public function handler_licenses_final($page, $no_reason = false) { $softwares = License::getSoftwares(); $keys = array(); if (Post::has('disagree') || !$no_reason && !Post::has('resend') && (!Post::has('reason') || Post::v('reason') == "") || !Post::has('software') || !in_array(Post::v('software'), array_keys($softwares))) { $this->handler_licenses($page); } else { $page->changeTpl('licenses/licenses_final.tpl'); $page->assign('title', "Demande de licence pour {$softwares[Post::v('software')]}"); $page->assign('software', Post::s('software')); $page->assign('software_name', $softwares[Post::s('software')]); if (($key = License::adminKey(Post::s('software'))) && License::hasRights(S::user())) { $key->give(S::user()); $page->assign('direct', true); } elseif (Post::has('resend')) { $l = License::fetch(array('id' => Post::i('id'))); if ($l[0]->uid() == S::user()->id()) { License::send($l); } else { die("La license n'appartient pas à l'utilisateur courant"); } $page->assign('direct', true); } else { $lv = new LicensesValidate(Post::s('software'), Post::s('reason')); $v = new Validate(array('writer' => S::user(), 'group' => Group::from('licenses'), 'item' => $lv, 'type' => 'licenses')); $v->insert(); $page->assign('direct', false); } } }
function handler_banana($page, $group = null, $action = null, $artid = null) { $page->changeTpl('banana/index.tpl'); $page->setTitle('Forums & PA'); $get = array(); if (Post::has('updateall')) { $get['updateall'] = Post::v('updateall'); } require_once 'banana/'; get_banana_params($get, $group, $action, $artid); run_banana($page, 'ForumsBanana', $get); }
protected function handle_editor() { $data = Post::v('valid'); if (isset($data['text']) && $data['text'] != $this->toy_text && $data['text'] != $this->given_text) { $this->toy_text = $data['text']; $address = new Address(array('changed' => 1, 'text' => $this->toy_text)); $address->format(); $this->address = $address->toFormArray(); } $this->modified = isset($data['modified']); return true; }
function handler_coml_submit($page) { $page->changeTpl('comletter/submit.tpl'); $nl = $this->getNl(); if (!$nl) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } $wp = new PlWikiPage('Xorg.LettreCommunaute'); $wp->buildCache(); if (Post::has('see') || Post::has('valid') && (!trim(Post::v('title')) || !trim(Post::v('body')))) { if (!Post::has('see')) { $page->trigError("L'article doit avoir un titre et un contenu"); } $art = new ComLArticle(Post::v('title'), Post::v('body'), Post::v('append')); $page->assign('art', $art); } elseif (Post::has('valid')) { $art = new ComLReq(S::user(), Post::v('title'), Post::v('body'), Post::v('append')); $art->submit(); $page->assign('submited', true); } $page->addCssLink($nl->cssFile()); }
public function HandleAction($action) { switch ($action) { case 'suscribe': S::assert_xsrf_token(); $subs = array_keys(Post::v('sub_ml')); $res = XDB::iterRow("SELECT sub, domain\n FROM register_subs\n WHERE uid = {?} AND type = 'list'\n ORDER BY domain", S::i('uid')); while (list($sub, $domain) = $res->next()) { if (array_shift($subs) == "{$sub}@{$domain}") { MailingList::subscribeTo($sub, $domain); } } $this->UpdateOnYes(); pl_redirect('lists'); break; case 'dismiss': $this->UpdateOnDismiss(); break; case 'no': $this->UpdateOnNo(); break; } }
function handler_deceased($page, $action = '') { if ($action == 'updateXorg') { XDB::execute('UPDATE fusionax_deceased SET deces_xorg = deces_ax WHERE deces_xorg IS NULL'); } if ($action == 'updateAX') { XDB::execute('UPDATE fusionax_deceased SET deces_ax = deces_xorg WHERE deces_ax = "0000-00-00"'); } if ($action == 'update') { if (Post::has('pid') && Post::has('date')) { XDB::execute('UPDATE fusionax_deceased SET deces_ax = {?}, deces_xorg = {?} WHERE pid = {?}', Post::v('date'), Post::v('date'), Post::i('pid')); } } $page->changeTpl('fusionax/deceased.tpl'); // deceased $deceasedErrorsSql = XDB::query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM fusionax_deceased'); $page->assign('deceasedErrors', $deceasedErrorsSql->fetchOneCell()); $res = XDB::iterator('SELECT pid, ax_id, promo, private_name, deces_ax FROM fusionax_deceased WHERE deces_xorg IS NULL LIMIT 10'); $page->assign('nbDeceasedMissingInXorg', $res->total()); $page->assign('deceasedMissingInXorg', $res); $res = XDB::iterator('SELECT pid, ax_id, promo, private_name, deces_xorg FROM fusionax_deceased WHERE deces_ax = "0000-00-00" LIMIT 10'); $page->assign('nbDeceasedMissingInAX', $res->total()); $page->assign('deceasedMissingInAX', $res); $res = XDB::iterator('SELECT pid, ax_id, promo, private_name, deces_xorg, deces_ax FROM fusionax_deceased WHERE deces_xorg != "0000-00-00" AND deces_ax != "0000-00-00"'); $page->assign('nbDeceasedDifferent', $res->total()); $page->assign('deceasedDifferent', $res); }
function handler_edit($page, $action = 'show', $qid = 'root') { $this->load(''); $action = Post::v('survey_action', $action); $qid = Post::v('survey_qid', $qid); if (Post::has('survey_cancel')) { // after cancelling changes, shows the survey if (S::has('survey')) { $action = 'show'; } else { // unless no editing has been done at all (shows to the surveys index page) return $this->handler_index($page); } } $page->assign('survey_editmode', true); if (S::has('survey_id')) { // if 'survey_id' is in session, it means we are modifying a survey in admin mode $page->assign('survey_updatemode', true); } if ($action == 'show' && !S::has('survey')) { $action = 'new'; } if ($action == 'question') { // {{{ modifies an existing question if (Post::has('survey_submit')) { // if the form has been submitted, makes the modifications $survey = unserialize(S::v('survey')); $args = Post::v('survey_question'); if (!$survey->editQuestion($qid, $args)) { // update the survey object structure return $this->show_error($page, '', 'survey/edit'); } $this->show_survey($page, $survey); $this->store_session($survey); } else { // if a form has not been submitted, shows modification form $survey = unserialize(S::v('survey')); $current = $survey->toArray($qid); // gets the current parameters of the question if ($current == null) { return $this->show_error($page, '', 'survey/edit'); } $this->show_form($page, $action, $qid, $current['type'], $current); } // }}} } elseif ($action == 'new') { // {{{ create a new survey : actually store the root question if (Post::has('survey_submit')) { // if the form has been submitted, creates the survey $this->clear_session(); $survey = new Survey(Post::v('survey_question')); // creates the object structure $this->show_survey($page, $survey); $this->store_session($survey); } else { $this->clear_session(); $this->show_form($page, $action, 'root', 'newsurvey'); } // }}} } elseif ($action == 'add') { // {{{ adds a new question if (Post::has('survey_submit')) { // if the form has been submitted, adds the question $survey = unserialize(S::v('survey')); if (!$survey->addQuestion($qid, $survey->factory(Post::v('survey_type'), Post::v('survey_question')))) { return $this->show_error($page, '', 'survey/edit'); } $this->show_survey($page, $survey); $this->store_session($survey); } else { $this->show_form($page, $action, $qid); } // }}} } elseif ($action == 'del') { // {{{ deletes a question if (Post::has('survey_submit')) { // if a confirmation has been sent, deletes the question $survey = unserialize(S::v('survey')); if (!$survey->delQuestion(Post::v('survey_qid'))) { // deletes the node in the survey object structure return $this->show_error($page, '', 'survey/edit'); } $this->show_survey($page, $survey); $this->store_session($survey); } else { // if user has not confirmed, shows a confirmation form $survey = unserialize(S::v('survey')); $current = $survey->toArray($qid); // needed to get the title of the question to delete (more user-friendly than an id) if ($current == null) { return $this->show_error($page, '', 'survey/edit'); } $this->show_confirm($page, 'Êtes-vous certain de vouloir supprimer la question intitulé "' . $current['question'] . '" ? ' . 'Attention, cela supprimera en même temps toutes les questions qui dépendent de celle-ci.', 'edit', array('action' => 'del', 'qid' => $qid)); } // }}} } elseif ($action == 'show') { // {{{ simply shows the survey in its current state $this->show_survey($page, unserialize(S::v('survey'))); // }}} } elseif ($action == 'valid') { // {{{ validates the proposition, i.e stores the proposition in the database // but an admin will still need to validate the survey before it is activated if (Post::has('survey_submit')) { // needs a confirmation before storing the proposition $survey = unserialize(S::v('survey')); if (S::has('survey_id')) { // if 'survey_id' is in session, we are modifying an existing survey (in admin mode) instead of proposing a new one $link = S::has('survey_validate') ? 'admin/validate' : 'survey/admin'; if ($survey->updateSurvey()) { // updates the database according the new survey object structure $this->show_success($page, "Les modifications sur le sondage ont bien été enregistrées.", $link); } else { $this->show_error($page, '', $link); } } else { // if no 'survey_id' is in session, we are indeed proposing a new survey if ($survey->proposeSurvey()) { // stores the survey object structure in database $this->show_success($page, "Votre proposition de sondage a bien été enregistrée,\n elle est en attente de validation par un administrateur du site.", 'survey'); } else { $this->show_error($page, '', 'survey'); } } $this->clear_session(); } else { // asks for a confirmation if it has not been sent $survey = unserialize(S::v('survey')); $errors = $survey->checkSyntax(); if (!is_null($errors)) { $this->show_error($page, "", 'survey/edit', $errors); } else { if (S::has('survey_id')) { $this->show_confirm($page, "Veuillez confirmer l'enregistrement des modifications apportées à ce sondage.", 'edit', array('action' => 'valid')); } else { $this->show_confirm($page, "Veuillez confirmer l'envoi de cette proposition de sondage.", 'edit', array('action' => 'valid')); } } } // }}} } elseif ($action == 'cancel') { // {{{ cancels the creation/modification of a survey if (Post::has('survey_submit')) { // needs a confirmation if (S::has('survey_id')) { // only possible when modifying a survey in admin mode if (S::has('survey_validate')) { // if a link has been supplied, uses it $this->clear_session(); return $this->show_success($page, "Les modifications effectuées ont été annulées", 'admin/validate'); } else { // else shows the admin index $this->clear_session(); return $this->handler_admin($page); } } else { $this->clear_session(); return $this->handler_index($page); // else shows the 'normal' index } } else { // asks for a confirmation if it has not been sent $this->show_confirm($page, "Êtes-vous certain de vouloir annuler totalement l'édition de ce sondage ? Attention, " . "toutes les données éditées jusque là seront définitivement perdues.", 'edit', array('action' => $action)); } } // }}} }
function handler_add_secondary_edu($page) { $page->changeTpl('admin/add_secondary_edu.tpl'); if (!(Post::has('verify') || Post::has('add'))) { return; } elseif (!Post::has('people')) { $page->trigWarning("Aucune information n'a été fournie."); return; } require_once ''; $lines = explode("\n", Post::t('people')); $separator = Post::t('separator'); $degree = Post::v('degree'); $promotion = Post::i('promotion'); $schoolsList = array_flip(DirEnum::getOptions(DirEnum::EDUSCHOOLS)); $degreesList = array_flip(DirEnum::getOptions(DirEnum::EDUDEGREES)); $edu_id = $schoolsList[Profile::EDU_X]; $degree_id = $degreesList[$degree]; $res = array('incomplete' => array(), 'empty' => array(), 'multiple' => array(), 'already' => array(), 'new' => array()); $old_pids = array(); $new_pids = array(); foreach ($lines as $line) { $line = trim($line); $line_array = explode($separator, $line); array_walk($line_array, 'trim'); if (count($line_array) != 3) { $page->trigError("La ligne « {$line} » est incomplète."); $res['incomplete'][] = $line; continue; } $cond = new PFC_And(new UFC_NameTokens(split_name_for_search($line_array[0]), array(), false, false, Profile::LASTNAME)); $cond->addChild(new UFC_NameTokens(split_name_for_search($line_array[1]), array(), false, false, Profile::FIRSTNAME)); $cond->addChild(new UFC_Promo('=', UserFilter::DISPLAY, $line_array[2])); $uf = new UserFilter($cond); $pid = $uf->getPIDs(); $count = count($pid); if ($count == 0) { $page->trigError("La ligne « {$line} » ne correspond à aucun profil existant."); $res['empty'][] = $line; continue; } elseif ($count > 1) { $page->trigError("La ligne « {$line} » correspond à plusieurs profils existant."); $res['multiple'][] = $line; continue; } else { $count = XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM profile_education WHERE pid = {?} AND eduid = {?} AND degreeid = {?}', $pid, $edu_id, $degree_id); if ($count == 1) { $res['already'][] = $line; $old_pids[] = $pid[0]; } else { $res['new'][] = $line; $new_pids[] = $pid[0]; } } } $display = array(); foreach ($res as $type => $res_type) { if (count($res_type) > 0) { $display = array_merge($display, array('--------------------' . $type . ':'), $res_type); } } $page->assign('people', implode("\n", $display)); $page->assign('promotion', $promotion); $page->assign('degree', $degree); if (Post::has('add')) { $entry_year = $promotion - Profile::educationDuration($degree); if (Post::b('force_addition')) { $pids = array_unique(array_merge($old_pids, $new_pids)); } else { $pids = array_unique($new_pids); // Updates years. if (count($old_pids)) { XDB::execute('UPDATE profile_education SET entry_year = {?}, grad_year = {?}, promo_year = {?} WHERE pid IN {?} AND eduid = {?} AND degreeid = {?}', $entry_year, $promotion, $promotion, $old_pids, $edu_id, $degree_id); } } // Precomputes values common to all users. $select = XDB::format('MAX(id) + 1, pid, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, \'secondary\'', $edu_id, $degree_id, $entry_year, $promotion, $promotion); XDB::startTransaction(); foreach ($pids as $pid) { XDB::execute('INSERT INTO profile_education (id, pid, eduid, degreeid, entry_year, grad_year, promo_year, flags) SELECT ' . $select . ' FROM profile_education WHERE pid = {?} GROUP BY pid', $pid); } XDB::commit(); } }
function handler_admin_user($page, $user = null) { require_once ''; require_once ''; $page->changeTpl('googleapps/admin.user.tpl'); $page->setTitle('Administration Google Apps'); $page->assign('googleapps_admin', GoogleAppsAccount::is_administrator(S::v('uid'))); if (!$user && Post::has('login')) { $user = Post::v('login'); } $user = User::get($user); if ($user) { $account = new GoogleAppsAccount($user); // Apply requested actions. if (Post::has('suspend') && $account->active() && !$account->pending_update_suspension) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $account->suspend(); $page->trigSuccess('Le compte est en cours de suspension.'); } else { if (Post::has('unsuspend') && $account->suspended() && !$account->pending_update_suspension) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $account->do_unsuspend(); $page->trigSuccess('Le compte est en cours de réactivation.'); } else { if (Post::has('forcesync') && $account->active() && $account->sync_password) { $account->set_password($user->password()); $page->trigSuccess('Le mot de passe est en cours de synchronisation.'); } else { if (Post::has('sync') && $account->active()) { $account->set_password($user->password()); $account->set_password_sync(true); } else { if (Post::has('nosync') && $account->active()) { $account->set_password_sync(false); } } } } } // Displays basic account information. $page->assign('account', $account); $page->assign('admin_account', GoogleAppsAccount::is_administrator($user->id())); $page->assign('googleapps_storage', Email::is_active_storage($user, 'googleapps')); $page->assign('user', $user->id()); // Retrieves user's pending requests. $res = XDB::iterator("SELECT q_id, q_recipient_id, p_status, j_type, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(p_entry_date) AS p_entry_date\n FROM gapps_queue\n WHERE q_recipient_id = {?}\n ORDER BY p_entry_date DESC", $user->id()); $page->assign('requests', $res); } }
function handler_batch($page) { $page->changeTpl('carnet/batch.tpl'); $errors = false; $incomplete = array(); if (Post::has('add')) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); require_once ''; require_once ''; require_once ''; $list = explode("\n", Post::v('list')); $origin = Post::v('origin'); foreach ($list as $item) { if ($item = trim($item)) { $elements = preg_split("/\\s/", $item); $email = array_pop($elements); if (!isvalid_email($email)) { $page->trigError('Email invalide : ' . $email); $incomplete[] = $item; $errors = true; continue; } $user = User::getSilent($email); if (is_null($user)) { $details = implode(' ', $elements); $promo = trim(array_pop($elements)); $cond = new PFC_And(); if (preg_match('/^[MDX]\\d{4}$/', $promo)) { $cond->addChild(new UFC_Promo('=', UserFilter::DISPLAY, $promo)); } else { $cond->addChild(new UFC_NameTokens($promo)); } foreach ($elements as $element) { $cond->addChild(new UFC_NameTokens($element)); } $uf = new UserFilter($cond); $count = $uf->getTotalCount(); if ($count == 0) { $page->trigError('Les informations : « ' . $item . ' » ne correspondent à aucun camarade.'); $incomplete[] = $item; $errors = true; continue; } elseif ($count > 1) { $page->trigError('Les informations : « ' . $item . ' » sont ambigues et correspondent à plusieurs camarades.'); $incomplete[] = $item; $errors = true; continue; } else { $user = $uf->getUser(); } } if ($user->state == 'active') { $this->addRegistered($page, $user->profile()); } else { if (!User::isForeignEmailAddress($email)) { $page->trigError('Email pas encore attribué : ' . $email); $incomplete[] = $item; $errors = true; } else { $this->addNonRegistered($page, $user); if (!Marketing::get($user->id(), $email, true)) { check_email($email, "Une adresse surveillée est proposée au marketing par " . S::user()->login()); $market = new Marketing($user->id(), $email, 'default', null, $origin, S::v('uid'), null); $market->add(); } } } } } } $page->assign('errors', $errors); $page->assign('incomplete', $incomplete); }
function handler_admin($page, $eid = null, $item_id = null) { global $globals; $this->load(''); $evt = get_event_detail($eid, $item_id); if (!$evt) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } $page->changeTpl('xnetevents/admin.tpl'); if (!$evt['show_participants'] && !may_update()) { return PL_FORBIDDEN; } if (may_update() && Post::v('adm')) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $member = User::getSilent(Post::v('mail')); if (!$member) { $page->trigError("Membre introuvable"); } // change the price paid by a participant if (Env::v('adm') == 'prix' && $member) { $amount = strtr(Env::v('montant'), ',', '.'); XDB::execute("UPDATE group_event_participants\n SET paid = paid + {?}\n WHERE uid = {?} AND eid = {?} AND nb > 0\n ORDER BY item_id ASC\n LIMIT 1", $amount, $member->uid, $evt['eid']); subscribe_lists_event($member->uid, $evt['short_name'], 1, $amount); } // change the number of personns coming with a participant if (Env::v('adm') == 'nbs' && $member) { $res = XDB::query("SELECT SUM(paid)\n FROM group_event_participants\n WHERE uid = {?} AND eid = {?}", $member->uid, $evt['eid']); $paid = $res->fetchOneCell(); // Ensure we have an integer if ($paid == null) { $paid = 0; } $nbs = Post::v('nb', array()); $paid_inserted = false; foreach ($nbs as $id => $nb) { $nb = max(intval($nb), 0); if (!$paid_inserted && $nb > 0) { $item_paid = $paid; $paid_inserted = true; } else { $item_paid = 0; } XDB::execute('INSERT INTO group_event_participants (eid, uid, item_id, nb, flags, paid) VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE nb = VALUES(nb), flags = VALUES(flags), paid = VALUES(paid)', $evt['eid'], $member->uid, $id, $nb, '', $item_paid); } $res = XDB::query('SELECT COUNT(uid) AS cnt, SUM(nb) AS nb FROM group_event_participants WHERE uid = {?} AND eid = {?} GROUP BY uid', $member->uid, $evt['eid']); $u = $res->fetchOneAssoc(); if ($paid == 0 && Post::v('cancel')) { XDB::execute("DELETE FROM group_event_participants\n WHERE uid = {?} AND eid = {?}", $member->uid, $evt['eid']); $u = 0; subscribe_lists_event($member->uid, $evt['short_name'], -1, $paid); } else { $u = $u['cnt'] ? $u['nb'] : null; subscribe_lists_event($member->uid, $evt['short_name'], $u > 0 ? 1 : 0, $paid); } } $evt = get_event_detail($eid, $item_id); } $page->assign_by_ref('evt', $evt); $page->assign('tout', is_null($item_id)); if (count($evt['moments'])) { $page->assign('moments', $evt['moments']); } if ($evt['paiement_id']) { $infos = User::getBulkUsersWithUIDs(XDB::fetchAllAssoc('SELECT t.uid, t.amount FROM payment_transactions AS t LEFT JOIN group_event_participants AS ep ON(ep.uid = t.uid AND ep.eid = {?}) WHERE t.status = "confirmed" AND t.ref = {?} AND ep.uid IS NULL', $evt['eid'], $evt['paiement_id']), 'uid', 'user'); $page->assign('oublis', count($infos)); $page->assign('oubliinscription', $infos); } $absents = User::getBulkUsersFromDB('SELECT p.uid FROM group_event_participants AS p LEFT JOIN group_event_participants AS p2 ON (p2.uid = p.uid AND p2.eid = p.eid AND p2.nb != 0) WHERE p.eid = {?} AND p2.eid IS NULL GROUP BY p.uid', $evt['eid']); $ofs = Env::i('offset'); $part = get_event_participants($evt, $item_id, UserFilter::sortByName(), NB_PER_PAGE, $ofs * NB_PER_PAGE); $nbp = ceil($evt['user_count'] / NB_PER_PAGE); if ($nbp > 1) { $links = array(); if ($ofs) { $links['précédent'] = $ofs - 1; } for ($i = 1; $i <= $nbp; $i++) { $links[(string) $i] = $i - 1; } if ($ofs < $nbp - 1) { $links['suivant'] = $ofs + 1; } $page->assign('links', $links); } $page->assign('absents', $absents); $page->assign('participants', $part); }
/** Start a session as user $user */ protected function startSessionAs($user, $level) { /* Session data and required data mismatch */ if (!is_null(S::v('user')) && S::v('user')->id() != $user->id() || S::has('uid') && S::i('uid') != $user->id()) { return false; } else { if (S::has('uid')) { return true; } } /* If we want to do a SUID */ if ($level == AUTH_SUID) { S::set('auth', AUTH_MDP); } S::set('user', $user); S::set('uid', $user->id()); if (!isSmartphone()) { S::set('skin', $user->skin()); } if (!S::suid()) { if (Post::v('remember', 'false') == 'on') { $this->setAccessCookie(false); } S::logger()->saveLastSession(); } else { S::logger()->log("suid_start", S::v('hruid') . ' by ' . S::suid('hruid')); } // Set session perms from User perms S::set('perms', $user->perms()); /* Clean temp var 'cookie_uid' */ S::kill('cookie_uid'); return true; }
function handler_delete($page, $liste = null) { global $globals; if (is_null($liste)) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } $mlist = $this->prepare_list($liste); if (!$this->is_group_admin($page)) { $this->verify_list_owner($page, $mlist); } $page->changeTpl('lists/delete.tpl'); if (Post::v('valid') == 'OUI') { S::assert_xsrf_token(); if ($mlist->delete(Post::b('del_archive'))) { require_once ''; delete_list($mlist->mbox, $mlist->domain); $page->assign('deleted', true); $page->trigSuccess('La liste a été détruite !'); } else { $page->kill('Une erreur est survenue lors de la suppression de la liste.<br />' . 'Contact les administrateurs du site pour régler le problème : ' . '<a href=""></a>.'); } } elseif (list($details, $options) = $mlist->getOwnerOptions()) { if (!$details['own']) { $page->trigWarning('Tu n\'es pas administrateur de la liste, mais du site.'); } $page->assign_by_ref('details', $details); $page->assign_by_ref('options', $options); $page->assign('bogo_level', $mlist->getBogoLevel()); } else { $page->kill("La liste n'existe pas ou tu n'as pas le droit de l'administrer."); } }
function handler_end($page, $hash = null) { global $globals; $_SESSION['subState'] = array('step' => 5); // Reject registration requests from unsafe IP addresses (and remove the // registration information from the database, to prevent IP changes). if (check_ip('unsafe')) { send_warning_mail('Une IP surveillée a tenté de finaliser son inscription.'); XDB::execute("DELETE FROM register_pending\n WHERE hash = {?} AND hash != 'INSCRIT'", $hash); return PL_FORBIDDEN; } // Retrieve the pre-registration information using the url-provided // authentication token. $res = XDB::query("SELECT r.uid,, r.forlife, r.bestalias, r.mailorg2,\n r.password,,, r.naissance,\n ppn.lastname_initial, ppn.firstname_initial, pe.promo_year,\n,, p.birthdate_ref, a.type, AS old_account_email\n FROM register_pending AS r\n INNER JOIN accounts AS a ON (r.uid = a.uid)\n INNER JOIN account_profiles AS ap ON (a.uid = ap.uid AND FIND_IN_SET('owner', ap.perms))\n INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON ( =\n INNER JOIN profile_public_names AS ppn ON ( =\n INNER JOIN profile_display AS pd ON ( =\n INNER JOIN profile_education AS pe ON ( = AND FIND_IN_SET('primary', pe.flags))\n WHERE hash = {?} AND hash != 'INSCRIT' AND a.state = 'pending'", $hash); if (!$hash || $res->numRows() == 0) { $page->kill("<p>Cette adresse n'existe pas, ou plus, sur le serveur.</p>\n <p>Causes probables :</p>\n <ol>\n <li>Vérifie que tu visites l'adresse du dernier\n email reçu s'il y en a eu plusieurs.</li>\n <li>Tu as peut-être mal copié l'adresse reçue par\n email, vérifie-la à la main.</li>\n <li>Tu as peut-être attendu trop longtemps pour\n confirmer. Les pré-inscriptions sont annulées\n tous les 30 jours.</li>\n <li>Tu es en fait déjà inscrit.</li>\n </ol>"); } list($uid, $pid, $forlife, $bestalias, $emailXorg2, $password, $email, $services, $birthdate, $lastname, $firstname, $yearpromo, $promo, $sex, $birthdate_ref, $type, $old_account_email) = $res->fetchOneRow(); $isX = $type == 'x'; $mail_domain = User::$sub_mail_domains[$type] . $globals->mail->domain; // Prepare the template for display. $page->changeTpl('register/end.tpl'); $page->assign('forlife', $forlife); $page->assign('firstname', $firstname); // Check if the user did enter a valid password; if not (or if none is found), // get her an information page. if (Post::has('response')) { $expected_response = sha1("{$forlife}:{$password}:" . S::v('challenge')); if (Post::v('response') != $expected_response) { $page->trigError("Mot de passe invalide."); S::logger($uid)->log('auth_fail', 'bad password (register/end)'); return; } } else { return; } // // Create the user account. // XDB::startTransaction(); XDB::execute("UPDATE accounts\n SET password = {?}, state = 'active',\n registration_date = NOW(), email = NULL\n WHERE uid = {?}", $password, $uid); XDB::execute("UPDATE profiles\n SET birthdate = {?}, last_change = NOW()\n WHERE pid = {?}", $birthdate, $pid); XDB::execute('INSERT INTO email_source_account (email, uid, type, flags, domain) SELECT {?}, {?}, \'forlife\', \'\', id FROM email_virtual_domains WHERE name = {?}', $forlife, $uid, $mail_domain); XDB::execute('INSERT INTO email_source_account (email, uid, type, flags, domain) SELECT {?}, {?}, \'alias\', \'bestalias\', id FROM email_virtual_domains WHERE name = {?}', $bestalias, $uid, $mail_domain); if ($emailXorg2) { XDB::execute('INSERT INTO email_source_account (email, uid, type, flags, domain) SELECT {?}, {?}, \'alias\', \'\', id FROM email_virtual_domains WHERE name = {?}', $emailXorg2, $uid, $mail_domain); } XDB::commit(); // Try to start a session (so the user don't have to log in); we will use // the password available in Post:: to authenticate the user. Platal::session()->start(AUTH_PASSWD); // Add the registration email address as first and only redirection. require_once ''; $user = User::getSilentWithUID($uid); $redirect = new Redirect($user); $redirect->add_email($email); fix_bestalias($user); // If the user was registered to some aliases and MLs, we must change // the subscription to her forlife email. if ($old_account_email) { $listClient = new MMList($user); $listClient->change_user_email($old_account_email, $user->forlifeEmail()); update_alias_user($old_account_email, $user->forlifeEmail()); } // Subscribe the user to the services she did request at registration time. require_once ''; foreach (explode(',', $services) as $service) { switch ($service) { case 'ax_letter': /* This option is deprecated by 'com_letters' */ NewsLetter::forGroup(NewsLetter::GROUP_AX)->subscribe($user); break; case 'com_letters': NewsLetter::forGroup(NewsLetter::GROUP_AX)->subscribe($user); NewsLetter::forGroup(NewsLetter::GROUP_EP)->subscribe($user); NewsLetter::forGroup(NewsLetter::GROUP_FX)->subscribe($user); break; case 'nl': NewsLetter::forGroup(NewsLetter::GROUP_XORG)->subscribe($user); break; case 'imap': Email::activate_storage($user, 'imap', Bogo::IMAP_DEFAULT); break; case 'ml_promo': if ($isX) { $r = XDB::query('SELECT id FROM groups WHERE diminutif = {?}', $yearpromo); if ($r->numRows()) { $asso_id = $r->fetchOneCell(); XDB::execute('INSERT IGNORE INTO group_members (uid, asso_id) VALUES ({?}, {?})', $uid, $asso_id); try { MailingList::subscribePromo($yearpromo, $user); } catch (Exception $e) { PlErrorReport::report($e); $page->trigError("L'inscription à la liste promo" . $yearpromo . " a échouée."); } } } break; } } // Log the registration in the user session. S::logger($uid)->log('inscription', $email); XDB::execute("UPDATE register_pending\n SET hash = 'INSCRIT'\n WHERE uid = {?}", $uid); // Congratulate our newly registered user by email. $mymail = new PlMailer('register/success.mail.tpl'); $mymail->addTo("\"{$user->fullName()}\" <{$user->forlifeEmail()}>"); if ($isX) { $mymail->setSubject('Bienvenue parmi les X sur le web !'); } else { $mymail->setSubject('Bienvenue sur !'); } $mymail->assign('forlife', $forlife); $mymail->assign('firstname', $firstname); $mymail->send(); // Index the user, to allow her to appear in searches. Profile::rebuildSearchTokens($pid); // Notify other users which were watching for her arrival. XDB::execute('INSERT INTO contacts (uid, contact) SELECT uid, {?} FROM watch_nonins WHERE ni_id = {?}', $pid, $uid); XDB::execute('DELETE FROM watch_nonins WHERE ni_id = {?}', $uid); Platal::session()->updateNbNotifs(); // Forcibly register the new user on default forums. $registeredForums = array('xorg.general', '', ''); if ($isX) { $promoForum = '' . strtolower($promo); $exists = XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM forums WHERE name = {?}', $promoForum); if ($exists == 0) { // Notify the newsgroup admin of the promotion forum needs be created. $promoFull = new UserFilter(new UFC_Promo('=', UserFilter::DISPLAY, $promo)); $promoRegistered = new UserFilter(new PFC_And(new UFC_Promo('=', UserFilter::DISPLAY, $promo), new UFC_Registered(true), new PFC_Not(new UFC_Dead()))); if ($promoRegistered->getTotalCount() > 0.2 * $promoFull->getTotalCount()) { $mymail = new PlMailer('admin/forums-promo.mail.tpl'); $mymail->assign('promo', $promo); $mymail->send(); } } else { $registeredForums[] = $promoForum; } } foreach ($registeredForums as $forum) { XDB::execute("INSERT INTO forum_subs (fid, uid)\n SELECT fid, {?}\n FROM forums\n WHERE name = {?}", $uid, $val); } // Update the global registration count stats. $globals->updateNbIns(); // // Update collateral data sources, and inform watchers by email. // // Email the referrer(s) of this new user. $res = XDB::iterRow("SELECT sender, GROUP_CONCAT(email SEPARATOR ', ') AS mails, MAX(last) AS lastDate\n FROM register_marketing\n WHERE uid = {?}\n GROUP BY sender\n ORDER BY lastDate DESC", $uid); XDB::execute("UPDATE register_mstats\n SET success = NOW()\n WHERE uid = {?}", $uid); $market = array(); while (list($senderid, $maketingEmails, $lastDate) = $res->next()) { $sender = User::getWithUID($senderid); $market[] = " - par {$sender->fullName()} sur {$maketingEmails} (le plus récemment le {$lastDate})"; $mymail = new PlMailer('register/marketer.mail.tpl'); $mymail->setSubject("{$firstname} {$lastname} s'est inscrit à !"); $mymail->setTo($sender); $mymail->assign('sender', $sender); $mymail->assign('firstname', $firstname); $mymail->assign('lastname', $lastname); $mymail->assign('promo', $promo); $mymail->assign('sex', $sex); $mymail->setTxtBody(wordwrap($msg, 72)); $mymail->send(); } // Email the plat/al administrators about the registration. if ($globals->register->notif) { $mymail = new PlMailer('register/registration.mail.tpl'); $mymail->setSubject("Inscription de {$firstname} {$lastname} ({$promo})"); $mymail->assign('firstname', $firstname); $mymail->assign('lastname', $lastname); $mymail->assign('promo', $promo); $mymail->assign('sex', $sex); $mymail->assign('birthdate', $birthdate); $mymail->assign('birthdate_ref', $birthdate_ref); $mymail->assign('forlife', $forlife); $mymail->assign('email', $email); $mymail->assign('logger', S::logger()); if (count($market) > 0) { $mymail->assign('market', implode("\n", $market)); } $mymail->setTxtBody($msg); $mymail->send(); } // Remove old pending marketing requests for the new user. Marketing::clear($uid); pl_redirect('profile/edit'); }
function handler_admin($page) { $page->changeTpl('xnet/admin.tpl'); if (Get::has('del')) { $res = XDB::query('SELECT id, nom, mail_domain FROM groups WHERE diminutif={?}', Get::v('del')); list($id, $nom, $domain) = $res->fetchOneRow(); $page->assign('nom', $nom); if ($id && Post::has('del')) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); XDB::query('DELETE FROM group_members WHERE asso_id={?}', $id); $page->trigSuccess('membres supprimés'); if ($domain) { XDB::execute('DELETE v FROM email_virtual AS v INNER JOIN email_virtual_domains AS d ON (v.domain = WHERE = {?}', $domain); XDB::execute('DELETE FROM email_virtual_domains WHERE name = {?}', $domain); $page->trigSuccess('suppression des alias mails'); $mmlist = new MMList(S::v('uid'), S::v('password'), $domain); if ($listes = $mmlist->get_lists()) { foreach ($listes as $l) { $mmlist->delete_list($l['list'], true); } $page->trigSuccess('mail lists surpprimées'); } } XDB::query('DELETE FROM groups WHERE id={?}', $id); $page->trigSuccess("Groupe {$nom} supprimé"); Get::kill('del'); } if (!$id) { Get::kill('del'); } } if (Post::has('diminutif') && Post::v('diminutif') != "") { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $res = XDB::query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM groups WHERE diminutif = {?}', Post::v('diminutif')); if ($res->fetchOneCell() == 0) { XDB::execute('INSERT INTO groups (id, diminutif) VALUES (NULL, {?})', Post::v('diminutif')); pl_redirect(Post::v('diminutif') . '/edit'); } else { $page->trigError('Le diminutif demandé est déjà pris.'); } } $res = XDB::query('SELECT nom, diminutif FROM groups ORDER BY nom'); $page->assign('assos', $res->fetchAllAssoc()); }
public function process(&$global_success) { $global_success = true; $this->fetchData(); foreach ($this->settings as $field => &$setting) { $success = false; if (!is_null($setting)) { $this->values[$field] = $setting->value($this, $field, Post::v($field, ''), $success); } else { $success = true; $this->values[$field] = Post::v($field, ''); } $this->errors[$field] = !$success; $global_success = $global_success && $success; } if ($global_success) { if ($this->checkChanges()) { /* Save changes atomically to avoid inconsistent state * in case of error. */ if (!XDB::runTransaction(array($this, 'saveData'))) { $global_success = false; return PlWizard::CURRENT_PAGE; } $this->markChange(); } // XXX: removes this code once all merge related issues have been fixed. static $issues = array(0 => array('name', 'promo', 'phone', 'education'), 1 => array('address'), 2 => array('job')); if (isset($issues[Post::i('valid_page')])) { foreach ($issues[Post::i('valid_page')] as $issue) { XDB::execute("UPDATE profile_merge_issues\n SET issues = REPLACE(issues, {?}, '')\n WHERE pid = {?}", $issue, $this->pid()); } } return Post::has('next_page') ? PlWizard::NEXT_PAGE : PlWizard::CURRENT_PAGE; } $text = "Certains champs n'ont pas pu être validés, merci de corriger les informations " . (S::user()->isMe($this->owner) ? "de ton profil et de revalider ta demande." : "du profil et de revalider ta demande."); Platal::page()->trigError($text); return PlWizard::CURRENT_PAGE; }
function handler_edit_announce($page, $aid = null) { global $globals, $platal; $page->changeTpl('xnetgrp/announce-edit.tpl'); $page->assign('new', is_null($aid)); $art = array(); if (Post::v('valid') == 'Visualiser' || Post::v('valid') == 'Enregistrer' || Post::v('valid') == 'Supprimer l\'image' || Post::v('valid') == 'Pas d\'image') { S::assert_xsrf_token(); if (!is_null($aid)) { $art['id'] = $aid; } $art['titre'] = Post::v('titre'); $art['texte'] = Post::v('texte'); $art['contacts'] = Post::v('contacts'); $art['promo_min'] = Post::i('promo_min'); $art['promo_max'] = Post::i('promo_max'); $art['nom'] = S::v('nom'); $art['prenom'] = S::v('prenom'); $art['promo'] = S::v('promo'); $art['hruid'] = S::user()->login(); $art['uid'] = S::user()->id(); $art['expiration'] = Post::v('expiration'); $art['public'] = Post::has('public'); $art['xorg'] = Post::has('xorg'); $art['nl'] = Post::has('nl'); $art['event'] = Post::v('event'); $upload = new PlUpload(S::user()->login(), 'xnetannounce'); $this->upload_image($page, $upload); $art['contact_html'] = $art['contacts']; if ($art['event']) { $art['contact_html'] .= "\n{$globals->baseurl}/{$platal->ns}events/sub/{$art['event']}"; } if (!$art['public'] && ($art['promo_min'] > $art['promo_max'] && $art['promo_max'] != 0 || $art['promo_min'] != 0 && ($art['promo_min'] <= 1900 || $art['promo_min'] >= 2020) || $art['promo_max'] != 0 && ($art['promo_max'] <= 1900 || $art['promo_max'] >= 2020))) { $page->trigError("L'intervalle de promotions est invalide."); Post::kill('valid'); } if (!trim($art['titre']) || !trim($art['texte'])) { $page->trigError("L'article doit avoir un titre et un contenu."); Post::kill('valid'); } if (Post::v('valid') == 'Supprimer l\'image') { $upload->rm(); Post::kill('valid'); } $art['photo'] = $upload->exists() || Post::i('photo'); if (Post::v('valid') == 'Pas d\'image' && !is_null($aid)) { XDB::query('DELETE FROM group_announces_photo WHERE eid = {?}', $aid); $upload->rm(); Post::kill('valid'); $art['photo'] = false; } } if (Post::v('valid') == 'Enregistrer') { $promo_min = $art['public'] ? 0 : $art['promo_min']; $promo_max = $art['public'] ? 0 : $art['promo_max']; $flags = new PlFlagSet(); if ($art['public']) { $flags->addFlag('public'); } if ($art['photo']) { $flags->addFlag('photo'); } if (is_null($aid)) { $fulltext = $art['texte']; if (!empty($art['contact_html'])) { $fulltext .= "\n\n'''Contacts :'''\\\\\n" . $art['contact_html']; } $post = null; if ($globals->asso('forum')) { require_once 'banana/'; $banana = new ForumsBanana(S::user()); $post = $banana->post($globals->asso('forum'), null, $art['titre'], MiniWiki::wikiToText($fulltext, false, 0, 80)); } XDB::query('INSERT INTO group_announces (uid, asso_id, create_date, titre, texte, contacts, expiration, promo_min, promo_max, flags, post_id) VALUES ({?}, {?}, NOW(), {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})', S::i('uid'), $globals->asso('id'), $art['titre'], $art['texte'], $art['contact_html'], $art['expiration'], $promo_min, $promo_max, $flags, $post); $aid = XDB::insertId(); if ($art['photo']) { list($imgx, $imgy, $imgtype) = $upload->imageInfo(); XDB::execute('INSERT INTO group_announces_photo SET eid = {?}, attachmime = {?}, x = {?}, y = {?}, attach = {?}', $aid, $imgtype, $imgx, $imgy, $upload->getContents()); } if ($art['xorg']) { $article = new EvtReq("[{$globals->asso('nom')}] " . $art['titre'], $fulltext, $art['promo_min'], $art['promo_max'], $art['expiration'], "", S::user(), $upload); $article->submit(); $page->trigWarning("L'affichage sur la page d'accueil de est en attente de validation."); } else { if ($upload && $upload->exists()) { $upload->rm(); } } if ($art['nl']) { $article = new NLReq(S::user(), $globals->asso('nom') . " : " . $art['titre'], $art['texte'], $art['contact_html']); $article->submit(); $page->trigWarning("La parution dans la Lettre Mensuelle est en attente de validation."); } } else { XDB::query('UPDATE group_announces SET titre = {?}, texte = {?}, contacts = {?}, expiration = {?}, promo_min = {?}, promo_max = {?}, flags = {?} WHERE id = {?} AND asso_id = {?}', $art['titre'], $art['texte'], $art['contacts'], $art['expiration'], $promo_min, $promo_max, $flags, $art['id'], $globals->asso('id')); if ($art['photo'] && $upload->exists()) { list($imgx, $imgy, $imgtype) = $upload->imageInfo(); XDB::execute('INSERT INTO group_announces_photo (eid, attachmime, attach, x, y) VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE attachmime = VALUES(attachmime), attach = VALUES(attach), x = VALUES(x), y = VALUES(y)', $aid, $imgtype, $upload->getContents(), $imgx, $imgy); $upload->rm(); } } } if (Post::v('valid') == 'Enregistrer' || Post::v('valid') == 'Annuler') { pl_redirect(""); } if (empty($art) && !is_null($aid)) { $res = XDB::query("SELECT *, FIND_IN_SET('public', flags) AS public,\n FIND_IN_SET('photo', flags) AS photo\n FROM group_announces\n WHERE asso_id = {?} AND id = {?}", $globals->asso('id'), $aid); if ($res->numRows()) { $art = $res->fetchOneAssoc(); $art['contact_html'] = $art['contacts']; } else { $page->kill("Aucun article correspond à l'identifiant indiqué."); } } if (is_null($aid)) { $events = XDB::iterator("SELECT *\n FROM group_events\n WHERE asso_id = {?} AND archive = 0", $globals->asso('id')); if ($events->total()) { $page->assign('events', $events); } } $art['contact_html'] = @MiniWiki::WikiToHTML($art['contact_html']); $page->assign('art', $art); $page->assign_by_ref('upload', $upload); }
function handler_adm_transfers($page, $action = null, $id = null) { // list/log all bank transfers and link them to individual transactions if (Post::has('generate')) { $recon_ids = array_keys(Post::v('recon_id')); // generate a new reconcilation group ID $res = XDB::query("SELECT MAX(recongroup_id)+1 FROM payment_reconcilations"); $recongp_id = $res->fetchOneCell(); if ($recongp_id == null) { $recongp_id = 1; } // add reconcilations to group // FIXME: should check if reconcilations are in good status XDB::execute("UPDATE payment_reconcilations\n SET recongroup_id = {?}, status = 'closed'\n WHERE id IN {?}", $recongp_id, $recon_ids); // create transfers XDB::execute('INSERT INTO payment_transfers SELECT NULL, {?}, t.ref, SUM(t.amount+t.commission), NULL, p.text, NULL FROM payment_transactions AS t LEFT JOIN payments AS p ON (t.ref = LEFT JOIN groups AS g ON (p.asso_id = WHERE t.recon_id IN {?} AND t.status = "confirmed" GROUP BY t.ref', $recongp_id, $recon_ids); //$res = XDB::query("SELECT * FROM payment_reconcilations WHERE id IN {?}", $recon_ids); //$recons = $res->fetchAllAssoc(); $page->trigSuccess('Les virements ont été générés pour ' . count($recon_ids) . ' réconciliations.'); $this->handler_adm_reconcile($page); } elseif ($action == 'delgroup') { S::assert_xsrf_token(); XDB::execute("UPDATE payment_reconcilations\n SET status = 'transfering', recongroup_id = NULL\n WHERE recongroup_id = {?}", $id); XDB::execute("DELETE FROM payment_transfers\n WHERE recongroup_id = {?} AND date IS NULL", $id); $page->trigSuccess("Les virements non réalisés ont été supprimé du groupe " . $id . "."); $this->handler_adm_reconcile($page); } elseif ($action == "confirm") { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $account_id = XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT rib_id FROM payments AS p LEFT JOIN payment_transfers AS t ON (t.payment_id = WHERE = {?}', $id); XDB::execute('UPDATE payment_transfers SET date = NOW(), account_id = {?} WHERE id = {?}', $account_id, $id); $page->trigSuccess('Virement ' . $id . ' confirmé.'); $this->handler_adm_reconcile($page); } else { pl_redirect('admin/reconcile'); } }
function handler_prefs_email($page) { $page->changeTpl('platal/email_preferences.tpl'); if (Post::has('submit')) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $from_email = Post::t('from_email'); $from_format = Post::v('from_format'); // Checks email. $email_regex = '/^[a-z0-9.\\-+_\\$]+@([\\-.+_]?[a-z0-9])+$/i'; if (!preg_match($email_regex, $from_email)) { $full_regex = '/^[^<]*<[a-z0-9.\\-+_\\$]+@([\\-.+_]?[a-z0-9])+>$/i'; if (!preg_match($full_regex, $from_email)) { $page->trigError("L'adresse email est erronée."); $error = true; $page->assign('from_email', $from_email); $page->assign('from_format', $from_format); $page->assign('error', true); return; } } // Saves data. XDB::execute('UPDATE accounts SET from_email = {?}, from_format = {?} WHERE uid = {?}', $from_email, $from_format == 'html' ? 'html' : 'text', S::user()->id()); $page->trigSuccess('Données enregistrées.'); } $data = XDB::fetchOneAssoc('SELECT from_email, from_format FROM accounts WHERE uid = {?}', S::user()->id()); $page->assign('from_email', $data['from_email']); $page->assign('from_format', $data['from_format']); $page->assign('error', false); }
function handler_admin_nl_edit($page, $nid = 'last', $aid = null, $action = 'edit') { $page->changeTpl('newsletter/edit.tpl'); $page->addCssLink(''); $page->setTitle('Administration - Newsletter : Édition'); $nl = $this->getNl(); if (!$nl) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } try { $issue = $nl->getIssue($nid, false); } catch (MailNotFound $e) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } $ufb = $nl->getSubscribersUFB(); $ufb_keepenv = false; // Will be set to True if there were invalid modification to the UFB. // Convert NLIssue error messages to human-readable errors $error_msgs = array(NLIssue::ERROR_INVALID_REPLY_TO => "L'adresse de réponse est invalide.", NLIssue::ERROR_INVALID_SHORTNAME => "Le nom court est invalide ou vide.", NLIssue::ERROR_INVALID_UFC => "Le filtre des destinataires est invalide.", NLIssue::ERROR_TOO_LONG_UFC => "Le nombre de matricules AX renseigné est trop élevé.", NLIssue::ERROR_SQL_SAVE => "Une erreur est survenue en tentant de sauvegarder la lettre, merci de réessayer."); // Update the current issue if ($aid == 'update' && Post::has('submit')) { // Save common fields $issue->title = Post::s('title'); $issue->title_mail = Post::s('title_mail'); $issue->head = Post::s('head'); $issue->signature = Post::s('signature'); $issue->reply_to = Post::s('reply_to'); if ($issue->isEditable()) { // Date and shortname may only be modified for pending NLs, otherwise all links get broken. $issue->date = Post::s('date'); $issue->shortname = strlen(Post::blank('shortname')) ? null : Post::s('shortname'); $issue->sufb->updateFromEnv($ufb->getEnv()); if ($nl->automaticMailingEnabled()) { $issue->send_before = preg_replace('/^(\\d\\d\\d\\d)(\\d\\d)(\\d\\d)$/', '\\1-\\2-\\3', Post::v('send_before_date')) . ' ' . Post::i('send_before_time_Hour') . ':00:00'; } } $errors = $issue->save(); if (count($errors)) { foreach ($errors as $error_code) { $page->trigError($error_msgs[$error_code]); } } } // Delete an article if ($action == 'delete') { $issue->delArticle($aid); pl_redirect($nl->adminPrefix(true, false) . "/edit/{$nid}"); } // Save an article if (Post::v('save')) { $art = new NLArticle(Post::v('title'), Post::v('body'), Post::v('append'), $aid, Post::v('cid'), Post::v('pos')); $issue->saveArticle($art); pl_redirect($nl->adminPrefix(true, false) . "/edit/{$nid}"); } // Edit an article if ($action == 'edit' && $aid != 'update') { $eaid = $aid; if (Post::has('title')) { $art = new NLArticle(Post::v('title'), Post::v('body'), Post::v('append'), $eaid, Post::v('cid'), Post::v('pos')); } else { $art = $eaid == 'new' ? new NLArticle() : $issue->getArt($eaid); } if ($art && !$art->check()) { $page->trigError("Cet article est trop long."); } $page->assign('art', $art); } // Check blacklisted IPs if ($aid == 'blacklist_check') { global $globals; $ips_to_check = array(); $blacklist_host_resolution_count = 0; foreach ($issue->arts as $key => $articles) { foreach ($articles as $article) { $article_ips = $article->getLinkIps($blacklist_host_resolution_count); if (!empty($article_ips)) { $ips_to_check[$article->title()] = $article_ips; } } } $page->assign('ips_to_check', $ips_to_check); if ($blacklist_host_resolution_count >= $globals->mail->blacklist_host_resolution_limit) { $page->trigError("Toutes les url et adresses emails de la lettre" . " n'ont pas été prises en compte car la" . " limite du nombre de résolutions DNS" . " autorisée a été atteinte."); } } if ($issue->state == NLIssue::STATE_SENT) { $page->trigWarning("Cette lettre a déjà été envoyée ; il est recommandé de limiter les modifications au maximum (orthographe, adresses web et mail)."); } $ufb->setEnv($issue->sufb->getEnv()); $page->assign_by_ref('nl', $nl); $page->assign_by_ref('issue', $issue); }
function handler_public($page, $hruid = null) { $page->changeTpl('marketing/public.tpl'); // Retrieves the user info, and checks the user is not yet registered. $user = User::getSilent($hruid); if (!$user || !$user->hasProfile()) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } if ($user->state != 'pending') { $page->kill('Cet utilisateur est déjà inscrit'); } // Displays the page, and handles the eventual user actions. $page->assign('full_name', $user->fullName()); $page->assign('promo', $user->promo()); if (Post::has('valide')) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $email = trim(Post::v('mail')); require_once ''; if (!isvalid_email_redirection($email, $user)) { $page->trigError('Email invalide !'); } else { // On cherche les marketings précédents sur cette adresse // email, en se restreignant au dernier mois if (Marketing::get($user->id(), $email, true)) { $page->assign('already', true); } else { $page->assign('ok', true); check_email($email, "Une adresse surveillée est proposée au marketing par " . S::user()->login()); $market = new Marketing($user->id(), $email, 'default', null, Post::v('origine'), S::v('uid'), Post::v('origine') == 'user' ? Post::v('personal_notes') : null); $market->add(); } } } else { global $globals; require_once ''; $sender = User::getSilent(S::v('uid')); $perso_signature = 'Cordialement,<br />-- <br />' . $sender->fullName(); $market = new AnnuaireMarketing(null, true); $text = $market->getText(array('sexe' => $user->isFemale(), 'forlife_email' => $user->hruid . "@" . $user->mainEmailDomain(), 'forlife_email2' => $user->hruid . "@" . $user->alternateEmailDomain())); $text = str_replace('%%hash%%', '', $text); $text = str_replace('%%personal_notes%%', '<em id="personal_notes_display"></em>', $text); $text = str_replace('%%sender%%', '<span id="sender">' . $perso_signature . '</span>', $text); $page->assign('text', nl2br($text)); $page->assign('perso_signature', $perso_signature); $page->assign('mail_part', 'escaped_html'); } }
function handler_acreate($page) { if (!$this->get_lists_domain()) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } $page->changeTpl('xnetlists/alias-create.tpl'); if (!Post::has('submit')) { return; } else { S::assert_xsrf_token(); } if (!Post::has('liste')) { $page->trigError('Le champs « adresse souhaitée » est vide.'); return; } $list = Post::v('liste'); if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\.]*\$/", $list)) { $page->trigError('Le nom de l\'alias ne doit contenir que des lettres,' . ' chiffres, tirets et points.'); return; } require_once ''; $lists_domain = $this->get_lists_domain(); if (list_exist($list, $lists_domain)) { $page->trigError('Cet alias est déjà pris.'); return; } add_to_list_alias(S::i('uid'), $list, $lists_domain); pl_redirect('alias/admin/' . $list . '@' . $lists_domain); }
protected function action_updateProfile() { global $globals; $page =& Platal::page(); $colors = glob(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../htdocs/images/banana/m2*.gif'); foreach ($colors as $key => $path) { $path = basename($path, '.gif'); $colors[$key] = substr($path, 2); } $page->assign('colors', $colors); if (Post::has('action') && Post::v('action') == 'Enregistrer') { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $flags = new PlFlagSet(); if (Post::b('bananadisplay')) { $flags->addFlag('threads'); } if (Post::b('bananaupdate')) { $flags->addFlag('automaj'); } if (Post::b('bananaxface')) { $flags->addFlag('xface'); } $unread = Post::s('unread'); $read = Post::s('read'); if (!in_array($unread, $colors) || !in_array($read, $colors)) { $page->trigError('Le choix de type pour l\'arborescence est invalide'); } else { $last_seen = XDB::query('SELECT last_seen FROM forum_profiles WHERE uid = {?}', $this->user->id()); if ($last_seen->numRows() > 0) { $last_seen = $last_seen->fetchOneCell(); } else { $last_seen = '0000-00-00'; } XDB::execute('INSERT INTO forum_profiles (uid, sig, mail, name, flags, tree_unread, tree_read, last_seen) VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE sig = VALUES(sig), mail = VALUES(mail), name = VALUES(name), flags = VALUES(flags), tree_unread = VALUES(tree_unread), tree_read = VALUES(tree_read), last_seen = VALUES(last_seen)', $this->user->id(), Post::v('bananasig'), Post::v('bananamail'), Post::v('banananame'), $flags, $unread, $read, $last_seen); $page->trigSuccess('Ton profil a été mis à jour'); } } $infos = $this->fetchProfile(); $page->assign('nom', $infos['name']); $page->assign('mail', $infos['mail']); $page->assign('sig', $infos['sig']); $page->assign('disp', $infos['threads']); $page->assign('maj', $infos['maj']); $page->assign('xface', $infos['xface']); $page->assign('unread', $infos['tree_unread']); $page->assign('read', $infos['tree_read']); return null; }
function handler_duplicated($page, $action = 'list', $email = null) { $page->changeTpl('emails/duplicated.tpl'); $states = array('pending' => 'En attente...', 'safe' => 'Pas d\'inquiétude', 'unsafe' => 'Recherches en cours', 'dangerous' => 'Usurpations par cette adresse'); $page->assign('states', $states); if (Post::has('action')) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); } switch (Post::v('action')) { case 'create': if (trim(Post::v('emailN')) != '') { Xdb::execute('INSERT IGNORE INTO email_watch (email, state, detection, last, uid, description) VALUES ({?}, {?}, CURDATE(), NOW(), {?}, {?})', trim(Post::v('emailN')), Post::v('stateN'), S::i('uid'), Post::v('descriptionN')); } break; case 'edit': Xdb::execute('UPDATE email_watch SET state = {?}, last = NOW(), uid = {?}, description = {?} WHERE email = {?}', Post::v('stateN'), S::i('uid'), Post::v('descriptionN'), Post::v('emailN')); break; default: if ($action == 'delete' && !is_null($email)) { Xdb::execute('DELETE FROM email_watch WHERE email = {?}', $email); } } if ($action != 'create' && $action != 'edit') { $action = 'list'; } $page->assign('action', $action); if ($action == 'list') { $it = XDB::iterRow('SELECT, w.detection, w.state, AS forlife FROM email_watch AS w INNER JOIN email_redirect_account AS r ON ( = r.redirect) INNER JOIN email_source_account AS s ON (s.uid = r.uid AND s.type = \'forlife\') ORDER BY w.state,,'); $table = array(); $props = array(); while (list($email, $date, $state, $forlife) = $it->next()) { if (count($props) == 0 || $props['mail'] != $email) { if (count($props) > 0) { $table[] = $props; } $props = array('mail' => $email, 'detection' => $date, 'state' => $state, 'users' => array($forlife)); } else { $props['users'][] = $forlife; } } if (count($props) > 0) { $table[] = $props; } $page->assign('table', $table); } elseif ($action == 'edit') { $it = XDB::iterRow('SELECT w.detection, w.state, w.last, w.description, a.hruid AS edit, AS forlife FROM email_watch AS w INNER JOIN email_redirect_account AS r ON ( = r.redirect) INNER JOIN email_source_account AS s ON (s.uid = r.uid AND s.type = \'forlife\') LEFT JOIN accounts AS a ON (w.uid = a.uid) WHERE = {?} ORDER BY', $email); $props = array(); while (list($detection, $state, $last, $description, $edit, $forlife) = $it->next()) { if (count($props) == 0) { $props = array('mail' => $email, 'detection' => $detection, 'state' => $state, 'last' => $last, 'description' => $description, 'edit' => $edit, 'users' => array($forlife)); } else { $props['users'][] = $forlife; } } $page->assign('doublon', $props); } }
protected function startSessionAs($user, $level) { if (!is_null(S::user()) && S::user()->id() != $user->id() || S::has('uid') && S::i('uid') != $user->id()) { return false; } else { if (S::has('uid')) { return true; } } if ($level == AUTH_SUID) { S::set('auth', AUTH_PASSWD); } // Loads uid and hruid into the session for developement conveniance. $_SESSION = array_merge($_SESSION, array('uid' => $user->id(), 'hruid' => $user->hruid, 'token' => $user->token, 'user' => $user)); // Starts the session's logger, and sets up the permanent cookie. if (S::suid()) { S::logger()->log("suid_start", S::v('hruid') . ' by ' . S::suid('hruid')); } else { S::logger()->saveLastSession(); Cookie::set('uid', $user->id(), 300); if (S::i('auth_by_cookie') == $user->id() || Post::v('remember', 'false') == 'true') { $this->setAccessCookie(false, S::i('auth_by_cookie') != $user->id()); } else { $this->killAccessCookie(); // If login for an external website and not activating cookie, // mark that we want to disconnect once external auth checks // have been performed. if (Post::b('external_auth')) { S::set('external_auth_exit', true); } } } // Finalizes the session setup. $this->makePerms($user->perms, $user->is_admin); $this->securityChecks(); $this->setSkin(); $this->updateNbNotifs(); // Only check email redirection for 'internal' users. if ($user->checkPerms(PERMS_USER)) { check_redirect(); } // We should not have to use this private data anymore S::kill('auth_by_cookie'); return true; }
public static function send($keys, $user = null) { if ($user == null) { $user = S::user(); } $mail = new FrankizMailer('licenses/licenses_key.mail.tpl'); $mail->assign('keys', $keys); $mail->assign('multiple', count($keys) > 1); $mail->assign('pub_domain', in_array(Post::v('software'), License::getDomainSoftwares())); $mail->Subject = '[Frankiz] Ta licence MSDNAA'; $mail->SetFrom('*****@*****.**', 'admin@windows'); $mail->AddAddress($user->bestEmail(), $user->displayName()); $mail->AddCC('*****@*****.**', 'admin@windows'); $mail->Send(false); }
function handler_admin_events($page, $action = 'list', $eid = null) { $page->changeTpl('events/admin.tpl'); $page->setTitle('Administration - Evenements'); $page->register_modifier('hde', 'html_entity_decode'); $arch = $action == 'archives'; $page->assign('action', $action); $upload = new PlUpload(S::user()->login(), 'event'); if ((Env::has('preview') || Post::v('action') == "Proposer") && $eid) { $action = 'edit'; $this->upload_image($page, $upload); } if (Post::v('action') == 'Pas d\'image' && $eid) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $upload->rm(); XDB::execute("DELETE FROM announce_photos WHERE eid = {?}", $eid); $action = 'edit'; } elseif (Post::v('action') == 'Supprimer l\'image' && $eid) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $upload->rm(); $action = 'edit'; } elseif (Post::v('action') == "Proposer" && $eid) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $promo_min = Post::i('promo_min'); $promo_max = Post::i('promo_max'); if ($promo_min != 0 && ($promo_min <= 1900 || $promo_min >= 2020) || $promo_max != 0 && ($promo_max <= 1900 || $promo_max >= 2020 || $promo_max < $promo_min)) { $page->trigError("L'intervalle de promotions {$promo_min} -> {$promo_max} n'est pas valide"); $action = 'edit'; } else { $res = XDB::query('SELECT flags FROM announces WHERE id = {?}', $eid); $flags = new PlFlagSet($res->fetchOneCell()); $flags->addFlag('wiki'); if (Post::v('important')) { $flags->addFlag('important'); } else { $flags->rmFlag('important'); } XDB::execute('UPDATE announces SET creation_date = creation_date, titre={?}, texte={?}, expiration={?}, promo_min={?}, promo_max={?}, flags = {?} WHERE id = {?}', Post::v('titre'), Post::v('texte'), Post::v('expiration'), Post::v('promo_min'), Post::v('promo_max'), $flags, $eid); if ($upload->exists() && (list($x, $y, $type) = $upload->imageInfo())) { XDB::execute('INSERT INTO announce_photos (eid, attachmime, attach, x, y) VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE attachmime = VALUES(attachmime), attach = VALUES(attach), x = VALUES(x), y = VALUES(y)', $eid, $type, $upload->getContents(), $x, $y); $upload->rm(); } } } if ($action == 'edit') { $res = XDB::query('SELECT titre, texte, expiration, promo_min, promo_max, FIND_IN_SET(\'important\', flags), attach IS NOT NULL FROM announces AS e LEFT JOIN announce_photos AS p ON( = p.eid) WHERE id={?}', $eid); list($titre, $texte, $expiration, $promo_min, $promo_max, $important, $img) = $res->fetchOneRow(); $page->assign('titre', $titre); $page->assign('texte', $texte); $page->assign('promo_min', $promo_min); $page->assign('promo_max', $promo_max); $page->assign('expiration', $expiration); $page->assign('important', $important); $page->assign('eid', $eid); $page->assign('img', $img); $page->assign_by_ref('upload', $upload); $select = ""; for ($i = 1; $i < 30; $i++) { $p_stamp = date("Ymd", time() + 3600 * 24 * $i); $year = substr($p_stamp, 0, 4); $month = substr($p_stamp, 4, 2); $day = substr($p_stamp, 6, 2); $select .= "<option value=\"{$p_stamp}\"" . ($p_stamp == strtr($expiration, array("-" => "")) ? " selected" : "") . "> {$day} / {$month} / {$year}</option>\n"; } $page->assign('select', $select); } else { switch ($action) { case 'delete': S::assert_xsrf_token(); XDB::execute('DELETE from announces WHERE id = {?}', $eid); break; case "archive": S::assert_xsrf_token(); XDB::execute('UPDATE announces SET creation_date = creation_date, flags = CONCAT(flags,",archive") WHERE id = {?}', $eid); break; case "unarchive": S::assert_xsrf_token(); XDB::execute('UPDATE announces SET creation_date = creation_date, flags = REPLACE(flags,"archive","") WHERE id = {?}', $eid); $action = 'archives'; $arch = true; break; case "valid": S::assert_xsrf_token(); XDB::execute('UPDATE announces SET creation_date = creation_date, flags = CONCAT(flags,",valide") WHERE id = {?}', $eid); break; case "unvalid": S::assert_xsrf_token(); XDB::execute('UPDATE announces SET creation_date = creation_date, flags = REPLACE(flags,"valide", "") WHERE id = {?}', $eid); break; } $pid = $eid && $action == 'preview' ? $eid : -1; $sql = "SELECT, e.titre, e.texte, = {$pid} AS preview, e.uid,\n DATE_FORMAT(e.creation_date,'%d/%m/%Y %T') AS creation_date,\n DATE_FORMAT(e.expiration,'%d/%m/%Y') AS expiration,\n e.promo_min, e.promo_max,\n FIND_IN_SET('valide', e.flags) AS fvalide,\n FIND_IN_SET('archive', e.flags) AS farch,\n FIND_IN_SET('wiki', e.flags) AS wiki\n FROM announces AS e\n WHERE " . ($arch ? "" : "!") . "FIND_IN_SET('archive',e.flags)\n ORDER BY FIND_IN_SET('valide',e.flags), e.expiration DESC"; $page->assign('evs', XDB::iterator($sql)); } $page->assign('arch', $arch); $page->assign('admin_evts', true); }
function handler_admin_medals($page, $action = 'list', $id = null) { $page->setTitle('Administration - Distinctions'); $page->assign('title', 'Gestion des Distinctions'); $table_editor = new PLTableEditor('admin/medals', 'profile_medal_enum', 'id'); $table_editor->describe('text', 'intitulé', true); $table_editor->describe('img', 'nom de l\'image', false, true); $table_editor->describe('flags', 'valider', true); $table_editor->apply($page, $action, $id); if ($id && $action == 'edit') { $page->changeTpl('profile/admin_decos.tpl'); $mid = $id; if (Post::v('act') == 'del') { XDB::execute('DELETE FROM profile_medal_grade_enum WHERE mid={?} AND gid={?}', $mid, Post::i('gid')); } else { foreach (Post::v('grades', array()) as $gid => $text) { if ($gid === 0) { if (!empty($text)) { $res = XDB::query('SELECT MAX(gid) FROM profile_medal_grade_enum WHERE mid = {?}', $mid); $gid = $res->fetchOneCell() + 1; XDB::execute('INSERT INTO profile_medal_grade_enum (mid, gid, text, pos) VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?})', $mid, $gid, $text, $_POST['pos']['0']); } } else { XDB::execute('UPDATE profile_medal_grade_enum SET pos={?}, text={?} WHERE gid={?} AND mid={?}', $_POST['pos'][$gid], $text, $gid, $mid); } } } $res = XDB::iterator('SELECT gid, text, pos FROM profile_medal_grade_enum WHERE mid={?} ORDER BY pos', $mid); $page->assign('grades', $res); } }