Exemplo n.º 1
  * Creates an instance of the Response class
  * @param   string  $body    The response body
  * @param   int     $status  The HTTP response status for this response
  * @param   array   $headers Array of HTTP headers for this reponse
  * @return  Response
 public static function forge($body = null, $status = 200, array $headers = array())
     $response = new static($body, $status, $headers);
     // fire any response created events
     \Event::instance()->has_events('response_created') and \Event::instance()->trigger('response_created', '', 'none');
     return $response;
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: pathof.php Projeto: azuya/Wi3
 public function __construct()
     $this->wi3 = $this->app = APPPATH;
     //site and pagefiller location can only be known after site has been loaded by Engine or View
     //we therefore register an hook on the wi3.siteandpageloaded event
     Event::instance("wi3.init.sitearea.site.loaded")->callback(array("Wi3_pathof", "fill_site_paths"));
     Event::instance("wi3.init.page.loaded")->callback(array("Wi3_pathof", "fill_page_paths"));
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: css.php Projeto: azuya/Wi3
 public static function set_auto_render()
     //add a hook to the system.display Event. This event is called just before flushing content to the browser
     //only add the hook if we didn't set the hook already sometime earlier
     if (self::$will_already_be_auto_rendered == false) {
         //add before the page is cached, so that css files are cached as well
         Event::instance('wi3.afterexecution.addcontent.css')->callback(array('Wi3_Css', 'render_in_head'));
         self::$will_already_be_auto_rendered = true;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * When this type of exception isn't caught this method is called by
  * Error::exception_handler() to deal with the problem.
 public function handle()
     // get the exception response
     $response = $this->response();
     // fire any app shutdown events
     \Event::instance()->trigger('shutdown', '', 'none', true);
     // fire any framework shutdown events
     \Event::instance()->trigger('fuel-shutdown', '', 'none', true);
     // send the response out
Exemplo n.º 5
 function __construct()
     //register this Plugin
     // this function ensures that some Wi3 information is always sent to the client for use in javascript files (ie kohana.js)
     //set up the event to pass information to the clientside
     //add this event before the javascript event, so that javascript always have this information available when they load
     Event::instance('wi3.afterexecution.addcontent.javascript.variables')->callback(array("Plugin_clientjavascriptvars", "addclientjavascriptvars"));
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function execute($job, $data)
     // Trigger price update/change event and modify data
     $data = \Event::instance('supplier')->trigger('update', $data, 'array');
     $data = call_user_func_array('\\Arr::merge_assoc', $data);
     // This is all about update
     $data = $data[0];
     // Do not update some fields
     $set = \Arr::filter_keys($data, array('external_id', 'supplier_id'), true);
     $data['updated_at'] = time();
     return Model_Price::query()->set($set)->where('external_id', $data['external_id'])->where('supplier_id', $data['supplier_id'])->update();
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: ajax.php Projeto: azuya/Wi3
 public function action_editpagetemplatesettings($pageid)
     $page = Wi3::inst()->model->factory("Site_Page")->set("id", $pageid)->load();
     Wi3::inst()->sitearea->page = $page;
     // Now notify other entities that use this->page that the page has been loaded
     // Save the template for this page
     $templatename = $_POST["pagefiller_templatename"];
     $page->templatename = $templatename;
     echo json_encode(array("alert" => "template is geupdate"));
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Method for registering callback methods for a particular action and a particular
  * @param String $action underscore separated string 'exam_add'
  * @param String $handlerClass - Name of the class in which the static callback methods are grouped per module
  * @return Notice $this
 public function register_callbacks($mod, $handlerClass)
     foreach ($this->_config[$mod] as $conf) {
         $action = $mod . '_' . $conf;
         $event = Event::instance($action);
         foreach (self::$MEDIA as $m) {
             $callback = $m . '_' . $conf;
             if ($this->check_preference($action, $m) && method_exists($handlerClass, $callback)) {
                 $event->callback(array($handlerClass, $callback));
Exemplo n.º 9
 public function setpage($pageorpagename)
     if (is_object($pageorpagename)) {
         $this->page = $pageorpagename;
     } else {
         if (is_string($pageorpagename)) {
             $this->page = $this->getpage($pageorpagename);
         } else {
             $this->page = $this->getpage(NULL);
     // Now notify other entities that use this->page that the page has been loaded
     return $this->page;
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Queue job
  * @param	mixed		$id			Supplier id
  * @param	string		$method		Method to run
  * @param	integer		$delay
  * @param	integer		$ttr		Time limit
  * @return	null
 public function execute($id, $method, $delay = 0, $ttr = 300)
     // Cast id
     is_numeric($id) and $id = (int) $id;
     // Job data
     $data = array('id' => $id, 'cached' => (bool) \Cli::option('cached', \Cli::option('c', false)), 'force' => (bool) \Cli::option('force', \Cli::option('f', false)), 'method' => $method);
     // Execute job immediately
     $execute = (bool) \Cli::option('execute', \Cli::option('e', false));
     // Use Queue if available (greater performance)
     if (\Package::loaded('queue')) {
         // Create queue data
         if ($execute) {
             // Initialize logger
             $logger = clone \Log::instance();
             // Get original handler
             $handler = $logger->popHandler();
             $handler->pushProcessor(new \Monolog\Processor\PsrLogMessageProcessor());
             // Console handler
             $handler = new \Monolog\Handler\ConsoleHandler(\Monolog\Logger::NOTICE);
             $formatter = new \Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter("%message% - %context%" . PHP_EOL, "Y-m-d H:i:s");
             // Add other handlers to logger through Event trigger
             \Event::instance('queue')->trigger('logger', $logger);
             $queue = array('supplier', array('driver' => 'direct', 'logger' => $logger));
         } else {
             $queue = 'supplier';
         $options = array('delay' => $delay, 'ttr' => $ttr);
         // Push job and data to queue
         \Queue::push($queue, 'Indigo\\Erp\\Stock\\Job_Supplier', $data, $options);
     } else {
         try {
             $job = new Job_Supplier();
             return $job->execute(null, $data);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             // TODO: process exceptions
Exemplo n.º 11

defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct access allowed.');
 * @package    YurikoCMS
 * @author     Lorenzo Pisani - Zeelot
 * @copyright  (c) 2008-2009 Lorenzo Pisani
 * @license    http://yurikocms.com/license
// Add all the enabled plugins to the modules
$enabled = Sprig::factory('plugin', array('status' => 'enabled'))->load(NULL, FALSE);
$modules = Kohana::modules();
// Start with the default template at the top
$array = array('default_theme' => DOCROOT . 'yurikocms/themes/default');
foreach ($enabled as $plugin) {
    $array[$plugin->name] = DOCROOT . 'yurikocms/plugins/' . $plugin->name;
Event::instance('yuriko_core.init.loading_plugins')->bind('modules', $modules)->execute();
Kohana::modules($array + $modules);
// Clean up
unset($modules, $enabled);
 * Setup the YurikoCMS page route, this is a catch all route that any
 * custom routes need to preceed.
Route::set('page', '(<uri>)', array('uri' => '.*'))->defaults(array('controller' => 'page', 'action' => 'index', 'directory' => 'yuriko'));
Exemplo n.º 12
 public function action_edit()
     $id = $this->request->param('id');
     if (!$id) {
     $submitted = FALSE;
     if ($this->request->method() === 'POST' && $this->request->post()) {
         if (Arr::get($this->request->post(), 'save') !== null) {
             $submitted = true;
             $exam = ORM::factory('exam');
             $validator = $exam->validator($this->request->post());
             $validator->bind(':to', $this->request->post('to'));
             $validator->bind(':total_marks', $this->request->post('total_marks'));
             if ($validator->check()) {
                 $from = strtotime($this->request->post('date')) + $this->request->post('from') * 60;
                 $to = strtotime($this->request->post('date')) + $this->request->post('to') * 60;
                 $exam = ORM::factory('exam', $id);
                 $event_exam = Event_Abstract::factory('exam', $exam->event_id);
                 $event_exam->set_value('eventstart', $from);
                 $event_exam->set_value('eventend', $to);
                 // dispatch events for sending the notices and feeds (TODO to be refactored later)
                 if ($event_exam->is_rescheduled()) {
                     Event::instance('exam_reschedule')->set('exam', $exam)->execute();
                 if ($event_exam->is_relocated()) {
                     Event::instance('exam_relocate')->set('exam', $exam)->execute();
                 $feed = new Feed_Exam();
                 $feed->streams(array('course_id' => (int) $this->request->post('course_id')));
                 Session::instance()->set('success', 'Exam edited successfully.');
             } else {
                 $this->_errors = $validator->errors('exam');
     $exam = ORM::factory('exam', $id);
     $event = ORM::factory('event', $exam->event_id);
     $saved_data = array('name' => $exam->name, 'examgroup_id' => $exam->examgroup_id, 'course_id' => $exam->course_id, 'total_marks' => $exam->total_marks, 'passing_marks' => $exam->passing_marks, 'reminder' => $exam->reminder, 'reminder_days' => $exam->reminder_days, 'date' => date('Y-m-d', $event->eventstart), 'from' => date('H:i', $event->eventstart), 'to' => date('H:i', $event->eventend), 'room_id' => $event->room_id);
     $silder['start'] = ($event->eventstart - strtotime($saved_data['date'])) / 60;
     $silder['end'] = ($event->eventend - strtotime($saved_data['date'])) / 60;
     $form = $this->form('exam/edit/id/' . $id, $submitted, $saved_data);
     $event_id = $exam->event_id;
     $links = array('rooms' => Html::anchor('/room/', 'Add Rooms', array('target' => '_blank')));
     $view = View::factory('exam/form')->bind('form', $form)->bind('event_id', $event_id)->bind('links', $links)->bind('slider', $silder);
     Breadcrumbs::add(array('Exams', Url::site('exam')));
     Breadcrumbs::add(array('Edit', Url::site('exam/edit/id/' . $id)));
     $this->content = $view;
Exemplo n.º 13
Arquivo: wi3.php Projeto: azuya/Wi3
 public function init()
     // Load session handler
     $this->session = Session::instance();
     // Set cache handler
     $this->cache = Wi3TikoCache::instance();
     // Define APPRELATIVEPATH, which is the path to the application relative to the web root
     // We can retrieve this by using the SCRIPT_NAME from the front-controller ({pathfromroot}/app/index.php), and extracting the path-from-root
     define("APPRELATIVEPATH", substr($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], 0, strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], "/app/index.php")) . "/app/latest/");
     // Define document root
     // TODO: Add support for ISS (see http://www.helicron.net/php/)
     define("DOCUMENTROOT", $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/");
     // Determine language
     $lang = Cookie::get('lang');
     if ($lang !== NULL) {
         if (!in_array($lang, array('nl-nl', 'en-us'))) {
             // Check the allowed languages, and force the default
             $lang = 'nl-nl';
     } else {
         // Language not set in cookie. Get default language from i18n file.
         $i18nfiles = Kohana::find_file("config", "i18n");
         if (!empty($i18nfiles)) {
             $i18nsettings = Kohana::load($i18nfiles[0]);
             $lang = $i18nsettings["lang"];
         } else {
             $lang = 'nl-nl';
             // Fall back to default
         // Save loaded language in cookie
         Cookie::set('lang', $lang);
     // Set the target language
     // Set the source language to some non-existing language to prevent Kohana skipping translation lookup if source and target language are identical
     i18n::$source = "bb-bb";
     // See http://unicode.org/cldr/utility/languageid.jsp?a=bb&l=en for valid tags
     // Load wi3-kohana-specific functions
     $this->kohana = new Wi3_Kohana();
     // XSS Clean all user input!
     // TODO: only do this if the user is not an admin...
     $this->originalpost = $_POST;
     // Save original $_POST
     foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {
         $_POST[$key] = Security::xss_clean($val);
     $this->originalget = $_GET;
     // Save original $_GET
     foreach ($_GET as $key => $val) {
         $_GET[$key] = Security::xss_clean($val);
     // Load some Wi3 classes
     // Load a global database configuration
     $this->database = new Wi3_Database();
     // Helper functions to create databases etc
     $this->globaldatabase = Wi3_Database::instance("global");
     // Get routing, url and path information
     // These classes in turn add a callback to the wi3.init.site.loaded Event, after which they will update with path and urls to the site
     $this->routing = Wi3_Routing::instance();
     $this->pathof = Wi3_Pathof::instance();
     $this->urlof = Wi3_Urlof::instance();
     // Load CSS and Javascript 'injectors'
     $this->css = Wi3_Css::instance();
     $this->javascript = Wi3_Javascript::instance();
     // Instantiate the Model class, that is an interface to the 'factory' method for any underlying model-systems
     $this->model = Wi3_Model::inst();
     // Instantiate the form-builder
     $this->formbuilder = Wi3_Formbuilder::inst();
     // Now find out what is the scope of this request
     // It most often is a site-scope (i.e. the admin or view of a site), but might also be a global scope (i.e. superadmin)
     // This depends on the controller.
     // Pagefiller-specific controllers are always for the the sitearea
     $this->scope = (substr(Request::instance()->controller, 0, 9) == "adminarea" or substr(Request::instance()->controller, 0, 10) == "pagefiller" or Request::instance()->controller == "sitearea") ? "site" : "global";
     if ($this->scope == "site") {
         $this->sitearea = Wi3_Sitearea::inst();
         // Find out what site we are working with
         // Both the admin controller and the site controller need to know this in order to work properly
         // Find the site by apache 'sitename' variable
         if (isset($_SERVER['REDIRECT_SITENAME'])) {
             $sitename = $_SERVER['REDIRECT_SITENAME'];
             // With correct loading, $_SERVER['REDIRECT_SITENAME'] should always be present, as it is set in the vhosts .htaccess that redirect here
             // Global site is the site in the global space, i.e. the Site model in the 'list of sites' that is always accesible
             // ( In the per-site database, there can only exist one Site model )
             $this->sitearea->globalsite = $this->model->factory("site")->set('name', $sitename)->load();
             $this->sitearea->site = $this->sitearea->globalsite;
             // This site instance will be replaced by the local user site. The ->name will be added to that local site, since it does not store that in the local db
         // If the sitename not present, the page request came here via some illegal method.
         // If the site was not loaded correctly or is not active, we cannot show the site either
         if (!isset($_SERVER['REDIRECT_SITENAME']) or empty($sitename) or !$this->sitearea->globalsite->loaded() or $this->sitearea->globalsite->active == FALSE) {
             // Site does not exist. Quit.
             throw new Kohana_Exception("site does not exist");
         // Global site has been loaded and it was found to be active
         // Now we load the local site and requested page from within the user Database
         // This requires the inclusion of the site as a module and an init on its database-config
         // First, Include the whole site-tree in the find_file() function
         Kohana::modules(Kohana::modules() + array("site" => APPPATH . "../../sites/" . $sitename . "/"));
         // Because Kohana uses include_once() this will only init the new module, without double-including the others
         // Load the sitedatabase config. It will be fetched from the sites/sitename/config folder since the sites/sitename is now in the Kohana find_file paths
         $siteconfig = Kohana::config('sitedatabase')->site;
         // Set up a site database connection, to be used by the site-based-models like Site_Page, Site_User, File etc
         $this->sitearea->database = Wi3_Database::instance("site", $siteconfig);
         // Load the user-site
         $this->sitearea->site = $this->model->factory("site_site")->set('id', 1)->load();
         $this->sitearea->site->name = $sitename;
         // Add name, since this is not stored in the local site tables, but only in the global ones
         // Load the pageposition, page and file manager, all within the sitearea
         $this->sitearea->pagepositions = Wi3_Sitearea_Pagepositions::inst();
         $this->sitearea->pages = Wi3_Sitearea_Pages::inst();
         $this->sitearea->files = Wi3_Sitearea_Files::inst();
         $this->sitearea->users = Wi3_Sitearea_Users::inst();
     // Load baseviews that are passed as $this into views in order to enable some in-view functions
     // Different setups are possible with the different parameters supplied
     // An instance is created, so that they can also be referenced simply from again loading e.g. Wi3_Baseview::instance('superadminarea');
     // These instances are used as 'object scope' for the $this variables in views. See i.e. the superadminarea-controller's ->view function and the Baseview->capture() for more details
     $this->baseview_superadminarea = Wi3_Baseview::instance('superadminarea', array('javascript_url' => $this->urlof->appfiles . 'static/javascript/', 'javascript_path' => $this->pathof->app . 'static/javascript/', 'css_url' => $this->urlof->appfiles . 'static/css/', 'css_path' => $this->pathof->app . 'static/css/'));
     //Maybe just define the asset-path(s), from which the URLs are deduced, based on the Wi3::inst()->urlof ?
     $this->baseview_adminarea = Wi3_Baseview::instance('adminarea', array('javascript_url' => $this->urlof->appfiles . 'static/javascript/', 'javascript_path' => $this->pathof->app . 'static/javascript/', 'css_url' => $this->urlof->appfiles . 'static/css/', 'css_path' => $this->pathof->app . 'static/css/'));
     $this->baseview_sitearea = Wi3_Baseview::instance('sitearea', array('javascript_url' => $this->urlof->site . 'static/javascript/', 'javascript_path' => $this->pathof->site . 'static/javascript/', 'css_url' => $this->urlof->site . 'static/css/', 'css_path' => $this->pathof->site . 'static/css/'));
     // Set up an config loader
     $this->configof = Wi3_Configof::instance();
     // Set up auth. This will try to login the current user from either the site db or the global db, based on the scope
     if ($this->scope == "site") {
         $this->sitearea->auth = Wi3_Auth_Site::instance();
     } else {
         // If user is in setup, then don't yet load Auth and Database instances, since they most probably don't yet exist
         if (Request::instance()->controller != "setup") {
             $this->globalauth = Wi3_Auth_Global::instance();
     $this->acl = Wi3_ACL::instance();
     // Load the plugin-manager. The manager will also include the paths to the plugins in the modules-system
     $this->plugins = new Wi3_Plugins();
     if ($this->scope == "site") {
         // Make all the pageversion-plugins to load
         // The versionplugins should respond to this event call, and add them to the $this->versionplugins array
Exemplo n.º 14
require VENDORPATH . 'autoload.php';
 * Register all the error/shutdown handlers
register_shutdown_function(function () {
    // reset the autoloader
    // make sure we're having an output filter so we can display errors
    // occuring before the main config file is loaded
    \Config::get('security.output_filter', null) or \Config::set('security.output_filter', 'Security::htmlentities');
    try {
        // fire any app shutdown events
        \Event::instance()->trigger('shutdown', '', 'none', true);
        // fire any framework shutdown events
        \Event::instance()->trigger('fuel-shutdown', '', 'none', true);
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        if (\Fuel::$is_cli) {
            \Cli::error("Error: " . $e->getMessage() . " in " . $e->getFile() . " on " . $e->getLine());
    return \Error::shutdown_handler();
set_exception_handler(function (\Exception $e) {
    // reset the autoloader
    // deal with PHP bugs #42098/#54054
    if (!class_exists('Error')) {
        include COREPATH . 'classes/error.php';
Exemplo n.º 15
 * - string   cache_dir   set the internal cache directory                   APPPATH/cache
 * - boolean  errors      enable or disable error handling                   TRUE
 * - boolean  profile     enable or disable internal profiling               TRUE
 * - boolean  caching     enable or disable internal caching                 FALSE
Kohana::init(array('base_url' => '/', 'index_file' => FALSE));
 * Attach the file write to logging. Multiple writers are supported.
Kohana::$log->attach(new Kohana_Log_File(APPPATH . 'logs'));
 * Attach a file reader to config. Multiple readers are supported.
Kohana::$config->attach(new Kohana_Config_File());
 * Enable modules. Modules are referenced by a relative or absolute path.
Kohana::modules(array(MODPATH . 'zeelot-event', MODPATH . 'zeelot-orm', MODPATH . 'yuriko_dev', MODPATH . 'yuriko_admin', MODPATH . 'assets', MODPATH . 'yuriko_core'));
 * Execute the main request using PATH_INFO. If no URI source is specified,
 * the URI will be automatically detected.
$request = Request::instance();
Event::run('yuriko.bootstrap.request.pre_execute', $request);
$request = $request->execute();
Event::instance('yuriko.bootstrap.request.pre_send_headers', $request);
$request = $request->send_headers();
Event::instance('yuriko.bootstrap.request.pre_render', $request);
echo $request->response;
// Clean up
Exemplo n.º 16
Arquivo: init.php Projeto: azuya/Wi3

// Create a callback so that the multilanguage pageversion-class will be loaded once Wi3::inst()->sitearea->pages asks all pageversion-classes to do so
Event::instance('wi3.sitearea.pages.versionplugins.load')->callback(array("Wi3_plugins", "load"), "plugin_multilanguage");
Exemplo n.º 17
     // Add html
     // Change content
     // Change final html
     // Change final html
     // Change final html
     // Internal: Change ID links to 'normal' links
     // Wi3::inst()->linkconverter->execute();
     // Content is ready for output. Last change to process the data (but not change it)
     // Used by e.g. caching-mechanisms
 } catch (ACL_Exception_401 $e) {
     // Redirect to the same controller, but the login action
     // Controller should allow access to that function, and deal with the login and authentication
     Wi3::inst()->session->set("previously_requested_url", Wi3::inst()->routing->url);
 } catch (Exception_Continue $e) {
     // Just continue with execution
     // ...
 } catch (Exception $e) {
     if (Kohana::$environment === Kohana::DEVELOPMENT) {
         // Just re-throw the exception
         throw $e;
     // Log the error
Exemplo n.º 18
Arquivo: ajax.php Projeto: azuya/Wi3
 public function action_startEditPagepositionSettings()
     $pageid = substr($_POST["pagepositionname"], 9);
     // For now, just redirect immediately to the first page under this pageposition
     $pageposition = Wi3::inst()->model->factory("site_pageposition", array("id" => $pageid))->load();
     Wi3::inst()->sitearea->pageposition = $pageposition;
     foreach ($pageposition->pages as $page) {
         $_POST["pageid"] = $page->id;
     return $this->action_startEditPageSettings();
     // TODO: proper UI etc for multiple pages under one pageposition
             $editview = View::factory("adminarea/menu/ajax/pagepositionsettings");
             $editview->site = Wi3::inst()->sitearea->site;
             if (is_numeric($pageid) AND !empty($pageid)) {
                 $page = Wi3::inst()->model->factory("site_pageposition", Array("id" => $pageid))->load();
                 Wi3::inst()->sitearea->pageposition  = $page;
                 if ($page->loaded()) {
                     $editview->page = $page;
                     echo json_encode(
                             "scriptsbefore" => Array("$('#menu_pagesettings_tabs').hide();"),
                             "dom" => Array(
                                 "fill" => Array("#menu_pagesettings_tabs" => $editview->render() )
                             "scriptsafter" => Array("adminarea.menu_pagesettings_enable();", "$('#menu_pagesettings_tabs').show();", "$('#pagetitle').focus()"),
Exemplo n.º 19
Arquivo: urlof.php Projeto: azuya/Wi3
 public function __construct()
     $this->request = Wi3::instance()->routing->url;
     // Url of request, as found in routing
     // base URL determination of the *unrewritten* site URL
     // First get the part of the *rewritten* url that comes after $controller/$action (e.g. "pagename/arg1/arg2" after "sitearea/view")
     // Rewritten URL might be: .../sitearea/view/pagename/arg1 OR .../adminarea/
     // (There is NOT NECESSARILY an action after the controller: Do a check for that!)
     if (strpos(Wi3::inst()->routing->filename, "app/index.php/" . Wi3::inst()->routing->controller . "/" . Wi3::inst()->routing->action) !== FALSE) {
         // There is an action part present
         $pagepart = substr(Wi3::inst()->routing->filename, strpos(Wi3::inst()->routing->filename, "app/index.php/" . Wi3::inst()->routing->controller . "/" . Wi3::inst()->routing->action) + strlen("app/index.php/" . Wi3::inst()->routing->controller . "/" . Wi3::inst()->routing->action));
     } else {
         // There is only the controller and NOT an action part
         $pagepart = substr(Wi3::inst()->routing->filename, strpos(Wi3::inst()->routing->filename, "app/index.php/" . Wi3::inst()->routing->controller) + strlen("app/index.php/" . Wi3::inst()->routing->controller));
     if (!empty($pagepart)) {
         // That pagepart is also available in the *unrewritten* URL, at  the very end of the URL
         // The part before it is our 'base' that we want to fetch
         $baseurl = substr(Wi3::inst()->routing->url, 0, strlen(Wi3::inst()->routing->url) - strlen($pagepart)) . "/";
         // OR alternatively: $basepart = substr(Wi3::inst()->routing->url, 0, strrpos(Wi3::inst()->routing->url, $pagepart));
     } else {
         // There is no pagepart, so only a baseurl (should in reality not occur, but anyways)
         $baseurl = Wi3::inst()->routing->url;
     // Ensure a slash at the end of the baseurl
     $baseurl = trim($baseurl, "/") . "/";
     // The baseurl is now something like http://domain.com/(folder/)adminarea/ or http://domain.com/(folder/)_wi3controller/somecontroller or http://comain.com/(folder/)pagename
     // We however do not want parts like adminarea or _wi3controller in the base url
     // Mind: we do not need to check for things like _wi3files because these URLs will/should not resolve here, but get a file directly
     if (strpos($baseurl, "/_wi3controllers/") !== FALSE) {
         $this->baseurl = substr($baseurl, 0, strpos($baseurl, "/_wi3controllers/") + 1);
     } else {
         if (strpos($baseurl, "/adminarea/") !== FALSE) {
             $this->baseurl = substr($baseurl, 0, strpos($baseurl, "/adminarea/") + 1);
         } else {
             if (strpos($baseurl, "/superadminarea/") !== FALSE) {
                 $this->baseurl = substr($baseurl, 0, strpos($baseurl, "/superadminarea/") + 1);
             } else {
                 $this->baseurl = $baseurl;
                 //substr($baseurl, 0, -1);
     // Now set the different 'urlof' variables
     $this->appfiles = $this->wi3files = $this->baseurl . "_wi3files/";
     $this->appcontrollers = $this->wi3controllers = $this->baseurl . "_wi3controllers/";
     // Adminarea can shorthandedly be accessed like domain.com/something/adminarea/action
     // This also goes for /adminarea_menu_ajax etc
     // Take that into account
     if (strpos(Wi3::inst()->routing->controller, "adminarea") === 0 or strpos(Wi3::inst()->routing->controller, "superadminarea") === 0) {
         $this->controller = $this->baseurl . Wi3::inst()->routing->controller . "/";
     } else {
         $this->controller = $this->controller(Wi3::inst()->routing->controller);
     $this->action = $this->action(Wi3::inst()->routing->action);
     //site and pagefiller location can only be known after site and page have been loaded by Engine or View
     //we therefore register an hook on the wi3.siteandpageloaded event
     Event::instance("wi3.init.sitearea.site.loaded")->callback(array("Wi3_urlof", "fillsite"));
     Event::instance("wi3.init.sitearea.page.loaded")->callback(array("Wi3_urlof", "fillpageandpagefiller"));
Exemplo n.º 20
  * Initializes the framework.
  * This can only be called once.
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public static function init($config)
     if (static::$initialized) {
         throw new \FuelException("You can't initialize Fuel more than once.");
     // BC FIX FOR APPLICATIONS <= 1.6.1, makes Redis_Db available as Redis,
     // like it was in versions before 1.7
     class_exists('Redis', false) or class_alias('Redis_Db', 'Redis');
     static::$_paths = array(APPPATH, COREPATH);
     // Is Fuel running on the command line?
     static::$is_cli = (bool) defined('STDIN');
     // Start up output buffering
     static::$is_cli or ob_start(\Config::get('ob_callback', null));
     if (\Config::get('caching', false)) {
     static::$profiling = \Config::get('profiling', false);
     static::$profiling and \Profiler::init();
     // set a default timezone if one is defined
     try {
         static::$timezone = \Config::get('default_timezone') ?: date_default_timezone_get();
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw new \PHPErrorException($e->getMessage());
     static::$encoding = \Config::get('encoding', static::$encoding);
     MBSTRING and mb_internal_encoding(static::$encoding);
     static::$locale = \Config::get('locale', static::$locale);
     if (!static::$is_cli) {
         if (\Config::get('base_url') === null) {
             \Config::set('base_url', static::generate_base_url());
     // Run Input Filtering
     \Event::register('fuel-shutdown', 'Fuel::finish');
     // Always load classes, config & language set in always_load.php config
     // Load in the routes
     \Config::load('routes', true);
     // Set locale, log warning when it fails
     if (static::$locale) {
         setlocale(LC_ALL, static::$locale) or logger(\Fuel::L_WARNING, 'The configured locale ' . static::$locale . ' is not installed on your system.', __METHOD__);
     static::$initialized = true;
     // fire any app created events
     \Event::instance()->has_events('app_created') and \Event::instance()->trigger('app_created', '', 'none');
     if (static::$profiling) {
         \Profiler::mark(__METHOD__ . ' End');
Exemplo n.º 21
  * Initializes the framework.  This can only be called once.
  * @access	public
  * @return	void
 public static function init($config)
     if (static::$initialized) {
         throw new \FuelException("You can't initialize Fuel more than once.");
     static::$_paths = array(APPPATH, COREPATH);
     // Is Fuel running on the command line?
     static::$is_cli = (bool) defined('STDIN');
     // Start up output buffering
     ob_start(\Config::get('ob_callback', null));
     static::$profiling = \Config::get('profiling', false);
     if (static::$profiling) {
         \Profiler::mark(__METHOD__ . ' Start');
     static::$cache_dir = \Config::get('cache_dir', APPPATH . 'cache/');
     static::$caching = \Config::get('caching', false);
     static::$cache_lifetime = \Config::get('cache_lifetime', 3600);
     if (static::$caching) {
     // set a default timezone if one is defined
     static::$timezone = \Config::get('default_timezone') ?: date_default_timezone_get();
     static::$encoding = \Config::get('encoding', static::$encoding);
     MBSTRING and mb_internal_encoding(static::$encoding);
     static::$locale = \Config::get('locale', static::$locale);
     if (!static::$is_cli) {
         if (\Config::get('base_url') === null) {
             \Config::set('base_url', static::generate_base_url());
     // Run Input Filtering
     \Event::register('shutdown', 'Fuel::finish');
     // Always load classes, config & language set in always_load.php config
     // Load in the routes
     \Config::load('routes', true);
     // Set locale, log warning when it fails
     if (static::$locale) {
         setlocale(LC_ALL, static::$locale) or logger(\Fuel::L_WARNING, 'The configured locale ' . static::$locale . ' is not installed on your system.', __METHOD__);
     static::$initialized = true;
     // fire any app created events
     \Event::instance()->has_events('app_created') and \Event::instance()->trigger('app_created', '', 'none');
     if (static::$profiling) {
         \Profiler::mark(__METHOD__ . ' End');
Exemplo n.º 22
  * This executes the request and sets the output to be used later.
  * Usage:
  *     $request = Request::forge('hello/world')->execute();
  * @param  array|null  $method_params  An array of parameters to pass to the method being executed
  * @return  Request  This request object
 public function execute($method_params = null)
     // fire any request started events
     \Event::instance()->has_events('request_started') and \Event::instance()->trigger('request_started', '', 'none');
     if (\Fuel::$profiling) {
         \Profiler::mark(__METHOD__ . ': Start of ' . $this->uri->get());
     logger(\Fuel::L_INFO, 'Called', __METHOD__);
     // Make the current request active
     static::$active = $this;
     // First request called is also the main request
     if (!static::$main) {
         logger(\Fuel::L_INFO, 'Setting main Request', __METHOD__);
         static::$main = $this;
     if (!$this->route) {
         throw new \HttpNotFoundException();
     // save the current language so we can restore it after the call
     $current_language = \Config::get('language', 'en');
     try {
         if ($this->route->callable !== null) {
             $response = call_fuel_func_array($this->route->callable, array($this));
             if (!$response instanceof Response) {
                 $response = new \Response($response);
         } else {
             $method_prefix = $this->method . '_';
             $class = $this->controller;
             // Allow override of method params from execute
             if (is_array($method_params)) {
                 $this->method_params = array_merge($this->method_params, $method_params);
             // If the class doesn't exist then 404
             if (!class_exists($class)) {
                 throw new \HttpNotFoundException();
             // Load the controller using reflection
             $class = new \ReflectionClass($class);
             if ($class->isAbstract()) {
                 throw new \HttpNotFoundException();
             // Create a new instance of the controller
             $this->controller_instance = $class->newInstance($this);
             $this->action = $this->action ?: ($class->hasProperty('default_action') ? $class->getProperty('default_action')->getValue($this->controller_instance) : 'index');
             $method = $method_prefix . $this->action;
             // Allow to do in controller routing if method router(action, params) exists
             if ($class->hasMethod('router')) {
                 $method = 'router';
                 $this->method_params = array($this->action, $this->method_params);
             if (!$class->hasMethod($method)) {
                 // If they call user, go to $this->post_user();
                 $method = strtolower(\Input::method()) . '_' . $this->action;
                 // Fall back to action_ if no HTTP request method based method exists
                 if (!$class->hasMethod($method)) {
                     $method = 'action_' . $this->action;
             if ($class->hasMethod($method)) {
                 $action = $class->getMethod($method);
                 if (!$action->isPublic()) {
                     throw new \HttpNotFoundException();
                 if (count($this->method_params) < $action->getNumberOfRequiredParameters()) {
                     throw new \HttpNotFoundException();
                 // fire any controller started events
                 \Event::instance()->has_events('controller_started') and \Event::instance()->trigger('controller_started', '', 'none');
                 $class->hasMethod('before') and $class->getMethod('before')->invoke($this->controller_instance);
                 $response = $action->invokeArgs($this->controller_instance, $this->method_params);
                 $class->hasMethod('after') and $response = $class->getMethod('after')->invoke($this->controller_instance, $response);
                 // fire any controller finished events
                 \Event::instance()->has_events('controller_finished') and \Event::instance()->trigger('controller_finished', '', 'none');
             } else {
                 throw new \HttpNotFoundException();
         // restore the language setting
         \Config::set('language', $current_language);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         // restore the language setting
         \Config::set('language', $current_language);
         throw $e;
     // Get the controller's output
     if ($response instanceof Response) {
         $this->response = $response;
     } else {
         throw new \FuelException(get_class($this->controller_instance) . '::' . $method . '() or the controller after() method must return a Response object.');
     // fire any request finished events
     \Event::instance()->has_events('request_finished') and \Event::instance()->trigger('request_finished', '', 'none');
     if (\Fuel::$profiling) {
         \Profiler::mark(__METHOD__ . ': End of ' . $this->uri->get());
     return $this;
Exemplo n.º 23
 * Date: 26.05.2015
 * Time: 7:06
 * Входная точка
 * Устанавливаем корневую директорию
define('ROOT_PATH', dirname(__FILE__) . '/');
define('EXT', '.php');
 * Подключаем и регистрируем автозагрузчик
require_once ROOT_PATH . 'vendor/autoload' . EXT;
//Инициализация событийной модели
Event::fire('App.beforeAppStart', null);
//Запуск приложения
 * Ограничивает доступ к файлу напрямую из адресной строки
 * todo:: перенести все эту функцию в отдельный файл с такими же функциами-помошниками
function restrictAccess()
    if (!defined('ROOT_PATH')) {
        header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
        die("<h1>404 Not Found</h1>The page that you have requested could not be found.");
Exemplo n.º 24
Arquivo: init.php Projeto: azuya/Wi3

// Listen for events
Event::instance('wi3.beforeinit')->callback(array('Wi3TikoCache', 'beforeInit'));
Event::instance('wi3.afterexecution.processcontent')->callback(array('Wi3TikoCache', 'afterExecution'));
Exemplo n.º 25
 public function setUp()
     $this->Event = \Event::instance();