public function search() { $objOrder = new Order(); $objOrder->setPatientIdentification(request_var("identification")); $objOrder->setTurn(request_var("turn")); $objOrder->setPatientLastname(request_var("lastname")); $objOrder->setPatientFirstname(request_var("firstname")); $objOrder->setInitDate(request_var("initDate")); $objOrder->setEndDate(request_var("endDate")); $objOrder->setHallId(request_var("hall")); $objOrder->setOfficeId(request_var("office")); $_response = $objOrder->search(); $arrResult = array(); $_response = $_response["ConsultarOrdenWebSigLabResult"]; if (is_array($_response) && count($_response)) { foreach ($_response as $_order) { foreach ($_order as $_value) { if (is_array($_value)) { $ordId = $_value["EmpId"] . "@" . $_value["OficinaId"] . "@" . $_value["OrdId"]; $arrResult[] = array("Id" => "<a href='#' onclick='viewResult(\"{$ordId}\");'><img src='../img/search.png' /></a>", "PacIdentificacion" => $_value["PacIdentificacion"], "PacApellido" => utf8_encode($_value["PacApellido"] . " " . $_value["PacNombre"]), "OrdTurno" => $_value["OrdTurno"], "OrdFecha" => Util::formatDBWEB(substr($_value["OrdFecha"], 0, 10)), "TipoOrdenDescripcion" => $_value["TipoOrdenDescripcion"], "MedApellido" => utf8_encode($_value["MedApellido"] . " " . $_value["MedNombre"]), "SalaHosp" => $_value["SalaHospDescripcion"]); } else { $ordId = $_order["EmpId"] . "@" . $_order["OficinaId"] . "@" . $_order["OrdId"]; $arrResult[] = array("Id" => "<a href='#' onclick='viewResult(\"{$ordId}\");'><img src='../img/search.png' /></a>", "PacIdentificacion" => $_order["PacIdentificacion"], "PacApellido" => utf8_encode($_order["PacApellido"] . " " . $_order["PacNombre"]), "OrdTurno" => $_order["OrdTurno"], "OrdFecha" => Util::formatDBWEB(substr($_order["OrdFecha"], 0, 10)), "TipoOrdenDescripcion" => $_value["TipoOrdenDescripcion"], "MedApellido" => utf8_encode($_order["MedApellido"] . " " . $_order["MedNombre"]), "SalaHosp" => $_order["SalaHospDescripcion"]); break; } } } } echo json_encode($arrResult); }
/** * Lists all models */ public function actionIndex() { $model = new Order('search'); $model->unsetAttributes(); if (isset($_GET['Order'])) { $model->attributes = $_GET['Order']; } $this->render('index', array('dataProvider' => $model->search(), 'model' => $model)); }
/** * Display orders methods list */ public function actionIndex() { $model = new Order('search'); if (!empty($_GET['Order'])) { $model->attributes = $_GET['Order']; } $dataProvider = $model->search(); $dataProvider->pagination->pageSize = Yii::app()->settings->get('core', 'productsPerPageAdmin'); $this->render('index', array('model' => $model, 'dataProvider' => $dataProvider)); }
/** * Display orders methods list */ public function actionIndex() { $this->pageName = Yii::t('CartModule.admin', 'ORDER', 0); $this->breadcrumbs = array($this->pageName); $model = new Order('search'); if (!empty($_GET['Order'])) { $model->attributes = $_GET['Order']; } $dataProvider = $model->search(); $this->render('index', array('model' => $model, 'dataProvider' => $dataProvider)); }
public function actionIndex() { //$this->render('index'); //new \Error(1); $this->prepareUser(); $order = new \Order(); $this->prepareTempOrder(); $order->TempOrder = $this->tempOrder; $order->ID_user = $this->tiUser->ID; $order_provider = $order->search(); $arr_order = $order_provider->getData(); foreach ($arr_order as $value) { try { $value->delete(); } catch (Exception $e) { new \Error(5, null, $e->getMessage()); } } new \Error(1); }
public function actionIndex() { //$this->render('index'); $this->prepareUser(); $order = new \Order(); if (isset($_POST['TempOrder'])) { $this->prepareTempOrder(); $order->TempOrder = $this->tempOrder; } $order->ID_user = $this->tiUser->ID; $order_provider = $order->search(); $arr_order = $order_provider->getData(); $arr_data_return = null; foreach ($arr_order as $value) { $arr_data_return[] = $value->attributes; } if ($arr_data_return == null) { echo json_encode(array('Code' => 1, 'Message' => 'Succeed', 'Data' => 'null')); exit; } echo json_encode(array('Code' => 1, 'Message' => 'Succeed', 'Data' => $arr_data_return)); }
$this->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbButton', ['buttonType' => 'submit', 'context' => 'primary', 'label' => $model->getIsNewRecord() ? Yii::t('', 'Add coupon and continue') : Yii::t('', 'Save coupon and continue')]); ?> <?php $this->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbButton', ['buttonType' => 'submit', 'htmlOptions' => ['name' => 'submit-type', 'value' => 'index'], 'label' => $model->getIsNewRecord() ? Yii::t('', 'Add coupon and close') : Yii::t('', 'Save coupon and close')]); ?> <?php $this->endWidget(); ?> </div> <?php if (!$model->getIsNewRecord()) { ?> <div class="tab-pane panel-body" id="history"> <?php Yii::app()->getModule('order'); $order = new Order('search'); $order->unsetAttributes(); $this->widget('yupe\\widgets\\CustomGridView', ['id' => 'order-grid', 'type' => 'condensed', 'dataProvider' => $order->search($model->id), 'filter' => $order, 'rowCssClassExpression' => '$data->paid == Order::PAID_STATUS_PAID ? "alert-success" : ""', 'ajaxUrl' => Yii::app()->createUrl('/order/orderBackend/index'), 'actionsButtons' => false, 'bulkActions' => [false], 'columns' => [['name' => 'id', 'htmlOptions' => ['width' => '90px'], 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => 'CHtml::link(Yii::t("", "Order #").$data->id, array("/order/orderBackend/update", "id" => $data->id))'], ['name' => 'name', 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => '$data->name . ($data->note ? "<br><div class=\\"note\\">$data->note</div>" : "")', 'htmlOptions' => ['width' => '400px']], 'total_price', ['name' => 'paid', 'value' => '$data->getPaidStatus()', 'filter' => $order->getPaidStatusList()], ['name' => 'date'], ['name' => 'status', 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => function ($data) { return $data->status->getTitle(); }, 'filter' => OrderStatus::model()->getList()]]]); ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div>
<?php $this->endWidget(); ?> </div> <?php if (!$model->getIsNewRecord()) { ?> <div class="tab-pane panel-body" id="history"> <?php Yii::app()->getModule('order'); $order = new Order('search'); $order->unsetAttributes(); $order->couponId = $model->id; $this->widget('yupe\\widgets\\CustomGridView', ['id' => 'order-grid', 'type' => 'condensed', 'dataProvider' => $order->search(), 'filter' => $order, 'rowCssClassExpression' => '$data->paid == Order::PAID_STATUS_PAID ? "alert-success" : ""', 'ajaxUrl' => Yii::app()->createUrl('/order/orderBackend/index'), 'actionsButtons' => false, 'bulkActions' => [false], 'columns' => [['name' => 'id', 'htmlOptions' => ['width' => '90px'], 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => function (Order $data) { return CHtml::link(Yii::t('', 'Order #') . $data->id, ['/order/orderBackend/update', 'id' => $data->id]); }], ['name' => 'name', 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => function (Order $data) { $result = $data->name; if ($data->note) { $result .= CHtml::tag('br'); $result .= CHtml::tag('small', [], $data->note); } return $result; }, 'htmlOptions' => ['width' => '400px']], 'total_price', ['name' => 'paid', 'value' => function (Order $data) { return $data->getPaidStatus(); }, 'filter' => $order->getPaidStatusList()], ['name' => 'date'], ['name' => 'status_id', 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => function (Order $data) { return $data->status->getTitle(); }, 'filter' => CHtml::listData(OrderStatus::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'name')]]]); ?> </div>
* Results are formatted and put in $result * which is then json encoded and returned as a json file response */ $result = new stdClass(); /** * Process the search request */ if (isset($_POST['form']) && $_POST['form'] == "search") { if (isset($_POST['search_term']) && isset($_POST['search_type'])) { $search_term = $_POST['search_term']; $search_type = $_POST['search_type']; $result = ""; $filters = $_POST['filters']; require_once APPLICATION_PATH . MODEL_DIR . '/Order.php'; $order = new Order(); $result = $order->search($search_term, $filters, $search_type); } } /** * Once a search result has been selected, this gets the rest of the selected user's info */ if (isset($_POST['form']) && $_POST['form'] == "get_order_info") { require_once APPLICATION_PATH . MODEL_DIR . '/Order.php'; require_once APPLICATION_PATH . MODEL_DIR . '/Ajax.php'; $order = new Order(); if (!empty($_POST['shipment_id'])) { $param = $_POST['shipment_id']; $method = 'shipment_id'; } elseif (!empty($_POST['order_id'])) { $param = $_POST['order_id']; $method = 'order_id';
<?php // core configuration include_once "../config/core.php"; // check if logged in as admin include_once "login_checker.php"; // include classes include_once '../config/database.php'; include_once '../objects/category.php'; include_once '../objects/order.php'; // get database connection $database = new Database(); $db = $database->getConnection(); // initialize objects $order = new Order($db); $category = new Category($db); // get search term $search_term = isset($_GET['s']) ? $_GET['s'] : ''; // set page title $page_title = "Order Search Results"; // include page header HTML include_once "layout_head.php"; // search order based on search term $stmt = $order->search($search_term, $from_record_num, $records_per_page); // count number of products returned $num = $stmt->rowCount(); // include orders table HTML template include_once "read_orders_template.php"; // include page footer HTML include_once "layout_foot.php";
<?php include 'inc.php'; if (!$user->is_admin()) { set_msg("You do not have enough permission."); header("Location: index.php"); exit; } if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { $orders = Order::search($_POST); } else { $orders = Order::search(array()); } include 'header.php'; include 'menu.php'; ?> <div id="content"> <div id="ajax-popup" style="display: none;"> <div id="ajax-close"><a onclick="close_ajax()">Close</a></div> <div id="ajax-title">Product Details for Order ID <span id="ajax-id"> </span></div> <div id="ajax-loading"> <p>Loading...</p> <img src="images/ajax-loader.gif" width="220" height="19" alt="Loading" /> </div> <div id="ajax-body" style=""> </div> </div> <div id="admin-menu"> <h2>Admin Panel</h2> <div class="admin-menu-item"><a href="admin_orders.php">Search Orders</a></div> <div class="admin-menu-item"><a href="admin_cusproducts.php">Search Customized Products</a></div> </div>
<?php $this->breadcrumbs = array('Orders' => array('index'), Yii::t('', 'Manage')); $model = new Order(); $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array('id' => 'order-grid', 'dataProvider' => $model->search(), 'filter' => $model, 'columns' => array('order_id', 'customer.address.firstname', 'customer.address.lastname', array('name' => 'ordering_date', 'value' => 'date("M j, Y", $data->ordering_date)'), array('class' => 'CButtonColumn', 'template' => '{view}'))));