function process_signup_3($POST, $FILES, $user_id) { global $seo_tag, $consts; if ($user_id > 0) { ##/ Process Profile Pic include_once '../includes/resize_images.php'; $up_path = "user_files/prof/{$user_id}/"; if (!is_dir($up_path)) { mkdir($up_path, 0705, true); } $sql_prt = $profile_pic = ''; if (is_uploaded_file(@$_FILES['profile_pic']['tmp_name'])) { $copy_data = array(0 => array('i_part' => '_th', 'size_w' => 35, 'size_h' => 35)); $profile_pic = upload_img_rs('profile_pic', 250, 250, $up_path, 'Profile Pic', '', 250, 'CUSA_MSG_GLOBAL', false, $copy_data); if ($profile_pic != '') { $sql_prt .= ", profile_pic='{$profile_pic}'"; } } //die('x'); # #/save users $sql_users = "UPDATE users SET\n screen_name='{$POST['screen_name']}', identify_by='{$POST['identify_by']}' {$sql_prt}\n WHERE id = '{$user_id}'"; @mysql_exec($sql_users, 'save'); #/save user_info $sql_user_info = "UPDATE user_info SET\n country_code = '{$POST['country_code']}', state = '{$POST['state']}', city = '{$POST['city']}',\n \taddress_ln_1 = '{$POST['address_ln_1']}', address_ln_2 = '{$POST['address_ln_2']}',\n \tzip = '{$POST['zip']}', phone_number = '{$POST['phone_number']}'\n WHERE user_id = '{$user_id}'"; @mysql_exec($sql_user_info, 'save'); //die('x'); $_SESSION['signup_success'] = '2'; $_SESSION['signup_stage'] = 'signup-details'; reset_attempt_counts(); redirect_me('signup-details/success'); } else { $_SESSION["CUSA_MSG_GLOBAL"] = array(false, 'Unable to process your request at this moment! Please try again later.'); redirect_me($seo_tag); } }
$_SESSION["CUSA_ADMIN_MSG_GLOBAL"] = array(false, $fv_msg); } } ////end if post................................. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #### Get record if EDIT Mode $empt = array(); if ($conf_id && empty($empt)) { $query = sprintf("SELECT * FROM system_config WHERE id='%d'", $conf_id); $token = mysql_query($query, $cn1); // or die(mysql_error($cn1)); $empt = @mysql_fetch_assoc($token); if ($empt == false) { $_SESSION["CUSA_ADMIN_MSG_GLOBAL"] = array(false, "Record Not Found !"); redirect_me("{$consts['DOC_ROOT_ADMIN']}{$back_page}{$param2}", true); } } if (isset($_POST['title'])) { $empt = $_POST; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $pg_title = "System Configurations"; include_once "includes/header.php"; ?> <div style="float:left;"><h1><?php echo $pg_title; ?> » <?php echo $conf_id > 0 ? "Edit " : "Add ";
$fv_msg_ar = array_merge($fv_msg_ar, $fv_v); } $fv_msg .= @implode('<br />- ', $fv_msg_ar); $_SESSION["CUSA_MSG_GLOBAL"] = array(false, $fv_msg); update_attempt_counts(); } } //end if form post.. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #/ get Members Profile Info include_once '../includes/profile_func.php'; $member_info_ar = get_member_info($member_id, $user_id); $member_info = @$member_info_ar[0]; //var_dump("<pre>", $member_id, $member_info, mysql_error()); die(); if (!is_array($member_info) || !array_key_exists('user_ident', $member_info)) { redirect_me('404'); } #/ User Permission $user_permissions = @$member_info_ar[1]; //var_dump("<pre>", $user_permissions); die(); #/ Permission Images $public = "{$consts['DOC_ROOT']}assets/images/secure_public.png"; $private = "{$consts['DOC_ROOT']}assets/images/secure_private.png"; #/ Current Profile Pic $prof_pic = DOC_ROOT . "assets/images/ep.png"; if (array_key_exists('profile_pic', $member_info)) { if (!@empty($member_info['profile_pic'])) { $prof_pic = DOC_ROOT . "user_files/prof/{$member_id}/{$member_info['profile_pic']}"; } } $prof_pic_th = @substr_replace($prof_pic, '_th.', @strrpos($prof_pic, '.'), 1);
update_attempt_counts(); } } ////end if post................................. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #### Get record if EDIT Mode $empt = array(); if ($au_id && empty($empt)) { $query = sprintf("SELECT * FROM admin_users WHERE id='%d'", $au_id); $token = mysql_query($query, $cn1); // or die(mysql_error($cn1)); $empt = @mysql_fetch_assoc($token); if ($empt == false) { $_SESSION["CUSA_ADMIN_MSG_GLOBAL"] = array(false, "Record Not Found !"); redirect_me("{$consts['DOC_ROOT_ADMIN']}admin_users.php{$param2}", true); } } if (isset($_POST['first_name'])) { $empt = $_POST; $empt['is_active'] = (int) @$empt['is_active']; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $pg_title = $au_id > 0 ? "Edit Admin User" : "Add Admin User"; include_once "includes/header.php"; ?> <div style="float:left;"><h1>Admin Users » <?php echo $pg_title; ?> </h1></div>
} $success_2 = false; if (isset($_SESSION['signup_success']) && $_SESSION['signup_success'] == '2') { $success_2 = true; $success = true; } //var_dump($_SESSION['signup_success'], $success_1, $success_2); die(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #/ Process Post if (isset($_POST['screen_name']) && $success_2 == false) { $_SESSION['signup_stage'] = 'signup-details'; #/ Check Attempts include_once '../includes/check_attempts.php'; if (check_attempts(3) == false) { update_attempt_counts(); redirect_me($seo_tag); } $fv_errors = ''; #/ get old page posted data $POST_1 = @$_SESSION['signup_filled']['1']; if (!is_array($POST_1) || count($POST_1) <= 0 || !array_key_exists('email_add', $POST_1)) { $fv_errors[] = array('Unable to process your request at this moment! Please try again later.'); } #/ Check & match User Info in DB if (!is_array($fv_errors) || empty($fv_errors) || count($fv_errors) <= 0) { $chk_user = mysql_exec("SELECT email_add, id FROM users WHERE email_add='{$POST_1['email_add']}'", 'single'); if (empty($chk_user) || !isset($chk_user['id'])) { $fv_errors[] = array('Unable to process your request at this moment! Please try again later.'); } } if (!is_array($fv_errors) || empty($fv_errors) || count($fv_errors) <= 0) {
@unlink('../assets/media/docs/' . $v['pdf_content']); } } } $seo_tags_csv = @implode(',', $seo_tags_ar); //var_dump("<pre>", $c_info, $seo_tags_csv); die(); #/ Delete all Records and Child Records $query = sprintf("DELETE FROM site_pages WHERE id IN (%s) AND delete_locked='0' AND self_managed='0'", $rid_csv); mysql_query($query); #/ Delete seo_tags if (!empty($seo_tags_csv)) { $query = sprintf("DELETE FROM seo_tags WHERE id IN (%s)", $seo_tags_csv); mysql_query($query); } $_SESSION["CUSA_ADMIN_MSG_GLOBAL"] = array(true, 'The Record(s) were successfully DELETED.'); redirect_me("{$consts['DOC_ROOT_ADMIN']}{$cur_page}{$param3}", true); } //end if delete.. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $search_it = (int) getgpcvar("search_it", "G"); $sr_cat_id = getgpcvar("cat_id", "G"); $sr_title = getgpcvar("title", "G"); $sr_seo_tag = getgpcvar("seo_tag", "G"); $sr_is_active = getgpcvar("is_active", "G"); $sr_popup_only = getgpcvar("popup_only", "G"); $operation_page = 'site_pages_opp.php'; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $pg_title = "Site Pages"; include_once "includes/header.php"; ?>
$new_pass = @$_POST['pass_w']; $pass_w = @md5_encrypt($new_pass); #/save users $sql_users = "UPDATE users SET pass_w='{$pass_w}'\n WHERE email_add='{$user_info['email_add']}' AND id='{$user_id}'"; @mysql_exec($sql_users, 'save'); ##/ Send Emails to User include_once '../includes/email_templates.php'; include_once '../includes/send_mail.php'; $heading = $subject = "Password Updated at"; $body_in = password_updated($user_info, $new_pass); send_mail($user_info['email_add'], $subject, $heading, $body_in); #- #/ Redirect reset_attempt_counts(); $_SESSION["CUSA_MSG_GLOBAL"] = array(true, "Your Account Password has been successfully Updated."); redirect_me($seo_tag . '/success'); exit; } else { $fv_msg = 'Please clear the following Error(s):<br /><br />- '; $fv_msg_ar = array(); foreach ($fv_errors as $fv_k => $fv_v) { $fv_msg_ar = array_merge($fv_msg_ar, $fv_v); } $fv_msg .= @implode('<br />- ', $fv_msg_ar); $_SESSION["CUSA_MSG_GLOBAL"] = array(false, $fv_msg); update_attempt_counts(); } } //end if form post.. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ($success == false) {
function error_1() { $_SESSION["CUSA_MSG_GLOBAL"] = array(false, 'Unable to proceed with your request at this moment! Please try again later.'); redirect_me('signup'); exit; }
$body_in = ""; $body_in .= "Dear <b>{$user_prof['first_name']}</b>,<br /><br />"; $body_in .= "Your password has been recovered. Please use the following info to login to your account:<br /><br />"; $body_in .= "Password: {$pass}<br /><br />"; $body_in .= "You can use the following link to go to the Login page directly:<br />"; $body_in .= "<a href='{$site_url}login' target='_blank' style='color:#2CA1F4; text-decoration:none;'>{$site_url}login</a><br />"; $body_in .= "<br /><b>IMPORTANT</b>: "; $body_in .= "Please update your Password after you Login."; $body_in .= ""; //echo $body_in; die(); $to = $user_prof['email_add']; $subject = "Password Recovery from CUSA Admin"; send_mail($to, $subject, $heading, $body_in); $_SESSION["CUSA_ADMIN_MSG_GLOBAL"] = array(true, 'Your Login Info has been sent to your Email Address. Please check your Email.'); reset_attempt_counts(); redirect_me("{$consts['DOC_ROOT_ADMIN']}login", true); exit; } //end else...... } //end if email add exists.... } else { $fv_msg = 'Please clear the following Error(s):<br /><br />- '; $fv_msg_ar = array(); foreach ($fv_errors as $fv_k => $fv_v) { $fv_msg_ar = array_merge($fv_msg_ar, $fv_v); } $fv_msg .= @implode('<br />- ', $fv_msg_ar); //var_dump($fv_msg); die(); $_SESSION["CUSA_ADMIN_MSG_GLOBAL"] = array(false, $fv_msg); update_attempt_counts();
} } ////end if post................................. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #### Get record if EDIT Mode $empt = array(); $id = (int) getgpcvar("id", "G"); if ($id) { $query = sprintf("SELECT * FROM admin_users WHERE id='%d'", $id); $token = mysql_query($query, $cn1); // or die(mysql_error($cn1)); $empt = @mysql_fetch_assoc($token); if ($empt == false) { $_SESSION["CUSA_ADMIN_MSG_GLOBAL"] = array(false, "Record Not Found !"); redirect_me("{$consts['DOC_ROOT_ADMIN']}home", true); } } if (isset($_POST['first_name'])) { $empt = $_POST; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $pg_title = "Admin Settings"; include_once "includes/header.php"; ?> <h1>Edit My Account Info</h1><br /> <!-- //////////////////// CSS & JS --> <script type="text/javascript"> function check_this()