/** * see `get` * * @param string $section_title * @param int $post_id * @return Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse */ public function getJson($section_title, $post_id) { $post = $this->post->get($post_id); $post->selected = $this->vote->getSelected(Constant::POST_TYPE, $post); $commentTree = new CommentTree($this->comment->getByPostId($post_id, $this->vote)); return Response::json(['post' => $post, 'comments' => $commentTree->grab()->sort('new')]); }
$comment->link_object = $link; $comment->print_summary(2500, true); echo '</li>'; } echo '</ol>'; Haanga::Load('get_total_answers_by_ids.html', array('type' => 'comment', 'ids' => implode(',', $ids))); Comment::print_form($link); } echo '</div>'; break; /////////////// TODO: in progress /////////////// TODO: in progress case 10: echo '<div class="comments">'; include_once mnminclude . 'commenttree.php'; $tree = new CommentTree(); if (!$current_page) { $current_page = 1; } $offset = ($current_page - 1) * $globals['comments_page_size']; $limit = $globals['comments_page_size']; $global_limit = $limit * 2; // The limit including references if ($show_relevants || $no_page) { print_external_analysis($link); print_relevant_comments($link); } if ($link->page_mode == 'interview') { $sql = "select t1.comment_id as parent, t1.w1 as w1, t2.comment_id as child, t2.comment_karma + 200 * (t2.comment_user_id = {$link->author}) as w2 FROM comments as t0 INNER JOIN (select comment_id, comment_karma + 200 * (comment_user_id = {$link->author}) as w1 from comments WHERE comment_link_id = {$link->id} order by w1 desc LIMIT {$offset}, {$limit}) t1 ON t1.comment_id = t0.comment_id LEFT JOIN (conversations as c, comments as t2) ON conversation_type='comment' and conversation_to = t0.comment_id and c.conversation_from = t2.comment_id order by w1 desc, w2 desc LIMIT {$global_limit}"; $res = $db->get_results($sql); if ($res) {
$canonical_base .= 'm/' . $link->sub_name . '/'; } $canonical_base .= 'c/'; $globals['extra_head'] = '<link rel="canonical" href="' . $globals['scheme'] . '//' . $canonical_server . $canonical_base . $comment->id . '"/>'; do_header($title); /*** SIDEBAR ****/ echo '<div id="sidebar">'; do_banner_right(); //do_best_stories(); do_best_comments(); do_banner_promotions(); echo '</div>'; /*** END SIDEBAR ***/ echo '<div id="newswrap">'; echo '<h3><a href="' . $link->get_permalink() . '">' . $link->title . '</a></h3>'; $tree = new CommentTree(); $tree->addByIds($comment->id); for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) { if (!fill_tree($tree) || $tree->size() > 30) { break; } } echo '<div class="comments">'; echo '<div style="text-align:right">'; $vars = array('link' => $globals['permalink'], 'title' => $title); Haanga::Load('share.html', $vars); echo '</div>'; Comment::print_tree($tree, $link); echo '</div></div>'; do_footer(); exit(0);