  * Parses argument data
  * @param array $data
 private function parseData($data = array())
     // show help if requested and exit!
     if (isset($data['help'])) {
         require_once MANGA_ROOT_DIR . 'includes/templates/help/index.php';
     $data = is_array($data) ? $data : array();
     // image delay
     $this->setImageDelay(Input::array_value($data, 'image-delay', '', 'trim'));
     // chapter delay
     $this->setChapterDelay(Input::array_value($data, 'chapter-delay', '', 'trim'));
     // url
     if (isset($data['url'])) {
         $url = trim($data['url']);
         if ($url == '') {
             consoleLineError("Url parameter cannot be empty!");
         $parsedData = UrlParser::parseUrl($url);
         if (!$parsedData) {
             consoleLineError("Provided url is not is not valid!");
         } else {
             $data['source'] = $parsedData['source'];
             $data['slug'] = $parsedData['slug'];
             $chapter = trim($parsedData['chapter']);
             if ($chapter != '') {
                 $data['chapter-ids'] = $chapter;
                 $data['action'] = self::ACTION_SPECIFIC_CHAPTERS;
     // check for valid params
     $dataKeys = array_keys($data);
     $diff = array_diff($dataKeys, $this->_allowed_param_names);
     if (count($diff) > 0) {
         consoleLineError("Invalid params: " . join(',', $diff), 2);
     $this->_argumentsList = $data;
     // action
     $action = Input::array_value($data, 'action', '', 'trim');
     if ($action == '') {
         $action = self::ACTION_NEW_CHAPTERS;
     if (!$this->isValidAction($action)) {
     } else {
         $this->_action = $action;
         if ($this->_action == self::ACTION_SPECIFIC_CHAPTERS) {
             $chapterIds = Input::array_value($data, 'chapter-ids', '', 'trim');
             if ($chapterIds == '') {
                 consoleLineError('One or more chapter ids are required when action is "' . self::ACTION_SPECIFIC_CHAPTERS . '"');
     // source
     $source = Input::array_value($data, 'source', MangaSourceList::SOUCE_MANGAPANDA, 'trim');
     if (MangaSourceList::getInstance()->isValidSource($source)) {
         $this->_source = $source;
     } else {
     // slug
     $slug = Input::array_value($data, 'slug', '', 'trim');
     if ($slug == '') {
         consoleLineError('Manga slug is required!', 2);
         consoleLinePurple('Example: --slug=nisekoi', 2);
         Console::writeMultiline('Slug usualy means the SEO friendly name of the manga. But it can be different for different manga sources.The slug is part of the manga chapters list url.');
     $this->_mangaSlug = $slug;
     // name
     $name = Input::array_value($data, 'name', '', 'trim');
     if ($name == '') {
         $name = $this->_mangaSlug;
     $this->_mangaName = $name;
     // Output dir
     $output_dir = Input::array_value($data, 'output-dir', '', 'trim');
     if ($output_dir == '') {
         $output_dir = './manga/' . $this->_source . '/' . $this->_mangaSlug . '/';
     if (!is_dir($output_dir)) {
         if (!mkdir($output_dir, 0777, TRUE)) {
             consoleLineError("Unable to create output dir: " . $output_dir, 2);
     } else {
         $tmpFile = tempnam($output_dir, 'mst-');
         if (!fopen($tmpFile, 'w')) {
             consoleLineError("Output dir is not writeable!" . $output_dir, 2);
         } else {
     $this->_output_dir = $output_dir;
     # chapters count
     $chaptersCount = Input::array_value_as_int($data, 'chapters-count', 0);
     if ($chaptersCount < 0) {
         $chaptersCount = 0;
     $this->_chapters_count = $chaptersCount;
     # chapter ids
     $chapterIds = Input::array_value($data, 'chapter-ids', '', 'trim');
     if ($chapterIds == '') {
         $this->_chapter_ids = array();
     } else {
         // is it a file?
         if (is_readable($chapterIds)) {
             $chapterIds = trim(file_get_contents($chapterIds));
         $chapterIds = explode(',', $chapterIds);
         $chapterIds = array_map('trim', $chapterIds);
         // check for ranges
         $chapterRangesIds = array();
         foreach ($chapterIds as $k => $v) {
             $cid = $chapterIds[$k];
             if (preg_match('/([0-9.]+)\\s*-\\s*([0-9.]+)/im', $cid, $regs)) {
                 $chapterRangesIds[$k] = array('start' => $regs[1], 'end' => $regs[2]);
         if (count($chapterRangesIds) > 0) {
             // unset the range format entries first, as we are gonna get real
             // chapter ids from that range next
             foreach ($chapterRangesIds as $k => $rangeData) {
             // get available chapters from ranges
             foreach ($chapterRangesIds as $k => $rangeData) {
                 $start = $rangeData['start'];
                 $end = $rangeData['end'];
                 for ($i = $start; $i <= $end; $i += 1) {
                     $chapterIds[] = $i;
         $chapterIds = array_unique($chapterIds);
         $this->_chapter_ids = $chapterIds;
     # create cbr
     $createCbr = isset($data['create-cbr']) ? $data['create-cbr'] : TRUE;
     $result = strtolower(exec('type -p rar'));
     if (strpos($result, 'not found')) {
         consoleLineError('rar doesnt seem to be installed in the system!');
         $createCbr = FALSE;
     $this->_create_cbr = $createCbr;
     if (!$this->_create_cbr) {
         consoleLineError('.cbr files will not be created!');
     # no cbr backup
     if ($this->_action == self::ACTION_RECREATE_CBR) {
         $this->_no_cbr_backup = isset($data['no-cbr-backup']) && $data['no-cbr-backup'];
Exemplo n.º 2
$temp = [];
foreach (MangaSourceList::getInstance()->getAllowedSourceList() as $src_key => $src_data) {
    $temp[] = Console::text($src_key, 0, ConsoleColors::COLOR_CYAN, true);
$blockText .= join(', ', $temp);
Console::writeMultiline($blockText, MANGA_SCRAPPER_TAB_STR . $emptyPaddedStr, '', true);
# ====================================================================
# By: anjan @ Nov 06, 2015 12:15 PM
# ====================================================================
# --url
# ====================================================================
Console::text(__pad_space_right("--url", $paramPadLength), 1);
$blockText = 'Accepts an url to manga chapters list or a specific chapter. If a valid manga chapter list url is specified, then the source, and slug param is ignored. Also, if the url is for a chapter, in addition to source and slug, action and chapter-ids params are ignored as well.';
Console::writeMultiline($blockText, MANGA_SCRAPPER_TAB_STR . $emptyPaddedStr, '', true);
 * By: Anjan @ Nov 06, 2015 5:13 PM
 * Available actions
consoleLinePurple('List of supported actions -', 2);
$actionKeyLengths = array();
foreach (ArgumentsList::getActionList() as $key => $data) {
    $actionKeyLengths[] = strlen($key);
$maxkeyLen = max($actionKeyLengths) + 2 * strlen(MANGA_SCRAPPER_TAB_STR);
foreach (ArgumentsList::getActionList() as $key => $data) {
    Console::text(__pad_space_right(MANGA_SCRAPPER_TAB_STR . $key . MANGA_SCRAPPER_TAB_STR, $maxkeyLen), 0, ConsoleColors::COLOR_CYAN);
    Console::writeMultiline($data['desc'] . ($data['default'] ? Console::text(' [default]', 0, ConsoleColors::COLOR_RED, true) : ''), __pad_space_right('', $maxkeyLen), '', true);