Exemplo n.º 1
 private function savePostInNewGroupOnCard(\AcceptanceTester $I)
     $I->wantTo('save post in new group on card');
     $I->waitForElement('.save[data-id="600"]', 10);
     $I->waitForElement('a.create-save', 10);
     $I->see('group-3 for user 100');
     $I->waitForElement('form.savegroup-create', 10);
     $I->fillField('form.savegroup-create input[name="name"]', 'yay');
     $I->click('form.savegroup-create .btn-primary');
     $I->waitForElementNotVisible('form.savegroup-create', 10);
     $I->waitForText('yay', 10);
     $I->waitForElement('.post[data-id="600"]', 10);
     $I->waitForElement('button.delete-savegroups', 10);
     $I->waitForElement('#modal-3 .btn-primary', 10);
     $I->click('#modal-3 .btn-primary');
     $I->waitForElementNotVisible('#modal-3 .btn-primary', 10);
     $I->waitForText('Uncategorized', 10);
     // delete post 600 in group 500
     //$this->db->real_query('DELETE FROM `shoppyst`.`save_group_post` WHERE `save_group_post`.`save_group_id` = 500 AND `save_group_post`.`post_id` = 600');
$I->fillField('#description', 'This is my New Updated Topic');
//click Update
$I->see('Topic is updated.');
$I->see('My Updated Topic', 'h1');
$I->see('This is my New Updated Topic');
$I->see('This is my reply on the New Topic!');
// Delete
//$I->click(".btn.btn-danger.index-delete"); //Delete Reply
//Delete Forum
$I->dontsee('My Forum');
$I->fillField("#formorm_config_value", '0');
// Deactivates forums
//click save
$I->see('Item updated. Please to see the changes delete the cache');
// activate faq from settings -> general -> all configurations
$I->wantTo('activate faq');
$I->fillField("#formorm_config_value", '1');
//click save

$I = new AcceptanceTester($scenario);
$I->am('a visitor');
$I->amGoingTo('visit and view a single ad');
$I->lookForwardTo('some details');
$I->see('send message');
Exemplo n.º 4

$I = new AcceptanceTester($scenario);
$I->am('the administrator');
$I->wantTo('edit a user');
$I->fillField('#formorm_name', 'Michael');
$I->fillField('#formorm_email', '*****@*****.**');
$I->fillField('#formorm_description', 'Updated user description');
$I->see('Item updated. Please to see the changes delete the cache');
$I->see('Updated user description');
$I->fillField('#formorm_name', 'John Smith');
$I->fillField('#formorm_email', '*****@*****.**');
$I->fillField('#formorm_description', '');
$I->see('Item updated. Please to see the changes delete the cache');
$I->dontsee('Updated user description');
$I->see('John Smith');
$I->lookForwardTo('see the welcome message in the Panel');
$I->fillField('email', '*****@*****.**');
$I->fillField('password', '1234');
$I->see('welcome admin');
$I->wantTo('switch ON "only administrator can publish new ad"');
$I->see('Advertisement Configuration', 'h1');
//click save
$I->wantTo('logout and not to see publish new button');
$I->dontsee('publish new');
// bring it back to default option!
// login
$I->fillField('email', '*****@*****.**');
$I->fillField('password', '1234');
// switch off only administrator can publish new ad
$I->see('Advertisement Configuration', 'h1');
//click save
// logout and check if i can see publish new button