<?php /***** * Setup */ require_once 'panl.init.php'; $fileops = new GrlxFileOps(); $link = new GrlxLinkStyle(); $view = new GrlxView(); $message = new GrlxAlert(); $list = new GrlxList(); $list->draggable(false); $image_obj = new GrlxImage(); // Default value $page_title = 'Ad editor'; $var_list = array('title', 'ad_id', 'tap_url', 'small_image_url', 'medium_image_url', 'large_image_url', 'msg'); if ($var_list) { foreach ($var_list as $key => $val) { ${$val} = register_variable($val); } } $code = $_POST['code']; // No ad selected? Send ’em back to the list. if (!$ad_id || !is_numeric($ad_id)) { header('location:ad.list.php'); } // Folder in which we keep ad images. $image_path = $milieu_list['directory']['value'] . '/assets/images/ads'; // List of status levels. /* $priority_list = array(
<?php /* Artists use this script to configure a theme tone. */ /***** * Setup */ require_once 'panl.init.php'; $view = new GrlxView(); $modal = new GrlxForm_Modal(); $link = new GrlxLinkStyle(); $message = new GrlxAlert(); $form = new GrlxForm(); $theme = new GrlxXML_Theme(); $img = new GrlxImage(); $img->db_new = $db; $theme_id = numfunc_register_var('theme_id'); $tone_id = numfunc_register_var('tone_id'); $theme->set_theme_id($theme_id); $theme->set_tone_id($tone_id); /***** * Updates */ // Delete a tone if (is_numeric($_GET['delete_id'])) { $delete_id = $_GET['delete_id']; $result = $db->where('id', $delete_id)->delete('theme_tone'); if ($result) { $match_list = $db->where('tone_id', $delete_id)->delete('image_tone_match'); } else { $alert_output .= $message->alert_dialog('Unable to delete tone from database.');
$url = '-'; } $size_key = $val['small_width'] . ',' . $val['small_height']; $size = $size_list[$size_key]; $size ? $size : ($size = 'Custom'); // Pretty much what it looks like. /* $small_image = new GrlxImage; $small_image-> src = $val['small_image_url']; // The “source” attribute. $small_image-> alt = 'image '.$val['small_image_url']; // The “alternate text” attribute. $medium_image = new GrlxImage; $medium_image-> src = $val['medium_image_url']; // The “source” attribute. $medium_image-> alt = 'image '.$val['medium_image_url']; // The “alternate text” attribute. */ $large_image = new GrlxImage(); $large_image->src = $val['large_image_url']; // The “source” attribute. $large_image->alt = 'image ' . $val['large_image_url']; // The “alternate text” attribute. $delete_link->query('delete_ad_id=' . $key); $edit_link->query('ad_id=' . $key); $promo_content[] = array($large_image->paint(), $url, ' ', $delete_link->icon_link() . "\n" . $edit_link->icon_link()); } } } if ($promo_content) { $list->content($promo_content); $ad_list_output = '<form accept-charset="UTF-8" action="ad.list.php" method="get">' . "\n"; $ad_list_output .= $list->format_headings(); $ad_list_output .= $list->format_content();
// Get basic information about this slot. $slot_info = get_slot_info($slot_id, $db); // What ads are in this slot? $match_list = get_ad_slot_matches($slot_id, null, $db); } // What ads might fit into this slot? if ($slot_info) { // $possible_ad_list = $db->where('large_width', $slot_info['max_width'],'<=') // ->where('large_height', $slot_info['max_height'],'<=') $possible_ad_list = $db->get('ad_reference', null, 'id,title,source_id,source_rel_id,large_width,large_height,large_image_url,code'); if ($possible_ad_list) { $possible_ad_list = rekey_array($possible_ad_list, 'id'); } } if ($possible_ad_list) { $image = new GrlxImage(); $image->style = 'max-height:100px;max-width:468px'; foreach ($possible_ad_list as $key => $val) { if ($match_list[$key]) { $action = '<input type="checkbox" id="change_to[' . $key . ']" name="change_to[' . $key . ']" checked="checked" value="on"/> <label for="change_to[' . $key . ']">on</label>' . "\n"; $action .= '<input type="hidden" name="change_from[' . $key . ']" value="on"/>' . "\n"; } else { $action = '<input type="checkbox" id="change_to[' . $key . ']" name="change_to[' . $key . ']" value="on"/> <label for="change_to[' . $key . ']">off</label>' . "\n"; $action .= '<input type="hidden" name="change_from[' . $key . ']" value="off"/>' . "\n"; } $title = $val['title']; $title ? $title : ($title = 'Untitled'); if ($val['large_image_url']) { $image->src = $val['large_image_url']; $image->alt = $val['large_image_url']; $link->url('ad.promo-edit.php?ad_id=' . $key);