<?php $url = '/server/listServer'; if (isset($argv[1])) { $url = $argv[1]; } require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../bootstrap/dbunit.php'; Console::$profilingEnabled = true; register_shutdown_function(array('Console', 'profile'), 'end'); class AuthenticatedBrowser extends sfBrowser { protected function doCall() { $this->context = $this->getContext(true); $admin = sfGuardUserPeer::retrieveByPk(1); $this->context->getUser()->signIn($admin); ob_start(); $this->context->getController()->dispatch(); $html = ob_get_clean(); } } $browser = new AuthenticatedBrowser(); sfConfig::set('app_parser_panels', array()); sfConfig::set('app_parser_skip_toolbar', true); $browser->get($url); Console::profile('end'); Console::restartProfiling(); $browser->get($url);
private function postProcess($build = false, $uri = null) { if ($uri) { $this->process["parses"][$this->iteration]["module"] = strtok($uri, "/"); $this->process["parses"][$this->iteration]["component_name"] = strtok("/"); } Console::profile('postProcess'); /* * Create widgets in advanced for the text link script (widget launcher) */ sfApplicationConfiguration::getActive()->loadHelpers(array("Helper", "Url", "afUrl")); // Update session if needed.. $module = $this->context->getModuleName(); $action = $this->context->getActionName(); $this->context->getUser()->getAttributeHolder()->removeNamespace('parser/grid'); if ($this->type === self::WIZARD) { if (isset($this->attribute_holder["init"])) { $this->context->getUser()->getAttributeHolder()->removeNamespace('parser/wizard'); } self::updateSession(false, "parser/wizard", null, $this->datastore, $this->process); } if (!$build) { $pageHelp = $this->type !== self::WIZARD && isset($this->process["parses"][0]["extra"]) && $this->widgetHelpSettings->getWidgetHelpIsEnabled(); } else { $pageHelp = null; } if ($this->multi) { $this->page = $this->process["parses"][0]; unset($this->process["parses"][0]); if ($pageHelp) { $this->layout->addHelp($this->page["extra"]); } $this->layout->setTitle($this->page["title"] . (class_exists('afExtjsWidgetConfig') ? afExtjsWidgetConfig::getPostfixTitle() : '')); } if ($this->tree) { $this->layout->addItem('west', $this->tree); } foreach ($this->process["parses"] as $it => $parse) { // Parse additional scripts.. if (array_key_exists("scripts", $parse)) { $this->parseScripts($parse); } /* * Moved the tools in this loop to have different tools on different portlets depending upon their types. */ $tools = new afExtjsTools(); // Help popup if ($this->widgetHelpSettings && $this->widgetHelpSettings->getPopupHelpIsEnabled()) { $tools->addItem(array('id' => 'help', 'qtip' => "Widget Help", 'handler' => array('parameters' => 'e,target,panel', 'source' => "afApp.loadPopupHelp(panel.idxml);"))); } //Print - for grids it is added later due parameters. if ($parse["view"] != "list") { $tools->addItem(array('id' => 'print', 'qtip' => "Printer friendly version", 'handler' => array('parameters' => 'e,target,panel', 'source' => "window.open('/'+panel.idxml+'?af_format=pdf&" . $this->getQueryString() . "','print');"))); } if (isset($parse['params']) && isset($parse['params']['settings'])) { $tools->addItem(array('id' => 'gear', 'qtip' => 'Setting', 'handler' => array('parameters' => 'e,target,panel', 'source' => "afApp.widgetPopup('" . $parse['params']['settings'] . "','Settings',panel)"))); } //$tools->addItem(array('id'=>'start-reload','handler'=>array('parameter'=>'e,target,panel','source'=>'this.id="stop-reload"'))); $tools->addItem(array('id' => 'close', 'qtip' => 'Close', 'handler' => array('parameters' => 'e,target,panel', 'source' => "var portal=panel.ownerCt.ownerCt;panel.ownerCt.remove(panel, true);portal.onWidgetDrop();"))); /***********************************************************/ if (!$build) { $widgetHelp = $this->type !== self::WIZARD && isset($parse["description"]) && $this->widgetHelpSettings->getWidgetHelpIsEnabled(); if ($widgetHelp) { if ($this->type === self::PANEL) { $this->layout->addHelp($parse["description"]); } } } if ($this->multi) { $current_area = $this->page["areas"][$parse["area"]]; } else { $current_area = isset($parse["area"]) ? $parse["area"] : null; } $view = $parse["view"]; $parsedgroups = array(); if (!isset($parse["multipart"])) { $parse["multipart"] = false; } if ($this->multi && isset($this->page["confirm"])) { $this->layout->attributes['listeners']['beforerender'] = $this->layout->afExtjs->asMethod(array('parameters' => 'el', 'source' => "Ext.Msg.confirm('" . $this->page["confirm"]["title"] . "','" . $this->page["confirm"]["text"] . "', function(btn){if (btn=='yes'){ return true; }else{ window.location.href='" . $this->page["confirm"]["url"] . "';return false;} });")); } //echo "<pre>";print_r($parse);exit; $formoptions = $this->multi ? array("title" => $parse["title"], "fileUpload" => $parse["multipart"], "portal" => true, "tools" => $tools) : array("fileUpload" => $parse["multipart"]); if ($it == 1 && $this->multi && $this->type === self::WIZARD) { $panel = $this->layout->startColumn(array('columnWidth' => isset($current_area["attributes"]["width"]) ? $current_area["attributes"]["width"] : '0.98')); } if ($this->type == self::PAGE) { $action_name = preg_replace("/[0-9]+/", "", $parse["component"]); } // Determine group - Wizards if (!$this->openGroup && $this->tabbedWizard) { $this->openGroup = true; $wizard_group = $this->layout->startGroup(); } if ($view == "edit" || $view == "show") { $formoptions["action"] = url_for($parse["form"]); $formoptions["name"] = "form" . $it; $formoptions["classic"] = $parse["classic"] !== "false"; $formoptions["labelWidth"] = isset($parse['labelWidth']) ? $parse['labelWidth'] : '75'; if ($this->type == self::PANEL) { $widget = $this->context->getActionName(); } else { if ($this->type == self::PAGE) { #1048 - element should have unique id $widget = $action_name; $formoptions["idxml"] = $parse['module'] . "/" . $action_name; } } if ($this->type === self::WIZARD) { //$formoptions["classic"] = true; } $form = new afExtjsForm($formoptions); if ($widgetHelp) { if ($this->multi) { $form->addHelp($parse["description"]); } } foreach ($parse["fields"] as $setname => $set) { $this->is_floated = array(); if (!isset($set["attributes"]["tabtitle"])) { if (isset($tabx)) { unset($tabx); } } else { if (!isset($tabs)) { $set["attributes"]["isSetting"] = $parse['isSetting']; $set["attributes"]["description"] = isset($parse['description']) ? $parse['description'] : ""; $tabs = $form->startTabs($set["attributes"]); } } // Fieldset if ($parse["isgrouped"]) { if (!$this->tabbedWizard) { $attributes = array("legend" => $set["attributes"]["title"], "collapsed" => $set["attributes"]["collapsed"]); } else { $attributes = array(); } $this->is_floated[] = !$this->tabbedWizard ? $this->isFloatedSet($set) : false; if ($this->is_floated[0]) { $attrs = array("columnWidth" => sprintf("%1.2f", (double) 1 / $this->is_floated[0]), 'labelAlign' => 'top'); } else { $attrs = array('columnWidth' => 1, 'labelAlign' => 'left'); } } else { $attributes = array(); $fieldset = $form; $set = $parse["fields"]; $attrs = array('columnWidth' => 1, 'labelAlign' => 'left'); } if (isset($set["attributes"]["tabtitle"])) { $tabattrs = array('title' => $set["attributes"]["tabtitle"], 'height' => $set["attributes"]["tabHeight"], "iconCls" => $set["attributes"]["tabIconCls"]); if ($set["attributes"]["tabIcon"] && file_exists($this->root . "/web" . $set["attributes"]["tabIcon"])) { $tabattrs["icon"] = $set["attributes"]["tabIcon"]; unset($tabattrs["iconCls"]); } $tabx = $tabs->startTab($tabattrs); $fieldset = $tabx->startFieldset($attributes); } else { $fieldset = $form->startFieldSet($attributes); } if ($parse["isgrouped"]) { $columns = $fieldset->startColumns(); } // Field data foreach ($set as $name => $data) { $rcf = new ReConfigureFields($data); $data = $rcf->getField(); if ($parse["isgrouped"]) { $columnx = $columns->startColumn($attrs); } if ($name == "attributes" || !is_array($data)) { continue; } // Convert to attributes field's children's default values here! $this->childToAttribute($data, $it); $attributes = $data["attributes"]; $attributes['labelStyle'] = 'width:' . $parse['labelWidth'] . 'px;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;padding:0 3px 3px 0;'; // Put validators into af_formcfg. if (isset($data['validators'])) { $form->addValidator($name, $data['validators']); } $classname = $attributes["type"]; // Add file types for af_formcfg $form->addFieldType($name, $classname); if ($setname == $name) { $this->process["parses"][$it]["fields"][$name]["attributes"] = $attributes; } else { $this->process["parses"][$it]["fields"][$setname][$name]["attributes"] = $attributes; } if ($attributes["type"] == "link") { continue; } else { if ($attributes["type"] == "radio" || $attributes["type"] == "checkbox" && $this->isInGroup($attributes["name"])) { $groupname = $attributes["group"]; if (!in_array($groupname, $parsedgroups)) { // Radio and Checkbox groups $radiogroup = $fieldset->startGroup($attributes["type"], $parse["groups"][$groupname]["attributes"]); foreach ($parse["groups"][$groupname]["members"] as $key => $member) { $elem = $this->shiftItem($member); $this->childToAttribute($elem, $it); $attributes = $elem["attributes"]; $attributes["name"] = $groupname; $tmp_name = "afExtjsField" . ucfirst($classname); if ($view == "edit") { $obj = new $tmp_name($radiogroup, $attributes); } else { $this->showAttributes($attributes); $obj = new afExtjsFieldStatic($radiogroup, $attributes); } } $fieldset->endGroup($radiogroup); $parsedgroups[] = $groupname; } } else { if ($attributes["type"] == "linkButton" || $attributes["type"] == "button") { $attributes["url"] = $attributes["action"]; $tmp_name = "afExtjs" . ucfirst($classname); $obj = new $tmp_name($form, $attributes); } else { if ($attributes["type"] == "date" || $attributes["type"] == "datetime") { $classname = "dateTime"; if (!isset($attributes["dateFormat"])) { $attributes["dateFormat"] = "Y-m-d"; } } if ($attributes["type"] == "multicombo" || $attributes["type"] == "doublemulticombo" || $attributes["type"] == "itemSelectorAutoSuggest" || $attributes["type"] == "doubletree") { switch ($attributes["type"]) { case "multicombo": $classname = "multiCombo"; break; case "doublemulticombo": $classname = "doubleMultiCombo"; break; case "doubletree": $classname = "doubleTree"; break; } $attributes["clear"] = true; if (!isset($attributes["selected"])) { $attributes["selected"] = array(); } else { if (!is_array($attributes["selected"]) && $classname != "doubleTree") { $attributes["selected"] = explode(",", $attributes["selected"]); } } } if ($attributes["type"] == "textarea" && $attributes["rich"] == "false") { $attributes["rich"] = false; } if ($attributes["type"] != "include") { $tmp_name = "afExtjsField" . ucfirst($classname); if ($view == "edit" || $attributes["type"] == "doubletree") { if ($tmp_name == 'afExtjsFieldCombo') { $obj = new $tmp_name(isset($columnx) ? $columnx : $form, $attributes, $data); } else { $obj = new $tmp_name(isset($columnx) ? $columnx : $form, $attributes); } /* if(isset($attributes["window"])) { //$obj = new afExtjsFieldCombo($fieldset,array('name'=>'my_combo_button','label'=>'My combo button','help'=>"combo box with button",'comment'=>'comment for combo w button','options'=>array('a'=>'Value A','b'=>'Value B'),'selected'=>'b','button'=>array('text'=>'Trigger','icon'=>'/images/famfamfam/cancel.png'),'window'=>array('title'=>'Window Title','component'=>$this->getForm(),'className'=>'ServerPeer','methodName'=>'getAllAsOptions'))); //$columnx = $columns->startColumn(array('columnWidth'=>5,'labelAlign'=> 'left')); //$obj = new afExtjsFieldCombo($columnx,array('name'=>'my_combo_button','label'=>'My combo button','help'=>"combo box with button",'comment'=>'comment for combo w button','options'=>array('a'=>'Value A','b'=>'Value B'),'selected'=>'b','button'=>array('text'=>'Trigger','icon'=>'/images/famfamfam/cancel.png'),'window'=>array('title'=>'Window Title','component'=>$this->getForm(),'className'=>'ServerPeer','methodName'=>'getAllAsOptions'))); //$obj = new afExtjsFieldCombo($columnx,$attributes); } else { ; } */ } else { if ($attributes["type"] != "file") { $this->showAttributes($attributes); $obj = new afExtjsFieldStatic(isset($columnx) ? $columnx : $form, $attributes); } } } else { $prs = new XmlParser(self::PANEL, false, false, false, false, $attributes["url"]); if (isset($columnx)) { $columnx->addMember($prs->getResult()); } else { $form->addMember($prs->getResult()); } } } } } if ($parse["isgrouped"]) { $columns->endColumn($columnx); } if (isset($attributes["break"]) && $attributes["break"] == "true") { $attrs["columnWidth"] = 1; $columnx = $columns->startColumn($attrs); $columns->endColumn($columnx); $this->is_floated[] = $this->isFloatedSet($set, Util::arraySum($this->is_floated)); if (!$this->is_floated[sizeof($this->is_floated) - 1]) { $this->is_floated[sizeof($this->is_floated) - 1] = 1; } $attrs["columnWidth"] = sprintf("%1.2f", (double) 1 / $this->is_floated[sizeof($this->is_floated) - 1]); } } if ($parse["isgrouped"]) { $fieldset->endColumns($columns); if (isset($tabx)) { $tabx->endFieldSet($fieldset); $tabs->endTab($tabx); } else { $form->endFieldSet($fieldset); } } else { break; } } if ($view == "edit") { if ($this->type !== self::WIZARD && $parse["submit"] !== "false") { if (!$this->multisubmit) { $form_params = null; if (isset($parse["redirect"])) { if ($parse["redirect"]) { $form_params = array("redirect" => $parse["redirect"], "message" => ""); } } $obj = new afExtjsSubmitButton($form, array("action" => $formoptions["action"], "label" => $parse["submitlabel"], "params" => $form_params)); } else { $this->formaction = $formoptions["action"]; } if ((!isset($parse['isSetting']) || $parse['isSetting'] === "false") && $parse["resetable"] !== "false") { $obj = new afExtjsResetButton($form, array("action" => $formoptions["action"], "text" => $parse["resetlabel"])); } } } if (isset($parse["actions"]) && $this->type !== self::WIZARD) { foreach ($parse["actions"] as $aname => $action) { if (!self::toggleAction($aname, $action)) { continue; } if (array_key_exists("handlers", $action)) { ExtEvent::attachAll($action); } $action["attributes"]["label"] = ucfirst($action["attributes"]["name"]); $action["attributes"]["name"] = $this->view . $this->iteration . "_" . $action["attributes"]["name"]; $action["attributes"]["url"] = url_for($action["attributes"]["url"]); //$temp_grid = new afExtjsGrid(); //$params = $temp_grid->getListenerParams($action,"action"); // TODO:foo if ($action["attributes"]["post"] === "true") { $this->prepareButton($form, $action['attributes']); } else { if ($action["attributes"]["updater"] === "true") { $updater = new afExtjsUpdater(array('url' => $action["attributes"]["url"], 'width' => 500)); $action["attributes"]["handlers"]["click"] = array('parameters' => 'field,event', 'source' => $updater->privateName . '.start();'); $obj = new afExtjsButton($form, $action['attributes']); } else { $obj = $this->prepareButton($form, $action['attributes']); } } } } if (isset($parse["moreactions"]) && $this->type !== self::WIZARD) { foreach ($parse["moreactions"] as $aname => $action) { if (!self::toggleAction($aname, $action)) { continue; } if (isset($action["handlers"])) { ExtEvent::attachAll($action); } $parameterForButton = ExtEvent::getButtonParams($action, "moreactions", $this->view . $this->iteration, $parse["select"]); $form->addMenuActionsItem($parameterForButton); } } if (isset($tabs)) { $form->endTabs($tabs); } if (array_key_exists("scripts", $parse)) { $form->addScripts($parse["scripts"]); } if (!$this->multisubmit) { $form->end(); } $this->forms[] = $form; if ($this->type == self::PAGE && $current_area["attributes"]["type"] == "content") { $this->addPortal($form, $parse["module"] . "/" . $parse["component"]); } if ($build) { $this->result = $form; return $form; } if (!$this->multi) { $this->layout->addItem($this->area_types[$current_area], $form); if ($this->area_types[$current_area] == "center") { $this->layout->addCenterComponent($tools, array('title' => $parse["title"] . (class_exists('afExtjsWidgetConfig') ? afExtjsWidgetConfig::getPostfixTitle() : ''), "idxml" => $this->panelIdXml)); } } else { if ($current_area["attributes"]["type"] == "content") { if ($this->type != self::PAGE) { $panel->addItem($form); } } else { $this->layout->addItem($this->area_types[$current_area["attributes"]["type"]], $form); } } } else { if ($view == "html") { if (!isset($parse["options"])) { $parse["options"]["autoScroll"] = true; $parse["options"]["border"] = false; $parse["options"]["header"] = true; $parse["options"]["autoHeight"] = true; $parse["options"]["autoEnd"] = false; } $plugins = afExtjsWidgets::getReloadPlugin($parse); if ($this->multi) { if (isset($action_name)) { $idxml = $parse["module"] . "/" . $action_name; } else { $idxml = false; } $pn = new afExtjsPanel(array('plugins' => $plugins, 'title' => $parse["title"], 'autoScroll' => $parse["options"]["autoScroll"], 'border' => $parse["options"]["border"], 'header' => $parse["options"]["header"], 'style' => '', 'autoHeight' => $parse["options"]["autoHeight"], 'autoEnd' => $parse["options"]["autoEnd"], 'portal' => true, 'tools' => $tools, 'idxml' => $idxml)); if (isset($parse["description"])) { $html = $parse["description"]; if ($this->widgetHelpSettings->getWidgetHelpIsEnabled()) { $pn->addHelp($html); } } $pn->addMember(self::defineHtmlComponent($parse['params'])); /*if(isset($parse["actions"])) { foreach($parse["actions"] as $aname => $action) { if(!self::toggleAction($aname,$action)) { continue; } if(isset($action["handlers"])) { ExtEvent::attachAll($action); } $parameterForButton = ExtEvent::getButtonParams($action,"actions",$this->view.$this->iteration,$parse["select"]); $obj = new afExtjsButton($pn,$parameterForButton); } }*/ if (isset($parse["moreactions"])) { foreach ($parse["moreactions"] as $aname => $action) { if (!self::toggleAction($aname, $action)) { continue; } if (isset($action["handlers"])) { ExtEvent::attachAll($action); } $parameterForButton = ExtEvent::getButtonParams($action, "moreactions", $this->view . $this->iteration, false); $pn->addMenuActionsItem($parameterForButton); } } $pn->end(); if ($this->type != self::PAGE) { $panel->addItem($pn); } if ($build) { $this->result = $pn; return $pn; } //radu if ($this->type == self::PAGE && $current_area["attributes"]["type"] == "content") { $this->addPortal($pn, $parse["module"] . "/" . $action_name); } } else { $pn = new afExtjsPanel(array('plugins' => $plugins, 'title' => $parse["title"], 'autoScroll' => $parse["options"]["autoScroll"], 'border' => $parse["options"]["border"], 'header' => $parse["options"]["header"], 'style' => '', 'autoHeight' => $parse["options"]["autoHeight"], 'autoEnd' => $parse["options"]["autoEnd"], 'portal' => true)); $pn->addMember(self::defineHtmlComponent($parse['params'])); /*if(isset($parse["actions"])) { foreach($parse["actions"] as $aname => $action) { if(!self::toggleAction($aname,$action)) { continue; } if(isset($action["handlers"])) { ExtEvent::attachAll($action); } $parameterForButton = ExtEvent::getButtonParams($action,"actions",$this->view.$this->iteration,false); $obj = new afExtjsButton($pn,$parameterForButton); } } */ if (isset($parse["moreactions"])) { foreach ($parse["moreactions"] as $aname => $action) { if (!self::toggleAction($aname, $action)) { continue; } if (isset($action["handlers"])) { ExtEvent::attachAll($action); } $parameterForButton = ExtEvent::getButtonParams($action, "moreactions", $this->view . $this->iteration, false); $pn->addMenuActionsItem($parameterForButton); } } $pn->end(); if ($build) { $this->result = $pn; return $pn; } $this->layout->addItem("center", $pn); $this->layout->addCenterComponent($tools, array('title' => $parse["title"] . (class_exists('afExtjsWidgetConfig') ? afExtjsWidgetConfig::getPostfixTitle() : ''), "idxml" => $this->panelIdXml)); } } else { if ($view == "info") { $form = new afExtjsForm($formoptions); if (isset($parse["settitle"])) { $legend = $parse["settitle"]; } else { $legend = "Default"; } $attributes = array("legend" => $legend, "collapsed" => false); $fieldset = $form->startFieldSet($attributes); if (isset($parse["actions"])) { foreach ($parse["actions"] as $aname => $action) { if (!self::toggleAction($aname, $action)) { continue; } $action["attributes"]["label"] = ucfirst($action["attributes"]["name"]); $action["attributes"]["name"] = $this->view . $this->iteration . "_" . $action["attributes"]["name"]; $action["attributes"]["url"] = url_for($action["attributes"]["url"]); $obj = $this->prepareButton($form, $action['attributes']); } } $attributes = array('name' => 'msg', 'label' => 'Message:', 'value' => $parse["message"], 'comment' => '', 'submitValue' => false); $obj = new afExtjsFieldStatic($fieldset, $attributes); $form->endFieldSet($fieldset); $form->end(); if ($build) { return $form; } if (!$this->multi) { $this->layout->addItem('center', $form); $this->layout->addCenterComponent($tools, array('title' => $parse["title"] . (class_exists('afExtjsWidgetConfig') ? afExtjsWidgetConfig::getPostfixTitle() : ''))); } else { if ($this->type != self::PAGE) { $panel->addItem($form); } else { if ($current_area["attributes"]["type"] == "content") { $this->addPortal($form, $parse["module"] . "/" . $action_name); } } } } else { if ($view == "list") { if (isset($parse["params"]["name"])) { $formoptions['name'] = $parse["params"]["name"]; } if (isset($parse["remoteSort"])) { $formoptions["remoteSort"] = $parse["remoteSort"] == "false" ? false : true; } if (isset($parse["pagerTemplate"])) { $formoptions["pagerTemplate"] = $parse["pagerTemplate"]; } if (isset($this->page) && is_array($this->page)) { foreach ($this->page["areas"]["content"]["tabs"] as $thisTab) { if (isset($thisTab["components"][$parse["component"]]) && isset($thisTab["components"][$parse["component"]]["bindForm"])) { $formoptions["bindForm"] = $thisTab["components"][$parse["component"]]["bindForm"]; } } } if (!isset($formoptions["bindForm"])) { $formoptions["bindForm"] = -1; } $formoptions["autoHeight"] = true; $formoptions["clearGrouping"] = false; $formoptions["frame"] = false; $formoptions["tree"] = $parse["tree"] == "false" ? false : true; $formoptions["select"] = $parse["select"] == "false" ? false : true; $formoptions["pager"] = $parse["pager"] == "false" ? false : true; $formoptions["border"] = $parse["border"] == "false" ? false : true; $formoptions["portal"] = $parse["portal"] == "false" ? false : true; //$formoptions["id"] = strtolower(str_replace(" ","_",$parse['title'])); $formoptions["remoteLoad"] = ArrayUtil::isTrue($parse, 'remoteLoad'); $formoptions["remoteFilter"] = isset($parse['remoteFilter']) ? true : false; $formoptions["expandButton"] = isset($parse['expandButton']) ? true : false; $formoptions["path"] = $this->context->getModuleName() . "/" . $this->context->getActionName(); if ($parse['action'] != '') { $formoptions['action'] = $parse['action']; } if ($this->type == self::PAGE) { $formoptions["idxml"] = $parse["module"] . "/" . $action_name; } if (isset($parse["plugin"])) { $formoptions["plugin"] = $parse["plugin"]; } if (isset($parse["iconCls"])) { $formoptions["iconCls"] = $parse["iconCls"]; } if (isset($parse["bodyStyle"])) { $formoptions["bodyStyle"] = $parse["bodyStyle"]; } if (is_array($current_area) && $this->area_types[$current_area["attributes"]["type"]] == "south" || $current_area == "footer") { $formoptions["title"] = ""; } if (!isset($formoptions["title"])) { if ($current_area == "footer") { $formoptions["title"] = " "; } else { if (isset($parse["title"])) { $formoptions["title"] = $parse["title"]; } } } if ($formoptions["tree"]) { $formoptions["root_title"] = isset($parse["title"]) ? $parse["title"] : "root"; } if (is_array($current_area) && $this->area_types[$current_area["attributes"]["type"]] == "west" || $current_area == "sidebar") { $formoptions["tools"] = null; } $formoptions['datasource'] = $parse['datasource']; // Add the select fields in grid if it has moreactions.............. if (isset($parse["moreactions"])) { $formoptions['select'] = "true"; } //.................................................................. $formoptions['plugins'][] = afExtjsWidgets::getReloadPlugin($parse); $grid = new afExtjsGrid($formoptions); if (!$build && $widgetHelp) { if ($this->multi) { $grid->addHelp($parse["description"]); } } foreach ($parse["fields"] as $colname => $column) { unset($column["attributes"]["id"]); $column["attributes"]["hidden"] = ArrayUtil::isTrue($column['attributes'], 'hidden'); if (isset($column["attributes"]["qtip"]) && $column["attributes"]["qtip"] == "false") { $column["attributes"]["qtip"] = false; } $grid->addColumn($column["attributes"]); } $grid->setProxy(self::getProxyAttributes($parse)); if (isset($parse["rowactions"])) { $actions = $grid->startRowActions(array('header' => 'Actions')); $cnt = 1; foreach ($parse["rowactions"] as $action_name => $action) { self::addConfirmation($action_name, $action['attributes']); self::fillTooltip($action["attributes"]); if (isset($parse["form"]) && $action["attributes"]["url"] === "/#") { $parse["rowactions"][$action_name]["attributes"]["url"] = $parse["form"] . "#"; } if (isset($action["attributes"]["condition"])) { $parse["conditions"]["rowaction" . $cnt] = $action["attributes"]["condition"]; } $parameterForRowAction = ExtEvent::getButtonParams($action, "rowactions", $this->view . $this->iteration, $parse["select"], $grid); $actions->addAction($action["attributes"]); $cnt++; } $grid->endRowActions($actions); } /** * ticket 1140 */ //Check for more actions.................................................... $export_config = sfConfig::get('app_parser_export'); if (isset($export_config["enabled"]) && $export_config["enabled"] === true && $parse["exportable"] == "true") { $exportConfig = array(); if (isset($parse["pager"]) && $parse["pager"] === "true") { //$grid->addMenuActionsItem(array('label'=>'Export Page as CSV', 'icon'=>'/images/famfamfam/database_save.png','listeners'=>array('click'=> array('parameters'=>'','source'=>'window.location.href='.$grid->getFileExportJsUrl('page'))))); $exportConfig['csv']['current'] = 'window.location.href=' . $grid->getFileExportJsUrl('page'); } if ($parse["tree"] === "false") { $confirmFunction = ' Ext.Msg.show({ title:"Confirmation Required", msg: "Are you sure you want export ' . sfConfig::get("app_parser_max_items") . ' items? This may take a while..", buttons: Ext.Msg.YESNO, fn: function(buttonId){if(buttonId == "yes"){' . 'window.location.href=' . $grid->getFileExportJsUrl('all') . '}}, icon: Ext.MessageBox.QUESTION }); '; //$grid->addMenuActionsItem(array('label'=>'Export first '.sfConfig::get("app_parser_max_items").' rows as CSV', 'confirmMsg' => 'foo', 'icon'=>'/images/famfamfam/database_save.png','listeners'=>array('click'=> array('parameters'=>'','source'=>$confirmFunction)))); $exportConfig['csv']['firstx'] = $confirmFunction; } if ($formoptions["select"]) { $noItemsSelectedFunction = ' if(!' . $grid->privateName . '.getSelectionModel().getCount()){ Ext.Msg.alert("No items selected","Please select at least one item"); return; } '; if (!ArrayUtil::isTrue($parse, 'remoteLoad')) { /*$grid->addMenuActionsItem(array('label'=>'Export Selected as CSV', 'forceSelection' => "true", 'icon'=>'/images/famfamfam/database_save.png','listeners'=>array('click'=> array('parameters'=>'','source'=> "frm = document.createElement('form'); field = document.createElement('input'); field.setAttribute('type','hidden'); field.setAttribute('name','selections'); field.value = ". $grid->privateName.".getSelectionModel().getSelectionsJSON(); frm.appendChild(field); frm.action = ".$grid->getFileExportJsUrl('selected')."+'&_csrf_token=".$this->context->getRequest()->getAttribute("_csrf_token")."'; frm.method='POST'; frm.name='frm1'; document.body.appendChild(frm); ".$noItemsSelectedFunction." frm.submit();"))));*/ $exportConfig['csv']['selected'] = "frm = document.createElement('form'); field = document.createElement('input'); field.setAttribute('type','hidden'); field.setAttribute('name','selections'); field.value = " . $grid->privateName . ".getSelectionModel().getSelectionsJSON(); frm.appendChild(field); frm.action = " . $grid->getFileExportJsUrl('selected') . "+'&_csrf_token=" . $this->context->getRequest()->getAttribute("_csrf_token") . "'; frm.method='POST'; frm.name='frm1'; document.body.appendChild(frm); " . $noItemsSelectedFunction . " frm.submit();"; } } /** sample example of other format type $exportConfig['pdf']['current'] = 'handler source'; $exportConfig['pdf']['selected'] = ''; $exportConfig['xml']['current'] = ''; $exportConfig['xml']['selected'] = ''; $exportConfig['xml']['firstx'] = ''; */ $grid->addMenuActionsExportButton($exportConfig); } if (isset($parse["moreactions"])) { $parse["select"] = "true"; $items = array(); foreach ($parse["moreactions"] as $aname => $action) { if (!self::toggleAction($aname, $action)) { continue; } if (isset($action["handlers"])) { ExtEvent::attachAll($action); } $parameterForButton = ExtEvent::getButtonParams($action, "moreactions", $this->view . $this->iteration, $parse["select"], $grid); $grid->addMenuActionsItem($parameterForButton); } } //More actions End............................................................ //........................................................................... if (isset($parse["actions"])) { foreach ($parse["actions"] as $aname => $action) { if (!self::toggleAction($aname, $action)) { continue; } if (isset($action["handlers"])) { ExtEvent::attachAll($action); } $parameterForButton = ExtEvent::getButtonParams($action, "actions", $this->view . $this->iteration, $parse["select"], $grid); $obj = new afExtjsButton($grid, $parameterForButton); } } if ($parse["select"] != "false") { $post_url = $parse["action"] != "false" && $parse["action"] != "n/a" ? "/" . $parse["action"] : "/" . $this->context->getModuleName() . "/" . $this->context->getActionName(); if ($parse["action"] != "false" && $parse["action"] != "n/a") { if (!$this->multisubmit) { new afExtjsButton($grid, array('label' => $parse["label"], 'icon' => $parse["icon"], 'handlers' => array('click' => array('parameters' => 'field,event', 'source' => 'Ext.Ajax.request({ url: "' . $post_url . '", method:"post", params:{"selections":' . $grid->privateName . '.getSelectionModel().getSelectionsJSON()}, success:function(response, options){response=Ext.decode(response.responseText);if(response.message){Ext.Msg.alert("Success",response.message,function(){if(response.redirect){afApp.loadCenterWidget(response.redirect);}});}},failure: function(response,options) {if(response.message){Ext.Msg.alert("Failure",response.message);}}});')))); } } } // Printing for grids.. $grid->updateTools($tools->addItem(array('id' => 'print', 'qtip' => "Printer friendly version", 'handler' => array('parameters' => 'e,target,panel', 'source' => "window.open(" . $grid->getFileExportJsUrl('page', 'pdf') . "+'&" . $this->getQueryString() . "','print');")), "item")); // Add extra scripts.. if (array_key_exists("scripts", $parse)) { $grid->addScripts($parse["scripts"]); } $grid->end(); if ($this->type == self::PAGE && $current_area["attributes"]["type"] == "content") { $this->addPortal($grid, $parse["module"] . "/" . $parse["component"]); } if (is_array($current_area) && $this->area_types[$current_area["attributes"]["type"]] == "center") { $this->multigrid = $grid; } if ($build === false) { if (!$this->multi) { $this->layout->addItem($this->area_types[$current_area], $grid); if ($this->area_types[$current_area] == "center") { $this->layout->addCenterComponent($tools, array('title' => $parse["title"] . (class_exists('afExtjsWidgetConfig') ? afExtjsWidgetConfig::getPostfixTitle() : ''), "idxml" => $this->panelIdXml)); } } else { if ($current_area["attributes"]["type"] == "content") { if ($this->type != self::PAGE) { $panel->addItem($grid); } } else { $this->layout->addItem($this->area_types[$current_area["attributes"]["type"]], $grid); } } } } } } } if ($this->tabbedWizard) { switch ($view) { case "show": case "edit": case "info": $obj = $form; break; case "list": $obj = $grid; break; case "html": $obj = $pn; break; } $wiztab = $this->getTabData($parse["component_name"]); $wizard_group->addItem($obj, array("title" => $wiztab[1], "tabTip" => $wiztab[2], "iconCls" => "")); if ($this->isLastGroupMember($parse["component_name"])) { $this->openGroup = false; $this->layout->endGroup($wizard_group); } } } if ($this->multi) { if ($this->type === self::WIZARD && !$this->tabbedWizard) { $this->layout->endColumn($panel); } } if ($this->multisubmit && $this->type !== self::WIZARD) { new afExtjsSubmitButton($this->forms[0], array('action' => $this->formaction, "label" => $parse["submitlabel"], 'afterSuccess' => ' var myMask = new Ext.LoadMask(Ext.getBody(), {msg:"Saving additional information... <br>Please wait..."}); myMask.show(); Ext.Ajax.request({ url: "' . $this->multisubmit . '", method:"post", params:{"selections":' . $this->multigrid->privateName . '.getSelectionModel().getSelectionsJSON()}, success:function(response, options){response=Ext.decode(response.responseText); if(response.message) { Ext.Msg.alert("Success", response.message, function(){ if(response.redirect) { afApp.loadCenterWidget(response.redirect); } }); } else { if(response.redirect) { afApp.loadCenterWidget(response.redirect); } } myMask.hide(); },failure: function(response,options) {if(response.message){Ext.Msg.alert("Failure",response.message);myMask.hide();}}});')); $form->end(); } // Adding layout buttons if ($this->type == self::WIZARD) { $actions = array("Previous" => 1, "Next" => 1, "Cancel" => 0, "Add new" => 1, "Finish" => 1); $add = "false"; $finish = false; foreach ($actions as $key => $value) { if (isset($this->attribute_holder["last"]) && $key == "Next") { continue; } if ($key == "Finish" && isset($this->page["actions"][$key])) { $finish = true; } if ($key == "Add new" && isset($this->page["actions"][$key])) { $add = "true"; } if ($key == "Next") { $icon = "/images/famfamfam/arrow_right.png"; } else { if ($key == "Previous") { $icon = "/images/famfamfam/arrow_left.png"; } else { $icon = "/images/famfamfam/accept.png"; } } if (isset($this->page["actions"][$key])) { /* * Find if grid data save request */ $preExecute = ''; //$file = 'appFlowerPlugin/js/custom/'.self::isRequest($this->page["actions"][$key]["attributes"]["url"],'js').".js"; $file = ''; if (isset($this->page["actions"][$key]["attributes"]["script"])) { if (file_exists(sfConfig::get('sf_root_dir') . "/plugins/appFlowerPlugin/web/js/custom/" . $this->page["actions"][$key]["attributes"]["script"] . ".js")) { $file = 'appFlowerPlugin/js/custom/' . $this->page["actions"][$key]["attributes"]["script"] . ".js"; } else { $file = '/js/custom/' . $this->page["actions"][$key]["attributes"]["script"] . ".js"; } } $preExecute = $file; if ($this->page["actions"][$key]["attributes"]["post"] === "false" || !$value) { new afExtjsLinkButton($this->layout, array('preExecute' => $preExecute, 'label' => $key, 'loadas' => 'page', 'url' => $this->page["actions"][$key]["attributes"]["url"], 'icon' => isset($icon) ? $icon : $this->page["actions"][$key]["attributes"]["icon"])); } else { $wizardSubmit = ArrayUtil::get($parse, 'params', 'wizard_submit', 'true') === 'true'; new afExtjsSubmitButton($this->layout, array('wizard' => $wizardSubmit, 'preExecute' => $preExecute, 'label' => $key, 'icon' => isset($icon) ? $icon : "/images/famfamfam/accept.png", 'action' => $this->page["actions"][$key]["attributes"]["url"]), $this->forms[0]); } } } if (!$finish && isset($this->attribute_holder["last"])) { $id = ''; if (isset($this->attribute_holder["id"])) { $id = $this->attribute_holder["id"]; } new afExtjsSubmitButton($this->layout, array('wizard' => true, 'label' => 'Finish', 'action' => "/wizard/finalize?last=" . $this->current . "&end=" . urlencode($this->attribute_holder['end']) . "&id=" . $id . "&add=" . $add), $this->forms[0]); } } if ($this->type == self::PAGE) { if ($this->portalStateObj->getLayoutType() == afPortalStatePeer::TYPE_TABBED) { $content = $this->portalStateObj->getContent(); foreach ($content as $item => $itemDetails) { $portalLayoutType = $this->portalStateObj->getPortalLayoutType($item); $portalColumns = $this->portalStateObj->getColumns($item); $portalColumnsSize = $this->portalStateObj->getColumnsSize($item); ${'tab' . $item} = $this->layout->startTab(array('title' => isset($itemDetails["tabTitle"]) ? $itemDetails["tabTitle"] : $itemDetails["portalTitle"], 'portalLayoutType' => $portalLayoutType, 'portalWidgets' => $this->filterWidgets($item, $content, $this->widgets))); foreach ($portalColumns as $k => $widgets) { //instanciate a column ${'column' . $k} = ${'tab' . $item}->startColumn(array('columnWidth' => $portalColumnsSize[$k] / 100)); foreach ($widgets as $widget) { if (isset($this->extobjects[$widget->idxml])) { ${'column' . $k}->addItem($this->extobjects[$widget->idxml]); } } //end the instanciation of a column ${'tab' . $item}->endColumn(${'column' . $k}); } $this->layout->endTab(${'tab' . $item}); } } else { foreach ($this->portalColumns as $k => $widgets) { //instanciate a column ${'column' . $k} = $this->layout->startColumn(array('columnWidth' => $this->portalColumnsSize[$k] / 100)); foreach ($widgets as $widget) { if (isset($this->extobjects[$widget->idxml])) { ${'column' . $k}->addItem($this->extobjects[$widget->idxml]); } } //end the instanciation of a column $this->layout->endColumn(${'column' . $k}); } } } if ($this->multi) { self::$instance = null; } if ($build) { $this->result = $grid; } $layout_items = afExtjs::getInstance()->private; if (is_array($layout_items)) { $gridNames = $formIds = array(); foreach ($layout_items as $privateName => $it) { if (preg_match("/bindForm: ([0-9]+),/", $it, $match)) { $gridNames[$privateName] = trim($match[1]); } if (preg_match("/^form_[0-9a-zA-Z]+\$/", $privateName)) { $formIds[] = $privateName; } } foreach ($gridNames as $privateName => $fid) { if (isset($formIds[$fid])) { $layout_items[$privateName] = str_replace("bindForm: " . $fid . ",", "bindForm: '" . $formIds[$fid] . "',", $layout_items[$privateName]); } } afExtjs::$instance->private = $layout_items; } return true; }