Exemplo n.º 1
 public function testFilter()
     $filter = new Html();
     $this->assertEquals('&lt;a&gt;test&lt;/a&gt;', $filter->apply('<a>test</a>'));
     $this->assertEquals('test', $filter->apply('test'));
     // test error message
 static function displayTabContentForItem(CommonGLPI $item, $tabnum = 1, $withtemplate = 0)
     echo "<form name='notificationtargets_form' id='notificationtargets_form'\n             method='post' action=' ";
     echo Toolbox::getItemTypeFormURL(__CLASS__) . "'>";
     echo "<table class    ='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
     echo '<tr><th colspan="2">' . __('Access type', 'formcreator') . '</th></tr>';
     echo '<td>' . __('Access', 'formcreator') . '</td>';
     echo '<td>';
     Dropdown::showFromArray('access_rights', array(PluginFormcreatorForm::ACCESS_PUBLIC => __('Public access', 'formcreator'), PluginFormcreatorForm::ACCESS_PRIVATE => __('Private access', 'formcreator'), PluginFormcreatorForm::ACCESS_RESTRICTED => __('Restricted access', 'formcreator')), array('value' => isset($item->fields["access_rights"]) ? $item->fields["access_rights"] : 1));
     echo '</td>';
     if ($item->fields["access_rights"] == PluginFormcreatorForm::ACCESS_RESTRICTED) {
         echo '<tr><th colspan="2">' . self::getTypeName(2) . '</th></tr>';
         $table = getTableForItemType(__CLASS__);
         $table_profile = getTableForItemType('Profile');
         $query = "SELECT p.`id`, p.`name`, IF(f.`plugin_formcreator_profiles_id` IS NOT NULL, 1, 0) AS `profile`\n                   FROM {$table_profile} p\n                   LEFT JOIN {$table} f\n                     ON p.`id` = f.`plugin_formcreator_profiles_id`\n                     AND f.`plugin_formcreator_forms_id` = " . (int) $item->fields['id'];
         $result = $GLOBALS['DB']->query($query);
         while (list($id, $name, $profile) = $GLOBALS['DB']->fetch_array($result)) {
             $checked = $profile ? ' checked' : '';
             echo '<tr><td colspan="2"><label>';
             echo '<input type="checkbox" name="profiles_id[]" value="' . $id . '" ' . $checked . '> ';
             echo $name;
             echo '</label></td></tr>';
     echo '<tr>';
     echo '<td class="center" colspan="2">';
     echo '<input type="hidden" name="profiles_id[]" value="0" />';
     echo '<input type="hidden" name="form_id" value="' . (int) $item->fields['id'] . '" />';
     echo '<input type="submit" name="update" value="' . __('Save') . '" class="submit" />';
     echo "</td>";
     echo "</tr>";
     echo "</table>";
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function check()
     $username = $_POST['username'];
     $password = $_POST['password'];
     $conn = Db::getConnection();
     $sql = "SELECT username, password, admin\n\t\t\t\tFROM users\n\t\t\t\tWHERE username = '******'";
     $q = $conn->prepare($sql);
     $users = $q->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     //var_dump($users);die('  proba');
     $logger = new Logger();
     $error = $logger->checkCredentials($password, $users);
     //$isAdmin = $logger->checkAdmin($password,$users);
     //var_dump($error);die('   ajde vise!!!');
     if ($error) {
         //echo '<pre>'; var_dump($error);die(); echo '</pre>';
         $html = new Html($this->controllerName);
         $html->error = $error;
         //echo '<pre>'; var_dump($html->error);die(); echo '</pre>';
     } else {
         $user = new User($users['username'], $users['admin']);
         //var_dump($user);die('   jebem li ga');
         header('Location: /');
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Test that the storage number can be set and retrieved.
 public function testSetGetStorageAsText()
     $text = 'test';
     $html = new Html();
     $html->set('test', $text);
     $this->assertSame($text, $html->get('test'));
Exemplo n.º 5
function tagField($db, $limit = null)
    $nsid = $_SESSION['namespace_id'] ? $_SESSION['namespace_id'] : DB_PUBNS;
    $sql = sprintf('select t.name, m.tag, count(m.tag) as num from tagmap as ' . 'm, tags as t where t.id=m.tag and t.namespace=%d group by tag ' . 'order by date desc', $nsid);
    $sql .= !is_null($limit) ? ' LIMIT ' . $limit : null;
    $max_size = 250;
    $min_size = 100;
    if (!($result = $db->query($sql))) {
        debug_hook('Failed to load tag cloud!', __METHOD__);
    while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
        $tags[$row['name']] = $row['num'];
    $max_value = max(array_values($tags));
    $min_value = min(array_values($tags));
    $spread = $max_value - $min_value;
    if ($spread == 0) {
        $spread = 1;
    $step = ($max_size - $min_size) / $spread;
    print '<div id="tags">';
    foreach ($tags as $key => $value) {
        $size = ceil($min_size + ($value - $min_value) * $step);
        $a = new Html('a');
        $a->attr('style', 'font-size: ' . $size . '%');
        $a->attr('href', DB_LOC . '/tags/' . urlencode($key));
        $a->data(str_replace('_', ' ', $key));
        print '(' . $value . '), ';
    print '<a href="' . DB_LOC . '/">all</a>';
    print '</div>';
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function add($data)
     $ContentModel = ContentModel::getInstance($this->_mid);
     if (!isset($this->_model[$this->_mid])) {
         $this->error = '模型不存在';
     $ContentInputModel = new ContentInputModel($this->_mid);
     $insertData = $ContentInputModel->get($data);
     if ($insertData == false) {
         $this->error = $ContentInputModel->error;
         return false;
     if ($ContentModel->create($insertData)) {
         $result = $ContentModel->add($insertData);
         $aid = $result[$ContentModel->table];
         M('upload')->where(array('uid' => $_SESSION['uid']))->save(array('state' => 1));
         $DMessage = "发表了文章:<a target='_blank' href='" . U('Index/Index/content', array('mid' => $insertData['mid'], 'cid' => $insertData['cid'], 'aid' => $aid)) . "'>{$insertData['title']}</a>";
         addDynamic($_SESSION['uid'], $DMessage);
         $Html = new Html();
         $categoryCache = cache('category');
         $cat = $categoryCache[$insertData['cid']];
         return $aid;
     } else {
         $this->error = $ContentModel->error;
         return false;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public function create()
     $firstname = $_POST['firstname'];
     $lastname = $_POST['lastname'];
     $email = $_POST['email'];
     $username = $_POST['username'];
     $password = password_hash($_POST['password'], PASSWORD_BCRYPT);
     $conn = Db::getConnection();
     $sql = "SELECT *\n\t\t\t\tFROM users";
     $q = $conn->prepare($sql);
     $users = $q->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     $validator = new Validator();
     $error = $validator->validateRegisterForm($_POST, $users);
     //echo '<pre>'; var_dump($error); echo '</pre>';die();
     if ($error) {
         //echo '<pre>'; var_dump($error);die(); echo '</pre>';
         $html = new Html($this->controllerName);
         $html->error = $error;
         //echo '<pre>'; var_dump($html->error);die(); echo '</pre>';
     } else {
         $newUserSql = "INSERT INTO users\n\t\t\t(`firstname`, `lastname`, `email`, `username`, `password`, `admin`)\n\t\t\tVALUES\n\t\t\t('{$firstname}', '{$lastname}', '{$email}', '{$username}', '{$password}', '0')";
         $q = $conn->prepare($newUserSql);
         header('Location: /login/index');
Exemplo n.º 8
 public function placeLink(Html $row, DibiRow $data, $pres)
     foreach ($row->getChildren() as $cell) {
         $inside = $cell->getText();
         $cell->add(Html::el('a')->href($this->link(":Front:{$pres}:", $data['link']))->setText($inside));
Exemplo n.º 9
 function _before_add()
     $html = new Html();
     $fields_type = $this->_mod->site_model_fields();
     $this->assign('fields_type', $html->select($fields_type, 'formtype'));
     $regexp = $this->_mod->regexp();
     $this->assign('verification_select', $html->select($regexp, 'verification_select', '', 'id="J_verification_select" style="width:100px"'));
Exemplo n.º 10
 private function getPreAuthPage()
     $mainTag = new Html();
     $head = new Head();
     $head->addChild("\n            <title>Admin page</title>\n            <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8'>\n            <link rel='shortcut icon' href='images/system/favicon.ico' type='image/x-icon'/>\n            <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='/src/front/style/style-less.css'/>\n            <script type='text/javascript' src='/src/front/js/fixies.js'></script>\n            <script type='text/javascript' src='/src/front/js/ext/jquery.js'></script>\n            <script type='text/javascript' src='/src/front/js/ext/jquery-1.10.2.js'></script>\n            <script type='text/javascript' src='/src/front/js/ext/tinycolor.js'></script>\n            <script type='text/javascript' src='/src/front/js/v-utils.js'></script>\n            <script type='text/javascript' src='/src/front/js/utils.js'></script>\n            <script type='text/javascript' src='/src/front/js/admin.js'></script>\n            <script type='text/javascript' src='/src/front/js/components/vCore-effects.js'></script>\n            ");
     $body = new Body();
     $body->addChild("\n            <div class='admin_auth_container' >\n                <div class='auth_header f-20'>Авторизация</div>\n                <label class='f-15' for='user'>User</label>\n                <input id='user'>\n                <label class='f-15' for='password'>Password</label>\n                <input id='password' type='password'>\n                <button class='button f-20 input_hover'>Войти</button>\n            </div>\n            <script type='text/javascript'>\n                /*inputHoverModule.update();*/\n            </script>\n        ");
     return $mainTag->addChildList([$head, $body]);
Exemplo n.º 11
 public function deploy($element, $flag, $alias = '', $view = '', $schema = '')
     $h = new Html();
     if ($flag == 0) {
         $attr = '{"id":"' . $alias . '-' . $view . '"}';
         $h->b($element, 0, 1, $schema, $attr);
     } else {
         $h->b($element, 1, 1);
Exemplo n.º 12
 public function getHtml()
     $html = new Html();
     $head = new Head();
     $head->addChild("\n        <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8'>\n        <meta http-equiv='cache-control' content='max-age=0' />\n        <meta http-equiv='cache-control' content='no-cache' />\n        <meta http-equiv='expires' content='0' />\n        <meta http-equiv='expires' content='Tue, 01 Jan 1980 1:00:00 GMT' />\n        <meta http-equiv='pragma' content='no-cache' />\n        <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='/src/front/style/admin-page.css'>\n        ");
     $body = new Body();
     return $this->pagePrefix . $html->addChildList([$head, $body])->getHtml();
Exemplo n.º 13
 function _before_edit()
     $html = new Html();
     $advertising_list = $this->get_advertising();
     $input_data = join(',', $advertising_list);
     $selected = $this->_mod->where(array('id' => $this->_get('id')))->getField('advertising');
     $advertising = $html->input('select', 'advertising', $input_data, 'advertising', '', $selected);
     $this->assign('advertising', $advertising);
     $this->assign('iframe_tools', true);
Exemplo n.º 14
 public function testInterpret()
     /** @var \Magento\Framework\View\Layout\Reader\Context $readerContext */
     $readerContext = \Magento\TestFramework\Helper\Bootstrap::getObjectManager()->create('Magento\\Framework\\View\\Layout\\Reader\\Context');
     $pageXml = new \Magento\Framework\View\Layout\Element(__DIR__ . '/_files/_layout_update.xml', 0, true);
     $parentElement = new \Magento\Framework\View\Layout\Element('<page></page>');
     $html = new Html();
     foreach ($pageXml->xpath('html') as $htmlElement) {
         $html->interpret($readerContext, $htmlElement, $parentElement);
     $structure = $readerContext->getPageConfigStructure();
     $this->assertEquals(['html' => ['test-name' => 'test-value']], $structure->getElementAttributes());
Exemplo n.º 15
 public function index()
     $conn = Db::getConnection();
     $articleModel = new Article();
     $firstFiveArticles = $articleModel->getArticles($conn, 5);
     foreach ($firstFiveArticles as &$article) {
         $article['time'] = $articleModel->formatArticleDate($article["time"]);
         //date("d.m.Y H:i",strtotime($article["time"]))
     $html = new Html($this->controllerName);
     $html->firstFiveArticles = $firstFiveArticles;
Exemplo n.º 16
 public static function sendMessage($inputData)
     $body = "\n\t\t\t<br>\n\t\t\tName: " . \Html::entities($inputData['name']) . "<br>\n\t\t\tEmail: " . \Html::entities($inputData['email']) . "<br>\n\t\t\tSubject: " . \Html::entities($inputData['subject']) . "<br>\n\t\t\tMessage: <br>" . \Html::entities($inputData['message']) . "<br>\n\t\t";
     \Mail::send('templates.email.standard', array('body' => $body), function ($message) {
  * Render the special page boddy
  * @param string $par The username
 public function executeWhenAvailable($par = '')
     $this->offset = $this->getRequest()->getVal('offset', false);
     if ($par) {
         // enter article history view
         $this->user = User::newFromName($par, false);
         if ($this->user && ($this->user->idForName() || User::isIP($par))) {
             // set page title as on desktop site - bug 66656
             $username = $this->user->getName();
             $out = $this->getOutput();
             $out->addModuleStyles(array('mobile.pagelist.styles', 'mobile.pagesummary.styles'));
             $out->setHTMLTitle($this->msg('pagetitle', $this->msg('contributions-title', $username)->plain())->inContentLanguage());
             if (User::isIP($par)) {
             } else {
             $res = $this->doQuery();
             $out->addHtml(Html::openElement('div', array('class' => 'content-unstyled')));
 function displayValue($output_type, $row)
     if (isset($row[$this->name]) && $row[$this->name]) {
         return Html::convDate($row[$this->name]);
     return '';
Exemplo n.º 19
 public function fetchElement($name, $value, &$node, $control_name)
     require_once dirname(__DIR__) . DS . 'models' . DS . 'poll.php';
     $options = \Components\Poll\Models\Poll::all()->whereEquals('published', 1)->rows()->raw();
     array_unshift($options, \Html::select('option', '0', '- ' . \Lang::txt('Select Poll') . ' -', 'id', 'title'));
     return \Html::select('genericlist', $options, $control_name . '[' . $name . ']', 'class="inputbox"', 'id', 'title', $value, $control_name . $name);
 static function showForGroup(Group $group)
     global $DB;
     $ID = $group->getField('id');
     if (!$group->can($ID, READ)) {
         return false;
     $canedit = $group->can($ID, UPDATE);
     if ($canedit) {
         // Get data
         $item = new self();
         if (!$item->getFromDB($ID)) {
         $rand = mt_rand();
         echo "<form name='group_level_form{$rand}' id='group_level_form{$rand}' method='post'\n                action='" . Toolbox::getItemTypeFormURL(__CLASS__) . "'>";
         echo "<input type='hidden' name='" . self::$items_id . "' value='{$ID}' />";
         echo "<div class='spaced'>";
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
         echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><th>" . __('Level attribution', 'itilcategorygroups') . "</th></tr>";
         echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'><td class='center'>";
         Dropdown::showFromArray('lvl', array(NULL => "---", 1 => __('Level 1', 'itilcategorygroups'), 2 => __('Level 2', 'itilcategorygroups'), 3 => __('Level 3', 'itilcategorygroups'), 4 => __('Level 4', 'itilcategorygroups')), array('value' => $item->fields['lvl']));
         echo "</td></tr>";
         echo "</td><td class='center'>";
         if ($item->fields["id"]) {
             echo "<input type='hidden' name='id' value='" . $item->fields["id"] . "'>";
             echo "<input type='submit' name='update' value=\"" . __('Save') . "\"\n                   class='submit'>";
         } else {
             echo "<input type='submit' name='add' value=\"" . __('Save') . "\" class='submit'>";
         echo "</td></tr>";
         echo "</table></div>";
    function OnPageLoad()
        echo new XhtmlElement('h1', Html::Encode('Delete category: ' . $this->data_object->GetName()));
        if ($this->deleted) {
			<p>The category has been deleted.</p>
			<p><a href="/yesnosorry/categorylist.php">View all categories</a></p>
        } else {
            if ($this->has_permission) {
				<p>Deleting a category cannot be undone.</p>
					<li>Its competitions will not be listed in a category</li>
				<p>Are you sure you want to delete this category?</p>
				<form action="<?php 
                echo Html::Encode($this->data_object->GetDeleteCategoryUrl());
" method="post" class="deleteButtons">
				<input type="submit" value="Delete category" name="delete" />
				<input type="submit" value="Cancel" name="cancel" />
            } else {
				<p>Sorry, you're not allowed to delete this category.</p>
				<p><a href="/yesnosorry/categorylist.php">Go back to the list of categories</a></p>
Exemplo n.º 22
 public static function validate_registration(Fieldset $form, $auth)
     $form->field('password')->add_rule('match_value', $form->field('password2')->get_attribute('value'));
     $val = $form->validation();
     $val->set_message('required', 'The field :field is required');
     $val->set_message('valid_email', 'The field :field must be an email address');
     $val->set_message('match_value', 'The passwords must match');
     if ($val->run()) {
         $username = $form->field('username')->get_attribute('value');
         $password = $form->field('password')->get_attribute('value');
         $email = $form->field('email')->get_attribute('value');
         try {
             $user = $auth->create_user($username, $password, $email);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $error = $e->getMessage();
         if (isset($user)) {
             $auth->login($username, $password);
         } else {
             if (isset($error)) {
                 $li = $error;
             } else {
                 $li = 'Something went wrong with creating the user!';
             $errors = Html::ul(array($li));
             return array('e_found' => true, 'errors' => $errors);
     } else {
         $errors = $val->show_errors();
         return array('e_found' => true, 'errors' => $errors);
  * Displays the reCAPTCHA widget.
  * If $this->recaptcha_error is set, it will display an error in the widget.
 function getForm()
     global $wgReCaptchaPublicKey, $wgReCaptchaTheme;
     $useHttps = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on';
     $js = 'var RecaptchaOptions = ' . Xml::encodeJsVar(array('theme' => $wgReCaptchaTheme, 'tabindex' => 1));
     return Html::inlineScript($js) . recaptcha_get_html($wgReCaptchaPublicKey, $this->recaptcha_error, $useHttps);
Exemplo n.º 24
 public function run()
     Html::addCssClass($this->options, ['widget' => 'progress']);
     if ($this->vertical) {
         Html::addCssClass($this->options, 'vertical');
     if (!empty($this->size)) {
         Html::addCssClass($this->options, $this->size);
     $barOptions = ['class' => 'progress-bar'];
     if (!empty($this->type)) {
         Html::addCssClass($barOptions, 'progress-bar-' . $this->type);
     if ($this->striped) {
         Html::addCssClass($barOptions, 'progress-bar-striped');
     $barOptions['style']['width'] = $this->value . '%';
     if (empty($this->text)) {
         $text = '';
     } else {
         $text = Html::tag('span', $text, ['class' => 'sr-only']);
     return Html::tag('div', Html::tag('div', $text, $barOptions), $this->options);
  * Output a form to allow searching for a user
 function switchForm()
     global $wgScript;
     $this->getOutput()->addHTML(Xml::openElement('form', array('method' => 'get', 'action' => $wgScript, 'name' => 'uluser', 'id' => 'mw-userrights-form1')) . Html::hidden('title', $this->getPageTitle()) . Xml::openElement('fieldset') . Xml::element('legend', array(), $this->msg('userrights-lookup-user')->text()) . Xml::inputLabel($this->msg('userrights-user-editname')->text(), 'user', 'username', 30, $this->mTarget, array('class' => 'mw-autocomplete-global-user')) . ' <br />' . Xml::submitButton($this->msg('editusergroup')->text()) . Xml::closeElement('fieldset') . Xml::closeElement('form') . "\n");
  * Generates HTML for the uploads page for the passed user.
  * @param User $user
  * @return string
 public function getUserUploadsPageHtml(User $user)
     $uploadCount = $this->getUserUploadCount($user->getName());
     $mobileContext = MobileContext::singleton();
     $html = '';
     $attrs = array();
     if ($uploadCount !== false) {
         $threshold = $this->getUploadCountThreshold();
         // FIXME: Use Html class?
         $html .= '<div class="content">';
         if ($mobileContext->userCanUpload()) {
             $html .= '<div class="ctaUploadPhoto"></div>';
         if ($uploadCount > $threshold) {
             $msg = $this->msg('mobile-frontend-photo-upload-user-count-over-limit')->text();
         } else {
             $msg = $this->msg('mobile-frontend-photo-upload-user-count')->numParams($uploadCount)->parse();
             if ($uploadCount === 0) {
                 $attrs = array('style' => 'display:none');
         $html .= Html::openElement('h2', $attrs) . $msg . Html::closeElement('h2');
         $html .= '</div>';
     return $html;
	 * Helper function to display a hidden field for different versions
	 * of MediaWiki.
	static function hiddenField( $name, $value ) {
		if ( class_exists( 'Html' ) ) {
			return "\t" . Html::hidden( $name, $value ) . "\n";
		} else {
			return "\t" . Xml::hidden( $name, $value ) . "\n";
 function OnPreRender()
     /* @var $o_season Season */
     /* @var $o_team Team */
     $o_headings = new XhtmlRow(array('Name of team', 'Ground address', 'Contact details'));
     foreach ($this->o_competition->GetLatestSeason()->GetTeams() as $o_team) {
         if ($o_team instanceof Team) {
             $o_row = new XhtmlRow();
             $o_row->AddCell(new XhtmlAnchor(Html::Encode($o_team->GetName()), $o_team->GetEditTeamUrl()));
             $o_row->AddCell(new PostalAddressControl($o_team->GetGround()->GetAddress()));
             $private = $o_team->GetPrivateContact();
             $public = $o_team->GetContact();
             $private_header = '<h2 style="margin:0; font-size:1.1em; color: #900;">Private</h2>';
             if ($private and $public) {
                 $contact = $public . $private_header . $private;
             } else {
                 $contact = $private ? $private_header . $private : $public;
             $o_row->AddCell(nl2br(XhtmlMarkup::ApplySimpleTags(XhtmlMarkup::ApplyLinks($contact, true))));
 function showForm()
     $target = self::getFormURL();
     echo "<div align='center'><form method='post'  action=\"{$target}\">";
     echo "<table class='tab_cadre' cellpadding='5'><tr ><th colspan='2'>";
     echo self::getTypeName(0) . "</th></tr>";
     echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td>";
     echo "<select name=\"unit\" size=\"1\"> ";
     echo "<option ";
     if ($this->isMetricUnit()) {
         echo "selected ";
     echo "value='" . self::METRIC_UNIT . "'>" . __('metric', 'racks') . "</option>";
     echo "<option ";
     if (!$this->isMetricUnit()) {
         echo "selected ";
     echo "value='" . self::NON_METRIC_UNIT . "'>" . __('English', 'racks') . "</option>";
     echo "</select> ";
     echo "</td>";
     echo "<td>";
     echo Html::hidden('id', array('value' => 1));
     echo Html::submit(_sx('button', 'Post'), array('name' => 'update'));
     echo "</table>";
     echo "</div>";
Exemplo n.º 30
 public function testNestedCollection()
     $html = new Html('html');
     $head = $html->import('head');
     $data = $html->render();
     $this->assertEquals('<html><head><title>Example</title></head></html>', $data);