$I = new AcceptanceTester($scenario);
$I->wantTo('generate a model without fillable fields or dates');
$I->runShellCommand('php artisan wn:model TestingModel --path=tests/tmp');
$I->seeInShellOutput('TestingModel model generated');
$I->seeFileContentsEqual('<?php namespace Tests\\Tmp;

use Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Model;

class TestingModel extends Model {

	protected $fillable = [];

	protected $dates = [];

	public static $rules = [
		// Validation rules

	// Relationships

$I->wantTo('generate a model with fillable fields');
$I->runShellCommand('php artisan wn:model TestingModel --fillable=name,title --path=tests/tmp');
$I->seeInThisFile('protected $fillable = ["name", "title"];');
$I->wantTo('generate a model with dates fields');
$I->runShellCommand('php artisan wn:model TestingModel --dates=started_at --path=tests/tmp');
$I->runShellCommand('mkdir ' . $outputPath);
$I->runShellCommand('php extract_markdown_codes.php ' . $inputPath . ' list ' . $outputPath);
// assertions
// list1
(function () use($I) {
    $contents = <<<EOT
// list1
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

\$foo = new Foo();

// list2
(function () use($I) {
    $contents = <<<EOT
// list2
\$i = 2;

// list3
(function () use($I) {
    $contents = <<<EOT

$I = new AcceptanceTester($scenario);
$I->wantTo('Generate the full structure of a new module for Backbone / RequireJS');
// Make sure that we're dealing with a clean directory
$I->runShellCommand('php ../../../artisan modules:generate taco --path=tests/tmp/modules');
$I->seeInShellOutput('Successfully created 4 files');

use Illuminate\\Database\\Schema\\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\\Database\\Migrations\\Migration;

class CreateProjectTagTable extends Migration
    public function up()
        Schema::create(\'project_tag\', function(Blueprint $table) {

    public function down()
Exemplo n.º 5

$saveDir = './tests/acceptance/tmp';
$stubDir = './tests/acceptance/stubs';
$queryToGenerate = 'FooQuery';
$I = new AcceptanceTester($scenario);
$I->wantTo('generate a query and handler class');
$I->runShellCommand("php ../../../artisan querier:generate {$queryToGenerate} --properties='bar, baz' --base='{$saveDir}'");
$I->seeInShellOutput('All done!');
// My Command stub should match the generated class.
// And my QueryHandler stub should match its generated counterpart, as well.
$I->runShellCommand('php artisan wn:migration tasks --file=create_tasks');
$I->seeInShellOutput('tasks migration generated');

use Illuminate\\Database\\Schema\\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\\Database\\Migrations\\Migration;

class CreateTasksMigration extends Migration
    public function up()
        Schema::create(\'tasks\', function(Blueprint $table) {
            // Schema declaration
            // Constraints declaration

    public function down()
$I->wantTo('generate a migration with schema');
$I->runShellCommand('php artisan wn:migration tasks --file=create_tasks --schema="amount:decimal.5,2:after.\'size\':default.8 title:string:nullable"');
$I->seeInShellOutput('tasks migration generated');

$I = new AcceptanceTester($scenario);
$I->wantTo('generate both a command and a hndler class');
$I->runShellCommand('php artisan commander:generate Acme/Bar/FooCommand --properties="bar, baz" --base="tests/tmp"');
$I->seeInShellOutput('All done!');

$I = new AcceptanceTester($scenario);
$I->wantTo('generate a RESTful controller with short model name');
$I->runShellCommand('php artisan wn:controller Test --no-routes');
$I->seeInShellOutput('TestsController generated');
$I->seeFileContentsEqual('<?php namespace App\\Http\\Controllers;

class TestsController extends Controller {

	const MODEL = "App\\Test";

	use RESTActions;

$I->wantTo('generate a RESTful controller with full model name and routes');
$I->runShellCommand('php artisan wn:controller "App\\Models\\Category"');
$I->seeInShellOutput('CategoriesController generated');
$I->seeFileContentsEqual('<?php namespace App\\Http\\Controllers;

class CategoriesController extends Controller {

	const MODEL = "App\\Models\\Category";