Exemplo n.º 1
 function save($params)
     require_once 'classes/model/Event.php';
     global $G_FORM;
     $sPRO_UID = $params->pro_uid;
     $sEVN_UID = $params->evn_uid;
     $sDYNAFORM = $params->initDyna;
     $sWS_USER = trim($params->username);
     $sWS_PASS = trim($params->password);
     $sWS_ROUNDROBIN = '';
     $sWE_USR = '';
     $xDYNA = $params->dynaform;
     if ($xDYNA != '') {
         $pro_uid = $params->pro_uid;
         $filename = $xDYNA;
         $filename = $filename . '.php';
         unlink(PATH_DATA . "sites" . PATH_SEP . SYS_SYS . PATH_SEP . "public" . PATH_SEP . $pro_uid . PATH_SEP . $filename);
         unlink(PATH_DATA . "sites" . PATH_SEP . SYS_SYS . PATH_SEP . "public" . PATH_SEP . $pro_uid . PATH_SEP . str_replace(".php", "Post", $filename) . ".php");
     //return $params;
     $pathProcess = PATH_DATA_SITE . 'public' . PATH_SEP . $sPRO_UID . PATH_SEP;
     G::mk_dir($pathProcess, 0777);
     $oEvent = new Event();
     $sTASKS = $oEvent->getEvnTasUidTo();
     $oTask = new Task();
     $tas_title = $oTask->getTasTitle();
     if (G::is_https()) {
         $http = 'https://';
     } else {
         $http = 'http://';
     $sContent = '';
     $SITE_PUBLIC_PATH = '';
     if (file_exists($SITE_PUBLIC_PATH . '')) {
     require_once 'classes/model/Dynaform.php';
     $oDynaform = new Dynaform();
     $aDynaform = $oDynaform->load($sDYNAFORM);
     $dynTitle = str_replace(' ', '_', str_replace('/', '_', $aDynaform['DYN_TITLE']));
     $sContent = "<?php\n";
     $sContent .= "global \$_DBArray;\n";
     $sContent .= "if (!isset(\$_DBArray)) {\n";
     $sContent .= "  \$_DBArray = array();\n";
     $sContent .= "}\n";
     $sContent .= "\$_SESSION['PROCESS'] = '" . $sPRO_UID . "';\n";
     $sContent .= "\$_SESSION['CURRENT_DYN_UID'] = '" . $sDYNAFORM . "';\n";
     $sContent .= "\$G_PUBLISH = new Publisher;\n";
     $sContent .= "\$G_PUBLISH->AddContent('dynaform', 'xmlform', '" . $sPRO_UID . '/' . $sDYNAFORM . "', '', array(), '" . $dynTitle . 'Post.php' . "');\n";
     $sContent .= "G::RenderPage('publish', 'blank');";
     file_put_contents($pathProcess . $dynTitle . '.php', $sContent);
     //creating the second file, the  post file who receive the post form.
     $pluginTpl = PATH_CORE . 'templates' . PATH_SEP . 'processes' . PATH_SEP . 'webentryPost.tpl';
     $template = new TemplatePower($pluginTpl);
     $template->assign('wsdlUrl', $http . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/sys' . SYS_SYS . '/' . SYS_LANG . '/' . SYS_SKIN . '/services/wsdl2');
     $template->assign('wsUploadUrl', $http . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/sys' . SYS_SYS . '/' . SYS_LANG . '/' . SYS_SKIN . '/services/upload');
     $template->assign('processUid', $sPRO_UID);
     $template->assign('dynaformUid', $sDYNAFORM);
     $template->assign('taskUid', $sTASKS);
     $template->assign('wsUser', $sWS_USER);
     $template->assign('wsPass', 'md5:' . md5($sWS_PASS));
     $template->assign('wsRoundRobin', $sWS_ROUNDROBIN);
     if ($sWE_USR == "2") {
         $template->assign('USR_VAR', "\$cInfo = ws_getCaseInfo(\$caseId);\n\t  \$USR_UID = \$cInfo->currentUsers->userId;");
     } else {
         $template->assign('USR_VAR', '$USR_UID = -1;');
     $template->assign('dynaform', $dynTitle);
     $template->assign('timestamp', date('l jS \\of F Y h:i:s A'));
     $template->assign('ws', SYS_SYS);
     $template->assign('version', System::getVersion());
     $fileName = $pathProcess . $dynTitle . 'Post.php';
     file_put_contents($fileName, $template->getOutputContent());
     //creating the third file, only if this wsClient.php file doesn't exists.
     $fileName = $pathProcess . 'wsClient.php';
     $pluginTpl = PATH_CORE . 'test' . PATH_SEP . 'unit' . PATH_SEP . 'ws' . PATH_SEP . 'wsClient.php';
     if (file_exists($fileName)) {
         if (filesize($fileName) != filesize($pluginTpl)) {
             @copy($fileName, $pathProcess . 'wsClient.php.bck');
             $template = new TemplatePower($pluginTpl);
             file_put_contents($fileName, $template->getOutputContent());
     } else {
         $template = new TemplatePower($pluginTpl);
         file_put_contents($fileName, $template->getOutputContent());
     require_once 'classes/model/Event.php';
     $oEvent = new Event();
     $aDataEvent = array();
     $aDataEvent['EVN_UID'] = $sEVN_UID;
     $aDataEvent['EVN_RELATED_TO'] = 'MULTIPLE';
     $aDataEvent['EVN_ACTION'] = $sDYNAFORM;
     $aDataEvent['EVN_CONDITIONS'] = $sWS_USER;
     $output = $oEvent->update($aDataEvent);
     $link = $http . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/sys' . SYS_SYS . '/' . SYS_LANG . '/' . SYS_SKIN . '/' . $sPRO_UID . '/' . $dynTitle . '.php';
     $this->success = true;
     $this->msg = G::LoadTranslation('ID_WEB_ENTRY_SUCCESS_NEW');
     $this->W_LINK = $link;
     $this->TAS_TITLE = $tas_title;
     $this->DYN_TITLE = $dynTitle;
     $this->USR_UID = $sWS_USER;
Exemplo n.º 2
 function checkCredentials($params)
     require_once 'classes/model/Event.php';
     require_once 'classes/model/Users.php';
     require_once 'classes/model/TaskUser.php';
     require_once 'classes/model/GroupUser.php';
     $sPRO_UID = $params->PRO_UID;
     $sEVN_UID = $params->EVN_UID;
     $sWS_USER = trim($params->WS_USER);
     $sWS_PASS = trim($params->WS_PASS);
     if (G::is_https()) {
         $http = 'https://';
     } else {
         $http = 'http://';
     $endpoint = $http . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/sys' . SYS_SYS . '/' . SYS_LANG . '/' . SYS_SKIN . '/services/wsdl2';
     @($client = new SoapClient($endpoint));
     $user = $sWS_USER;
     $pass = $sWS_PASS;
     $parameters = array('userid' => $user, 'password' => $pass);
     $result = $client->__SoapCall('login', array($parameters));
     $fields['status_code'] = $result->status_code;
     $fields['message'] = 'ProcessMaker WebService version: ' . $result->version . "\n" . $result->message;
     $fields['version'] = $result->version;
     $fields['time_stamp'] = $result->timestamp;
     $messageCode = true;
     $message = $result->message;
     //G::LoadClass ( 'Event' );
     $event = new Event();
     $sTASKS = $event->getEvnTasUidTo();
     $task = new Task();
     $sTASKS_SEL = $task->getTasTitle();
     if (!class_exists('GroupUser')) {
     // if the user has been authenticated, then check if has the rights or
     // permissions to create the webentry
     if ($result->status_code == 0) {
         $oCriteria = new Criteria('workflow');
         $oCriteria->addJoin(TaskUserPeer::USR_UID, UsersPeer::USR_UID, Criteria::LEFT_JOIN);
         $oCriteria->add(TaskUserPeer::TAS_UID, $sTASKS);
         $oCriteria->add(UsersPeer::USR_USERNAME, $sWS_USER);
         $userIsAssigned = TaskUserPeer::doCount($oCriteria);
         // if the user is not assigned directly, maybe a have the task a group with the user
         if ($userIsAssigned < 1) {
             $oCriteria = new Criteria('workflow');
             $oCriteria->addJoin(UsersPeer::USR_UID, GroupUserPeer::USR_UID, Criteria::LEFT_JOIN);
             $oCriteria->addJoin(GroupUserPeer::GRP_UID, TaskUserPeer::USR_UID, Criteria::LEFT_JOIN);
             $oCriteria->add(TaskUserPeer::TAS_UID, $sTASKS);
             $oCriteria->add(UsersPeer::USR_USERNAME, $sWS_USER);
             $userIsAssigned = GroupUserPeer::doCount($oCriteria);
             if (!($userIsAssigned >= 1)) {
                 $messageCode = false;
                 $message = "The User \"" . $sWS_USER . "\" doesn't have the task \"" . $sTASKS_SEL . "\" assigned.";
     } else {
         $messageCode = false;
     $this->success = $messageCode;
     $this->msg = $message;