public static function _ticket_selector_settings_form()
     return new EE_Form_Section_Proper(array('name' => 'ticket_selector_settings_form', 'html_id' => 'ticket_selector_settings_form', 'layout_strategy' => new EE_Div_Per_Section_Layout(), 'subsections' => apply_filters('FHEE__EED_Ticket_Selector_Caff___ticket_selector_settings_form__form_subsections', array('appearance_settings_hdr' => new EE_Form_Section_HTML(EEH_HTML::br(2) . EEH_HTML::h2(__('Ticket Selector Template Settings', 'event_espresso'))), 'appearance_settings' => EED_Ticket_Selector_Caff::_ticket_selector_appearance_settings()))));
  * _email_validation_settings_form
  * @access protected
  * @return EE_Form_Section_Proper
 protected function _email_validation_settings_form()
     return new EE_Form_Section_Proper(array('name' => 'email_validation_settings', 'html_id' => 'email_validation_settings', 'layout_strategy' => new EE_Admin_Two_Column_Layout(), 'subsections' => array('email_validation_hdr' => new EE_Form_Section_HTML(EEH_HTML::h2(__('Email Validation Settings', 'event_espresso'))), 'email_validation_level' => new EE_Select_Input(array('basic' => __('Basic', 'event_espresso'), 'wp_default' => __('WordPress Default', 'event_espresso'), 'i18n' => __('International', 'event_espresso'), 'i18n_dns' => __('International + DNS Check', 'event_espresso')), array('html_label_text' => __('Email Validation Level', 'event_espresso') . EEH_Template::get_help_tab_link('email_validation_info'), 'html_help_text' => __('These levels range from basic validation ( ie: text@text.text ) to more advanced checks against international email addresses (ie: üñîçøðé ) with additional MX and A record checks to confirm the domain actually exists. More information on on each level can be found within the help section.', 'event_espresso'), 'default' => isset(EE_Registry::instance()->CFG->registration->email_validation_level) ? EE_Registry::instance()->CFG->registration->email_validation_level : 'wp_default', 'required' => false)))));
  * _recaptcha_main_settings
  * @access protected
  * @return EE_Form_Section_Proper
 protected static function _recaptcha_settings_form()
     return new EE_Form_Section_Proper(array('name' => 'recaptcha_settings_form', 'html_id' => 'recaptcha_settings_form', 'layout_strategy' => new EE_Div_Per_Section_Layout(), 'subsections' => apply_filters('FHEE__EED_Recaptcha___recaptcha_settings_form__form_subsections', array('main_settings_hdr' => new EE_Form_Section_HTML(EEH_HTML::h2(__('reCAPTCHA Anti-spam Settings', 'event_espresso') . EEH_Template::get_help_tab_link('recaptcha_info'))), 'main_settings' => EED_Recaptcha::_recaptcha_main_settings(), 'appearance_settings_hdr' => new EE_Form_Section_HTML(EEH_HTML::h2(__('reCAPTCHA Appearance', 'event_espresso'))), 'appearance_settings' => EED_Recaptcha::_recaptcha_appearance_settings(), 'required_fields_note' => new EE_Form_Section_HTML(EEH_HTML::p(__('All fields marked with a * are required fields', 'event_espresso'), '', 'grey-text'))))));
  * _bot_trap_settings_form
  * @access protected
  * @return EE_Form_Section_Proper
 protected static function _bot_trap_settings_form()
     return new EE_Form_Section_Proper(array('name' => 'bot_trap_settings', 'html_id' => 'bot_trap_settings', 'layout_strategy' => new EE_Admin_Two_Column_Layout(), 'subsections' => array('bot_trap_hdr' => new EE_Form_Section_HTML(EEH_HTML::h2(__('Bot Trap Settings', 'event_espresso'))), 'use_bot_trap' => new EE_Yes_No_Input(array('html_label_text' => __('Enable Bot Trap', 'event_espresso'), 'html_help_text' => __('The Event Espresso Bot Trap will insert a fake input into your Ticket Selector forms that is hidden from regular site visitors, but visible to spam bots. Because the input asks for an email address, it is irresistible to spam bots who will of course enter text into it. Since regular site visitors can not see this input, any value detected during form submission means a bot has been detected, which will then be blocked from submitting the form.', 'event_espresso'), 'default' => isset(EE_Registry::instance()->CFG->registration->use_bot_trap) ? EE_Registry::instance()->CFG->registration->use_bot_trap : true, 'required' => false)), 'use_encryption' => new EE_Yes_No_Input(array('html_label_text' => __('Encrypt Bot Trap Data', 'event_espresso'), 'html_help_text' => __('One way to detect spam bots is by looking at how long it takes them to submit a form. They are often inhumanly fast, or will submit forms hours, days, or even weeks after the form was first scraped off the web. The Event Espresso Bot Trap will send a timestamp with the Ticket Selector form when it is submitted. By default, this timestamp is encrypted so that the spam bots can not change it, but encryption may cause issues on some servers due to configuration "conflicts". If you continuously get caught in the bot trap, then try setting this option to "No". This may increase the number of spam submissions you receive, but increases server compatibility.', 'event_espresso'), 'default' => isset(EE_Registry::instance()->CFG->registration->use_encryption) ? EE_Registry::instance()->CFG->registration->use_encryption : true, 'required' => false)))));