Exemplo n.º 1
  * @param Object $obj
  * @param string|null $thumbnail
  * @return string
 public static function getViewPath($obj, $thumbnail = null)
     switch ($obj) {
         case $obj instanceof \User\Model\User:
             if (!$obj->getCreatedDateTime()) {
                 return '/media/users/default/' . $obj->getId() . '/';
             $datePath = DateBase::toFormat($obj->getCreatedDateTime(), 'Ymd');
             return '/media/user/' . $datePath . '/' . $obj->getId() . '/' . $obj->getAvatar();
     return '';
 public function get(Object $oObject, $aParams = array())
     if (isset($this->aParams['ToModuleAlias'])) {
         Core::import('Modules.' . $this->aParams['ToModuleAlias']);
     $oMapper = Manager::getInstance()->getMapper($this->aParams['ToMapperAlias']);
     $aContainer = $oMapper->getContainer();
     $sTable = $aContainer['TableName'];
     $sClassName = $aContainer['Object'];
     $oQuery = new DbFetcher($sTable, 'a');
     $oQuery->addJoinTable($this->aParams['TableName'], 'b', 'LEFT JOIN', 'a.id = b.' . $this->aParams['Field']);
     // Условия выборки
     $oCriteria = new CriteriaGroup('AND');
     $oCriteria->addElement(new CriteriaElement($this->aParams['Field2'], '=', (int) $oObject->getId()));
     if (isset($this->aParams['Order'])) {
         foreach ($this->aParams['Order'] as $k => $dir) {
             $oQuery->addOrder($k, $dir);
     } else {
         $oQuery->addOrder('Pos', 'ASC');
     $oResult = new ObjectsCollection($oQuery);
     $aResult = $oQuery->fetchAll();
     foreach ($aResult as $itm) {
         $oResult->add(new $sClassName($this->convRealFieldToFields($itm, '', $aContainer)));
     return $oResult;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Transforms an object to an id.
  * @param  Object|null $entity
  * @return string
 public function transform($entity)
     if (null === $entity) {
         return "";
     return $entity->getId();
  * Prépare une liste de paramètres pour une requête SQL UPDATE ou INSERT
  * @param Object $objetMetier
  * @return array : tableau ordonné de valeurs
 public function objetVersEnregistrement($objetMetier)
     // construire un tableau des paramètres d'insertion ou de modification
     // l'ordre des valeurs est important : il correspond à celui des paramètres de la requête SQL
     $retour = array(':id' => $objetMetier->getId(), ':libelle' => $objetMetier->getLibelle());
     return $retour;
  * Transforms an object to a string (id).
  * @param  Object|null $object
  * @return string
 public function transform($object)
     if (null === $object) {
         return "";
     return $object->getId();
  * Transforms an object to a string (number).
  * @param Object|null $entity
  * @return string|null
 public function transform($entity)
     if (!$entity) {
         return null;
     return $entity->getId();
 public function get(Object $oObject, $aParams = array())
     if (isset($this->aParams['ToModuleAlias'])) {
         Core::import('Modules.' . $this->aParams['ToModuleAlias']);
     $oMapper = Manager::getInstance()->getMapper($this->aParams['ToMapperAlias']);
     $nLimit = 0;
     $nOffset = 0;
     $aLocCriteria = array($this->aParams['Field'] => $oObject->getId());
     $aLocOrder = array('Pos' => 'ASC');
     if (count($aParams) > 0) {
         if (isset($aParams['Criteria'])) {
             foreach ($aParams['Criteria'] as $key => $val) {
                 $aLocCriteria[$key] = $val;
         if (isset($aParams['Order'])) {
             $aLocOrder = $aParams['Order'];
         if (isset($aParams['Limit'])) {
             $nLimit = intval($aParams['Limit']);
         if (isset($aParams['Offset'])) {
             $nOffset = intval($aParams['Offset']);
     $aDefaultParams = isset($this->aParams['Params']) ? $this->aParams['Params'] : array();
     return $oMapper->find(ArrayHelper::merge($aDefaultParams, array('Order' => $aLocOrder, 'Criteria' => $aLocCriteria, 'Limit' => $nLimit, 'Offset' => $nOffset)));
 public function get(Object $oObject, $aParams = array())
     if (isset($this->aParams['ToModuleAlias'])) {
         Core::import('Modules.' . $this->aParams['ToModuleAlias']);
     $oMapper = Manager::getInstance()->getMapper($this->aParams['ToMapperAlias']);
     $aParams['Criteria'][$this->aParams['Field']] = $oObject->getId();
     return $oMapper->findFirst($aParams);
  * Prepara os dados para o cancelamento da nota
  * @param string $sParametroArquivo
 public function preparaDados($sParametroArquivo)
     $this->oDadosXML = $this->validaXML($sParametroArquivo);
      * Verifica se existe inconsistencias
     if (count($this->aInconsistencias) == 0) {
         $sCnpj = (string) $this->oDadosXML->IdentificacaoNfse->Cnpj;
         $sNumero = (string) $this->oDadosXML->IdentificacaoNfse->Numero;
         $iInscricaoMunicipal = (string) $this->oDadosXML->IdentificacaoNfse->InscricaoMunicipal;
         $iNumero = (int) substr($sNumero, 4, 11);
         $aAtributosContriobuinte = array("cnpj_cpf" => $sCnpj, "im" => $iInscricaoMunicipal);
         $sAmbiente = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRequest()->getActionName();
         if (DBSeller_Plugin_Auth::checkPermissionWebservice($sCnpj, "webservice/{$sAmbiente}/recepcionar-lote-rps")) {
             $aContribuinte = Administrativo_Model_UsuarioContribuinte::getByAttributes($aAtributosContriobuinte);
             foreach ($aContribuinte as $oContribuinte) {
                 $this->oContribuinte = $oContribuinte;
              * Verifica se existe contribuinte com o CNPJ e Inscrição Municipal informado
             if (empty($this->oContribuinte)) {
             } else {
                 $iIdContribuinte = $this->oContribuinte->getId();
                 $aAtributosNota = array("id_contribuinte" => $iIdContribuinte, "nota" => $iNumero);
                  * Retornar a entidade do array de notas
                 $aNotas = Contribuinte_Model_Nota::getByAttributes($aAtributosNota);
                 foreach ($aNotas as $oNota) {
                     $this->oNota = $oNota;
                  * Verifica se existe nota
                 if (empty($this->oNota)) {
                 } else {
                     $bNotaCancelada = $this->oNota->getCancelada();
                      * Verifica se a nota já está cancelada
                     if ($bNotaCancelada) {
         } else {
             $this->adicionarInconsistencia('Usuário sem permissão!');
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Get a specific ticket
  * @param Object $realm
  * @param Int $ticketId
  * @return Array
 public function getTicket($realm, $ticketId = false)
     if ($ticketId && $realm) {
         //Connect to the realm
         //Do the query
         $query = $realm->getCharacters()->getConnection()->query("SELECT " . allColumns("gm_tickets", $realm->getId()) . " FROM " . table("gm_tickets", $realm->getId()) . " WHERE " . column("gm_tickets", "ticketId", false, $realm->getId()) . " = ?", array($ticketId));
         if ($realm->getCharacters()->getConnection()->_error_message()) {
         if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
             $result = $query->result_array();
             return $result[0];
         } else {
             return false;
     } else {
         return false;
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Returns file model.
  * @return null|Object|File
 public function getFile()
     if (!$this->objectId) {
         return null;
     if (isset($this->file) && $this->objectId == $this->file->getId()) {
         return $this->file;
     //todo Here we can load anything (Folder or File). But now - only File model
     $this->file = File::loadById($this->objectId);
     return $this->file;
Exemplo n.º 12
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see \comhon\object\object\SerializationUnit::_loadObject()
 protected function _loadObject(Object $pObject)
     $lId = $pObject->getId();
     $lPath = $this->getValue("saticPath") . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $lId . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->getValue("staticName");
     if (!file_exists($lPath)) {
         throw new \Exception("cannot load json file, file doesn't exists (id : {$lId})");
     $lStdClassObject = json_decode(file_get_contents($lPath));
     if ($lStdClassObject !== false) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Exemplo n.º 13
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see \comhon\object\object\SerializationUnit::_loadObject()
 protected function _loadObject(Object $pObject)
     $lId = $pObject->getId();
     $lPath = $this->getValue("saticPath") . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $lId . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->getValue("staticName");
     if (!file_exists($lPath)) {
         throw new \Exception("cannot load xml file, file doesn't exists (id : {$lId})");
     $lSimpleXmlElement = simplexml_load_file($lPath);
     if ($lSimpleXmlElement !== false && !is_null($lSimpleXmlElement)) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
  * Generate the record node for
  * the data node
  * @param DOMDocument $doc
  * @param DOMNode $parentNode
  * @param Object $record
 public function generateXml($doc, $parentNode, $record)
     $tagRecord = $doc->createElement('record');
     $tagRecord->setAttribute('id', $record->getId());
     $previous = array();
     foreach ($this->fields as $field) {
         if (!in_array($field->completeName(), $previous)) {
             $tag = $doc->createElement($field->completeName());
             $text = $doc->createTextNode($field->getValue($record));
         $previous[count($previous)] = $field->getName();
     $text = $parentNode->appendChild($tagRecord);
Exemplo n.º 15
 public function get(Object $oObject, $aParams = array())
     if (isset($this->aParams['ToModuleAlias'])) {
         Core::import('Modules.' . $this->aParams['ToModuleAlias']);
     $oMapper = Manager::getInstance()->getMapper($this->aParams['ToMapperAlias']);
     $aLocCriteria = array($this->aParams['Field'] => $oObject->getId());
     if (!empty($aParams)) {
         if (isset($aParams['Criteria'])) {
             foreach ($aParams['Criteria'] as $key => $val) {
                 $aLocCriteria[$key] = $val;
     $nRelation = $oMapper->findStat('count', 'c', isset($this->aParams['FunctionParams']) ? $this->aParams['FunctionParams'] : '*', array('Criteria' => $aLocCriteria));
     return $nRelation;
  * Processa o arquivo Webservice
  * @return string
  * @throws Exception
 public function processamentoArquivo()
     try {
          * Verifica o nome do arquivo
         if (!$this->sNomeArquivo) {
          * Verifica se existe algum registro de usuário
         if (!is_object($this->oDadosUsuario)) {
             throw new Exception('Usuario não encontrado!', 157);
          * Verifica se o usuário está autenticado
         if (!$this->autenticaUsuario($this->oDadosUsuario->getLogin())) {
             $this->oModeloImportacao->setMensagemErro('E157', 'Usuario: ' . $this->oDadosUsuario->getLogin());
         $oArquivoCarregado = $this->oModeloImportacao->carregar();
          * Verifica se o modelo está válido e processa o arquivo de importação
         if ($oArquivoCarregado && !$this->oModeloImportacao->getErro() && $this->oModeloImportacao->validaArquivoCarregado()) {
              * Valida as regras de negócio e processa a importação
             $oImportacaoProcessamento = new Contribuinte_Model_ImportacaoArquivoProcessamento();
              * Processa a importação
             $oDadosImportacao = $oImportacaoProcessamento->processarImportacaoRps();
             return $this->oModeloImportacao->processaSucessoWebService($oDadosImportacao);
         } else {
             return $this->oModeloImportacao->processaErroWebService($oArquivoCarregado->lote->numero);
     } catch (Exception $oErro) {
         throw new Exception($oErro->getMessage(), $oErro->getCode());
  * Update #__joommark_stats (current sessions)
  * @access protected
  * @return Exception object otherwise boolean true
 protected function updateStats()
     // Create and populate an object.
     $StatsObject = new stdClass();
     $StatsObject->session_id_person = $this->session->getId();
     $StatsObject->nowpage = str_replace(JUri::getInstance()->base(), '', urldecode($this->app->input->post->getString('nowpage', null)));
     str_replace("11223344", "", "REGISTER 11223344 here");
     $StatsObject->lastupdate_time = time();
     $StatsObject->current_name = $this->userName;
     try {
         // Test if the session is open
         $query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
         $query->select($this->db->quoteName("session_id_person"))->from($this->db->quoteName("#__joommark_stats"))->where($this->db->quoteName("session_id_person") . " = " . $this->db->quote($StatsObject->session_id_person));
         // Set the query and execute
         $exists = (bool) $this->db->loadResult();
         if ($this->db->getErrorNum()) {
             // Todo
             throw new Exception(JText::sprintf('PLG_TRACKER_COM_JOOMMLAMARK_ERROR_READING_INSERTING_NEW_STAT', $this->db->getErrorMsg()), 'error', 'Server stats');
         // Insert the object into the #__joommark_serverstats table. Otherwise update the time tracker
         if (!$exists) {
             // Insert the object into the #__joommark_stats table.
             $result = JFactory::getDbo()->insertObject('#__joommark_stats', $StatsObject);
             if ($this->db->getErrorNum()) {
                 // Todo
                 throw new Exception(JText::sprintf('PLG_TRACKER_COM_JOOMMLAMARK_ERROR_READING_INSERTING_NEW_STAT', $this->db->getErrorMsg()), 'error', 'Server stats');
         } else {
             // In the case, that the session exists we have to update nowpage and lastupdate_time!
             // Todo or have we do this only on afterroute?
             $StatsObjectOnlyName = new stdClass();
             $StatsObjectOnlyName->session_id_person = $this->session->getId();
             $StatsObjectOnlyName->lastupdate_time = time();
             $StatsObjectOnlyName->nowpage = str_replace(JUri::getInstance()->base(), '', urldecode($this->app->input->post->getString('nowpage', null)));
             $StatsObjectOnlyName->current_name = $this->userName;
             $result = $this->db->updateObject('#__joommark_stats', $StatsObjectOnlyName, 'session_id_person');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // Todo special exeption handling
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 18
  * @param Object $obj
  * @param string|null $thumbnail
  * @return string
 public static function getViewPath($obj, $thumbnail = null)
     switch ($obj) {
         case $obj instanceof \Crm\Model\Contract\File:
             if ($obj->getFileName()) {
                 return '/media/contracts/' . $obj->getContractId() . '/' . $obj->getFileName();
         case $obj instanceof \Hrm\Model\Recruitment\Candidate:
             $filePath = DateBase::createFromFormat(DateBase::COMMON_DATE_FORMAT, $obj->getCreatedDate())->format('Ymd');
             return '/media/hrm/candidate/' . $filePath . '/' . $obj->getFileName();
         case $obj instanceof \Work\Model\TaskFile:
             $filePath = DateBase::createFromFormat(DateBase::COMMON_DATETIME_FORMAT, $obj->getCreatedDateTime())->format('Ymd');
             return '/media/work/attachfile/' . $filePath . '/' . $obj->getTaskId() . '/' . $obj->getFileName();
         case $obj instanceof \Work\Model\MeetingFile:
             $filePath = DateBase::createFromFormat(DateBase::COMMON_DATETIME_FORMAT, $obj->getCreatedDateTime())->format('Ymd');
             return '/media/projects/meetings/' . $filePath . '/' . $obj->getMeetingId() . '/' . $obj->getFileName();
         case $obj instanceof \Company\Model\AnnouncementFile:
             //return '/media/company/announcement/'.$obj->getOption('companyId').'/'.$obj->getAnnouncementId().'/'.$obj->getFileName();
             if (!$obj->getFilePath()) {
                 return '/media/announcement/temp/' . $obj->getAnnouncementId();
             } else {
                 return '/media/announcement/' . $obj->getFilePath() . '/' . $obj->getAnnouncementId();
         case $obj instanceof \Document\Model\DocumentFile:
             $filePath = DateBase::createFromFormat(DateBase::COMMON_DATETIME_FORMAT, $obj->getCreatedDateTime())->format('Ymd');
             return '/media/document/documents/' . $filePath . '/' . $obj->getDocumentId() . '/' . $obj->getFileName();
         case $obj instanceof \Idea\Model\File:
             $filePath = DateBase::createFromFormat(DateBase::COMMON_DATETIME_FORMAT, $obj->getCreatedDateTime())->format('Ymd');
             return '/media/idea/' . $obj->getFilePath() . '/' . $obj->getIdeaId() . '/' . $obj->getFileName();
         case $obj instanceof \User\Model\User:
             if (!$obj->getCreatedDateTime()) {
                 return '/media/users/default/' . $obj->getId() . '/';
             $datePath = DateBase::toFormat($obj->getCreatedDateTime(), 'Ymd');
             return '/media/user/' . $datePath . '/' . $obj->getId() . '/' . $obj->getAvatar();
     return '';
Exemplo n.º 19
  * Permet d'ajouter un objet en :
  * precisant dans $type son type "object", "category" ou "promotion"
  * dans $id_parent l'identifiant de la categorie ou l'identifiant de la promotion au dessus (c'est independant du type)
  * dans $step le numero de l'etape dans la promotion (ça commence à 1), pas applicable pour category ou object
  * en retour on a un CSV contenant case 0, l'etat de l'ajout (1 si ok, le numero de l'erreur si echec), case 1 l'id de l'ajout (0 si echec)
  * la methode suppose que le stock est illimité
  * l'objet n'est pas unique
  * l'image est l'image par defaut
  * que la fundation est celle de fadmin
  * @return String $retour
  * @param String $name
  * @param String $type
  * @param int $id_parent
  * @param int $step
 public function addObject($name, $type, $id_parent = NULL, $step = NULL)
     $rtn = new ComplexData();
     if ($type == "product") {
         $obj = new Object(0, $name, $type, -1, $this->Fundation->getId(), 1, 0, 0);
         $err = $obj->getState();
         if (!is_null($id_parent) && $err == 1) {
             if (!is_null($step)) {
                 $obj_promo = new Object($id_parent);
                 if ($obj_promo->getState() != 1) {
                     $err = 471;
                 } else {
                     $rtn_promo = $obj_promo->addPromoChild($obj->getId(), $step);
                     if ($rtn_promo != 1) {
                         $err = 400;
             } else {
                 $rtn_parent = $obj->addParent($id_parent);
                 if ($rtn_parent == 0) {
                     $err = 471;
         $rtn->addLine(array($err, $obj->getId()));
     } else {
         if ($type == "category") {
             $obj = new Object(0, $name, $type, -1, $this->Fundation->getId(), 1, 0, 0);
             $err = $obj->getState();
             if (!is_null($id_parent) && $err == 1) {
                 if (!is_null($step)) {
                     $obj_promo = new Object($id_parent);
                     if ($obj_promo->getState() != 1) {
                         $err = 471;
                     } else {
                         $rtn_promo = $obj_promo->addPromoChild($obj->getId(), $step);
                         if ($rtn_promo != 1) {
                             $err = 400;
                 } else {
                     $rtn_parent = $obj->addParent($id_parent);
                     if ($rtn_parent == 0) {
                         $err = 471;
             $rtn->addLine(array($err, $obj->getId()));
         } else {
             if ($type == "promotion") {
                 $obj = new Object(0, $name, $type, -1, $this->Fundation->getId(), 1, 0, 0);
                 $err = $obj->getState();
                 if (!is_null($id_parent) && $err == 1) {
                     if (!is_null($step)) {
                         $obj_promo = new Object($id_parent);
                         if ($obj_promo->getState() != 1) {
                             $err = 471;
                         } else {
                             $rtn_promo = $obj_promo->addPromoChild($obj->getId(), $step);
                             if ($rtn_promo != 1) {
                                 $err = 400;
                     } else {
                         $rtn_parent = $obj->addParent($id_parent);
                         if ($rtn_parent == 0) {
                             $err = 471;
                 $rtn->addLine(array($err, $obj->getId()));
             } else {
                 $rtn->addLine(array("470", "0"));
     return $rtn->csvArrays();
Exemplo n.º 20
  * Funcion para iniciar sesion
  * @author Diego Malagón <*****@*****.**>
  * @param Object $usuario entidad usuario
  * @param array $params parametros adicionales para guardar en sesion
 public function login($usuario, $params = array())
     $sess_user = array('id' => $usuario->getId(), 'usuarioNombre' => $usuario->getUsuarioNombre(), 'usuarioApellido' => $usuario->getUsuarioApellido(), 'usuarioEmail' => $usuario->getUsuarioEmail(), 'usuarioFacebookid' => $usuario->getUsuarioFacebookid(), 'usuarioImagen' => $usuario->getUsuarioImagen(), 'rolId' => $usuario->getRol()->getId());
     $sess_permissions = $this->getPermisosUsuario($usuario->getId());
     $this->session->set('sess_user', $sess_user);
     $this->session->set('sess_permissions', $sess_permissions);
     if (count($params) > 0) {
         $this->session->set('sess_parameters', $params);
Exemplo n.º 21
  * Insert a new Record
  * @param Object $entity Entity
  * @return Object
 public function insertRecord($entity)
     return $this->find($entity->getId());
Exemplo n.º 22
  * Method addRowLoadFromSqlDataView
  * @access private
  * @param mixed $row 
  * @param mixed $list_attribute 
  * @param mixed $list_attribute_type 
  * @param mixed $key_attributes 
  * @param mixed $ind 
  * @param boolean $is_delete_action [default value: false]
  * @param double $line_nb [default value: 0]
  * @return boolean
  * @since 1.1.6
 private function addRowLoadFromSqlDataView($row, $list_attribute, $list_attribute_type, $key_attributes, $ind, $is_delete_action = false, $line_nb = null)
     if ($this->from_sql_data_view_delete) {
         // create delete button if not already exists
         $bnt_del_id = $this->id . "_btndel__ind_" . $ind;
         $delete_pic = $this->getPage()->getObjectId($bnt_del_id);
         if ($delete_pic == null) {
             $delete_pic = new Picture("img/wsp-admin/delete_16.png", 16, 16, 0, Picture::ALIGN_ABSMIDDLE);
             $delete_pic->onClickJs("if (!confirm('" . __(TABLE_CONFIME_DEL_ROW) . "')) { return false; }");
             $delete_pic->onClick($this->getPage(), "onChangeTableFromSqlDataView")->setAjaxEvent()->disableAjaxWaitMessage();
     // create row
     $row_table = new RowTable();
     $row_table->setId($this->id . "_row_" . $ind);
     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($list_attribute); $i++) {
         // get field properties
         if (is_array($this->from_sql_data_view_properties[$list_attribute[$i]])) {
             $attribute_properties = $this->from_sql_data_view_properties[$list_attribute[$i]];
         } else {
             $attribute_properties = array();
         // get property display
         if (isset($attribute_properties["display"]) && $attribute_properties["display"] == false) {
         // get property update
         $is_update_ok = true;
         if (isset($attribute_properties["update"]) && $attribute_properties["update"] == false) {
             $is_update_ok = false;
         if ($this->from_sql_data_view_update && !in_array($list_attribute[$i], $key_attributes) && $is_update_ok) {
             $row_value = $row->getValue($list_attribute[$i]);
             if (gettype($row_value) == "object" && method_exists($row_value, "render")) {
                 $row_value = $row_value->render();
             $edit_pic = new Picture("wsp/img/edit_16x16.png", 16, 16);
             $row_obj = new Object($edit_pic, trim($row_value) == "" ? "&nbsp;&nbsp;" : utf8encode($row_value));
             $row_obj->setId($this->id . "_" . $list_attribute[$i] . "_obj_" . $ind)->setStyle("cursor:pointer;border:1px solid gray;");
             $input_obj = $this->createDbAttributeObject($row, $list_attribute, $list_attribute_type, $i, $ind, $key_attributes);
             if (get_class($input_obj) == "ComboBox") {
                 // Get foreign key value
                 $value = $input_obj->getText();
                 $row_obj->add($edit_pic, trim($value) == "" ? "&nbsp;&nbsp;" : $value);
             } else {
                 if (get_class($input_obj) == "Calendar") {
                     $value = $input_obj->getValueStr();
                     $row_obj->add($edit_pic, trim($value) == "" ? "&nbsp;&nbsp;" : $value);
             $row_obj_input = new Object($input_obj);
             $row_obj_input->setId($this->id . "_" . $list_attribute[$i] . "_input_obj_" . $ind);
             $cancel_pic = new Picture("wsp/img/cancel_12x12.png", 12, 12);
             $cancel_pic->setId($this->id . "_img_" . $ind . "_cancel_" . $list_attribute[$i]);
             $cancel_pic->onClickJs("\$('#" . $row_obj->getId() . "').css('display', 'inline');\$('#" . $row_obj_input->getId() . "').hide();" . ($this->from_sql_data_view_add_button != null ? "\$('#" . $this->from_sql_data_view_add_button->getId() . "').button({ disabled: false });" : ""));
             $cancel_pic_obj = new Object($cancel_pic);
             if (!$this->getPage()->isAjaxPage() || $is_delete_action || $this->from_sql_data_view_reload_pic != null && $this->from_sql_data_view_reload_pic->isClicked() || $this->from_sql_data_view_add_button != null && $this->from_sql_data_view_add_button->isClicked()) {
                 $this->getPage()->addObject(new JavaScript("\$(document).ready(function() { \$('#" . $row_obj_input->getId() . "').hide(); });"));
             $row_obj->onClickJs("\$('#" . $row_obj->getId() . "').hide();\$('#" . $row_obj_input->getId() . "').show();" . ($this->from_sql_data_view_add_button != null ? "\$('#" . $this->from_sql_data_view_add_button->getId() . "').button({ disabled: true });" : ""));
             $row_table->add(new Object($row_obj, $row_obj_input));
             // get properties align
             if (isset($attribute_properties["align"])) {
                 $row_table->setColumnAlign($i + 1, $attribute_properties["align"]);
         } else {
             $value = $row->getValue($list_attribute[$i]);
             if (isset($this->from_sql_data_view_properties[$list_attribute[$i]]['cmb_obj'])) {
                 $input_obj_tmp = $this->from_sql_data_view_properties[$list_attribute[$i]]['cmb_obj'];
                 $value = $input_obj_tmp->getText();
             if (get_class($value) == "DateTime") {
                 $value = $value->format("Y-m-d");
     if ($this->from_sql_data_view_delete) {
     } else {
         if ($this->from_sql_data_view_insert) {
     if ($is_table_defined_style) {
     if ($this->is_advance_table) {
         if (isset($line_nb) && $line_nb !== null) {
             $row_table->setRowClass($line_nb % 2 == 0 ? "odd" : "even");
         } else {
             if (is_numeric($ind)) {
                 $row_table->setRowClass($ind % 2 == 0 ? "odd" : "even");
             } else {
Exemplo n.º 23
  * Verifies and saves the ID for a foreign key object
  * Caches the object in a private variable and sets
  * the ID value in the data
  * @param string $class Fully namespaced classname
  * @param string $field Name of field to set
  * @param Object $object Value to set
 protected function setForeignKeyObject($class, $field, $object)
     if ($object instanceof $class) {
         $var = preg_replace('/_id$/', '', $field);
         $this->data[$field] = $object->getId();
         $this->{$var} = $object;
     } else {
         throw new \Exception('Object does not match the given class');
Exemplo n.º 24
 public function createExamples($ind)
     $table_box = new Table();
     $body_obj = new Object();
     $text_obj = new Object(__(TEXT_ON_BODY));
     $body_obj->add($text_obj->setId("id_body_text"), "<br/>");
     $link_obj = new Object(new Link("javascript:void(0);", Link::TARGET_BLANK, __(LINK_ON_BODY)));
     $body_obj->add($link_obj->setId("id_body_link"), "<br/>");
     $body_obj->add($this->text_link_note_obj, "<br/>");
     $button_1 = new Button($this);
     $table_box->addRow($button_1->setValue("Button [style jquery]"));
     $tabs = new Tabs("tab-sample");
     $tabs->addTab("Tab1", "");
     $tabs->addTab("Tab2", "");
     $tabs->addTab("Tab3", "");
     $dialogbox = new DialogBox(__(DIALOGBOX_TITLE), __(DIALOGBOX_CONTENT));
     $dialogbox_link = new Object(new Link($dialogbox, Link::TARGET_NONE, __(VIEW_DIALOGBOX)));
     $dialogbox->setPositionX("\$('#" . $dialogbox_link->getId() . "').position().left-f_scrollLeft()");
     $dialogbox->setPositionY("\$('#" . $dialogbox_link->getId() . "').position().top-f_scrollTop()-70");
     $this->addObject(clone $dialogbox);
     $style1_box_text = new Box("text", false, $this->current_style_val, $this->current_style_val, "", "box_text_" . $this->current_style_val, 245);
     if ($this->background_picture_1->getValue() != "") {
         $style1_box_text->forceBoxWithPicture(true, $this->border_table_1->getValue());
     } else {
     $table_box->addRow($style1_box_text->setContent("Box Object [<a href=\"javascript:void(0);\">style " . $this->current_style_val . "</a>]"));
     $style1_box = new Box("link", false, $this->current_style_val, $this->current_style_val, "javascript:void(0);", "box_" . $this->current_style_val, 245);
     if ($this->background_picture_1->getValue() != "") {
         $style1_box->forceBoxWithPicture(true, $this->border_table_1->getValue());
     } else {
     $table_box->addRow($style1_box->setContent("Box Object [<a href=\"javascript:void(0);\">style " . $this->current_style_val . "</a>]"));
     $style1_box = new RoundBox($this->current_style_val, "round_box_" . $this->current_style_val, 245);
     if ($this->background_picture_1->getValue() != "") {
         $style1_box->forceBoxWithPicture(true, $this->border_table_1->getValue());
     } else {
     $table_box->addRow($style1_box->setContent("RoundBox Object<br/>[style " . $this->current_style_val . "]"));
     if (!defined('DEFINE_STYLE_BORDER_TABLE_' . $this->current_style_val)) {
         define('DEFINE_STYLE_BORDER_TABLE_' . $this->current_style_val, $this->border_table_1->getValue());
     $table = new Table();
     $table->addRowColumns("header1", "header2", "header3")->setHeaderClass($this->current_style_val);
     $table->addRowColumns("cel 1-1", "cel 1-2", "cel 1-3")->setId("table_tr_sample")->setBorderPredefinedStyle($this->current_style_val)->setAlign(RowTable::ALIGN_CENTER);
     return $table_box;
Exemplo n.º 25
  * Return value of 'id' field
  * @access public
  * @param void
  * @return integer 
 function getId()
     return $this->object->getId();
Exemplo n.º 26
  * Set group
  * @param Object $group
  * @return self
 public function setGroup($group)
     $this->group = $group;
     $this->groupId = $group->getId();
     return $this;
Exemplo n.º 27
  * deleteProductCheck If seller delete their product then product will assign to another seller
  * @param Object $observer Deleting product information
  * @var Int $productId eleting product id
  * @var Object $collection Assign product collection object
  * @var Object $collectionpro Marketplace Collection object
  * @var Array $data Assign product details
  * @var Object $stockItem  catalog Product stock item
  * @var Object $_product catalog product model object
  * @var Object $savedStock saved catalog Product stock item
 public function deleteProductCheck($observer)
     $productId = $observer->getId();
     $collection = Mage::getModel('mpassignproduct/mpassignproduct')->getCollection()->addFieldToFilter('product_id', array('eq' => $productId))->addFieldToFilter('qty', array('gt' => 0));
     $collection->setOrder("price", "ASC");
     if (count($collection) > 0) {
         foreach ($collection as $assignproduct) {
             $collectionpro = Mage::getModel('marketplace/product')->getCollection()->addFieldToFilter('mageproductid', array('eq' => $productId));
             foreach ($collectionpro as $row) {
                 $data = Mage::getModel('mpassignproduct/mpassignproduct')->getAssignProDetails($productId);
                 $_product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($productId);
                 $stockItem = Mage::getModel('cataloginventory/stock_item')->loadByProduct($productId);
                 $savedStock = $stockItem->save();
                 $stockItem->setData('is_in_stock', 1);
                 $savedStock = $stockItem->save();
     } else {
Exemplo n.º 28
  * Get uploaded files by client
  * @param Object $user_profile
  * @Return Propel Object
 private function clientUploadedFiles($user_profile)
     $profile_id = $user_profile->getProfile()->getId();
     $client = ProfilePeer::retrieveByPk($profile_id);
     $client_name = $client->getsfGuardUserRelatedByUserId()->getUsername();
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->add(CompanyUsersPeer::USER_ID, $user_profile->getId());
     $company = CompanyUsersPeer::doSelectOne($c);
     if ($company) {
         $company_name = $company->getCompany()->getName();
     } else {
         $company_name = '';
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->add(pmProjectObjectsPeer::TYPE, 'clientfile');
     $c->add(pmProjectObjectsPeer::MODULE, 'resources');
     $c->add(pmProjectObjectsPeer::VARCHAR_FIELD_1, $company_name . $client_name);
     $r = pmProjectObjectsPeer::doSelect($c);
     $this->clientcompany = $company_name . $client_name;
     return $r;
Exemplo n.º 29
  * Move uploaded image into respective folder
  * @param Object  $objUser
  * @param String  $tmpImageName
  * @param String  $name
  * @param Boolean $profilePic
  * @return String
 protected static function moveUploadedImageInToPlace($objUser, $tmpImageName, $name, $profilePic = false)
     static $objImage, $arrSettings;
     if (empty($objImage)) {
         $objImage = new \ImageManager();
     if (empty($arrSettings)) {
         $arrSettings = array();
         $arrSettings['profile_thumbnail_pic_width']['value'] = 80;
         $arrSettings['profile_thumbnail_pic_height']['value'] = 60;
         $arrSettings['profile_thumbnail_scale_color']['value'] = '';
         $arrSettings['profile_thumbnail_method']['value'] = '';
         $arrSettings['max_profile_pic_width']['value'] = 160;
         $arrSettings['max_profile_pic_height']['value'] = 160;
     $cx = \Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::instanciate();
     $imageRepo = $profilePic ? $cx->getWebsiteImagesAccessProfilePath() : $cx->getWebsiteImagesAccessPhotoPath();
     $index = 0;
     $imageName = $objUser->getId() . '_' . $name;
     while (file_exists($imageRepo . '/' . $imageName)) {
         $imageName = $objUser->getId() . '_' . ++$index . '_' . $name;
     if (!$objImage->loadImage($tmpImageName)) {
         return false;
     // resize image if its dimensions are greater than allowed
     if ($objImage->orgImageWidth > $arrSettings['max_profile_pic_width']['value'] || $objImage->orgImageHeight > $arrSettings['max_profile_pic_height']['value']) {
         $ratioWidth = $arrSettings['max_profile_pic_width']['value'] / $objImage->orgImageWidth;
         $ratioHeight = $arrSettings['max_profile_pic_height']['value'] / $objImage->orgImageHeight;
         if ($ratioHeight > $ratioWidth) {
             $newWidth = $objImage->orgImageWidth * $ratioWidth;
             $newHeight = $objImage->orgImageHeight * $ratioWidth;
         } else {
             $newWidth = $objImage->orgImageWidth * $ratioHeight;
             $newHeight = $objImage->orgImageHeight * $ratioHeight;
         if (!$objImage->resizeImage($newWidth, $newHeight, 100)) {
             return false;
         // copy image to the image repository
         if (!$objImage->saveNewImage($imageRepo . '/' . $imageName)) {
             return false;
     } else {
         if (!copy($tmpImageName, $imageRepo . '/' . $imageName)) {
             return false;
     return $imageName;
  * @param Object $field
  * @param String $order
  * @return ArrayObject Options of field
 public function getOptionsOfField($field, array $order)
     return $this->repository->findBy(['field_id' => $field->getId()], [$order, null, null]);