public function notifyNewArgument(Question $q, Argument $a) { global $sDB, $sTimer, $sTemplate; $sTimer->start("notifyNewArgument"); $res = $sDB->exec("SELECT `notifications`.`userId`, `notifications`.`flags`, `users`.`email`, `users`.`userName` FROM `notifications`\n LEFT JOIN `users` ON `users`.`userId` = `notifications`.`userId`\n WHERE `questionId` = '" . i($q->questionId()) . "';"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($res)) { // no notifications for our own arguments. /*if($a->userId() == $row->userId) { continue; }*/ $uId = new BaseConvert($row->userId); $qId = new BaseConvert($q->questionId()); $profileUrl = $sTemplate->getShortUrlBase() . "u" . $uId->val(); $unfollowUrl = $sTemplate->getShortUrlBase() . "f" . $qId->val(); $url = $a->shortUrl(); if (!SHORTURL_BASE) { $profileUrl = $sTemplate->getRoot() . "user/" . $row->userId . "/"; $unfollowUrl = $sTemplate->getRoot() . "unfollow.php?qId=" . $q->questionId(); $url = $a->fullurl(); } $subject = $sTemplate->getString("NOTIFICATION_NEW_ARGUMENT_SUBJECT"); $message = $sTemplate->getString("NOTIFICATION_NEW_ARGUMENT_BODY", array("[USERNAME]", "[AUTHOR]", "[URL]", "[QUESTION]", "[ARGUMENT]", "[UNFOLLOW_URL]", "[PROFILE_URL]"), array($row->userName, $a->author(), $url, $q->title(), $a->headline(), $unfollowUrl, $profileUrl)); $this->sendMail($row->email, "", $subject, $message); } $sTimer->stop("notifyNewArgument"); }
private function previousIntroductions() { $output = ''; $introductionsQ = $this->db->prepare('SELECT, i.introducer_id, as introducer_name, i.introducee1_id, as introducee1_name, i.introducee2_id, as introducee2_name, i.time, i.link_password FROM introduction i LEFT JOIN person introducer ON = i.introducer_id LEFT JOIN person in1 ON = i.introducee1_id LEFT JOIN person in2 ON = i.introducee2_id WHERE (i.introducer_id = :id OR i.introducee1_id = :id OR i.introducee2_id = :id) ORDER BY time DESC'); $introductionsQ->execute(array(':id' => $this->userId)); $introductions = $introductionsQ->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (!empty($introductions)) { $you = (string) Content::c()->home->you; $youCapital = (string) Content::c()->home->you_capital; $story = (string) Content::c()->home->story; $output .= '<div id="previousIntroductions"><h2>' . Content::c()->home->history . '</h2>'; foreach ($introductions as $introd) { $url = APP_URL . '/' . Content::l() . '/A' . $introd['link_password'] . BaseConvert::base10ToBase62($introd['id']); if ($this->userId == $introd['introducer_id']) { $output .= '<p><a href="' . $url . '">' . str_replace('INTRODUCEE1_NAME', '<strong>' . $introd['introducee1_name'] . '</strong>', str_replace('INTRODUCEE2_NAME', '<strong>' . $introd['introducee2_name'] . '</strong>', str_replace('INTRODUCER_NAME', $youCapital, $story))) . '</a></p>'; } elseif ($this->userId == $introd['introducee1_id']) { $output .= '<p><a href="' . $url . '">' . str_replace('INTRODUCEE1_NAME', $you, str_replace('INTRODUCEE2_NAME', '<strong>' . $introd['introducee2_name'] . '</strong>', str_replace('INTRODUCER_NAME', '<strong>' . $introd['introducer_name'] . '</strong>', $story))) . '</a></p>'; } else { $output .= '<p><a href="' . $url . '">' . str_replace('INTRODUCEE1_NAME', $you, str_replace('INTRODUCEE2_NAME', '<strong>' . $introd['introducee1_name'] . '</strong>', str_replace('INTRODUCER_NAME', '<strong>' . $introd['introducer_name'] . '</strong>', $story))) . '</a></p>'; } $output .= $this->formatTime(strtotime($introd['time'])); } $output .= '</div>'; } return $output; }
public function __construct($introductionId, $introducee, $other) { $this->introductionId = $introductionId; $this->introducee = $introducee; $this->other = $other; $this->userId = SessionManager::getInstance()->getUserId(); $this->db = Database::getInstance(); // Get the introducee details $userDetailsQ = $this->db->prepare('SELECT, as facebook_id, f.access_token as facebook_access_token, as linkedin_id, l.access_token as linkedin_access_token, as twitter_id, t.access_token as twitter_access_token FROM person p LEFT JOIN facebook f ON = f.person_id LEFT JOIN linkedin l ON = l.person_id LEFT JOIN twitter t ON = t.person_id WHERE = :id'); $userDetailsQ->execute(array(':id' => $this->userId)); $this->userDetails = $userDetailsQ->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $this->userName = $this->userDetails['name']; // Get the personalised link for the introducee $linkQ = $this->db->prepare('SELECT id, link_password FROM link WHERE introduction_id = :introduction_id AND person_id = :person_id'); $linkQ->execute(array(':introduction_id' => $this->introductionId, ':person_id' => $this->introducee->getId())); $link = $linkQ->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $this->introductionUrl = APP_URL . '/B' . $link['link_password'] . BaseConvert::base10ToBase62($link['id']); }
public function __construct() { session_start(); // Connect to the database $this->db = Database::getInstance(); // Get the website user $userId = SessionManager::getInstance()->getUserId(); if (empty($userId)) { Debug::l('No user logged in'); header('Location: ' . APP_URL . '/' . Content::l() . '/'); exit; } // Get the introduction that hasn't been sent yet $this->introductionQ = $this->db->prepare('SELECT id, introducee1_id, introducee2_id, introducee1_notified, introducee2_notified, link_password FROM introduction WHERE introducer_id = :id AND (introducee1_notified IS NULL OR introducee2_notified IS NULL) ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 1'); $this->introductionQ->execute(array(':id' => $userId)); $this->introduction = $this->introductionQ->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (empty($this->introduction)) { Debug::l('No unsent introductions found'); header('Location: ' . APP_URL . '/' . Content::l() . '/'); exit; } $introducee1 = new Person(array()); $introducee1->getDataFromId($this->introduction['introducee1_id']); $introducee2 = new Person(array()); $introducee2->getDataFromId($this->introduction['introducee2_id']); // Notify introducee 1 if (empty($this->introduction['introducee1_notified'])) { $notifyManager = new NotifyManager($this->introduction['id'], $introducee1, $introducee2); $updateQ = $this->db->prepare('UPDATE introduction SET introducee1_notified = :method WHERE id = :id'); $this->notifyPerson($notifyManager, $introducee1, $updateQ); } // Notify introducee 2 if (empty($this->introduction['introducee2_notified'])) { $notifyManager = new NotifyManager($this->introduction['id'], $introducee2, $introducee1); $updateQ = $this->db->prepare('UPDATE introduction SET introducee2_notified = :method WHERE id = :id'); $this->notifyPerson($notifyManager, $introducee2, $updateQ); } $base62 = BaseConvert::base10ToBase62($this->introduction['id']); // Redirect to introduction page header('Location: ' . APP_URL . '/' . Content::l() . '/A' . $this->introduction['link_password'] . $base62); }
/** * 获取超长ID的字符串形式 * @return string */ public static function longIdStr() { $number = md5(time() . mt_rand(100000, 999999)); $number = base_convert(substr($number, 8, 16), 16, 10); return BaseConvert::to62($number); }
public function shortUrlCA() { global $sTemplate; $id = new BaseConvert($this->argumentId()); return $sTemplate->getShortUrlBase() . "c" . $id->val(); }
/** * 数字解码 * @param $numStr * @return int|string */ public static function NumberUndec($numStr) { $tagNo = '5'; //没有补位 $tagYes = '4'; // 已经补位 ,补位后第二个字符为补位长度 $tag = substr($numStr, 0, 1); if ($tag == $tagNo) { return BaseConvert::From62(substr($numStr, 1)); } // 补位处理 $len = intval(BaseConvert::From62(substr($numStr, 1, 1))); $num = BaseConvert::From62(substr($numStr, 2)); return substr($num, $len); }
public function shortUrlDetails() { global $sTemplate; $id = new BaseConvert($this->questionId()); return $sTemplate->getShortUrlBase() . "d" . $id->val(); }
public function shortUrl() { global $sTemplate; $id = new BaseConvert($this->userId); return $sTemplate->getShortUrlBase() . "u" . $id->val(); }
public function __construct() { session_start(); header('Content-type: text/json'); // Get the website user $userId = SessionManager::getInstance()->getUserId(); $json['result'] = 'true'; // Make sure a user is logged in if (!isset($userId)) { $json['result'] = 'false'; $json['title'] = (string) Content::c()->errors->session->title; $json['message'] = (string) Content::c()->errors->session->no_session; echo json_encode($json); exit; } // Validate input if (empty($_POST['introducee1Name']) || empty($_POST['introducee1FacebookId']) && empty($_POST['introducee1LinkedInId']) && empty($_POST['introducee1TwitterId']) || empty($_POST['introducee2Name']) || empty($_POST['introducee2FacebookId']) && empty($_POST['introducee2LinkedInId']) && empty($_POST['introducee2TwitterId'])) { $json['result'] = 'false'; $json['title'] = (string) Content::c()->errors->input->title; $json['message'] = (string) Content::c()->errors->input->introduction_not_created; echo json_encode($json); exit; } // Make sure the introducees are unique if (!empty($_POST['introducee1FacebookId']) && !empty($_POST['introducee2FacebookId']) && $_POST['introducee1FacebookId'] == $_POST['introducee2FacebookId'] || !empty($_POST['introducee1LinkedInId']) && !empty($_POST['introducee2LinkedInId']) && $_POST['introducee1LinkedInId'] == $_POST['introducee2LinkedInId'] || !empty($_POST['introducee1TwitterId']) && !empty($_POST['introducee2TwitterId']) && $_POST['introducee1TwitterId'] == $_POST['introducee2TwitterId']) { $json['result'] = 'false'; $json['title'] = (string) Content::c()->errors->input->title; $json['message'] = (string) Content::c()->errors->input->introduce_to_self; echo json_encode($json); exit; } // Connect to the database $db = Database::getInstance(); $introducee1 = new Person(array('name' => $_POST['introducee1Name'], 'facebookId' => !empty($_POST['introducee1FacebookId']) ? $_POST['introducee1FacebookId'] : '', 'linkedInId' => !empty($_POST['introducee1LinkedInId']) ? $_POST['introducee1LinkedInId'] : null, 'twitterId' => !empty($_POST['introducee1TwitterId']) ? $_POST['introducee1TwitterId'] : null)); $introducee2 = new Person(array('name' => $_POST['introducee2Name'], 'facebookId' => !empty($_POST['introducee2FacebookId']) ? $_POST['introducee2FacebookId'] : '', 'linkedInId' => !empty($_POST['introducee2LinkedInId']) ? $_POST['introducee2LinkedInId'] : null, 'twitterId' => !empty($_POST['introducee2TwitterId']) ? $_POST['introducee2TwitterId'] : null)); // See if the introducees are already in our database, that would be nice! if (!empty($_POST['introducee1FacebookId'])) { $introducee1->getDataFromFacebookId($_POST['introducee1FacebookId']); } elseif (!empty($_POST['introducee1LinkedInId'])) { $introducee1->getDataFromLinkedInId($_POST['introducee1LinkedInId']); } elseif (!empty($_POST['introducee1TwitterId'])) { $introducee1->getDataFromTwitterId($_POST['introducee1TwitterId']); } if (!empty($_POST['introducee2FacebookId'])) { $introducee2->getDataFromFacebookId($_POST['introducee2FacebookId']); } elseif (!empty($_POST['introducee2LinkedInId'])) { $introducee2->getDataFromLinkedInId($_POST['introducee2LinkedInId']); } elseif (!empty($_POST['introducee2TwitterId'])) { $introducee2->getDataFromTwitterId($_POST['introducee2TwitterId']); } // Make sure the introducees are still unique if ($introducee1->getFacebookId() != null && $introducee1->getFacebookId() == $introducee2->getFacebookId() || $introducee1->getLinkedInId() != null && $introducee1->getLinkedInId() == $introducee2->getLinkedInId() || $introducee1->getTwitterId() != null && $introducee1->getTwitterId() == $introducee2->getTwitterId()) { $json['result'] = 'false'; $json['title'] = (string) Content::c()->errors->input->title; $json['message'] = (string) Content::c()->errors->input->introduce_to_self; echo json_encode($json); exit; } // If the introducees aren't in the database yet, add them $introducee1->addToDatabase(); $introducee2->addToDatabase(); // If the introducees are on LinkedIn, add their public profile URL and picture to the DB if ($introducee1->getLinkedInId() != null || $introducee2->getLinkedInId() != null) { // Connect to LinkedIn API $sth = $db->prepare('SELECT id, access_token FROM linkedin WHERE person_id = :person_id'); $sth->execute(array(':person_id' => $userId)); $userDetails = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (!empty($userDetails['access_token'])) { $linkedInAccessToken = $userDetails['access_token']; // Create LinkedIn object $API_CONFIG = array('appKey' => LI_API_KEY, 'appSecret' => LI_SECRET, 'callbackUrl' => ''); $OBJ_linkedin = new LinkedIn($API_CONFIG); $OBJ_linkedin->setTokenAccess(unserialize($linkedInAccessToken)); // Which introducees are on LinkedIn? $profilesToRequest = array(); if ($introducee1->getLinkedInId() != null) { $profilesToRequest[] = 'id=' . $introducee1->getLinkedInId(); } if ($introducee2->getLinkedInId() != null) { $profilesToRequest[] = 'id=' . $introducee2->getLinkedInId(); } try { $linkedInProfiles = $OBJ_linkedin->profileNew('::(' . implode(',', $profilesToRequest) . '):(id,public-profile-url,picture-url)'); } catch (ErrorException $e) { } if ($linkedInProfiles['success'] === TRUE) { $linkedInProfiles['linkedin'] = new SimpleXMLElement($linkedInProfiles['linkedin']); if ($linkedInProfiles['linkedin']->getName() == 'people') { foreach ($linkedInProfiles['linkedin']->person as $person) { $id = (string) $person->id; $url = (string) $person->{'public-profile-url'}; $pic = (string) $person->{'picture-url'}; if ($id && ($url || $pic)) { $update = $db->prepare('REPLACE INTO temp_linkedin SET linkedin_id = :linkedin_id, time=NOW(), profile_url = :profile_url, picture_url = :picture_url'); $update->execute(array(':linkedin_id' => $id, ':profile_url' => $url, ':picture_url' => $pic)); } } } } } } // If the introducees are on Twitter, add their screen name and picture to the DB if ($introducee1->getTwitterId() != null || $introducee2->getTwitterId() != null) { // Which introducees are on Twitter? $profilesToRequest = array(); if ($introducee1->getTwitterId() != null) { $profilesToRequest[] = $introducee1->getTwitterId(); } if ($introducee2->getTwitterId() != null) { $profilesToRequest[] = $introducee2->getTwitterId(); } // Connect to Twitter API $sth = $db->prepare('SELECT id, access_token FROM twitter WHERE person_id = :person_id'); $sth->execute(array(':person_id' => $userId)); $userDetails = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (!empty($userDetails['access_token'])) { $twitterAccessToken = unserialize($userDetails['access_token']); try { $twitter = new TwitterOAuth(TW_CONSUMER, TW_SECRET, $twitterAccessToken['oauth_token'], $twitterAccessToken['oauth_token_secret']); $twitter->format = 'json'; $twitterProfiles = $twitter->get('users/lookup', array('user_id' => implode(',', $profilesToRequest))); foreach ($twitterProfiles as $friend) { $id = (string) $friend->id; $screenName = (string) $friend->screen_name; $pic = (string) $friend->profile_image_url; $protected = (string) $friend->protected; if ($id && ($screenName || $pic || $protected)) { $update = $db->prepare('REPLACE INTO temp_twitter SET twitter_id = :twitter_id, time=NOW(), screen_name = :screen_name, picture_url = :picture_url, protected = :protected'); $update->execute(array(':twitter_id' => $id, ':screen_name' => $screenName, ':picture_url' => $pic, ':protected' => $protected)); } } } catch (ErrorException $e) { // Could not post to Twitter. Bad access token? Debug::l('Error posting to Twitter ' . $e); } } } $linkPassword = BaseConvert::generatePassword(); // Add the introduction to the database $insert = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO introduction (introducer_id, introducee1_id, introducee2_id, time, link_password) VALUES (:introducer_id, :introducee1_id, :introducee2_id, NOW(), :link_password)'); $insert->execute(array(':introducer_id' => $userId, ':introducee1_id' => $introducee1->getId(), ':introducee2_id' => $introducee2->getId(), ':link_password' => $linkPassword)); $introId = $db->lastInsertId(); // Add the links for each introducee $linkPassword1 = BaseConvert::generatePassword(); $linkPassword2 = BaseConvert::generatePassword(); $insert = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO link (introduction_id, person_id, link_password) VALUES (:introduction_id, :person_id, :link_password)'); $insert->execute(array(':introduction_id' => $introId, ':person_id' => $introducee1->getId(), ':link_password' => $linkPassword1)); $insert->execute(array(':introduction_id' => $introId, ':person_id' => $introducee2->getId(), ':link_password' => $linkPassword2)); // If there is a message, add it to the database if (!empty($_POST["message"])) { $message = htmlentities(trim($_POST['message']), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); if (!empty($message)) { $insert = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO message (body, time, introduction_id, writer_id) VALUES (:body, NOW(), :introduction_id, :writer_id)'); $insert->execute(array(':body' => $message, ':introduction_id' => $introId, ':writer_id' => $userId)); } } // Return the success message, which will tell the Javascript to redirect the user to the send-introduction page $json['result'] = 'true'; $json['link'] = APP_URL . '/' . Content::l() . '/send-introduction/'; $json['time'] = Debug::getInstance()->getTimeElapsed(); echo json_encode($json); }
* * Attribution Information * Attribution Phrase (not exceeding 10 words): Powered by Wikiarguments * Attribution URL: * * This display should be, at a minimum, the Attribution Phrase displayed in the * footer of the page and linked to the Attribution URL. The link to the Attribution * URL must not contain any form of 'nofollow' attribute. * * Display of Attribution Information is required in Larger Works which are * defined in the CPAL as a work which combines Covered Code or portions * thereof with code not governed by the terms of the CPAL. *******************************************************************************/ include "commonHeaders.php"; $id62 = $sRequest->getString("id"); $id = new BaseConvert($id62, 62, 10); $type = $sRequest->getString("type"); $url = false; if ($type == "question") { $q = $sQuery->getQuestionById($id->val()); if ($q) { $url = $q->url(); } } else { if ($type == "questionDetails") { $q = $sQuery->getQuestionById($id->val()); if ($q) { $url = $q->urlDetails(); } } else { if ($type == "argument" || $type == "counterArgument") {
private function validateIntroductionParams() { if (empty($_GET['base62IntroductionId']) && empty($_GET['base62LinkId'])) { Debug::l('No introduction id or link id'); header('Location: ' . APP_URL . '/' . Content::l() . '/'); exit; } if (!empty($_GET['base62IntroductionId'])) { // The page has been passed an introduction ID if (preg_match('/^[0-9a-zA-Z]+$/', $_GET['base62IntroductionId']) == 0) { Debug::l('Invalid introduction id. Not base 62 compatible.'); header('Location: ' . APP_URL . '/' . Content::l() . '/'); exit; } // Convert the ID from base 62 to base 10 $password = substr($_GET['base62IntroductionId'], 0, 3); $this->id = BaseConvert::base62ToBase10(substr($_GET['base62IntroductionId'], 3)); // Make sure this introduction ID exists and the password is correct $introDetailsQ = $this->db->prepare('SELECT link_password FROM introduction WHERE id = :id'); $introDetailsQ->execute(array(':id' => $this->id)); $introDetails = $introDetailsQ->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (empty($introDetails['link_password']) || $introDetails['link_password'] != $password) { Debug::l("That introduction id '{$this->id}' does not exist or the password '{$password}' is incorrect."); header('Location: ' . APP_URL . '/' . Content::l() . '/'); exit; } } else { // The page has been passed a base 62 encoded link ID if (preg_match('/^[0-9a-zA-Z]+$/', $_GET['base62LinkId']) == 0) { Debug::l('Invalid link id. Not base 62 compatible.'); header('Location: ' . APP_URL . '/' . Content::l() . '/'); exit; } // Convert the ID from base 62 to base 10 $password = substr($_GET['base62LinkId'], 0, 3); $linkId = BaseConvert::base62ToBase10(substr($_GET['base62LinkId'], 3)); // Make sure this link ID exists $introDetailsQ = $this->db->prepare('SELECT introduction_id, person_id, link_password FROM link WHERE id = :id'); $introDetailsQ->execute(array(':id' => $linkId)); $introDetails = $introDetailsQ->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (empty($introDetails['link_password']) || $introDetails['link_password'] != $password) { Debug::l("That link id '{$linkId}' does not exist or the password '{$password}' is incorrect."); header('Location: ' . APP_URL . '/' . Content::l() . '/'); exit; } $this->id = $introDetails['introduction_id']; $this->targetUser = $introDetails['person_id']; } }