Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: sms.php Projeto: didww/demo
 function index()
     $customer_id = \Yoda\Request::getInt('customer_id');
     $destination = \Yoda\Request::getString('destination');
     $source = \Yoda\Request::getString('source');
     $success = \Yoda\Request::getString('success', '');
     $from_date = \Yoda\Request::getString('from_date');
     $to_date = \Yoda\Request::getString('to_date');
     $order = \Yoda\Request::getString('order', 'destination');
     $direction = \Yoda\Request::getString('direction', 'ASC');
     $pagination = new Pagination();
     $pagination->setPage(\Yoda\Request::getInt('page', 1));
     $pagination->setLink('index.php?controller=sms&customer_id=' . $customer_id . '&destination=' . $destination . '&source=' . $source . '&success=' . $success . '&from_date=' . $from_date . '&to_date=' . $to_date);
     $sms = new Didww\API2\SMSCollection();
     if ($success !== '') {
     $sms_log = $sms->getList();
     $total = $sms->getTotal();
     $this->getView()->setProperties(['view' => $this->getView(), 'sms_log' => $sms_log, 'customer_id' => $customer_id, 'destination' => $destination, 'source' => $source, 'success' => $success, 'from_date' => $from_date, 'to_date' => $to_date, 'pagination' => $pagination, 'order' => $order, 'direction' => $direction, 'total' => $total])->display();
Exemplo n.º 2
 function index()
     $customer_id = \Yoda\Request::getInt('customer_id');
     $did_number = \Yoda\Request::getString('did_number');
     $from_date = \Yoda\Request::getString('from_date');
     $to_date = \Yoda\Request::getString('to_date');
     $order = \Yoda\Request::getString('order', 'duration');
     $direction = \Yoda\Request::getString('direction', 'ASC');
     $pagination = new Pagination();
     $pagination->setPage(\Yoda\Request::getInt('page', 1));
     $pagination->setLink('index.php?controller=call_history&did_number=' . $did_number . '&customer_id=' . $customer_id . '&from_date=' . $from_date . '&to_date=' . $to_date);
     $cdr = new Didww\API2\CDRCollection();
     $cdrs = $cdr->getList();
     $total = $cdr->getTotal();
     $this->getView()->setProperties(['view' => $this->getView(), 'cdrs' => $cdrs, 'customer_id' => $customer_id, 'did_number' => $did_number, 'from_date' => $from_date, 'to_date' => $to_date, 'pagination' => $pagination, 'order' => $order, 'direction' => $direction, 'total' => $total])->display();
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: game.php Projeto: ecr007/pr0n
$rsc = $conn->execute($sql);
$total_related = $rsc->fields['total_games'];
if ($total_related > 50) {
    $total_related = 50;
$pagination = new Pagination(10, 'p_related_games_' . $game['GID'] . '_');
$limit = $pagination->getLimit($total_related);
$sql = "SELECT GID, title, addtime, rate, total_plays, type FROM game\n                   WHERE status = '1' AND category = '" . $game['category'] . "' AND GID != " . $gid . "\n                   AND ( title LIKE '%" . mysql_real_escape_string($game['title']) . "%' " . $sql_add . ")\n                   ORDER BY addtime DESC LIMIT " . $limit;
$rs = $conn->execute($sql);
$games = $rs->getrows();
$page_link = $pagination->getPagination('game');
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(CID) AS total_comments FROM game_comments WHERE GID = " . $gid . " AND status = '1'";
$rsc = $conn->execute($sql);
$total_comments = $rsc->fields['total_comments'];
$pagination = new Pagination(10);
$limit = $pagination->getLimit($total_comments);
$sql = "SELECT c.CID, c.UID, c.comment, c.addtime, s.username, s.photo, s.gender\n                   FROM game_comments AS c, signup AS s \n                   WHERE c.GID = " . $gid . " AND c.status = '1' AND c.UID = s.UID \n                   ORDER BY c.addtime DESC LIMIT " . $limit;
$rs = $conn->execute($sql);
$comments = $rs->getrows();
$page_link_c = $pagination->getPagination('game', 'p_game_comments_' . $game['GID'] . '_');
$page_link_cb = $pagination->getPagination('game', 'pp_game_comments_' . $game['GID'] . '_');
$start_num = $pagination->getStartItem();
$end_num = $pagination->getEndItem();
$self_title = $game['title'] . $seo['game_title'];
$self_description = $game['title'] . $seo['game_desc'];
$self_keywords = implode(', ', $game['tags']) . $seo['game_keywords'];
$smarty->assign('errors', $errors);
$smarty->assign('messages', $messages);
$smarty->assign('menu', 'games');
$smarty->assign('submenu', '');
$smarty->assign('play', true);
Exemplo n.º 4

require_once "../../klassen/authentication.class.php";
require_once "../../config.php";
require_once "../../klassen/datenbank.class.php";
require_once "../../libs/smarty/Smarty.class.php";
require_once "../../klassen/bewohner.class.php";
require_once "../../klassen/geld.class.php";
require_once "../../klassen/pagination.class.php";
$datenbank = new Datenbank();
$sql = Geld::SQL_SELECT_COUNT;
$anzahl = $datenbank->queryDirektSingle($sql)["anzahl"];
$pagination = new Pagination($anzahl);
$sql = GELD::SQL_SELECT_ALL_JOIN_BEWOHNER . $pagination->getLimit();
$buchungen = $datenbank->queryArray($sql, array(), new BewohnerGeldFactory());
if (count($buchungen) > 0) {
    $kassenstand = $datenbank->queryDirektSingle($sql, array("datum" => $buchungen[0]->datum))["kassenstand"];
} else {
    $kassenstand = 0;
$smarty = new Smarty();
$smarty->assign("flurName", $config["flurName"]);
$smarty->assign("rootDir", $config["rootDir"]);
$smarty->assign("pagination", $pagination);
$smarty->assign("buchungen", $buchungen);
$smarty->assign("filename", "/c4/geld/buchungen/index.php");
$smarty->assign("kassenstand", $kassenstand);
//$smarty->assign("", $);
Exemplo n.º 5
            if ($conn->Affected_Rows() === 1) {
                $messages[] = 'Text advertise was successfuly ' . $action . 'ed!';
            } else {
                $errors[] = 'Failed to ' . $action . ' advertise! Are you sure this advertise exists?!';
            $remove = '&a=' . $action . '&AID=' . $AID;
            $errors[] = 'Invalid action! Allowed actions: delete, activate and suspend!';
$query = constructQuery();
$rs = $conn->execute($query['count']);
$total_advs = $rs->fields['total_advs'];
$pagination = new Pagination($query['items']);
$limit = $pagination->getLimit($total_advs);
$paging = $pagination->getAdminPagination($remove);
$sql = $query['select'] . " LIMIT " . $limit;
$rs = $conn->execute($sql);
$advs = $rs->getrows();
function constructQuery()
    global $smarty;
    $query = array();
    $query_count = "SELECT COUNT(adv_id) AS total_advs FROM adv_text";
    $query_select = "SELECT * FROM adv_text";
    $query_add = NULL;
    $option = array('sort' => 'adv_id', 'order' => 'DESC', 'display' => 20);
    $option = isset($_SESSION['search_text_advertise']) ? $_SESSION['search_text_advertise'] : $option;
    if (isset($_POST['search_text'])) {
        $option['sort'] = trim($_POST['sort']);
Exemplo n.º 6
                $_SESSION['message'] = 'Duration regenerated successfuly!';
                $remove = '&=duration&VID=' . $VID;
                VRedirect::go('videos.php?m=' . $module_keep . '&page=' . $page);
    } else {
        $err = 'Invalid video id. Video does not exist!?';
$query = constructQuery($module_keep);
$sql = $query['count'];
$rs = $conn->execute($sql);
$total_videos = $rs->fields['total_videos'];
$pagination = new Pagination($query['page_items']);
$limit = $pagination->getLimit($total_videos);
$paging = $pagination->getAdminPagination($remove);
$sql = $query['select'] . " LIMIT " . $limit;
$rs = $conn->execute($sql);
$videos = $rs->getrows();
function constructQuery($module)
    global $smarty;
    $query_module = '';
    if ($module == 'private' or $module == 'public') {
        $query_module = " AND v.type = '" . $module . "'";
    $query = array();
    $query_select = "SELECT v.*,s.username FROM video AS v, signup AS s WHERE v.UID = s.UID" . $query_module;
    $query_count = "SELECT count(v.VID) AS total_videos FROM video AS v WHERE v.VID != ''" . $query_module;
    $query_add = $query_module != '' ? " AND" : " WHERE";
Exemplo n.º 7

require_once "../../klassen/authentication.class.php";
$loginErforderlich = false;
require_once "../../config.php";
require_once "../../klassen/datenbank.class.php";
require_once "../../libs/smarty/Smarty.class.php";
require_once "../../klassen/bewohner.class.php";
require_once "../../klassen/pagination.class.php";
$datenbank = new Datenbank();
$sql = Bewohner::SQL_SELECT_COUNT;
$res = $datenbank->queryDirektSingle($sql);
$anzahl = $res["COUNT(*)"];
$pagination = new Pagination($anzahl);
$sql = Bewohner::SQL_SELECT_ALL_JOIN . $pagination->getLimit();
$bewohner = $datenbank->queryArray($sql, array(), new BewohnerFactory());
$smarty = new Smarty();
$smarty->assign("flurName", $config["flurName"]);
$smarty->assign("rootDir", $config["rootDir"]);
$smarty->assign("zimmerAnzahl", $config["zimmerAnzahl"]);
$smarty->assign("bewohner", $bewohner);
$smarty->assign("pagination", $pagination);
$smarty->assign("filename", "/flur/bewohner/alle/index.php");
Exemplo n.º 8
    case 'mv':
        $sql_add .= " ORDER BY s.profile_viewed DESC";
    case 'on':
        $sql_add .= " ORDER BY s.logintime DESC";
    case 'ma':
        $sql_add .= " ORDER BY s.video_viewed+s.profile_viewed+s.watched_video DESC";
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(s.UID) AS total_users FROM signup AS s, users_online AS o\n                   WHERE s.account_status = 'Active' AND s.UID = o.UID" . $sql_add_count;
$rsc = $conn->execute($sql);
$total_users = $rsc->fields['total_users'];
$pagination = new Pagination($config['users_per_page']);
$limit = $pagination->getLimit($total_users);
$sql = "SELECT s.UID, s.username, s.photo, s.gender FROM signup AS s, users_online AS o\n                   WHERE s.account_status = 'Active' AND s.UID = o.UID" . $sql_add . " LIMIT " . $limit;
$rs = $conn->execute($sql);
$users = $rs->getrows();
$page_link = $pagination->getPagination('search');
$start_num = $pagination->getStartItem();
$end_num = $pagination->getEndItem();
$smarty->assign('users', $users);
$smarty->assign('users_total', $total_users);
$smarty->assign('page_link', $page_link);
$smarty->assign('start_num', $start_num);
$smarty->assign('end_num', $end_num);
$smarty->assign('order', $order);
$smarty->assign('gender', $gender);
$smarty->assign('interest', $interest);
$smarty->assign('avatar', $avatar);
Exemplo n.º 9
        case 'activate':
        case 'suspend':
            $status = $action == 'activate' ? 1 : 0;
            $sql = "UPDATE notice SET status = '" . $status . "' WHERE NID = " . $NID . " LIMIT 1";
            $messages[] = 'Successfully ' . $action . 'ed notice!';
            $remove = '&a=' . $action . '&NID=' . $NID;
$query = constructQuery();
$sql = $query['count'];
$rsc = $conn->execute($sql);
$total_notices = $rsc->fields['total_notices'];
$pagination = new Pagination($query['page_items']);
$limit = $pagination->getLimit($total_notices);
$paging = $pagination->getAdminPagination($remove);
$sql = $query['select'] . " LIMIT " . $limit;
$rs = $conn->execute($sql);
$notices = $rs->getrows();
function constructQuery()
    global $smarty;
    $query = array();
    $query_select = "SELECT * FROM notice";
    $query_count = "SELECT COUNT(NID) AS total_notices FROM notice";
    $query_add = " WHERE";
    $query_option = array();
    $option_orig = array('username' => '', 'title' => '', 'content' => '', 'sort' => 'UID', 'order' => 'DESC', 'display' => 10);
    $all = isset($_GET['all']) ? intval($_GET['all']) : 0;
    if ($all == 1) {
Exemplo n.º 10
Arquivo: user.php Projeto: ecr007/pr0n
 if ($wall_public == '1') {
     $show_wall = true;
 } else {
     if ($is_friend) {
         $show_wall = true;
     } elseif (isset($_SESSION['uid']) && $_SESSION['uid'] == $uid) {
         $show_wall = true;
 if ($show_wall) {
     require 'classes/pagination.class.php';
     $sql = "SELECT COUNT(wall_id) AS total_walls FROM wall WHERE OID = " . $uid . " AND status = '1'";
     $rsc = $conn->execute($sql);
     $walls_total = $rsc->fields['total_walls'];
     $pagination = new Pagination(10);
     $limit = $pagination->getLimit($walls_total);
     $sql = "SELECT w.wall_id, w.UID, w.message, w.addtime, u.username, u.photo, u.gender\n                               FROM wall AS w, signup AS u WHERE w.OID = " . $uid . " AND w.status = '1' AND w.UID = u.UID \n                               ORDER BY w.addtime DESC LIMIT 10";
     $rs = $conn->execute($sql);
     $walls = $rs->getrows();
     $page_link = $pagination->getPagination('user/' . $username, 'p_wall_comments_' . $uid . '_');
     $smarty->assign('page_link', $page_link);
 $blog = array();
 $sql = "SELECT BID, UID, title, content, total_views, total_comments, addtime\n                           FROM blog WHERE UID = " . $uid . " AND status = '1'\n                           ORDER BY addtime DESC LIMIT 1";
 $rs = $conn->execute($sql);
 if ($conn->Affected_Rows() == 1) {
     $blog = $rs->getrows();
     $blog = $blog['0'];
 $sql = "UPDATE signup SET profile_viewed = profile_viewed+1, popularity = popularity+0.1 WHERE UID = " . $uid . " LIMIT 1";
Exemplo n.º 11
Arquivo: all.php Projeto: ecr007/pr0n
                if ($action == 'activate') {
                $messages[] = 'Album was successfully ' . $action . 'ed!';
    } else {
        $errors[] = 'Invalid album identifier. Are you sure this album exists!?';
$query = constructQuery($module_keep);
$sql = $query['count'];
$rs = $conn->execute($sql);
$total_albums = $rs->fields['total_albums'];
$pagination = new Pagination($query['page_items']);
$limit = $pagination->getLimit($total_albums);
$paging = $pagination->getAdminPagination($remove);
$sql = $query['select'] . " LIMIT " . $limit;
$rs = $conn->execute($sql);
$albums = $rs->getrows();
function constructQuery($module)
    global $smarty;
    $query_module = '';
    if ($module == 'private' or $module == 'public') {
        $query_module = " AND a.type = '" . $module . "'";
    $query = array();
    $query_select = "SELECT a.*, s.username FROM albums AS a, signup AS s WHERE a.UID = s.UID" . $query_module;
    $query_count = "SELECT count(a.AID) AS total_albums FROM albums AS a WHERE a.AID != ''" . $query_module;
    $query_add = $query_module != '' ? " AND" : " WHERE";
Exemplo n.º 12
if ($table == 'all') {
    function compare_time($a, $b)
        $a_time = intval($a['time']);
        $b_time = intval($b['time']);
        if ($a_time === $b_time) {
            return 0;
        return $a_time < $b_time ? 1 : -1;
    usort($feeds, 'compare_time');
if ($subscriptions) {
    $pagination = new Pagination(40);
    $limit = $pagination->getLimit($total_feeds);
    $page_link = $pagination->getPagination('feeds');
$self_title = $config['site_title'];
$self_meta_description = $config['meta_description'];
$self_meta_keywords = $config['meta_keywords'];
$smarty->assign('subscriptions', $subscriptions);
$smarty->assign('username', $username);
$smarty->assign('table', $table);
$smarty->assign('feeds', $feeds);
$smarty->assign('page_link', $page_link);
$smarty->assign('self_title', $self_title);
$smarty->assign('self_meta_description', $self_meta_description);
$smarty->assign('self_meta_keywords', $self_meta_keywords);
Exemplo n.º 13
                $messages[] = 'Successfully ' . $perform . ' game!';
            } else {
                $errors[] = 'Failed to ' . $action . ' game! Are you sure this game exists?!';
            $remove = '&a=' . $action . '&GID=' . $GID;
            $errors[] = 'Invalid action. Allowed actions: delete, activate, suspend and unflag!';
$query = constructQuery();
$sql = $query['count'];
$rs = $conn->execute($sql);
$total_games = $rs->fields['total_games'];
$pagination = new Pagination($query['page_items']);
$limit = $pagination->getLimit($total_games);
$paging = $pagination->getAdminPagination($remove);
$sql = $query['select'] . " LIMIT " . $limit;
$rs = $conn->execute($sql);
$games = $rs->getrows();
function constructQuery()
    global $smarty;
    $query = array();
    $query_select = "SELECT g.*, s.username, f.UID AS SUID, f.FID, f.add_date, f.reason, f.message\n                           FROM game AS g, signup AS s, game_flags AS f\n                           WHERE g.GID = f.GID AND g.UID = s.UID";
    $query_count = "SELECT COUNT(g.GID) AS total_games FROM game AS g, signup AS s, game_flags AS f\n                           WHERE g.GID = f.GID AND g.UID = s.UID";
    $query_option = array();
    $option = array('username' => '', 'title' => '', 'flagger' => '', 'sort' => 'g.GID', 'order' => 'DESC', 'display' => 10);
    if (isset($_POST['search_games'])) {
        $option['username'] = trim($_POST['username']);
        $option['title'] = trim($_POST['title']);
Exemplo n.º 14

require_once "../../klassen/authentication.class.php";
$loginErforderlich = false;
require_once "../../config.php";
require_once "../../klassen/datenbank.class.php";
require_once "../../libs/smarty/Smarty.class.php";
require_once "../../klassen/bewohner.class.php";
require_once "../../klassen/belegung.class.php";
require_once "../../klassen/pagination.class.php";
$datenbank = new Datenbank();
$sql = Belegung::SQL_SELECT_COUNT;
$res = $datenbank->queryDirektSingle($sql);
$anzahl = $res["COUNT(*)"];
$pagination = new Pagination($anzahl);
$sql = Belegung::SQL_SELECT_ALLE_JOIN_BEWOHNER_SORTIERT . $pagination->getLimit();
$belegungen = $datenbank->queryArray($sql, array(), new BewohnerBelegungFactory());
$smarty = new Smarty();
$smarty->assign("flurName", $config["flurName"]);
$smarty->assign("rootDir", $config["rootDir"]);
$smarty->assign("zimmerAnzahl", $config["zimmerAnzahl"]);
$smarty->assign("belegungen", $belegungen);
$smarty->assign("pagination", $pagination);
$smarty->assign("filename", "/flur/belegung/alle/index.php");
Exemplo n.º 15
Arquivo: spam.php Projeto: ecr007/pr0n
            if ($conn->Affected_Rows() == 1) {
                $sql = "DELETE FROM spam WHERE type = 'video' AND comment_id = " . $CID;
                $messages[] = 'Successfully deleted comment!';
            } else {
                $errors[] = 'Failed to delete comment! Are you sure this comment exists?!';
        case 'unspam':
            $sql = "DELETE FROM spam WHERE type = 'video' AND spam_id = " . $SID;
            if ($conn->Affected_Rows() > 0) {
                $messages[] = 'Successfully unspamed this comment!';
            } else {
                $errors[] = 'Failed to unspam comment! Are you sure this spam flag exists?!';
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(spam_id) AS total_spam FROM spam WHERE type = 'video'";
$rs = $conn->execute($sql);
$total_spam = $rs->fields['total_spam'];
$pagination = new Pagination(20);
$limit = $pagination->getLimit($total_spam);
$paging = $pagination->getAdminPagination($remove);
$sql = "SELECT s.spam_id, s.UID AS RID, s.addtime AS add_time, c.*, u.username\n                   FROM spam AS s, video_comments AS c, signup AS u\n                   WHERE s.comment_id = c.CID AND s.parent_id = c.VID AND c.UID = u.UID\n                   LIMIT " . $limit;
$rs = $conn->execute($sql);
$comments = $rs->getrows();
$smarty->assign('comments', $comments);
$smarty->assign('total_spam', $total_spam);
$smarty->assign('paging', $paging);
Exemplo n.º 16
        $sql_add .= " ORDER BY b.addtime DESC";
    case 'mv':
        $title_o = ' ' . $lang['global.most_viewed'];
        $sql_add .= " ORDER BY b.total_views DESC";
    case 'md':
        $title_o = ' ' . $lang['global.most_commented'];
        $sql_add .= " ORDER BY b.total_comments DESC";
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(BID) AS total_blogs FROM blog WHERE status = '1'" . $sql_add_count;
$rsc = $conn->execute($sql);
$total_blogs = $rsc->fields['total_blogs'];
$pagination = new Pagination($config['blogs_per_page']);
$limit = $pagination->getLimit($total_blogs);
$sql = "SELECT b.BID, b.UID, b.title, b.content, b.total_views, b.total_comments, b.addtime,\n                          s.username, s.photo\n                   FROM blog AS b, signup AS s\n                   WHERE b.status = '1' AND b.UID = s.UID" . $sql_add . " LIMIT " . $limit;
$rs = $conn->execute($sql);
$blogs = $rs->getrows();
$page_link = $pagination->getPagination('blogs');
$start_num = $pagination->getStartItem();
$end_num = $pagination->getEndItem();
$title = $title_t . $title_o;
$self_title = $title . $seo['blogs_title'];
$self_description = $title . $seo['blogs_desc'];
$self_keywords = $title . $seo['blogs_keywords'];
$smarty->assign('errors', $errors);
$smarty->assign('messages', $messages);
$smarty->assign('menu', 'blogs');
$smarty->assign('blogs', $blogs);
$smarty->assign('blogs_total', $total_blogs);
Exemplo n.º 17
                $messages[] = 'Successfully ' . $perform . ' photo!';
            } else {
                $errors[] = 'Failed to ' . $action . ' photo! Are you sure this photo exists?!';
            $remove = '&a=' . $action . '&PID=' . $PID;
            $errors[] = 'Invalid action. Allowed actions: delete, activate, suspend and unflag!';
$query = constructQuery();
$sql = $query['count'];
$rs = $conn->execute($sql);
$total_photos = $rs->fields['total_photos'];
$pagination = new Pagination($query['page_items']);
$limit = $pagination->getLimit($total_photos);
$paging = $pagination->getAdminPagination($remove);
$sql = $query['select'] . " LIMIT " . $limit;
$rs = $conn->execute($sql);
$photos = $rs->getrows();
function constructQuery()
    global $smarty;
    $query = array();
    $query_select = "SELECT p.*, s.username, f.*\n                           FROM photos AS p, signup AS s, photo_flags AS f\n                           WHERE p.PID = f.PID AND f.UID = s.UID";
    $query_count = "SELECT COUNT(f.PID) AS total_photos\n                           FROM photos AS p, signup AS s, photo_flags AS f\n                           WHERE p.PID = f.PID AND f.UID = s.UID";
    $query_option = array();
    $option = array('flagger' => '', 'sort' => 'p.PID', 'order' => 'DESC', 'display' => 10);
    if (isset($_POST['search_flags'])) {
        $option['flagger'] = trim($_POST['flagger']);
        $option['sort'] = trim($_POST['sort']);
Exemplo n.º 18
    $action = trim($_GET['a']);
    $id = isset($_GET['CID']) && is_numeric($_GET['CID']) ? (int) $_GET['CID'] : 0;
    if ($id) {
        switch ($action) {
            case 'delete':
                $sql = "DELETE FROM notice_images WHERE image_id = " . $id . " LIMIT 1";
                @unlink($config['BASE_DIR'] . '/images/notice_images/' . $id . '.jpg');
                @unlink($config['BASE_DIR'] . '/images/notice_images/thumbs/' . $id . '.jpg');
                $messages[] = 'Image was successfuly delete!';
                $errors[] = 'Invalid action!';
    } else {
        $errors[] = 'Invalid image id! Are you sure this image exists!?';
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(image_id) AS total_images FROM notice_images";
$rs = $conn->execute($sql);
$images_total = $rs->fields['total_images'];
$pagination = new Pagination(20);
$limit = $pagination->getLimit($images_total);
$paging = $pagination->getAdminPagination();
$sql = "SELECT * FROM notice_images ORDER BY addtime DESC LIMIT " . $limit;
$rs = $conn->execute($sql);
$images = $rs->getrows();
$smarty->assign('images', $images);
$smarty->assign('images_total', $images_total);
$smarty->assign('paging', $paging);
Exemplo n.º 19
require $config['BASE_DIR'] . '/classes/pagination.class.php';
require $config['BASE_DIR'] . '/include/dbconn.php';
$code = array();
if (isset($_POST['user_id']) && isset($_POST['page'])) {
    $filter = new VFilter();
    $oid = $filter->get('user_id', 'INTEGER');
    $page = $filter->get('page', 'INTEGER');
    $uid = isset($_SESSION['uid']) ? intval($_SESSION['uid']) : NULL;
    $sql = "SELECT username FROM signup WHERE UID = " . $oid . " LIMIT 1";
    $rs = $conn->execute($sql);
    $username = $rs->fields['username'];
    $sql = "SELECT COUNT(wall_id) AS total_walls FROM wall WHERE OID = " . $oid;
    $rsc = $conn->execute($sql);
    $total = $rsc->fields['total_walls'];
    $pagination = new Pagination(10, $page);
    $limit = $pagination->getLimit($total);
    $sql = "SELECT w.wall_id, w.UID, w.message, w.addtime, u.username, u.photo, u.gender\n                       FROM wall AS w, signup AS u WHERE w.OID = " . $oid . " AND w.status = '1' AND w.UID = u.UID \n                       ORDER BY w.addtime DESC LIMIT " . $limit;
    $rs = $conn->execute($sql);
    $comments = $rs->getrows();
    $page_link = $pagination->getPagination('user/' . $username . '/wall', 'p_wall_comments_' . $oid . '_');
    $page_link_b = $pagination->getPagination('user/' . $username . '/wall', 'pp_wall_comments_' . $oid . '_');
    $start_num = $pagination->getStartItem();
    $end_num = $pagination->getEndItem();
    $code[] = $lang['global.showing'] . ' <span class="text-white">' . $start_num . '</span> ' . $lang['global.to'] . ' <span id="end_num" class="text-white">' . $end_num . '</span> ' . $lang['global.of'] . ' <span id="total_comments" class="text-white">' . $total . '</span> ' . $lang['global.comments'] . '.';
    $code[] = '<div id="wall_response" class="wall_posting" style="display: none;">' . $lang['global.posting'] . '</div>';
    if ($comments) {
        $code[] = '<div id="comments_delimiter" style="display:none;"></div>';
        foreach ($comments as $comment) {
            $photo = $comment['photo'] == '' ? 'nopic-' . $comment['gender'] . '.gif' : $comment['photo'];
            $username = $comment['username'];
            $code[] = '<div id="wall_comment_' . $comment['wall_id'] . '" class="col-xs-12 m-t-15">';
Exemplo n.º 20
Arquivo: list.php Projeto: big2men/qhm
function action(&$c)
    /** ***********************************************************************
     * 表示のページネーション、クエリの準備
     * pn_sizeを変えると、一頁当たりの表示が変わる。
    //pagenation setting
    $pagination = new Pagination();
    $pn_size = $c->admin->getListNum();
    $pn_page = isset($_GET['pn_page']) ? $_GET['pn_page'] : 1;
    $order_tmp = '<a href="list.php?%QUERY%=%VALUE%&amp;order=%ORDER%&amp;sort=%SORT%">%TITLE%</a>';
    $order_que = '';
    $c->set('cols', $c->admin->getListCols());
    //query のテンプレを作る
    $order_link = array();
    $skey = array('/%ORDER%/', '/%SORT%/', '/%TITLE%/');
    $rkey = array('created', 'desc', '新しい順');
    $o1 = preg_replace($skey, $rkey, $order_tmp);
    $rkey = array('created', 'asc', '古い順');
    $o2 = preg_replace($skey, $rkey, $order_tmp);
    $order_link['更新日'] = array($o1, $o2);
    $rkey = array('size', 'desc', '大きい');
    $o1 = preg_replace($skey, $rkey, $order_tmp);
    $rkey = array('size', 'asc', '小さい');
    $o2 = preg_replace($skey, $rkey, $order_tmp);
    $order_link['サイズ'] = array($o1, $o2);
    $rkey = array('name', 'asc', '昇順');
    $o1 = preg_replace($skey, $rkey, $order_tmp);
    $rkey = array('size', 'desc', '降順');
    $o2 = preg_replace($skey, $rkey, $order_tmp);
    $order_link['名前'] = array($o1, $o2);
    /** ***********************************************************************
     * セッションから、ページ名を作成、並び替えのクエリをセット
    if (isset($_SESSION['swfu']['page_name'])) {
        $page = $_SESSION['swfu']['page_name'];
        $c->set('page_name', $page);
        $images = $c->image->find('$page_name=="' . $page . '"', 'created desc');
        $c->set('images', $images);
    if (isset($_GET['order']) && isset($_GET['sort'])) {
        $order_que = '&amp;order=' . $_GET['order'] . '&amp;sort=' . $_GET['sort'];
    /** ***********************************************************************
     * ページ名の変更
    if (isset($_POST['change_page_name'])) {
        $old_page = $_POST['old_page'];
        $new_page = $_POST['new_page'];
        $rs = $c->image->find('$page_name=="' . $old_page . '"');
        foreach ($rs as $r) {
            $r['page_name'] = $new_page;
        $c->redirect('list.php?page=' . rawurlencode($new_page));
    /** ***********************************************************************
     * ページ名の設定
    if (isset($_POST['set_page_name'])) {
        if ($_POST['new_page'] == '') {
        } else {
            $_SESSION['swfu']['page_name'] = $_POST['new_page'];
            $c->redirect('list.php?page=' . rawurlencode($_POST['new_page']));
    /** ***********************************************************************
     * pageをもとに、リストを表示
    if (isset($_GET['page'])) {
        $page = $_GET['page'];
        $cond = '$page_name=="' . $page . '"';
        $order = $order_que == '' ? 'created desc' : $_GET['order'] . ' ' . $_GET['sort'];
        $total_cnt = $c->image->getCount($cond);
        $pagination->setLink('list.php?page=' . rawurlencode($page) . '&amp;pn_page=##PN_PAGE##' . $order_que);
        $limit = $pagination->getLimit();
        $images = $c->image->find($cond, $order, $limit);
        $c->set('images', $images);
        $c->set('pagination_link', $pagination->create_links());
        $disp_pagename = $page == '' ? '未分類' : $page;
        $c->set('h2title', '「' . $disp_pagename . '」のファイル一覧');
        $skey = array('/%QUERY%/', '/%VALUE%/');
        $rkey = array('page', rawurlencode($page));
        $str = '';
        foreach ($order_link as $key => $val) {
            $str .= $key . '[';
            foreach ($val as $k => $v) {
                $order_link[$key][$k] = preg_replace($skey, $rkey, $v);
            $str .= implode(' , ', $order_link[$key]);
            $str .= '] ';
        $page_form = '
<form class="style_form" action="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '" method="post" style="text-align:right">
	<input id="change_page_name" type="text" name="new_page" size="14" value="' . $page . '" />
	<input type="submit" value="変更" name="change_page_name" onclick="return confirm_page_chg(\'' . $page . '\');" />
	<input type="hidden" name="old_page" value="' . $page . '" />
        $page_form_set = '
<form class="style_form" action="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '" method="post" style="float:left;">
	<input id="new_page" type="hidden" name="new_page" value="' . $page . '" />
		<input type="submit" value="セット" name="set_page_name" onclick="return confirm_page_set();" />
	<input type="hidden" name="old_page" value="' . $page . '" />
        $c->set('page_form', $page_form);
        $c->set('page_form_set', $page_form_set);
        $c->set('order_link', $str);
    /** ***********************************************************************
     * labelをもとに、リストを表示
    if (isset($_GET['label'])) {
        $label = $_GET['label'];
        $cond = 'array_key_exists(
					"' . $label . '",
        $order = $order_que == '' ? 'created desc' : $_GET['order'] . ' ' . $_GET['sort'];
        $total_cnt = $c->image->getCount($cond);
        $pagination->setLink('list.php?label=' . rawurlencode($label) . '&amp;pn_page=##PN_PAGE##' . $order_que);
        $limit = $pagination->getLimit();
        $images = $c->image->find($cond, $order, $limit);
        $c->set('images', $images);
        $c->set('pagination_link', $pagination->create_links());
        $label = $label == '' ? 'ラベルなし' : $label;
        $c->set('h2title', '「' . $label . '」ラベルのファイル一覧');
        $skey = array('/%QUERY%/', '/%VALUE%/');
        $rkey = array('label', rawurlencode($label));
        $str = '';
        foreach ($order_link as $key => $val) {
            $str .= $key . '[';
            foreach ($val as $k => $v) {
                $order_link[$key][$k] = preg_replace($skey, $rkey, $v);
            $str .= implode(' , ', $order_link[$key]);
            $str .= '] ';
        $c->set('order_link', $str);
    /** ***********************************************************************
     * searchをもとに、リストを表示
    if (isset($_GET['search'])) {
        $search = $_GET['search'];
        $search_arr = explode(' ', $_GET['search']);
        //name , description , page_name , label を検索
        $tmparr = array();
        foreach (array('name', 'description', 'page_name', 'label') as $key) {
            $arr = array();
            foreach ($search_arr as $s) {
                $arr[] = '(strpos(strtoupper($' . $key . '),"' . strtoupper($s) . '")!==false)';
            $tmparr[] = '(' . implode(' && ', $arr) . ')';
        $cond = implode(' || ', $tmparr);
        $order = $order_que == '' ? 'created desc' : $_GET['order'] . ' ' . $_GET['sort'];
        $total_cnt = $c->image->getCount($cond);
        $pagination->setLink('list.php?search=' . rawurlencode($search) . '&amp;pn_page=##PN_PAGE##' . $order_que);
        $limit = $pagination->getLimit();
        $images = $c->image->find($cond, $order, $limit);
        $c->set('images', $images);
        $c->set('pagination_link', $pagination->create_links());
        $c->set('h2title', '「' . $search . '」検索一覧');
        $skey = array('/%QUERY%/', '/%VALUE%/');
        $rkey = array('search', rawurlencode($search));
        $str = '';
        foreach ($order_link as $key => $val) {
            $str .= $key . '[';
            foreach ($val as $k => $v) {
                $order_link[$key][$k] = preg_replace($skey, $rkey, $v);
            $str .= implode(' , ', $order_link[$key]);
            $str .= '] ';
        $c->set('order_link', $str);
    if (isset($_GET['delete'])) {
        $fname = $_GET['delete'];
        $img = $c->image->findone('$name=="' . $fname . '"');
        $c->image->del('$id=="' . $img['id'] . '"');
        if (file_exists(SWFU_DATA_DIR . $fname)) {
            unlink(SWFU_DATA_DIR . $fname);
    if (isset($_GET['dl'])) {
        $fname = $_GET['dl'];
        $fp = fopen(SWFU_DATA_DIR . $fname, "rb");
        header("Cache-Control: public");
        header("Pragma: public");
        header("Accept-Ranges: none");
        header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
        header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$fname}");
        header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name={$fname}");