  * _currency_support
  * @access protected
  * @param \EE_Payment_Method $payment_method
  * @return \EE_Form_Section_Proper
 protected function _currency_support(EE_Payment_Method $payment_method)
     if (!$payment_method->usable_for_currency(EE_Config::instance()->currency->code)) {
         return new EE_Form_Section_HTML(EEH_HTML::tr(EEH_HTML::th(EEH_HTML::label(EEH_HTML::strong(__('IMPORTANT', 'event_espresso'), '', 'important-notice'))) . EEH_HTML::td(EEH_HTML::strong(sprintf(__('This payment method does not support the currency set on your site (%1$s) and so will not appear as a payment option to registrants. Please activate a different payment method or change your site\'s country and associated currency.', 'event_espresso'), EE_Config::instance()->currency->code)))));
     } else {
         return new EE_Form_Section_HTML('');
  *    _event_row - basically a Heading row displayed once above each event's ticket rows
  * @param EE_Line_Item $line_item
  * @return mixed
 private function _event_row(EE_Line_Item $line_item)
     // start of row
     $html = EEH_HTML::tr('', 'event-cart-total-row', 'total_tr odd');
     // event name td
     $html .= EEH_HTML::td(EEH_HTML::strong($line_item->name()), '', 'event-header', '', ' colspan="4"');
     // end of row
     $html .= EEH_HTML::trx();
     return $html;
 public static function display_add_new_state_micro_form(EE_Form_Section_Proper $question_group_reg_form)
     // only add the 'new_state_micro_form' when displaying reg forms,
     // not during processing since we process the 'new_state_micro_form' in it's own AJAX request
     $action = EE_Registry::instance()->REQ->get('action', '');
     if ($action === 'process_reg_step' || $action === 'update_reg_step') {
         return $question_group_reg_form;
     // is the "state" question in this form section?
     $input = $question_group_reg_form->get_subsection('state');
     // we're only doing this for state select inputs
     if ($input instanceof EE_State_Select_Input) {
         // load helpers
         // grab any set values from the request
         $country_name = str_replace('state', 'new_state_country', $input->html_name());
         $state_name = str_replace('state', 'new_state_name', $input->html_name());
         $abbrv_name = str_replace('state', 'new_state_abbrv', $input->html_name());
         $new_state_submit_id = str_replace('state', 'new_state', $input->html_id());
         $country_options = array();
         $countries = EEM_Country::instance()->get_all_countries();
         if (!empty($countries)) {
             foreach ($countries as $country) {
                 if ($country instanceof EE_Country) {
                     $country_options[$country->ID()] = $country->name();
         $new_state_micro_form = new EE_Form_Section_Proper(array('name' => 'new_state_micro_form', 'html_id' => 'new_state_micro_form', 'layout_strategy' => new EE_No_Layout(), 'subsections' => array('add_new_state' => new EE_Hidden_Input(array('html_name' => str_replace('state', 'add_new_state', $input->html_name()), 'html_id' => str_replace('state', 'add_new_state', $input->html_id()), 'default' => 0)), 'click_here_link' => new EE_Form_Section_HTML(apply_filters('FHEE__EED_Add_New_State__display_add_new_state_micro_form__click_here_link', EEH_HTML::link('', __('click here to add a new state/province', 'event_espresso'), '', 'display-' . $input->html_id(), 'ee-form-add-new-state-lnk display-the-hidden smaller-text hide-if-no-js', '', 'rel="' . $input->html_id() . '"'))), 'add_new_state_micro_form' => new EE_Form_Section_HTML(apply_filters('FHEE__EED_Add_New_State__display_add_new_state_micro_form__add_new_state_micro_form', EEH_HTML::div('', $input->html_id() . '-dv', 'ee-form-add-new-state-dv', 'display: none;') . EEH_HTML::h6(__('If your State/Province does not appear in the list above, you can easily add it by doing the following:', 'event_espresso')) . EEH_HTML::ul() . EEH_HTML::li(__('first select the Country that your State/Province belongs to', 'event_espresso')) . EEH_HTML::li(__('enter the name of your State/Province', 'event_espresso')) . EEH_HTML::li(__('enter a two to six letter abbreviation for the name of your State/Province', 'event_espresso')) . EEH_HTML::li(__('click the ADD button', 'event_espresso')) . EEH_HTML::ulx())), 'new_state_country' => new EE_Country_Select_Input($country_options, array('html_name' => $country_name, 'html_id' => str_replace('state', 'new_state_country', $input->html_id()), 'html_class' => $input->html_class() . ' new-state-country', 'html_label_text' => __('New State/Province Country', 'event_espresso'), 'default' => EE_Registry::instance()->REQ->get($country_name, ''), 'required' => false)), 'new_state_name' => new EE_Text_Input(array('html_name' => $state_name, 'html_id' => str_replace('state', 'new_state_name', $input->html_id()), 'html_class' => $input->html_class() . ' new-state-state', 'html_label_text' => __('New State/Province Name', 'event_espresso'), 'default' => EE_Registry::instance()->REQ->get($state_name, ''), 'required' => false)), 'spacer' => new EE_Form_Section_HTML(EEH_HTML::br()), 'new_state_abbrv' => new EE_Text_Input(array('html_name' => $abbrv_name, 'html_id' => str_replace('state', 'new_state_abbrv', $input->html_id()), 'html_class' => $input->html_class() . ' new-state-abbrv', 'html_label_text' => __('New State/Province Abbreviation', 'event_espresso'), 'html_other_attributes' => 'size="24"', 'default' => EE_Registry::instance()->REQ->get($abbrv_name, ''), 'required' => false)), 'add_new_state_submit_button' => new EE_Form_Section_HTML(apply_filters('FHEE__EED_Add_New_State__display_add_new_state_micro_form__add_new_state_submit_button', EEH_HTML::nbsp(3) . EEH_HTML::link('', __('ADD', 'event_espresso'), '', 'submit-' . $new_state_submit_id, 'ee-form-add-new-state-submit button button-secondary', '', 'rel="' . $new_state_submit_id . '"'))), 'add_new_state_extra' => new EE_Form_Section_HTML(apply_filters('FHEE__EED_Add_New_State__display_add_new_state_micro_form__add_new_state_extra', EEH_HTML::br(2) . EEH_HTML::div('', '', 'small-text') . EEH_HTML::strong(__('Don\'t know your State/Province Abbreviation?', 'event_espresso')) . EEH_HTML::br() . sprintf(__('You can look here: %s, for a list of Countries and links to their State/Province Abbreviations ("Subdivisions assigned codes" column).', 'event_espresso'), EEH_HTML::link('http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-2', 'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-2', '', '', 'ee-form-add-new-state-wiki-lnk')) . EEH_HTML::divx() . EEH_HTML::br() . EEH_HTML::link('', __('cancel new state/province', 'event_espresso'), '', 'hide-' . $input->html_id(), 'ee-form-cancel-new-state-lnk smaller-text', '', 'rel="' . $input->html_id() . '"') . EEH_HTML::divx() . EEH_HTML::br())))));
         $question_group_reg_form->add_subsections(array('new_state_micro_form' => $new_state_micro_form), 'state', false);
     return $question_group_reg_form;
  *    _total_row
  * @param EE_Line_Item $line_item
  * @param string $text
  * @param bool $tax_total
  * @return mixed
 private function _total_row(EE_Line_Item $line_item, $text = '', $tax_total = false)
     if ($tax_total && $this->_tax_count < 2) {
         return '';
     //if ( )
     // start of row
     $html = EEH_HTML::tr('', 'event-cart-total-row', 'total_tr odd');
     // total td
     $html .= EEH_HTML::td(EEH_HTML::strong(EED_Multi_Event_Registration::$event_cart_name . ' ' . $line_item->desc() . ' ' . $text), '', 'total_currency total jst-rght', '', ' colspan="2"');
     // total qty
     $total_qty = $tax_total ? '' : EE_Registry::instance()->CART->all_ticket_quantity_count();
     $html .= EEH_HTML::td(EEH_HTML::strong($total_qty), '', 'mini-cart-tbl-qty-td total jst-cntr');
     // total td
     $html .= EEH_HTML::td(EEH_HTML::strong($line_item->total_no_code()), '', 'total jst-rght');
     // end of row
     $html .= EEH_HTML::trx();
     return $html;
  *    _total_row
  * @param EE_Line_Item $line_item
  * @param string       $text
  * @param int          $total_items
  * @return mixed
 private function _total_row(EE_Line_Item $line_item, $text = '', $total_items = 0)
     // start of row
     $html = EEH_HTML::tr('', 'event-cart-total-row-' . $line_item->ID(), 'event-cart-total-row-' . $line_item->type() . ' event-cart-total-row total_tr');
     // total td
     $html .= EEH_HTML::td(EEH_HTML::strong($text), '', 'total_currency total jst-rght', '', ' colspan="2"');
     // total qty
     $total_items = $total_items ? $total_items : '';
     $html .= EEH_HTML::td(EEH_HTML::strong('<span class="total">' . $total_items . '</span>'), '', 'total jst-cntr');
     // total td
     $html .= EEH_HTML::td(EEH_HTML::strong($line_item->total_no_code()), '', 'total jst-rght');
     // end of row
     $html .= EEH_HTML::trx();
     return $html;
  *    _total_row
  * @param EE_Line_Item $line_item
  * @param string $text
  * @param bool $tax_total
  * @return mixed
 private function _total_row(EE_Line_Item $line_item, $text = '', $tax_total = false)
     if ($tax_total && $this->_tax_count < 2) {
         return '';
     // total td
     $content = EEH_HTML::strong($line_item->desc() . ' ' . $text);
     // total td
     $content .= ' ' . EEH_HTML::strong($line_item->total_no_code());
     return EEH_HTML::li($content, '', 'event-cart-total-list total-list', 'text-align:right; width:100%;');