Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: Web.php Projeto: philip/phd
     * Add the header to this file.
     * @param string $id The id of this chunk
     * @return string
    public function header($id)
        $ext = $this->ext;
        $parent = Format::getParent($id);
        //we link toc feeds if there are children
        if (count($this->getChildren($id)) > 0) {
            $extraHeader = <<<XML
 <link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="Live Bookmarks" href="feeds/{$id}.atom" />

        } else {
            $extraHeader = '';
        if (!$parent || $parent == 'ROOT') {
            return '<?php
  "home" => array("index.php", "' . addslashes($this->title) . '"),
  "prev" => array("#", ""),
  "next" => array("#", ""),
  "up"   => array("#", ""),
  "toc"  => array(
    array("#", ""))));
manualHeader("index.php"' . ', ' . var_export($this->title, true) . ', ' . var_export($extraHeader, true) . ');
        $toc = array();
        $siblingIDs = Format::getChildren($parent);
        foreach ($siblingIDs as $sid) {
            $sdesc = Format::getShortDescription($sid);
            $ldesc = Format::getLongDescription($sid);
            $toc[] = array($sid . $ext, empty($sdesc) ? $ldesc : $sdesc);
        $prev = $next = array(null, null);
        if ($prevID = Format::getPrevious($id)) {
            $prev = array(Format::getFilename($prevID) . $ext, Format::getLongDescription($prevID));
        if ($nextID = Format::getNext($id)) {
            $next = array(Format::getFilename($nextID) . $ext, Format::getLongDescription($nextID));
        // Build the PEAR navigation table
        $nav = array('home' => array('index' . $ext, $this->title), 'prev' => $prev, 'next' => $next, 'up' => array($this->getFilename($parent) . $ext, Format::getLongDescription($parent)), 'toc' => $toc);
        return "<?php \n" . "sendManualHeaders(\"UTF-8\", \"{$this->lang}\");\n" . "setupNavigation(" . var_export($nav, true) . ");\n" . 'manualHeader("' . $this->getFilename($id) . $ext . '"' . ', ' . var_export(Format::getLongDescription($id), true) . ', ' . var_export($extraHeader, true) . ');' . "\n" . "?>\n";
Exemplo n.º 2
    public function header($id)
        $title = Format::getShortDescription($id);
        $parent = Format::getParent($id);
        $next = $prev = $up = array(null, null);
        if ($parent && $parent != "ROOT") {
            $siblings = Format::getChildren($parent);
            if ($nextId = Format::getNext($id)) {
                $next = array(Format::getFilename($nextId) . $this->getExt(), Format::getShortDescription($nextId));
            if ($prevId = Format::getPrevious($id)) {
                $prev = array(Format::getFilename($prevId) . $this->getExt(), Format::getShortDescription($prevId));
            $up = array($parent . $this->getExt(), Format::getShortDescription($parent));
        $this->nav = <<<NAV
<div style="text-align: center;">
 <div class="prev" style="text-align: left; float: left;"><a href="{$prev[0]}">{$prev[1]}</a></div>
 <div class="next" style="text-align: right; float: right;"><a href="{$next[0]}">{$next[1]}</a></div>
 <div class="up"><a href="{$up[0]}">{$up[1]}</a></div>
        return "<?php include_once '../include/init.inc.php'; echo site_header('{$title}');?>\n" . $this->nav . "<hr />\n";
Exemplo n.º 3
    public function header($id)
        static $written_toc = array();
        $ext = $this->getExt();
        $parent = Format::getParent($id);
        $filename = "toc" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $parent . ".inc";
        $up = array(0 => null, 1 => null);
        $incl = '';
        $next = $prev = array(null, null);
        if ($parent && $parent != "ROOT") {
            $siblings = Format::getChildren($parent);
            if (!isset($written_toc[$filename])) {
                $written_toc[$filename] = true;
                $toc = $toc_deprecated = array();
                foreach ($siblings as $sid) {
                    $sibling_short_desc = Format::getShortDescription($sid);
                    $entry = array(Format::getFilename($sid) . $ext, $sibling_short_desc);
                    if (isset($this->deprecated[$sibling_short_desc])) {
                        $toc_deprecated[] = $entry;
                    } else {
                        $toc[] = $entry;
                $parents = array();
                $p = $parent;
                while (($p = Format::getParent($p)) && $p != "ROOT") {
                    $parents[] = array(Format::getFilename($p) . $ext, Format::getShortDescription($p));
                $content = '<?php
$TOC = ' . var_export($toc, true) . ';
$TOC_DEPRECATED = ' . var_export($toc_deprecated, true) . ';
$PARENTS = ' . var_export($parents, true) . ';';
                file_put_contents($this->getOutputDir() . $filename, $content);
                v("Wrote TOC (%s)", $this->getOutputDir() . $filename, VERBOSE_TOC_WRITING);
            $incl = 'include_once dirname(__FILE__) ."/toc/' . $parent . '.inc";';
            $up = array(Format::getFilename($parent) . $ext, Format::getShortDescription($parent));
            if ($prevId = Format::getPrevious($id)) {
                $prev = array(Format::getFilename($prevId) . $ext, Format::getShortDescription($prevId));
            if ($nextId = Format::getNext($id)) {
                $next = array(Format::getFilename($nextId) . $ext, Format::getShortDescription($nextId));
        $setup = array("home" => array('index' . $ext, $this->getTitle()), "head" => array("UTF-8", $this->lang), "this" => array($id . $ext, Format::getShortDescription($id)), "up" => $up, "prev" => $prev, "next" => $next, "alternatives" => $this->cchunk["alternatives"]);
        if ($this->getChildren($id)) {
            $lang = Config::language();
            $setup["extra_header_links"] = array("rel" => "alternate", "href" => "/manual/{$lang}/feeds/{$id}.atom", "type" => "application/atom+xml");
        $var = var_export($setup, true);
        return '<?php
include_once $_SERVER[\'DOCUMENT_ROOT\'] . \'/include/shared-manual.inc\';
$TOC = array();
$TOC_DEPRECATED = array();
$PARENTS = array();
' . $incl . '
$setup = ' . $var . ';
$setup["toc"] = $TOC;
$setup["toc_deprecated"] = $TOC_DEPRECATED;
$setup["parents"] = $PARENTS;

Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: CHM.php Projeto: philip/phd
 private function collectContent($attrs)
     if (isset($attrs[Reader::XMLNS_XML]["id"]) && $this->isChunkID($attrs[Reader::XMLNS_XML]["id"])) {
         $id = $attrs[Reader::XMLNS_XML]["id"];
         $this->lastContent = array("name" => Format::getShortDescription($id), "reference" => "res\\" . (Format::getFilename($id) ? Format::getFilename($id) : $id) . $this->ext, "hasChild" => count(Format::getChildren($id)) > 0);
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function format_tocsect2($open, $name, $attrs)
     if (!isset($attrs[Reader::XMLNS_XML]["id"])) {
         return "";
     $id = $attrs[Reader::XMLNS_XML]["id"];
     $hasChild = count(Format::getChildren($id)) > 0;
     if ($open) {
         $name = htmlspecialchars(Format::getShortDescription($id), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
         $url = (Format::getFilename($id) ? Format::getFilename($id) : $id) . $this->getExt();
         fwrite($this->getFileStream(), "    <tocsect2 name=\"{$name}\" url=\"{$url}\"/>\n");
     return "";
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function format_root_chunk($open, $name, $attrs)
     $this->CURRENT_CHUNK = $this->CURRENT_ID = $id = $attrs[Reader::XMLNS_XML]["id"];
     if ($open) {
         $this->notify(Render::CHUNK, Render::OPEN);
         return '<div id="' . $id . '" class="' . $name . '">';
     $this->notify(Render::CHUNK, Render::CLOSE);
     $chunks = Format::getChildren($id);
     $content = '<ul class="chunklist chunklist_' . $name . '">';
     foreach ($chunks as $chunkid) {
         $href = $this->chunked ? $chunkid . $this->ext : "#{$chunkid}";
         $long = Format::getLongDescription($chunkid);
         $short = Format::getShortDescription($chunkid);
         if ($long && $short && $long != $short) {
             $content .= '<li><a href="' . $href . '">' . $short . '</a> — ' . $long;
         } else {
             $content .= '<li><a href="' . $href . '">' . ($long ? $long : $short) . '</a>';
         $children = Format::getChildren($chunkid);
         if (count($children)) {
             $content .= '<ul class="chunklist chunklist_' . $name . ' chunklist_children">';
             foreach (Format::getChildren($chunkid) as $childid) {
                 $href = $this->chunked ? $childid . $this->ext : "#{$childid}";
                 $long = Format::getLongDescription($childid);
                 $short = Format::getShortDescription($childid);
                 if ($long && $short && $long != $short) {
                     $content .= '<li><a href="' . $href . '">' . $short . '</a> — ' . $long . '</li>';
                 } else {
                     $content .= '<li><a href="' . $href . '">' . ($long ? $long : $short) . '</a></li>';
             $content .= "</ul>";
         $content .= "</li>";
     $content .= "</ul></div>";
     return $content;