public function submit_link() { // for submitting the link created to the database $submit_link = Post::submit_link(); $posts = Post::all(); require_once 'views/posts/index.php'; }
public function adminDashboard() { $moderate_count = User::where('role_id', 1)->get()->count(); $post_count = Post::all()->count(); $posts = Post::orderBy('id', 'desc')->distinct()->where('is_approved', 1)->take(5)->get(); return View::make('admin.adminDashboard')->withPage('dashboard')->with('moderate_count', $moderate_count)->with('post_count', $post_count)->withPosts($posts); }
public function testAll() { $post = Post::all(); $debug = last(DB::getQueryLog()); $this->assertCount(3, $post); $this->assertEquals('select * from "posts" where "published" = ? and "status" = ?', $debug['query']); }
/** * Show Admin Dashboard * GET /admin/dashboard * * @return Response */ public function dashboard() { $users = \DB::table('users')->count(); $posts = \Post::all()->count(); $feedback = \Feedback::all()->count(); return \View::make('admin.dashboard', compact('posts', 'users', 'feedback')); }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return Response */ public function index() { $posts = Post::all(); $data = compact('posts'); // equal to ->with('posts', $posts); return View::make('home.index')->with('posts', $posts); }
public function testPaginate() { $posts = Paginator::paginatePosts(Post::all(), 0, 5); $res = $this->e->paginate($posts, 'year'); $keys = array_keys($res); $this->assertTrue(2010 < $keys[0] and $keys[0] < 2020); $this->assertTrue(isset($res[$keys[0]]['posts'])); }
public function run() { $faker = Faker::create(); Comment::truncate(); $posts = Post::all(); foreach (range(1, 50) as $index) { Comment::create(['user_id' => $faker->numberBetween($min = 1, $max = 10), 'post_id' => rand(1, $posts->count()), 'text' => $faker->paragraph($nbSentences = 3), 'attachment_id' => 0]); } }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * @param live * @return Response */ public function index($live = null) { if (isset($live)) { $posts = Post::where('live', $live)->get(); } else { $posts = Post::all(); } return $posts; }
public function isUniqueSlug($slug) { $posts = Post::all(); foreach ($posts as $post) { if ($post->slug == $slug) { return false; } } return true; }
public static function addLang($lang_id) { $pages = Post::all(); foreach ($pages as $item) { $page_lang = new PostLang(); $page_lang->lang_id = $lang_id; $page_lang->post_id = $item->id; $page_lang->save(); } }
public function run() { $faker = Faker::create(); //add these posts for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { $comment = new Comment(); $comment->post_id = Post::all()->random(1)->id; $comment->user_id = User::all()->random(1)->id; $comment->comment = $faker->text($maxNbChars = 200); $comment->save(); } }
public function index() { // Check if user has sent a search query if ($query = Input::get('query', false)) { // Use the Elasticquent search method to search ElasticSearch // $posts = Post::search($query); $posts = Post::searchByQuery(["bool" => ['must' => ['multi_match' => ['query' => Input::get('query', ''), 'fields' => ["title^2", "content"]]], "should" => ['match' => ['tags' => ["query" => Input::get('query', ''), "type" => "phrase"]]]]]); } else { // Show all posts if no query is set $posts = Post::all(); } return View::make('home', compact('posts')); }
public function blog() { $this->load->model('post'); $this->load->library('pagination'); $posts = Post::all(); $config['base_url'] = base_url() . 'blog/page/'; $config['total_rows'] = $posts->count(); $config['per_page'] = 5; $skip = ($this->uri->segment(3) - 1) * $config['per_page']; $this->pagination->initialize($config); $data = ['menu' => 'blog', 'posts' => Post::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->skip($skip)->take($config['per_page'])->get(), 'links' => $this->pagination->create_links()]; $this->load->view('front/blog', $data); }
public function run() { /*delete all existing images*/ DB::table('images')->delete(); $faker = Faker::create(); for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { $image = new Image(); $image->post_id = Post::all()->random()->id; $image->url = $faker->imageUrl(640, 480, 'city'); $image->image_title = ''; $image->save(); } }
public function tags($slug) { if (!$slug) { redirect('web'); } // $join = 'LEFT JOIN post_to_tags a ON( = a.post_id) WHERE tag_id = '.$id.' AND post_status = "active"' ; $join = " LEFT JOIN post_to_tags a " . "ON( = a.post_id) " . "WHERE a.tag_id = " . Tag::first(array('slug' => $slug))->id . " " . "AND post_type = 'post' ORDER BY id DESC"; $data['posts'] = Post::all(array('joins' => $join)); $data['navs'] = Post::all(array('post_type' => 'page')); if (!$data['posts']) { redirect('web/error/404/NotFound'); } $this->theme->view('tags', $data); }
public function posts() { $this->load->library('pagination'); $posts = Post::all(); $config['base_url'] = base_url() . 'dashboard/posts/page/'; $config['total_rows'] = $posts->count(); $config['per_page'] = 5; $skip = ($this->uri->segment(4) - 1) * $config['per_page']; $this->pagination->initialize($config); $data = ['menu' => 'posts', 'posts' => Post::skip($skip)->take($config['per_page'])->get(), 'links' => $this->pagination->create_links(), 'row' => $this->uri->segment(4) ? $config['per_page'] * ($this->uri->segment(4) - 1) : 0]; // set redirect back url in session $this->session->set_userdata('previous_url', current_url()); $this->load->view('dashboard/posts-list', $data); }
/** * Список сообщений */ public function topic($id) { if (!($topic = Topic::find_by_id($id))) { App::abort('default', 'Данной темы не существует!'); } if (User::check()) { $bookmark = Bookmark::find_by_topic_id_and_user_id($id, User::get('id')); if ($bookmark && $topic->postCount() > $bookmark->posts) { $bookmark->posts = $topic->postCount(); $bookmark->save(); } } $total = Post::count(['conditions' => ['topic_id = ?', $id]]); $page = App::paginate(Setting::get('posts_per_page'), $total); $posts = Post::all(['conditions' => ['topic_id = ?', $id], 'offset' => $page['offset'], 'limit' => $page['limit'], 'order' => 'created_at', 'include' => ['user']]); $crumbs = ['/forum' => 'Форум', '/forum/' . $topic->forum()->id => $topic->forum()->title, $topic->title]; if ($topic->forum()->parent_id) { $crumbs = ['/forum' => 'Форум', '/forum/' . $topic->forum()->parent_id => $topic->forum()->parent()->title, '/forum/' . $topic->forum()->id => $topic->forum()->title, $topic->title]; } App::view('forums.topic', compact('topic', 'posts', 'page', 'crumbs')); }
public function view() { $posts = Post::all(); return View::make('posts.index', ['posts' => $posts]); }
public function index() { $post = Post::all(); return Response::json(array('post' => $post)); }
/** * Search * */ public function search() { if (isset($_POST["submitSearch"])) { $find = $_POST['searchBlog']; $getData = Post::all(); $temp = array(); if ($find != "") { foreach ($getData as $data) { $pos = strpos($data['title'], $find); if ($pos !== false) { $temp[] = $data; } } $posts1 = $this->post->orderBy('created_at', 'DESC')->paginate(10); return View::make('site/blog/index')->with(['posts' => $temp, 'posts1' => $posts1]); } else { if ($find == "") { $posts = $this->post->orderBy('created_at', 'DESC')->paginate(10); $posts1 = $this->post->orderBy('created_at', 'DESC')->paginate(10); return View::make('site/blog/index', compact('posts', 'posts1')); } } } }
Route::post('/create-post', function () { $post = Post::create(Input::all()); return Redirect::to('/' . $post->id); }); Route::group(array('before' => 'auth'), function () { Route::post('/', function () { return View::make('create-post'); }); Route::post('/{post}', function () { return Redirect::to('create-post'); }); Route::get('/create-post', function () { return View::make('create-post'); }); Route::get('/{post}/edit-post', function (Post $post) { return View::make('edit-post')->with('post', $post)->with('method', 'put'); }); Route::get('/{post}/delete-post', function (Post $post) { return View::make('delete-post')->with('post', $post)->with('method', 'delete'); }); }); Route::get('/login', function () { return View::make('login'); }); Route::get('/', function () { $posts = Post::all(); return View::make('main-page')->with('posts', $posts); }); Route::get('/{post}', function ($post) { return View::make('single-post')->with('post', $post); });
public function moderateDashboard() { $post_count = Post::all()->count(); return View::make('moderate.moderateDashboard')->withPage('dashboard')->with('post_count', $post_count); }
public function testDelete() { $post = Post::forceCreateInLocale('de', ['title' => 'Title DE']); $post->forceSaveTranslation('en', ['title' => 'Title EN']); Post::forceCreateInLocale('en', ['title' => 'Title 2 EN']); $post->delete(); $this->assertCount(1, Post::all()); $this->assertCount(1, Post::i18nQuery()->get()); }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return Response */ public function index() { $posts = Post::all(); return View::make('backend.posts.index')->with('post', $posts); }
public function testDeleteWithoutTranslations() { Post::forceCreate(['title' => 'Title']); Post::i18nQuery()->truncate(); $post = Post::first(); $post->delete(); $this->assertCount(0, Post::all()); }
/** * Posts list * * @param Request $request * @param $opts * @return mixed */ public function posts_list(Request $request, $opts) { $title = $this->lang->translate('post.list'); // Delete post if ($request->get('delete')) { $post = \Post::find_by_id(intval($request->get('delete'))); if ($post && $post->delete()) { $this->view->assign('message', $this->lang->translate('form.deleted')); } } // Publish post if ($request->get('accept')) { $post = \Post::find_by_id(intval($request->get('accept'))); if ($post) { $post->moderate = '0'; $post->created_at = time(); if ($post->save()) { $this->view->assign('message', $this->lang->translate('post.published')); } // Export to social $post->export(); // Pinging sitemap NCService::load('SocialMedia.Ping'); } else { $this->view->assign('message', $this->lang->translate('post.error_publish')); } } // Filter $filter['order'] = 'id DESC'; if ($request->order) { $filter['order'] = $request->order; } $conditions = []; $values = []; // By Category if ($request->get('category')) { $category = \PostCategory::find($request->get('category')); if ($category) { $conditions[] = 'category_id = ?'; $values[] = $category->id; } } // By Author if ($request->get('author')) { $author = \User::find($request->get('author')); if ($author) { $conditions[] = 'author_id = ?'; $values[] = $author->id; } } // Premoderate $conditions[] = 'moderate = ?'; if ($opts->get('mod')) { $title = $this->lang->translate('post.onmoderation'); $values[] = '1'; } else { $values[] = '0'; } if ($conditions) { $filter['conditions'] = array_merge([implode(' AND ', $conditions)], $values); } /** @var Listing $paginator */ $paginator = NCService::load('Paginator.Listing', [$request->page, \Post::count($filter)]); $filter = array_merge($filter, $paginator->limit()); // Filter users $posts = \Post::all($filter); // Mass managing // Accept all visible if ($request->get('accept') == 'all') { foreach ($posts as $item) { $item->moderate = '0'; $item->save(); // Export to social Module::export($item, $this->view); } // Pinging sitemap NCService::load('SocialMedia.Ping'); return static::redirect_response($request->getPathInfo()); } // Sent to moderate all visible if ($request->get('moderate') == 'all') { foreach ($posts as $item) { $item->moderate = '1'; $item->save(); } return static::redirect_response($request->getPathInfo()); } // Delete all visible if ($request->get('delete') == 'all') { foreach ($posts as $item) { $item->delete(); } return static::redirect_response($request->getPathInfo()); } $posts = array_map(function ($i) { return $i->to_array(); }, $posts); return $this->view->render('posts/list.twig', ['title' => $title, 'posts_list' => $posts, 'listing' => $paginator->pages(), 'page' => $paginator->cur_page, 'moderate' => $opts->get('mod')]); }
public function index() { return View::make('post.index', array('posts' => Post::all())); }
function all() { $posts = Post::all(); return View::make('pages.frontpage', ['posts' => $posts]); }
public function showTattooProjectImages() { $posts = Post::all()->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->paginate(10); return View::make('tattoo-artist-portfolio')->with(['posts' => $posts]); }
public function index() { //we store all the posts in a varaible $posts = Post::all(); require_once 'views/posts/index.php'; }