Exemplo n.º 1
    private function previousIntroductions()
        $output = '';
        $introductionsQ = $this->db->prepare('SELECT i.id, i.introducer_id, introducer.name as introducer_name, i.introducee1_id, in1.name as introducee1_name, i.introducee2_id, in2.name as introducee2_name, i.time, i.link_password
			FROM introduction i
			LEFT JOIN person introducer ON introducer.id = i.introducer_id
			LEFT JOIN person in1 ON in1.id = i.introducee1_id
			LEFT JOIN person in2 ON in2.id = i.introducee2_id
			WHERE (i.introducer_id = :id OR i.introducee1_id = :id OR i.introducee2_id = :id)
			ORDER BY time DESC');
        $introductionsQ->execute(array(':id' => $this->userId));
        $introductions = $introductionsQ->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        if (!empty($introductions)) {
            $you = (string) Content::c()->home->you;
            $youCapital = (string) Content::c()->home->you_capital;
            $story = (string) Content::c()->home->story;
            $output .= '<div id="previousIntroductions"><h2>' . Content::c()->home->history . '</h2>';
            foreach ($introductions as $introd) {
                $url = APP_URL . '/' . Content::l() . '/A' . $introd['link_password'] . BaseConvert::base10ToBase62($introd['id']);
                if ($this->userId == $introd['introducer_id']) {
                    $output .= '<p><a href="' . $url . '">' . str_replace('INTRODUCEE1_NAME', '<strong>' . $introd['introducee1_name'] . '</strong>', str_replace('INTRODUCEE2_NAME', '<strong>' . $introd['introducee2_name'] . '</strong>', str_replace('INTRODUCER_NAME', $youCapital, $story))) . '</a></p>';
                } elseif ($this->userId == $introd['introducee1_id']) {
                    $output .= '<p><a href="' . $url . '">' . str_replace('INTRODUCEE1_NAME', $you, str_replace('INTRODUCEE2_NAME', '<strong>' . $introd['introducee2_name'] . '</strong>', str_replace('INTRODUCER_NAME', '<strong>' . $introd['introducer_name'] . '</strong>', $story))) . '</a></p>';
                } else {
                    $output .= '<p><a href="' . $url . '">' . str_replace('INTRODUCEE1_NAME', $you, str_replace('INTRODUCEE2_NAME', '<strong>' . $introd['introducee1_name'] . '</strong>', str_replace('INTRODUCER_NAME', '<strong>' . $introd['introducer_name'] . '</strong>', $story))) . '</a></p>';
                $output .= $this->formatTime(strtotime($introd['time']));
            $output .= '</div>';
        return $output;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function __construct($introductionId, $introducee, $other)
     $this->introductionId = $introductionId;
     $this->introducee = $introducee;
     $this->other = $other;
     $this->userId = SessionManager::getInstance()->getUserId();
     $this->db = Database::getInstance();
     // Get the introducee details
     $userDetailsQ = $this->db->prepare('SELECT p.name, f.id as facebook_id, f.access_token as facebook_access_token, l.id as linkedin_id, l.access_token as linkedin_access_token, t.id as twitter_id, t.access_token as twitter_access_token FROM person p LEFT JOIN facebook f ON p.id = f.person_id LEFT JOIN linkedin l ON p.id = l.person_id LEFT JOIN twitter t ON p.id = t.person_id WHERE p.id = :id');
     $userDetailsQ->execute(array(':id' => $this->userId));
     $this->userDetails = $userDetailsQ->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     $this->userName = $this->userDetails['name'];
     // Get the personalised link for the introducee
     $linkQ = $this->db->prepare('SELECT id, link_password FROM link WHERE introduction_id = :introduction_id AND person_id = :person_id');
     $linkQ->execute(array(':introduction_id' => $this->introductionId, ':person_id' => $this->introducee->getId()));
     $link = $linkQ->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     $this->introductionUrl = APP_URL . '/B' . $link['link_password'] . BaseConvert::base10ToBase62($link['id']);
 public function __construct()
     // Connect to the database
     $this->db = Database::getInstance();
     // Get the website user
     $userId = SessionManager::getInstance()->getUserId();
     if (empty($userId)) {
         Debug::l('No user logged in');
         header('Location: ' . APP_URL . '/' . Content::l() . '/');
     // Get the introduction that hasn't been sent yet
     $this->introductionQ = $this->db->prepare('SELECT id, introducee1_id, introducee2_id, introducee1_notified, introducee2_notified, link_password FROM introduction WHERE introducer_id = :id AND (introducee1_notified IS NULL OR introducee2_notified IS NULL) ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 1');
     $this->introductionQ->execute(array(':id' => $userId));
     $this->introduction = $this->introductionQ->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     if (empty($this->introduction)) {
         Debug::l('No unsent introductions found');
         header('Location: ' . APP_URL . '/' . Content::l() . '/');
     $introducee1 = new Person(array());
     $introducee2 = new Person(array());
     // Notify introducee 1
     if (empty($this->introduction['introducee1_notified'])) {
         $notifyManager = new NotifyManager($this->introduction['id'], $introducee1, $introducee2);
         $updateQ = $this->db->prepare('UPDATE introduction SET introducee1_notified = :method WHERE id = :id');
         $this->notifyPerson($notifyManager, $introducee1, $updateQ);
     // Notify introducee 2
     if (empty($this->introduction['introducee2_notified'])) {
         $notifyManager = new NotifyManager($this->introduction['id'], $introducee2, $introducee1);
         $updateQ = $this->db->prepare('UPDATE introduction SET introducee2_notified = :method WHERE id = :id');
         $this->notifyPerson($notifyManager, $introducee2, $updateQ);
     $base62 = BaseConvert::base10ToBase62($this->introduction['id']);
     // Redirect to introduction page
     header('Location: ' . APP_URL . '/' . Content::l() . '/A' . $this->introduction['link_password'] . $base62);