Exemplo n.º 1
  * Builds an array containing the filters value and condition
  * @param   string  $value      Initial value
  * @param   string  $condition  Initial condition e.g. LIKE, =
  * @param   string  $eval       How the value should be handled
  * @return  array	(value condition)
 public function getFilterValue($value, $condition, $eval)
     $condition = JString::strtolower($condition);
     $this->escapeQueryValue($condition, $value);
     $db = FabrikWorker::getDbo();
     if (is_array($value)) {
         // Ranged search
         list($value, $condition) = $this->getRangedFilterValue($value, $condition);
     } else {
         switch ($condition) {
             case 'notequals':
             case '<>':
                 $condition = "<>";
                 // 2 = sub-query so don't quote
                 $value = $eval == FABRIKFILTER_QUERY ? '(' . $value . ')' : $db->q($value);
             case 'equals':
             case '=':
                 $condition = "=";
                 $value = $eval == FABRIKFILTER_QUERY ? '(' . $value . ')' : $db->q($value);
             case 'begins':
             case 'begins with':
                 $condition = "LIKE";
                 $value = $eval == FABRIKFILTER_QUERY ? '(' . $value . ')' : $db->q($value . '%');
             case 'ends':
             case 'ends with':
                 // @TODO test this with subquery
                 $condition = "LIKE";
                 $value = $eval == FABRIKFILTER_QUERY ? '(' . $value . ')' : $db->q('%' . $value);
             case 'contains':
             case 'like':
                 // @TODO test this with subquery
                 $condition = "LIKE";
                 $value = $eval == FABRIKFILTER_QUERY ? '(' . $value . ')' : $db->q('%' . $value . '%');
             case '>':
             case '&gt;':
             case 'greaterthan':
                 $condition = '>';
             case '<':
             case '&lt;':
             case 'lessthan':
                 $condition = '<';
             case '>=':
             case '&gt;=':
             case 'greaterthanequals':
                 $condition = '>=';
             case '<=':
             case '&lt;=':
             case 'lessthanequals':
                 $condition = '<=';
             case 'in':
                 $condition = 'IN';
                 $value = FabrikString::safeQuote($value, true);
                 $value = $eval == FABRIKFILTER_QUERY ? '(' . $value . ')' : '(' . $value . ')';
             case 'not_in':
                 $condition = 'NOT IN';
                 $value = FabrikString::safeQuote($value, true);
                 $value = $eval == FABRIKFILTER_QUERY ? '(' . $value . ')' : '(' . $value . ')';
         switch ($condition) {
             case '>':
             case '<':
             case '>=':
             case '<=':
                 if ($eval == FABRIKFILTER_QUERY) {
                     $value = '(' . $value . ')';
                 } else {
                     if (!is_numeric($value)) {
                         $value = $db->q($value);
         // $$$ hugh - if 'noquotes' (3) selected, strip off the quotes again!
         if ($eval == FABRKFILTER_NOQUOTES) {
             // $$$ hugh - darn, this is stripping the ' of the end of things like "select & from foo where bar = '123'"
             $value = JString::ltrim($value, "'");
             $value = JString::rtrim($value, "'");
         if ($condition == '=' && $value == "'_null_'") {
             $condition = " IS NULL ";
             $value = '';
     return array($value, $condition);
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Create the sql query used to get the possible selectable value/labels used to create
  * the drop-down/checkboxes
  * @param   array  $data      data
  * @param   bool   $incWhere  include where
  * @param   array  $opts      query options
  * @return  mixed	JDatabaseQuery or false if query can't be built
 protected function buildQuery($data = array(), $incWhere = true, $opts = array())
     $input = $this->app->input;
     $sig = isset($this->autocomplete_where) ? $this->autocomplete_where . '.' . $incWhere : $incWhere;
     $sig .= '.' . serialize($opts);
     $repeatCounter = FArrayHelper::getValue($opts, 'repeatCounter', 0);
     $db = FabrikWorker::getDbo();
     if (isset($this->sql[$sig])) {
         return $this->sql[$sig];
     $params = $this->getParams();
     $watch = $this->getWatchFullName();
     $whereVal = null;
     $groups = $this->getFormModel()->getGroupsHiarachy();
     $formModel = $this->getFormModel();
     $watchElement = $this->getWatchElement();
     // Test for ajax update
     if ($input->get('fabrik_cascade_ajax_update') == 1) {
         // Allow for multiple values - e.g. when observing a db join rendered as a checkbox
         $whereVal = $input->get('v', array(), 'array');
     } else {
         if (isset($formModel->data) || isset($formModel->formData)) {
             $watchOpts = array('raw' => 1);
             if (isset($formModel->data)) {
                 if ($watchElement->isJoin()) {
                     $id = $watchElement->getFullName(true, false) . '_id';
                     $whereVal = FArrayHelper::getValue($formModel->data, $id);
                 } else {
                     $whereVal = $watchElement->getValue($formModel->data, $repeatCounter, $watchOpts);
             } else {
                  * If we're running onAfterProcess, formData will have short names in it, which means getValue()
                  * won't find the watch element, as it's looking for full names.  So if it exists, use formDataWithTableName.
                 if (is_array($formModel->formDataWithTableName) && array_key_exists($watch, $formModel->formDataWithTableName)) {
                     $whereVal = $watchElement->getValue($formModel->formDataWithTableName, $repeatCounter, $watchOpts);
                 } else {
                     $whereVal = $watchElement->getValue($formModel->formData, $repeatCounter, $watchOpts);
             // $$$ hugh - if not set, set to '' to avoid selecting entire table
             if (!isset($whereVal)) {
                 $whereVal = '';
         } else {
             // $$$ hugh - probably rendering table view ...
             $watchRaw = $watch . '_raw';
             if (isset($data[$watchRaw])) {
                 $whereVal = $data[$watchRaw];
             } else {
                 // $$$ hugh ::sigh:: might be coming in via swapLabelsForvalues in pre_process phase
                 // and join array in data will have been flattened.  So try regular element name for watch.
                 $noJoinWatchRaw = $watchElement->getFullName(true, false) . '_raw';
                 if (isset($data[$noJoinWatchRaw])) {
                     $whereVal = $data[$noJoinWatchRaw];
                 } else {
                     // $$$ hugh - if watched element has no value, we have been selecting all rows from CDD table
                     // but should probably select none.
                     // Unless its a cdd autocomplete list filter - seems sensible to populate that with the values matching the search term
                     if ($this->app->input->get('method') !== 'autocomplete_options') {
                         $whereVal = '';
     $where = '';
     $whereKey = $params->get('cascadingdropdown_key');
     if (!is_null($whereVal) && $whereKey != '') {
         $whereBits = strstr($whereKey, '___') ? explode('___', $whereKey) : explode('.', $whereKey);
         $whereKey = array_pop($whereBits);
         if (is_array($whereVal)) {
             foreach ($whereVal as &$v) {
                 // Jaanus: Solving bug: imploded arrays when chbx in repeated group
                 if (is_array($v)) {
                     foreach ($v as &$vchild) {
                         $vchild = FabrikString::safeQuote($vchild);
                     $v = implode(',', $v);
                 } else {
                     $v = FabrikString::safeQuote($v);
             // Jaanus: if count of where values is 0 or if there are no letters or numbers, only commas in imploded array
             $where .= count($whereVal) == 0 || !preg_match('/\\w/', implode(',', $whereVal)) ? '4 = -4' : $whereKey . ' IN ' . '(' . str_replace(',,', ',\'\',', implode(',', $whereVal)) . ')';
         } else {
             $where .= $whereKey . ' = ' . $db->quote($whereVal);
     $filter = $params->get('cascadingdropdown_filter');
     if (!empty($this->autocomplete_where)) {
         $where .= $where !== '' ? ' AND ' . $this->autocomplete_where : $this->autocomplete_where;
     /* $$$ hugh - temporary hack to work around this issue:
      * http://fabrikar.com/forums/showthread.php?p=71288#post71288
      * ... which is basically that if they are using {placeholders} in their
      * filter query, there's no point trying to apply that filter if we
      * aren't in form view, for instance when building a search filter
      * or in table view when the cdd is in a repeat group, 'cos there won't
      * be any {placeholder} data to use.
      * So ... for now, if the filter contains {...}, and view!=form ... skip it
      * $$$ testing fix for the bandaid, ccd JS should not be submitting data from form
     if (trim($filter) != '') {
         $where .= $where == '' ? ' ' : ' AND ';
         $where .= $filter;
     $w = new FabrikWorker();
     // $$$ hugh - add some useful stuff to search data
     $placeholders = is_null($whereVal) ? array() : array('whereval' => $whereVal, 'wherekey' => $whereKey);
     $join = $this->getJoin();
     $where = $this->parseThisTable($where, $join);
     $data = array_merge($data, $placeholders);
     $where = $w->parseMessageForRepeats($where, $data, $this, $repeatCounter);
     $where = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($where, $data);
     $table = $this->getDbName();
     $key = $this->queryKey();
     $orderBy = 'text';
     $tables = $this->getFormModel()->getLinkedFabrikLists($params->get('join_db_name'));
     $listModel = JModelLegacy::getInstance('List', 'FabrikFEModel');
     $val = $params->get('cascadingdropdown_label_concat');
     if (!empty($val)) {
         $val = $this->parseThisTable($val, $join);
         $val = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($val, $data);
         $val = 'CONCAT_WS(\'\', ' . $val . ')';
         $orderBy = $val;
     } else {
         $val = FabrikString::safeColName($params->get($this->labelParam));
         $val = preg_replace("#^`({$table})`\\.#", $db->qn($join->table_join_alias) . '.', $val);
         foreach ($tables as $tid) {
             $formModel = $this->getFormModel();
             $orderBy = $val;
             // See if any of the tables elements match the db joins val/text
             foreach ($groups as $groupModel) {
                 $elementModels = $groupModel->getPublishedElements();
                 foreach ($elementModels as $elementModel) {
                     $element = $elementModel->element;
                     if ($element->name == $val) {
                         $val = $elementModel->modifyJoinQuery($val);
     $val = str_replace($db->qn($table), $db->qn($join->table_join_alias), $val);
     $query = $db->getQuery(true);
     $query->select('DISTINCT(' . $key . ') AS value, ' . $val . 'AS text');
     $desc = $params->get('cdd_desc_column', '');
     if ($desc !== '') {
         $query->select(FabrikString::safeColName($desc) . ' AS description');
     $query->from($db->qn($table) . ' AS ' . $db->qn($join->table_join_alias));
     $query = $this->buildQueryJoin($query);
     $where = FabrikString::rtrimword($where);
     if ($where !== '') {
     if (!JString::stristr($where, 'order by')) {
         $query->order($orderBy . ' ASC');
     $this->sql[$sig] = $query;
     FabrikHelperHTML::debug((string) $this->sql[$sig]);
     return $this->sql[$sig];