Exemplo n.º 1
  * Displays URL Aliases with Pagination, also allows the
  * user to easily add/edit/remove existing aliases
  * @return string
 public function indexSection()
     if (!$this->_acl->checkMulti(array('aliases_add', 'aliases_edit', 'aliases_delete'))) {
         throw new Module_NoPermission();
     $this->setTitle(t('URL aliases'));
     // Get all the needed aliases to display
     if ($this->inSector('SC') && $this->_input->has('get', 'page')) {
         $curPage = abs($this->_input->get('page') - 1);
     } else {
         $curPage = 0;
     $aliases = $this->_model()->getAll(self::_PER_PAGE, self::_PER_PAGE * $curPage);
     $aliasCount = $this->_model()->getCount();
     if ($aliasCount > 0) {
         $pagination = new Pagination($aliasCount, self::_PER_PAGE);
     // Build and display view
     $view = $this->loadView('overview.html');
     $view->assign(array('ALIASES' => $aliases));
     $view->assignHtml(array('PAGINATION' => isset($pagination) ? $pagination->build() : null, 'CSRF' => $this->_input->createToken(true)));
     // Autocomplete/suggest feature
     return $view->getOutput();
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Displays the last X registered users.
  * @return string
 public function indexSection()
     $this->setTitle(t('User management'));
     // Check user has correct permission
     if (!$this->_acl->checkMulti(array('users_add', 'users_edit', 'users_delete'))) {
         throw new Module_NoPermission();
     try {
         $curPage = abs($this->_input->get('page') - 1);
     } catch (Input_KeyNoExist $e) {
         $curPage = 0;
      * Configure Pagination, build and output the main view file
     $pagination = new Pagination($this->_ugmanager->userCount() - 1, self::_PER_PAGE);
     $view = $this->loadView('config/main.html');
     $view->assign(array('USERS' => $this->_ugmanager->getAllUsers(null, self::_PER_PAGE, $curPage * self::_PER_PAGE)));
     $view->assignHtml(array('CSRF' => $this->_input->createToken(true), 'PAGINATION' => $pagination->build()));
     // Autocomplete/suggest feature
     return $view->getOutput();
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Displays an overview of pages for a user to manage. Only the parent
  * will be shown, non of the children will be.
  * @return string
 public function indexSection()
     $this->setTitle(t('Manage pages'));
     if (!$this->_acl->check('page_manage')) {
         throw new Module_NoPermission();
     // Check what pagination page we are on, and get all pages
     try {
         $curPage = abs($this->_input->get('page') - 1);
     } catch (Input_KeyNoExist $e) {
         $curPage = 0;
     $pages = $this->_model()->getAllPages(self::_PER_PAGE, $curPage * self::_PER_PAGE, 0);
     $pageCount = $this->_model()->getCount();
     if ($pageCount > 0) {
         $pagination = new Pagination($pageCount, self::_PER_PAGE);
     // Build and return view
     $view = $this->loadView('config/overview.html');
     $view->assign(array('PAGES' => $pages));
     $view->assignHtml(array('PAGINATION' => isset($pagination) ? $pagination->build() : '', 'CSRF' => $this->_input->createToken(true)));
     // Autocomplete/suggest feature
     return $view->getOutput();
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Displays all of the contact forms, and can also delete the selected
  * contact forms.
  * @return string|bool
 public function indexSection()
     $this->setTitle(t('Manage contact forms'));
     if ($this->_input->checkToken()) {
         if (!$this->_acl->check('contact_delete')) {
             throw new Module_NoPermission();
         try {
             $delCount = 0;
             foreach ($this->_input->post('contact_ids') as $fid) {
                 try {
                     $form = $this->_model()->getForm($fid);
                     // Check user has permission
                     $resource = 'contact-form-' . $form['id'];
                     if ($this->_acl->resourceExists($resource) && $this->_acl->check($resource)) {
                 } catch (Contact_NoExist $e) {
             if ($delCount) {
                 $this->_event->success(t('Deleted selected contact forms'));
         } catch (Input_KeyNoExist $e) {
             $this->_event->error(t('No contact forms selected'));
         return zula_redirect($this->_router->makeUrl('contact', 'config'));
     } else {
         if ($this->_acl->checkMulti(array('contact_edit', 'contact_add', 'contact_delete'))) {
             // Find out what page we are on
             try {
                 $curPage = abs($this->_input->get('page') - 1);
             } catch (Input_KeyNoExist $e) {
                 $curPage = 0;
             $forms = $this->_model()->getAllForms(self::_PER_PAGE, $curPage * self::_PER_PAGE);
             $formCount = $this->_model()->getCount();
             if ($formCount > 0) {
                 $pagination = new Pagination($formCount, self::_PER_PAGE);
             $view = $this->loadView('config/overview.html');
             $view->assign(array('FORMS' => $forms, 'COUNT' => $formCount));
             $view->assignHtml(array('PAGINATION' => isset($pagination) ? $pagination->build() : '', 'CSRF' => $this->_input->createToken(true)));
             return $view->getOutput();
         } else {
             throw new Module_NoPermission();
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Displays all polls (with pagination), or deletes the selected
  * @return string|bool
 public function indexSection()
     $this->setTitle(t('Manage polls'));
     if ($this->_input->checkToken()) {
         // Attempt to delete all selected polls
         if (!$this->_acl->check('poll_delete')) {
             throw new Module_NoPermission();
         try {
             $pollIds = $this->_input->post('poll_ids');
             $count = 0;
             foreach ($pollIds as $pid) {
                 // check if user has permission to the poll
                 $aclResource = 'poll-' . $pid;
                 if ($this->_acl->resourceExists($aclResource) && $this->_acl->check($aclResource)) {
             if ($count > 0) {
                 $this->_event->success(t('Deleted selected polls'));
         } catch (Input_KeyNoExist $e) {
             $this->_event->error(t('No polls selected'));
         return zula_redirect($this->_router->makeUrl('poll', 'config'));
     } else {
         if ($this->_acl->checkMulti(array('poll_add', 'poll_edit', 'poll_delete'))) {
             // Display certain amount of polls
             try {
                 $curPage = abs($this->_input->get('page') - 1);
             } catch (Input_KeyNoExist $e) {
                 $curPage = 0;
             $polls = $this->_model()->getAllPolls(self::_PER_PAGE, $curPage * self::_PER_PAGE);
             $pollCount = $this->_model()->getCount();
             if ($pollCount > 0) {
                 $pagination = new Pagination($pollCount, self::_PER_PAGE);
             $view = $this->loadView('config/overview.html');
             $view->assign(array('POLLS' => $polls, 'COUNT' => $pollCount));
             $view->assignHtml(array('PAGINATION' => isset($pagination) ? $pagination->build() : '', 'CSRF' => $this->_input->createToken(true)));
             return $view->getOutput();
         } else {
             throw new Module_NoPermission();
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Shows comments that can be managed (Edited/deleted etc). Also handles
  * deleting or approving of selected comments.
  * @return string
 public function indexSection()
     $this->setTitle(t('Manage comments'));
     if (!$this->_acl->check('comments_manage')) {
         throw new Module_NoPermission();
     if ($this->_input->checkToken()) {
         try {
             $commentIds = $this->_input->post('comments/ids');
             if ($this->_input->has('post', 'comments/approve')) {
                 foreach ($commentIds as $cid) {
                     $this->_model()->edit($cid, array('status' => 'accepted'));
                 $msg = t('Approved selected comments');
             } else {
                 $msg = t('Deleted selected comments');
         } catch (Input_KeyNoExist $e) {
             $this->_event->error(t('No comments selected'));
         return zula_redirect($this->_router->makeUrl('comments', 'config'));
     } else {
         try {
             $type = $this->_input->get('type');
         } catch (Input_KeyNoExist $e) {
             $type = $this->_config->get('comments/moderate') ? 'moderation' : 'all';
         // Display the correct comments respecting pagination and build form
         try {
             $curPage = abs($this->_input->get('page') - 1);
         } catch (Input_KeyNoExist $e) {
             $curPage = 0;
         $comments = $this->_model()->get(null, $type, self::_PER_PAGE, self::_PER_PAGE * $curPage, 'DESC');
         $commentsCount = $this->_model()->getCount();
         if ($commentsCount > 0) {
             $pagination = new Pagination($commentsCount, self::_PER_PAGE);
         $view = $this->loadView('config/main.html');
         $view->assign(array('count' => $commentsCount, 'type' => $type));
         $view->assignHtml(array('pagination' => isset($pagination) ? $pagination->build() : '', 'csrf' => $this->_input->createToken(true), 'comments' => $comments));
         return $view->getOutput();
Exemplo n.º 7
     * Displays a selective amount of users per page, with details
     * about that users and links to their Profile.
     * @return string
    public function indexSection()
        $this->setTitle(t('User list'));
        // Get correct page/offset
        if ($this->inSector('SC') && $this->_input->has('get', 'page')) {
            $curPage = abs($this->_input->get('page') - 1);
        } else {
            $curPage = 0;
        // Gather all of the users and attach the group name onto the array
        $pdoSt = $this->_sql->prepare('SELECT
												u.id, u.group, u.username, u.email, u.hide_email, u.joined,
												g.name group_name
											FROM {PREFIX}users u
											LEFT JOIN {PREFIX}groups g ON g.id = u.group
											WHERE u.status = "active" AND u.id != ' . Ugmanager::_GUEST_ID . '
											LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset');
        $pdoSt->bindValue(':limit', self::_PER_PAGE, PDO::PARAM_INT);
        $pdoSt->bindValue(':offset', $curPage * self::_PER_PAGE, PDO::PARAM_INT);
        $users = array();
        foreach ($pdoSt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $user) {
            if (!empty($user['hide_email']) && $user['id'] != $this->_session->getUserId() && !$this->_acl->check('users_edit')) {
                $user['email'] = t('Hidden');
            $users[] = $user;
        // How many users would have been returned without limit/offset?
        $query = $this->_sql->query('SELECT COUNT(id) FROM {PREFIX}users
											WHERE status = "active" AND id != ' . Ugmanager::_GUEST_ID);
        $totalUsers = $query->fetchColumn();
         * Display the table with pagination
        $pagination = new Pagination($totalUsers, self::_PER_PAGE);
        $view = $this->loadView('index/main.html');
        $view->assign(array('users' => $users));
        $view->assignHtml(array('pagination' => $pagination->build()));
        return $view->getOutput();
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Displays published articles for a given category (if any)
  * @param string $category
  * @param bool $catSelector	Toggles the category selector
  * @return string
 protected function displayArticles($category = false, $catSelector = true)
     if (empty($category)) {
         $this->setTitle(t('Latest articles'));
         $categories = $this->_model()->getAllCategories();
         $cid = null;
     } else {
          * Attempt to get the single article category details, and check permission
         try {
             $category = $this->_model()->getCategory($category, false);
             $categories = array($category['id'] => $category);
             $cid = $category['id'];
             $resource = 'article-cat-' . $category['id'];
             if (!$this->_acl->resourceExists($resource) || !$this->_acl->check($resource)) {
                 throw new Module_NoPermission();
         } catch (Article_CatNoExist $e) {
             throw new Module_ControllerNoExist();
      * Check how many to display per page, and what page we are on
     try {
         $perPage = abs($this->_config->get('article/per_page'));
     } catch (Input_KeyNoExist $e) {
         $perPage = 12;
     if ($this->inSector('SC') && $this->_input->has('get', 'page')) {
         $curPage = abs($this->_input->get('page') - 1);
     } else {
         $curPage = 0;
     // Get the required articles and parse their first article part body
     $maxDisplayAge = $this->_config->get('article/max_display_age');
     $articles = array();
     foreach ($this->_model()->getAllArticles($perPage, $curPage * $perPage, $cid, false, $maxDisplayAge) as $tmpArticle) {
         if (isset($categories[$tmpArticle['cat_id']])) {
             $parts = $this->_model()->getArticleParts($tmpArticle['id']);
             $firstPart = current($parts);
             $editor = new Editor($firstPart['body']);
             $editor->setContentUrl($this->_router->makeUrl('article', 'view', $tmpArticle['identifier']));
             $tmpArticle['body'] = $editor->parse(true);
             $tmpArticle['category_title'] = $categories[$tmpArticle['cat_id']]['title'];
             $tmpArticle['category_identifier'] = $categories[$tmpArticle['cat_id']]['identifier'];
             $articles[] = $tmpArticle;
     $articleCount = $this->_model()->getCount();
     if ($articleCount > 0) {
         $pagination = new Pagination($articleCount, $perPage);
     // Build up the view
     $view = $this->loadView('index/latest.html');
     $view->assign(array('META_FORMAT' => $this->getMetaFormat($this->_config->get('article/meta_format')), 'CAT_DETAILS' => $cid ? $category : null));
     $view->assignHtml(array('ARTICLES' => $articles, 'PAGINATION' => isset($pagination) ? $pagination->build() : null));
     if ($cid == false && $catSelector) {
         /** Prepend the category selector */
         $catSelectorView = $this->loadView('index/category_selector.html');
         $catSelectorView->assign(array('CATEGORIES' => $categories));
         return $catSelectorView->getOutput() . $view->getOutput(true);
     } else {
         return $view->getOutput(true);
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Displays all articles with pagination (including unpublished articles).
  * It will also delete all selected articles.
  * @return string|bool
 public function indexSection()
     $this->setTitle(t('Manage articles'));
     if ($this->_input->checkToken()) {
         // Delete all selected articles
         if (!$this->_acl->check('article_delete_article')) {
             throw new Module_NoPermission();
         try {
             $ids = $this->_input->post('article_ids');
             $count = 0;
             foreach ($ids as $aid) {
                 try {
                     $article = $this->_model()->getArticle($aid);
                     // Check user permission
                     $resource = 'article-cat-' . $article['cat_id'];
                     if ($this->_acl->resourceExists($resource) && $this->_acl->check($resource)) {
                 } catch (Article_NoExist $e) {
             if ($count) {
                 $this->_event->success(t('Deleted selected articles'));
         } catch (Input_KeyNoExist $e) {
             $this->_event->error(t('No articles selected'));
         return zula_redirect($this->_router->makeUrl('article', 'config'));
     } else {
         if ($this->_acl->checkMulti(array('article_add_article', 'article_edit_article', 'article_delete_article'))) {
              * Attempt to get details for the category if one was provided
             try {
                 if (($cid = $this->_input->get('cid')) != false) {
                     $category = $this->_model()->getCategory($cid);
                     // Check user has permission to this category
                     $resource = 'article-cat-' . $category['id'];
                     if ($this->_acl->resourceExists($resource) && $this->_acl->check($resource)) {
                         $this->setTitle(sprintf(t('Manage "%s" articles'), $category['title']));
                     } else {
                         throw new Module_NoPermission();
             } catch (Input_KeyNoExist $e) {
                 $cid = null;
             } catch (Article_CatNoExist $e) {
                 $cid = null;
             // Get the page which we are on
             try {
                 $curPage = abs($this->_input->get('page') - 1);
             } catch (Input_KeyNoExist $e) {
                 $curPage = 0;
             $articles = $this->_model()->getAllArticles(self::_PER_PAGE, $curPage * self::_PER_PAGE, $cid, true);
             $articleCount = $this->_model()->getCount();
             if ($articleCount > 0) {
                 $pagination = new Pagination($articleCount, self::_PER_PAGE);
             // Build up the main view
             $view = $this->loadView('config/overview.html');
             $view->assign(array('ARTICLES' => $articles, 'COUNT' => $articleCount, 'CATEGORIES' => $this->_model()->getAllCategories(), 'CURRENT_CID' => $cid));
             $view->assignHtml(array('PAGINATION' => isset($pagination) ? $pagination->build() : '', 'CSRF' => $this->_input->createToken(true)));
             return $view->getOutput();
         } else {
             throw new Module_NoPermission();
 public function overview($tpl = null, $pagination = 0, CustomDataFilter $filter = null)
     if ($filter === null) {
         $filter = new CustomDataFilter($this->position);
         foreach ($this->mainFields as $field) {
     $pages = '';
     if ($pagination > 0) {
         $pg = new Pagination($pagination, $filter->getAmount());
         $filter->limit($pg->getPerPage(), $pg->getOffset());
         $pages = $pg->build();
     $tpl = Response::getObject()->appendTemplate($tpl ? $tpl : "/Cms/fields/data_categories");
     $tpl->assign('pages', $pages, false);
     $tpl->assign('list', $filter->retrieveList(), false);
     $tpl->assign('baseUri', $this->baseUri);
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Builds the view to display latest media items from all
  * categories, or a specific category.
  * @param string $category
  * @return string
 protected function buildLatest($category = null)
     if ($category == null) {
         $cid = null;
     } else {
         try {
             $category = $this->_model()->getCategory($category, false);
             $cid = $category['id'];
             $resource = 'media-cat_view_' . $category['id'];
             if (!$this->_acl->resourceExists($resource) || !$this->_acl->check($resource)) {
                 throw new Module_NoPermission();
             // Check if the user can upload/add items to this category
             if ($this->_acl->check('media-cat_upload_' . $cid)) {
                 $this->setPageLinks(array(t('Upload/add media item') => $this->_router->makeUrl('media', 'add')->queryArgs(array('cid' => $cid))));
         } catch (Media_CategoryNoExist $e) {
             throw new Module_ControllerNoExist();
     // Check if details for the items should be displayed
     try {
         $showDetails = (bool) $this->_config->get('media/show_item_details');
     } catch (Config_KeyNoExist $e) {
         $showDetails = true;
     // Get number of latest media items to display, and which page we are on
     $perPage = abs($this->_config->get('media/per_page'));
     if ($this->inSector('SC') && $this->_input->has('get', 'page')) {
         $curPage = abs($this->_input->get('page') - 1);
     } else {
         $curPage = 0;
     $items = $this->_model()->getItems($perPage, $perPage * $curPage, $cid);
     $itemCount = $this->_model()->getItemCount();
     if ($itemCount) {
         $pagination = new Pagination($itemCount, $perPage);
     $view = $this->loadView('index/latest.html');
     $view->assign(array('ITEMS' => $items, 'CATEGORY' => $category, 'SHOW_DETAILS' => $showDetails));
     $view->assignHtml(array('PAGINATION' => isset($pagination) ? $pagination->build() : ''));
     // Check if lightbox effect needs to be used
     if ($this->_config->get('media/use_lightbox')) {
         $view->assign(array('LIGHTBOX' => true));
     } else {
         $view->assign(array('LIGHTBOX' => false));
     return $view->getOutput();
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Magic method - allows for shorter URL's eg:
  * /article/view/clean-title
  * @param string $name
  * @param array $args
  * @return string
 public function __call($name, $args)
     try {
         $article = $this->_model()->getArticle(substr($name, 0, -7), false);
         $category = $this->_model()->getCategory($article['cat_id']);
         // Check permission to parent category
         $resource = 'article-cat-' . $category['id'];
         if (!$this->_acl->resourceExists($resource) || !$this->_acl->check($resource)) {
             throw new Module_NoPermission();
         } else {
             if (!$article['published']) {
                 throw new Module_ControllerNoExist();
          * Gather all parts for this article, and check the requested part actually exists
         try {
             $part = abs($this->_input->get('part'));
         } catch (Input_KeyNoExist $e) {
             $part = 0;
         $articleParts = array_values($this->_model()->getArticleParts($article['id'], false));
         # Done to reindex array
         try {
             // Get details for the correct part
             if (empty($part)) {
                 $partId = $articleParts[0]['id'];
             } else {
                 if (isset($articleParts[$part - 1]['id'])) {
                     $partId = $articleParts[$part - 1]['id'];
                 } else {
                     throw new Article_PartNoExist($part);
             $requestedPart = $this->_model()->getPart($partId);
             $editor = new Editor($requestedPart['body']);
             $body = $editor->parse();
         } catch (Article_PartNoExist $e) {
             throw new Module_ControllerNoExist();
          * Build up pagination and the main view file
         try {
             $curPage = abs($this->_input->get('part') - 1);
         } catch (Input_KeyNoExist $e) {
             $curPage = 0;
         $pagination = new Pagination(count($articleParts), 1, 'part');
         if (count($articleParts) > 1) {
         $view = $this->loadView('view/article.html');
         $view->assign(array('META_FORMAT' => $this->getMetaFormat($this->_config->get('article/meta_format')), 'ARTICLE' => $article, 'REQUESTED_PART' => $requestedPart, 'ARTICLE_PARTS' => $articleParts, 'CATEGORY' => $category));
         $view->assignHtml(array('BODY' => $body, 'PAGINATION' => $pagination->build()));
         return $view->getOutput(true);
     } catch (Article_NoExist $e) {
         throw new Module_ControllerNoExist();
 protected function members()
     $db = Database::getObject();
     $db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM <p>user");
     $pp = Config::get('pagination.admin');
     $pg = new Pagination($pp, $db->fetchOne());
     $offset = $pg->getOffset();
     $db->query("SELECT * FROM <p>user ORDER BY surname, forename LIMIT <offset:int>, <pp:int>", compact("offset", "pp"));
     $data = array();
     while ($row = $db->fetchAssoc()) {
         $row['group'] = UserUtils::getGroupName($row['group_id']);
         $data[] = $row;
     $tpl = Response::getObject()->appendTemplate("Cms/admin/members");
     $tpl->assign("pages", $pg->build(), false);
     $tpl->assign("data", $data);