/** * 获取成功的订单 * @return [type] [description] */ public function getSuccess() { $data = array('main' => url('/'), 'announce' => url('/announce'), 'category' => url('/category'), 'deliver' => url('/deliver'), 'good' => url('/good'), 'map' => url('/map'), 'shop_info' => url('/shop_info'), 'success' => url('/success'), 'widge_success' => array()); $shop_id = Auth::user()->shop_id; $orders = Order::where('shop_id', $shop_id)->where('state_of_shop', 3)->get(); $data['widge_success']['deal_count'] = count($orders); $data['widge_success']['deal'] = array(); $shop = Shop::find($shop_id); foreach ($orders as $order) { $comment = CommentOrder::where('order_id', $order->id)->get(); $one = array('deal_id' => $order->id, 'deal_statue' => $order->state, 'same_again' => '##', 'deal_again' => '##', 'shop_name' => $shop->name, 'deal_number' => $order->number, 'deal_time' => date('Y-m-d', $order->ordertime), 'deal_phone' => $shop->linktel, 'deliver_address' => $order->receive_address, 'deliver_phone' => $order->receive_phone, 'deliver_remark' => $order->beta, 'deal_speed' => isset($comment[0]) ? $comment[0]->speed : 0, 'deal_satisfied' => isset($comment[0]) ? $comment[0]->value : 0, 'good' => array(), 'others' => array(array('item_name' => '不知道', 'item_value' => '-5', 'item_amount' => '1', 'item_total' => '0'))); $one['total'] = $order->total; $menu_ids = array_count_values(explode(',', $order->order_menus)); foreach ($menu_ids as $menu_id => $amount) { $menuComment = CommentMenu::where('order_id', $order->id)->where('menu_id', $menu_id)->get(); $menu = Menu::find($menu_id); //var_dump($menuComment); $onemenu = array('goods_id' => $menu_id, 'goods_name' => $menu->title, 'goods_value' => $menu->price, 'goods_amount' => $amount, 'goods_total' => $amount * $menu->price, 'good_atisfied' => isset($menuComment[0]) ? $menuComment[0]->value : 0); array_push($one['good'], $onemenu); } array_push($data['widge_success']['deal'], $one); } return View::make("template.success.success")->with($data); //var_dump($data); }
public static function ProductPrices() { $param = func_get_args(); if (@$param[0] != null) { if ($param[0] == 'todays') { $orders = Order::where('days', date('Y-m-d'))->get(); } else { if ($param[0] == 'months') { $orders = Order::where('months', date('Y-m'))->get(); } else { if ($param[0] == 'years') { $orders = Order::where('years', date('Y'))->get(); } else { $orders = Order::all(); } } } if (count($orders) > 0) { $priceall = 0; foreach ($orders as $order) { $otplist = OrderToProduct::where('order_id', $order->id)->get(); foreach ($otplist as $value) { $priceall += $value->number * self::ProductInfo($value->product_id, 'price'); } } return $priceall; } else { return 0; } } else { return 0; } }
public function store() { // 2.1 Retrieve Parameters to variables $transidmerchant = \Input::get('TRANSIDMERCHANT'); $totalamount = \Input::get('AMOUNT'); $storeid = \Input::get('STOREID'); $status = false; if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '') { // 2.2 Cross check with MYSHORTCART Database Table // $true = 1 : transaction found, 0 : transaction not found $order = \Order::where('kodeOrder', $transidmerchant)->first(); if ($order) { //check amount is valid + admin ofcourse! $doku_akun = \DokuAccount::where('akunId', $order->akunId)->first(); $total_order = $order->total + $order->dokuFee; if ($totalamount == $total_order) { $status = true; } else { $status = false; } } } if ($status == true) { echo 'Continue'; } else { echo 'Stop'; } }
public function getIndex() { $order_years = Order::where('years', date('Y'))->get(); $order_months = Order::where('months', date('Y-m'))->get(); $order_days = Order::where('days', date('Y-m-d'))->get(); $order_all = Order::all(); return View::make('home', compact('order_years', 'order_months', 'order_days', 'order_all'))->with('title', 'Anasayfa'); }
/** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function show($id) { // $order = Order::find($id); $order = Order::findOrFail($id); $orders = Order::where('cliente', '=', $id)->get(); $user = $order->user(); $orders = $user->orders(); }
function search($email) { $user = Order::where('email_id', $email)->first(); if (!empty($user)) { $orderitem = new Orderitem(); $data = $orderitem->getOrderbyemail($email); } else { $data['message'] = "no data found"; } return Response::json($data, 400); }
public function adminSection() { $adminId = Session::get('admin_id'); if (!isset($adminId)) { return Redirect::to('/'); } $orderCount = Order::where('status', '=', 'pending')->count(); $userCount = User::where('status', '=', 'active')->count(); $softwareUserCount = SoftwareUser::where('status', '=', 'active')->count(); $complaintCount = Complaint::whereIn('status', array('Complaint', 'Problem'))->count(); return View::make('admin.admin-section')->with('orderCount', $orderCount)->with('userCount', $userCount)->with('complaintCount', $complaintCount)->with('softwareUserCount', $softwareUserCount); }
public function onGetEditInput($formField, array &$row) { if ($row) { if ($formField->getFieldName() == 'products') { $order = \Order::where("id", $row['id'])->first(); if (isset($order->id)) { $orderProducts = $order->products(); return View::make('partials.order_products', compact('orderProducts')); } } } }
public function deleteUser($id) { $user = $this->_getUserById($id); if ($user) { \Order::where('user_id', $user->id)->update(['status' => 0]); $user->update(['status' => 0]); return true; } else { $this->setErrors(['Whoops, something went wrong. Please try again']); return false; } }
/** * getDatatable */ public function getDatatable() { $collection = Order::where('order_status', 'order_stockuped')->get(); return Datatable::collection($collection)->showColumns('date', 'no', 'customer', 'status', 'actions')->orderColumns('date', 'customer')->searchColumns('date', 'no', 'customer')->addColumn('date', function ($model) { return date('Y-m-d', strtotime($model->created_at)); })->addColumn('customer', function ($model) { return $model->customer->name; })->addColumn('status', function ($model) { return get_order_status($model->order_status); })->addColumn('actions', function ($model) { return $str = '<button data-id="' . $model->id . '" class="btn btn-info btn-stockorder">查看货品</button>'; })->make(); }
public function success() { if (Input::get("token") && Input::get("PayerID")) { $token = Input::get('token'); $update = Order::where('token', '=', $token)->update(array("status" => 1)); $order = Order::where('token', '=', $token)->first(); $items = Orderitem::where('order_id', '=', $order->id)->get(); foreach ($items as $item) { $qt = $item->item_qt; Product::where('id', '=', $item->item_id)->decrement('stock', $qt); } return Redirect::to('product/all')->with('message', 'Votre commande a été passé !'); } }
public function show() { $addresses = Useradd::where('user_id', '=', Auth::user()->id)->get(); $orders = Order::where('orders.user_id', '=', Auth::user()->id)->leftJoin('user_adds as shipadd', 'orders.add_id', '=', 'shipadd.id')->leftJoin('user_adds as rcpadd', 'orders.rcp_id', '=', 'rcpadd.id')->select('orders.*', 'shipadd.title AS ship_title', 'shipadd.address AS ship_add', 'shipadd.address2 AS ship_add2', 'shipadd.postal AS ship_post', 'shipadd.city AS ship_city', 'shipadd.first_name AS ship_first', 'shipadd.last_name AS ship_last', 'rcpadd.title AS rcp_title', 'rcpadd.address AS rcp_add', 'rcpadd.address2 AS rcp_add2', 'rcpadd.postal AS rcp_post', 'rcpadd.city AS rcp_city', 'rcpadd.first_name AS rcp_first', 'rcpadd.last_name AS rcp_last')->orderBy('orders.date', 'DESC')->get(); // on va récupérer les produits de chaque commande // commence par récupérer l'id de chaque commande $orders_id = Order::where('orders.user_id', '=', Auth::user()->id)->select('orders.id')->orderBy('orders.date', 'DESC')->get(); $items = array(); // rangés par commandes foreach ($orders_id->toArray() as $row => $ord) { $i = Orderitem::where('order_id', '=', $ord['id'])->leftJoin('products', 'order_items.item_id', '=', 'products.id')->select('order_items.*', 'products.name', 'products.picture')->get(); $items[$ord['id']] = $i->toArray(); } return View::make('user/show', array('addresses' => $addresses, 'orders' => $orders, 'items' => $items)); }
/** * Display the customer's profile page after successful login. */ public function profile(Customer $customer = NULL) { if (is_null($customer)) { if (Auth::check()) { //echo Auth::user()->email; $customer = Customer::find(Auth::id()); $orders = Order::where('customer_id', '=', Auth::id())->get(); $this->layout->content = View::make('customers.profile', compact('customer', 'orders')); } else { return Redirect::to('login'); } } else { $orders = Order::where('customer_id', '=', $customer->id)->get(); $this->layout->content = View::make('customers.profile', compact('customer', 'orders')); } }
public function store() { // 2.1 Retrieve Parameters to variables $transidmerchant = \Input::get('TRANSIDMERCHANT'); $statuscode = \Input::get('STATUSCODE'); $transdate = \Input::get('TRANSDATE'); $ptype = \Input::get('PTYPE'); $totalamount = \Input::get('AMOUNT'); $result = strtoupper(\Input::get('RESULT')); $xtrainfo = strtoupper(\Input::get('EXTRAINFO')); $status = false; $order = \Order::where('kodeOrder', $transidmerchant)->first(); if ($order) { echo "Order tidak ditemukan.."; } if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '') { // 2.2 Cross check with MYSHORTCART Database Table // $true = 1 : transaction found, 0 : transaction not found if ($result == 'SUCCESS') { //update order ke pembayaran diterima $order->status = 2; $order->save(); $detail_konfirmasi = '<p>Doku MyshopCart Detail:<br> MerchantId : ' . $transidmerchant . '<br> Total : ' . $amount . '<br> Tanggal : ' . $transdate . '</p>'; $setting = \Pengaturan::where('akunId', '=', $order->akunId)->first(); $data = array('pelanggan' => $order->nama, 'pelangganalamat' => $order->alamat, 'pelangganphone' => $order->telp, 'toko' => $setting->nama, 'kodeorder' => $order->kodeOrder, 'tanggal' => $order->tanggalOrder, 'namaPengirim' => $order->konfirmasi == null ? '-' : $order->konfirmasi->nama, 'noRekening' => $order->konfirmasi == null ? '-' : $order->konfirmasi->noRekPengirim, 'rekeningTujuan' => $order->konfirmasi == null ? '-' : $order->konfirmasi->bank->atasNama . '<br>' . $order->konfirmasi->bank->noRekening . ' - ' . $order->konfirmasi->bank->bankdefault->nama, 'jumlah' => $order->konfirmasi == null ? '-' : $order->konfirmasi->jumlah, 'cart' => \View::make('admin.order.detailorder')->with('order', $order), 'namaEkspedisi' => $order->jenisPengiriman, 'noResi' => $order->noResi, 'tujuanPengiriman' => $order->alamat . ' - ' . $order->kota, 'linkRegistrasi' => \URL::to('member/create'), 'detailKonfirmasi' => $detail_konfirmasi); $order->fromEmail = $setting->email; $order->fromtoko = $setting->nama; $qtyProduk = $order->detailorder; $template = \Templateemail::where('akunId', '=', $order->akunId)->where('no', '=', 6)->first(); $email = bind_to_template($data, $template->isi); $subject = bind_to_template($data, $template->judul); $a = \Mail::send('emails.email', array('data' => $email, 'nama' => '', 'web' => '', 'email' => '', 'telp' => '', 'jmlProduk' => '', 'metatag' => 0), function ($message) use($subject, $order) { $message->from($order->fromEmail, $order->fromtoko); $message->to($order->pelanggan->email, $order->pelanggan->nama)->cc($order->fromEmail)->subject($subject); }); } } $akun = \Akun::find($order->akunId); if ($akun->alamatWeb != '') { $url = 'http://' . $akun->alamatWeb . '/konfirmasiorder/' . $order->id; } else { $url = 'http://' . $akun->alamatJarvis . '.' . \Config::get('app.domain') . '/konfirmasiorder/' . $order->id; } echo "Status : " . $status . " <a href='{$url}'> Klik disini jika halaman tidak terload..</a>"; return \Redirect::to($url)->with('message', 'Success Update Order'); }
/** * ------------ Payment Make on a Order ----------. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function orderPay() { $input = Input::all(); $payment = array('supplier_id' => $input['payOrderSuppId'], 'order_id' => $input['payOrderId'], 'comment' => "Paid on Order-" . $input['payOrderId'], 'ammount' => $input['payOrderPay'], 'date' => $input['payOrderDate']); if ($input['payOrderPay'] > 0) { $order = PaySupp::create($payment); if ($order->exists) { $upDue = Order::where('id', '=', $input['payOrderId'])->update(array('due' => $input['payOrderDue'], 'pay' => $input['payOrderCurPay'])); if ($upDue) { return json_encode(array('pay' => 1, 'order' => 1, 'error' => 0)); } else { return json_encode(array('pay' => 1, 'order' => 0, 'error' => 0)); } } } else { return json_encode(array('pay' => 0, 'order' => 0, 'error' => 1)); } }
public function store() { // 2.1 Retrieve Parameters to variables $transidmerchant = \Input::get('TRANSIDMERCHANT'); $totalamount = \Input::get('AMOUNT'); $result = strtoupper(\Input::get('RESULT')); $status = false; if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '') { // 2.2 Cross check with MYSHORTCART Database Table // $true = 1 : transaction found, 0 : transaction not found $order = \Order::where('kodeOrder', $transidmerchant)->first(); if ($order) { if ($result == 'SUCCESS') { //update order ke pembayaran diterima $order->status = 2; $order->save(); $status = true; //send email to member and toko //kirim email konfirmasi pembayaran $detail_konfirmasi = '<p>Doku MyshopCart Detail:<br> MerchantId : ' . $transidmerchant . '<br> Total : ' . $amount . '<br> Tanggal : ' . $transdate . '</p>'; $setting = \Pengaturan::where('akunId', '=', $order->akunId)->first(); $data = array('pelanggan' => $order->nama, 'pelangganalamat' => $order->alamat, 'pelangganphone' => $order->telp, 'toko' => $setting->nama, 'kodeorder' => $order->kodeOrder, 'tanggal' => $order->tanggalOrder, 'namaPengirim' => $order->konfirmasi == null ? '-' : $order->konfirmasi->nama, 'noRekening' => $order->konfirmasi == null ? '-' : $order->konfirmasi->noRekPengirim, 'rekeningTujuan' => $order->konfirmasi == null ? '-' : $order->konfirmasi->bank->atasNama . '<br>' . $order->konfirmasi->bank->noRekening . ' - ' . $order->konfirmasi->bank->bankdefault->nama, 'jumlah' => $order->konfirmasi == null ? '-' : $order->konfirmasi->jumlah, 'cart' => \View::make('admin.order.detailorder')->with('order', $order), 'namaEkspedisi' => $order->jenisPengiriman, 'noResi' => $order->noResi, 'tujuanPengiriman' => $order->alamat . ' - ' . $order->kota, 'linkRegistrasi' => \URL::to('member/create'), 'detailKonfirmasi' => $detail_konfirmasi); $order->fromEmail = $setting->email; $order->fromtoko = $setting->nama; $qtyProduk = $order->detailorder; $template = \Templateemail::where('akunId', '=', $order->akunId)->where('no', '=', 6)->first(); $email = bind_to_template($data, $template->isi); $subject = bind_to_template($data, $template->judul); $a = \Mail::send('emails.email', array('data' => $email, 'nama' => '', 'web' => '', 'email' => '', 'telp' => '', 'jmlProduk' => '', 'metatag' => 0), function ($message) use($subject, $order) { $message->from($order->fromEmail, $order->fromtoko); $message->to($order->pelanggan->email, $order->pelanggan->nama)->cc($order->fromEmail)->subject($subject); }); } } } if ($status == true) { echo 'Continue'; } else { echo 'Stop'; } }
public function store() { // 2.1 Retrieve Parameters to variables $transidmerchant = \Input::get('TRANSIDMERCHANT'); $statuscode = \Input::get('STATUSCODE'); $transdate = \Input::get('TRANSDATE'); $ptype = \Input::get('PTYPE'); $totalamount = \Input::get('AMOUNT'); $result = strtoupper(\Input::get('RESULT')); $xtrainfo = strtoupper(\Input::get('EXTRAINFO')); $status = false; if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '') { // 2.2 Cross check with MYSHORTCART Database Table // $true = 1 : transaction found, 0 : transaction not found $order = \Order::where('kodeOrder', $transidmerchant)->first(); if ($order) { $akun = \Akun::find($order->akunId); return \Redirect::to('http://' . $akun->alamatJarvis . '.' . \Config::get('app.domain') . '/konfirmasiorder/' . $order->id)->with('message', 'Success Update Order'); } } }
public static function DeadLineFinished() { date_default_timezone_set(config::$timezone); $today = date("Y-m-d"); $orders = Order::where('to', '<', $today)->where('status', '=', 1)->orderBy('id', 'desc')->get(); $info = array(); $x = 0; foreach ($orders as $order) { $single = array(); $single['email'] = User::where('details_id', '=', $order->member->id)->where('user_level', '=', 'member')->get()->first()->email; $single['movie name'] = Movie::where("id", '=', $order->movie_id)->get()->first()->name; $single['first name'] = Member::where("id", '=', $order->member_id)->get()->first()->first_name; $single['last name'] = Member::where("id", '=', $order->member_id)->get()->first()->last_name; $info[$x++] = $single; } foreach ($info as $member) { Mail::send('emails.deadlinefinishedorder', array('first_name' => $member['first name'], 'last_name' => $member['last name'], 'movie' => $member['movie name']), function ($message) use($member) { $message->to($member['email'], $member['first name'])->subject('DVD Rental Notification'); }); } return "Email has been successfully sent."; }
/** * Setup the layout used by the controller. * * @return void */ public function __construct() { $this->beforeFilter(function () { // if((isset($_GET['access_id']) && $_GET['access_id'] == '5437edf7890') || isset($_COOKIE['access_id'])){ // if(!isset($_COOKIE['access_id'])){ // setcookie('access_id', $_GET['access_id'], time() + (3600)); // } View::share('catnav', Category::all()); View::share('cart_values', Cart::contents()); if (Auth::check()) { View::share('super', 0); View::share('vendor', 0); View::share('user', 0); View::share('user_id', Auth::user()->id); if (Auth::user()->isSuper) { View::share('super', 1); Session::put('user_status', 'super'); } elseif (Auth::user()->isVendor) { $notification = Order::where('vendor_id', '=', Auth::user()->id)->where('notification', '=', 1)->count(); View::share('vendor', 1); Session::put('notification', $notification); Session::put('user_status', 'vendor'); } else { View::share('user', 1); Session::put('user_status', 'user'); } View::share('guest_user', 0); } else { View::share('guest_user', 1); $notification = 0; Session::put('notification', $notification); Session::put('user_status', 'guest_user'); View::share('user_id', uniqid()); } // }else{ // return Redirect::to('http://www.Funfest.com'); // } }); }
/** * 未评论页面 */ public function Uncomment() { $orders = Order::where('state', 4)->get(); $data['userbar'] = $this->userBar(); $data['sidebar'] = $this->sideBar(); $data['uncomment']['deal_count'] = count($orders); $data['uncomment']['deal'] = array(); foreach ($orders as $order) { $shop = Shop::find($order->shop_id); $one = array(); $one['shop_id'] = $order->shop_id; $one['deal_id'] = $order->id; $one['deal_statue'] = $order->state; $one['same_again'] = '##'; $one['deal_is_return'] = '##'; // 是否能退单 $one['deal_return'] = '##'; // 退单链接 $one['deal_is_pre'] = $order->is_pre; // 是否是预定单 $one['deal_pre_time'] = $order->arrivetime; // 送餐时间 $one['deal_again'] = '##'; // 商品的地址 $one['shop_name'] = $shop->name; // 商店的名称 $one['deal_number'] = $order->id; // 订单号,先用订单ID代替 $one['deal_time'] = $order->ordertime; //订单时间 $one['deal_phone'] = $shop->linktel; //餐厅电话 $one['deliver_address'] = $order->receive_address; //订单送往地址 $one['deliver_phone'] = $order->receive_phone; $one['deliver_remark'] = $order->beta; //订单备注 $one['deal_speed'] = 0; // 送餐速度,0没有评价1不满意2一般般3满意 $one['deal_satisfied'] = ''; $one['good'] = array(); $menus = array_count_values(explode(',', $order->order_menus)); foreach ($menus as $menu_id => $count) { $good = Menu::find($menu_id); array_push($one['good'], array('goods_id' => $good->id, 'goods_name' => $good->title, 'goods_value' => $good->price, 'goods_amount' => $count, 'goods_total' => $good->price * $count, 'good_atisfied' => '##')); } // others表示其他费用 $one['others'] = array(array('item_name' => '', 'item_value' => '', 'item_amount' => '', 'item_total' => '')); $one['total'] = $order->total; array_push($data['uncomment']['deal'], $one); } return View::make("template.personal.personal_uncomment")->with($data); }
/** * 获取某个店铺指定时间的订单列表 * @return [type] [description] */ public function getOrderlist() { $shop_id = Input::get('shop_id'); $amount = Order::where('shop_id', $shop_id)->count(); $beginToday = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('m'), date('d'), date('Y')); $endToday = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') + 1, date('Y')) - 1; echo $endToday; echo '<br>'; $beginLastweek = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') - date('w') + 1 - 7, date('Y')); echo $beginLastweek; echo '<br>'; echo time(); }
public function transactionSuccess() { $transactionId = Session::get('transactionId'); if ($transactionId) { $status = Input::get('status'); if ($status == 'success') { $payment_mode = Input::get('mode'); $gateway_payment_id = Input::get('mihpayid'); $net_amount_debit = Input::get('net_amount_debit'); $order = Order::where('transaction_id', $transactionId)->first(); if (isset($order)) { $order->payment_mode = $payment_mode; $order->gateway_payment_id = $gateway_payment_id; $order->net_amount_debit = $net_amount_debit; $order->save(); $order_id = $order->id; $mail = SendMailController::userInvoiceMail($order_id); if ($mail) { $order = Order::find($order_id); $orderItems = OrderItem::where('order_id', $order_id)->get(); return View::make('checkout.transaction-success')->with('order', $order)->with('orderItems', $orderItems); } } else { return Redirect::to('/transaction-failure'); } } else { return Redirect::to('/transaction-failure'); } } else { return Redirect::to('/'); } }
public function viewOrder($id) { if (empty($id)) { return Redirect::to('/'); } $orderItem = OrderItem::find($id); if (isset($orderItem)) { $order = Order::where('id', $orderItem->order_id)->get(); if (isset($orderItem) && count($orderItem) > 0) { return View::make('order.viewOrder')->with('found', true)->with('order', $order)->with('orderItem', $orderItem); } else { return View::make('order.viewOrder')->with('found', false); } } else { return Redirect::to('/'); } }
public function countSellOrders() { $token = Input::get('token', ''); $u_id = Input::get('u_id', 0); try { $user = User::chkUserByToken($token, $u_id); $booths = Booth::where('u_id', '=', $u_id)->lists('b_id'); if (empty($booths)) { throw new Exception("您还没有任何店铺", 7001); } $count_nonshipping = Order::where('orders.o_shipping_status', '=', 1)->whereIn('carts.b_id', $booths)->leftJoin('carts', function ($q) { $q->on('carts.o_id', '=', 'orders.o_id'); })->groupBy('carts.o_id')->count(); $count_shipped = Order::where('orders.o_shipping_status', '=', 5)->whereIn('carts.b_id', $booths)->leftJoin('carts', function ($q) { $q->on('carts.o_id', '=', 'orders.o_id'); })->groupBy('carts.o_id')->count(); $count_nonpay = Order::where('orders.o_status', '=', 1)->whereIn('carts.b_id', $booths)->leftJoin('carts', function ($q) { $q->on('carts.o_id', '=', 'orders.o_id'); })->groupBy('carts.o_id')->count(); $count_paied = Order::where('orders.o_status', '=', 2)->whereIn('carts.b_id', $booths)->leftJoin('carts', function ($q) { $q->on('carts.o_id', '=', 'orders.o_id'); })->groupBy('carts.o_id')->count(); $count_finished = Order::where('orders.o_shipping_status', '=', 10)->whereIn('carts.b_id', $booths)->leftJoin('carts', function ($q) { $q->on('carts.o_id', '=', 'orders.o_id'); })->groupBy('carts.o_id')->count(); $count_nonfinished = $count_nonshipping + $count_shipped; $data = ['nonshipping' => $count_nonshipping, 'shipped' => $count_shipped, 'nonpay' => $count_nonpay, 'paied' => $count_paied, 'nonfinished' => $count_nonfinished, 'finished' => $count_finished]; $re = Tools::reTrue('获取订单统计成功', $data); } catch (Exception $e) { $re = Tools::reFalse($e->getCode(), '获取订单统计失败:' . $e->getMessage()); } return Response::json($re); }
public function postUpdateclearance() { if (Order::where('order_id', '=', $_POST['ordrid'])->update(array('payment_clearance' => $_POST['status']))) { $msg = $_POST['status'] == 'cleared' ? 'cleared' : $_POST['status']; $username = "******"; $password = "******"; $url = "http://smslane.com/vendorsms/pushsms.aspx?user="******"&password="******"&msisdn=91" . $_POST['phone'] . "&sid=WebSms&msg=Your order has been updated and payment is " . $msg . ".Please refer the website for details.&fl=1"; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_exec($ch); $response = array('success' => true); } else { $response = array('success' => false); } return json_encode($response); }
public function postImeiOrder() { /*if(Request::ajax()){*/ $posted = Input::all(); $product = $posted['network_name']; $rules = array('imei' => 'min:15|numeric|required', 'order_contact' => 'required'); $validator = Validator::make($posted, $rules); if ($validator->passes()) { /*$url = 'http://localhost/iunlockgh/public/confirm-order';*/ $your_order = Order::where('user_id', '=', Auth::user()->id)->get(); $counter = count($your_order); if ($counter > 0) { return Redirect::back()->with('warning', 'You have already placed an order, complete that order before placing new'); } /*for($s=0; $s<10; $s++){ $possible = '0123456789'; $code = ''; $i = 0; while($i < 7){ $code .= substr($possible, mt_rand(0, strlen($possible)+1),1); $i++; } }*/ $code = mt_rand(10000, 99999); $order = new Order(); $order->user_id = Auth::user()->id; if ($product == 1) { $order->network_name = 'Network Lock Check '; } elseif ($product == 2) { $order->network_name = 'Blacklisted/Barred/clean imei'; } elseif ($product == 3) { $order->network_name = 'Free iCloud check'; } else { $order->network_name = 'Sprint USA - All iPhone Eligibility Test Clean/Blacklist/Unpaid Bill'; } $order->product_name = $posted['product_name']; $order->price = $posted['price']; $order->email = $posted['email']; $order->imei = $posted['imei']; $order->delivery = $posted['delivery']; $order->status = 'processing'; $order->order_contact = $posted['order_contact']; $order->order_code = $code; $order->net_id = $posted['network_name']; $order->p_id = $posted['p_id']; $order->save(); /* Mail::send('email.order', array('product_name'=>Input::get('product_name'), 'price'=>Input::get('price'), 'delivery'=>Input::get('delivery'), 'network_name'=>Input::get('netwwork_name'), 'imei'=>Input::get('imei')), function($message){ $message->from('*****@*****.**', 'PerfectUnlockgh'); $message->to(Input::get('email'), Input::get('product_name'), Input::get('price'), Input::get('delivery'), Input::get('network_name'))->subject('You have successfully created your order'); }); */ return Redirect::to('confirm-order')->with('message', 'Ensure to complete order within 48hrs else order will be automatically deleted '); } else { return Redirect::back()->with('error', 'To create order, Enter a correct IMEI'); } }
public function get_user() { $user = User::find($this->user_id); $response_array['user'] = $user->toArray(); $response_array['address'] = UserAddress::where('user_id', $this->user_id)->get()->toArray(); $response_array['credits'] = UserCredit::where('user_id', $this->user_id)->first()->toArray(); $response_array['payments'] = Payment::where('user_id', $this->user_id)->get(); $response_array['orders'] = Order::where('user_id', $this->user_id)->get(); if (Request::format() == 'html') { return View::make('account')->with('data', $response_array)->with('store', $this->store)->with('departments', $this->departments)->with('zipcode', $this->zipcode)->with('city', $this->city)->with('stores1', $this->stores); } else { $response_array['success'] = 'true'; $response_code = 200; $response = Response::json($response_array, $response_code); return $response; } }
public function viewAllOrders() { $today = Carbon\Carbon::toDay()->toDateTimeString(); if (Auth::user()->role == "admin" || Auth::user()->role == "cashier") { $orders_today = Order::where('created_at', '>=', Carbon\Carbon::now()->startOfDay())->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->paginate(10); $orders_all = Order::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->paginate(10); return View::make('order.list')->with(array('orders_today' => $orders_today, 'orders_all' => $orders_all)); } else { echo "Access Denied. You have no permission to access this area."; } }
public function bulkImportOrder() { DB::transaction(function () { $orderdetails_count = count(Input::json('orderdetails')); $orderDetails = Input::json('orderdetails'); $skip_count = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $orderdetails_count; $i++) { if (Order::where('RefOrderId', '=', $orderDetails[$i]['Order_ID'])->count() > 0) { $skip_count++; } else { //Insert New Jobs Details in Jobs Table $jobs_dtl = new Jobs(); $jobs_dtl->Channel_Id = $orderDetails[$i]['Channel_Id']; $jobs_dtl->Job_Type_Id = "1"; $jobs_dtl->Job_Status_Id = "1"; $jobs_dtl->ACTIVE = 1; $jobs_dtl->CREATE_TS = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $jobs_dtl->MODIFY_TS = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $jobs_dtl->save(); //return Response::json($jobs_dtl); // Insert New order Details in Order Table $order_dtl = new Order(); $order_dtl->Job_Id = $jobs_dtl->id; $order_dtl->Order_Date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($orderDetails[$i]['Order_Date'])); //$orderDetails[$i]['Order_Date']; $order_dtl->ChannelName = $orderDetails[$i]['Channel_Name']; $order_dtl->OrderStatus = $orderDetails[$i]['Order_Status']; $order_dtl->SubTotal = $orderDetails[$i]['SubTotal']; $order_dtl->Tax = $orderDetails[$i]['Tax']; $order_dtl->TaxRate = $orderDetails[$i]['Tax_Rate']; $order_dtl->ShipRate = $orderDetails[$i]['Ship_Rate']; $order_dtl->FinalTotal = $orderDetails[$i]['Final_Total']; $order_dtl->ShipMethod = $orderDetails[$i]['Ship_Method']; //$order_dtl->Requested_Ship_Date = ""; $order_dtl->ShipName = $orderDetails[$i]['Ship_FirstName'] . ' ' . $orderDetails[$i]['Ship_LastName']; $order_dtl->ShipAddress1 = $orderDetails[$i]['Ship_Address1']; $order_dtl->ShipAddress2 = $orderDetails[$i]['Ship_Address2']; $order_dtl->ShipCompany = $orderDetails[$i]['Ship_Company']; $order_dtl->ShipCity = $orderDetails[$i]['Ship_City']; $order_dtl->ShipZip = $orderDetails[$i]['Ship_PostalCode']; $order_dtl->ShipState = $orderDetails[$i]['Ship_StateProvince']; $order_dtl->ShipCountry = $orderDetails[$i]['Ship_Country']; $order_dtl->ShipEmail = $orderDetails[$i]['Bill_Email']; $order_dtl->BillName = $orderDetails[$i]['Bill_FirstName'] . ' ' . $orderDetails[$i]['Bill_LastName']; $order_dtl->BillAddress1 = $orderDetails[$i]['Bill_Address1']; $order_dtl->BillAddress2 = $orderDetails[$i]['Bill_Address2']; $order_dtl->BillCompany = $orderDetails[$i]['Bill_Company']; $order_dtl->BillCity = $orderDetails[$i]['Bill_City']; $order_dtl->BillZip = $orderDetails[$i]['Bill_PostalCode']; $order_dtl->BillState = $orderDetails[$i]['Bill_StateProvince']; $order_dtl->BillCountry = $orderDetails[$i]['Bill_Country']; $order_dtl->BillEmail = $orderDetails[$i]['Bill_Email']; $order_dtl->BillPhone = $orderDetails[$i]['Bill_Phone_Number']; $order_dtl->RefOrderId = $orderDetails[$i]['Order_ID']; //$order_dtl->OrderTotal = ""; $order_dtl->TotalShipmentPrice = $orderDetails[$i]['Ship_Rate']; //$order_dtl->ShipmentsTotalCost = ""; //$order_dtl->CarrierName = ""; //$order_dtl->CarrierServiceName = ""; //$order_dtl->Comments = ""; $order_dtl->ACTIVE = 1; $order_dtl->CREATE_TS = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $order_dtl->MODIFY_TS = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $order_dtl->save(); //return Response::json($order_dtl); // Order Item Table $order_item_dtl = new Orderitems(); $order_item_dtl->Order_Id = $order_dtl->id; $order_item_dtl->Order_Item = 0; $order_item_dtl->ItemName = $orderDetails[$i]['Product_Name']; $order_item_dtl->ItemDescription = $orderDetails[$i]['Product_Customizations_Description']; //$order_item_dtl->SKU = ""; //$order_item_dtl->UnitWeight = ""; $order_item_dtl->ItemPrice = $orderDetails[$i]['Product_Paid']; $order_item_dtl->ItemRefId = $orderDetails[$i]['Order_ID']; $order_item_dtl->Order_Qty = $orderDetails[$i]['Product_Quantity']; $order_item_dtl->Balance_Qty = $orderDetails[$i]['Product_Quantity']; $order_item_dtl->ProductName = $orderDetails[$i]['Product_Name']; $order_item_dtl->ProductPartNumber = $orderDetails[$i]['Product_Part_Number']; $order_item_dtl->ProductPaid = $orderDetails[$i]['Product_Paid']; $order_item_dtl->ProductQuantity = $orderDetails[$i]['Product_Quantity']; $order_item_dtl->ProductCustomizationDescription = $orderDetails[$i]['Product_Customizations_Description']; $order_item_dtl->ACTIVE = 1; $order_item_dtl->CREATE_TS = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $order_item_dtl->MODIFY_TS = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $order_item_dtl->save(); $orderItems_count = count(Input::json('orderdetails')[$i]['Items']); $itemDetails = Input::json('orderdetails')[$i]['Items']; if ($orderItems_count > 0) { for ($j = 0; $j < $orderItems_count; $j++) { // Order Item Table $order_item_dtl = new Orderitems(); $order_item_dtl->Order_Id = $order_dtl->id; $order_item_dtl->Order_Item = 0; $order_item_dtl->ItemName = $itemDetails[$j]['Product_Name']; $order_item_dtl->ItemDescription = $itemDetails[$j]['Product_Customizations_Description']; //$order_item_dtl->SKU = ""; //$order_item_dtl->UnitWeight = ""; $order_item_dtl->ItemPrice = $itemDetails[$j]['Product_Paid']; $order_item_dtl->ItemRefId = $itemDetails[$j]['Order_ID']; $order_item_dtl->Order_Qty = $itemDetails[$j]['Product_Quantity']; $order_item_dtl->Balance_Qty = $itemDetails[$j]['Product_Quantity']; $order_item_dtl->ProductName = $itemDetails[$j]['Product_Name']; $order_item_dtl->ProductPartNumber = $itemDetails[$j]['Product_Part_Number']; $order_item_dtl->ProductPaid = $itemDetails[$j]['Product_Paid']; $order_item_dtl->ProductQuantity = $itemDetails[$j]['Product_Quantity']; $order_item_dtl->ProductCustomizationDescription = $itemDetails[$j]['Product_Customizations_Description']; $order_item_dtl->ACTIVE = 1; $order_item_dtl->CREATE_TS = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $order_item_dtl->MODIFY_TS = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $order_item_dtl->save(); } } //return Response::json($order_item_dtl); } } return Response::json(array('flash' => $orderdetails_count . ' Bulk Orders Processed Successfully, ' . $skip_count . ' Orders already in system'))->setCallback(Input::get('callback')); }); }
function getUserOrders($status = 'pending', $page = 1, $startDate = null, $endDate = null) { $userId = Session::get('user_id'); if (isset($userId)) { if (isset($startDate) && isset($endDate)) { $startDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($startDate)); $endDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($endDate)); $orders = Order::where('user_id', '=', $userId)->where('start_date', '>=', $startDate)->where('end_date', '<=', $endDate)->get(); } else { if (isset($startDate)) { $startDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($startDate)); $orders = Order::where('user_id', '=', $userId)->where('start_date', '>=', $startDate)->get(); } else { $orders = Order::where('user_id', '=', $userId)->get(); } } if (isset($orders)) { return json_encode(array('message' => 'found', 'orders' => $orders->toArray())); } else { return json_encode(array('message' => 'empty')); } } else { return json_encode(array('message' => 'invalid')); } }