Exemplo n.º 1
 function get()
     if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] != $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] and $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] != '') {
         Error::http(403, "Requests for the sim/records resource must originate from the server environment.");
     $sql = "SELECT brand_id FROM brands WHERE type_system='sim'";
     $rows = DBquery::get($sql);
     $this->numBrands = count($rows);
     $brands = array();
     foreach ($rows as $b) {
         $brands[] = DBquery::get("CALL budgetRevExp(" . $b['brand_id'] . ")")[0];
         if (!$this->rating[$b['brand_id']]) {
     foreach ($brands as &$b) {
         $b['revBal'] = 1 * $b['revBal'];
         $b['expBal'] = 1 * $b['expBal'];
         $b['inflow'] = 1 * $b['inflow'];
         $b['lastWeekAdded'] = 1 * $b['lastWeekAdded'];
         if (!$b['revBal'] and !$b['expBal']) {
         } else {
             if ($b['lastWeekAdded'] < $this->weekNum and $b['revBal'] > $b['inflow']) {
             } else {
                 $this->transact($b, $brands[mt_rand(0, $this->numBrands - 1)]);
     return $brands;
Exemplo n.º 2
 function asApplied($filters)
     if (!is_array($filters['brand_id'])) {
         $filters['brand_id'] = explode(",", $filters['brand_id']);
     if (!$filters['brand_id']) {
         Error::http(400, "An array of brand_id values are required when testing the applicability of throttle #{$this->throttle_id}.");
     $currtime = time();
     $throttle_id = $filters['throttle_id'] ? $filters['throttle_id'] : $this->throttle_id;
     $sql = "SELECT a.brand_id, from_user, amount, r.created\n\t\t\tFROM records r\n\t\t\tJOIN accounts a ON a.account_id=from_acct\n\t\t\tWHERE r.throttle_id=? AND r.status>-1 AND r.txntype='pn' AND {$currtime} - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(r.created) < {$this->period};";
     $rows = DBquery::get($sql, array($throttle_id));
     $used = array('by_all' => 0, 'by_brand' => array("0" => 0), 'by_user' => 0);
     foreach ($rows as $r) {
         $used['by_all'] += $r['amount'];
         if (in_array($r['brand_id'], $filters['brand_id'])) {
             $used['by_brand'][$r['brand_id']] += $r['amount'];
         if (Requester::$user_id == $r['from_user']) {
             $used['by_user'] += $r['amount'];
     $this->unusedAmt = min(max($this->by_all - $used['by_all'], 0), max($this->by_brand - min($used['by_brand']), 0), max($this->by_user - $used['by_user'], 0));
     $this->used = $used;
     return array($this);
Exemplo n.º 3
    function prepOther($data)
        if (is_numeric($data->brand_id)) {
        if (substr($data->brand_id, 0, 1) != "~") {
            $data->brand_id = "~" . $data->brand_id;
        $data->brand_id = substr($data->brand_id, 0, 200);
        $sql = "SELECT brand_id FROM brands WHERE name LIKE ? LIMIT 1";
        $rows = DBquery::get($sql, array($data->brand_id));
        if ($rows) {
            $data->brand_id = $rows[0]['brand_id'];
        } else {
            require_once "models/BrandCollection.php";
            $Brand = (new BrandCollection(json_decode('{
				"name": "' . $data->brand_id . '",
				"mission": "simulate a well-known brand for whitelisting or blacklisting",
				"description": "This is a simulated brand to be used for testing the tatag system.",
				"type_system": "sim"
            $data->brand_id = $Brand->brand_id;
            if (!$data->brand_id) {
                Error::http(500, "Failed to create or use a new brand_id for what you are rating.");
Exemplo n.º 4
 function get()
     if (!$this->txntype) {
         $this->issued = $this->{'@id'} . "?txntype=np";
         $this->revTransfer = $this->{'@id'} . "?txntype=nn";
         $this->expTransfer = $this->{'@id'} . "?txntype=pp";
         $this->intrause = $this->{'@id'} . "?txntype=pn&subtype=intrause";
         $this->inflow = $this->{'@id'} . "?txntype=pn&subtype=inflow";
         $this->outflow = $this->{'@id'} . "?txntype=pn&subtype=outflow";
         return array_merge(array($this), $this->getByTxnType('np'), $this->getByTxnType('nn'), $this->getByTxnType('pp'), $this->getIntrause(), $this->getInflow(), $this->getOutflow());
     } else {
         if ($this->txntype != 'pn') {
             return $this->getByTxnType();
         } else {
             if ($this->subtype == 'intrause') {
                 return $this->getIntrause();
             } else {
                 if ($this->subtype == 'inflow') {
                     return $this->getInflow();
                 } else {
                     if ($this->subtype == 'outflow') {
                         return $this->getOutflow();
                     } else {
                         Error::http(403, "When requesting records with txntype='pn', a URL query parameter value must be provided for 'subtype' and the value must equal 'intrause', 'inflow', OR 'outflow'. Actual value='{$this->subtype}'.");
Exemplo n.º 5
 function __construct()
     if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] != $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] and $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] != '') {
         Error::http(403, "Requests for cron resources must originate from the server environment.");
     $this->{"@id"} = "/cron/budgetAdd";
     $this->{"@type"} = "CronAdd";
Exemplo n.º 6
 function __construct()
     if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] != $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] and $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] != '') {
         Error::http(403, "Requests for cron resources must originate from the localhost environment.");
     $this->{"@id"} = "/cron/report";
     $this->{"@type"} = "report";
Exemplo n.º 7
 function __construct()
     if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] != $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] and $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] != '') {
         Error::http(403, "Requests for cron resources must originate from the server environment.");
     $this->{"@id"} = "{$this->root}/cron/tally";
     $this->{'@type'} = "cronTally";
Exemplo n.º 8
    function add()
        include_once "models/BrandMembers.php";
        include_once "models/Accounts.php";
        include_once "models/Holders.php";
        $this->okToAdd = array('name', 'mission', 'description', 'type_system', 'type_id', 'country_code', 'area_code', 'url', 'advisor', 'logo');
        $this->addKeyVal("type_system", "nonprofit", "ifMissing");
        $this->addKeyVal("type_id", 10, "ifMissing");
        $this->addKeyVal("country_code", "USA", "ifMissing");
        $this->addKeyVal("area_code", 206, "ifMissing");
        $this->addKeyVal("logo", 'NULL', "ifMissing");
        //$this->addKeyVal("mission", 'NULL', "ifMissing");
        $this->addKeyVal("url", 'NULL', "ifMissing");
        $this->addKeyVal("advisor", 'NULL', "ifMissing");
        $Brand = $this->obj;
        $Brand->brand_id = $this->insert();
        //print_r($Brand); print_r(Requester);
        if (!$Brand->brand_id) {
            Error::http(500, "Failed to fully create a new brand.");
        $Members = new BrandMembers(json_decode('{
			"brand_id":' . $Brand->brand_id . ', 
			"user_id":' . Requester::$user_id . ', 
        $Brand->members = $Members->add();
        $MainRev = (new Accounts(json_decode('{
			"brand_id": ' . $Brand->brand_id . ',
			"name": "Main Revenue",
			"authcode": "cftix",
			"unit": "hour",
			"sign": -1
        $MainExp = (new Accounts(json_decode('{
			"brand_id": ' . $Brand->brand_id . ',
			"name": "Main Expense",
			"authcode": "cftix",
			"unit": "hour",
			"sign": 1
        $Brand->accounts = array($MainRev, $MainExp);
        if ($Brand->type_system == 'sim') {
        } else {
            $Brand->holders[] = (new Holders(json_decode('{
				"account_id": ' . $MainRev->account_id . ', 
				"user_id":' . Requester::$user_id . ',
				"authcode": "cftix"
            $Brand->holders[] = (new Holders(json_decode('{
				"account_id": ' . $MainExp->account_id . ', 
				"user_id":' . Requester::$user_id . ',
				"authcode": "cftix"
        return array($Brand);
Exemplo n.º 9
 function get()
     if (isset($_GET['save'])) {
     $f = "ref/forms/" . Router::$subresource . ".json";
     if (!file_exists($f)) {
         Error::http(404, "The form='" . Router::$subresource . "' was not found.");
     return array(json_decode(file_get_contents($f)));
Exemplo n.º 10
 function setDetails($throttle_id = 0)
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$this->table} WHERE throttle_id=?";
     $row = DBquery::get($sql, array($throttle_id ? $throttle_id : $this->throttle_id));
     if (!$row) {
         Error::http(404, "No details were found for throttle #'{$this->throttle_id}'.");
     foreach ($row[0] as $k => $v) {
         $this->{$k} = $v;
Exemplo n.º 11
 function __construct($data = '')
     //move to advisor
     $this->from_brand = ($data and isset($data->from_brand)) ? $data->from_brand : $_GET['from_brand'];
     $this->to_brand = ($data and isset($data->to_brand)) ? $data->to_brand : $_GET['to_brand'];
     if (!$this->from_brand or !$this->to_brand) {
         Error::http(400, "A non-zero integer value must be specified for from_brand (specified '{$this->from_brand}') and to_brand ('{$this->to_brand}') as GET query parameters.");
     $this->consumer_id = ($data and isset($data->from_brand)) ? 0 : $this->getID();
     $this->{"@id"} = $this->consumer_id ? "{$this->root}/app/{$this->consumer_id}/advise" : "{$this->root}/app/advise";
     $this->{"@type"} = "appAdvise";
Exemplo n.º 12
 function __construct($data = '')
     $this->{"@type"} = "teamOrders";
     $this->brand_id = $this->getID();
     if (!Requester::isMember($this->brand_id)) {
         Error::http(403, "Only members or admins of brand #{$this->brand_id} can view its orders.");
     $this->{'@id'} = "{$this->root}/team/{$this->brand_id}/orders";
     $this->table = "records";
     $this->collectionOf = "order";
     $this->okToFilterBy = array("record_id");
Exemplo n.º 13
 function __construct($data = '')
     $this->brand_id = $this->getID();
     if (!Requester::isMember($this->brand_id)) {
         Error::http(403, "The '/team/{$this->brand_id}' resource is only viewable by members of brand #{$this->brand_id}.");
     $this->{"@type"} = 'brandTally';
     $this->{"@id"} = "{$this->root}/team/{$this->brand_id}/tally";
     $this->table = "members";
     $this->okToFilterBy = array("brand_id", "member_id");
     $this->okToSet = array("joined", "revoked");
Exemplo n.º 14
 function __construct($data = '')
     $this->user_id = $this->getID();
     if (!Requester::isUser($this->user_id)) {
         Error::http(401, "The requester must be logged in as the requested user.");
     $this->{"@id"} = "/user/{$this->user_id}/apps";
     $this->{'@type'} = "userApps";
     $this->collectionOf = "app";
     $this->table = "consumers";
     $this->okToAdd = array("name", "secret", "type", "redirect_url");
Exemplo n.º 15
 function set()
     $sql = "SELECT user_id, member_id FROM members WHERE {$this->filterCond}";
     $rows = DBquery::get($sql, $this->filterValArr);
     foreach ($rows as $r) {
         if ($r['user_id'] != Requester::$user_id) {
             Error::http(403, "The requester cannot set another member's information. \n\t\t\t\tPlease check that requester (#{$this->user_id}) is filtering by his or her own member_id (#" . $r['member_id'] . ").");
     return array($this->obj);
Exemplo n.º 16
 function set()
     if (!$_GET['record_id']) {
         Error::http(403, 'Missing record_id GET query parameter value, which is required for updating the record status.');
     if ($this->status == 7) {
         $row = DBquery::get("CALL approveRecord(" . $_GET['record_id'] . ")");
     } else {
         $row = $this->update();
     return array($this->obj);
Exemplo n.º 17
 function __construct($data = '')
     $this->brand_id = $this->getID();
     if (!Requester::isBrandAdmin($this->brand_id)) {
         Error::http(403, "The requester is not an admin for brand #{$this->brand_id}.");
     $this->{"@type"} = 'brand';
     $this->{"@id"} = "{$this->root}/brand/{$this->brand_id}";
     $this->role = "admin";
     $this->table = "brands";
     $this->okToSet = array("name", "ended", "mission", "description", "url", "advisor", "type_system", "type_id", "country_code", "area_code", "logo");
     $this->okToFilterBy = array("brand_id");
Exemplo n.º 18
 function setDetails()
     $sql = "SELECT brand_id, account_id FROM accounts WHERE account_id=? AND ended IS NULL";
     $row = DBquery::get($sql, array($this->account_id));
     if (!$row) {
         Error::http(404, "Account #{$this->account_id} was not found.");
     foreach ($row[0] as $key => $val) {
         $this->{$key} = $val;
     $this->id = $this->account_id;
     $this->brand = "{$this->root}/brand/" . $row[0]['brand_id'];
Exemplo n.º 19
 function __construct($data = '')
     $this->brand_id = $this->getID();
     if (!Requester::isMember($this->brand_id)) {
         Error::http(403, "The requester is not a member of brand #{$this->brand_id}.");
     $this->{"@type"} = 'accounts';
     $this->{"@id"} = "{$this->root}/team/{$this->brand_id}/accounts";
     $this->table = "accounts";
     $this->idkey = 'account_id';
     $this->collectionOf = "account";
     $this->okToGet = array("brand_id", "account_id", "name", "balance", "unit", "authcode");
Exemplo n.º 20
 function get()
     } else {
         Error::http(403, "Requests for the sim/records resource must originate from the server environment.");
     $sql = "SELECT record_id FROM records WHERE status=0 AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND,created,NOW()) > 300";
     $rows = DBquery::get($sql);
     $pending = count($rows);
     foreach ($rows as $r) {
         DBquery::get("CALL approveRecord(" . $r['record_id'] . ")");
     return array(array("numApproved" => $pending));
Exemplo n.º 21
 function matchBrandToRelay()
     $sql = "SELECT brand_id FROM accounts a JOIN holders USING (account_id) WHERE holder_id=?";
     $rows = DBquery::get($sql, array($this->relay->holder_id));
     if (!$rows) {
         Error::http(403, "The holder_id value='{$this->holder_id}' was not found.");
     if (!$this->brand_id) {
         $this->brand_id = $rows[0]['brand_id'];
     } else {
         if ($this->brand_id != $rows[0]['brand_id']) {
             Error::http(403, "Brand# {$this->brand_id} does not own the account of holder #" . $this->relay->holder_id . ".");
Exemplo n.º 22
 function __construct($data = '')
     $this->brand_id = $this->getID();
     if (!Requester::isMember($this->brand_id)) {
         Error::http(403, "The '/team/{$this->brand_id}/members' resource is only viewable by members of brand #{$this->brand_id}.");
     $this->{"@type"} = 'members';
     $this->{"@id"} = "{$this->root}/team/{$this->brand_id}/members";
     $this->table = "members";
     $this->idkey = 'member_id';
     $this->collectionOf = "member";
     $this->okToSet = array("role", 'hours', 'ended');
     $this->okToFilterBy = array("member_id", "user_id");
Exemplo n.º 23
 function __construct($data = '')
     $this->brand_id = $this->getID();
     if (!Requester::isBrandAdmin($this->brand_id)) {
         Error::http(403, "The requester is not an admin for brand #{$this->brand_id}.");
     $this->{"@type"} = 'brandAccounts';
     $this->{"@id"} = "{$this->root}/brand/{$this->brand_id}/accounts";
     $this->table = "accounts";
     $this->idkey = 'account_id';
     $this->collectionOf = "account";
     $this->okToGet = array("brand_id", "account_id", "name", "balance", "unit", "authcode");
     $this->okToAdd = array("brand_id", 'name', 'authcode', 'unit', 'sign');
     $this->okToSet = array("name", "authcode", "throttle_id");
     $this->okToFilterBy = array("brand_id", "account_id");
Exemplo n.º 24
 function __construct($data = '')
     $this->brand_id = $this->getID();
     if (!Requester::isBrandAdmin($this->brand_id)) {
         Error::http(403, "The requester is not an admin for brand #{$this->brand_id}.");
     $this->{"@type"} = 'brandHolders';
     $this->{"@id"} = "{$this->root}/brand/{$this->brand_id}/holders";
     $this->table = "holders";
     $this->idkey = 'holder_id';
     $this->collectionOf = "holder";
     $this->okToAdd = array("user_id", "account_id", "authcode", "limkey");
     $this->okToSet = array("authcode", "ended");
     $this->okToFilterBy = array("account_id", "user_id", "holder_id");
     $this->okToGet = array('holder_id', 'account_id', 'authcode');
Exemplo n.º 25
 function __construct($data = '')
     $this->member_id = $this->getID();
     if (!Requester::isBrandAdmin($this->brand_id)) {
         Error::http(403, "Only brand admins can access member accounts resource.");
     $this->{"@type"} = "memberAccounts";
     $this->{'@id'} = "{$this->root}/member/{$this->member_id}/accounts";
     $this->table = "holders";
     $this->idkey = 'holder_id';
     $this->collectionOf = "holding";
     $this->okToAdd = array("user_id", "account_id", "authcode", "limkey");
     $this->okToGet = array("holder_id", "holder_auth", "brand_id", "account_id", "name", "account_auth");
     $this->okToSet = array("authcode", "ended");
     $this->okToFilterBy = array("holder_id");
Exemplo n.º 26
 function getMemberId($brand_id = 0, $user_id = 0)
     if (!$brand_id) {
         if (!$this->brand_id) {
             Error::http(400, "Missing brand_id property for Member->isMember().");
         $brand_id = $this->brand_id;
     if (!$user_id) {
         if (!$this->user_id) {
             Error::http(400, "Missing user_id argument for Member->isMember().");
         $user_id = $this->user_id;
     $sql = "SELECT member_id FROM members WHERE user_id={$user_id} AND brand_id={$brand_id} AND ended IS NULL";
     $row = DBquery::get($sql);
     return $row[0]['member_id'];
Exemplo n.º 27
 function add($data = '')
     if (!isset($this->email) and !isset($this->fb_id) and !isset($this->gp_id) and !isset($this->tw_id)) {
         Error::http(400, "When registerng a user, an email, facebook id (fb_id), google+ id (gp_id) , or twitter id (tw_id) must be used as input.");
     foreach ($this->okToAdd as $key) {
         $this->addKeyVal($key, "NULL", "ifMissing");
     $this->obj->password = password_hash($this->obj->password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
     $this->valArr[array_search('password', $this->keyArr)] = $this->obj->password;
     $User = $this->obj;
     $User->user_id = $this->insert();
     require_once "utils/Router.php";
     Requester::$user_id = $User->user_id;
     //no need to communicate this back for privacy
     return array($User);
Exemplo n.º 28
 function get()
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM consumers WHERE consumer_id=?";
     $rows = DBquery::get($sql, array($this->consumer_id));
     if (!$rows) {
         return array(null);
     if ($rows[0]['user_id'] != Requester::$user_id) {
         Error::http(403, "The details for app #{$this->consumer_id} is viewable to its developer only.");
     foreach ($rows[0] as $k => $v) {
         $this->{$k} = $v;
     if ($rows[0]['type'] == 'advisor') {
         $this->advise = "{$this->root}/app/{$this->consumer_id}/advise";
         $this->config = "{$this->root}/app/{$this->consumer_id}/config";
     return array($this);
Exemplo n.º 29
 function setTokenUserID()
     $info = json_decode(file_get_contents("https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/tokeninfo?access_token={$this->access_token}"));
     if (!$info) {
         Error::http(400, "No information was retrieved for access_token='{$this->access_token}'.");
     if ($info->error) {
         Error::http(500, "Error retrieving information for access_token='{$this->access_token}': [{$info->error}].");
     if ($info->audience != GAPI_CLIENT_ID) {
         Error::http(401, "An invalid client_id was retrieved for access_token='{$this->access_token}'.");
     $this->okToSet = array("otk", "user_id", "login_provider");
     $this->user_id = $this->getByOauthID($info);
     $this->addKeyVal('user_id', $this->user_id);
     $this->addKeyVal('otk', mt_rand(1, 99999999));
     $this->addKeyVal('login_provider', 'gp');
     $this->update(array("token_id" => $this->token_id, "otk" => Requester::$otk, "token_val" => '0'));
     return array($this);
Exemplo n.º 30
 function __construct($data = '')
     $this->brand_id = $this->getID();
     if (!Requester::isMember($this->brand_id)) {
         Error::http(403, "The requester is not a member of brand #{$this->brand_id}.");
     $this->{"@type"} = "brandPromos";
     $params = $_GET ? '?' . http_build_query($_GET) : '';
     $this->{'@id'} = "{$this->root}/brand/{$this->brand_id}/promos" . $params;
     $this->table = "promos";
     $this->idkey = 'promo_id';
     $this->collectionOf = "promo";
     if (Router::$method == 'add' or Router::$method == 'set') {
     $this->pageOrder = "desc";
     //prevents being reset
     $this->okToFilterBy = array("brand_id", "promo_id", 'expires');