function addEvent() { // Arr, we need some globals! global $MySelf; global $TIMEMARK; global $DB; // is the events module active? if (!getConfig("events")) { makeNotice("The admin has deactivated the events module.", "warning", "Module not active"); } // Are we allowed to add an Event? if (!$MySelf->canEditEvents()) { makeNotice("You are not allowed to add events.", "error", "Forbidden"); } // Create new tables, define standard mode. $table = new table(2, true); $mode = array("align" => "right", "valign" => "top"); // Table header $table->addHeader(">> Announce an event"); // Row: Short Description $table->addRow(); $table->addCol("Short description:", $mode); $table->addCol("<input type=\"text\" name=\"sdescr\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"50\">"); // Row: Flag Officer $table->addRow(); $table->addCol("Flag officer:", $mode); // Fetch all senior officers from the database $allSeniors = $DB->query("SELECT DISTINCT username, id FROM users WHERE isOfficial='1' AND deleted='0' ORDER BY username"); // Loop through them. while ($senior = $allSeniors->fetchRow()) { // Pre-select ourselves. if ($senior[id] == $MySelf->getID()) { // Ourselves. $pdm .= "<option value=\"" . $senior[id] . "\" SELECTED>" . ucfirst($senior[username]) . "</option>"; } else { // Some other senior officer. $pdm .= "<option value=\"" . $senior[id] . "\">" . ucfirst($senior[username]) . "</option>"; } } // We dont need to check if we had any user matches at all: At least the user // Viewing this page is eligible. $pdm = "<select name=\"officer\">" . $pdm . "</select>"; $table->addCol($pdm . " -or- <input type=\"text\" name=\"officer2\" maxlength=\"50\">"); // We need $pdm soon enough again, clear it. unset($pdm); // Row: Location $table->addRow(); $table->addCol("Location:", $mode); // Query all recent locations. $allLocations = $DB->query("SELECT DISTINCT system FROM events ORDER BY system"); // Loop through them. while ($loc = $allLocations->fetchRow()) { // Add to dropdown. $pdm .= "<option>" . ucfirst($loc[system]) . "</option>"; $haveLocations = true; } // If we never had an event, we wont show the recent locations dropdown menu. if ($haveLocations) { // Have recent locations $pdm = "<select name=\"system\">" . $pdm . "</select>"; $table->addCol($pdm . " -or- <input type=\"text\" name=\"system2\" maxlength=\"50\">"); } else { // No recent locations. $table->addCol("<input type=\"text\" name=\"system\" maxlength=\"50\">"); } // We need $pdm soon enough again, clear it. unset($pdm); // Row: Security $table->addRow(); $table->addCol("Security:", $mode); for ($i = 10; $i >= 0; $i--) { $security = number_format($i / 10, 1); $pdm .= "<option value=\"" . $security . "\">" . $security . "</option>"; } $table->addCol("<select name=\"security\">" . $pdm . "</select>"); // Row: Mission Type $table->addRow(); $table->addCol("Mission Type:", $mode); $table->addCol("<select name=\"type\">" . "<option value=\"Mining\">Mining</option>" . "<option value=\"Mission\">Missions</option>" . "<option value=\"Kill\">Killing</option>" . "<option value=\"Transport\">Transporting</option>" . "<option value=\"PK\">Player Killing</option>" . "</select>"); // Row: Starttime $table->addRow(); $table->addCol("Starttime:", $mode); // Get a time-array and do the human friendly part. // Funnies: We always want to use "00" as the minute, and always at the start of the // NEXT hour. $times = humanTime("toHuman", $TIMEMARK + 3600); $happy_starting_time .= "<input type=\"text\" name=\"ST_day\" size=\"4\" maxlength=\"20\" value=\"" . $times[day] . "\">."; $happy_starting_time .= "<input type=\"text\" name=\"ST_month\" size=\"4\" maxlength=\"2\" value=\"" . $times[month] . "\">."; $happy_starting_time .= "<input type=\"text\" name=\"ST_year\" size=\"6\" maxlength=\"4\" value=\"" . $times[year] . "\">"; $happy_starting_time .= " "; $happy_starting_time .= "<input type=\"text\" name=\"ST_hour\" size=\"4\" maxlength=\"2\" value=\"" . date("H", $TIMEMARK + 3600) . "\">:"; $happy_starting_time .= "<input type=\"text\" name=\"ST_minute\" size=\"4\" maxlength=\"2\" value=\"00\">"; $table->addCol($happy_starting_time); // Info for the startime $table->addRow(); $table->addCol(""); $table->addCol("(day.month.year hour:minute)"); // Row: Expected Duration $table->addRow(); $table->addCol("Expected Duration:", $mode); $table->addCol("<input type=\"text\" name=\"dur\" maxlength=\"20\" value=\"2 hours\">"); // Row: Difficulty $table->addRow(); $table->addCol("Difficulty:", $mode); $difficulty = "<option value=\"0\">No risk involved</option>"; $difficulty .= "<option value=\"1\">Minimal risk</option>"; $difficulty .= "<option value=\"2\">moderate risk</option>"; $difficulty .= "<option value=\"3\">above average risk</option>"; $difficulty .= "<option value=\"4\">extreme risk</option>"; $difficulty .= "<option value=\"5\">No survivors expected</option>"; $table->addCol("<select name=\"difficulty\">" . $difficulty . "</select>"); // Row: Payment $table->addRow(); $table->addCol("Payment:", $mode); $table->addCol("<input type=\"text\" name=\"payment\" maxlength=\"20\" value=\"0\">"); // Row: Collateral $table->addRow(); $table->addCol("Collateral:", $mode); $table->addCol("<input type=\"text\" name=\"collateral\" value=\"0\">"); // Row: Notes $table->addRow(); $table->addCol("Notes:", $mode); $table->addCol("<textarea name=\"notes\" rows=\"10\" cols=\"50\"></textarea>"); // Row: Shipt types needed $table->addRow(); $table->addCol("Ship types needed", array("colspan" => 2)); $table->addRow(); $table->addCol("Shuttles"); $table->addCol("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"shuttles\">"); $table->addRow(); $table->addCol("Frigates"); $table->addCol("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"frigates\">"); $table->addRow(); $table->addCol("Destroyers"); $table->addCol("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"destroyers\">"); $table->addRow(); $table->addCol("Cruisers"); $table->addCol("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"cruisers\">"); $table->addRow(); $table->addCol("Battlecruisers"); $table->addCol("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"bcruiser\">"); $table->addRow(); $table->addCol("Strategic Cruisers"); $table->addCol("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"scruiser\">"); $table->addRow(); $table->addCol("Battleships"); $table->addCol("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"bship\">"); $table->addRow(); $table->addCol("Dreadnoughts"); $table->addCol("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"dread\">"); $table->addRow(); $table->addCol("Carriers"); $table->addCol("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"carrier\">"); $table->addRow(); $table->addCol("Titans"); $table->addCol("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"titan\">"); $table->addRow(); $table->addCol("Mining Barges"); $table->addCol("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"barges\">"); $table->addRow(); $table->addCol("Industrial Ships"); $table->addCol("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"indies\">"); $table->addRow(); $table->addCol("Freighters"); $table->addCol("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"freighter\">"); $table->addRow(); $table->addCol("Jump Freighters"); $table->addCol("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"jfreighter\">"); $table->addRow(); $table->addCol("Exhumers"); $table->addCol("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"exhumer\">"); // Submit button $form_end .= "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Announce this event\">"; $form_end .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"addevent\">"; $form_end .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"check\" value=\"check\">"; $table->addHeaderCentered($form_end, array("align" => "center", "colspan" => 2)); return "<h2>Add event</h2><form action=\"index.php\" method=\"post\">" . $table->flush() . "</form>"; }
function ticketExpiration($DATA, &$expVal = NULL) { if ($DATA["expire_dln"] || $DATA["last_time"]) { if ($DATA["last_stamp"] && $DATA["last_time"]) { $expVal = $DATA["last_stamp"] + $DATA["last_time"] - time(); return sprintf(T_("About %s"), humanTime($expVal)); } elseif ($DATA["expire_dln"] && $DATA["downloads"]) { $expVal = $DATA["expire_dln"] - $DATA["downloads"]; return sprintf(T_("About %d downloads"), $expVal); } elseif ($DATA["expire"]) { $expVal = $DATA["expire"] - time(); return sprintf(T_("About %s"), humanTime($expVal)); } elseif ($DATA["expire_dln"]) { $expVal = $DATA["expire_dln"]; return sprintf(T_("After %d downloads"), $expVal); } else { $expVal = $DATA["last_time"]; return sprintf(T_("%s after next download"), humanTime($expVal)); } } elseif ($DATA["expire"]) { $expVal = $DATA["expire"] - time(); return sprintf(T_("In %s"), humanTime($expVal)); } $expVal = 4294967295; return "<strong>" . T_("Never") . "</strong>"; }
function grantExpiration($DATA, &$expVal = NULL) { if ($DATA["grant_expire"]) { $expVal = $DATA["grant_expire"] - time(); return sprintf(T_("In %s"), humanTime($expVal)); } $expVal = 4294967295; return "<strong>" . T_("Never") . "</strong>"; }
function makeNewOreRunPage() { // Load the globals. global $VERSION; global $SITENAME; global $TIMEMARK; global $ORENAMES; global $DBORE; global $DB; global $MySelf; $locationPDM = ""; // We need a list of all the previous run locations. $locations = $DB->query("SELECT DISTINCT location FROM runs ORDER BY location"); if ($locations->numRows() > 0) { while ($location = $locations->fetchRow()) { $locationPDM .= "<option value=\"" . $location['location'] . "\">" . $location['location'] . "</option>"; } $locationPDM = "<select name=\"locations\">" . $locationPDM . "</select>"; } // Table $table = new table(2, true); $table->addHeader(">> Create a new operation"); $table->addRow(); // Field: Location. $table->addCol("Location of Operation:"); if ($locationPDM) { // We have at least one possible System we hauled before. $table->addCol($locationPDM . " -or- <input type=\"text\" name=\"location\">"); } else { // There are not target systems in the database. if (getConfig("trustSetting") > 0) { $table->addCol("<input type=\"text\" value=\"" . $_SERVER['HTTP_EVE_SOLARSYSTEMNAME'] . "\" name=\"location\">"); } else { $table->addCol("<input type=\"text\" name=\"location\">"); } } $pdm = ""; // Field: Officer in Charge if ($MySelf->isOfficial()) { $SeniorUsers = $DB->getCol("SELECT DISTINCT username FROM users WHERE canCreateRun = 1 AND deleted='0' ORDER BY username"); foreach ($SeniorUsers as $senior) { if ($MySelf->getUsername() == "{$senior}") { $pdm .= "<option value=\"{$senior}\" selected>" . ucwords($senior) . "</option>"; } else { $pdm .= "<option value=\"{$senior}\">" . ucwords($senior) . "</option>"; } $seniorUsersPDM = "<select name=\"supervisor\">" . $pdm . "</select>"; } } else { // In case the user is not a senior member he can not change the officer in charge. $seniorUsersPDM = ucfirst($MySelf->getUsername()); $seniorUsersPDM .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"supervisor\" value=\"" . $MySelf->getUsername() . "\">"; } // We have no senior member (aka: people who may start runs) if (!$seniorUsersPDM) { makeNotice("No one from your current users may create or lead a mining operation. Please give out appropiate permissions.", "warning", "Insufficient Rights"); } else { $table->addRow(); $table->addCol("Executing Officer:"); $table->addCol($seniorUsersPDM); } $table->addRow(); $table->addCol("Op Type:"); $OPTYPE = isset($_REQUEST['optype']) ? $_REQUEST['optype'] : ""; $ops = $DB->getAll("select opName from opTypes;"); if ($DB->isError($ops)) { die($ops->getMessage()); } $opSelect = "<select name='optype' onChange='window.location = \"?action=newrun&optype=\"+this.value'>\n"; $opSelect .= "<option value=''>Standard</option>\n"; foreach ($ops as $op) { $default = $op['opName'] == $OPTYPE ? "selected" : ""; $opSelect .= "<option {$default} value='" . $op['opName'] . "'>" . $op['opName'] . "</option>\n"; } $opSelect .= "</select>"; $table->addCol($opSelect); // Field: Corporation keeps. $table->addRow(); $table->addCol("Corporation keeps:"); // Get the average amount. if ($MySelf->isOfficial()) { if (!getConfig("defaultTax")) { // No default tax has been defined in the config file, generate our own. $tax = $DB->getCol("SELECT AVG(corpKeeps) AS tax FROM runs;"); $tax = round($tax[0]); // in case there are no taxes yet AND no default has been set. if (!$tax) { $tax = "15"; } } else { if ($OPTYPE == "Shopping") { $tax = "0"; } else { // Set the default tax, according to config. $tax = getConfig("defaultTax"); } } $table->addCol("<input readonly=\"readonly\" type=\"text\" maxlength=\"3\" value=\"{$tax}\" size=\"4\" name=\"corpkeeps\">% of gross value."); } else { $table->addCol("As this is not an official Op, no tax is deducted."); } // Give option to make this run official. if ($MySelf->isOfficial()) { $table->addRow(); $table->addCol("Official Run:"); $table->addCol("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"isOfficial\" checked=\"checked\" >Tick box if this is an official mining run."); } // Field: Starttime. $table->addRow(); $table->addCol("Starttime:"); // Get a time-array and do the human friendly part. // Funnies: We always want to use "00" as the minute, and always at the start of the // NEXT hour. $times = humanTime("toHuman", $TIMEMARK + 3600); $timefield = "<input type=\"text\" name=\"ST_day\" size=\"4\" maxlength=\"2\" value=\"" . $times['day'] . "\">." . "<input type=\"text\" name=\"ST_month\" size=\"4\" maxlength=\"2\" value=\"" . $times['month'] . "\">." . "<input type=\"text\" name=\"ST_year\" size=\"6\" maxlength=\"4\" value=\"" . $times['year'] . "\">" . " " . "<input type=\"text\" name=\"ST_hour\" size=\"4\" maxlength=\"2\" value=\"" . $times['hour'] . "\">:" . "<input type=\"text\" name=\"ST_minute\" size=\"4\" maxlength=\"2\" value=\"00\">"; $orNow = "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"startnow\" value=\"true\" checked=\"checked\" > start now"; $or = " - or - "; $table->addCol($orNow . $or . $timefield); $table->addRow(); $table->addCol("format: day.month.year hour:minute", array("align" => "right", "colspan" => "2")); // Now we need the sum of all ores. //$totalOres = count($ORENAMES); /* // And the sum of all ENABLED ores. $totalEnabledOres = $DB->getCol("select count(name) as active from config where name LIKE '%".$OPTYPE."Enabled' AND value='1'"); $totalEnabledOres = $totalEnabledOres[0]; */ /* * This is evil. We have to create an array that we fill up sorted. * It aint cheap. First, we loop through all the ore values. */ /* for ($p = 0; $p < $totalOres; $p++) { // Then we check each ore if it is enabled. $ORE = $DBORE[$ORENAMES[$p]]; if (getOreSettings($ORE,$OPTYPE)) { // If the ore is enabled, add it to the array. $left[] = $ORE; } else { // add to disabled-array. $disabledOres[] = $ORE; } } $totalEnabledOres = count($left); // No ores enabled? if ($totalEnabledOres == 0) { makeNotice("Your CEO has disabled *all* the Oretypes. Please ask your CEO to reactivate at leat one Oretype.", "error", "No valid Oretypes!"); } // The table is, rounded up, exactly half the size of all enabled ores. $tableLength = ceil($totalEnabledOres / 2); // Now, copy the lower second half into a new array. $right = array_slice($left, $tableLength); */ /* * So now we have an array of all the enabled ores. All we * need to do now, is create a nice, handsome table of it. * Loop through this array. */ /* for ($i = 0; $i < $tableLength; $i++) { // Fetch the right image for the ore. $ri_words = str_word_count(array_search($left[$i], $DBORE), 1); $ri_max = count($ri_words); $ri = strtolower($ri_words[$ri_max -1]); // Add a row. $table->addRow(); // left side. $table->addCol("<img width=\"20\" height=\"20\" src=\"./images/ores/" . array_search($left[$i], $DBORE) . ".png\"> <input type=\"text\" name=\"$left[$i]\" size=\"10\" value=\"0\"> " . array_search($left[$i], $DBORE) . " wanted. "); // We need an ore type (just in case of odd ore numbers) if ($right[$i] != "") { // right side. // Fetch the right image for the ore. $ri_words = str_word_count(array_search($right[$i], $DBORE), 1); $ri_max = count($ri_words); $ri = strtolower($ri_words[$ri_max -1]); // Add the column. $table->addCol("<img width=\"20\" height=\"20\" src=\"./images/ores/" . array_search($right[$i], $DBORE) . ".png\"> <input type=\"text\" name=\"$right[$i]\" size=\"10\" value=\"0\"> " . array_search($right[$i], $DBORE) . " wanted. "); } else { // We have an odd number of ores: add empty cell. $table->addCol(""); } } // Display the ore-disables-disclaimer. (Only if there are disabled oretypes.) if (!empty ($disabled)) { $disabledText = "The following Oretypes has been disabled by the CEO: $disabled"; } */ $submitbutton = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"check\" value=\"true\">" . "<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"addrun\" name=\"action\">" . "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Create new Operation\" name=\"submit\">"; // El grande submit button! $table->addHeaderCentered($submitbutton); /* // Show, if any, disabled ore-types. if ($disabledText) { $table->addRow(); $table->addCol("<br><br>" . $disabledText . ".", array ( "colspan" => "2" )); }*/ // Render the table, and return it. return "<h2>Create a new Operation</h2><form action=\"index.php\" method=\"POST\">" . $table->flush() . "</form>"; }
function addRun() { // We need some more globals. global $DB; global $ORENAMES; global $DBORE; global $ORENAMES_STR; global $MySelf; global $TIMEMARK; // Set the userID $userID = $MySelf->getID(); // Are we permitted to create a new run? if (!$MySelf->canCreateRun()) { makeNotice("You are not allowed to create a mining op!", "error", "forbidden"); } if ($_POST[startnow]) { $starttime = $TIMEMARK; } else { // Startting time goodness. $myTime = array("day" => "{$_POST['ST_day']}", "month" => "{$_POST['ST_month']}", "year" => "{$_POST['ST_year']}", "hour" => "{$_POST['ST_hour']}", "minute" => "{$_POST['ST_minute']}"); $starttime = humanTime("toUnix", $myTime); } // Having fun with checkboxes, yet again. if ($_POST[isOfficial] == "on") { $official = true; } else { $official = false; } // We using either predefined locations. if (empty($_POST[location])) { $location = $_POST[locations]; } else { $location = $_POST[location]; } if (empty($location)) { makeNotice("You need to specify the location of the Mining Operation!", "notice", "Where again?", "index.php?action=newrun", "[Cancel]"); } // Supervisor if ($MySelf->isOfficial()) { if (empty($_POST[supervisor])) { // Is official, but no one named! makeNotice("You need to name someone as the supervisor for this run!", "warning", "Missing Information", "index.php?action=newrun", "[Cancel]"); } else { // Grab ID of named supervisor. $supervisor = usernameToID(sanitize($_POST[supervisor])); } } else { // Non official, use own ID $supervisor = $MySelf->getID(); } // Corp tax if ($MySelf->isOfficial()) { if ($_POST[corpkeeps] > 100 || $_POST[corpkeeps] < 0 || !numericCheckBool($_POST[corpkeeps])) { makeNotice("The corporation can not keep more than 100% and most certainly wont pay out more than the gross worth (values below 0%). A value of " . $_POST[corpkeeps] . " is really not valid.", "warning", "Out of range", "index.php?action=newrun", "[Cancel]"); } else { $tax = $_POST[corpkeeps]; } } else { $tax = "0"; } /* // Get the current ore-values. $oreValue = $DB->getCol("SELECT max(time) FROM orevalues"); $oreValue = $oreValue[0]; */ //Edit Starts Here $shipValue = $DB->getCol("SELECT max(id) FROM shipvalues"); $shipValue = $shipValue[0]; $optype = $_REQUEST[optype]; //Edit Ends Here $DB->query("insert into runs (location, starttime, supervisor, corpkeeps, isOfficial, oreGlue, shipGlue,optype) " . "values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", array("{$location}", "{$starttime}", "{$supervisor}", $tax, $official, "{$TIMEMARK}", $shipValue, "{$optype}")); // Check for success. if ($DB->affectedRows() != 1) { makeNotice("DB Error: Could not add run to database!", "error", "DB Error"); } // Now update the "required" ore values. foreach ($DBORE as $ORE) { // But the ore needs to be set, valid (numeric) and must be activated. if (isset($_POST[$ORE]) && is_numeric($_POST[$ORE]) && getOreSettings($ORE) == true && $_POST[$ORE] > 0) { $DB->query("UPDATE runs SET " . $ORE . "Wanted='" . $_POST[$ORE] . "' WHERE {$starttime}='{$starttime}'"); } } // And return the user to the run-list overview page. makeNotice("The new Mining Operation has been created in the database.", "notice", "Mining Operation created", "index.php?action=list", "[OK]"); }
function makeCanPage() { // Defining some globals. global $DB; global $TIMEMARK; global $MySelf; global $PREFS; $USERNAME = $MySelf->getUsername(); $USERID = $MySelf->getID(); $TTL = getConfig("canLifeTime") * 60; // is the cargo module active? if (!getConfig("cargocontainer")) { makeNotice("The admin has deactivated the events module.", "warning", "Module not active"); } // Get all current locations. $locations = $DB->getCol("SELECT DISTINCT location FROM runs ORDER BY location"); // Get all current cans. $cans = $DB->getAssoc("SELECT * from cans"); // Get last can-nr. $canNaming = $PREFS->getPref("CanNaming"); // Query the database accordingly. if ($canNaming == 1) { $maxCan = $DB->getCol("SELECT MAX(name) as max FROM cans WHERE pilot = '{$USERID}'"); } else { $maxCan = $DB->getCol("SELECT MAX(name) as max FROM cans"); } // For can-naming: Increment the number. if ($maxCan[0] == "") { // No can jettisoned yet. $canname = "001"; } else { if (is_numeric($maxCan[0])) { // Can ejected, and it is numeric, we can increase that number. $canname = str_pad($maxCan[0] + 1, "3", "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); } else { // User entered some non-numerical stuff, can not increase. unset($canname); } } // Get the system the users mining operation takes place in, if any. $myRun = userInRun($USERNAME); if ($myRun != false) { $myLocation = $DB->getCol("SELECT location FROM runs WHERE id='{$myRun}'"); $myLocation = $myLocation[0]; } // Assemble the locations dropdown menu. if (!empty($locations)) { // Loop through all the locations. foreach ($locations as $location) { // And preselect the location the users miningrun takes place, if any. if ("{$location}" == "{$myLocation}") { $ddm .= "<option selected value=\"{$location}\">{$location}</option>"; } else { $ddm .= "<option value=\"{$location}\">{$location}</option>"; } } } // Select all current cans owned by the pilot. $CansDS = $DB->query("SELECT location, droptime, name, id, isFull, miningrun FROM cans WHERE pilot = '{$USERID}' ORDER BY droptime ASC"); if ($CansDS->numRows() > 0) { // We have at least one can out there, lets do this. $myCans = new table(7, true); $myCans->addHeader(">> My cargo containers in space"); $mode = array("bold" => true); $myCans->addRow("#060622"); $myCans->addCol("Name", $mode); $myCans->addCol("Location", $mode); $myCans->addCol("Self or Run", $mode); $myCans->addCol("Droptime", $mode); $myCans->addCol("est. Poptime", $mode); $myCans->addCol("Time Left", $mode); $myCans->addCol("Can is full", $mode); while ($can = $CansDS->fetchRow()) { $candroptime = $can[droptime]; // Time of can drop. $poptime = $candroptime + $TTL; // Extimated pop time (droptime + 1h) $timeleft = $candroptime + $TTL - $TIMEMARK; // Time left (poptime - current time) $minsleft = str_pad(number_format(($timeleft - 60) / 60, 0), "2", "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $secsleft = str_pad($timeleft % 60, "2", "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); if ($secsleft < 1) { // We want all negative amounts to read "00". $secsleft = "00"; } // Colorize the remaining time if ($minsleft >= 30) { // More or equal 30 mins: Green. We are cool. $color = "#88ff88"; } elseif ($minsleft <= 29 && $minsleft >= 15) { // Less or equal 29 mins: Yellow, keep an eye out. $color = "#FFFF00"; } elseif ($minsleft < 15) { // Less than 15 minutes: Ayee! RED! Refresh!s $color = "#FF0000"; } $myCans->addRow(); $myCans->addCol("<a href=\"index.php?action=popcan&id={$can['id']}\"><b>{$can['name']}</b></a>"); $system = new solarSystem($can[location]); $myCans->addCol($system->makeFancyLink()); // Can for self or mining run? if ($can[miningrun] >= 0) { $myCans->addCol("<a href=\"index.php?action=show&id={$can['miningrun']}\">" . str_pad($can[miningrun], "5", "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . "</a>"); } else { $myCans->addCol("(for self)"); } $myCans->addCol(date("H:i:s", $can[droptime])); $myCans->addCol(date("H:i:s", $poptime)); // Can popped already? if ($minsleft > 0) { $myCans->addCol("<font color=\"{$color}\">" . numberToString($timeleft) . "</font>"); } else { $myCans->addCol("<font color=\"{$color}\">POPPED</font>"); } // Can full? if ($can[isFull]) { $myCans->addCol("<a href=\"index.php?action=togglecan&canid={$can['id']}\"><font color=\"#00ff00\">YES</font></a>"); } else { $myCans->addCol("<a href=\"index.php?action=togglecan&canid={$can['id']}\">No</a>"); } } // The delete all button. $myCans->addHeaderCentered("[<a href=\"index.php?action=popcan&id=all\">pop all cans</a>]"); $MyCansExist = true; } // Select all current cans, belonging to the mining run. $MiningRun = userInRun($MySelf->getUsername()); if ($MiningRun) { $CansDS = $DB->query("SELECT location, droptime, name, pilot, isFull, miningrun FROM cans WHERE miningrun='{$MiningRun}' ORDER BY droptime ASC"); if ($CansDS->numRows() > 0) { // We got one or more can floating around that belong to our mining run. $runCans = new table(7, true); $runCans->addHeader(">> My operations's cargo containers in space"); $runCans->addRow("#060622"); $runCans->addCol("Name", $mode); $runCans->addCol("Owner", $mode); $runCans->addCol("Location", $mode); $runCans->addCol("Droptime", $mode); $runCans->addCol("est. Poptime", $mode); $runCans->addCol("time remaining", $mode); $runCans->addCol("is full", $mode); while ($can = $CansDS->fetchRow()) { // Same as above. $candroptime = $can[droptime]; $timeleft = $candroptime + $TTL - $TIMEMARK; $minsleft = str_pad(number_format(($timeleft - 60) / 60, 0), "2", "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $secsleft = str_pad($timeleft % 60, "2", "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $poptime = $candroptime + $TTL; // No negative minutes.. if ($secsleft < 1) { $secsleft = "00"; } // Colorize.. if ($minsleft >= 30) { $color = "#88ff88"; } elseif ($minsleft < 29 && $minsleft >= 15) { $color = "#FFFF00"; } elseif ($minsleft < 15) { $color = "#FF0000"; } // Build table.. $runCans->addRow(); $runCans->addCol($can[name]); $runCans->addCol(idToUsername($can[pilot])); $system = new solarSystem($can[location]); $runCans->addCol($system->makeFancyLink()); $runCans->addCol(date("H:i:s", $can[droptime])); $runCans->addCol(date("H:i:s", $poptime)); // Can popped already? if ($minsleft > 0) { $runCans->addCol("<font color=\"{$color}\">" . numberToString($timeleft) . "</font>"); } else { $runCans->addCol("<font color=\"{$color}\">POPPED</font>"); } // Can full? if ($can[isFull]) { $runCans->addCol("<font color=\"#00ff00\">YES</font>"); } else { $runCans->addCol("No"); } } $runCansExists = true; } } // Select all current cans, regardless $CansDS = $DB->query("SELECT location, droptime, name, pilot, isFull FROM cans WHERE pilot <> '{$USERID}' ORDER BY droptime ASC"); if ($CansDS->numRows() > 0) { // There is at least.. yeah.. $allCans = new table(7, true); $allCans->addHeader(">> All containers floating in space"); $allCans->addRow("#060622"); $allCans->addCol("Name", $mode); $allCans->addCol("Owner", $mode); $allCans->addCol("Location", $mode); $allCans->addCol("Droptime", $mode); $allCans->addCol("est. Poptime", $mode); $allCans->addCol("time remaining", $mode); $allCans->addCol("is full", $mode); while ($can = $CansDS->fetchRow()) { // Time-stuff, yet again. $candroptime = $can[droptime]; $timeleft = $candroptime + $TTL - $TIMEMARK; $minsleft = str_pad(number_format(($timeleft - 60) / 60, 0), "2", "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $secsleft = str_pad($timeleft % 60, "2", "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $poptime = $candroptime + $TTL; // no neg mins.. if ($secsleft < 1) { $secsleft = "00"; } // color.. if ($minsleft >= 30) { $color = "#88ff88"; } elseif ($minsleft < 29 && $minsleft >= 15) { $color = "#FFFF00"; } elseif ($minsleft < 15) { $color = "#FF0000"; } $allCans->addRow(); $allCans->addCol($can[name]); $allCans->addCol(idToUsername($can[pilot])); $system = new solarSystem($can[location]); $allCans->addCol($system->makeFancyLink()); $allCans->addCol(date("H:i:s", $can[droptime])); $allCans->addCol(date("H:i:s", $poptime)); // Can popped already? if ($minsleft > 0) { $allCans->addCol("<font color=\"{$color}\">" . numberToString($timeleft) . "</font>"); } else { $allCans->addCol("<font color=\"{$color}\">POPPED</font>"); } // Can full? if ($can[isFull]) { $allCans->addCol("<font color=\"#00ff00\">YES</font>"); } else { $CANS_other .= "<td align=\"center\">No</td>"; $allCans->addCol("No"); } } $allCansExists = true; } // Lets get down to html buisiness. // Show only what the man wants. Eh, Tony? global $PREFS; if ($PREFS->getPref("CanAddCans")) { // Create a new add-can table. $addFormTable = new table(2, true); $addFormTable->addHeader(">> Register a new cargo container"); // Row: Name $addFormTable->addRow(); $addFormTable->addCol("Container name:", $mode); $addFormTable->addCol("<input type=\"text\" name=\"cantag\" value=\"" . $canname . "\" maxlength=\"100\" size=\"20\">"); // Row: Naming preferences $addFormTable->addRow(); $addFormTable->addCol("Naming preferences:", $mode); // Pre-select the current preferences. switch ($canNaming) { case "0": $c1 = "selected"; break; case "1": $c2 = "selected"; break; case "2": $c3 = "selected"; break; } $canNamingPDM = "<select name=\"canprefs\">" . "<option " . $c1 . " value=\"0\">Do not suggest names</option>" . "<option " . $c2 . " value=\"1\">Numbers - select your highest can-number</option>" . "<option " . $c3 . " value=\"2\">Numbers - select overall highest can-number</option>" . "</select>"; $addFormTable->addCol($canNamingPDM); // Row: Location $addFormTable->addRow(); $addFormTable->addCol("Location:", $mode); $addFormTable->addCol("<select name=\"location\">" . $ddm . "</select>"); // Row: System $addFormTable->addRow(); $addFormTable->addCol("<b>-or-</b> System name:", $mode); $addFormTable->addCol("<input type=\"text\" name=\"location2\">"); // Row: Time of Launch $addFormTable->addRow(); $addFormTable->addCol("Time of launch:", $mode); // Get a time-array and do the human friendly part. // Funnies: We always want to use "00" as the minute, and always at the start of the // NEXT hour. $times = humanTime("toHuman", $TIMEMARK); $timefield = "<input type=\"text\" name=\"ST_day\" size=\"2\" maxlength=\"4\" value=\"" . $times[day] . "\">." . "<input type=\"text\" name=\"ST_month\" size=\"2\" maxlength=\"4\" value=\"" . $times[month] . "\">." . "<input type=\"text\" name=\"ST_year\" size=\"4\" maxlength=\"6\" value=\"" . $times[year] . "\">" . " " . "<input type=\"text\" name=\"ST_hour\" size=\"2\" maxlength=\"4\" value=\"" . $times[hour] . "\">:" . "<input type=\"text\" name=\"ST_minute\" size=\"2\" maxlength=\"4\" value=\"" . $times[minute] . "\">"; $addFormTable->addCol($timefield . " <i>(d:m:y, h:m)</i>"); // Row: Belongs to run $addFormTable->addRow(); $addFormTable->addCol("For mining op:", $mode); if ($PREFS->getPref("CanForRun")) { $addFormTable->addCol("<input type=\"checkbox\" CHECKED name=\"forRun\" value=\"true\"> Tick this if the can(s) you are dropping are part of your mining run, if any."); } else { $addFormTable->addCol("<input type=\"checkbox\" CHECKED name=\"forRun\" value=\"true\"> Tick this if the can(s) you are dropping are part of your mining run, if any."); } // Row: Submit button. $addFormTable->addHeaderCentered("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"create\" value=\"Register can in Database\">" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"addcan\">" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"check\" value=\"true\">"); } $html = "<h2>Cargo container chronograph</h2>"; if ($PREFS->getPref("CanAddCans")) { $html .= "<form action=\"index.php\" method=\"post\">" . $addFormTable->flush(); } if ($PREFS->getPref("CanMyCans") && $MyCansExist) { $html .= "<br>" . $myCans->flush(); } if ($PREFS->getPref("CanRunCans") && $runCansExists) { $html .= "<br>" . $runCans->flush(); } if ($PREFS->getPref("CanAllCans") && $allCansExists) { $html .= "<br>" . $allCans->flush(); } return $html . "</form>"; }
<?php $pageTitle = "News"; include_once 'includes/header.php'; include_once 'includes/lastRSS.php'; if (true) { include_once 'includes/functions_twitter.php'; $tweetblob = '<span class="follow"><a href="//"><i class="fa-twitter"></i><span id="l" class="follow-label">Follow <b>@SteamLUG</b></span></a></span>' . "\n"; $tweetblob .= '<ol>' . "\n"; foreach (getRecentTweets(3) as $tweet) { $time = humanTime($tweet['created_at']); $user = $tweet['user']; if (array_key_exists('retweeted_status', $tweet)) { $user = $tweet['retweeted_status']['user']; $tweet = $tweet['retweeted_status']; } $msg = populateTweet($tweet); $tweetblob .= "<li\n\tclass=\"tweet\">"; $tweetblob .= "<div\n\t\tclass=\"header\"><a class=\"permalink\" href=\"//{$user['screen_name']}/status/{$tweet['id']}\">{$time}</a><div class=\"h-card p-author\"><a class=\"profile\" href=\"//{$user['screen_name']}\"><img class=\"avatar\" alt=\"\" src=\"{$user['profile_image_url_https']}\"><span class=\"full-name\"><span class=\"p-name\">{$user['name']}</span></span><span class=\"p-nickname\">@<b>{$user['screen_name']}</b></span></a></div></div>"; $tweetblob .= "<div\n\t\tclass=\"content\"><p class=\"e-entry-title\" lang=\"en\">{$msg}</p></div>"; $tweetblob .= "<div\n\t\tclass=\"footer\"><ul class=\"tweets\" role=\"menu\"><li><a href=\"//{$tweet['id']}\" class=\"reply\" title=\"Reply\"><i class=\"fa-reply\"></i><b>Reply</b></a></li><li><a href=\"//{$tweet['id']}\" class=\"retweet\" title=\"Retweet\"><i class=\"fa-retweet\"></i><b>Retweet</b></a></li><li><a href=\"//{$tweet['id']}\" class=\"favourite\" title=\"Favorite\"><i class=\"fa-star\"></i><b>Favorite</b></a></li></ul></div>"; $tweetblob .= "</li>"; } $tweetblob .= '</ol>'; echo <<<TWITTERWIDGET \t\t<h1 class="text-center">News</h1> \t\t<article class="panel panel-default tweets col-md-4 col-md-push-8"> \t\t\t<header class="panel-heading"> \t\t\t\t<h3 class="panel-title">Tweets</h3> \t\t\t</header> \t\t\t<div class="panel-body" id="twitter-here">
function addCanToDatabase() { // We need some more globals. global $DB; global $TIMEMARK; global $MySelf; global $PREFS; // Change of prefs? switch ($_POST[canprefs]) { case "0": $PREFS->setPref("CanNaming", "0"); break; case "1": $PREFS->setPref("CanNaming", "1"); break; case "2": $PREFS->setPref("CanNaming", "2"); break; } if ($_POST[forRun]) { $PREFS->setPref("CanForRun", "1"); } else { $PREFS->setPref("CanForRun", "0"); } // Save the modified Preferences. $PREFS->storePrefs(); // Wash the incoming stuff. $cantag = sanitize("{$_POST['cantag']}"); $location = sanitize("{$_POST['location']}"); $location2 = sanitize("{$_POST['location2']}"); $droptime = date("U", strtotime(sanitize("{$_POST['droptime']}"))); $id = $MySelf->getID(); // If user entered special location, use that. if ($location2 != "") { $location = $location2; } // Startting time goodness. $myTime = array("day" => "{$_POST['ST_day']}", "month" => "{$_POST['ST_month']}", "year" => "{$_POST['ST_year']}", "hour" => "{$_POST['ST_hour']}", "minute" => "{$_POST['ST_minute']}"); $droptime = humanTime("toUnix", $myTime); // is the time valid? if (!$droptime) { makeNotice("Invalid time supplied!", "error", "Invalid Time!"); } // We got a name? if (empty($cantag)) { makeNotice("You need to supply a name for your can!", "error", "Can not added", "index.php?action=cans", "[cancel]"); } // We got a location? if (empty($location)) { makeNotice("You need to supply the location of your can!", "error", "Can not added", "index.php?action=cans", "[cancel]"); } // Can for mining operation? $myRun = userInRun($MySelf->getID()); if ($_POST[forRun] && $myRun) { $forrun = $myRun; } else { $forrun = -1; } // Insert the can into the database. $P = $DB->query("INSERT INTO cans (pilot, location, droptime, name, miningrun) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)", array("{$id}", "{$location}", "{$droptime}", "{$cantag}", $forrun)); // Did we encounter an error? if ($DB->affectedRows() == 1) { $to_old = $TIMEMARK - 7200; $DB->query("DELETE FROM cans WHERE droptime < {$to_old}"); if ($DB->affectedRows() > 0) { makeNotice("Mining can added. I also popped " . $DB->affectedRows() . " Cans, " . "which were older than 2 hours.", "notice", "Old cans popped", "index.php?action=cans", "[ok]"); } header("Location: index.php?action=cans"); } else { makeNotice("Unable to create can in database:<br>" . $P->getMessage(), "error", "Internal error"); } }
function addEventToDB() { global $MySelf; global $DB; // is the events module active? if (!getConfig("events")) { makeNotice("The admin has deactivated the events module.", "warning", "Module not active"); } // Are we allowed to add Events? if (!$MySelf->canEditEvents()) { makeNotice("You are not allowed to add events!", "error", "Forbidden!"); } // Do we have a short description? if (empty($_POST[sdescr])) { makeNotice("You need to supply a short description!", "error", "Important field missing!"); } // Do we have an officer? if (empty($_POST[officer])) { makeNotice("You need to supply who is in command!", "error", "Important field missing!"); } // Choose which supplied officer we use. if (!empty($_POST[officer2])) { sanitize($officer = sanitize($_POST[officer2])); } else { sanitize($officer = sanitize($_POST[officer])); } // Choose which system we use. if (!empty($_POST[system2])) { $system = strtolower($_POST[system2]); } else { $system = strtolower($_POST[system]); } // Check that we still have a valid systemname. if (empty($system)) { makeNotice("No valid Systemname found! Please go back, and try again.", "warning", "No system name", "index.php?action=addevent", "[cancel]"); } // Do we have an ETD? if (empty($_POST[dur])) { makeNotice("You need to tell me the guessed runtime!", "error", "Important field missing!"); } // Collateral? if (!is_numeric($_POST[collateral]) && $_POST[collateral] < 0) { makeNotice("You need to supply a valid collateral!", "error", "Important field missing!"); } // Do we have an ETD? if ($_POST[payment] < 0) { makeNotice("You need to give the folks some money!", "error", "Important field missing!"); } // Startting time goodness. $myTime = array("day" => "{$_POST['ST_day']}", "month" => "{$_POST['ST_month']}", "year" => "{$_POST['ST_year']}", "hour" => "{$_POST['ST_hour']}", "minute" => "{$_POST['ST_minute']}"); $starttime = humanTime("toUnix", $myTime); // is the time valid? if (!$starttime) { makeNotice("Invalid time supplied!", "error", "Invalid Time!"); } // Lets see what ships are required. $SHIPTYPES = array("shuttles", "frigates", "destroyers", "cruisers", "bcruiser", "scruiser", "bship", "dread", "carrier", "titan", "barges", "indies", "freighter", "jfreighter", "exhumer"); foreach ($SHIPTYPES as $ship) { if ($_POST[$ship] == "on") { $wantedships[] = $ship; } } $ships = serialize($wantedships); $p = $DB->query("INSERT INTO events (sdesc, officer, system, security, type, starttime, " . "duration, difficulty, payment, collateral, notes, ships)\r\n\t values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", array(sanitize($_POST[sdescr]), $officer, $system, sanitize($_POST[security]), sanitize($_POST[type]), sanitize($starttime), sanitize($_POST[dur]), sanitize($_POST[difficulty]), sanitize($_POST[payment]), sanitize($_POST[collateral]), sanitize($_POST[notes]), "{$ships}")); if ($DB->affectedRows() == 1) { // Prepare the announcement email. global $SITENAME; global $VERSION; global $URL; // Bloody hack to get latest ID. No one will ever know. ;) $lastID = $DB->getCol("SELECT max(ID) from events;"); $risks = array("No risk involved.", "Only inferior forces suspected.", "Somewhat risky.", "Moderate risk.", "Extreme risks are involved.", "No survivors expected."); $risk_index = $_POST[difficulty]; // Fix the template up. $email = str_replace("{{ID}}", str_pad("{$lastID['0']}", "5", "0", STR_PAD_LEFT), getTemplate("newevent", "email")); $email = str_replace("{{SDESCR}}", $_POST[sdescr], $email); $email = str_replace("{{TYPE}}", $_POST[type], $email); // In case of a numeric value we have to translate that into plain english. if (is_numeric($_POST[officer])) { $officer = idToUsername($_POST[officer]); } else { $officer = sanitze($_POST[officer]); } $email = str_replace("{{FLAGOFFICER}}", ucfirst($officer), $email); $email = str_replace("{{SYSTEM}}", $_POST[system], $email); $email = str_replace("{{SECURITY}}", $_POST[security], $email); $email = str_replace("{{STARTTIME}}", date("d.m.y H:i:s", $starttime), $email); $email = str_replace("{{DURATION}}", $_POST[dur], $email); $email = str_replace("{{RISK}}", $risks[$risk_index], $email); $email = str_replace("{{PAYMENT}}", $_POST[payment], $email); $email = str_replace("{{COLLATERAL}}", number_format($_POST[collateral], 2), $email); $email = str_replace("{{NOTES}}", $_POST[notes], $email); $email = str_replace("{{SITENAME}}", $SITENAME, $email); $email = str_replace("{{URL}}", $URL, $email); $email = str_replace("{{VERSION}}", $VERSION, $email); // mail the user. mailUser($email, "New event added!"); // Tell the admin what we did. makeNotice("Event added to the database and users who are opt-in got an email.", "notice", "New Event added.", "index.php?action=showevents", "[OK]"); } else { makeNotice("Something went horribly wrong! AIEE!!", "error", "Mummy!"); } }
if ($t < 3600) { return sprintf("%d мин. %d сек.", $t / 60, $t % 60); } else { return sprintf("%d час. %d мин.", $t / 3660, $t / 60 % 60); } } $ini = Yii::app()->user->ini; if (count($hot) == 0) { echo "<p class='alert alert-box alert-warning'>В данный момент никто ничего не переводит "; echo Yii::app()->langs->from_to($ini["hot.s_lang"], $ini["hot.t_lang"]); echo ". Хотите посмотреть, что переводят <a href='#' data-toggle='modal' data-target='#f-hot-ini'>на других языках</a>?</p>"; } else { echo "<ul" . ($ini["hot.img"] ? " class='imged'" : "") . ">"; foreach ($hot as $book) { echo "<li>"; $t = humanTime(time() - strtotime($book->last_tr)); if ($ini["hot.img"]) { echo "<div class='bimg'"; if ($book->img->exists) { echo " style=\"background-image:url('" . $book->img->getUrl("5050") . "')\""; } echo "></div>"; echo "<p class='title'>"; echo "<a href='{$book->url}' title='{$t}'>{$book->fullTitle}</a>"; echo "</p><p class='info'>"; echo Yii::app()->params["book_types"][$book->typ] . " "; echo Yii::app()->langs->from_to($book->s_lang, $book->t_lang) . " "; echo "<span class='r'>{$book->ready}</span>"; echo "</p>"; } else { echo Yii::app()->langs->from_to($book->s_lang, $book->t_lang, Langs::FORMAT_ABBR) . " ";