public function testFind() { $tree = new Node(); $node1 = new Node(); $node2 = new Node(); $tree->add($node1); $node1->add($node2); $this->assertNull($tree->find($node2->hashCode(), false)); $this->assertEquals($node2, $tree->find($node2->hashCode())); }
/** * @mcms_message ru.molinos.cms.cron */ public static function taskRun(Context $ctx) { $types = $ctx->config->get('modules/subscription/types', array()); $xsl = $ctx->config->get('modules/subscription/stylesheet', os::path('lib', 'modules', 'subscription', 'message.xsl')); $sub = $ctx->config->get('modules/subscription/subject', 'Новости сайта %host'); if (empty($types)) { return; } $ctx->db->beginTransaction(); $users = Node::find(array('class' => 'subscription', 'deleted' => 0, 'published' => 1, '#sort' => 'name'), $ctx->db); // Обрабатываем активных пользователей. foreach ($users as $user) { $olast = $last = intval($user->last); if ($sections = (array) $user->tags) { list($sql, $params) = Query::build(array('class' => $types, 'tags' => $sections, 'published' => 1, 'deleted' => 0, 'id' => array('>' . ($olast + 1))))->getSelect(array('id', 'xml')); $nodes = $ctx->db->getResultsKV('id', 'xml', $sql, $params); // Отправляем документы. foreach ($nodes as $nid => $node) { $xml = html::em('message', array('mode' => 'regular', 'unsubscribe' => 'subscription.rpc?action=remove&name=' . urlencode($user->name) . '&id=' . $user->id, 'base' => $ctx->url()->getBase($ctx), 'host' => MCMS_HOST_NAME), $node); $body = xslt::transform($xml, $xsl, null); $subject = t($sub, array('%host' => $ctx->url()->host())); BebopMimeMail::send(null, $user->name, $subject, $body); $last = max($last, $nid); } // Запоминаем последнее отправленное сообщение. $user->last = $last; $user->save(); } } $ctx->db->commit(); }
public function create() { $node = Node::find(Input::get('node_id')); $nodes = Node::allLevelUp(); // return View::make('topics.create_edit', compact('nodes', 'node')); return View::make('topics.create_article', compact('nodes', 'node')); }
public function fire($job, $data) { $node = Node::find($data['message']['node_id']); $node->limbo = false; $node->save(); return $job->delete(); }
/** * @mcms_message ru.molinos.cms.module.settings.drawtext */ public static function on_get_settings(Context $ctx) { $fonts = array(); foreach (Node::find(Context::last()->db, array('class' => 'file', 'filetype' => 'application/x-font-ttf')) as $n) { $fonts[$n->id] = isset($n->name) ? $n->name : $n->filename; } return new Schema(array('font' => array('type' => 'EnumControl', 'label' => t('Шрифт по умолчанию'), 'default' => t('(не использовать)'), 'options' => $fonts, 'description' => t('Вы можете <a href=\'@url\'>загрузить новый шрифт</a> в файловый архив.', array('@url' => '?q=admin/content/create&type=file&destination=CURRENT'))))); }
public static function rpc_purge(Context $ctx) { $filter = array('class' => 'message', 're' => $ctx->user->id); $ids = join(', ', array_keys(Node::find($ctx->db, $filter))); if (!empty($ids)) { $ctx->db->exec("DELETE FROM `node` WHERE `id` IN ({$ids})"); mcms::flush(); } }
private static function getGroups() { $result = array(); foreach (Node::find(array('class' => 'group')) as $g) { $result[$g->id] = $g->name; } asort($result); return $result; }
private function getList(Context $ctx) { $filter = array('class' => 'todo', '#sort' => 'created'); if (!empty($this->options['rel'])) { $rel = $this->options['rel']; $filter['id'] = $ctx->db->getResultsV("id", "SELECT AS `id` " . "FROM node n " . "WHERE n.class = 'todo' AND IN " . "(SELECT tid FROM node__rel WHERE nid = ? " . "UNION SELECT nid FROM node__rel WHERE tid = ? " . "UNION SELECT rel FROM node__idx_todo WHERE rel = ?)", array($rel, $rel, $rel)); } return Node::find($ctx->db, $filter); }
/** * Возвращает форму для настройки виджета. * * Добавляет к полученной от родиетля форме возможность выбрать базовый * виджет, с которым следует работать в паре. Выбрать позволяют только один * из списков (ListWidget). * * @return Form вкладка формы, используется для настройки виджета. */ public static function getConfigOptions(Context $ctx) { $widgets = array(); foreach (Node::find(array('class' => 'widget'), $ctx->db) as $w) { if (!strcasecmp('ListWidget', $w->classname)) { $widgets[$w->name] = $w->title; } } return array('host' => array('type' => 'EnumControl', 'label' => t('Привязать к виджету'), 'description' => t('Выберите список документов, который будет параметризован этим виджетом. Ссылки, которые формирует навигатор по архиву, будут содержать параметры не для него самого, а для виджета, с которым он связан.'), 'options' => $widgets), 'reverse_years' => array('type' => 'BoolControl', 'label' => t('Список годов в обратном порядке')), 'reverse_months' => array('type' => 'BoolControl', 'label' => t('Список месяцев в обратном порядке'))); }
public function onGet(array $options) { $result = array('list' => array()); $filter = array('class' => 'message', 're' => $options['uid'], 'deleted' => 0, '#sort' => '-id'); foreach (Node::find($this->ctx->db, $filter, $options['limit']) as $n) { $result['list'][] = $n->getRaw(); } $result['count'] = Node::count($filter); $result['left'] = $result['count'] - count($result['list']); return $result; }
public static function on_get_groups(Context $ctx) { $nodes = Node::find(array('class' => 'group', 'deleted' => 0), $ctx->db); $counts = $ctx->db->getResultsKV('id', 'count', "SELECT tid AS id, COUNT(*) AS count FROM node__rel r INNER JOIN node g ON = r.tid INNER JOIN node u ON = r.nid WHERE g.deleted = 0 AND u.deleted = 0 AND g.class = 'group' AND u.class = 'user' GROUP BY tid"); $html = ''; foreach ($nodes as $node) { $count = isset($counts[$node->id]) ? $counts[$node->id] : 0; $html .= html::em('node', array('id' => $node->id, 'name' => $node->getName(), 'created' => $node->created, 'users' => $count, 'editable' => $node->checkPermission(ACL::UPDATE), 'published' => true)); } $html = html::wrap('data', $html); return html::em('content', array('name' => 'list', 'preset' => 'groups', 'title' => t('Группы пользователей'), 'nosearch' => true, 'create' => 'admin/create/group'), $html); }
public static function hookRemoteCall(Context $ctx) { if (null !== $ctx->get('source') and null !== $ctx->get('search')) { $output = array(); $parts = explode('.', $ctx->get('source'), 2); foreach (Node::find($ctx->db, $filter = array('class' => $parts[0], $parts[1] => '%' . $ctx->get('search') . '%'), 10) as $n) { $output[$n->id] = isset($n->{$parts}[1]) ? $n->{$parts}[1] : $n->name; } $output = join("\n", array_values($output)); return new Response($output, 'text/plain'); } }
protected function getData() { $data = Node::find(array('class' => 'type', 'deleted' => 0, '#sort' => '-published name'), $this->ctx->db); $counts = $this->ctx->db->getResultsKV("name", "count", "SELECT `class` AS `name`, COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `node` WHERE `deleted` = 0 GROUP BY `class`"); $nodes = ''; foreach ($data as $node) { if ($node->isdictionary) { $attrs = array('id' => $node->id, 'name' => $node->name, 'title' => $node->title, 'list' => Node::create($node->name)->getListURL(), 'published' => (bool) $node->published); $attrs['count'] = array_key_exists($node->name, $counts) ? $counts[$node->name] : 0; $nodes .= html::em('node', $attrs); } } return html::wrap('data', $nodes); }
public function set($value, &$node) { $this->validate($value); if (null === ($email = $this->findEmail($node))) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(t('Не удалось подписать вас на новости: в профиле не обнаружен ни один почтовый адрес.')); } $s = Node::find(array('class' => 'subscription', 'name' => $email), $node->getDB()); if (empty($s)) { $s = Node::create('subscription', array('name' => $email)); } else { $s = array_shift($s); } $s->linkSetParents($value, 'tag', $this->enabled)->save(); }
public static function openIDAuthorize($openid_mode, Context $ctx) { self::includeOpenID(); $mode = $ctx->config->get('modules/openid/mode', 'open'); if ('none' == $mode) { throw new RuntimeException(t('Поддержка OpenID отключена администратором.')); } if ('id_res' == $openid_mode) { $openid = null; foreach (array('openid1_claimed_id', 'openid_claimed_id', 'openid_identity') as $key) { if (!empty($_GET[$key])) { $openid = $_GET[$key]; break; } } if (null === $openid) { throw new RuntimeException('OpenID провайдер не вернул идентификатор.'); } $nodes = Node::find(array('class' => 'user', 'name' => $openid, 'deleted' => 0), $ctx->db); if (!count($nodes)) { if ('open' != $mode) { throw new ForbiddenException(t('Извините, автоматическая регистрация пользователей через OpenID отключена.')); } $fieldmap = array('sreg_email' => 'email', 'sreg_fullname' => 'fullname', 'sreg_nickname' => 'nickname'); $node = Node::create(array('class' => 'user', 'parent_id' => null, 'name' => $openid, 'published' => true)); foreach ($fieldmap as $k => $v) { if (!empty($_GET[$key = 'openid_' . $k])) { $node->{$v} = $_GET[$key]; } } $node->setRegistered($ctx); $node->save(); } else { $node = array_shift($nodes); if (!$node->published) { throw new ForbiddenException(t('Ваш профиль заблокирован.')); } } return $node; } else { // Login canceled Logger::log('login cancelled ?!'); $ctx->redirect("auth/logout.rpc"); } }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function main(App $app) { $app['node'] = function ($app) { if ($id = $app['request']->attributes->get('_node') and $node = Node::find($id, true)) { return $node; } return Node::create(); }; $app['menu'] = function ($app) { $menus = new MenuManager($app->config($app['theme']->name), $this->config('menus')); foreach ($app['theme']->get('menus', []) as $name => $label) { $menus->register($name, $label); } return $menus; }; $app->extend('view', function ($view) use($app) { return $view->addHelper(new MenuHelper($app['menu'])); }); }
/** * Формирует обратное облако (используемых объектов). Применяется, например, * для оценки редакторской активности. */ public static function on_get_cloud_rev_xml(Context $ctx) { list($st, $tt, $limit, $cache) = self::get_params($ctx); if ($cache) { $ckey = 'cloud/rev'; if ($ctx->get('extended')) { $ckey .= '/ext'; } $ttl = floor(time() / $cache); $ckey = sprintf($ckey . '/%s/%s/%u/%u', $st, $tt, $limit, floor(time() / $cache)); if ($cached = cache::getInstance()->{$ckey}) { return new Response($cached, 'text/xml'); } } $params = array(); $sql1 = sql::in(explode(' ', $st), $params); $sql2 = sql::in(explode(' ', $tt), $params); $data = $ctx->db->getResults($sql = 'SELECT AS id, AS name, ' . 'COUNT(*) AS `cnt` ' . 'FROM node n ' . 'INNER JOIN node__rel r ON r.nid = ' . 'WHERE n.class ' . $sql1 . ' ' . 'AND n.published = 1 ' . 'AND n.deleted = 0 ' . 'AND r.tid IN (SELECT id FROM node WHERE published = 1 AND deleted = 0 AND class ' . $sql2 . ') ' . 'GROUP BY, ' . 'ORDER BY cnt DESC LIMIT ' . $limit, $params); // Идентификаторы объектов, для получения расширенной информации $nids = array(); // Считаем общее количество объектов. $count = 0; foreach ($data as $item) { $count += $item['cnt']; $nids[] = $item['id']; } $percent = $count / 100; $nodes = $ctx->get('extended') ? Node::find(array('id' => $nids), $ctx->db) : array(); $result = ''; $keys = array(); foreach ($data as $item) { $p = round($item['cnt'] / $percent); $name = isset($nodes[$item['id']]) ? $nodes[$item['id']]->getName() : $item['name']; $result .= html::em('item', array('id' => $item['id'], 'name' => trim($name), 'count' => $item['cnt'], 'percent' => $p, 'weight' => round($p / 10) + 1)); $keys[] = $item['id']; } $xml = html::em('cloud', array('total' => $count), $result); if ($cache) { cache::getInstance()->{$ckey} = $xml; } return new Response($xml, 'text/xml'); }
public function onGet(array $options) { $result = array(); $filter = array('class' => 'blog', 'published' => 1, '#sort' => '-id'); if (null !== $options['user']) { $user = array_pop(Node::find($this->ctx->db, array('class' => 'user', 'published' => 1, 'login' => $options['user']))); if (empty($user)) { throw new PageNotFoundException(); } $result['user'] = $user->getRaw(); if (array_key_exists('password', $result['user'])) { unset($result['user']['password']); } $filter['uid'] = $user->id; } $total = Node::count($this->ctx->db, $filter); $result['pager'] = parent::getPager($total, $options['page'], $options['limit']); foreach (Node::find($this->ctx->db, $filter, $options['limit'], $options['limit'] * ($options['page'] - 1)) as $post) { $result['documents'][] = $post->getRaw(); } return $result; }
public static function hookRemoteCall(Context $ctx) { if (!count($nids = explode(',', $ctx->get('nodes')))) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Nodes not specified.'); } $output = ''; $tracks = array(); foreach ($nodes = Node::find($ctx->db, array('class' => 'file', 'id' => $nids)) as $node) { $track = html::em('title', $node->name); $track .= html::em('location', 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . 'attachment/' . $node->id . '?' . $node->filename); $tracks[] = html::em('track', $track); } if (empty($tracks)) { throw new PageNotFoundException(); } // TODO: если запрошен один документ, и это — не файл, можно сразу возвращать все его файлы. $output .= "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>"; $output .= "<playlist version='1' xmlns=''>"; $output .= html::em('trackList', join('', $tracks)); $output .= '</playlist>'; return new Response($output, 'application/xspf+xml'); }
/** * Вывод поисковой формы. */ public static function on_get_search_form(Context $ctx) { $output = ''; $url = new url($ctx->get('destination', $ctx->get('from'))); if (null === $url->arg('preset')) { $types = Node::find(array('class' => 'type', 'published' => 1, 'deleted' => 0, 'name' => $ctx->user->getAccess(ACL::READ)), $ctx->db); $list = array(); foreach ($types as $type) { if (!$type->isdictionary) { $list[$type->name] = $type->title; } } asort($list); if ('file' == ($type = $ctx->get('type')) and array_key_exists($type, $list)) { $list = array($type => $type); } $tmp = ''; foreach ($list as $k => $v) { $tmp .= html::em('type', array('name' => $k, 'title' => $v)); } $output .= html::em('types', $tmp); } $tmp = ''; foreach (Node::getSortedList('user', 'fullname', 'id') as $k => $v) { $tmp .= html::em('user', array('id' => $k, 'name' => $v)); } $output .= html::em('users', $tmp); if (null === $url->arg('preset')) { $tmp = ''; foreach (Node::getSortedList('tag', 'id', 'name') as $k => $v) { $tmp .= html::em('section', array('id' => $k, 'name' => $v)); } $output .= html::em('sections', $tmp); } return html::em('content', array('name' => 'search', 'query' => self::get_clean_query($url->arg('search')), 'from' => urlencode($ctx->get('from'))), $output); }
?> <tr> <td><?php echo User::find($alert->user_id)->name; ?> </td> <td>All Packages</td> <td><?php if ($alert->condition == -1) { ?> All Managed Nodes <?php } else { ?> <?php echo Node::find($alert->condition)->hostname; ?> <?php } ?> </td> <td><?php if ($alert->value == 1) { ?> New vulnerabilities are discovered. <?php } elseif ($alert->value == 2) { ?> Existing vulnerabilties are remedied. <?php }
/** * test that saving HABTM with an empty array will clear existing HABTM if * unique is true * * @return void */ public function testSaveHabtmEmptyData() { $this->loadFixtures('Node', 'Dependency'); $Node = new Node(); $data = array('Node' => array('name' => 'New First')); $Node->id = 1; $Node->save($data); $node = $Node->find('first', array('conditions' => array('' => 1), 'contain' => array('ParentNode'))); $result = Hash::extract($node, 'ParentNode.{n}.id'); $expected = array(2); $this->assertEquals($expected, $result); $data = array('ParentNode' => array()); $Node->id = 1; $Node->save($data); $node = $Node->find('first', array('conditions' => array('' => 1), 'contain' => array('ParentNode'))); $result = Hash::extract($node, 'ParentNode.{n}.id'); $expected = array(); $this->assertEquals($expected, $result); }
|-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Below you will find the "before" and "after" events for the application | which may be used to do any work before or after a request into your | application. Here you may also register your custom route filters. | */ App::before(function ($request) { // }); App::after(function ($request, $response) { // }); Route::filter('isNodeOwner', function ($route) { $node_id = $route->getParameter('nodes'); if (Auth::user()->id !== Node::find($node_id)->owner_id) { App::abort(401, 'Unauthorized access attempt'); } }); /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Authentication Filters |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The following filters are used to verify that the user of the current | session is logged into this application. The "basic" filter easily | integrates HTTP Basic authentication for quick, simple checking. | */ Route::filter('auth', function () { if (Auth::guest()) {
/** * Возвращает обрабатываемые ноды. * Для запросов методом POST использует массив selected[], * для запросов методом GET — параметр node. */ private static function getNodes(Context $ctx) { if ($ctx->method('post')) { $ids = $ctx->post('selected', array()); } else { $ids = explode(' ', $ctx->get('node')); } if (empty($ids)) { throw new BadRequestException(t('Не указаны идентификаторы документов (POST-массив selected[] или GET-параметр node)')); } return Node::find(array('id' => $ids), $ctx->db); }
public function backportLinkedFields() { if (!empty($this->fields)) { return; } $fields = Node::find(array('class' => 'field', 'deleted' => 0, 'tags' => $this->id), $this->getDB()); if (!empty($fields)) { $result = array(); foreach ($fields as $field) { foreach (array('label', 'type', 'weight', 'indexed', 'required', 'description', 'group') as $key) { if (!empty($field->{$key})) { $result[$field->name][$key] = $field->{$key}; } } } $this->fields = $result; return true; } }
public static function getSortedList($class, $field = 'name', $key = 'id') { $result = array(); // Вывод дерева страниц и разделов if (in_array($class, array('tag', 'domain'))) { $result = array(); foreach (Node::listChildren($class) as $item) { $result[$item[0]] = str_repeat(' ', 2 * $item[2]) . $item[1]; } } else { foreach ((array) Node::find(array('class' => $class, 'deleted' => 0)) as $n) { $value = 'name' == $field ? $n->getName() : $n->{$field}; if (empty($value)) { $value = $n->getName(); } $result[$n->{$key}] = $value; } asort($result); } return $result; }
public function edit($id) { $node = Node::find($id); return View::make('nodes.edit', compact('node')); }
public function read(Model $Model, $queryData = array(), $recursive = null) { $queryType = 'all'; $query = array(); if (!isset($queryData['recursive'])) { $queryData['recursive'] = $Model->recursive; } $query['conditions'] = $this->__rebuildConditions($Model, $queryData['conditions']); $query['conditions'][$this->Node->alias . '.type'] = Inflector::singularize($Model->table); foreach ($queryData['order'] as $orderData) { if (!$orderData) { continue; } foreach ($orderData as $field => $condition) { list($field, $model) = array_reverse(explode('.', $field)); $query['order'][$this->Node->alias . '.' . $field] = $condition; } } if (is_array($queryData['fields'])) { foreach ($queryData['fields'] as $field) { if (!$field) { continue; } if (strstr($field, '.')) { list($field, $model) = array_reverse(explode('.', $field)); } $query['fields'][] = $this->Node->alias . '.' . $field; } } else { if ($queryData['fields'] === 'COUNT') { $queryType = 'count'; } } // if ($queryData['limit']) { // $query['limit'] = $queryData['limit']; // } // if ($queryData['offset']) { // $query['offset'] = $queryData['offset']; // } // debug($query); $nodes = $this->Node->find('all', $query); // debug($nodes); $fields = array_keys($this->describe($Model)); $modelData = array(); foreach ($nodes as $node) { $modelEntry = array(); $modelEntry[$Model->alias] = $node['Node']; unset($modelEntry[$Model->alias]['url']); unset($modelEntry[$Model->alias]['type']); foreach ($fields as $field) { if (isset($modelEntry[$Model->alias][$field])) { continue; } $modelEntry[$Model->alias][$field] = null; } $relations = array_merge(array_keys($Model->belongsTo), array_keys($Model->hasOne), array_keys($Model->hasMany)); foreach ($relations as $relation) { if (!isset($node[$relation])) { continue; } $modelEntry[$relation] = $node[$relation]; } if (isset($modelEntry['Meta'])) { foreach ($modelEntry['Meta'] as $meta) { $modelEntry[$Model->alias][$meta['key']] = $meta['value']; } } $modelData[] = $modelEntry; } $modelData = $this->__filterLocal($Model, $queryData['conditions'], $modelData); if (isset($queryData['limit'])) { $modelData = array_slice($modelData, isset($queryData['offset']) ? $queryData['offset'] : 0, $queryData['limit']); } if ($queryData['fields'] === 'COUNT') { return array(array(array('count' => $modelData))); } if ($queryData['recursive'] > -1) { foreach ($Model->_associations as $type) { foreach ($Model->{$type} as $assoc => $assocData) { $LinkModel = $Model->{$assoc}; $stack = array($assoc); $this->queryAssociation($Model, $LinkModel, $type, $assoc, $assocData, $queryData, true, $modelData, $queryData['recursive'] - 1, $stack); } } } return $modelData; }
public function getFormattedParentNodeAttribute() { $parent_id = $this->getAttribute('parent_node'); $parent_node = Node::find($parent_id); return $parent_node->name; }
private static function fixNames(array $nodes) { $uids = array(); foreach ($nodes as $k => $v) { if (null !== $v->uid and !is_object($v->uid)) { $uids[] = $v->uid; } if (null !== $v->node) { $uids[] = $v->node; } } if (empty($uids)) { $users = array(); } else { $users = Node::find(context::last()->db, array('id' => array_unique($uids))); } foreach ($nodes as $k => $v) { if (null !== $v->uid and !is_object($v->uid) and array_key_exists($v->uid, $users)) { $v->uid = $users[$v->uid]; } if (null !== $v->node and array_key_exists($v->node, $users)) { $v->node = $users[$v->node]; } $nodes[$k] = $v->getRaw(); } return $nodes; }