$small_image = new GrlxImage; $small_image-> src = $val['small_image_url']; // The “source” attribute. $small_image-> alt = 'image '.$val['small_image_url']; // The “alternate text” attribute. $medium_image = new GrlxImage; $medium_image-> src = $val['medium_image_url']; // The “source” attribute. $medium_image-> alt = 'image '.$val['medium_image_url']; // The “alternate text” attribute. */ $large_image = new GrlxImage(); $large_image->src = $val['large_image_url']; // The “source” attribute. $large_image->alt = 'image ' . $val['large_image_url']; // The “alternate text” attribute. $delete_link->query('delete_ad_id=' . $key); $edit_link->query('ad_id=' . $key); $promo_content[] = array($large_image->paint(), $url, ' ', $delete_link->icon_link() . "\n" . $edit_link->icon_link()); } } } if ($promo_content) { $list->content($promo_content); $ad_list_output = '<form accept-charset="UTF-8" action="ad.list.php" method="get">' . "\n"; $ad_list_output .= $list->format_headings(); $ad_list_output .= $list->format_content(); $ad_list_output .= '</form>' . "\n"; } else { $link->url('ad.promo-create.php'); $link->tap('Create one now'); $ad_list_output = $message->info_dialog('Huh. Looks like you haven’t uploaded any ads. ' . $link->paint() . '.'); } $link->url('ad.promo-create.php');
} // Got an image for this ad? Then get its size. We’ll use this // to override anything the database claims the image is. /* if ( $check_these ) { foreach ( $check_these as $key => $val ) { if ( $promo_info[$key.'_image_url'] && is_file('..'.$promo_info[$key.'_image_url'])) { $real_size[$key] = getimagesize('..'.$promo_info[$key.'_image_url']); } } } */ if ($promo_info) { $image_obj->src = $promo_info['small_image_url']; $image_obj->alt = $promo_info['small_image_url']; $small_img = $image_obj->paint(); $image_obj->src = $promo_info['medium_image_url']; $image_obj->alt = $promo_info['medium_image_url']; $medium_img = $image_obj->paint(); $image_obj->src = $promo_info['large_image_url']; $image_obj->alt = $promo_info['large_image_url']; $large_img = $image_obj->paint(); } $alert_output .= $fileops->check_or_make_dir('..' . $image_path); /* $mobile_content = <<<EOL $small_img <label for="small_image_url">Replace image</label> <input type="file" id="small_image_url" name="small_image_url" value=""/> EOL;
$image->style = 'max-height:100px;max-width:468px'; foreach ($possible_ad_list as $key => $val) { if ($match_list[$key]) { $action = '<input type="checkbox" id="change_to[' . $key . ']" name="change_to[' . $key . ']" checked="checked" value="on"/> <label for="change_to[' . $key . ']">on</label>' . "\n"; $action .= '<input type="hidden" name="change_from[' . $key . ']" value="on"/>' . "\n"; } else { $action = '<input type="checkbox" id="change_to[' . $key . ']" name="change_to[' . $key . ']" value="on"/> <label for="change_to[' . $key . ']">off</label>' . "\n"; $action .= '<input type="hidden" name="change_from[' . $key . ']" value="off"/>' . "\n"; } $title = $val['title']; $title ? $title : ($title = 'Untitled'); if ($val['large_image_url']) { $image->src = $val['large_image_url']; $image->alt = $val['large_image_url']; $link->url('ad.promo-edit.php?ad_id=' . $key); $link->tap = $image->paint(); $view_me = $link->paint(); } elseif ($val['source_id'] == 3) { $view_me = '<a href="ad.adsense-edit.php?ad_id=' . $key . '">(AdSense code)</a>'; } elseif ($val['code'] !== null) { $view_me = '(PW code)'; } else { $view_me = '-'; } $ad_list[] = array($title, $view_me, $action); } } $number_o_ads = qty('ad', count($possible_ad_list)); if ($ad_list) { $heading_list = array('Ad', 'Action'); $list->headings($heading_list);