sort() public method

Sorts the results by given fields
public sort ( array $fields ) : MongoCursor
$fields array An array of fields by which to sort. Each element in the array has as key the field name, and as value either 1 for ascending sort, or -1 for descending sort
return MongoCursor Returns the same cursor that this method was called on
Exemplo n.º 1
  * @param \MongoCursor $cursor
  * @param ODM          $odm
  * @param string|null  $class
  * @param array        $sort
  * @param int          $limit
  * @param int          $offset
 public function __construct(\MongoCursor $cursor, ODM $odm, $class, array $sort = [], $limit = null, $offset = null)
     $this->cursor = $cursor;
     $this->odm = $odm;
     $this->class = $class;
     !empty($sort) && $this->cursor->sort($sort);
     !empty($limit) && $this->cursor->limit($limit);
     !empty($offset) && $this->cursor->skip($offset);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function sort($fields)
     if ($this->count() > 1) {
     return $this;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * @see CActiveDataProvider::fetchData()
  * @return array
 public function fetchData()
     $criteria = $this->getCriteria();
     // I have not refactored this line considering that the condition may have changed from total item count to here, maybe.
     $this->_builder = new EMongoQueryBuilder($this->model, isset($criteria['condition']) && is_array($criteria['condition']) ? $criteria['condition'] : [], isset($criteria['project']) && !empty($criteria['project']) ? $criteria['project'] : []);
     $this->options['condition'] = isset($criteria['condition']) && is_array($criteria['condition']) ? $criteria['condition'] : [];
     $this->options['projection'] = isset($criteria['project']) && !empty($criteria['project']) ? $criteria['project'] : [];
     // If we have sort and limit and skip setup within the incoming criteria let's set it
     if (isset($criteria['sort']) && is_array($criteria['sort'])) {
     if (isset($criteria['skip']) && is_int($criteria['skip'])) {
     if (isset($criteria['limit']) && is_int($criteria['limit'])) {
     if (isset($criteria['hint']) && (is_array($criteria['hint']) || is_string($criteria['hint']))) {
     if (($pagination = $this->getPagination()) !== false) {
     if (($sort = $this->getSort()) !== false) {
         $sort = $sort->getOrderBy();
         if (count($sort) > 0) {
     //                var_dump(iterator_to_array($this->_builder->find()));die;
     return $this->_builder->queryAll(true);
Exemplo n.º 4
  * @see CActiveDataProvider::fetchData()
  * @return array
 public function fetchData()
     $criteria = $this->getCriteria();
     // I have not refactored this line considering that the condition may have changed from total item count to here, maybe.
     $this->_cursor = $this->model->find(isset($criteria['condition']) && is_array($criteria['condition']) ? $criteria['condition'] : array(), isset($criteria['project']) && !empty($criteria['project']) ? $criteria['project'] : array());
     // If we have sort and limit and skip setup within the incoming criteria let's set it
     if (isset($criteria['sort']) && is_array($criteria['sort'])) {
     if (isset($criteria['skip']) && is_int($criteria['skip'])) {
     if (isset($criteria['limit']) && is_int($criteria['limit'])) {
     if (isset($criteria['hint']) && (is_array($criteria['hint']) || is_string($criteria['hint']))) {
     if (($pagination = $this->getPagination()) !== false) {
     if (($sort = $this->getSort()) !== false) {
         $sort = $sort->getOrderBy();
         if (count($sort) > 0) {
     return iterator_to_array($this->_cursor, false);
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Wrapper method for MongoCursor::sort().
  * @see
  * @param array $fields
  * @return self
 public function sort($fields)
     foreach ($fields as $fieldName => $order) {
         if (is_string($order)) {
             $order = strtolower($order) === 'asc' ? 1 : -1;
         $fields[$fieldName] = (int) $order;
     $this->sort = $fields;
     return $this;
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Apply the limit,skip,sort options to the cursor before iterating on documents
 protected function _apply_cursor_controls()
     if ($this->_Cursor) {
         if ($this->_cursor_controls['limit'] !== null) {
         if ($this->_cursor_controls['skip'] !== null) {
         if (!empty($this->_cursor_controls['sort'])) {
 public function configureCursor()
     if ($this->cursor === null) {
     if ($this->getOffset() > -1) {
     if ($this->getLimit() > -1) {
     if ($this->getOrder() !== null) {
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Create MongoCursor from string query log
  * @param string $queryString
  * @return \MongoCursor|null
 protected function getCursorFromQueryLog($queryString)
     $cursor = null;
     $connection = $this->panel->getDb();
     if ($connection->isActive) {
         $queryInfo = Json::decode($queryString);
         $query = $this->prepareQuery(isset($queryInfo['query']['$query']) ? $queryInfo['query']['$query'] : $queryInfo['query']);
         $cursor = new \MongoCursor($connection->mongoClient, $queryInfo['ns'], $query, $queryInfo['fields']);
         if (isset($queryInfo['query']['$orderby'])) {
     return $cursor;
Exemplo n.º 9
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function getCursor()
     if (is_null($this->cursor)) {
         $rawCollection = $this->connection->getRaw()->{$this->collection->getName()};
         if (empty($this->criteria)) {
             $this->cursor = $rawCollection->find();
         } else {
             $this->cursor = $rawCollection->find($this->criteria);
         if (isset($this->sorts)) {
         if (isset($this->skip)) {
         if (isset($this->limit)) {
     return $this->cursor;
Exemplo n.º 10
  * @return \MongoCursor
 private function getCursor()
     if ($this->cursor) {
         return $this->cursor;
     $this->cursor = $this->collection->getMongoCollection()->find($this->expression->toArray(), $this->fields);
     if ($this->skip) {
     if ($this->limit) {
     if ($this->options['batchSize']) {
     if ($this->options['clientTimeout']) {
     if ($this->options['serverTimeout']) {
     if ($this->sort) {
     if ($this->hint) {
     // log request
     if ($this->client->hasLogger()) {
         $this->client->getLogger()->debug(get_called_class() . ': ' . json_encode(array('collection' => $this->collection->getName(), 'query' => $this->expression->toArray(), 'project' => $this->fields, 'sort' => $this->sort)));
     // define read preferences
     if ($this->readPreference) {
         $this->cursor->setReadPreference($this->readPreference['type'], $this->readPreference['tagsets']);
     return $this->cursor;
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Sorts the results by given fields
  * @link
  * @param array $fields An array of fields by which to sort. Each element in the array has as key the field name, and as value either 1 for ascending sort, or -1 for descending sort
  * @throws MongoCursorException
  * @return $this Returns the same cursor that this method was called on
 public function sort(array $fields)
     return $this;
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Apply sorting directives
  * {@see}
  * @param array $sort sorting directives
  * @since v1.3.4
 public function sort(array $fields)
Exemplo n.º 13
  * Sort by the field
  * @since v1.0.0
 public function sort($fields)
     return $this->_cursor->sort($fields);
Exemplo n.º 14
  * Lets you view data
  * @param Array $criteria the conditions for the data to be viewed
  * @param Array $sort what values you want to sort by
  * @param int $limit how many documents to return back
  * @param Array $fields what fields you want to return back
  * @return Array all the documents back as associative arrays 
 public function view($criteria = array(), $sort = array(), $limit = 100, $fields = array())
     ValidatorsUtil::isNullOrEmpty($this->_mongoCollection, "Mongo collection isn't valid, have you set a collection?");
     $this->_mongoCursor = $this->_mongoCollection->find($criteria, $fields);
     if (is_array($sort) && count($sort) != 0) {
     if (is_numeric($limit)) {
     $counter = 0;
     $this->_documents = array();
     foreach ($this->_mongoCursor as $document) {
         $this->_documents[$counter] = $document;
     if ($counter == 0) {
         $this->_documents = array();
     $this->_count = $counter;
     $this->_id = "";
     return $this->_documents;
Exemplo n.º 15
  * @return Result a sort on the cursor
  * @param array $sortoptions
  * @returns Result
 public function sort(array $sortoptions)
     $this->myResultCursor = $this->myResultCursor->sort($sortoptions);
     return $this;
Exemplo n.º 16
 public function sort($fields)
     return $this;
Exemplo n.º 17
  * 对结果中的某些字段排序
  * @param Array $fields = array('mid'=>-1降序1升序)
  * @return muMongoCursor
 public function sort($fields)
     return $this;
Exemplo n.º 18
  * Applies options to cursor.
  * @param \MongoCursor $cursor
  * @param array        $options
  * @return \MongoCursor
 private function applyOptionsToMongoCursor(\MongoCursor &$cursor, $options = [])
     if (isset($options['limit']['limit'])) {
     if (isset($options['limit']['offset'])) {
     if (isset($options['sort'])) {
     return $cursor;
Exemplo n.º 19
  * Performs sort on MongoCursor
  * @param array $array
  * @return Mapper
 public function sort($array)
     return $this;