  * Retorna uma lista de usuários
  * @license    http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GPL
  * @author     Consórcio Expresso Livre - 4Linux (www.4linux.com.br) e Prognus Software Livre (www.prognus.com.br)
  * @sponsor    Caixa Econômica Federal
  * @author     José Vicente Tezza Jr.
  * @return     Retorna uma lista de usuários do LDAP
  * @access     public
  * */
 function get($request, $id)
     $response = new Response($request);
     $response->addHeader('Content-type', 'aplication/json');
     $response->code = Response::OK;
     $h = new Hypermedia();
     $c = new Collection($request->resources, 'PersonalContactResource');
     try {
         $contacts = !!$id ? Controller::find(array('concept' => 'contact'), false, array('filter' => array('AND', array('=', 'user', Config::me("uidNumber")), array('=', 'id', $id)))) : Controller::find(array('concept' => 'contact'), false, array('filter' => array('=', 'user', Config::me("uidNumber"))));
         //Se nao foi encontrado contatos na consulta
         if ($contacts === false) {
             $error = new Error();
             $error->setTitle('Contacts not found');
             $error->setDescription('Contacts not found.');
             $response->code = Response::NOTFOUND;
             $response->body = $h->getHypermedia($request->accept[10][0]);
             return $response;
         foreach ($contacts as $value) {
             $i = new Item($request->resources, 'PersonalContactResource', $value['id']);
             $d = new Data();
             $d->setPrompt('Nome do Contato');
             $d = new Data();
             $d->setPrompt('Id do Contato');
             $d = new Data();
             $d->setPrompt('Email do Contato');
             $l = new Link();
             $l = new Link();
             $l = new Link();
             $l->setHref('/contact/' . $value['id']);
         $t = new Template();
         $d = new Data();
         $d->setPrompt('Nome do Contato');
         $d = new Data();
         $d->setPrompt('Email do Contato');
         $d = new Data();
         $d->setPrompt('Telefone do Contato');
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $error = new Error();
         $error->setTitle('Internal Server Error');
         $response->code = Response::INTERNALSERVERERROR;
         $response->body = $h->getHypermedia($request->accept[10][0]);
         return $response;
     $response->body = $h->getHypermedia($request->accept[10][0]);
     return $response;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Retorna uma lista de usuários
  * @license    http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GPL
  * @author     Consórcio Expresso Livre - 4Linux (www.4linux.com.br) e Prognus Software Livre (www.prognus.com.br)
  * @sponsor    Caixa Econômica Federal
  * @author     José Vicente Tezza Jr. 
  * @return     Retorna um usuário do LDAP filtrado pelo atributo 'uid'
  * @access     public
  * */
 function get($request, $id)
     $response = new Response($request);
     $response->addHeader('Content-type', 'aplication/json');
     $response->code = Response::OK;
     $h = new Hypermedia();
     $c = new Collection($request->resources, 'UserResource');
     try {
         $user = Controller::find(array('concept' => 'user', 'service' => 'OpenLDAP'), false, array('filter' => array('=', 'uid', $id), 'notExternal' => true));
         //Se nao foi encontrado usuario na consulta
         if ($user === false) {
             $error = new Error();
             $error->setTitle('UserLDAP not found');
             $error->setDescription('User not found.');
             $response->code = Response::NOTFOUND;
             $response->body = $h->getHypermedia($request->accept[10][0]);
             return $response;
         $t = new Template();
         $d = new Data();
         $d->setPrompt('Nome do Usuário');
         $d = new Data();
         $d->setPrompt('Email do Usuário');
         $d = new Data();
         $d->setPrompt('Telefone do Usuário');
         $d = new Data();
         $d->setPrompt('Nome do Usuário');
         $d = new Data();
         $d->setPrompt('Email do Usuário');
         $d = new Data();
         $d->setPrompt('Telefone do Usuário');
         $l = new Link();
         $l = new Link();
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $error = new Error();
         $error->setTitle('Internal Server Error');
         $response->code = Response::INTERNALSERVERERROR;
         $response->body = $h->getHypermedia($request->accept[10][0]);
         return $response;
     $response->body = $h->getHypermedia($request->accept[10][0]);
     return $response;
Exemplo n.º 3
 private function createException($request, &$response, $code, $title, $description)
     $response->code = $code;
     $h = new Hypermedia();
     $c = new Collection($request->resources, 'DynamicContactResource');
     $e = new Error();
     $response->body = $h->getHypermedia($request->accept[10][0]);
 public function create($article)
     $postArgs = array('post_title' => $article->entityName, 'post_type' => DPSFA_Article_Slug, 'post_content' => '', 'post_excerpt' => '', 'post_status' => 'publish');
     $post = wp_insert_post($postArgs);
     if ($post) {
         $date = new \DateTime();
         $article->id = $post;
         $article->date_created = $date->getTimestamp();
     } else {
         $error = new Error("Error", 400);
         $error->setTitle('Could not create Article');
         $error->setMessage('Wordpress could not create the article');
 public function has_api_credentials()
     // Make sure all credentials have been entered
     // If nothign has been entered, return false
     if (empty($this->key) && empty($this->secret) && empty($this->device_token) && empty($this->device_id)) {
         return false;
     } else {
         $missing = array();
         if (empty($this->key)) {
             array_push($missing, "API Key");
         if (empty($this->secret)) {
             array_push($missing, "API Secret");
         if (empty($this->device_token)) {
             array_push($missing, "Device Token");
         if (empty($this->device_id)) {
             array_push($missing, "Device ID");
         if (empty($missing)) {
             return true;
         } else {
             // Throw new error
             $error = new Error("Error", $code);
             $error->setTitle('Missing Credentials');
             $error->setMessage('One of the required API credentials is missing, please fill out: ' . implode(", ", $missing));
             throw $error;
  * This method will get the access token.
  * @param {String} $refresh_token - The base-64 encoded refresh token
  * @param {String} $grant_type - The grant type, optional parameters
  * @example $grant_type = 'refresh_token';
  * @param {String} $scope - The scope value, optional parameters
  * @example $scope = 'AdobeID,openid';
 public function refresh_access_token($grant_type = 'refresh_token', $scope = 'AdobeID,openid')
     // set request header:
     // [+] Accept: application/json
     // [+] Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
     $headers = array('Accept: application/json', 'Content-Type: Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
     // set request URL
     $url = $this->authentication_endpoint . "/ims/token/v1?grant_type=device&client_id=" . $this->client_id . "&client_secret=" . $this->client_secret . "&scope=openid&device_token=" . $this->device_token . "&device_id=" . $this->device_id;
     // call helper to initiate the cURL request
     $curl = new Curl('POST', $url, $headers);
     // Parse out token
     $data = $curl->getResponseBody();
     if (!empty($data['error'])) {
         // Throw new error
         $error = new Error("Error", 401);
         $error->setRaw(array("headers" => $curl->getResponseHeader(), "body" => $curl->getResponseBody(), "url" => $curl->getRequestUrl(), "entity" => ''));
         $error->setTitle('API Credentials Not Valid');
         $error->setMessage('The API credentials supplied are not valid. The plugin will not allow you to access any of the cloud functions without proper credentials: ' . $data['error']);
         // Return token
         $this->access_token = "";
         $this->refresh_token = "";
         // Save access token
         $settings = new Settings();
         $settings->access_token = "";
         $settings->refresh_token = "";
         $settings->publications = array();
         $settings->permissions = array();
         throw $error;
     } else {
         $access_token = isset($data['access_token']) ? $data['access_token'] : null;
         $refresh_token = isset($data['refresh_token']) ? $data['refresh_token'] : null;
         // Save access token
         $settings = new Settings();
         $settings->access_token = $access_token;
         $settings->refresh_token = $refresh_token;
         // Return token
         $this->access_token = $access_token;
         $this->refresh_token = $refresh_token;
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Retorna uma lista de usuários
  * @license    http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GPL
  * @author     Consórcio Expresso Livre - 4Linux (www.4linux.com.br) e Prognus Software Livre (www.prognus.com.br)
  * @sponsor    Caixa Econômica Federal
  * @author     José Vicente Tezza Jr. 
  * @return     Retorna uma lista de usuários do LDAP
  * @access     public
  * */
 function get($request)
     $response = new Response($request);
     $response->addHeader('Content-type', 'aplication/json');
     $response->code = Response::OK;
     $h = new Hypermedia();
     $c = new Collection($request->resources, 'UsersResource');
     try {
         //Executa uma consulta de usuários do LDAP a partir de um determinado atributo e valor
         if (isset($_GET['field']) && isset($_GET['value'])) {
             //recupera os atributos definidos no conceito 'user'
             $map = Config::get('user', 'OpenLDAP.mapping');
             //verifica se o campo(atributo) passado pelo usuário está definido no conceito 'user'
             if (isset($map[$_GET['field']])) {
                 $users = Controller::find(array('concept' => 'user', 'service' => 'OpenLDAP'), false, array('filter' => array('=', $_GET['field'], $_GET['value']), 'notExternal' => true));
             } else {
                 //lança warning no log do Expresso
                 trigger_error("Invalid field (" . $_GET['field'] . ") in the query.", E_USER_WARNING);
                 //formata os atributos LDAP do conceito 'user'
                 $attributes = implode(', ', $map);
                 //Configura o erro na hypermedia
                 $error = new Error();
                 $error->setTitle('UserLDAP not found');
                 $error->setDescription("Invalid field (" . $_GET['field'] . ") in the query. Use of these: " . $attributes);
                 //retorna a hypermedia
                 $response->code = Response::NOTFOUND;
                 $response->body = $h->getHypermedia($request->accept[10][0]);
                 return $response;
         } else {
             //Executa a consulta dos primeiros 20 usuarios do LDAP
             $users = Controller::find(array('concept' => 'user', 'service' => 'OpenLDAP'), false, array('filter' => array('=', 'phpgwAccountType', 'u'), 'limit' => 20, 'notExternal' => true));
         //Se nao foi encontrado usuarios na consulta
         if ($users === false) {
             $error = new Error();
             $error->setTitle('UserLDAP not found');
             $error->setDescription('Users not found.');
             $response->code = Response::NOTFOUND;
             $response->body = $h->getHypermedia($request->accept[10][0]);
             return $response;
         foreach ($users as $value) {
             $d = new Data();
             $i = new Item($request->resources, 'UsersResource', $value['uid']);
             $d->setPrompt('Nome do Usuario');
             $d = new Data();
             $d->setPrompt('Email do Usuario');
             $d = new Data();
             $d->setPrompt('Telefone do Usuario');
             $d = new Data();
             $d->setPrompt('Status da Regra fora de Escritorio');
             $d = new Data();
             $d->setPrompt('Mensagem da Regra fora de Escritorio');
             $l = new Link();
             $l = new Link();
             $l = new Link();
             $l->setHref('/userldap/' . $value['uid']);
         $t = new Template();
         $d = new Data();
         $d->setPrompt('Nome do Usuario');
         $d = new Data();
         $d->setPrompt('Email do Usuario');
         $d = new Data();
         $d->setPrompt('Telefone do Usuario');
         $queries = new Querie();
         $queries->setData('field', '', true);
         $queries->setData('value', '', true);
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $error = new Error();
         $error->setTitle('Internal Server Error');
         $response->code = Response::INTERNALSERVERERROR;
         $response->body = $h->getHypermedia($request->accept[10][0]);
         return $response;
     $response->body = $h->getHypermedia($request->accept[10][0]);
     return $response;
  * This method will initialize and execute the HTTPS request.
 public function exec()
     // initialize the cURL
     $this->curl = curl_init();
     // initialize cURL parameters
     curl_setopt_array($this->curl, $this->curl_options);
     // execute cURL request
     $this->curl_response = curl_exec($this->curl);
     // get the response HTTP code
     $this->curl_http_code = curl_getinfo($this->curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
     // get the response header size
     $this->curl_response_size = curl_getinfo($this->curl, CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE);
     // call helper to parse & store the response header and body
     if (curl_errno($this->curl)) {
         $error = new Error("Error", curl_errno($this->curl));
         $error = new Error("Error", 300);
         $error->setTitle('Unable to send a request to the Adobe API');
         throw $error;
     // close cURL request