, $charset); } else { if (S::has($val)) { $params .= gpex_prepare_param($val, S::v($val), $tohash, $charset); } else { if (isset($personnal_data[$val])) { $params .= gpex_prepare_param($val, $personnal_data[$val], $tohash, $charset); } else { if ($val == 'username') { $min_username = XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT email FROM email_source_account WHERE uid = {?} AND FIND_IN_SET(\'bestalias\', flags)', S::i('uid')); $params .= gpex_prepare_param($val, is_null($min_username) ? '' : $min_username, $tohash, $charset); } else { if ($val == 'grpauth') { if (isset($_GET['group'])) { $res = XDB::query("SELECT perms\n FROM group_members\n INNER JOIN groups ON(id = asso_id)\n WHERE uid = {?} AND diminutif = {?}", S::v('uid'), $_GET['group']); $perms = $res->fetchOneCell(); } else { // if no group asked, return main rights $perms = S::admin() ? 'admin' : 'membre'; } $params .= gpex_prepare_param($val, $perms, $tohash, $charset); } else { $params .= gpex_prepare_param($val, '', $tohash, $charset); } } } } } } } $tohash .= "1"; $auth = md5($tohash); return array($auth, "&auth=" . $auth . $params); }
/** Start a session as user $user */ protected function startSessionAs($user, $level) { /* Session data and required data mismatch */ if (!is_null(S::v('user')) && S::v('user')->id() != $user->id() || S::has('uid') && S::i('uid') != $user->id()) { return false; } else { if (S::has('uid')) { return true; } } /* If we want to do a SUID */ if ($level == AUTH_SUID) { S::set('auth', AUTH_MDP); } S::set('user', $user); S::set('uid', $user->id()); if (!isSmartphone()) { S::set('skin', $user->skin()); } if (!S::suid()) { if (Post::v('remember', 'false') == 'on') { $this->setAccessCookie(false); } S::logger()->saveLastSession(); } else { S::logger()->log("suid_start", S::v('hruid') . ' by ' . S::suid('hruid')); } // Set session perms from User perms S::set('perms', $user->perms()); /* Clean temp var 'cookie_uid' */ S::kill('cookie_uid'); return true; }