public function edit($id) { $topic = Topic::findOrFail($id); $this->authorOrAdminPermissioinRequire($topic->user_id); $nodes = Node::allLevelUp(); $node = $topic->node; $topic->body = $topic->body_original; return View::make('topics.create_edit', compact('topic', 'nodes', 'node')); }
/** * The home page */ public function home() { $topics = $this->topic->getTopicsWithFilter('excellent'); // Log::info($topics); // echo '<pre>'; // print_r($topics[0]); // echo '</pre>'; $nodes = Node::allLevelUp(); return View::make('pages.home', compact('topics', 'nodes')); }
/** * The home page public function home() { $topics = $this->topic->getTopicsWithFilter('excellent'); $nodes = Node::allLevelUp(); return View::make('pages.home', compact('topics', 'nodes')); } */ public function home() { if (Auth::user()) { $catone = Auth::user()->cat_one; $cat1 = (int) $catone; $cattwo = Auth::user()->cat_two; $cat2 = (int) $cattwo; $catthree = Auth::user()->cat_three; $cat3 = (int) $catthree; $topics = Topic::with('user')->whereIn('node_id', [$cat1, $cat2, $cat3])->get(); } else { $topics = $this->topic->getTopicsWithFilter('excellent'); } $nodes = Node::allLevelUp(); return View::make('pages.home', compact('topics', 'nodes', 'users')); }
/** * The home page */ public function home() { $topics = $this->topic->getTopicsWithFilter('excellent'); $nodes = Node::allLevelUp(); return View::make('pages.home', compact('topics', 'nodes')); }
/** * Show a form to register the user * * @return Response */ public function create() { $node = Node::find(Input::get('node_id')); $nodes = Node::allLevelUp(); return View::make('users.create', compact('nodes', 'node')); }
/** * Search page, using google's. */ public function search() { $query = Purifier::clean(Input::get('q')); $limit = 20; $latest_page = Input::get('page') ?: 1; \Paginator::setCurrentPage($latest_page); $topics = $this->topic->where('title', 'like', '%' . $query . '%')->with('user', 'node', 'lastReplyUser')->paginate($limit); $nodes = Node::allLevelUp(); $links = Link::remember(1440)->get(); return View::make('topics.index', compact('topics', 'nodes', 'links')); //return Redirect::away(' ' . $query, 301); }
public function node() { $userId = Auth::user()->id; $userNode = UserNode::nodeIds($userId); $nodes = Node::allLevelUp(); return View::make('nodes.node', compact('userNode', 'nodes')); }