__construct() public method

Create a new cursor
public __construct ( MongoClient $connection, string $ns, array $query = [], array $fields = [] )
$connection MongoClient Database connection.
$ns string Full name of database and collection.
$query array Database query.
$fields array Fields to return.
Exemplo n.º 1
 public function __construct($collection, $className = 'Phalcon\\Db\\Adapter\\Mongo\\Cursor', $query = array(), $fields = array())
     $ns = $collection->db->name . '.' . $collection->getName();
     parent::__construct($collection->db->conn, $ns, $query, $fields);
     $this->collection = $collection;
     $this->className = $className;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Class constructor
  * @param \MongoClient      $connection
  * @param Collection|string $ns
  * @param array             $query
  * @param array             $fields
 public function __construct(\MongoClient $connection, $ns, array $query = [], array $fields = [])
     if ($ns instanceof Collection) {
         $this->collection = $ns;
     $this->lazy = !empty($fields);
     parent::__construct($connection, (string) $ns, $query, $fields);
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Constructor.
 public function __construct(LoggableMongoCollection $collection, array $query = array(), array $fields = array(), $type = 'find')
     $this->collection = $collection;
     $mongo = $collection->getDB()->getMongo();
     $ns = $collection->getDB()->__toString() . '.' . $collection->getName();
     $this->type = $type;
     $this->explainCursor = new \MongoCursor($mongo, $ns, $query, $fields);
     $this->time = new Time();
     parent::__construct($mongo, $ns, $query, $fields);
 public function __construct($objectType, $filter = array(), $collectionName = null)
     $this->objectType = $objectType;
     if ($collectionName === null) {
         $collectionName = $objectType::collectionName;
     } else {
         $this->collectionName = $collectionName;
     $databases = Conf::f('databases', array());
     $config = Conf::f('storage-mongodb-object', array());
     $dbName = isset($config['databases']) ? $config['databases'] : 'default';
     if (!isset($databases[$dbName])) {
         throw new \photon\db\UndefinedConnection(sprintf('The connection "%s" is not defined in the configuration.', $db));
     $class = class_exists('\\MongoClient') ? '\\MongoClient' : '\\Mongo';
     $conn = new $class($databases[$dbName]['server'], $databases[$dbName]['options']);
     $ns = $databases[$dbName]['database'] . '.' . $collectionName;
     $fields = array('_id' => 1);
     parent::__construct($conn, $ns, $filter, $fields);
  * Create a new cursor
  * @link http://php.net/manual/en/mongogridfscursor.construct.php
  * @param MongoGridFS $gridfs Related GridFS collection
  * @param MongoClient $connection Database connection
  * @param string $ns Full name of database and collection
  * @param array $query Database query
  * @param array $fields Fields to return
  * @return MongoGridFSCursor Returns the new cursor
 public function __construct(MongoGridFS $gridfs, MongoClient $connection, $ns, array $query = array(), array $fields = array())
     $this->gridfs = $gridfs;
     parent::__construct($connection, $ns, $query, $fields);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function __construct(Model $model, \MongoClient $connection, $ns, array $query = array(), array $fields = array())
     $this->model_name = $model->get_model_name();
     $this->model = $model;
     parent::__construct($connection, $ns, $query, $fields);
Exemplo n.º 7
 public function __construct()
Exemplo n.º 8
 public function __construct($mongo, $ns, $query, $fields, $collection)
     $this->_collection = $collection;
     parent::__construct($mongo, $ns, $query, $fields);