Exemplo n.º 1
  * Get the max row id - used when requesting rowid=-2 to return the last recorded detailed view
  * @return  int  max row id
 protected function getMaxRowId()
     if (!$this->getForm()->record_in_database) {
         return $this->rowId;
     $listModel = $this->getListModel();
     $fabrikDb = $listModel->getDb();
     $item = $listModel->getTable();
     $k = FabrikString::safeNameQuote($item->db_primary_key);
     // @TODO JQuery this
     $fabrikDb->setQuery("SELECT MAX({$k}) FROM " . FabrikString::safeColName($item->db_table_name) . $listModel->buildQueryWhere());
     return $fabrikDb->loadResult();
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Get the part of the sql statement that orders the table data
  * Since 3.0.7 caches the results as calling orderBy twice when using single ordering in admin module anules the user selected order by
  * @param   mixed  $query  False or a query object
  * @throws ErrorException
  * @return  mixed  string or query object - Ordering part of sql statement
 public function buildQueryOrder($query = false)
     $sig = $query ? 1 : 0;
     if (!isset($this->orderBy)) {
         $this->orderBy = array();
     if (array_key_exists($sig, $this->orderBy)) {
         return $this->orderBy[$sig];
     $package = $this->app->getUserState('com_fabrik.package', 'fabrik');
     $params = $this->getParams();
     $input = $this->app->input;
     $formModel = $this->getFormModel();
     $table = $this->getTable();
     $db = $this->getDb();
     $this->selectedOrderFields = array();
     if ($this->outputFormat == 'fabrikfeed' || $this->outputFormat == 'feed') {
         $dateColId = (int) $params->get('feed_date', 0);
         $dateColElement = $formModel->getElement($dateColId, true);
         $dateCol = $db->qn($dateColElement->getFullName(false, false, false));
         if ($dateColId !== 0) {
             $this->order_dir = 'DESC';
             $this->order_by = $dateCol;
             if (!$query) {
                 return "\n" . ' ORDER BY ' . $dateCol . ' DESC';
             } else {
                 $query->order($dateCol . ' DESC');
                 return $query;
     $strOrder = '';
      * When list reordered the controller runs order() and
      * stores the order settings in the session by calling setOrderByAndDir()
      * it then redirects to the list view and here all we need to do it get
      * those order settings from the session
     $elements = $this->getElements();
     // Build the order by statement from the session
     $clearOrdering = (bool) $input->getInt('clearordering', false) && $input->get('task') !== 'order';
     $singleOrdering = $this->singleOrdering();
     foreach ($elements as $element) {
         $context = 'com_' . $package . '.list' . $this->getRenderContext() . '.order.' . $element->getElement()->id;
         if ($clearOrdering) {
             $this->session->set($context, null);
         } else {
             // $$$tom Added single-ordering option
             if (!$singleOrdering || $singleOrdering && $element->getElement()->id == $input->getInt('orderby')) {
                 $dir = $this->session->get($context);
                 if ($dir != '' && $dir != '-' && trim($dir) != 'Array') {
                     $strOrder == '' ? $strOrder = "\n ORDER BY " : ($strOrder .= ',');
                     $strOrder .= FabrikString::safeNameQuote($element->getOrderByName(), false) . ' ' . $dir;
                     $orderByName = FabrikString::safeNameQuote($element->getOrderByName(), false);
                     $this->orderEls[] = $orderByName;
                     $this->orderDirs[] = $dir;
                     $element->getAsField_html($this->selectedOrderFields, $aAsFields);
                     if ($query !== false && is_object($query)) {
                         $query->order($orderByName . ' ' . $dir);
             } else {
                 $this->session->set($context, null);
     $userHasOrdered = $strOrder == '' ? false : true;
     // If nothing found in session use default ordering (or that set by querystring)
     if (!$userHasOrdered) {
         $orderBys = explode(',', $input->getString('order_by', $input->getString('orderby', '')));
         if ($orderBys[0] == '') {
             $orderBys = json_decode($table->order_by, true);
         // $$$ not sure why, but sometimes $orderBys is NULL at this point.
         if (!isset($orderBys)) {
             $orderBys = array();
         // Covert ids to names (were stored as names but then stored as ids)
         foreach ($orderBys as &$orderBy) {
             if (is_numeric($orderBy)) {
                 $elementModel = $formModel->getElement($orderBy, true);
                 $orderBy = $elementModel ? $elementModel->getOrderByName() : $orderBy;
         $orderDirs = explode(',', $input->getString('order_dir', $input->getString('orderdir', '')));
         if ($orderDirs[0] == '') {
             $orderDirs = json_decode($table->order_dir, true);
         $els = $this->getElements('filtername');
         if (!empty($orderBys)) {
             $bits = array();
             $o = 0;
             foreach ($orderBys as $orderByRaw) {
                 $dir = FArrayHelper::getValue($orderDirs, $o, 'desc');
                 // As we use getString() for query string, need to sanitize
                 if (!in_array(strtolower($dir), array('asc', 'desc', '-'))) {
                     throw new ErrorException('invalid order direction: ' . $dir, 500);
                 if ($orderByRaw !== '' && $dir != '-') {
                     // $$$ hugh - getOrderByName can return a CONCAT, ie join element ...
                      * $$$ hugh - OK, we need to test for this twice, because older elements
                      * which get converted form names to ids above have already been run through
                      * getOrderByName().  So first check here ...
                     if (!JString::stristr($orderByRaw, 'CONCAT(') && !JString::stristr($orderByRaw, 'CONCAT_WS(')) {
                         $orderByRaw = FabrikString::safeColName($orderByRaw);
                         if (array_key_exists($orderByRaw, $els)) {
                             $field = $els[$orderByRaw]->getOrderByName();
                              * $$$ hugh - ... second check for CONCAT, see comment above
                              * $$$ @TODO why don't we just embed this logic in safeColName(), so
                              * it recognizes a CONCAT and treats it accordingly?
                             if (!JString::stristr($field, 'CONCAT(') && !JString::stristr($field, 'CONCAT_WS(')) {
                                 $field = FabrikString::safeColName($field);
                             $bits[] = " {$field} {$dir}";
                             $this->orderEls[] = $field;
                             $this->orderDirs[] = $dir;
                         } else {
                             if (strstr($orderByRaw, '_raw`')) {
                                 $orderByRaw = FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($orderByRaw);
                             $bits[] = " {$orderByRaw} {$dir}";
                             $this->orderEls[] = $orderByRaw;
                             $this->orderDirs[] = $dir;
                     } else {
                         // If it was a CONCAT(), just add it with no other checks or processing
                         $bits[] = " {$orderByRaw} {$dir}";
                         $this->orderEls[] = $orderByRaw;
                         $this->orderDirs[] = $dir;
             if (!empty($bits)) {
                 if (!$query || !is_object($query)) {
                     $strOrder = "\n ORDER BY" . implode(',', $bits);
                 } else {
                     $query->order(implode(',', $bits));
     $groupBy = $this->getGroupBy();
     if ($groupBy !== '') {
         $groupByColName = FabrikString::safeColName($groupBy);
         if (!in_array($groupByColName, $this->orderEls)) {
             $strOrder == '' ? $strOrder = "\n ORDER BY " : ($strOrder .= ',');
             $strOrder .= $groupByColName . ' ASC';
             $this->orderEls[] = $groupBy;
             $this->orderDirs[] = 'ASC';
             if ($query !== false && is_object($query)) {
                 $query->order(FabrikString::safeColName($groupBy) . ' ASC');
     /* apply group ordering
      * @TODO - explain something to hugh!  Why is this "group ordering"?  AFAICT, it's just a secondary
      * order by, isn't specific to the Group By feature in any way?  So why not just put this option in
     $groupOrderBy = $params->get('group_by_order');
     if ($groupOrderBy != '') {
         $groupOrderDir = $params->get('group_by_order_dir');
         $strOrder == '' ? $strOrder = "\n ORDER BY " : ($strOrder .= ',');
         $orderBy = strstr($groupOrderBy, '_raw`') ? FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($groupOrderBy) : FabrikString::safeColName($groupOrderBy);
         if (!$query) {
             $strOrder .= $orderBy . ' ' . $groupOrderDir;
         } else {
             $query->order($orderBy . ' ' . $groupOrderDir);
         $this->orderEls[] = $orderBy;
         $this->orderDirs[] = $groupOrderDir;
     $this->orderBy[$sig] = $query === false ? $strOrder : $query;
     return $this->orderBy[$sig];
Exemplo n.º 3
  * @param   string          $string Search string
  * @param   FabrikTableJoin $join   Join table
  * @param   string          $alias  Table alias - defaults to the join->table_join_alias
  * @return mixed
 protected function parseThisTable($string, $join = null, $alias = null)
     if (is_null($join)) {
         $join = $this->getJoin();
     if (is_null($alias)) {
         $alias = $join->table_join_alias;
     return str_replace('{thistable}', FabrikString::safeNameQuote($alias), $string);