Exemplo n.º 1
 public function renderContent()
     global $platformLanguage;
     $out = '';
     // Last user action
     $lastUserAction = isset($_SESSION['last_action']) && $_SESSION['last_action'] != '1970-01-01 00:00:00' ? $_SESSION['last_action'] : date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $userCommands = array();
     // User commands
     // 'Create Course Site' command. Only available for teacher.
     if (claro_is_allowed_to_create_course()) {
         $userCommands[] = '<a href="' . claro_htmlspecialchars(Url::Contextualize(get_path('clarolineRepositoryWeb') . 'course/create.php')) . '" class="userCommandsItem">' . '<img src="' . get_icon_url('courseadd') . '" alt="" /> ' . get_lang('Create a course site') . '</a>' . "\n";
     } elseif ($GLOBALS['currentUser']->isCourseCreator) {
         $userCommands[] = '<span class="userCommandsItemDisabled">' . '<img src="' . get_icon_url('courseadd') . '" alt="" /> ' . get_lang('Create a course site') . '</span>' . "\n";
     if (get_conf('allowToSelfEnroll', true)) {
         $userCommands[] = '<a href="' . claro_htmlspecialchars(Url::Contextualize(get_path('clarolineRepositoryWeb') . 'auth/courses.php?cmd=rqReg&amp;categoryId=0')) . '" class="userCommandsItem">' . '<img src="' . get_icon_url('enroll') . '" alt="" /> ' . get_lang('Enrol on a new course') . '</a>' . "\n";
         $userCommands[] = '<a href="' . claro_htmlspecialchars(Url::Contextualize(get_path('clarolineRepositoryWeb') . 'auth/courses.php?cmd=rqUnreg')) . '" class="userCommandsItem">' . '<img src="' . get_icon_url('unenroll') . '" alt="" /> ' . get_lang('Remove course enrolment') . '</a>' . "\n";
     $userCommands[] = '<a href="' . claro_htmlspecialchars(Url::Contextualize(get_path('clarolineRepositoryWeb') . 'course/platform_courses.php')) . '" class="userCommandsItem">' . '<img src="' . get_icon_url('course') . '" alt="" /> ' . get_lang('All platform courses') . '</a>' . "\n";
     $userCommands[] = '<a href="' . claro_htmlspecialchars(Url::Contextualize(get_path('clarolineRepositoryWeb') . 'notification_date.php')) . '" class="userCommandsItem">' . '<img class="iconDefinitionList" src="' . get_icon_url('hot') . '" alt="' . get_lang('New items') . '" />' . ' ' . get_lang('New items') . ' ' . get_lang('to another date') . (substr($lastUserAction, strlen($lastUserAction) - 8) == '00:00:00' ? ' [' . claro_html_localised_date(get_locale('dateFormatNumeric'), strtotime($lastUserAction)) . ']' : '') . '</a>' . "\n";
     $userCourseList = render_user_course_list();
     $userCourseListDesactivated = render_user_course_list_desactivated();
     $out .= '<div class="userCommands">' . '<h2>' . get_lang('Manage my courses') . '</h2>' . claro_html_list($userCommands) . '</div>' . '<div class="userCourseList">' . '<h2>' . get_lang('My course list') . '</h2>' . $userCourseList;
     if (!empty($userCourseListDesactivated)) {
         $out .= '<h4>' . get_lang('Deactivated course list') . '</h4>' . $userCourseListDesactivated;
     $out .= '</div>';
       . '</tr>'
       . '</tbody>'
       . '</table>'*/
     $this->content = $out;
     return $this->content;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Render content
 public function render()
     CssLoader::getInstance()->load('profile', 'all');
     $userData = user_get_properties($this->userId);
     $pictureUrl = '';
     if (get_conf('allow_profile_picture')) {
         $picturePath = user_get_picture_path($userData);
         if ($picturePath && file_exists($picturePath)) {
             $pictureUrl = user_get_picture_url($userData);
         } else {
             $pictureUrl = get_icon_url('nopicture');
     $userFullName = claro_htmlspecialchars(get_lang('%firstName %lastName', array('%firstName' => $userData['firstname'], '%lastName' => $userData['lastname'])));
     $dock = new ClaroDock('userProfileBox');
     $template = new CoreTemplate('user_profilebox.tpl.php');
     $template->assign('userId', $this->userId);
     $template->assign('pictureUrl', $pictureUrl);
     $template->assign('userFullName', $userFullName);
     $template->assign('dock', $dock);
     $template->assign('condensedMode', $this->condensedMode);
     $template->assign('userData', $userData);
     return $template->render();
Exemplo n.º 3
function db_init($db_group = 'default')
    IS_DB_ACTIVE or show_error('please check your database configration');
    $db = false;
    $db_username = '';
    $db_passwd = '';
    $db_database = '';
    $db_host = 'localhost';
    $db_port = '3306';
    $db_conf = get_conf('db_conf');
    $charset = str_replace('-', '', CHARSET);
    //将 utf-8 切换为 utf8
    if (!$db_conf) {
        show_error('none valid database configration!');
    } else {
        if (!array_key_exists($db_group, $db_conf)) {
            show_error("invalid database group '{$db_group}' called!");
        } else {
            $db = new mysqli($db_host, $db_username, $db_passwd, $db_database, $db_port);
            if ($db->connect_errno) {
                $error_msg = convert_str('database established error - error code: ' . $db->connect_errno . " | " . 'error msg: ' . $db->connect_error);
            } else {
                //由 set names xxx 升级为该行
    return $db;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function export()
     $postsList = $this->loadTopic($this->getTopicId());
     $topicInfo = get_topic_settings($this->getTopicId());
     $htmlContent = '<p>' . "\n" . '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="1">' . "\n" . '<tbody>' . "\n" . '<tr>' . "\n" . '<th colspan="2" style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #EDF1E3; color: #669933; border-bottom: 1px solid #96BB7A;">' . claro_utf8_encode($topicInfo['topic_title']) . '</th>' . '</tr>' . "\n";
     foreach ($postsList as $post) {
         $htmlContent .= '<tr>' . "\n" . '<td style="width: 150px; background-color: #EEEEEE;">' . "\n" . '<div style="font-weight: bold;">' . claro_utf8_encode($post['firstname'] . ' ' . $post['lastname'], get_conf('charset')) . '</div>' . "\n" . '<small>' . claro_html_localised_date(get_locale('dateTimeFormatLong'), datetime_to_timestamp($post['post_time'])) . '</small>' . "\n" . '</td>' . "\n" . '<td style="width: 354px;">' . claro_utf8_encode(claro_parse_user_text(strip_tags($post['post_text'])), get_conf('charset')) . '</td>' . "\n" . '</tr>' . "\n";
     $htmlContent .= '</tbody>' . "\n" . '</table>' . "\n" . '</p>';
     //exit( claro_utf8_decode($htmlContent) );
     $this->pdf->writeHTML($htmlContent, true, 0, true, 0);
     switch ($this->output) {
         case 'screen':
             $this->pdf->Output(claro_utf8_encode($topicInfo['topic_id'] . '_' . $topicInfo['topic_title'] . '.pdf'), 'D');
             $path = get_conf('rootSys') . get_conf('tmpPathSys') . '/forum_export/';
             $this->pdf->Output($path . claro_utf8_encode(replace_dangerous_char($topicInfo['topic_id'] . '_' . $topicInfo['topic_title']) . '.pdf'), 'F');
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Build the file path of a textzone in a given context
  * @param string $key
  * @param array $context specify the context to build the path.
  * @param array $right specify an array of right to specify the file
  * @return file path
 public static function get_textzone_file_path($key, $context = null, $right = null)
     $textZoneFile = null;
     $key .= '.';
     if (!is_null($right) && is_array($right)) {
         foreach ($right as $context => $rightInContext) {
             if (is_array($rightInContext)) {
                 $key .= $context . '_';
                 foreach ($rightInContext as $rightName => $rightValue) {
                     if (is_bool($rightValue)) {
                         $key .= $rightValue ? $rightName : 'not_' . $rightName;
                     } else {
                         $key .= $rightName . '_' . $rightValue;
                     $key .= '.';
     if (is_array($context) && array_key_exists(CLARO_CONTEXT_COURSE, $context)) {
         if (is_array($context) && array_key_exists(CLARO_CONTEXT_GROUP, $context)) {
             $textZoneFile = get_conf('coursesRepositorySys') . claro_get_course_group_path($context) . '/textzone/' . $key . 'inc.html';
         } else {
             $textZoneFile = get_conf('coursesRepositorySys') . claro_get_course_path($context[CLARO_CONTEXT_COURSE]) . '/textzone/' . $key . 'inc.html';
     if (is_null($textZoneFile)) {
         $textZoneFile = get_path('rootSys') . 'platform/textzone/' . $key . 'inc.html';
     return $textZoneFile;
Exemplo n.º 6
 function ClaroPHPMailer()
     //prevent phpMailer from echo'ing anything
     // set charset
     $this->CharSet = get_locale('charset');
     if (get_conf('smtp_host') != '') {
         // set smtp mode and smtp host
         $this->Host = get_conf('smtp_host');
         if (get_conf('smtp_username') != '') {
             // SMTP authentification
             $this->SMTPAuth = true;
             // turn on SMTP
             $this->Username = get_conf('smtp_username');
             // SMTP username
             $this->Password = get_conf('smtp_password');
             // SMTP password
         if (get_conf('smtp_port') != '') {
             $this->Port = (int) get_conf('smtp_port');
         if (get_conf('smtp_secure') != '') {
             $this->SMTPSecure = get_conf('smtp_secure');
     } else {
         // set sendmail mode
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Set the authentication profile options. Contains
  *  $data['courseRegistrationAllowed'] with value true, false or null (let the platform decide)
  *  $data['courseEnrolmentMode'] with value 'open', 'close', 'validation' or null (let the platform decide)
  *  $data['defaultCourseProfile'] profile attributed by default to the user when registering to a new course or null
  *  $data['editableProfileFields'] array of editable fileds in the user profile or null
  * @return $this
 public function setAuthDriverOptions($data)
     if (isset($data['courseEnrolmentMode'])) {
         $this->courseEnrolmentMode = $data['courseEnrolmentMode'];
     } else {
         $this->courseEnrolmentMode = null;
     if (isset($data['defaultCourseProfile']) && !is_null($data['defaultCourseProfile'])) {
         $this->defaultCourseProfile = $data['defaultCourseProfile'];
     } else {
         $this->defaultCourseProfile = 'user';
     if (isset($data['editableProfileFields']) && !empty($data['editableProfileFields'])) {
         $this->editableProfileFields = $data['editableProfileFields'];
     } else {
         if (empty($data['readonlyProfileFields'])) {
             $this->editableProfileFields = get_conf('profile_editable');
         } else {
             $baseProfileFeilds = get_conf('profile_editable');
             $this->editableProfileFields = array();
             foreach ($baseProfileFeilds as $profileField) {
                 if (!in_array($profileField, $data['readonlyProfileFields'])) {
                     $this->editableProfileFields[] = $profileField;
     if (isset($data['courseRegistrationAllowed']) && !is_null($data['courseRegistrationAllowed'])) {
         $this->courseRegistrationAllowed = $data['courseRegistrationAllowed'];
     } else {
         $this->courseRegistrationAllowed = get_conf('allowToSelfEnroll', true);
     return $this;
Exemplo n.º 8
 * @version     $Revision: 13708 $
 * @copyright   (c) 2001-2011, Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL)
 * @license     http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html (GPL) GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
 * @package     CLANN
 * @subpackage  CLICAL
 * @author      Claro Team <*****@*****.**>
function CLANN_write_ical($iCal, $context)
    if (is_array($context) && count($context) > 0) {
        $courseId = array_key_exists(CLARO_CONTEXT_COURSE, $context) ? $context[CLARO_CONTEXT_COURSE] : claro_get_current_course_id();
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/announcement.lib.php';
    $courseData = claro_get_course_data($courseId);
    $toolNameList = claro_get_tool_name_list();
    $announcementList = announcement_get_item_list($context, 'DESC');
    $organizer = (array) array($courseData['titular'], $courseData['email']);
    $attendees = array();
    $categories = array(get_conf('siteName'), $courseData['officialCode'], trim($toolNameList['CLANN']));
    foreach ($announcementList as $announcementItem) {
        if ('SHOW' == $announcementItem['visibility']) {
            $rssList[] = array( 'title'       => trim($announcementItem['title'])
            ,                   'category'    => trim($toolNameList['CLANN'])
            ,                   'guid'        => get_module_url('CLANN') . '/announcements.php?cidReq='.claro_get_current_course_id().'&l#ann'.$announcementItem['id']
            ,                   'link'        => get_module_url('CLANN') . '/announcements.php?cidReq='.claro_get_current_course_id().'&l#ann'.$announcementItem['id']
            ,                   'description' => trim(str_replace('<!-- content: html -->','',$announcementItem['content']))
            ,                   'pubDate'     => date('r', stripslashes(strtotime($announcementItem['time'])))
            //,                   'author'      => $_course['email']
            $iCal->addJournal(trim($announcementItem['title']), trim(str_replace('<!-- content: html -->', '', $announcementItem['content'])), strtotime($announcementItem['time']), strtotime($announcementItem['time']), time(), 1, 1, $organizer, $attendees, $categories, 5, 10, 1, array(), 0, '', get_path('rootWeb') . get_module_url('CLANN') . '/announcements.php?cidReq=' . $courseId . '&amp;l#ann' . $announcementItem['id'], get_locale('iso639_1_code'), '');
    return $iCal;
Exemplo n.º 9
 function getradacctlist($status = 'all', $nullsession = 'all', $sessions = 'all', $cause = 'all', $startdatefrom = NULL, $startdateto = NULL, $enddatefrom = NULL, $enddateto = NULL, $cid = NULL, $nid = NULL)
     $status = strtolower($status);
     $nullsession = strtolower($nullsession);
     $sessions = strtolower($sessions);
     $cause = strtoupper($cause);
     if (!empty($startdatefrom)) {
         $startdatefrom = str_replace('/', '-', $startdatefrom);
     if (!empty($startdateto)) {
         $startdateto = str_replace('/', '-', $startdateto);
     if (!empty($enddatefrom)) {
         $enddatefrom = str_replace('/', '-', $enddatefrom);
     if (!empty($enddateto)) {
         $enddateto = str_replace('/', '-', $enddateto);
     $auth_login = strtolower(get_conf('radius.auth_login', 'id'));
     if (!in_array($auth_login, array('id', 'name', 'ip', 'passwd'))) {
         $auth_login = '******';
     $return = $this->DB->GetAll('SELECT r.radacctid, r.acctsessionid, r.username, r.nasipaddress, r.nasporttype, r.acctstarttime, r.servicetype ' . ', r.acctstoptime, r.acctterminatecause ' . ', r.acctsessiontime, r.acctinputoctets, r.acctoutputoctets, r.framedipaddress, UPPER(r.callingstationid) AS callingstationid ' . ', nass.name AS nasname, nass.netdevid AS nasid ' . ', n.id AS nodeid, n.name AS nodename , c.id AS cid' . ', ' . $this->DB->Concat('c.lastname', "' '", 'c.name') . ' AS customername ' . ($status == 'open' ? ', nd.maxid AS maxid ' : ', 0 AS maxid ') . 'FROM radacct r ' . ($status == 'open' ? 'JOIN ( SELECT MAX(radacctid) AS maxid, username FROM radacct GROUP BY username) nd ON (nd.username = r.username) ' : '') . ($this->DB->_dbtype != 'postgres' ? 'JOIN nas nass ON (nass.nasname = r.nasipaddress) ' : 'JOIN nas nass ON (nass.nasname::inet = r.nasipaddress) ') . ($auth_login == 'id' ? 'JOIN nodes n ON (n.id = r.username) ' : '') . ($auth_login == 'name' ? 'JOIN nodes n ON (upper(n.name) = upper(r.username)) ' : '') . ($auth_login == 'ip' ? 'JOIN nodes n ON (inet_ntoa(n.ipaddr) = r.username) ' : '') . ($auth_login == 'passwd' ? 'JOIN nodes n ON (n.passwd = r.username) ' : '') . ($auth_login == 'pppoe_login' ? 'JOIN nodes n ON (n.pppoelogin = r.username) ' : '') . 'JOIN customersview c ON (c.id = n.ownerid) ' . ($this->DB->_dbtype != 'postgres' ? ($status == 'open' ? ' WHERE (r.acctstoptime IS NULL OR r.acctstoptime=\'0000-00-00 00:00:00\') ' : '') . ($status == 'completed' ? ' WHERE r.acctstoptime IS NOT NULL AND r.acctstoptime!=\'0000-00-00 00:00:00\' ' : '') : ($status == 'open' ? ' WHERE (r.acctstoptime IS NULL OR r.acctstoptime=\'0001-01-01 00:00:00\') ' : '') . ($status == 'completed' ? ' WHERE r.acctstoptime IS NOT NULL AND r.acctstoptime!=\'0001-01-01 00:00:00\' ' : '')) . ($nullsession == 'tak' ? ' AND r.acctsessiontime = 0 ' : '') . ($nullsession == 'nie' ? ' AND r.acctsessiontime != 0 ' : '') . ($sessions == 'cur' && $status == 'open' ? ' AND r.radacctid = nd.maxid ' : '') . ($sessions == 'err' && $status == 'open' ? ' AND r.radacctid != nd.maxid ' : '') . (!empty($startdatefrom) ? " AND DATE(r.acctstarttime) >= '" . $startdatefrom . "'" : '') . (!empty($startdateto) ? " AND DATE(r.acctstarttime) <= '" . $startdateto . "'" : '') . (!empty($enddatefrom) ? " AND DATE(r.acctstoptime) >= '" . $enddatefrom . "'" : '') . (!empty($enddateto) ? " AND DATE(r.acctstoptime) <= '" . $enddateto . "'" : '') . ($status == 'completed' && $cause == 'NULL' ? " AND r.acctterminatecause=''" : '') . ($cid ? " AND c.id = '" . $cid . "'" : '') . ($nid ? " AND n.id = '" . $nid . "'" : '') . ($status == 'completed' && $cause != 'NULL' && $cause != 'ALL' ? " AND UPPER(r.acctterminatecause)='" . $cause . "'" : '') . ' ORDER BY r.acctstarttime DESC' . ';');
     return $return;
Exemplo n.º 10
function getValue($cid, $year, $month)
    global $DB;
    $start = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year);
    $end = mktime(23, 59, 59, $month, date("t", mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year)), $year);
    $suspension_percentage = f_round(get_conf('finances.suspension_percentage', 0));
    $sql = 'SELECT a.customerid,
	SUM((CASE a.suspended
		WHEN 0 THEN (((100 - a.pdiscount) * (CASE WHEN t.value IS NULL THEN l.value ELSE t.value END) / 100) - a.vdiscount)
		ELSE ((((100 - a.pdiscount) * (CASE WHEN t.value IS NULL THEN l.value ELSE t.value END) / 100) - a.vdiscount) * ' . $suspension_percentage . ' / 100) END)
	* (CASE t.period
	WHEN ' . YEARLY . ' THEN 1/12.0
	WHEN ' . QUARTERLY . ' THEN 1/3.0
	ELSE (CASE a.period
	    WHEN ' . MONTHLY . ' THEN 1
	    WHEN ' . YEARLY . ' THEN 1/12.0
	    WHEN ' . HALFYEARLY . ' THEN 1/6.0
	    WHEN ' . QUARTERLY . ' THEN 1/3.0
	    ELSE 0 END)
	) AS value 
	FROM assignments a
	LEFT JOIN tariffs t ON (t.id = a.tariffid)
	LEFT JOIN liabilities l ON (l.id = a.liabilityid AND a.period != ' . DISPOSABLE . ')
	WHERE (a.datefrom <= ' . $start . ' OR a.datefrom = 0) AND (a.dateto >= ' . $end . ' OR a.dateto = 0) 
	AND a.customerid = ' . $cid . ';';
    $tmp = $DB->GetRow($sql);
    $val = str_replace(',', '.', sprintf('%01.2f', $tmp['value']));
    return $val;
Exemplo n.º 11
 public function render()
     if ($this->hidden) {
         return '<!-- footer hidden -->' . "\n";
     $currentCourse = claro_get_current_course_data();
     if (claro_is_in_a_course()) {
         $courseManagerOutput = '<div id="courseManager">' . get_lang('Manager(s) for %course_code', array('%course_code' => $currentCourse['officialCode'])) . ' : ';
         $currentCourseTitular = empty($currentCourse['titular']) ? get_lang('Course manager') : $currentCourse['titular'];
         if (empty($currentCourse['email'])) {
             $courseManagerOutput .= '<a href="' . get_module_url('CLUSR') . '/user.php">' . $currentCourseTitular . '</a>';
         } else {
             $courseManagerOutput .= '<a href="mailto:' . $currentCourse['email'] . '?body=' . $currentCourse['officialCode'] . '&amp;subject=[' . rawurlencode(get_conf('siteName')) . ']' . '">' . $currentCourseTitular . '</a>';
         $courseManagerOutput .= '</div>';
         $this->assign('courseManager', $courseManagerOutput);
     } else {
         $this->assign('courseManager', '');
     $platformManagerOutput = '<div id="platformManager">' . get_lang('Administrator for %site_name', array('%site_name' => get_conf('siteName'))) . ' : ' . '<a href="mailto:' . get_conf('administrator_email') . '?subject=[' . rawurlencode(get_conf('siteName')) . ']' . '">' . get_conf('administrator_name') . '</a>';
     if (get_conf('administrator_phone') != '') {
         $platformManagerOutput .= '<br />' . "\n" . get_lang('Phone : %phone_number', array('%phone_number' => get_conf('administrator_phone')));
     $platformManagerOutput .= '</div>';
     $this->assign('platformManager', $platformManagerOutput);
     $poweredByOutput = '<span class="poweredBy">' . get_lang('Powered by') . ' <a href="http://www.claroline.net" target="_blank">Claroline</a> ' . '&copy; 2001 - 2013' . '</span>';
     $this->assign('poweredBy', $poweredByOutput);
     return parent::render();
Exemplo n.º 12
function getThroughput($ip)
    global $CONFIG;
    $result = new xajaxResponse();
    $cmd = get_conf('phpui.live_traffic_helper');
    if (empty($cmd)) {
        return $result;
    $cmd = str_replace('%i', $ip, $cmd);
    exec($cmd, $output);
    if (!is_array($output) && count($output) != 1) {
        return $result;
    $stats = explode(' ', $output[0]);
    if (count($stats) != 4) {
        return $result;
    array_walk($stats, intval);
    foreach (array(0, 2) as $idx) {
        if ($stats[$idx] > 1000000) {
            $stats[$idx] = round(floatval($stats[$idx]) / 1000000.0, 2) . ' Mbit/s';
        } elseif ($stats[$idx] > 1000) {
            $stats[$idx] = round(floatval($stats[$idx]) / 1000.0, 2) . ' Kbit/s';
        } else {
            $stats[$idx] = $stats[$idx] . ' bit/s';
    $result->assign('livetraffic', 'innerHTML', $stats[0] . ' / ' . $stats[2]);
    return $result;
Exemplo n.º 13
 public function export()
     $postsList = $this->loadTopic($this->getTopicId());
     $topicInfo = get_topic_settings($this->getTopicId());
     $css = $this->importCss();
     $form = new PhpTemplate(get_module_path('CLFRM') . '/templates/forum_export.tpl.php');
     $form->assign('forum_id', $topicInfo['forum_id']);
     $form->assign('topic_id', $topicInfo['topic_id']);
     $form->assign('notification_bloc', false);
     $form->assign('topic_subject', $topicInfo['topic_title']);
     $form->assign('postList', $postsList);
     $form->assign('claro_notifier', false);
     $form->assign('is_allowedToEdit', false);
     $form->assign('date', null);
     $out = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">' . "\n" . '<html>' . "\n" . '<head>' . "\n" . '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/HTML; charset=' . get_conf('charset') . '"  />' . "\n" . '<style type="text/css">' . $css . '</style>' . "\n" . '<title>' . $topicInfo['topic_title'] . '</title>' . "\n" . '</head>' . "\n" . '<body><div id="forumExport">' . "\n";
     $out .= $form->render();
     $out .= '</div></body>' . "\n" . '</html>';
     $path = get_conf('rootSys') . get_conf('tmpPathSys') . '/forum_export/';
     $filename = $path . replace_dangerous_char(str_replace(' ', '_', $topicInfo['topic_title']) . '_' . $topicInfo['topic_id']) . '.html';
     file_put_contents($filename, $out);
     switch ($this->output) {
         case 'screen':
             header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
             header('Content-Type: application/force-download');
             header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($filename));
             header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . basename($filename));
         case 'file':
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 14
 public function __construct()
     if (get_conf('course_order_by') == 'official_code') {
         $this->orderBy = self::ORDER_BY_OFFICIAL_CODE;
     } else {
         $this->orderBy = self::ORDER_BY_TITLE;
Exemplo n.º 15
 public function testCurlDo()
     $res = \CashWay\cURL::curlDo(get_conf()['API_URL'], array());
     $tr = json_decode($res['body'], true);
     $this->assertEquals('GET', $tr['method']);
     $this->assertEquals('/', $tr['request']);
     $this->assertEquals('200', $res['code']);
Exemplo n.º 16
function viewsponsorzy()
    $obj = new xajaxResponse();
    $info = get_conf('inetlms.sponsorzy', NULL);
    if (!$info) {
        $result = "<p style=\"margin-top:10px;\"><h1>Brak informacji</h1><h3>Pobranie danych o sponsorach nie jest możliwe.</h3></p>";
    } else {
        $info = unserialize(base64_decode($info));
        $cdate = $info['data'];
        if ($cdate < time() - 604800) {
            $update = pobierzdane();
            if ($update) {
                $info = unserialize(base64_decode($update));
        $cdate = $info['data'];
        $dane = $info['dane'];
        $tab = $dane;
        $count = sizeof($tab);
        $j = 0;
        $width = 700;
        $result = "<p style=\"margin:4px 0 4px 0;\"><strong>Lista firm które wsparły finansowo projekt iNET LMS</strong></p>";
        $result .= "<table style=\"width:" . $width . "px;border:0;\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"0\">";
        for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
            if (!empty($tab[$i][4])) {
                $result .= "<tr>\n\t    <td width=\"1%\" nowrap align=\"center\" style=\"border: solid 1px #999999;border-bottom:0;\"><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $j . "&nbsp;&nbsp;</b></td>\n\t    <td width=\"1%\" nowrap align=\"center\" style=\"border-top:solid 1px #999999;border-right:solid 1px #999999;\"><b>&nbsp;" . $tab[$i][3] . "%&nbsp;</b></td>\n\t    <td width=\"98%\" style=\"border-top:solid 1px #999999;border-right:solid 1px #999999;\">\n\t    <b>" . $tab[$i][1] . "</b>";
                if (!empty($tab[$i][2])) {
                    $result .= "<br><font style=\"font-size:11px;\">" . $tab[$i][2] . "</font>";
                if (!empty($tab[$i][4])) {
                    $result .= "<p style=\"margin:3px 0 3px 1px;\"><img src=\"img/bluepx.gif\" style=\"height:16px;width:" . $tab[$i][4] . "px;\"></p>";
                $result .= "</td></tr>";
        $result .= "<tr><td colspan=\"3\" style=\"border-top:solid 1px #999999;\"></td></tr></table>";
        $j = 0;
        $result .= "<p style=\"margin:10px 0 4px 0;\"><strong>Lista firm które wsparły projekt iNET LMS udostępniając kody źródłowe swoich rozwiązań</strong></p>";
        $result .= "<table style=\"width:" . $width . "px;\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"0\">";
        for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
            if (empty($tab[$i][4])) {
                $result .= "<tr>\n\t    <td width=\"1%\" nowrap align=\"center\" style=\"border: solid 1px #999999;border-bottom:0;\"><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $j . "&nbsp;&nbsp;</b></td>\n\t    <td width=\"99%\" style=\"border-top:solid 1px #999999;border-right:solid 1px #999999;\">\n\t    <b>" . $tab[$i][1] . "</b>";
                if (!empty($tab[$i][2])) {
                    $result .= "<br><font style=\"font-size:12px;\">" . $tab[$i][2] . "</font>";
                $result .= "</td></tr>";
        $result .= "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" style=\"border-top:solid 1px #999999;\"></td></tr>";
        $result .= "</table>";
        $result .= "<p style=\"color:green;font-size:10px;\">Stan na dzień " . date('Y/m/d', $cdate) . "</p>";
    $obj->assign('spons', 'innerHTML', $result);
    return $obj;
Exemplo n.º 17
 * @version     1.11 $Revision: 14315 $
 * @copyright   (c) 2001-2012, Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL)
 * @license     http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html (GPL) GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
 * @author      Piraux Sebastien <*****@*****.**>
 * @author      Lederer Guillaume <*****@*****.**>
 * @package     CLLNP
function get_xml_charset($xml)
    $regex = '/<\\?xml(?:.*?)encoding="([a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+)"(?:.*?)\\s*\\?>/';
    if (preg_match($regex, $xml, $matches)) {
        return $matches[1];
    } else {
        return get_conf('charset');
Exemplo n.º 18
  * 针对指定配置执行sql
  * @param unknown_type $module
  * @param unknown_type $sql
 protected function sql_clean($module, $sql)
     $conf = get_conf($module);
     $ipaddr = $conf["mysql"]["ipaddr"];
     $db = $conf["mysql"]["db"];
     $user = $conf["mysql"]["user"];
     $pwd = $conf["mysql"]["pwd"];
     sql_execute($ipaddr, $db, $user, $pwd, $sql);
Exemplo n.º 19
 public static function error($message)
     // claro_failure::set_failure( $message );
     if (claro_debug_mode()) {
         pushClaroMessage($message, self::ERROR);
     if (get_conf('log_report_level', self::REPORT_LEVEL_ALL) >= self::REPORT_LEVEL_ERROR) {
         Claroline::log(self::ERROR, $message);
Exemplo n.º 20
 function buildRecords($exportUserInfo = true)
     $tbl_mdb_names = claro_sql_get_main_tbl();
     $tbl_user = $tbl_mdb_names['user'];
     $tbl_rel_course_user = $tbl_mdb_names['rel_course_user'];
     $tbl_cdb_names = claro_sql_get_course_tbl(claro_get_course_db_name_glued($this->course_id));
     $tbl_team = $tbl_cdb_names['group_team'];
     $tbl_rel_team_user = $tbl_cdb_names['group_rel_team_user'];
     $username = claro_is_platform_admin() && get_conf('export_sensitive_data_for_admin', false) || get_conf('export_user_username', false) ? "`U`.`username`     AS `username`," : "";
     if (claro_is_platform_admin() && get_conf('export_sensitive_data_for_admin', false) || get_conf('export_user_password', false)) {
         if (claro_is_platform_admin() && get_conf('export_sensitive_data_for_admin', false) || get_conf('export_user_password_encrypted', true)) {
             $password = "******";
         } else {
             $password = "******";
     } else {
         $password = '';
     // get user list
     $sql = "SELECT `U`.`user_id`      AS `userId`,\n                       `U`.`nom`          AS `lastname`,\n                       `U`.`prenom`       AS `firstname`,\n                       {$username}\n                       {$password}\n                       `U`.`email`        AS `email`,\n                       `U`.`officialCode`     AS `officialCode`,\n                       GROUP_CONCAT(`G`.`id`) AS `groupId`,\n                       GROUP_CONCAT(`G`.`name`) AS `groupName`\n               FROM\n                    (\n                    `" . $tbl_user . "`           AS `U`,\n                    `" . $tbl_rel_course_user . "` AS `CU`\n                    )\n               LEFT JOIN `" . $tbl_rel_team_user . "` AS `GU`\n                ON `U`.`user_id` = `GU`.`user`\n               LEFT JOIN `" . $tbl_team . "` AS `G`\n                ON `GU`.`team` = `G`.`id`\n               WHERE `U`.`user_id` = `CU`.`user_id`\n               AND   `CU`.`code_cours`= '" . claro_sql_escape($this->course_id) . "'\n               GROUP BY U.`user_id`\n               ORDER BY U.`user_id`";
     $userList = claro_sql_query_fetch_all($sql);
     // build recordlist with good values for answers
     if (is_array($userList) && !empty($userList)) {
         // add titles at row 0, for that get the keys of the first row of array
         $this->recordList[0] = array_keys($userList[0]);
         $i = 1;
         $userIdList = array();
         foreach ($userList as $user) {
             $userIdList[$user['userId']] = $i;
             if (!(claro_is_platform_admin() && get_conf('export_sensitive_data_for_admin', false) || get_conf('export_user_id', false))) {
                 $user['userId'] = $i;
             // $this->recordList is defined in parent class csv
             $this->recordList[$i] = $user;
         if ($exportUserInfo) {
             $userInfoList = new UserInfoList($this->course_id);
             $userInfoLabelList = $userInfoList->getUserInfoLabels();
             foreach ($userInfoLabelList as $catId => $catTitle) {
                 $this->recordList[0][] = $catTitle;
                 $userCatInfo = $userInfoList->getUserInfo($catId);
                 foreach ($userCatInfo as $userCatInfo) {
                     $this->recordList[$userIdList[$userCatInfo['userId']]][] = $userCatInfo['content'];
     if (is_array($this->recordList) && !empty($this->recordList)) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Exemplo n.º 21
function module_main()
    $SMARTY->assign('hiperusaccountcustomerlist', $HIPERUS->GetCustomerListList('name,asc', array('extid' => $SESSION->id)));
    $voipallinfo = false;
    $voipid = $_GET['voipid'] ? $_GET['voipid'] : '';
    if (isset($_GET['voipid']) && !isset($_GET['print'])) {
        $cusid = intval($_GET['voipid']);
        $voipallinfo = true;
        if (isset($_GET['vprint'])) {
            $vprint = true;
        } else {
            $vprint = false;
        if (isset($_GET['rok']) && !empty($_GET['rok'])) {
            $rok = (int) $_GET['rok'];
        } else {
            $rok = date('Y', time());
        if (isset($_GET['msc']) && !empty($_GET['msc'])) {
            $msc = (int) $_GET['msc'];
        } else {
            $msc = date('m', time());
        if (isset($_GET['terminal']) && !empty($_GET['terminal'])) {
            $terminal = $_GET['terminal'];
        } else {
            $terminal = $DB->GetOne('SELECT username FROM hv_terminal WHERE customerid=? LIMIT 1 ;', array($cusid));
        $SMARTY->assign('stvat', intval(get_conf('hiperus_c5.taxrate', get_conf('phpui.default_taxrate', '23'))) / 100 + 1);
        $SMARTY->assign('terminallist', $HIPERUS->GetTerminalOneOrList(NULL, $cusid));
        $SMARTY->assign('terminal', $terminal);
        $SMARTY->assign('rok', $rok);
        $SMARTY->assign('msc', $msc);
        $SMARTY->assign('cusid', $cusid);
        $SMARTY->assign('subscription', $HIPERUS->GetSubscriptionByTerminalName($terminal));
        $SMARTY->assign('billing', $HIPERUS->GetBillingByCustomer($cusid, $rok, $msc, NULL, NULL, $terminal));
        $SMARTY->assign('listyear', $DB->GetAll('SELECT ' . $DB->YEAR('start_time') . ' AS rok FROM hv_billing GROUP BY rok'));
        $SMARTY->assign('cusname', strtoupper($DB->GetOne('SELECT name FROM hv_customers WHERE id=? LIMIT 1 ;', array($cusid))));
        $SMARTY->assign('ctypename', array('incoming' => 'przy', 'outgoing' => 'wych', 'internal' => 'wew', 'disa' => 'disa', 'vpbx' => 'vpbx', 'forwarded' => 'prze'));
        $info['terminal'] = $HIPERUS->GetTerminalOneOrList(NULL, $cusid);
        $info['pstn'] = $HIPERUS->GetPSTNOneOrList(NULL, $cusid);
        $SMARTY->assign('hide_c5_passwd', $DB->GetOne('SELECT value FROM uiconfig WHERE section=? AND var=? LIMIT 1;', array('userpanel', 'hide_c5_passwd')));
        $SMARTY->assign('info', $info);
        $SMARTY->assign('miesiace', array('1' => 'styczeń', '2' => 'luty', '3' => 'marzec', '4' => 'kwiecień', '5' => 'maj', '6' => 'czerwiec', '7' => 'lipiec', '8' => 'sierpień', '9' => 'wrzesień', '10' => 'październik', '11' => 'listopad', '12' => 'grudzień'));
    if (isset($_GET['voipid']) && isset($_GET['print'])) {
        include 'billingprint.php';
    $SMARTY->assign('voipid', $voipid);
    $SMARTY->assign('voipallinfo', $voipallinfo);
Exemplo n.º 22
function module_setup()
    global $SMARTY, $DB, $USERPANEL, $layout, $LMS;
    $layout['pagetitle'] = trans('Userpanel Configuration');
    $SMARTY->assign('logourl', get_conf('userpanel.logourl'));
    $SMARTY->assign('boxinfo1', get_conf('userpanel.boxinfo1'));
    $SMARTY->assign('boxinfo2', get_conf('userpanel.boxinfo2'));
    $SMARTY->assign('boxinfo3', get_conf('userpanel.boxinfo3'));
    $SMARTY->assign('boxinfo4', get_conf('userpanel.boxinfo4'));
    $SMARTY->assign('total', sizeof($USERPANEL->MODULES));
    $SMARTY->assign('disable_modules', unserialize(get_conf('userpanel.disable_modules', 'a:0:{}')));
    $SMARTY->display(USERPANEL_DIR . '/templates/setup.html');
Exemplo n.º 23
function country_conf_currency($html = false)
    $id = get_conf(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'country');
    $country = new country($id);
    $curr_lett = $country->data['currency_letter'];
    if (!$html) {
        return $curr_lett;
    $curr_html = $country->data['currency_html'];
    if (empty($curr_html)) {
        return $curr_lett;
    return $curr_html;
Exemplo n.º 24
 * get all the items
 * @param $courseId string  glued dbName of the course to affect default: current course
 * @return array of arrays with data of the item
 * @author Christophe Gesché <*****@*****.**>
function course_description_get_item_list($courseId = null)
    $tbl = claro_sql_get_course_tbl(claro_get_course_db_name_glued($courseId));
    $tblCourseDescription = $tbl['course_description'];
    if (get_conf('cldsc_use_new_ordering_of_labels')) {
        // sort first the principal categories
        $sql = "SELECT `cd`.`id`,\n\t                   `cd`.`category`,\n\t                   `cd`.`title`,\n\t                   `cd`.`content`,\n\t                UNIX_TIMESTAMP(cd.`lastEditDate`)\n\t                   AS `unix_lastEditDate`,\n\t                   `cd`.`visibility`\n\t            FROM `" . $tblCourseDescription . "` AS `cd`\n\t            WHERE `cd`.`category` != '-1'\n\t            ORDER BY `cd`.`category` ASC";
        // and then the "other" category ... by title
        $sql2 = "SELECT cd.`id`,\n\t                   cd.`category`,\n\t                   cd.`title`,\n\t                   cd.`content`,\n\t                UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`cd`.`lastEditDate`)\n\t                   AS `unix_lastEditDate`,\n\t                   `cd`.`visibility`\n\t            FROM `" . $tblCourseDescription . "` AS `cd`\n\t            WHERE `cd`.`category` = '-1'\n\t            ORDER BY `cd`.`title` ASC";
        return array_merge(claro_sql_query_fetch_all($sql), claro_sql_query_fetch_all($sql2));
    } else {
        $sql = "SELECT `cd`.`id`,\n\t                   `cd`.`category`,\n\t                   `cd`.`title`,\n\t                   `cd`.`content`,\n\t                UNIX_TIMESTAMP(cd.`lastEditDate`)\n\t                   AS `unix_lastEditDate`,\n\t                   `cd`.`visibility`\n\t            FROM `" . $tblCourseDescription . "` AS `cd`\n\t            ORDER BY `cd`.`category` ASC";
        return claro_sql_query_fetch_all($sql);
Exemplo n.º 25
 public static function setForUser($_uid)
     $tbl = claro_sql_get_main_tbl();
     $ssoCookieExpireTime = time() + get_conf('ssoCookiePeriodValidity', 3600);
     $ssoCookieValue = md5(time() . rand(100, 1000000));
     $sql = "UPDATE `{$tbl['sso']}`\n" . "SET cookie    = '" . $ssoCookieValue . "',\n" . "rec_time  = NOW()\n" . "WHERE user_id = " . (int) $_uid;
     $affectedRowCount = claro_sql_query_affected_rows($sql);
     if ($affectedRowCount < 1) {
         $sql = "INSERT INTO `{$tbl['sso']}`\n" . "SET cookie = '" . $ssoCookieValue . "',\n" . "rec_time = NOW(),\n" . "user_id = " . (int) $_uid;
     return setcookie(get_conf('ssoCookieName', 'clarolineSsoCookie'), $ssoCookieValue, $ssoCookieExpireTime, get_conf('ssoCookiePath', '/'), get_conf('ssoCookieDomain', 'sso.claroline.net'));
     // Note. $ssoCookieName, $ssoCookieValussoCookieExpireTime,
     //       $soCookiePath and $ssoCookieDomain are coming from
     //       claroline/inc/conf/auth.conf.php
Exemplo n.º 26
  * Load user properties from database
 public function loadFromDatabase()
     $tbl = claro_sql_get_main_tbl();
     $sqlUserId = (int) $this->_userId;
     $sql = "SELECT " . "`user`.`user_id` AS userId,\n" . "`user`.`username`,\n" . "`user`.`prenom` AS firstName,\n" . "`user`.`nom` AS lastName,\n" . "`user`.`email`AS `mail`,\n" . "`user`.`officialEmail` AS `officialEmail`,\n" . "`user`.`language`,\n" . "`user`.`isCourseCreator`,\n" . "`user`.`isPlatformAdmin`,\n" . "`user`.`creatorId` AS creatorId,\n" . "`user`.`officialCode`,\n" . "`user`.`language`,\n" . "`user`.`authSource`,\n" . "`user`.`phoneNumber` AS `phone`,\n" . "`user`.`pictureUri` AS `picture`,\n" . (get_conf('is_trackingEnabled') ? "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`tracking`.`date`) " : "DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) ") . "AS lastLogin\n" . "FROM `{$tbl['user']}` AS `user`\n" . (get_conf('is_trackingEnabled') ? "LEFT JOIN `{$tbl['tracking_event']}` AS `tracking`\n" . "ON `user`.`user_id`  = `tracking`.`user_id`\n" . "AND `tracking`.`type` = 'user_login'\n" : '') . "WHERE `user`.`user_id` = " . $sqlUserId . "\n" . (get_conf('is_trackingEnabled') ? "ORDER BY `tracking`.`date` DESC LIMIT 1" : '');
     $userData = Claroline::getDatabase()->query($sql)->fetch();
     if (!$userData) {
         throw new Exception("Cannot load user data for {$this->_userId}");
     } else {
         $userData['isPlatformAdmin'] = (bool) $userData['isPlatformAdmin'];
         $userData['isCourseCreator'] = (bool) $userData['isCourseCreator'];
         $this->_rawData = $userData;
         pushClaroMessage("User {$this->_userId} loaded from database", 'debug');
Exemplo n.º 27
 public function getFilePath($requestedUrl)
     if (claro_is_in_a_course()) {
         $intermediatePath = get_path('coursesRepositorySys') . claro_get_course_path() . '/document';
     } else {
         $intermediatePath = rtrim(str_replace('\\', '/', get_path('rootSys')), '/') . '/platform/document';
     if (get_conf('secureDocumentDownload') && $GLOBALS['is_Apache']) {
         // pretty url
         $path = realpath($intermediatePath . '/' . $requestedUrl);
     } else {
         // TODO check if we can remove rawurldecode
         $path = $intermediatePath . implode('/', array_map('rawurldecode', explode('/', $requestedUrl)));
     return $path;
Exemplo n.º 28
function init_default_right_profile()
    require_once get_conf('includePath') . '/lib/right/profileToolRight.class.php';
    $tbl_mdb_names = claro_sql_get_tbl(array('course_tool', 'right_profile', 'right_rel_profile_action', 'right_action'));
    $sql = " SELECT `id` as `toolId`\n             FROM `" . $tbl_mdb_names['course_tool'] . "`";
    $result = claro_sql_query_fetch_all_cols($sql);
    $toolList = $result['toolId'];
     * Initialise anonymous profile
    $profile = new RightProfile();
    $profileAction = new RightProfileToolRight();
    $profileAction->setToolListRight($toolList, 'user');
     * Initialise guest profile
    $profile = new RightProfile();
    $profileAction = new RightProfileToolRight();
    $profileAction->setToolListRight($toolList, 'user');
     * Initialise user profile
    $profile = new RightProfile();
    $profileAction = new RightProfileToolRight();
    $profileAction->setToolListRight($toolList, 'user');
     * Initialise manager profile
    $profile = new RightProfile();
    $profileAction = new RightProfileToolRight();
    $profileAction->setToolListRight($toolList, 'manager');
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 29
 public function render()
     $out = '';
     if (!claro_is_user_authenticated()) {
         if (get_conf('claro_displayLocalAuthForm', true) == true) {
             $out .= $this->renderLoginLink();
     } elseif (!claro_is_platform_admin() && (claro_is_in_a_course() && !claro_is_course_member()) && claro_get_current_course_data('registrationAllowed')) {
         if (claro_is_current_user_enrolment_pending()) {
             $out .= '<img src="' . get_icon_url('warning') . '" alt="off" /> ' . '<b>' . get_lang('Enrolment pending') . '</b>';
         } else {
             $out .= $this->renderRegistrationLink();
     } elseif (claro_is_display_mode_available()) {
         $out .= $this->renderViewModeSwitch();
     return $out;
Exemplo n.º 30
function wphp_custom_after_instance()
    $timer = get_conf('timer');
    // echo "<br>\r\n";
    // echo $timer->time(), ' s';
    echo '<div style="display:none"><pre>';
    echo '<br><br>$_GET = ';
    echo '<br><br>$_POST = ';
    echo '<br><br>$_COOKIE = ';
    echo '<br><br>$_SERVER = ';
    echo '</pre></div>';