Exemplo n.º 1
function wpgmza_basic_menu()
    global $wpgmza_tblname_maps;
    global $wpdb;
    /* deprecated
     *  if (!wpgmaps_check_permissions()) { wpgmaps_permission_warning(); }
    if ($_GET['action'] == "edit" && isset($_GET['map_id'])) {
        $res = wpgmza_get_map_data(sanitize_text_field($_GET['map_id']));
        if (function_exists("wpgmaps_marker_permission_check")) {
        $other_settings_data = maybe_unserialize($res->other_settings);
        if (isset($other_settings_data['store_locator_enabled'])) {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_enabled = $other_settings_data['store_locator_enabled'];
        } else {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_enabled = 0;
        if (isset($other_settings_data['store_locator_distance'])) {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_distance = $other_settings_data['store_locator_distance'];
        } else {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_distance = 0;
        if (isset($other_settings_data['store_locator_bounce'])) {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_bounce = $other_settings_data['store_locator_bounce'];
        } else {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_bounce = 1;
        if (isset($other_settings_data['store_locator_query_string'])) {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_query_string = stripslashes($other_settings_data['store_locator_query_string']);
        } else {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_query_string = __("ZIP / Address:", "wp-google-maps");
        if (isset($other_settings_data['weather_layer'])) {
            $wpgmza_weather_option = $other_settings_data['weather_layer'];
        } else {
            $wpgmza_weather_option = 2;
        if (isset($other_settings_data['weather_layer_temp_type'])) {
            $wpgmza_weather_option_temp_type = $other_settings_data['weather_layer_temp_type'];
        } else {
            $wpgmza_weather_option_temp_type = 1;
        if (isset($other_settings_data['cloud_layer'])) {
            $wpgmza_cloud_option = $other_settings_data['cloud_layer'];
        } else {
            $wpgmza_cloud_option = 2;
        if (isset($other_settings_data['transport_layer'])) {
            $wpgmza_transport_option = $other_settings_data['transport_layer'];
        } else {
            $wpgmza_transport_option = 2;
        if ($res->map_start_zoom) {
            $wpgmza_zoom[intval($res->map_start_zoom)] = "SELECTED";
        } else {
            $wpgmza_zoom[8] = "SELECTED";
        if ($res->type) {
            $wpgmza_map_type[intval($res->type)] = "SELECTED";
        } else {
            $wpgmza_map_type[1] = "SELECTED";
        if ($res->alignment) {
            $wpgmza_map_align[intval($res->alignment)] = "SELECTED";
        } else {
            $wpgmza_map_align[1] = "SELECTED";
        if ($res->bicycle) {
            $wpgmza_bicycle[intval($res->bicycle)] = "SELECTED";
        } else {
            $wpgmza_bicycle[2] = "SELECTED";
        if ($res->traffic) {
            $wpgmza_traffic[intval($res->traffic)] = "SELECTED";
        } else {
            $wpgmza_traffic[2] = "SELECTED";
        if (stripslashes($res->map_width_type) == "%") {
            $wpgmza_map_width_type_percentage = "SELECTED";
            $wpgmza_map_width_type_px = "";
        } else {
            $wpgmza_map_width_type_px = "SELECTED";
            $wpgmza_map_width_type_percentage = "";
        if (stripslashes($res->map_height_type) == "%") {
            $wpgmza_map_height_type_percentage = "SELECTED";
            $wpgmza_map_height_type_px = "";
        } else {
            $wpgmza_map_height_type_px = "SELECTED";
            $wpgmza_map_height_type_percentage = "";
        for ($i = 0; $i < 22; $i++) {
            if (!isset($wpgmza_zoom[$i])) {
                $wpgmza_zoom[$i] = "";
        for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
            if (!isset($wpgmza_map_type[$i])) {
                $wpgmza_map_type[$i] = "";
        for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
            if (!isset($wpgmza_map_align[$i])) {
                $wpgmza_map_align[$i] = "";
        for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
            if (!isset($wpgmza_bicycle[$i])) {
                $wpgmza_bicycle[$i] = "";
        for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
            if (!isset($wpgmza_traffic[$i])) {
                $wpgmza_traffic[$i] = "";
        $wpgmza_store_locator_enabled_checked[0] = '';
        $wpgmza_store_locator_enabled_checked[1] = '';
        $wpgmza_store_locator_distance_checked[0] = '';
        $wpgmza_store_locator_distance_checked[1] = '';
        $wpgmza_store_locator_bounce_checked[0] = '';
        $wpgmza_store_locator_bounce_checked[1] = '';
        if ($wpgmza_store_locator_enabled == 1) {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_enabled_checked[0] = 'selected';
        } else {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_enabled_checked[1] = 'selected';
        if ($wpgmza_store_locator_distance == 1) {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_distance_checked[0] = 'selected';
        } else {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_distance_checked[1] = 'selected';
        if ($wpgmza_store_locator_bounce == 1) {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_bounce_checked[0] = 'selected';
        } else {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_bounce_checked[1] = 'selected';
        $wpgmza_weather_layer_checked[0] = '';
        $wpgmza_weather_layer_checked[1] = '';
        $wpgmza_weather_layer_temp_type_checked[0] = '';
        $wpgmza_weather_layer_temp_type_checked[1] = '';
        $wpgmza_cloud_layer_checked[0] = '';
        $wpgmza_cloud_layer_checked[1] = '';
        $wpgmza_transport_layer_checked[0] = '';
        $wpgmza_transport_layer_checked[1] = '';
        if ($wpgmza_weather_option == 1) {
            $wpgmza_weather_layer_checked[0] = 'selected';
        } else {
            $wpgmza_weather_layer_checked[1] = 'selected';
        if ($wpgmza_weather_option_temp_type == 1) {
            $wpgmza_weather_layer_temp_type_checked[0] = 'selected';
        } else {
            $wpgmza_weather_layer_temp_type_checked[1] = 'selected';
        if ($wpgmza_cloud_option == 1) {
            $wpgmza_cloud_layer_checked[0] = 'selected';
        } else {
            $wpgmza_cloud_layer_checked[1] = 'selected';
        if ($wpgmza_transport_option == 1) {
            $wpgmza_transport_layer_checked[0] = 'selected';
        } else {
            $wpgmza_transport_layer_checked[1] = 'selected';
        $wpgmza_act = "disabled readonly";
        $wpgmza_act_msg = "<div class=\"update-nag\" style=\"padding:5px; \">" . __("Add custom icons, titles, descriptions, pictures and links to your markers with the", "wp-google-maps") . " \"<a href=\"http://www.wpgmaps.com/purchase-professional-version/?utm_source=plugin&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=below_marker\" title=\"" . __("Pro Edition", "wp-google-maps") . "\" target=\"_BLANK\">" . __("Pro Edition", "wp-google-maps") . "</a>\" " . __("of this plugin for just", "wp-google-maps") . " <strong>\$19.99</strong></div>";
        $wpgmza_csv = "<p><a href=\"http://www.wpgmaps.com/purchase-professional-version/?utm_source=plugin&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=csv_link\" target=\"_BLANK\" title=\"" . __("Pro Edition", "wp-google-maps") . "\">" . __("Purchase the Pro Edition", "wp-google-maps") . "</a> " . __("of WP Google Maps and save your markers to a CSV file!", "wp-google-maps") . "</p>";
    /* check if they are using W3 Total Cache and that wp-google-maps appears in the rejected files list */
    if (class_exists("W3_Plugin_TotalCache")) {
        $wpgmza_w3_check = new W3_Plugin_TotalCache();
        if (function_exists("w3_instance")) {
            $modules = w3_instance('W3_ModuleStatus');
            $cdn_check = $modules->is_enabled('cdn');
            if (strpos(esc_textarea(implode("\r\n", $wpgmza_w3_check->_config->get_array('cdn.reject.files'))), 'wp-google-maps') !== false) {
                $does_cdn_contain_our_plugin = true;
            } else {
                $does_cdn_contain_our_plugin = false;
            if ($cdn_check == 1 && !$does_cdn_contain_our_plugin) {
                echo "<div class=\"update-nag\" style=\"padding:5px; \"><h1>" . __("Please note", "wp-google-maps") . ":</h1>" . __("We've noticed that you are using W3 Total Cache and that you have CDN enabled.<br /><br />In order for the markers to show up on your map, you need to add '<strong><em>{uploads_dir}/wp-google-maps*</strong></em>' to the '<strong>rejected files</strong>' list in the <a href='admin.php?page=w3tc_cdn#advanced'>CDN settings page</a> of W3 Total Cache", "wp-google-maps") . "</div>";
    echo "\r\n\r\n           <div class='wrap'>\r\n                <h1>WP Google Maps</h1>\r\n                <div class='wide'>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n                    <h2>" . __("Map Settings", "wp-google-maps") . "</h2>\r\n                    <form action='' method='post' id='wpgmaps_options'>\r\n                    <p></p>\r\n                    <div id=\"wpgmaps_tabs\">\r\n                        <ul>\r\n                            <li><a href=\"#tabs-1\">" . __("General Settings", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\r\n                            <li><a href=\"#tabs-2\">" . __("Directions", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\r\n                            <li><a href=\"#tabs-3\">" . __("Store Locator", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\r\n                            <li><a href=\"#tabs-4\">" . __("Advanced Settings", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\r\n                            <li><a href=\"#tabs-5\">" . __("Marker Listing Options", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\r\n                            <li style=\"background-color: #d7e6f2; font-weight: bold;\"><a href=\"#tabs-6\">" . __("Pro Upgrade", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\r\n                        </ul>\r\n                        <div id=\"tabs-1\">\r\n                            <p></p>\r\n                            <input type='hidden' name='http_referer' value='" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "' />\r\n                            <input type='hidden' name='wpgmza_id' id='wpgmza_id' value='" . $res->id . "' />\r\n                            <input id='wpgmza_start_location' name='wpgmza_start_location' type='hidden' size='40' maxlength='100' value='" . $res->map_start_location . "' />\r\n                            <select id='wpgmza_start_zoom' name='wpgmza_start_zoom' style='display:none;' >\r\n                                        <option value=\"1\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[1] . ">1</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"2\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[2] . ">2</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"3\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[3] . ">3</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"4\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[4] . ">4</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"5\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[5] . ">5</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"6\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[6] . ">6</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"7\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[7] . ">7</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"8\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[8] . ">8</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"9\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[9] . ">9</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"10\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[10] . ">10</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"11\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[11] . ">11</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"12\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[12] . ">12</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"13\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[13] . ">13</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"14\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[14] . ">14</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"15\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[15] . ">15</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"16\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[16] . ">16</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"17\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[17] . ">17</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"18\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[18] . ">18</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"19\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[19] . ">19</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"20\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[20] . ">20</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"21\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[21] . ">21</option>\r\n                                    </select>\r\n                            <table>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                    <td>" . __("Short code", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                                    <td><input type='text' readonly name='shortcode' style='font-size:18px; text-align:center;' onclick=\"this.select()\" value='[wpgmza id=\"" . $res->id . "\"]' /> <small><i>" . __("copy this into your post or page to display the map", "wp-google-maps") . "</i></td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                    <td>" . __("Map Name", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                                    <td><input id='wpgmza_title' name='wpgmza_title' type='text' size='20' maxlength='50' value='" . $res->map_title . "' /></td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                     <td>" . __("Width", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                                     <td>\r\n                                     <input id='wpgmza_width' name='wpgmza_width' type='text' size='4' maxlength='4' value='" . $res->map_width . "' />\r\n                                     <select id='wpgmza_map_width_type' name='wpgmza_map_width_type'>\r\n                                        <option value=\"px\" {$wpgmza_map_width_type_px}>px</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"%\" {$wpgmza_map_width_type_percentage}>%</option>\r\n                                     </select>\r\n                                     <small><em>" . __("Set to 100% for a responsive map", "wp-google-maps") . "</em></small>\r\n\r\n                                    </td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                    <td>" . __("Height", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                                    <td><input id='wpgmza_height' name='wpgmza_height' type='text' size='4' maxlength='4' value='" . $res->map_height . "' />\r\n                                     <select id='wpgmza_map_height_type' name='wpgmza_map_height_type'>\r\n                                        <option value=\"px\" {$wpgmza_map_height_type_px}>px</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"%\" {$wpgmza_map_height_type_percentage}>%</option>\r\n                                     </select><span style='display:none; width:200px; font-size:10px;' id='wpgmza_height_warning'>" . __("We recommend that you leave your height in PX. Depending on your theme, using % for the height may break your map.", "wp-google-maps") . "</span>\r\n\r\n                                    </td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                    <td>" . __("Zoom Level", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                                    <td>\r\n                                    <input type=\"text\" id=\"amount\" style=\"display:none;\"  value=\"{$res->map_start_zoom}\"><div id=\"slider-range-max\"></div>\r\n                                    </td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                    <td>" . __("Map Alignment", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                                    <td><select id='wpgmza_map_align' name='wpgmza_map_align'>\r\n                                        <option value=\"1\" " . $wpgmza_map_align[1] . ">" . __("Left", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"2\" " . $wpgmza_map_align[2] . ">" . __("Center", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"3\" " . $wpgmza_map_align[3] . ">" . __("Right", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"4\" " . $wpgmza_map_align[4] . ">" . __("None", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                    </select>\r\n                                    </td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                    <td>" . __("Map type", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                                    <td><select id='wpgmza_map_type' name='wpgmza_map_type'>\r\n                                        <option value=\"1\" " . $wpgmza_map_type[1] . ">" . __("Roadmap", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"2\" " . $wpgmza_map_type[2] . ">" . __("Satellite", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"3\" " . $wpgmza_map_type[3] . ">" . __("Hybrid", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"4\" " . $wpgmza_map_type[4] . ">" . __("Terrain", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                    </select>\r\n                                    </td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n\r\n                                </table>\r\n                        </div>\r\n\r\n                        <div id=\"tabs-2\">\r\n                            <div class=\"wpgm_notice_message\">\r\n                                <ul>\r\n                                    <li>\r\n                                        <i class=\"fa fa-hand-o-right\"> </i> <a target='_BLANK' href=\"http://www.wpgmaps.com/purchase-professional-version/?utm_source=plugin&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=directions\">Enable directions</a> with the Pro version for only \$19.99 once off. Support and updates included forever.\r\n                                    </li>\r\n                                </ul>\r\n                            </div>\r\n                                        \r\n                                        \r\n\r\n                            <table class='form-table' id='wpgmaps_directions_options'>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                    <td width='200px'>" . __("Enable Directions?", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                                    <td><select class='postform' readonly disabled>\r\n                                        <option>" . __("No", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                        <option>" . __("Yes", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                    </select>\r\n                                    </td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                    <td>\r\n                                    " . __("Directions Box Open by Default?", "wp-google-maps") . ":\r\n                                    </td>\r\n                                    <td>\r\n                                    <select class='postform' readonly disabled>\r\n                                        <option>" . __("No", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                        <option>" . __("Yes, on the left", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                        <option>" . __("Yes, on the right", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                        <option>" . __("Yes, above", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                        <option>" . __("Yes, below", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                    </select>\r\n                                    </td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                    <td>\r\n                                    " . __("Directions Box Width", "wp-google-maps") . ":\r\n                                    </td>\r\n                                    <td>\r\n                                    <input type='text' size='4' maxlength='4' class='small-text' readonly disabled /> px\r\n                                    </td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n\r\n                            </table>\r\n                        </div><!-- end of tab2 -->\r\n                        \r\n                        <div id=\"tabs-3\">\r\n                            \r\n                            <table class='' id='wpgmaps_directions_options'>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                    <td width='200'>" . __("Enable Store Locator", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                                    <td><select id='wpgmza_store_locator' name='wpgmza_store_locator' class='postform'>\r\n                                            <option value=\"1\" " . $wpgmza_store_locator_enabled_checked[0] . ">" . __("Yes", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                            <option value=\"2\" " . $wpgmza_store_locator_enabled_checked[1] . ">" . __("No", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                        </select>\r\n                                    </td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                    <td>" . __("Show distance in", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                                    <td><select id='wpgmza_store_locator_distance' name='wpgmza_store_locator_distance' class='postform'>\r\n                                        <option value=\"1\" " . $wpgmza_store_locator_distance_checked[0] . ">" . __("Miles", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"2\" " . $wpgmza_store_locator_distance_checked[1] . ">" . __("Kilometers", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                    </select>\r\n                                    </td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                    <td>" . __("Query string", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                                    <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"wpgmza_store_locator_query_string\" id=\"wpgmza_store_locator_query_string\" value=\"{$wpgmza_store_locator_query_string}\">\r\n                                    </td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                    <td width='200'>" . __("Show bouncing icon", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                                    <td><select id='wpgmza_store_locator_bounce' name='wpgmza_store_locator_bounce' class='postform'>\r\n                                            <option value=\"1\" " . $wpgmza_store_locator_bounce_checked[0] . ">" . __("Yes", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                            <option value=\"2\" " . $wpgmza_store_locator_bounce_checked[1] . ">" . __("No", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                        </select>\r\n                                    </td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n\r\n                            </table>\r\n                            <p><em>" . __('View', 'wp-google-maps') . " <a href='http://wpgmaps.com/documentation/store-locator'>" . __('Store Locator Documentation', 'wp-google-maps') . "</a></em></p>\r\n                            <p><em>Please note: the store locator is still in Beta. If you find any bugs, please <a href='http://wpgmaps.com/contact-us/'>let us know</a></em></p>\r\n                        </div><!-- end of tab3 -->\r\n\r\n                        <div id=\"tabs-4\">\r\n\r\n                        <table class='' id='wpgmaps_advanced_options'>\r\n                        <tr>\r\n                            <td width='320'>" . __("Enable Bicycle Layer?", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                            <td><select id='wpgmza_bicycle' name='wpgmza_bicycle' class='postform'>\r\n                                <option value=\"1\" " . $wpgmza_bicycle[1] . ">" . __("Yes", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                <option value=\"2\" " . $wpgmza_bicycle[2] . ">" . __("No", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                            </select>\r\n                            </td>\r\n                        </tr>\r\n                        <tr>\r\n                        <td>" . __("Enable Traffic Layer?", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                            <td><select id='wpgmza_traffic' name='wpgmza_traffic' class='postform'>\r\n                                <option value=\"1\" " . $wpgmza_traffic[1] . ">" . __("Yes", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                <option value=\"2\" " . $wpgmza_traffic[2] . ">" . __("No", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                            </select></td>\r\n                        </tr>\r\n                        <tr>\r\n                            <td width='320'>" . __("Enable Weather Layer?", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                            <td>\r\n                            <select id='wpgmza_weather' name='wpgmza_weather' class='postform'>\r\n                                <option value=\"1\" " . $wpgmza_weather_layer_checked[0] . ">" . __("Yes", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                <option value=\"2\" " . $wpgmza_weather_layer_checked[1] . ">" . __("No", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                            </select>\r\n                            <select id='wpgmza_weather_temp_type' name='wpgmza_weather_temp_type' class='postform'>\r\n                                <option value=\"1\" " . $wpgmza_weather_layer_temp_type_checked[0] . ">" . __("Show in Degrees Celsius", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                <option value=\"2\" " . $wpgmza_weather_layer_temp_type_checked[1] . ">" . __("Show in Degrees Fahrenheit", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                            </select>\r\n                            </td>\r\n                        </tr>\r\n                        <tr>\r\n                            <td width='320'>" . __("Enable Cloud Layer?", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                            <td><select id='wpgmza_cloud' name='wpgmza_cloud' class='postform'>\r\n                                <option value=\"1\" " . $wpgmza_cloud_layer_checked[0] . ">" . __("Yes", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                <option value=\"2\" " . $wpgmza_cloud_layer_checked[1] . ">" . __("No", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                            </select>\r\n                            </td>\r\n                        </tr>\r\n                        <tr>\r\n                            <td width='320'>" . __("Enable Public Transport Layer?", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                            <td><select id='wpgmza_transport' name='wpgmza_transport' class='postform'>\r\n                                <option value=\"1\" " . $wpgmza_transport_layer_checked[0] . ">" . __("Yes", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                <option value=\"2\" " . $wpgmza_transport_layer_checked[1] . ">" . __("No", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                            </select>\r\n                            </td>\r\n                        </tr>\r\n                        </table>\r\n\r\n                            <div class=\"wpgm_notice_message\">\r\n                                <ul>\r\n                                    <li>\r\n                                        " . __("Get the rest of these advanced features with the Pro version for only <a href=\"http://www.wpgmaps.com/purchase-professional-version/?utm_source=plugin&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=advanced\">\$19.99 once off</a>. Support and updates included forever.", "wp-google-maps") . "\r\n                                    </li>\r\n                                </ul>\r\n                            </div>\r\n\r\n                            <table class='form-table' id='wpgmaps_advanced_options'>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                    <td>" . __("Default Marker Image", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                                    <td><input id=\"\" name=\"\" type='hidden' size='35' class='regular-text' maxlength='700' value='" . $res->default_marker . "' " . $wpgmza_act . "/> <input id=\"upload_default_marker_btn\" type=\"button\" value=\"" . __("Upload Image", "wp-google-maps") . "\" {$wpgmza_act} /> <a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onClick=\"document.forms['wpgmza_map_form'].upload_default_marker.value = ''; var span = document.getElementById('wpgmza_mm'); while( span.firstChild ) { span.removeChild( span.firstChild ); } span.appendChild( document.createTextNode('')); return false;\" title=\"Reset to default\">-reset-</a></td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                    <td>" . __("Show User's Location?", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                                    <td><select class='postform' readonly disabled>\r\n                                        <option >" . __("No", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                        <option >" . __("Yes", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                    </select>\r\n                                    </td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n\r\n                                </tr>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                    <td></td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                    <td>" . __("KML/GeoRSS URL", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                                    <td>\r\n                                     <input type='text' size='100' maxlength='700' class='regular-text' readonly disabled /> <em><small>" . __("The KML/GeoRSS layer will over-ride most of your map settings", "wp-google-maps") . "</small></em></td>\r\n                                    </td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                    <td>" . __("Fusion table ID", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                                    <td>\r\n                                     <input type='text' size='20' maxlength='200' class='small-text' readonly disabled /> <em><small>" . __("Read data directly from your Fusion Table.", "wp-google-maps") . "</small></em></td>\r\n                                    </td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n                            </table>\r\n                        </div><!-- end of tab4 -->\r\n                        <div id=\"tabs-5\" style=\"font-family:sans-serif;\">\r\n                            <div class=\"wpgm_notice_message\">\r\n                                <ul>\r\n                                    <li>\r\n                                        " . __("Enable Marker Listing with the <a href=\"http://www.wpgmaps.com/purchase-professional-version/?utm_source=plugin&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=marker_listing\">Pro version for only \$19.99 once off</a>. Support and updates included forever.", "wp-google-maps") . "\r\n                                    </li>\r\n                                </ul>\r\n                            </div>\r\n\r\n                            <table class='' id='wpgmaps_marker_listing_options'>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                     <td valign=\"top\">" . __("List Markers", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                                     <td>\r\n\r\n                                        <input type=\"radio\" disabled >" . __("None", "wp-google-maps") . "<br />\r\n                                        <input type=\"radio\" disabled >" . __("Basic table", "wp-google-maps") . "<br />\r\n                                        <input type=\"radio\" disabled >" . __("Advanced table with real time search and filtering", "wp-google-maps") . "<br />\r\n                                        <input type=\"radio\" disabled >" . __("Carousel", "wp-google-maps") . " (" . __("beta", "wp-google-maps") . ")<br />\r\n\r\n\r\n                                    </td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                     <td>" . __("Filter by Category", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                                     <td>\r\n                                        <input id='wpgmza_filterbycat' type='checkbox' disabled /> " . __("Allow users to filter by category?", "wp-google-maps") . "\r\n\r\n                                    </td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                     <td>" . __("Order markers by", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                                     <td>\r\n                                        <select disabled class='postform'>\r\n                                            <option >" . __("ID", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                            <option >" . __("Title", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                            <option >" . __("Address", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                            <option >" . __("Description", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                            <option >" . __("Category", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                        </select>\r\n                                        <select disabled class='postform'>\r\n                                            <option >" . __("Ascending", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                            <option >" . __("Descending", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                        </select>\r\n\r\n                                    </td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n\r\n                            </table>\r\n                            <div class=\"wrap about-wrap\" style=\"height:400px; display:block;\">\r\n                            <div class=\"feature-section three-col  clear\">\r\n                                <div style=\"width:28%;\">\r\n                                <h4>" . __("Basic", "wp-google-maps") . "</h4>\r\n                                <p style='display:block; height:40px;'>" . __("Show a basic list of your markers", "wp-google-maps") . "</p>\r\n                                 <img src='" . WPGMAPS_DIR . "base/assets/marker-listing-basic.jpg' style=\"border:5px solid #ccc;\" />              \r\n                                </div>\r\n                                <div style=\"width:28%;\">\r\n                                <h4>" . __("Carousel", "wp-google-maps") . "</h4>\r\n                                <p style='display:block; height:40px;'>" . __("Beautiful, responsive, mobile-friendly carousel marker listing", "wp-google-maps") . "</p>\r\n                                 <img src='" . WPGMAPS_DIR . "base/assets/marker-listing-carousel.jpg' style=\"border:5px solid #ccc;\" />              \r\n                                </div>\r\n                                <div style=\"width:28%;\">\r\n                                <h4>" . __("Tabular", "wp-google-maps") . "</h4>\r\n                                <p style='display:block; height:40px;'>" . __("Advanced, tabular marker listing functionality with real time filtering", "wp-google-maps") . "</p>\r\n                                 <img src='" . WPGMAPS_DIR . "base/assets/marker-listing-advanced.jpg' style=\"border:5px solid #ccc;\" />              \r\n                                </div>\r\n                            </div>\r\n                            </div>\r\n\r\n                        </div>\r\n                        <div id=\"tabs-6\" style=\"font-family:sans-serif;\">\r\n                            <h1 style=\"font-weight:200;\">12 Amazing Reasons to Upgrade to our Pro Version</h1>\r\n                            <p style=\"font-size:16px; line-height:28px;\">We've spent over two years upgrading our plugin to ensure that it is the most user-friendly and comprehensive map plugin in the WordPress directory. Enjoy the peace of mind knowing that you are getting a truly premium product for all your mapping requirements. Did we also mention that we have fantastic support?</p>\r\n                            <div id=\"wpgm_premium\">\r\n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\r\n                                        <h2>Create custom markers with detailed info windows</h2>\r\n                                        <p>Add titles, descriptions, HTML, images, animations and custom icons to your markers.</p>\r\n                                    </div>\r\n                                </div>\r\n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\r\n                                        <h2>Enable directions</h2>\r\n                                        <p>Allow your visitors to get directions to your markers. Either use their location as the starting point or allow them to type in an address.</p>\r\n                                    </div>\r\n                                </div>\r\n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\r\n                                        <h2>Unlimited maps</h2>\r\n                                        <p>Create as many maps as you like.</p>\r\n                                    </div>\r\n                                </div>\r\n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\r\n                                        <h2>List your markers</h2>\r\n                                        <p>Choose between three methods of listing your markers.</p>\r\n                                    </div>\r\n                                </div>                                \r\n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\r\n                                        <h2>Add categories to your markers</h2>\r\n                                        <p>Create and assign categories to your markers which can then be filtered on your map.</p>\r\n                                    </div>\r\n                                </div>                                \r\n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\r\n                                        <h2>Advanced options</h2>\r\n                                        <p>Enable advanced options such as showing your visitor's location, marker sorting, bicycle layers, traffic layers and more!</p>\r\n                                    </div>\r\n                                </div>  \r\n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\r\n                                        <h2>Import / Export</h2>\r\n                                        <p>Export your markers to a CSV file for quick and easy editing. Import large quantities of markers at once.</p>\r\n                                    </div>\r\n                                </div>                                \r\n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\r\n                                        <h2>Add KML & Fusion Tables</h2>\r\n                                        <p>Add your own KML layers or Fusion Table data to your map</p>\r\n                                    </div>\r\n                                </div>                                   \r\n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\r\n                                        <h2>Polygons and Polylines</h2>\r\n                                        <p>Add custom polygons and polylines to your map by simply clicking on the map. Perfect for displaying routes and serviced areas.</p>\r\n                                    </div>\r\n                                </div>\r\n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\r\n                                        <h2>Amazing Support</h2>\r\n                                        <p>We pride ourselves on providing quick and amazing support. <a target=\"_BLANK\" href=\"http://wordpress.org/support/view/plugin-reviews/wp-google-maps?filter=5\">Read what some of our users think of our support</a>.</p>\r\n                                    </div>\r\n                                </div>\r\n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\r\n                                        <h2>Easy Upgrade</h2>\r\n                                        <p>You'll receive a download link immediately. Simply upload and activate the Pro plugin to your WordPress admin area and you're done!</p>\r\n                                    </div>\r\n                                </div>                                  \r\n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\r\n                                        <h2>Free updates and support forever</h2>\r\n                                        <p>Once you're a pro user, you'll receive free updates and support forever! You'll also receive amazing specials on any future plugins we release.</p>\r\n                                    </div>\r\n                                </div>              \r\n                                \r\n                                <br /><p>Get all of this and more for only \$19.99 once off</p>                                \r\n                                <br /><a href=\"http://www.wpgmaps.com/purchase-professional-version/?utm_source=plugin&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=upgradenow\" target=\"_BLANK\" title=\"Upgrade now for only \$19.99 once off\" class=\"button-primary\" style=\"font-size:20px; display:block; width:150px; text-align:center; height:30px; line-height:26px;\">Upgrade Now</a>\r\n                                <br /><br />\r\n                                <a href=\"http://www.wpgmaps.com/demo/\" target=\"_BLANK\">View the demos</a>.<br /><br />\r\n                                Have a sales question? Contact either Nick or Jarryd on <a href=\"mailto:nick@wpgmaps.com\">nick@wpgmaps.com</a> or use our <a href=\"http://www.wpgmaps.com/contact-us/\" target=\"_BLANK\">contact form</a>. <br /><br />\r\n                                Need help? <a href=\"http://www.wpgmaps.com/forums/forum/support-forum/\" target=\"_BLANK\">Ask a question on our support forum</a>.       \r\n                                \r\n\r\n\r\n                        </div><!-- end of tab5 -->   \r\n                        \r\n                        </div>\r\n                        </div>\r\n                    \r\n                    <!-- end of tabs -->\r\n\r\n\r\n                            \r\n                            <p class='submit'><input type='submit' name='wpgmza_savemap' class='button-primary' value='" . __("Save Map", "wp-google-maps") . " &raquo;' /></p>\r\n                                \r\n                            <p style=\"width:100%; color:#808080;\">\r\n                                " . __("Tip: Use your mouse to change the layout of your map. When you have positioned the map to your desired location, press \"Save Map\" to keep your settings.", "wp-google-maps") . "</p>\r\n\r\n                            <div style='display:block; overflow:auto; width:100%;'>\r\n                            \r\n                            <div style='display:block; width:49%; margin-right:1%; overflow:auto; float:left;'>\r\n                                <div id=\"wpgmaps_tabs_markers\">\r\n                                    <ul>\r\n                                            <li><a href=\"#tabs-m-1\" class=\"tabs-m-1\">" . __("Markers", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\r\n                                            <li><a href=\"#tabs-m-2\" class=\"tabs-m-1\">" . __("Advanced markers", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\r\n                                            <li><a href=\"#tabs-m-3\" class=\"tabs-m-2\">" . __("Polygon", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\r\n                                            <li><a href=\"#tabs-m-4\" class=\"tabs-m-3\">" . __("Polylines", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\r\n                                    </ul>\r\n                                    <div id=\"tabs-m-1\">\r\n\r\n\r\n                                        <h2 style=\"padding-top:0; margin-top:0;\"><i class=\"fa fa-map-marker\"> </i> " . __("Markers", "wp-google-maps") . "</h2>\r\n                                        <table>\r\n                                            <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"wpgmza_edit_id\" id=\"wpgmza_edit_id\" value=\"\" />\r\n                                            <tr>\r\n                                                <td valign='top'>" . __("Address/GPS", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\r\n                                                <td><input id='wpgmza_add_address' name='wpgmza_add_address' type='text' size='35' maxlength='200' value=''  /> <br /><small><em>" . __("Or right click on the map", "wp-google-maps") . "</small></em><br /><br /></td>\r\n\r\n                                            </tr>\r\n\r\n                                            <tr>\r\n                                                <td>" . __("Animation", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\r\n                                                <td>\r\n                                                    <select name=\"wpgmza_animation\" id=\"wpgmza_animation\">\r\n                                                        <option value=\"0\">" . __("None", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                                        <option value=\"1\">" . __("Bounce", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                                        <option value=\"2\">" . __("Drop", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                                </td>\r\n                                            </tr>\r\n\r\n\r\n                                            <tr>\r\n                                                <td>" . __("InfoWindow open by default", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\r\n                                                <td>\r\n                                                    <select name=\"wpgmza_infoopen\" id=\"wpgmza_infoopen\">\r\n                                                        <option value=\"0\">" . __("No", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                                        <option value=\"1\">" . __("Yes", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                                </td>\r\n                                            </tr>\r\n                                        <tr>\r\n                                            <td></td>\r\n                                            <td>\r\n                                                <span id=\"wpgmza_addmarker_div\"><input type=\"button\" class='button-primary' id='wpgmza_addmarker' value='" . __("Add Marker", "wp-google-maps") . "' /></span> <span id=\"wpgmza_addmarker_loading\" style=\"display:none;\">" . __("Adding", "wp-google-maps") . "...</span>\r\n                                                <span id=\"wpgmza_editmarker_div\" style=\"display:none;\"><input type=\"button\" id='wpgmza_editmarker'  class='button-primary' value='" . __("Save Marker", "wp-google-maps") . "' /></span><span id=\"wpgmza_editmarker_loading\" style=\"display:none;\">" . __("Saving", "wp-google-maps") . "...</span>\r\n                                                    <div id=\"wpgm_notice_message_save_marker\" style=\"display:none;\">\r\n                                                        <div class=\"wpgm_notice_message\" style='text-align:left; padding:1px; margin:1px;'>\r\n                                                                 <h4 style='padding:1px; margin:1px;'>" . __("Remember to save your marker", "wp-google-maps") . "</h4>\r\n                                                        </div>\r\n\r\n                                                    </div>\r\n                                            </td>\r\n\r\n                                        </tr>\r\n\r\n                                        </table>\r\n                                    </div>\r\n\r\n                                    <div id=\"tabs-m-2\">\r\n                                        <h2 style=\"padding-top:0; margin-top:0;\"><i class=\"fa fa-map-marker\"> </i> " . __("Advanced markers", "wp-google-maps") . "</h2>\r\n                                        <div class=\"wpgm_notice_message\">\r\n                                            <ul>\r\n                                                <li>\r\n                                                    <i class=\"fa fa-hand-o-right\"> </i> <a target=\"_BLANK\" href=\"http://www.wpgmaps.com/purchase-professional-version/?utm_source=plugin&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=advanced_markers\">" . __("Add advanced markers", "wp-google-maps") . "</a> " . __("with the Pro version", "wp-google-maps") . "\r\n                                                </li>\r\n                                            </ul>\r\n                                        </div>\r\n                                        <table>\r\n                                        <tr>\r\n                                            <td>" . __("Address/GPS", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\r\n                                            <td><input id='' name='' type='text' size='35' maxlength='200' value=''  {$wpgmza_act} /> &nbsp;<br /></td>\r\n\r\n                                        </tr>\r\n\r\n                                        <tr>\r\n                                            <td>" . __("Animation", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\r\n                                            <td>\r\n                                                <select name=\"\" id=\"\">\r\n                                                    <option value=\"0\">" . __("None", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                                    <option value=\"1\">" . __("Bounce", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                                    <option value=\"2\">" . __("Drop", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                            </td>\r\n                                        </tr>\r\n\r\n\r\n                                        <tr>\r\n                                            <td>" . __("InfoWindow open by default", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\r\n                                            <td>\r\n                                                <select name=\"\" id=\"\">\r\n                                                    <option value=\"0\">" . __("No", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                                    <option value=\"1\">" . __("Yes", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                            </td>\r\n                                        </tr>\r\n                                        <tr>\r\n                                            <td>" . __("Title", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\r\n                                            <td><input id='' name='' type='text' size='35' maxlength='200' value='' {$wpgmza_act} /></td>\r\n\r\n                                        </tr>\r\n\r\n                                        <tr><td>" . __("Description", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\r\n                                            <td><textarea id='' name='' " . $wpgmza_act . "  style='background-color:#EEE; width:272px;'></textarea>  &nbsp;<br /></td></tr>\r\n                                        <tr><td>" . __("Pic URL", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\r\n                                            <td><input id='' name=\"\" type='text' size='35' maxlength='700' value='' " . $wpgmza_act . "/> <input id=\"\" type=\"button\" value=\"" . __("Upload Image", "wp-google-maps") . "\" {$wpgmza_act} /><br /></td></tr>\r\n                                        <tr><td>" . __("Link URL", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\r\n                                            <td><input id='' name='' type='text' size='35' maxlength='700' value='' " . $wpgmza_act . " /></td></tr>\r\n                                        <tr><td>" . __("Custom Marker", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\r\n                                            <td><input id='' name=\"\" type='hidden' size='35' maxlength='700' value='' " . $wpgmza_act . "/> <input id=\"\" type=\"button\" value=\"" . __("Upload Image", "wp-google-maps") . "\" {$wpgmza_act} /> &nbsp;</td></tr>\r\n                                        <tr>\r\n                                            <td>" . __("Category", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\r\n                                            <td>\r\n                                                <select readonly disabled>\r\n                                                    <option value=\"0\">" . __("Select", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                            </td>\r\n                                        </tr>\r\n                                        <tr>\r\n                                            <td></td>\r\n                                            <td>\r\n                                                <input type=\"button\" class='button-primary' disabled id='' value='" . __("Add Marker", "wp-google-maps") . "' />\r\n                                            </td>\r\n\r\n                                            </tr>\r\n\r\n                                        </table>\r\n                                        <p>{$wpgmza_act_msg}</p>\r\n                                        <br /><br />{$wpgmza_csv}\r\n                                    </div>\r\n\r\n                                    <div id=\"tabs-m-3\">\r\n                                        <h2 style=\"padding-top:0; margin-top:0;\"><i class=\"fa fa-star\"> </i> " . __("Polygons", "wp-google-maps") . "</h2>\r\n                                        <span id=\"wpgmza_addpolygon_div\"><a href='" . get_option('siteurl') . "/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wp-google-maps-menu&action=add_poly&map_id=" . sanitize_text_field($_GET['map_id']) . "' id='wpgmza_addpoly' class='button-primary' value='" . __("Add a New Polygon", "wp-google-maps") . "' />" . __("Add a New Polygon", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></span>\r\n                                        <div id=\"wpgmza_poly_holder\">" . wpgmza_b_return_polygon_list(sanitize_text_field($_GET['map_id'])) . "</div>\r\n                                    </div>\r\n                                    <div id=\"tabs-m-4\">\r\n                                        <h2 style=\"padding-top:0; margin-top:0;\"><i class=\"fa fa-bars\"> </i> " . __("Polylines", "wp-google-maps") . "</h2>\r\n                                        <span id=\"wpgmza_addpolyline_div\"><a href='" . get_option('siteurl') . "/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wp-google-maps-menu&action=add_polyline&map_id=" . sanitize_text_field($_GET['map_id']) . "' id='wpgmza_addpolyline' class='button-primary' value='" . __("Add a New Polyline", "wp-google-maps") . "' />" . __("Add a New Polyline", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></span>\r\n                                        <div id=\"wpgmza_polyline_holder\">" . wpgmza_b_return_polyline_list(sanitize_text_field($_GET['map_id'])) . "</div>\r\n                                    </div>\r\n\r\n                                </div>\r\n                            </div>\r\n                            <div style='display:block; width:50%; overflow:auto; float:left;'>\r\n                            \r\n\r\n                                <div id=\"wpgmza_map\">\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_notice_message\" style='text-align:center;'>\r\n                                        <ul>\r\n                                            <li><small><strong>" . __("The map could not load.", "wp-google-maps") . "</strong><br />" . __("This is normally caused by a conflict with another plugin or a JavaScript error that is preventing our plugin's Javascript from executing. Please try disable all plugins one by one and see if this problem persists.", "wp-google-maps") . "</small>\r\n                                            </li>\r\n                                        </ul>\r\n                                    </div>\r\n                                </div>\r\n                                <div id=\"wpgmaps_save_reminder\" style=\"display:none;\">\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_notice_message\" style='text-align:center;'>\r\n                                        <ul>\r\n                                            <li>\r\n                                             <h4>" . __("Remember to save your map!", "wp-google-maps") . "</h4>\r\n                                            </li>\r\n                                        </ul>\r\n                                    </div>\r\n\r\n                                </div>\r\n                            </div>\r\n                        </div>\r\n                            \r\n\r\n\r\n                            \r\n                        </form>\r\n                            \r\n                            <h2 style=\"padding-top:0; margin-top:20px;\">" . __("Your Markers", "wp-google-maps") . "</h2>\r\n                            <div id=\"wpgmza_marker_holder\">\r\n                            " . wpgmza_return_marker_list(sanitize_text_field($_GET['map_id'])) . "\r\n                            </div>\r\n                        \r\n                            <table style='clear:both;'>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                    <td><img src=\"" . wpgmaps_get_plugin_url() . "/images/custom_markers.jpg\" width=\"260\" style=\"border:3px solid #808080;\" title=\"" . __("Add detailed information to your markers!") . "\" alt=\"" . __("Add custom markers to your map!", "wp-google-maps") . "\" /><br /><br /></td>\r\n                                    <td valign=\"middle\"><span style=\"font-size:18px; color:#666;\">" . __("Add detailed information to your markers for only", "wp-google-maps") . " <strong>\$19.99</strong>. " . __("Click", "wp-google-maps") . " <a href=\"http://www.wpgmaps.com/purchase-professional-version/?utm_source=plugin&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=image1\" title=\"Pro Edition\" target=\"_BLANK\">" . __("here", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></span></td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                    <td><img src=\"" . wpgmaps_get_plugin_url() . "/images/custom_marker_icons.jpg\" width=\"260\" style=\"border:3px solid #808080;\" title=\"" . __("Add custom markers to your map!", "wp-google-maps") . "\" alt=\"" . __("Add custom markers to your map!", "wp-google-maps") . "\" /><br /><br /></td>\r\n                                    <td valign=\"middle\"><span style=\"font-size:18px; color:#666;\">" . __("Add different marker icons, or your own icons to make your map really stand out!", "wp-google-maps") . " " . __("Click", "wp-google-maps") . " <a href=\"http://www.wpgmaps.com/purchase-professional-version/?utm_source=plugin&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=image3\" title=\"" . __("Pro Edition", "wp-google-maps") . "\" target=\"_BLANK\">" . __("here", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></span></td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                    <td><img src=\"" . wpgmaps_get_plugin_url() . "/images/get_directions.jpg\" width=\"260\" style=\"border:3px solid #808080;\" title=\"" . __("Add custom markers to your map!", "wp-google-maps") . "\" alt=\"" . __("Add custom markers to your map!", "wp-google-maps") . "\" /><br /><br /></td>\r\n                                    <td valign=\"middle\"><span style=\"font-size:18px; color:#666;\">" . __("Allow your visitors to get directions to your markers!", "wp-google-maps") . " " . __("Click", "wp-google-maps") . " <a href=\"http://www.wpgmaps.com/purchase-professional-version/?utm_source=plugin&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=image2\" title=\"" . __("Pro Edition", "wp-google-maps") . "\" target=\"_BLANK\">" . __("here", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></span></td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n                            </table>\r\n\r\n                   \r\n\r\n                    <p><br /><br />" . __("WP Google Maps encourages you to make use of the amazing icons created by Nicolas Mollet's Maps Icons Collection", "wp-google-maps") . " <a href='http://mapicons.nicolasmollet.com'>http://mapicons.nicolasmollet.com/</a> " . __("and to credit him when doing so.", "wp-google-maps") . "</p>\r\n                </div>\r\n\r\n\r\n            </div>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n        ";
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Outputs (echo) map editor
 * @return void
function wpgmza_basic_menu()
    global $wpgmza_tblname_maps;
    global $wpdb;
    /* deprecated
     *  if (!wpgmaps_check_permissions()) { wpgmaps_permission_warning(); }
    if ($_GET['action'] == "edit" && isset($_GET['map_id'])) {
        $res = wpgmza_get_map_data(sanitize_text_field($_GET['map_id']));
        if (function_exists("wpgmaps_marker_permission_check")) {
        $other_settings_data = maybe_unserialize($res->other_settings);
        if (isset($other_settings_data['store_locator_enabled'])) {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_enabled = $other_settings_data['store_locator_enabled'];
        } else {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_enabled = 0;
        if (isset($other_settings_data['store_locator_distance'])) {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_distance = $other_settings_data['store_locator_distance'];
        } else {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_distance = 0;
        if (isset($other_settings_data['store_locator_bounce'])) {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_bounce = $other_settings_data['store_locator_bounce'];
        } else {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_bounce = 1;
        if (isset($other_settings_data['store_locator_query_string'])) {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_query_string = stripslashes($other_settings_data['store_locator_query_string']);
        } else {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_query_string = __("ZIP / Address:", "wp-google-maps");
        if (isset($other_settings_data['store_locator_default_address'])) {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_default_address = stripslashes($other_settings_data['store_locator_default_address']);
        } else {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_default_address = "";
        if (isset($other_settings_data['wpgmza_store_locator_restrict'])) {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_restrict = $other_settings_data['wpgmza_store_locator_restrict'];
        } else {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_restrict = "";
        /* deprecated in 6.2.0
           if (isset($other_settings_data['weather_layer'])) { $wpgmza_weather_option = $other_settings_data['weather_layer']; } else { $wpgmza_weather_option = 2; } 
           if (isset($other_settings_data['weather_layer_temp_type'])) { $wpgmza_weather_option_temp_type = $other_settings_data['weather_layer_temp_type']; } else { $wpgmza_weather_option_temp_type = 1; } 
           if (isset($other_settings_data['cloud_layer'])) { $wpgmza_cloud_option = $other_settings_data['cloud_layer']; } else { $wpgmza_cloud_option = 2; } 
        if (isset($other_settings_data['transport_layer'])) {
            $wpgmza_transport_option = $other_settings_data['transport_layer'];
        } else {
            $wpgmza_transport_option = 2;
        if (isset($other_settings_data['map_max_zoom'])) {
            $wpgmza_max_zoom[intval($other_settings_data['map_max_zoom'])] = "SELECTED";
        } else {
            $wpgmza_max_zoom[1] = "SELECTED";
        if (isset($res->map_start_zoom)) {
            $wpgmza_zoom[intval($res->map_start_zoom)] = "SELECTED";
        } else {
            $wpgmza_zoom[8] = "SELECTED";
        if (isset($res->type)) {
            $wpgmza_map_type[intval($res->type)] = "SELECTED";
        } else {
            $wpgmza_map_type[1] = "SELECTED";
        if (isset($res->alignment)) {
            $wpgmza_map_align[intval($res->alignment)] = "SELECTED";
        } else {
            $wpgmza_map_align[1] = "SELECTED";
        if (isset($res->bicycle)) {
            $wpgmza_bicycle[intval($res->bicycle)] = "checked";
        } else {
            $wpgmza_bicycle[2] = "";
        if (isset($res->traffic)) {
            $wpgmza_traffic[intval($res->traffic)] = "checked";
        } else {
            $wpgmza_traffic[2] = "";
        if (stripslashes($res->map_width_type) == "%") {
            $wpgmza_map_width_type_percentage = "SELECTED";
            $wpgmza_map_width_type_px = "";
        } else {
            $wpgmza_map_width_type_px = "SELECTED";
            $wpgmza_map_width_type_percentage = "";
        if (stripslashes($res->map_height_type) == "%") {
            $wpgmza_map_height_type_percentage = "SELECTED";
            $wpgmza_map_height_type_px = "";
        } else {
            $wpgmza_map_height_type_px = "SELECTED";
            $wpgmza_map_height_type_percentage = "";
        for ($i = 0; $i < 22; $i++) {
            if (!isset($wpgmza_zoom[$i])) {
                $wpgmza_zoom[$i] = "";
        for ($i = 0; $i < 22; $i++) {
            if (!isset($wpgmza_max_zoom[$i])) {
                $wpgmza_max_zoom[$i] = "";
        for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
            if (!isset($wpgmza_map_type[$i])) {
                $wpgmza_map_type[$i] = "";
        for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
            if (!isset($wpgmza_map_align[$i])) {
                $wpgmza_map_align[$i] = "";
        for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
            if (!isset($wpgmza_bicycle[$i])) {
                $wpgmza_bicycle[$i] = "";
        for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
            if (!isset($wpgmza_traffic[$i])) {
                $wpgmza_traffic[$i] = "";
        $wpgmza_store_locator_enabled_checked = $wpgmza_store_locator_enabled == 1 ? 'checked' : '';
        $wpgmza_store_locator_distance_checked = $wpgmza_store_locator_distance == 1 ? 'checked' : '';
        $wpgmza_store_locator_bounce_checked = $wpgmza_store_locator_bounce == 1 ? 'checked' : '';
        $wpgmza_weather_layer_checked[0] = '';
        $wpgmza_weather_layer_checked[1] = '';
        $wpgmza_weather_layer_temp_type_checked[0] = '';
        $wpgmza_weather_layer_temp_type_checked[1] = '';
        $wpgmza_cloud_layer_checked[0] = '';
        $wpgmza_cloud_layer_checked[1] = '';
        $wpgmza_transport_layer_checked[0] = '';
        $wpgmza_transport_layer_checked[1] = '';
        if ($wpgmza_weather_option == 1) {
            $wpgmza_weather_layer_checked[0] = 'selected';
        } else {
            $wpgmza_weather_layer_checked[1] = 'selected';
        if ($wpgmza_weather_option_temp_type == 1) {
            $wpgmza_weather_layer_temp_type_checked[0] = 'selected';
        } else {
            $wpgmza_weather_layer_temp_type_checked[1] = 'selected';
        if ($wpgmza_cloud_option == 1) {
            $wpgmza_cloud_layer_checked[0] = 'selected';
        } else {
            $wpgmza_cloud_layer_checked[1] = 'selected';
        if ($wpgmza_transport_option == 1) {
            $wpgmza_transport_layer_checked[0] = 'checked';
        } else {
            $wpgmza_transport_layer_checked[1] = 'checked';
        $wpgmza_act = "disabled readonly";
        $wpgmza_act_msg = "<div class=\"update-nag update-att\" style=\"padding:5px; \">" . __("Add custom icons, titles, descriptions, pictures and links to your markers with the", "wp-google-maps") . " \"<a href=\"http://www.wpgmaps.com/purchase-professional-version/?utm_source=plugin&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=below_marker\" title=\"" . __("Pro Edition", "wp-google-maps") . "\" target=\"_BLANK\">" . __("Pro Edition", "wp-google-maps") . "</a>\" " . __("of this plugin for just", "wp-google-maps") . " <strong>\$39.99</strong></div>";
        $wpgmza_csv = "<p><a href=\"http://www.wpgmaps.com/purchase-professional-version/?utm_source=plugin&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=csv_link\" target=\"_BLANK\" title=\"" . __("Pro Edition", "wp-google-maps") . "\">" . __("Purchase the Pro Edition", "wp-google-maps") . "</a> " . __("of WP Google Maps and save your markers to a CSV file!", "wp-google-maps") . "</p>";
    if (isset($other_settings_data['wpgmza_theme_selection'])) {
        $theme_sel_checked[$other_settings_data['wpgmza_theme_selection']] = "checked";
        $wpgmza_theme_class[$other_settings_data['wpgmza_theme_selection']] = "wpgmza_theme_selection_activate";
    } else {
        $wpgmza_theme = false;
        $wpgmza_theme_class[0] = "wpgmza_theme_selection_activate";
    for ($i = 0; $i < 9; $i++) {
        if (!isset($wpgmza_theme_class[$i])) {
            $wpgmza_theme_class[$i] = "";
    for ($i = 0; $i < 9; $i++) {
        if (!isset($theme_sel_checked[$i])) {
            $theme_sel_checked[$i] = "";
    /* check if they are using W3 Total Cache and that wp-google-maps appears in the rejected files list */
    if (class_exists("W3_Plugin_TotalCache")) {
        $wpgmza_w3_check = new W3_Plugin_TotalCache();
        if (function_exists("w3_instance")) {
            $modules = w3_instance('W3_ModuleStatus');
            $cdn_check = $modules->is_enabled('cdn');
            if (strpos(esc_textarea(implode("\r\n", $wpgmza_w3_check->_config->get_array('cdn.reject.files'))), 'wp-google-maps') !== false) {
                $does_cdn_contain_our_plugin = true;
            } else {
                $does_cdn_contain_our_plugin = false;
            if ($cdn_check == 1 && !$does_cdn_contain_our_plugin) {
                echo "<div class=\"update-nag\" style=\"padding:5px; \"><h1>" . __("Please note", "wp-google-maps") . ":</h1>" . __("We've noticed that you are using W3 Total Cache and that you have CDN enabled.<br /><br />In order for the markers to show up on your map, you need to add '<strong><em>{uploads_dir}/wp-google-maps*</strong></em>' to the '<strong>rejected files</strong>' list in the <a href='admin.php?page=w3tc_cdn#advanced'>CDN settings page</a> of W3 Total Cache", "wp-google-maps") . "</div>";
    if (isset($other_settings_data['wpgmza_theme_data'])) {
        $wpgmza_theme_data_custom = $other_settings_data['wpgmza_theme_data'];
    } else {
        /* convert old gold stylign to new styling */
        if (isset($res->styling_json)) {
            $wpgmza_theme_data_custom = stripslashes($res->styling_json);
        } else {
            $wpgmza_theme_data_custom = '';
    echo "\n\n           <div class='wrap'>\n                <h1>WP Google Maps</h1>\n                <div class='wide'>\n\n\n\n                    <h2>" . __("Create your Map", "wp-google-maps") . "</h2>\n                    <form action='' method='post' id='wpgmaps_options'>\n                    <p></p>\n                    <div id=\"wpgmaps_tabs\">\n                        <ul>\n                            <li><a href=\"#tabs-1\">" . __("General Settings", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\n                            <li><a href=\"#tabs-7\">" . __("Themes", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\n                            <li><a href=\"#tabs-2\">" . __("Directions", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\n                            <li><a href=\"#tabs-3\">" . __("Store Locator", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\n                            <li><a href=\"#tabs-4\">" . __("Advanced Settings", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\n                            <li><a href=\"#tabs-5\">" . __("Marker Listing Options", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\n                            <li style=\"background-color: #d7e6f2; font-weight: bold;\"><a href=\"#tabs-6\">" . __("Pro Upgrade", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\n                        </ul>\n                        <div id=\"tabs-1\">\n                            <p></p>\n                            <input type='hidden' name='http_referer' value='" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "' />\n                            <input type='hidden' name='wpgmza_id' id='wpgmza_id' value='" . $res->id . "' />\n                            <input id='wpgmza_start_location' name='wpgmza_start_location' type='hidden' size='40' maxlength='100' value='" . $res->map_start_location . "' />\n                            <select id='wpgmza_start_zoom' name='wpgmza_start_zoom' style='display:none;' >\n                                        <option value=\"1\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[1] . ">1</option>\n                                        <option value=\"2\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[2] . ">2</option>\n                                        <option value=\"3\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[3] . ">3</option>\n                                        <option value=\"4\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[4] . ">4</option>\n                                        <option value=\"5\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[5] . ">5</option>\n                                        <option value=\"6\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[6] . ">6</option>\n                                        <option value=\"7\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[7] . ">7</option>\n                                        <option value=\"8\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[8] . ">8</option>\n                                        <option value=\"9\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[9] . ">9</option>\n                                        <option value=\"10\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[10] . ">10</option>\n                                        <option value=\"11\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[11] . ">11</option>\n                                        <option value=\"12\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[12] . ">12</option>\n                                        <option value=\"13\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[13] . ">13</option>\n                                        <option value=\"14\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[14] . ">14</option>\n                                        <option value=\"15\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[15] . ">15</option>\n                                        <option value=\"16\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[16] . ">16</option>\n                                        <option value=\"17\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[17] . ">17</option>\n                                        <option value=\"18\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[18] . ">18</option>\n                                        <option value=\"19\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[19] . ">19</option>\n                                        <option value=\"20\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[20] . ">20</option>\n                                        <option value=\"21\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[21] . ">21</option>\n                                    </select>\n                            <table>\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td>" . __("Short code", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                                    <td><input type='text' readonly name='shortcode' class='wpgmza_copy_shortcode' style='font-size:18px; text-align:center;' onclick=\"this.select()\" value='[wpgmza id=\"" . $res->id . "\"]' /> <small><i>" . __("copy this into your post or page to display the map", "wp-google-maps") . "</i></td>\n                                </tr>\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td>" . __("Map Name", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                                    <td><input id='wpgmza_title' name='wpgmza_title' type='text' size='20' maxlength='50' value='" . stripslashes(esc_attr($res->map_title)) . "' /></td>\n                                </tr>\n                                <tr>\n                                     <td>" . __("Width", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                                     <td>\n                                     <input id='wpgmza_width' name='wpgmza_width' type='text' size='4' maxlength='4' value='" . esc_attr($res->map_width) . "' />\n                                     <select id='wpgmza_map_width_type' name='wpgmza_map_width_type'>\n                                        <option value=\"px\" {$wpgmza_map_width_type_px}>px</option>\n                                        <option value=\"%\" {$wpgmza_map_width_type_percentage}>%</option>\n                                     </select>\n                                     <small><em>" . __("Set to 100% for a responsive map", "wp-google-maps") . "</em></small>\n\n                                    </td>\n                                </tr>\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td>" . __("Height", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                                    <td><input id='wpgmza_height' name='wpgmza_height' type='text' size='4' maxlength='4' value='" . esc_attr($res->map_height) . "' />\n                                     <select id='wpgmza_map_height_type' name='wpgmza_map_height_type'>\n                                        <option value=\"px\" {$wpgmza_map_height_type_px}>px</option>\n                                        <option value=\"%\" {$wpgmza_map_height_type_percentage}>%</option>\n                                     </select><span style='display:none; width:200px; font-size:10px;' id='wpgmza_height_warning'>" . __("We recommend that you leave your height in PX. Depending on your theme, using % for the height may break your map.", "wp-google-maps") . 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Support and updates included forever.\n\n                            </div>\n                                        \n                                        \n\n                            <table class='form-table' id='wpgmaps_directions_options'>\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td width='200px'>" . __("Enable Directions?", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                                    <td><!--<select class='postform' readonly disabled>\n                                        <option>" . __("No", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                        <option>" . __("Yes", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                    </select>-->\n                                    <div class='switch  grey-out'>\n                                        <input type='checkbox' class='cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-yes-no' disabled> <label class='cmn-override-big' data-on='" . __("No", "wp-google-maps") . 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    echo "</select>\n                                    </td>\n                                </tr>\n\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td>" . __("Show distance in", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                                    <td>\n                                    <div class='switch'>\n                                            <input type='checkbox' id='wpgmza_store_locator_distance' name='wpgmza_store_locator_distance' class='postform cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-yes-no' " . $wpgmza_store_locator_distance_checked . "> <label class='cmn-override-big-wide' for='wpgmza_store_locator_distance' data-on='" . __("Miles", "wp-google-maps") . "' data-off='" . __("Kilometers", "wp-google-maps") . "''></label>\n                                    </div>\n                                    </td>\n                                </tr>\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td>" . __("Query string", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                                    <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"wpgmza_store_locator_query_string\" id=\"wpgmza_store_locator_query_string\" value=\"" . esc_attr($wpgmza_store_locator_query_string) . "\">\n                                    </td>\n                                </tr>\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td>" . __("Default address", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                                    <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"wpgmza_store_locator_default_address\" id=\"wpgmza_store_locator_default_address\" value=\"" . esc_attr($wpgmza_store_locator_default_address) . "\">\n                                    </td>\n                                </tr>\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td width='200'>" . __("Show bouncing icon", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                                    <td>\n                                        <div class='switch'>\n                                            <input type='checkbox' id='wpgmza_store_locator_bounce' name='wpgmza_store_locator_bounce' class='postform cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-round-flat' " . $wpgmza_store_locator_bounce_checked . "> <label for='wpgmza_store_locator_bounce' data-on='" . __("Yes", "wp-google-maps") . "' data-off='" . __("No", "wp-google-maps") . "''></label>\n                                        </div>\n\n                                    </td>\n                                </tr>\n\n                            </table>\n                            <p><em>" . __('View', 'wp-google-maps') . " <a href='http://wpgmaps.com/documentation/store-locator' target='_BLANK'>" . __('Store Locator Documentation', 'wp-google-maps') . "</a></em></p>\n                        </div><!-- end of tab3 -->\n\n                        <div id=\"tabs-4\">\n\n                        <table class='' id='wpgmaps_advanced_options'>\n                        <tr>\n                            <td width='320'>" . __("Enable Bicycle Layer?", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                            <td>\n\n                            <div class='switch'>\n                                <input type='checkbox' id='wpgmza_bicycle' name='wpgmza_bicycle' class='postform cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-yes-no' " . $wpgmza_bicycle[1] . "> <label class='cmn-override-big' for='wpgmza_bicycle' data-on='" . __("Yes", "wp-google-maps") . "' data-off='" . __("No", "wp-google-maps") . "''></label>\n                            </div>\n                            </td>\n                        </tr>\n                        <tr>\n                        <td>" . __("Enable Traffic Layer?", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                            <td>\n\n                            <div class='switch'>\n                                <input type='checkbox' id='wpgmza_traffic' name='wpgmza_traffic' class='postform cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-yes-no' " . $wpgmza_traffic[1] . "> <label class='cmn-override-big' for='wpgmza_traffic' data-on='" . __("Yes", "wp-google-maps") . "' data-off='" . __("No", "wp-google-maps") . "''></label>\n                            </div>\n\n                            </td>\n                        </tr>\n                        \n                        <tr>\n                            <td width='320'>" . __("Enable Public Transport Layer?", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                            <td>\n\n                            <div class='switch'>\n                                <input type='checkbox' id='wpgmza_transport' name='wpgmza_transport' class='postform cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-yes-no' " . $wpgmza_transport_layer_checked[0] . "> <label class='cmn-override-big' for='wpgmza_transport' data-on='" . __("Yes", "wp-google-maps") . "' data-off='" . __("No", "wp-google-maps") . "''></label>\n                            </div>\n\n                            </td>\n                        </tr>\n                        \n                        <tr>\n                            <td width='320'>" . __("Maximum Zoom Level", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                            <td>\n                                <select id='wpgmza_max_zoom' name='wpgmza_max_zoom' >\n                                    <option value=\"1\" " . $wpgmza_max_zoom[1] . ">1</option>\n                                    <option value=\"2\" " . $wpgmza_max_zoom[2] . ">2</option>\n                                    <option value=\"3\" " . $wpgmza_max_zoom[3] . ">3</option>\n                                    <option value=\"4\" " . $wpgmza_max_zoom[4] . ">4</option>\n                                    <option value=\"5\" " . $wpgmza_max_zoom[5] . ">5</option>\n                                    <option value=\"6\" " . $wpgmza_max_zoom[6] . ">6</option>\n                                    <option value=\"7\" " . $wpgmza_max_zoom[7] . ">7</option>\n                                    <option value=\"8\" " . $wpgmza_max_zoom[8] . ">8</option>\n                                    <option value=\"9\" " . $wpgmza_max_zoom[9] . ">9</option>\n                                    <option value=\"10\" " . $wpgmza_max_zoom[10] . ">10</option>\n                                    <option value=\"11\" " . $wpgmza_max_zoom[11] . ">11</option>\n                                    <option value=\"12\" " . $wpgmza_max_zoom[12] . ">12</option>\n                                    <option value=\"13\" " . $wpgmza_max_zoom[13] . ">13</option>\n                                    <option value=\"14\" " . $wpgmza_max_zoom[14] . ">14</option>\n                                    <option value=\"15\" " . $wpgmza_max_zoom[15] . ">15</option>\n                                    <option value=\"16\" " . $wpgmza_max_zoom[16] . ">16</option>\n                                    <option value=\"17\" " . $wpgmza_max_zoom[17] . ">17</option>\n                                    <option value=\"18\" " . $wpgmza_max_zoom[18] . ">18</option>\n                                    <option value=\"19\" " . $wpgmza_max_zoom[19] . ">19</option>\n                                    <option value=\"20\" " . $wpgmza_max_zoom[20] . ">20</option>\n                                    <option value=\"21\" " . $wpgmza_max_zoom[21] . ">21</option>\n                                </select>\n                            </td>\n                        </tr>                        \n                        \n                    </table>\n\n                            <div class=\"update-nag update-att\">\n                                \n                                        <i class=\"fa fa-arrow-circle-right\"> </i> " . __("Get the rest of these advanced features with the Pro version for only <a href=\"http://www.wpgmaps.com/purchase-professional-version/?utm_source=plugin&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=advanced\">\$39.99 once off</a>. Support and updates included forever.", "wp-google-maps") . "\n                                    \n                            </div>\n\n                            <table class='form-table' id='wpgmaps_advanced_options'>\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td>" . __("Default Marker Image", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                                    <td><input id=\"\" name=\"\" type='hidden' size='35' class='regular-text' maxlength='700' value='" . $res->default_marker . "' " . $wpgmza_act . "/> <input id=\"upload_default_marker_btn\" type=\"button\" value=\"" . __("Upload Image", "wp-google-maps") . "\" {$wpgmza_act} /> <a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onClick=\"document.forms['wpgmza_map_form'].upload_default_marker.value = ''; var span = document.getElementById('wpgmza_mm'); while( span.firstChild ) { span.removeChild( span.firstChild ); } span.appendChild( document.createTextNode('')); return false;\" title=\"Reset to default\">-reset-</a></td>\n                                </tr>\n\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td>" . __("Show User's Location?", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                                    <td><!--<select class='postform' readonly disabled>\n                                        <option >" . __("No", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                        <option >" . __("Yes", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                    </select>-->\n\n                                    <div class='switch grey-out'>\n                                        <input type='checkbox' class='cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-yes-no' disabled> <label class='cmn-override-big' data-on='" . __("Yes", "wp-google-maps") . "' data-off='" . __("No", "wp-google-maps") . "''></label>\n                                    </div>\n\n                                    </td>\n                                </tr>\n                                <tr>\n\n                                </tr>\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td></td>\n                                </tr>\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td>" . __("KML/GeoRSS URL", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                                    <td>\n                                     <input type='text' size='100' maxlength='700' class='regular-text' readonly disabled /> <em><small>" . __("The KML/GeoRSS layer will over-ride most of your map settings", "wp-google-maps") . "</small></em></td>\n                                    </td>\n                                </tr>\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td>" . __("Fusion table ID", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                                    <td>\n                                     <input type='text' size='20' maxlength='200' class='small-text' readonly disabled /> <em><small>" . __("Read data directly from your Fusion Table.", "wp-google-maps") . "</small></em></td>\n                                    </td>\n                                </tr>\n                            </table>\n                        </div><!-- end of tab4 -->\n                        <div id=\"tabs-5\" style=\"font-family:sans-serif;\">\n                            <div class=\"update-nag update-att\">\n                                \n                                        <i class=\"fa fa-arrow-circle-right\"> </i> " . __("Enable Marker Listing with the <a href=\"http://www.wpgmaps.com/purchase-professional-version/?utm_source=plugin&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=marker_listing\">Pro version for only \$39.99 once off</a>. Support and updates included forever.", "wp-google-maps") . "\n                                    \n                            </div>\n                            <br>\n                            <table class='' id='wpgmaps_marker_listing_options' style='padding: 12px;'>\n                                <tr>\n                                     <td valign=\"top\">" . __("List Markers", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                                     <td>\n\n                                        <input type=\"radio\" disabled >" . __("None", "wp-google-maps") . "<br />\n                                        <input type=\"radio\" disabled >" . __("Basic table", "wp-google-maps") . "<br />\n                                        <input type=\"radio\" disabled >" . __("Advanced table with real time search and filtering", "wp-google-maps") . "<br />\n                                        <input type=\"radio\" disabled >" . __("Carousel", "wp-google-maps") . " (" . __("beta", "wp-google-maps") . ")<br />\n\n\n                                    </td>\n                                </tr>\n                                <tr>\n                                     <td>" . __("Filter by Category", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                                     <td>\n                                       <div class='switch'>\n                                         <input id='wpgmza_filterbycat' type='checkbox' class='cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-round-flat' disabled /> <label for='wpgmza_filterbycat'></label> </div>" . __("Allow users to filter by category?", "wp-google-maps") . "\n                                       \n                                    </td>\n                                </tr>\n                                <tr>\n                                     <td>" . __("Order markers by", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                                     <td>\n                                        <select disabled class='postform'>\n                                            <option >" . __("ID", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                            <option >" . __("Title", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                            <option >" . __("Address", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                            <option >" . __("Description", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                            <option >" . __("Category", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                        </select>\n                                        <select disabled class='postform'>\n                                            <option >" . __("Ascending", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                            <option >" . __("Descending", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                        </select>\n\n                                    </td>\n                                </tr>\n\n                                <tr style='height:20px;'>\n                                     <td></td>\n                                     <td></td>\n                                </tr>\n\n                                <tr>\n                                     <td valign='top'>" . __("Move list inside map", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                                     <td>\n                                       <div class='switch'>\n                                        <input disabled type='checkbox' value='1' class='cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-round-flat' /> <label></label></div>" . __("Move your marker list inside the map area", "wp-google-maps") . "<br />\n\n                                        " . __("Placement: ", "wp-google-maps") . "\n                                        <select readonly disabled id='wpgmza_push_in_map_placement' name='wpgmza_push_in_map_placement' class='postform'>\n                                            <option>" . __("Top Center", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                            <option>" . __("Top Left", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                            <option>" . __("Top Right", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                            <option>" . __("Left Top ", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                            <option>" . __("Right Top", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                            <option>" . __("Left Center", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                            <option>" . __("Right Center", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                            <option>" . __("Left Bottom", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                            <option>" . __("Right Bottom", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                            <option>" . __("Bottom Center", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                            <option>" . __("Bottom Left", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                            <option>" . __("Bottom Right", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                        </select> <br />\n                                    </td>\n                                </tr>\n                                <tr style='height:20px;'>\n                                     <td></td>\n                                     <td></td>\n                                </tr>                                \n\n                            </table>\n                            <div class=\"about-wrap\">\n                            <div class=\"feature-section three-col\">\n                                <div class=\"col\">\n                                 <div class='wpgmza-promo'>\n                                     <img src='" . WPGMAPS_DIR . "base/assets/marker-listing-basic.jpg'/>     \n                                     <div class='wpgmza-promo-overlay'>          \n                                         <h4>" . __("Basic", "wp-google-maps") . "</h4>\n                                         <p style='display:block; height:40px;'>" . __("Show a basic list of your markers", "wp-google-maps") . "</p>\n                                     </div>\n                                 </div>\n                                </div>\n                                <div class=\"col\">\n                                 <div class='wpgmza-promo'>\n                                     <img src='" . WPGMAPS_DIR . "base/assets/marker-listing-carousel.jpg' />\n                                     <div class='wpgmza-promo-overlay'>     \n                                         <h4>" . __("Carousel", "wp-google-maps") . "</h4>\n                                         <p style='display:block; height:40px;'>" . __("Beautiful, responsive, mobile-friendly carousel marker listing", "wp-google-maps") . "</p>\n                                     </div>\n                                 </div>            \n                                </div>\n                                <div class=\"col\">\n                                 <div class='wpgmza-promo'>\n                                     <img src='" . WPGMAPS_DIR . "base/assets/marker-listing-advanced.jpg' />    \n                                     <div class='wpgmza-promo-overlay'>   \n                                         <h4>" . __("Tabular", "wp-google-maps") . "</h4>\n                                         <p style='display:block; height:40px;'>" . __("Advanced, tabular marker listing functionality with real time filtering", "wp-google-maps") . "</p>   \n                                     </div>       \n                                 </div>\n                                </div>\n                            </div>\n                            </div>\n\n                        </div>\n                        <div id=\"tabs-6\" style=\"font-family:sans-serif;\">\n                            <h1 style=\"font-weight:200;\">12 Amazing Reasons to Upgrade to our Pro Version</h1>\n                            <p style=\"font-size:16px; line-height:28px;\">We've spent over two years upgrading our plugin to ensure that it is the most user-friendly and comprehensive map plugin in the WordPress directory. Enjoy the peace of mind knowing that you are getting a truly premium product for all your mapping requirements. Did we also mention that we have fantastic support?</p>\n                            <div id=\"wpgm_premium\">\n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\n                                        <h2>Create custom markers with detailed info windows</h2>\n                                        <p>Add titles, descriptions, HTML, images, animations and custom icons to your markers.</p>\n                                    </div>\n                                </div>\n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\n                                        <h2>Enable directions</h2>\n                                        <p>Allow your visitors to get directions to your markers. Either use their location as the starting point or allow them to type in an address.</p>\n                                    </div>\n                                </div>\n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\n                                        <h2>Unlimited maps</h2>\n                                        <p>Create as many maps as you like.</p>\n                                    </div>\n                                </div>\n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\n                                        <h2>List your markers</h2>\n                                        <p>Choose between three methods of listing your markers.</p>\n                                    </div>\n                                </div>                                \n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\n                                        <h2>Add categories to your markers</h2>\n                                        <p>Create and assign categories to your markers which can then be filtered on your map.</p>\n                                    </div>\n                                </div>                                \n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\n                                        <h2>Advanced options</h2>\n                                        <p>Enable advanced options such as showing your visitor's location, marker sorting, bicycle layers, traffic layers and more!</p>\n                                    </div>\n                                </div>  \n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\n                                        <h2>Import / Export</h2>\n                                        <p>Export your markers to a CSV file for quick and easy editing. Import large quantities of markers at once.</p>\n                                    </div>\n                                </div>                                \n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\n                                        <h2>Add KML & Fusion Tables</h2>\n                                        <p>Add your own KML layers or Fusion Table data to your map</p>\n                                    </div>\n                                </div>                                   \n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\n                                        <h2>Polygons and Polylines</h2>\n                                        <p>Add custom polygons and polylines to your map by simply clicking on the map. Perfect for displaying routes and serviced areas.</p>\n                                    </div>\n                                </div>\n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\n                                        <h2>Amazing Support</h2>\n                                        <p>We pride ourselves on providing quick and amazing support. <a target=\"_BLANK\" href=\"http://wordpress.org/support/view/plugin-reviews/wp-google-maps?filter=5\">Read what some of our users think of our support</a>.</p>\n                                    </div>\n                                </div>\n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\n                                        <h2>Easy Upgrade</h2>\n                                        <p>You'll receive a download link immediately. Simply upload and activate the Pro plugin to your WordPress admin area and you're done!</p>\n                                    </div>\n                                </div>                                  \n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\n                                        <h2>Free updates and support forever</h2>\n                                        <p>Once you're a pro user, you'll receive free updates and support forever! You'll also receive amazing specials on any future plugins we release.</p>\n                                    </div>\n                                </div>              \n                                \n                                <br /><p>Get all of this and more for only \$39.99 once off</p>                                \n                                <br /><a href=\"http://www.wpgmaps.com/purchase-professional-version/?utm_source=plugin&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=upgradenow\" target=\"_BLANK\" title=\"Upgrade now for only \$39.99 once off\" class=\"button-primary\" style=\"font-size:20px; display:block; width:220px; text-align:center; height:42px; line-height:41px;\">Upgrade Now</a>\n                                <br /><br />\n                                <a href=\"http://www.wpgmaps.com/demo/\" target=\"_BLANK\">View the demos</a>.<br /><br />\n                                Have a sales question? Contact either Nick or Jarryd on <a href=\"mailto:nick@wpgmaps.com\">nick@wpgmaps.com</a> or use our <a href=\"http://www.wpgmaps.com/contact-us/\" target=\"_BLANK\">contact form</a>. <br /><br />\n                                Need help? <a href=\"http://www.wpgmaps.com/forums/forum/support-forum/\" target=\"_BLANK\">Ask a question on our support forum</a>.       \n                                \n\n\n                        </div><!-- end of tab5 -->   \n                        \n                        </div>\n                        </div>\n                    \n                    <!-- end of tabs -->\n\n\n                            \n                            <p class='submit'><input type='submit' name='wpgmza_savemap' class='button-primary' value='" . __("Save Map", "wp-google-maps") . " &raquo;' /></p>\n                                \n                            <p style=\"width:100%; color:#808080;\">\n                                " . __("Tip: Use your mouse to change the layout of your map. When you have positioned the map to your desired location, press \"Save Map\" to keep your settings.", "wp-google-maps") . "</p>\n\n                            <div style='display:block; overflow:auto; width:100%;'>\n                            \n                            <div style='display:block; width:49%; margin-right:1%; overflow:auto; float:left;'>\n                                <div id=\"wpgmaps_tabs_markers\">\n                                    <ul>\n                                            <li><a href=\"#tabs-m-1\" class=\"tabs-m-1\">" . __("Markers", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\n                                            <li><a href=\"#tabs-m-2\" class=\"tabs-m-1\">" . __("Advanced markers", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\n                                            <li><a href=\"#tabs-m-3\" class=\"tabs-m-2\">" . __("Polygon", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\n                                            <li><a href=\"#tabs-m-4\" class=\"tabs-m-3\">" . __("Polylines", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\n                                            <li><a href=\"#tabs-m-5\" class=\"tabs-m-3\">" . __("Heatmaps", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\n                                    </ul>\n                                    <div id=\"tabs-m-1\">\n\n\n                                        <h2 style=\"padding-top:0; margin-top:0;\">" . __("Markers", "wp-google-maps") . "</h2>\n                                        <table>\n                                            <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"wpgmza_edit_id\" id=\"wpgmza_edit_id\" value=\"\" />\n                                            <tr>\n                                                <td valign='top'>" . __("Address/GPS", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\n                                                <td><input id='wpgmza_add_address' name='wpgmza_add_address' type='text' size='35' maxlength='200' value=''  /> <br /><small><em>" . __("Or right click on the map", "wp-google-maps") . "</small></em><br /><br /></td>\n\n                                            </tr>\n\n                                            <tr>\n                                                <td>" . __("Animation", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\n                                                <td>\n                                                    <select name=\"wpgmza_animation\" id=\"wpgmza_animation\">\n                                                        <option value=\"0\">" . __("None", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                                        <option value=\"1\">" . __("Bounce", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                                        <option value=\"2\">" . __("Drop", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                                </td>\n                                            </tr>\n\n\n                                            <tr>\n                                                <td>" . __("InfoWindow open by default", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\n                                                <td>\n                                                    <select name=\"wpgmza_infoopen\" id=\"wpgmza_infoopen\">\n                                                        <option value=\"0\">" . __("No", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                                        <option value=\"1\">" . __("Yes", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                                </td>\n                                            </tr>\n                                        <tr>\n                                            <td></td>\n                                            <td>\n                                                <span id=\"wpgmza_addmarker_div\"><input type=\"button\" class='button-primary' id='wpgmza_addmarker' value='" . __("Add Marker", "wp-google-maps") . "' /></span> <span id=\"wpgmza_addmarker_loading\" style=\"display:none;\">" . __("Adding", "wp-google-maps") . "...</span>\n                                                <span id=\"wpgmza_editmarker_div\" style=\"display:none;\"><input type=\"button\" id='wpgmza_editmarker'  class='button-primary' value='" . __("Save Marker", "wp-google-maps") . "' /></span><span id=\"wpgmza_editmarker_loading\" style=\"display:none;\">" . __("Saving", "wp-google-maps") . "...</span>\n                                                    <div id=\"wpgm_notice_message_save_marker\" style=\"display:none;\">\n                                                        <div class=\"update-nag\" style='text-align:left; padding:1px; margin:1px; margin-top:5px'>\n                                                                 <h4 style='padding:1px; margin:1px;'>" . __("Remember to save your marker", "wp-google-maps") . "</h4>\n                                                        </div>\n\n                                                    </div>\n                                                    <div id=\"wpgm_notice_message_addfirst_marker\" style=\"display:none;\">\n                                                        <div class=\"update-nag\" style='text-align:left; padding:1px; margin:1px; margin-top:5px'>\n                                                                 <h4 style='padding:1px; margin:1px;'>" . __("Please add the current marker before trying to add another marker", "wp-google-maps") . "</h4>\n                                                        </div>\n\n                                                    </div>\n                                            </td>\n\n                                        </tr>\n\n                                        </table>\n                                    </div>\n\n                                    <div id=\"tabs-m-2\">\n                                        <h2 style=\"padding-top:0; margin-top:0;\">" . __("Advanced markers", "wp-google-maps") . "</h2>\n                                        <div class=\"update-nag update-att\">\n                                                    <i class=\"fa fa-arrow-circle-right\"> </i> <a target=\"_BLANK\" href=\"http://www.wpgmaps.com/purchase-professional-version/?utm_source=plugin&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=advanced_markers\">" . __("Add advanced markers", "wp-google-maps") . "</a> " . __("with the Pro version", "wp-google-maps") . "\n                                        </div><br>\n                                        <table>\n                                        <tr>\n                                            <td>" . __("Address/GPS", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\n                                            <td><input id='' name='' type='text' size='35' maxlength='200' value=''  {$wpgmza_act} /> &nbsp;<br /></td>\n\n                                        </tr>\n\n                                        <tr>\n                                            <td>" . __("Animation", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\n                                            <td>\n                                                <select name=\"\" id=\"\">\n                                                    <option value=\"0\">" . __("None", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                                    <option value=\"1\">" . __("Bounce", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                                    <option value=\"2\">" . __("Drop", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                            </td>\n                                        </tr>\n\n\n                                        <tr>\n                                            <td>" . __("InfoWindow open by default", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\n                                            <td>\n                                                <select name=\"\" id=\"\">\n                                                    <option value=\"0\">" . __("No", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                                    <option value=\"1\">" . __("Yes", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                            </td>\n                                        </tr>\n                                        <tr>\n                                            <td>" . __("Title", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\n                                            <td><input id='' name='' type='text' size='35' maxlength='200' value='' {$wpgmza_act} /></td>\n\n                                        </tr>\n\n                                        <tr><td>" . __("Description", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\n                                            <td><textarea id='' name='' " . $wpgmza_act . "  style='background-color:#EEE; width:272px;'></textarea>  &nbsp;<br /></td></tr>\n                                        <tr><td>" . __("Pic URL", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\n                                            <td><input id='' name=\"\" type='text' size='35' maxlength='700' value='' " . $wpgmza_act . "/> <input id=\"\" type=\"button\" value=\"" . __("Upload Image", "wp-google-maps") . "\" {$wpgmza_act} /><br /></td></tr>\n                                        <tr><td>" . __("Link URL", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\n                                            <td><input id='' name='' type='text' size='35' maxlength='700' value='' " . $wpgmza_act . " /></td></tr>\n                                        <tr><td>" . __("Custom Marker", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\n                                            <td><input id='' name=\"\" type='hidden' size='35' maxlength='700' value='' " . $wpgmza_act . "/> <input id=\"\" type=\"button\" value=\"" . __("Upload Image", "wp-google-maps") . "\" {$wpgmza_act} /> &nbsp;</td></tr>\n                                        <tr>\n                                            <td>" . __("Category", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\n                                            <td>\n                                                <select readonly disabled>\n                                                    <option value=\"0\">" . __("Select", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                            </td>\n                                        </tr>\n                                        <tr>\n                                            <td></td>\n                                            <td>\n                                                <input type=\"button\" class='button-primary' disabled id='' value='" . __("Add Marker", "wp-google-maps") . "' />\n                                            </td>\n\n                                            </tr>\n\n                                        </table>\n                                        <p>{$wpgmza_act_msg}</p>\n                                        <br /><br />{$wpgmza_csv}\n                                    </div>\n\n                                    <div id=\"tabs-m-3\">\n                                        <h2 style=\"padding-top:0; margin-top:0;\"> " . __("Polygons", "wp-google-maps") . "</h2>\n                                        <span id=\"wpgmza_addpolygon_div\"><a href='" . get_option('siteurl') . "/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wp-google-maps-menu&action=add_poly&map_id=" . sanitize_text_field($_GET['map_id']) . "' id='wpgmza_addpoly' class='button-primary' value='" . __("Add a New Polygon", "wp-google-maps") . "' />" . __("Add a New Polygon", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></span>\n                                        <div id=\"wpgmza_poly_holder\">" . wpgmza_b_return_polygon_list(sanitize_text_field($_GET['map_id'])) . "</div>\n                                    </div>\n                                    <div id=\"tabs-m-4\">\n                                        <h2 style=\"padding-top:0; margin-top:0;\"> " . __("Polylines", "wp-google-maps") . "</h2>\n                                        <span id=\"wpgmza_addpolyline_div\"><a href='" . get_option('siteurl') . "/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wp-google-maps-menu&action=add_polyline&map_id=" . sanitize_text_field($_GET['map_id']) . "' id='wpgmza_addpolyline' class='button-primary' value='" . __("Add a New Polyline", "wp-google-maps") . "' />" . __("Add a New Polyline", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></span>\n                                        <div id=\"wpgmza_polyline_holder\">" . wpgmza_b_return_polyline_list(sanitize_text_field($_GET['map_id'])) . "</div>\n                                    </div>\n                                    <div id=\"tabs-m-5\">\n                                        <h2 style=\"padding-top:0; margin-top:0;\"> " . __("Heatmaps", "wp-google-maps") . "</h2>\n                                        <a target=\"_BLANK\" href=\"http://www.wpgmaps.com/purchase-professional-version/?utm_source=plugin&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=heatmaps\">" . __("Add dynamic heatmap data", "wp-google-maps") . "</a> " . __("with the Pro version.", "wp-google-maps") . "\n                                        <a target=\"_BLANK\" href=\"http://www.wpgmaps.com/demo/heatmaps-demo/?utm_source=plugin&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=heatmap_demo\">" . __("View a demo.", "wp-google-maps") . "</a>\n                                    </div>\n                                </div>\n                            </div>\n                            <div style='display:block; width:50%; overflow:auto; float:left;'>\n                            \n\n                                <div id=\"wpgmza_map\">\n                                    <div class=\"update-nag\" style='text-align:center;'>\n                                        <small><strong>" . __("The map could not load.", "wp-google-maps") . "</strong><br />" . __("This is normally caused by a conflict with another plugin or a JavaScript error that is preventing our plugin's Javascript from executing. Please try disable all plugins one by one and see if this problem persists.", "wp-google-maps") . "</small>\n                                           \n                                    </div>\n                                </div>\n                                <div id=\"wpgmaps_save_reminder\" style=\"display:none;\">\n                                    <div class=\"update-nag\" style='text-align:center;'>\n                                        \n                                             <h4>" . __("Remember to save your map!", "wp-google-maps") . "</h4>\n                                           \n                                    </div>\n\n                                </div>\n                            </div>\n                        </div>\n                            \n\n\n                            \n                        </form>\n                            \n                            <h2 style=\"padding-top:0; margin-top:20px;\">" . __("Your Markers", "wp-google-maps") . "</h2>\n                            <div id=\"wpgmza_marker_holder\">\n                            " . wpgmza_return_marker_list(sanitize_text_field($_GET['map_id'])) . "\n                            </div>\n                        \n                            <table style='clear:both;'>\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td><img src=\"" . wpgmaps_get_plugin_url() . "images/custom_markers.jpg\" width=\"260\" class='wpgmza-promo' title=\"" . __("Add detailed information to your markers!") . "\" alt=\"" . __("Add custom markers to your map!", "wp-google-maps") . "\" /><br /><br /></td>\n                                    <td valign=\"middle\"><span style=\"font-size:18px; color:#666; margin-left: 15px;\">" . __("Add detailed information to your markers for only", "wp-google-maps") . " <strong>\$39.99</strong>. " . __("Click", "wp-google-maps") . " <a href=\"http://www.wpgmaps.com/purchase-professional-version/?utm_source=plugin&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=image1\" title=\"Pro Edition\" target=\"_BLANK\">" . __("here", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></span></td>\n                                </tr>\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td><img src=\"" . wpgmaps_get_plugin_url() . "images/custom_marker_icons.jpg\" width=\"260\" class='wpgmza-promo' title=\"" . __("Add custom markers to your map!", "wp-google-maps") . "\" alt=\"" . __("Add custom markers to your map!", "wp-google-maps") . "\" /><br /><br /></td>\n                                    <td valign=\"middle\"><span style=\"font-size:18px; color:#666; margin-left: 15px;\">" . __("Add different marker icons, or your own icons to make your map really stand out!", "wp-google-maps") . " " . __("Click", "wp-google-maps") . " <a href=\"http://www.wpgmaps.com/purchase-professional-version/?utm_source=plugin&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=image3\" title=\"" . __("Pro Edition", "wp-google-maps") . "\" target=\"_BLANK\">" . __("here", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></span></td>\n                                </tr>\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td><img src=\"" . wpgmaps_get_plugin_url() . "images/get_directions.jpg\" width=\"260\" class='wpgmza-promo' title=\"" . __("Add custom markers to your map!", "wp-google-maps") . "\" alt=\"" . __("Add custom markers to your map!", "wp-google-maps") . "\" /><br /><br /></td>\n                                    <td valign=\"middle\"><span style=\"font-size:18px; color:#666; margin-left: 15px;\">" . __("Allow your visitors to get directions to your markers!", "wp-google-maps") . " " . __("Click", "wp-google-maps") . " <a href=\"http://www.wpgmaps.com/purchase-professional-version/?utm_source=plugin&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=image2\" title=\"" . __("Pro Edition", "wp-google-maps") . "\" target=\"_BLANK\">" . __("here", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></span></td>\n                                </tr>\n\n                            </table>\n\n                   \n\n                    <p><br /><br />" . __("WP Google Maps encourages you to make use of the amazing icons created by Nicolas Mollet's Maps Icons Collection", "wp-google-maps") . " <a href='http://mapicons.nicolasmollet.com'>http://mapicons.nicolasmollet.com/</a> " . __("and to credit him when doing so.", "wp-google-maps") . "</p>\n                </div>\n\n\n            </div>\n\n\n\n        ";
Exemplo n.º 3
            echo wpgmza_return_marker_list($_POST['map_id']);
        if ($_POST['action'] == "edit_marker") {
            $cur_id = $_POST['edit_id'];
            $rows_affected = $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE {$table_name} SET address = %s, lat = %f, lng = %f WHERE id = %d", $_POST['address'], $_POST['lat'], $_POST['lng'], $cur_id));
            echo wpgmza_return_marker_list($_POST['map_id']);
        if ($_POST['action'] == "delete_marker") {
            $marker_id = $_POST['marker_id'];
            $wpdb->query("\r\r                        DELETE FROM {$wpgmza_tblname}\r\r                        WHERE `id` = '{$marker_id}'\r\r                        LIMIT 1\r\r                        ");
            echo wpgmza_return_marker_list($_POST['map_id']);
    // this is required to return a proper result
function wpgmaps_load_maps_api()
    wp_enqueue_script('google-maps', 'http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=true', false, '3');
function wpgmaps_tag_basic($atts)
    global $wpgmza_current_map_id;
    extract(shortcode_atts(array('id' => '1'), $atts));
    $ret_msg = "";
    global $short_code_active;
    $wpgmza_current_map_id = $atts['id'];
    $res = wpgmza_get_map_data($atts['id']);
    $short_code_active = true;
    //$wpgmza_data = get_option('WPGMZA');
    $map_align = $res->alignment;
    $map_width_type = $res->map_width_type;
    $map_height_type = $res->map_height_type;
    if (!isset($map_width_type)) {
        $map_width_type == "px";
    if (!isset($map_height_type)) {
function wpgmaps_tag_pro($atts)
    global $wpgmza_current_map_id;
    global $wpgmza_current_map_cat_selection;
    global $wpgmza_current_map_shortcode_data;
    global $wpgmza_current_map_type;
    global $wpgmza_current_mashup;
    global $wpgmza_mashup_ids;
    global $wpgmza_mashup_all;
    $wpgmza_current_mashup = false;
    extract(shortcode_atts(array('id' => '1', 'mashup' => false, 'mashup_ids' => false, 'cat' => 'all', 'type' => 'default', 'parent_id' => false, 'lat' => false, 'lng' => false), $atts));
    /* first check if we are using custom fields to generate the map */
    if (isset($atts['lng']) && isset($atts['lat']) && isset($atts['parent_id']) && $atts['lat'] && $atts['lng']) {
        $atts['id'] = $atts['parent_id'];
        /* set the main ID as the specified parent id */
        $wpgmza_current_map_id = $atts['parent_id'];
        $wpgmza_current_map_shortcode_data[$wpgmza_current_map_id]['lat'] = $atts['lat'];
        $wpgmza_current_map_shortcode_data[$wpgmza_current_map_id]['lng'] = $atts['lng'];
        $wpgmza_current_map_shortcode_data[$wpgmza_current_map_id]['parent_id'] = $atts['parent_id'];
        $wpgmza_using_custom_meta = true;
    } else {
        $wpgmza_current_map_shortcode_data[$wpgmza_current_map_id]['lat'] = false;
        $wpgmza_current_map_shortcode_data[$wpgmza_current_map_id]['lng'] = false;
        $wpgmza_current_map_shortcode_data[$wpgmza_current_map_id]['parent_id'] = false;
        $wpgmza_using_custom_meta = false;
    $wpgmza_settings = get_option("WPGMZA_OTHER_SETTINGS");
    if (isset($atts['mashup'])) {
        $wpgmza_mashup = $atts['mashup'];
    if (isset($atts['parent_id'])) {
        $wpgmza_mashup_parent_id = $atts['parent_id'];
    if (isset($wpgmza_mashup_ids) && $wpgmza_mashup_ids == "ALL") {
    } else {
        if (isset($atts['mashup_ids'])) {
            $wpgmza_mashup_ids[$atts['id']] = explode(",", $atts['mashup_ids']);
    if (isset($wpgmza_mashup)) {
        $wpgmza_current_mashup = true;
    if (isset($wpgmza_mashup)) {
        $wpgmza_current_map_id = $wpgmza_mashup_parent_id;
        $res = wpgmza_get_map_data($wpgmza_mashup_parent_id);
    } else {
        $wpgmza_current_map_id = $atts['id'];
        if (isset($wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_marker_pull']) && $wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_marker_pull'] == '0') {
        } else {
            /* only check if marker file exists if they are using the XML method */
        $res = wpgmza_get_map_data($atts['id']);
    if (!isset($atts['cat']) || $atts['cat'] == "all" || $atts['cat'] == "0") {
        $wpgmza_current_map_cat_selection[$wpgmza_current_map_id] = 'all';
    } else {
        $wpgmza_current_map_cat_selection[$wpgmza_current_map_id] = explode(",", $atts['cat']);
    if (!isset($atts['type']) || $atts['type'] == "default" || $atts['type'] == "") {
        $wpgmza_current_map_type[$wpgmza_current_map_id] = '';
    } else {
        $wpgmza_current_map_type[$wpgmza_current_map_id] = $atts['type'];
    $map_other_settings = maybe_unserialize($res->other_settings);
    $iw_output = "";
    /* handle new modern infowindow HTML output */
    if (isset($wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_iw_type']) && $wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_iw_type'] == '1' || isset($map_other_settings['wpgmza_iw_type']) && $map_other_settings['wpgmza_iw_type'] == "1") {
        if (isset($wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_infowindow_link_text'])) {
            $wpgmza_settings_infowindow_link_text = $wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_infowindow_link_text'];
        } else {
            $wpgmza_settings_infowindow_link_text = __("More details", "wp-google-maps");
        $iw_output = "<div id='wpgmza_iw_holder_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "' style='display:none;'>";
        $iw_output .= "<div class='wpgmza_modern_infowindow_inner wpgmza_modern_infowindow_inner_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "'>";
        $iw_output .= "<div class='wpgmza_modern_infowindow_close'> x </div>";
        $iw_output .= "<div class='wpgmza_iw_image'>";
        $iw_output .= "<img src='' style='max-width:100% !important;' class='wpgmza_iw_marker_image' />";
        $iw_output .= "<div class='wpgmza_iw_title'>";
        $iw_output .= "<p class='wpgmza_iw_title_p'></p>";
        $iw_output .= "</div>";
        $iw_output .= "";
        $iw_output .= "</div>";
        $iw_output .= "<div class='wpgmza_iw_address'>";
        $iw_output .= "<p class='wpgmza_iw_address_p'></p>";
        $iw_output .= "</div>";
        $iw_output .= "<div class='wpgmza_iw_description'>";
        $iw_output .= "<p class='wpgmza_iw_description_p'></p>";
        $iw_output .= "</div>";
        $iw_output .= "<div class='wpgmza_iw_buttons'>";
        $iw_output .= "<a href='#' class='wpgmza_button wpgmza_left wpgmza_directions_button'>" . __("Directions", "wp-google-maps") . "</a>";
        $iw_output .= "<a href='#' class='wpgmza_button wpgmza_right wpgmza_more_info_button'>{$wpgmza_settings_infowindow_link_text}</a>";
        $iw_output .= "</div>";
        $iw_output .= "</div>";
        $iw_output .= "</div>";
    if (isset($wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_markerlist_category'])) {
        $hide_category_column = $wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_markerlist_category'];
    if (isset($wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_markerlist_icon'])) {
        $hide_icon_column = $wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_markerlist_icon'];
    if (isset($wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_markerlist_title'])) {
        $hide_title_column = $wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_markerlist_title'];
    if (isset($wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_markerlist_address'])) {
        $hide_address_column = $wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_markerlist_address'];
    if (isset($wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_markerlist_description'])) {
        $hide_description_column = $wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_markerlist_description'];
    if (isset($wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_filterbycat_type'])) {
        $filterbycat_type = $wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_filterbycat_type'];
    } else {
        $filterbycat_type = false;
    if (!$filterbycat_type) {
        $filterbycat_type = 1;
    $map_width_type = stripslashes($res->map_width_type);
    $map_height_type = stripslashes($res->map_height_type);
    if (!isset($map_width_type)) {
        $map_width_type = "px";
    if (!isset($map_height_type)) {
        $map_height_type = "px";
    if ($map_width_type == "%" && intval($res->map_width) > 100) {
        $res->map_width = 100;
    if ($map_height_type == "%" && intval($res->map_height) > 100) {
        $res->map_height = 100;
    $map_align = $res->alignment;
    if (!$map_align || $map_align == "" || $map_align == "1") {
        $map_align = "float:left;";
    } else {
        if ($map_align == "2") {
            $map_align = "margin-left:auto !important; margin-right:auto !important; align:center;";
        } else {
            if ($map_align == "3") {
                $map_align = "float:right;";
            } else {
                if ($map_align == "4") {
                    $map_align = "clear:both;";
    $map_style = "style=\"display:block; overflow:auto; width:" . $res->map_width . "" . $map_width_type . "; height:" . $res->map_height . "" . $map_height_type . "; {$map_align}\"";
    global $short_code_active;
    $short_code_active = true;
    wp_register_style('wpgmaps-style-pro', plugins_url('css/wpgmza_style_pro.css', __FILE__));
    global $wpgmza_short_code_array;
    $wpgmza_short_code_array[] = $wpgmza_current_map_id;
    $d_enabled = $res->directions_enabled;
    $filterbycat = $res->filterbycat;
    $map_width = $res->map_width;
    $map_width_type = $res->map_width_type;
    // for marker list
    $default_marker = $res->default_marker;
    if (isset($res->default_to)) {
        $default_to = $res->default_to;
    } else {
        $default_to = "";
    $show_location = $res->show_user_location;
    if ($show_location == "1") {
        $use_location_from = "<span style=\"font-size:0.75em;\"><button id=\"wpgmza_use_my_location_from\" mid=\"" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" title='" . __("Use my location", "wp-google-maps") . "' ><img src='" . plugins_url(plugin_basename(dirname(__FILE__))) . "/images/mylocation.png' title='" . __("Use my location", "wp-google-maps") . "' width='15' /></button></span>";
        $use_location_to = "<span style=\"font-size:0.75em;\"><button id=\"wpgmza_use_my_location_to\" mid=\"" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" title='" . __("Use my location", "wp-google-maps") . "' ><img src='" . plugins_url(plugin_basename(dirname(__FILE__))) . "/images/mylocation.png' title='" . __("Use my location", "wp-google-maps") . "' width='15' /></button></span>";
    } else {
        $use_location_from = "";
        $use_location_to = "";
    if ($default_marker) {
        $default_marker = "<img src='" . $default_marker . "' />";
    } else {
        $default_marker = "<img src='" . wpgmaps_get_plugin_url() . "/images/marker.png' />";
    $dbox_width = $res->dbox_width;
    $dbox_option = $res->dbox;
    /* set the width of the directions box */
    if (isset($map_other_settings['wpgmza_dbox_width_type'])) {
        $wpgmza_dbox_width_type = $map_other_settings['wpgmza_dbox_width_type'];
    } else {
        $wpgmza_dbox_width_type = "px";
    if ($dbox_option == "1") {
        $dbox_style = "display:none; width:" . $dbox_width . $wpgmza_dbox_width_type . "; clear:both;";
    } else {
        if ($dbox_option == "2") {
            $dbox_style = "float:left; width:" . $dbox_width . $wpgmza_dbox_width_type . "; padding-right:10px; display:block; overflow:auto;";
        } else {
            if ($dbox_option == "3") {
                $dbox_style = "float:right; width:" . $dbox_width . $wpgmza_dbox_width_type . "; padding-right:10px; display:block; overflow:auto;";
            } else {
                if ($dbox_option == "4") {
                    $dbox_style = "float:none; width:" . $dbox_width . $wpgmza_dbox_width_type . "; padding-bottom:10px; display:block; overflow:auto; clear:both;";
                } else {
                    if ($dbox_option == "5") {
                        $dbox_style = "float:none; width:" . $dbox_width . $wpgmza_dbox_width_type . "; padding-top:10px; display:block; overflow:auto; clear:both;";
                    } else {
                        $dbox_style = "display:none;";
    $wpgmza_marker_list_output = "";
    $wpgmza_marker_filter_output = "";
    // Filter by category
    if ($filterbycat == 1) {
        if ($filterbycat_type == "1") {
            $wpgmza_marker_filter_output .= "<p id='wpgmza_filter_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "' style='text-align:left; margin-bottom:0px;'>" . __("Filter by", "wp-google-maps") . "";
            $wpgmza_filter_dropdown = wpgmza_pro_return_category_select_list($wpgmza_current_map_id);
            $wpgmza_marker_filter_output .= "<select mid=\"" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" name=\"wpgmza_filter_select\" id=\"wpgmza_filter_select\">";
            $wpgmza_marker_filter_output .= $wpgmza_filter_dropdown;
            $wpgmza_marker_filter_output .= "</select></p>";
        } else {
            if (intval($filterbycat_type) == 2) {
                $wpgmza_marker_filter_output .= "<p id='wpgmza_filter_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "' style='text-align:left; margin-bottom:0px;'>" . __("Filter by", "wp-google-maps") . "</p>";
                $wpgmza_marker_filter_output .= "<div style=\"display:block; width:100%; height:auto; margin-top:10px;\">";
                $wpgmza_marker_filter_output .= "<div class='wpgmza_filter_container' id='wpgmza_filter_container_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "'>";
                $wpgmza_marker_filter_output .= wpgmza_pro_return_category_checkbox_list($wpgmza_current_map_id, true, false);
                $wpgmza_marker_filter_output .= "</div>";
                $wpgmza_marker_filter_output .= "</div>";
            } else {
                $wpgmza_marker_filter_output .= "<p id='wpgmza_filter_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "' style='text-align:left; margin-bottom:0px;'>" . __("Filter by", "wp-google-maps") . "";
                $wpgmza_filter_dropdown = wpgmza_pro_return_category_select_list($wpgmza_current_map_id);
                $wpgmza_marker_filter_output .= "<select mid=\"" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" name=\"wpgmza_filter_select\" id=\"wpgmza_filter_select\">";
                $wpgmza_marker_filter_output .= $wpgmza_filter_dropdown;
                $wpgmza_marker_filter_output .= "</select></p>";
    $wpgmza_marker_datatables_output = "";
    if (isset($hide_category_column) && $hide_category_column == "yes") {
        $wpgmza_marker_datatables_output .= "<style>.wpgmza_table_category { display: none !important; }</style>";
    if (isset($hide_icon_column) && $hide_icon_column == "yes") {
        $wpgmza_marker_datatables_output .= "<style>.wpgmza_table_marker { display: none; }</style>";
    if (isset($hide_title_column) && $hide_title_column == "yes") {
        $wpgmza_marker_datatables_output .= "<style>.wpgmza_table_title { display: none; }</style>";
    if (isset($hide_address_column) && $hide_address_column == "yes") {
        $wpgmza_marker_datatables_output .= "<style>.wpgmza_table_address { display: none; }</style>";
    if (isset($hide_description_column) && $hide_description_column == "yes") {
        $wpgmza_marker_datatables_output .= "<style>.wpgmza_table_description { display: none; }</style>";
    $sl_data = "";
    if (isset($map_other_settings['store_locator_enabled']) && $map_other_settings['store_locator_enabled'] == 1) {
        $sl_data = wpgmaps_sl_user_output_pro($wpgmza_current_map_id);
        $wpgmza_marker_filter_output = "";
    } else {
        $sl_data = "";
    if (isset($map_other_settings['list_markers_by']) && $map_other_settings['list_markers_by'] != "") {
        /* they are using the new listing options */
        if ($map_other_settings['list_markers_by'] == "3") {
            if ($wpgmza_current_mashup) {
                $wpgmc = new wpgmza();
                $wpgmza_marker_list_output .= $wpgmc->list_markers(false, 3, $wpgmza_mashup_parent_id, $wpgmza_current_map_cat_selection[$wpgmza_current_map_id], true, $wpgmza_mashup_ids[$atts['id']]);
            } else {
                $wpgmc = new wpgmza();
                $wpgmza_marker_list_output .= $wpgmc->list_markers(false, 3, $wpgmza_current_map_id, $wpgmza_current_map_cat_selection[$wpgmza_current_map_id]);
        } else {
            if ($map_other_settings['list_markers_by'] == "1") {
                if ($wpgmza_current_mashup) {
                    $wpgmc = new wpgmza();
                    $wpgmza_marker_list_output .= $wpgmc->list_markers(false, 1, $wpgmza_mashup_parent_id, $wpgmza_current_map_cat_selection[$wpgmza_mashup_parent_id], true, $wpgmza_mashup_ids[$atts['id']], false, $res->order_markers_by, $res->order_markers_choice);
                } else {
                    $wpgmc = new wpgmza();
                    $wpgmza_marker_list_output .= $wpgmc->list_markers(false, 1, $wpgmza_current_map_id, $wpgmza_current_map_cat_selection[$wpgmza_current_map_id], false, false, false, $res->order_markers_by, $res->order_markers_choice);
            } else {
                if ($map_other_settings['list_markers_by'] == "2") {
                    if ($wpgmza_current_mashup) {
                        $wpgmc = new wpgmza();
                        $wpgmza_marker_list_output .= $wpgmc->list_markers(false, 2, $wpgmza_mashup_parent_id, $wpgmza_current_map_cat_selection[$wpgmza_mashup_parent_id], true, $wpgmza_mashup_ids[$atts['id']]);
                    } else {
                        $wpgmc = new wpgmza();
                        $wpgmza_marker_list_output .= $wpgmc->list_markers(false, 2, $wpgmza_current_map_id, $wpgmza_current_map_cat_selection[$wpgmza_current_map_id]);
                } else {
                    if ($map_other_settings['list_markers_by'] == "4") {
                        if ($wpgmza_current_mashup) {
                            $wpgmc = new wpgmza();
                            $wpgmza_marker_list_output .= $wpgmc->list_markers(false, 4, $wpgmza_mashup_parent_id, $wpgmza_current_map_cat_selection[$wpgmza_mashup_parent_id], true, $wpgmza_mashup_ids[$atts['id']]);
                        } else {
                            $wpgmc = new wpgmza();
                            $wpgmza_marker_list_output .= $wpgmc->list_markers(false, 4, $wpgmza_current_map_id, $wpgmza_current_map_cat_selection[$wpgmza_current_map_id]);
    } else {
        if ($res->listmarkers == 1 && $res->listmarkers_advanced == 1) {
            if ($wpgmza_current_mashup) {
                $wpgmza_marker_list_output .= wpgmza_return_marker_list($wpgmza_mashup_parent_id, false, $map_width . $map_width_type, $wpgmza_current_mashup, $wpgmza_mashup_ids[$atts['id']]);
            } else {
                $wpgmza_marker_list_output .= wpgmza_return_marker_list($wpgmza_current_map_id, false, $map_width . $map_width_type, false);
        } else {
            if ($res->listmarkers == 1 && $res->listmarkers_advanced == 0) {
                global $wpdb;
                global $wpgmza_tblname;
                // marker sorting functionality
                if ($res->order_markers_by == 1) {
                    $order_by = "id";
                } else {
                    if ($res->order_markers_by == 2) {
                        $order_by = "title";
                    } else {
                        if ($res->order_markers_by == 3) {
                            $order_by = "address";
                        } else {
                            if ($res->order_markers_by == 4) {
                                $order_by = "description";
                            } else {
                                if ($res->order_markers_by == 5) {
                                    $order_by = "category";
                                } else {
                                    $order_by = "id";
                if ($res->order_markers_choice == 1) {
                    $order_choice = "ASC";
                } else {
                    $order_choice = "DESC";
                if ($wpgmza_current_mashup) {
                    $wpgmza_cnt = 0;
                    $sql_string1 = "";
                    if ($wpgmza_mashup_ids[$atts['id']][0] == "ALL") {
                        $wpgmza_sql1 = "SELECT * FROM {$wpgmza_tblname} ORDER BY `{$order_by}` {$order_choice}";
                    } else {
                        $wpgmza_id_cnt = count($wpgmza_mashup_ids[$atts['id']]);
                        foreach ($wpgmza_mashup_ids[$atts['id']] as $wpgmza_map_id) {
                            if ($wpgmza_cnt == 1) {
                                $sql_string1 .= "`map_id` = '{$wpgmza_map_id}' ";
                            } elseif ($wpgmza_cnt > 1 && $wpgmza_cnt < $wpgmza_id_cnt) {
                                $sql_string1 .= "OR `map_id` = '{$wpgmza_map_id}' ";
                            } else {
                                $sql_string1 .= "OR `map_id` = '{$wpgmza_map_id}' ";
                        $wpgmza_sql1 = "SELECT * FROM {$wpgmza_tblname} WHERE {$sql_string1} ORDER BY `{$order_by}` {$order_choice}";
                } else {
                    $wpgmza_sql1 = "SELECT * FROM {$wpgmza_tblname} WHERE `map_id` = '{$wpgmza_current_map_id}' ORDER BY `{$order_by}` {$order_choice}";
                $results = $wpdb->get_results($wpgmza_sql1);
                $wpgmza_marker_list_output .= "\r\n                    <div style='clear:both;'>\r\n                    <table id=\"wpgmza_marker_list\" class=\"wpgmza_marker_list_class\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" style='width:" . $map_width . "" . $map_width_type . "'>\r\n                    <tbody>\r\n            ";
                $wpgmza_settings = get_option("WPGMZA_OTHER_SETTINGS");
                if (isset($wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_image_resizing']) && $wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_image_resizing'] == 'yes') {
                    $wpgmza_image_resizing = true;
                } else {
                    $wpgmza_image_resizing = false;
                if (isset($wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_image_height'])) {
                    $wpgmza_image_height = $wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_image_height'];
                } else {
                    $wpgmza_image_height = false;
                if (isset($wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_image_height'])) {
                    $wpgmza_image_height = $wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_image_height'] . "px";
                } else {
                    $wpgmza_image_height = false;
                if (isset($wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_image_width'])) {
                    $wpgmza_image_width = $wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_image_width'] . "px";
                } else {
                    $wpgmza_image_width = false;
                if (!$wpgmza_image_height || !isset($wpgmza_image_height)) {
                    $wpgmza_image_height = "auto";
                if (!$wpgmza_image_width || !isset($wpgmza_image_width)) {
                    $wpgmza_image_width = "auto";
                $wmcnt = 0;
                foreach ($results as $result) {
                    $img = $result->pic;
                    $wpgmaps_id = $result->id;
                    $link = $result->link;
                    $icon = $result->icon;
                    $wpgmaps_lat = $result->lat;
                    $wpgmaps_lng = $result->lng;
                    $wpgmaps_address = $result->address;
                    /* added in 5.52 - phasing out timthumb */
                    /* timthumb completely removed in 5.54 */
                    /*if ($wpgmza_use_timthumb == "" || !isset($wpgmza_use_timthumb)) {
                    		$pic = "<img src='".wpgmaps_get_plugin_url()."/timthumb.php?src=".$result->pic."&h=".$wpgmza_image_height."&w=".$wpgmza_image_width."&zc=1' />";
                                 } else {*/
                    if (!$img) {
                        $pic = "";
                    } else {
                        if ($wpgmza_image_resizing) {
                            $pic = "<img src='" . $result->pic . "' class='wpgmza_map_image' style=\"margin:5px; height:" . $wpgmza_image_height . "px; width:" . $wpgmza_image_width . ".px\" />";
                        } else {
                            $pic = "<img src='" . $result->pic . "' class='wpgmza_map_image' style=\"margin:5px;\" />";
                    if (!$icon) {
                        $icon = $default_marker;
                    } else {
                        $icon = "<img src='" . $result->icon . "' />";
                    if ($d_enabled == "1") {
                        $wpgmaps_dir_text = "<br /><a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" id=\"{$wpgmza_current_map_id}\" title=\"" . __("Get directions to", "wp-google-maps") . " " . $result->title . "\" class=\"wpgmza_gd\" wpgm_addr_field=\"" . $wpgmaps_address . "\" gps=\"{$wpgmaps_lat},{$wpgmaps_lng}\">" . __("Directions", "wp-google-maps") . "</a>";
                    } else {
                        $wpgmaps_dir_text = "";
                    if ($result->description) {
                        $wpgmaps_desc_text = "<br />" . $result->description . "";
                    } else {
                        $wpgmaps_desc_text = "";
                    if ($wmcnt % 2) {
                        $oddeven = "wpgmaps_odd";
                    } else {
                        $oddeven = "wpgmaps_even";
                    $wpgmza_marker_list_output .= "\r\n                    <tr id=\"wpgmza_marker_" . $result->id . "\" mid=\"" . $result->id . "\" mapid=\"" . $result->map_id . "\" class=\"wpgmaps_mlist_row {$oddeven}\">\r\n                        <td height=\"40\" class=\"wpgmaps_mlist_marker\">" . $icon . "</td>\r\n                        <td class=\"wpgmaps_mlist_pic\" style=\"width:" . ($wpgmza_image_width + 20) . "px;\">{$pic}</td>\r\n                        <td  valign=\"top\" align=\"left\" class=\"wpgmaps_mlist_info\">\r\n                            <strong><a href=\"javascript:openInfoWindow({$wpgmaps_id});\" id=\"wpgmaps_marker_{$wpgmaps_id}\" title=\"" . stripslashes($result->title) . "\">" . stripslashes($result->title) . "</a></strong>\r\n                            " . stripslashes($wpgmaps_desc_text) . "\r\n                            {$wpgmaps_dir_text}\r\n                        </td>\r\n\r\n                    </tr>";
                $wpgmza_marker_list_output .= "</tbody></table></div>";
            } else {
                $wpgmza_marker_list_output = "";
    $dbox_div = "\r\n        <div id=\"wpgmaps_directions_edit_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" style=\"{$dbox_style}\" class=\"wpgmaps_directions_outer_div\">\r\n            <h2>" . __("Get Directions", "wp-google-maps") . "</h2>\r\n            <div id=\"wpgmaps_directions_editbox_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\">\r\n                <table>\r\n                    <tr>\r\n                        <td><label for=\"wpgmza_dir_type_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\">" . __("For", "wp-google-maps") . "</label></td><td>\r\n                            <select id=\"wpgmza_dir_type_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" name=\"wpgmza_dir_type_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\">\r\n                            <option value=\"DRIVING\" selected=\"selected\">" . __("Driving", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                            <option value=\"WALKING\">" . __("Walking", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                            <option value=\"BICYCLING\">" . __("Bicycling", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                            </select>\r\n                            &nbsp;\r\n                            <a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" mapid=\"" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" id=\"wpgmza_show_options_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" onclick=\"wpgmza_show_options(" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . ");\" style=\"font-size:10px;\">" . __("show options", "wp-google-maps") . "</a>\r\n                            <a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" mapid=\"" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" id=\"wpgmza_hide_options_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" onclick=\"wpgmza_hide_options(" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . ");\" style=\"font-size:10px; display:none;\">" . __("hide options", "wp-google-maps") . "</a>\r\n                        <div style=\"display:none\" id=\"wpgmza_options_box_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\">\r\n                            <input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"wpgmza_tolls_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" name=\"wpgmza_tolls_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" value=\"tolls\" /> <label for=\"wpgmza_tolls_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\">" . __("Avoid Tolls", "wp-google-maps") . "</label><br />\r\n                            <input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"wpgmza_highways_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" name=\"wpgmza_highways_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" value=\"highways\" /> <label for=\"wpgmza_highways_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\">" . __("Avoid Highways", "wp-google-maps") . "</label>\r\n                        </div>\r\n\r\n                        </td>\r\n                    </tr>\r\n                    <tr class='wpgmaps_from_row'><td class='wpgmaps_from_td1'><label for=\"wpgmza_input_from_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\">" . __("From", "wp-google-maps") . "</label></td><td width='90%' class='wpgmaps_from_td2'><input type=\"text\" value=\"\" id=\"wpgmza_input_from_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" style='width:80%' /> {$use_location_from}</td></tr>\r\n                    <tr class='wpgmaps_to_row'><td class='wpgmaps_to_td1'><label for=\"wpgmza_input_to_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\">" . __("To", "wp-google-maps") . "</td><td width='90%' class='wpgmaps_to_td2'><input type=\"text\" value=\"{$default_to}\" id=\"wpgmza_input_to_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" style='width:80%' /> {$use_location_to}</td></tr>\r\n                    <tr>\r\n\r\n                      <td>\r\n                        </td><td>\r\n                      <input onclick=\"javascript:void(0);\" class=\"wpgmaps_get_directions\" id=\"" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" type=\"button\" value=\"" . __("Go", "wp-google-maps") . "\"/>\r\n                      </td>\r\n                    </tr>\r\n                </table>\r\n            </div>\r\n\r\n\r\n    ";
    if ($dbox_option == "5" || $dbox_option == "1" || !isset($dbox_option)) {
        if ($wpgmza_current_mashup) {
            $wpgmza_anchors = $wpgmza_mashup_ids[$atts['id']];
        } else {
            $wpgmza_anchors = $wpgmza_current_map_id;
        $ret_msg = "\r\n            {$wpgmza_marker_datatables_output}\r\n            <style>\r\n            .wpgmza_map img { max-width:none !important; }\r\n            .wpgmza_widget { overflow: auto; }\r\n            </style>\r\n            " . wpgmaps_check_approval_string() . "\r\n            " . wpgmaps_return_marker_anchors($wpgmza_anchors) . "\r\n            {$wpgmza_marker_filter_output}\r\n            {$sl_data}\r\n            " . apply_filters("wpgooglemaps_filter_map_div_output", "<div class=\"wpgmza_map\" id=\"wpgmza_map_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" {$map_style}> </div>", $wpgmza_current_map_id) . "\r\n            {$wpgmza_marker_list_output}\r\n\r\n            <div style=\"display:block; width:100%;\">\r\n\r\n                {$dbox_div}\r\n                    <div id=\"wpgmaps_directions_notification_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" style=\"display:none;\">" . __("Fetching directions...", "wp-google-maps") . "...</div>\r\n                    <div id=\"wpgmaps_directions_reset_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" style=\"display:none;\">\r\n                        <a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='wpgmza_reset_directions(" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . ");' id='wpgmaps_reset_directions' title='" . __("Reset directions", "wp-google-maps") . "'>" . __("Reset directions", "wp-google-maps") . "</a>\r\n                        <br /><a href='' id='wpgmaps_print_directions_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "' title='" . __("Print directions", "wp-google-maps") . "'>" . __("Print directions", "wp-google-maps") . "</a>\r\n                    </div>\r\n                    <div id=\"directions_panel_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\"></div>\r\n                </div>\r\n            </div>\r\n\r\n        ";
    } else {
        if ($wpgmza_current_mashup) {
            $wpgmza_anchors = $wpgmza_mashup_ids[$atts['id']];
        } else {
            $wpgmza_anchors = $wpgmza_current_map_id;
        $ret_msg = "\r\n            {$wpgmza_marker_datatables_output}\r\n            <style>\r\n            .wpgmza_map img { max-width:none !important; }\r\n            .wpgmza_widget { overflow: auto; }\r\n            </style>\r\n            \r\n            <div style=\"display:block; width:100%; overflow:auto;\">\r\n\r\n            \t{$dbox_div}\r\n                <div id=\"wpgmaps_directions_notification_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" style=\"display:none;\">" . __("Fetching directions...", "wp-google-maps") . "...</div>\r\n                <div id=\"wpgmaps_directions_reset_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" style=\"display:none;\">\r\n                    <a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='wpgmza_reset_directions(" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . ");' id='wpgmaps_reset_directions' title='" . __("Reset directions", "wp-google-maps") . "'>" . __("Reset directions", "wp-google-maps") . "</a>\r\n                    <br /><a href='' id='wpgmaps_print_directions_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "' title='" . __("Print directions", "wp-google-maps") . "'>" . __("Print directions", "wp-google-maps") . "</a>\r\n                </div>\r\n                <div id=\"directions_panel_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\"></div>\r\n            </div>\r\n                \r\n                \r\n\r\n                {$wpgmza_marker_filter_output}\r\n                {$sl_data}\r\n\r\n            " . wpgmaps_return_marker_anchors($wpgmza_anchors) . "\r\n            " . apply_filters("wpgooglemaps_filter_map_div_output", "<div class=\"wpgmza_map\" id=\"wpgmza_map_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" {$map_style}> </div>") . "   \r\n            \r\n                <div style='text-align:center; width:90%; border:1px solid #ccc; padding:10px;'>\r\n                    <h1>" . __("The map could not load.", "wp-google-maps") . "</h1><p>" . __("This is normally caused by a conflict with another plugin or a JavaScript error that is preventing our plugin's Javascript from executing. Please try disable all plugins one by one and see if this problem persists. If it persists, please contact nick@wpgmaps.com for support.", "wp-google-maps") . "</p>\r\n                    \r\n                </div>\r\n            </div>\r\n\r\n            {$wpgmza_marker_list_output}\r\n            </div>\r\n\r\n        ";
    if (function_exists("wpgmza_register_ugm_version")) {
        $ugm_enabled = $res->ugm_enabled;
        if ($ugm_enabled == 1) {
            $ret_msg .= wpgmaps_ugm_user_form($wpgmza_current_map_id);
    if ($wpgmza_using_custom_meta) {
        /* we're using meta fields to generate the map, ignore default functionality */
        $ret_msg = "\r\n            <style>\r\n                .wpgmza_map img { max-width:none !important; }\r\n                .wpgmza_widget { overflow: auto; }\r\n            </style>\r\n            " . apply_filters("wpgooglemaps_filter_map_div_output", "<div class=\"wpgmza_map\" id=\"wpgmza_map_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" {$map_style}> </div>") . "\r\n\r\n            ";
    $wpgmza_main_settings = get_option("WPGMZA_OTHER_SETTINGS");
    if (isset($wpgmza_main_settings['wpgmza_custom_css']) && $wpgmza_main_settings['wpgmza_custom_css'] != "") {
        $ret_msg = "\r\n            <!-- WP Google Maps Custom CSS -->\r\n            <style type=\"text/css\">" . $wpgmza_main_settings['wpgmza_custom_css'] . "</style>\r\n            " . $ret_msg;
    /* modern infowindow output */
    /* $ret_msg = $ret_msg.$iw_output; deprecated in version 5.63 as the info window is now being created programatically with JS */
    $ret_msg = $ret_msg;
    return $ret_msg;
function wpgmaps_tag_pro($atts)
    global $wpgmza_current_map_id;
    global $wpgmza_current_mashup;
    global $wpgmza_mashup_ids;
    global $wpgmza_mashup_all;
    $wpgmza_current_mashup = false;
    extract(shortcode_atts(array('id' => '1', 'mashup' => false, 'mashup_ids' => false, 'parent_id' => '1'), $atts));
    $wpgmza_mashup = $atts['mashup'];
    if ($wpgmza_mashup_ids == "ALL") {
    } else {
        $wpgmza_mashup_ids = explode(",", $atts['mashup_ids']);
    $wpgmza_mashup_parent_id = $atts['parent_id'];
    if ($wpgmza_mashup) {
        $wpgmza_current_mashup = true;
    if ($wpgmza_mashup) {
        $wpgmza_current_map_id = $wpgmza_mashup_parent_id;
        $res = wpgmza_get_map_data($wpgmza_mashup_parent_id);
    } else {
        $wpgmza_current_map_id = $atts['id'];
        $res = wpgmza_get_map_data($atts['id']);
    $wpgmza_general_settings = get_option('WPGMZA_OTHER_SETTINGS');
    $hide_category_column = $wpgmza_general_settings['wpgmza_settings_markerlist_category'];
    $map_width_type = stripslashes($res->map_width_type);
    $map_height_type = stripslashes($res->map_height_type);
    if (!isset($map_width_type)) {
        $map_width_type == "px";
    if (!isset($map_height_type)) {
        $map_height_type == "px";
    if ($map_width_type == "%" && intval($res->map_width) > 100) {
        $res->map_width = 100;
    if ($map_height_type == "%" && intval($res->map_height) > 100) {
        $res->map_height = 100;
    $map_align = $res->alignment;
    if (!$map_align || $map_align == "" || $map_align == "1") {
        $map_align = "float:left;";
    } else {
        if ($map_align == "2") {
            $map_align = "margin-left:auto !important; margin-right:auto; !important; align:center;";
        } else {
            if ($map_align == "3") {
                $map_align = "float:right;";
            } else {
                if ($map_align == "4") {
                    $map_align = "clear:both;";
    $map_style = "style=\"display:block; overflow:auto; width:" . $res->map_width . "" . $map_width_type . "; height:" . $res->map_height . "" . $map_height_type . "; {$map_align}\"";
    global $short_code_active;
    $short_code_active = true;
    global $wpgmza_short_code_array;
    $wpgmza_short_code_array[] = $wpgmza_current_map_id;
    $d_enabled = $res->directions_enabled;
    $filterbycat = $res->filterbycat;
    $map_width = $res->map_width;
    $map_width_type = $res->map_width_type;
    // for marker list
    $default_marker = $res->default_marker;
    $show_location = $res->show_user_location;
    if ($show_location == "1") {
        $use_location_from = "<span style=\"font-size:0.75em;\"><a href='javascript:void(0);' id='wpgmza_use_my_location_from' mid='{$wpgmza_current_map_id}' title='" . __("Use my location", "wp-google-maps") . "'>" . __("Use my location", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></span>";
        $use_location_to = "<span style=\"font-size:0.75em;\"><a href='javascript:void(0);' id='wpgmza_use_my_location_to' mid='{$wpgmza_current_map_id}' title='" . __("Use my location", "wp-google-maps") . "'>" . __("Use my location", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></span>";
    if ($default_marker) {
        $default_marker = "<img src='" . $default_marker . "' />";
    } else {
        $default_marker = "<img src='" . wpgmaps_get_plugin_url() . "/images/marker.png' />";
    $dbox_width = $res->dbox_width;
    $dbox_option = $res->dbox;
    if ($dbox_option == "1") {
        $dbox_style = "display:none;";
    } else {
        if ($dbox_option == "2") {
            $dbox_style = "float:left; width:" . $dbox_width . "px; padding-right:10px; display:block; overflow:auto;";
        } else {
            if ($dbox_option == "3") {
                $dbox_style = "float:right; width:" . $dbox_width . "px; padding-right:10px; display:block; overflow:auto;";
            } else {
                if ($dbox_option == "4") {
                    $dbox_style = "float:none; width:" . $dbox_width . "px; padding-bottom:10px; display:block; overflow:auto; clear:both;";
                } else {
                    if ($dbox_option == "5") {
                        $dbox_style = "float:none; width:" . $dbox_width . "px; padding-top:10px; display:block; overflow:auto; clear:both;";
                    } else {
                        $dbox_style = "display:none;";
    $wpgmza_marker_list_output = "";
    $wpgmza_marker_filter_output = "";
    // Filter by category
    if ($filterbycat == 1) {
        $wpgmza_marker_filter_output .= "<p style='text-align:left; margin-bottom:0px;'>" . __("Filter by", "wp-google-maps") . "";
        $wpgmza_filter_dropdown = wpgmza_pro_return_category_select_list();
        $wpgmza_marker_filter_output .= "<select mid=\"" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" name=\"wpgmza_filter_select\" id=\"wpgmza_filter_select\">";
        $wpgmza_marker_filter_output .= $wpgmza_filter_dropdown;
        $wpgmza_marker_filter_output .= "</select></p>";
    if ($hide_category_column) {
        $wpgmza_marker_filter_output .= "<style>.wpgmza_table_category { display: none; }</style>";
    if ($res->listmarkers == 1 && $res->listmarkers_advanced == 1) {
        if ($wpgmza_current_mashup) {
            $wpgmza_marker_list_output .= wpgmza_return_marker_list($wpgmza_mashup_parent_id, false, $map_width . $map_width_type, $wpgmza_current_mashup, $wpgmza_mashup_ids);
        } else {
            $wpgmza_marker_list_output .= wpgmza_return_marker_list($wpgmza_current_map_id, false, $map_width . $map_width_type, false);
    } else {
        if ($res->listmarkers == 1 && $res->listmarkers_advanced == 0) {
            global $wpdb;
            global $wpgmza_tblname;
            // marker sorting functionality
            if ($res->order_markers_by == 1) {
                $order_by = "id";
            } else {
                if ($res->order_markers_by == 2) {
                    $order_by = "title";
                } else {
                    if ($res->order_markers_by == 3) {
                        $order_by = "address";
                    } else {
                        if ($res->order_markers_by == 4) {
                            $order_by = "description";
                        } else {
                            if ($res->order_markers_by == 5) {
                                $order_by = "category";
                            } else {
                                $order_by = "id";
            if ($res->order_markers_choice == 1) {
                $order_choice = "ASC";
            } else {
                $order_choice = "DESC";
            if ($wpgmza_current_mashup) {
                $wpgmza_cnt = 0;
                $sql_string1 = "";
                if ($wpgmza_mashup_ids[0] == "ALL") {
                    $wpgmza_sql1 = "SELECT * FROM {$wpgmza_tblname} ORDER BY `{$order_by}` {$order_choice}";
                } else {
                    $wpgmza_id_cnt = count($wpgmza_mashup_ids);
                    foreach ($wpgmza_mashup_ids as $wpgmza_map_id) {
                        if ($wpgmza_cnt == 1) {
                            $sql_string1 .= "`map_id` = '{$wpgmza_map_id}' ";
                        } elseif ($wpgmza_cnt > 1 && $wpgmza_cnt < $wpgmza_id_cnt) {
                            $sql_string1 .= "OR `map_id` = '{$wpgmza_map_id}' ";
                        } else {
                            $sql_string1 .= "OR `map_id` = '{$wpgmza_map_id}' ";
                    $wpgmza_sql1 = "SELECT * FROM {$wpgmza_tblname} WHERE {$sql_string1} ORDER BY `{$order_by}` {$order_choice}";
            } else {
                $wpgmza_sql1 = "SELECT * FROM {$wpgmza_tblname} WHERE `map_id` = '{$wpgmza_current_map_id}' ORDER BY `{$order_by}` {$order_choice}";
            $results = $wpdb->get_results($wpgmza_sql1);
            $wpgmza_marker_list_output .= "\n                <table id=\"wpgmza_marker_list\" class=\"wpgmza_marker_list_class\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" style='width:" . $map_width . "" . $map_width_type . "'>\n                <tbody>\n        ";
            $wpgmza_settings = get_option("WPGMZA_OTHER_SETTINGS");
            $wpgmza_image_height = $wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_image_height'];
            $wpgmza_image_width = $wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_image_width'];
            if (!$wpgmza_image_height || !isset($wpgmza_image_height)) {
                $wpgmza_image_height = "100";
            if (!$wpgmza_image_width || !isset($wpgmza_image_width)) {
                $wpgmza_image_width = "100";
            foreach ($results as $result) {
                $img = $result->pic;
                $wpgmaps_id = $result->id;
                $link = $result->link;
                $icon = $result->icon;
                $wpgmaps_lat = $result->lat;
                $wpgmaps_lng = $result->lng;
                $wpgmaps_address = $result->address;
                if (!$img) {
                    $pic = "";
                } else {
                    $wpgmza_use_timthumb = $wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_use_timthumb'];
                    if ($wpgmza_use_timthumb == "" || !isset($wpgmza_use_timthumb)) {
                        $pic = "<img src='" . wpgmaps_get_plugin_url() . "/timthumb.php?src=" . $result->pic . "&h=" . $wpgmza_image_height . "&w=" . $wpgmza_image_width . "&zc=1' title='' alt='' style=\"\" />";
                    } else {
                        $pic = "<img src='" . $result->pic . "' class='wpgmza_map_image' style=\"float:right; margin:5px; height:" . $wpgmza_image_height . "px; width:" . $wpgmza_image_width . ".px\" />";
                if (!$icon) {
                    $icon = $default_marker;
                } else {
                    $icon = "<img src='" . $result->icon . "' />";
                if ($d_enabled == "1") {
                    $wpgmaps_dir_text = "<br /><a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" id=\"{$wpgmza_current_map_id}\" title=\"" . _("Get directions to", "wp-google-maps") . " " . $result->title . "\" class=\"wpgmza_gd\" wpgm_addr_field=\"" . $wpgmaps_address . "\" gps=\"{$wpgmaps_lat},{$wpgmaps_lng}\">" . __("Directions", "wp-google-maps") . "</a>";
                if ($result->description) {
                    $wpgmaps_desc_text = "<br />" . $result->description . "";
                } else {
                    $wpgmaps_desc_text = "";
                if ($wmcnt % 2) {
                    $oddeven = "wpgmaps_odd";
                } else {
                    $oddeven = "wpgmaps_even";
                $wpgmza_marker_list_output .= "\n                <tr id=\"wpgmza_marker_" . $result->id . "\" mid=\"" . $result->id . "\" mapid=\"" . $result->map_id . "\" class=\"wpgmaps_mlist_row {$oddeven}\">\n                    <td height=\"40\" class=\"wpgmaps_mlist_marker\">" . $icon . "</td>\n                    <td class=\"wpgmaps_mlist_pic\" style=\"width:" . ($wpgmza_image_width + 20) . "px;\">{$pic}</td>\n                    <td  valign=\"top\" align=\"left\" class=\"wpgmaps_mlist_info\">\n                        <strong><a href=\"javascript:openInfoWindow({$wpgmaps_id});\" id=\"wpgmaps_marker_{$wpgmaps_id}\" title=\"" . $result->title . "\">" . $result->title . "</a></strong>\n                        {$wpgmaps_desc_text}\n                        {$wpgmaps_dir_text}\n                    </td>\n\n                </tr>";
            $wpgmza_marker_list_output .= "</tbody></table>";
        } else {
            $wpgmza_marker_list_output = "";
    $dbox_div = "\n        <div id=\"wpgmaps_directions_edit_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" style=\"{$dbox_style}\" class=\"wpgmaps_directions_outer_div\">\n            <h2>" . __("Get Directions", "wp-google-maps") . "</h2>\n            <div id=\"wpgmaps_directions_editbox_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\">\n                <table>\n                    <tr>\n                        <td>" . __("For", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td><td>\n                            <select id=\"wpgmza_dir_type_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" name=\"wpgmza_dir_type_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\">\n                            <option value=\"DRIVING\" selected=\"selected\">" . __("Driving", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                            <option value=\"WALKING\">" . __("Walking", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                            <option value=\"BICYCLING\">" . __("Bicycling", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                            </select>\n                            &nbsp;\n                            <a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" mapid=\"" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" id=\"wpgmza_show_options_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" onclick=\"wpgmza_show_options(" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . ");\" style=\"font-size:10px;\">" . __("show options", "wp-google-maps") . "</a>\n                            <a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" mapid=\"" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" id=\"wpgmza_hide_options_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" onclick=\"wpgmza_hide_options(" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . ");\" style=\"font-size:10px; display:none;\">" . __("hide options", "wp-google-maps") . "</a>\n                        <div style=\"display:none\" id=\"wpgmza_options_box_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\">\n                            <input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"wpgmza_tolls_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" name=\"wpgmza_tolls_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" value=\"tolls\" /> " . __("Avoid Tolls", "wp-google-maps") . " <br />\n                            <input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"wpgmza_highways_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" name=\"wpgmza_highways_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" value=\"highways\" /> " . __("Avoid Highways", "wp-google-maps") . "\n                        </div>\n\n                        </td>\n                    </tr>\n                    <tr><td>" . __("From", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td><td width='90%'><input type=\"text\" value=\"\" id=\"wpgmza_input_from_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" style='width:80%' /> {$use_location_from}</td><td></td></tr>\n                    <tr><td>" . __("To", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td><td width='90%'><input type=\"text\" value=\"\" id=\"wpgmza_input_to_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" style='width:80%' /> {$use_location_to}</td><td></td></tr>\n                    <tr>\n\n                      <td>\n                        </td><td>\n                      <input onclick=\"javascript:void(0);\" class=\"wpgmaps_get_directions\" id=\"" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" type=\"button\" value=\"" . __("Go", "wp-google-maps") . "\"/>\n                      </td>\n                    </tr>\n                </table>\n            </div>\n\n\n    ";
    if ($dbox_option == "5" || $dbox_option == "1" || !isset($dbox_option)) {
        if ($wpgmza_current_mashup) {
            $wpgmza_anchors = $wpgmza_mashup_ids;
        } else {
            $wpgmza_anchors = $wpgmza_current_map_id;
        $ret_msg = "\n            <style>\n            .wpgmza_map img { max-width:none !important; }\n            </style>\n            " . wpgmaps_return_marker_anchors($wpgmza_anchors) . "\n            {$wpgmza_marker_filter_output}\n            <div id=\"wpgmza_map_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" class='wpgmza_map' {$map_style}>&nbsp;</div>\n            {$wpgmza_marker_list_output}\n            <div id=\"display:block; width:100%;\">\n\n                {$dbox_div}\n                    <div id=\"wpgmaps_directions_notification_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" style=\"display:none;\">" . __("Fetching directions...", "wp-google-maps") . "...</div>\n                    <div id=\"wpgmaps_directions_reset_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" style=\"display:none;\"><a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='wpgmza_reset_directions(" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . ");' id='wpgmaps_reset_directions' title='" . __("Reset directions", "wp-google-maps") . "'>" . __("Reset directions", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></div>\n                    <div id=\"directions_panel_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\"></div>\n                </div>\n            </div>\n\n        ";
    } else {
        $ret_msg = "\n            <style>\n            .wpgmza_map img { max-width:none !important; }\n            </style>\n\n            <div id=\"display:block; width:100%; overflow:auto;\">\n\n                {$dbox_div}\n                    <div id=\"wpgmaps_directions_notification_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" style=\"display:none;\">" . __("Fetching directions...", "wp-google-maps") . "...</div>\n                    <div id=\"wpgmaps_directions_reset_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" style=\"display:none;\"><a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='wpgmza_reset_directions(" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . ");' id='wpgmaps_reset_directions' title='" . __("Reset directions", "wp-google-maps") . "'>" . __("Reset directions", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></div>\n                    <div id=\"directions_panel_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\"></div>\n                </div>\n                {$wpgmza_marker_filter_output}\n            <div id=\"wpgmza_map_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" class='wpgmza_map' {$map_style}>&nbsp;</div>\n            {$wpgmza_marker_list_output}\n            </div>\n\n        ";
    if (function_exists("wpgmza_register_ugm_version")) {
        $ugm_enabled = $res->ugm_enabled;
        if ($ugm_enabled == 1) {
            $ret_msg .= wpgmaps_ugm_user_form($wpgmza_current_map_id);
    return $ret_msg;
Exemplo n.º 6
function wpgmza_basic_menu()
    global $wpgmza_tblname_maps;
    global $wpdb;
    if (!wpgmaps_check_permissions()) {
    if ($_GET['action'] == "edit" && isset($_GET['map_id'])) {
        $res = wpgmza_get_map_data($_GET['map_id']);
        if ($res->map_start_zoom) {
            $wpgmza_zoom[intval($res->map_start_zoom)] = "SELECTED";
        } else {
            $wpgmza_zoom[8] = "SELECTED";
        if ($res->type) {
            $wpgmza_map_type[intval($res->type)] = "SELECTED";
        } else {
            $wpgmza_map_type[1] = "SELECTED";
        if ($res->alignment) {
            $wpgmza_map_align[intval($res->alignment)] = "SELECTED";
        } else {
            $wpgmza_map_align[1] = "SELECTED";
        $wpgmza_act = "disabled readonly";
        $wpgmza_act_msg = "<span style=\"font-size:16px; color:#666;\">" . __("Add custom icons, titles, descriptions, pictures and links to your markers with the", "wp-google-maps") . " \"<a href=\"http://www.wpgmaps.com/purchase-professional-version/?utm_source=plugin&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=below_marker\" title=\"" . __("Pro Edition", "wp-google-maps") . "\" target=\"_BLANK\">" . __("Pro Edition", "wp-google-maps") . "</a>\" " . __("of this plugin for just", "wp-google-maps") . " <strong>\$14.99</strong></span>";
        $wpgmza_csv = "<p><a href=\"http://www.wpgmaps.com/purchase-professional-version/?utm_source=plugin&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=csv_link\" title=\"" . __("Pro Edition", "wp-google-maps") . "\">" . __("Purchase the Pro Edition", "wp-google-maps") . "</a> " . __("of WP Google Maps and save your markers to a CSV file!", "wp-google-maps") . "</p>";
    echo "\n\n           <div class='wrap'>\n                <h1>WP Google Maps</h1>\n                <div class='wide'>\n\n\n\n                    <h2>" . __("Map Settings", "wp-google-maps") . "</h2>\n                    <form action='' method='post' id='wpgmaps_options'>\n                    <p></p>\n\n                    <input type='hidden' name='http_referer' value='" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "' />\n                    <input type='hidden' name='wpgmza_id' id='wpgmza_id' value='" . $res->id . "' />\n                    <input id='wpgmza_start_location' name='wpgmza_start_location' type='hidden' size='40' maxlength='100' value='" . $res->map_start_location . "' />\n                    <select id='wpgmza_start_zoom' name='wpgmza_start_zoom' style=\"display:none;\">\n                        <option value=\"1\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[1] . ">1</option>\n                        <option value=\"2\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[2] . ">2</option>\n                        <option value=\"3\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[3] . ">3</option>\n                        <option value=\"4\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[4] . ">4</option>\n                        <option value=\"5\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[5] . ">5</option>\n                        <option value=\"6\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[6] . ">6</option>\n                        <option value=\"7\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[7] . ">7</option>\n                        <option value=\"8\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[8] . ">8</option>\n                        <option value=\"9\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[9] . ">9</option>\n                        <option value=\"10\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[10] . ">10</option>\n                        <option value=\"11\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[11] . ">11</option>\n                        <option value=\"12\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[12] . ">12</option>\n                        <option value=\"13\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[13] . ">13</option>\n                        <option value=\"14\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[14] . ">14</option>\n                        <option value=\"15\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[15] . ">15</option>\n                        <option value=\"16\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[16] . ">16</option>\n                        <option value=\"17\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[17] . ">17</option>\n                        <option value=\"18\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[18] . ">18</option>\n                        <option value=\"19\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[19] . ">19</option>\n                        <option value=\"20\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[20] . ">20</option>\n                        <option value=\"21\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[21] . ">21</option>\n                    </select>\n                    <table>\n                        <tr>\n                            <td>" . __("Short code", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                            <td><input type='text' readonly name='shortcode' style='font-size:18px; text-align:center;' value='[wpgmza id=\"" . $res->id . "\"]' /> <small><i>" . __("copy this into your post or page to display the map", "wp-google-maps") . "</i></td>\n                        </tr>\n                        <tr>\n                            <td>" . __("Map Name", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                            <td><input id='wpgmza_title' name='wpgmza_title' type='text' size='20' maxlength='50' value='" . $res->map_title . "' /></td>\n                        </tr>\n                        <tr>\n                             <td>" . __("Width", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                             <td><input id='wpgmza_width' name='wpgmza_width' type='text' size='4' maxlength='4' value='" . $res->map_width . "' /> px </td>\n                        </tr>\n                        <tr>\n                            <td>" . __("Height", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                            <td><input id='wpgmza_height' name='wpgmza_height' type='text' size='4' maxlength='4' value='" . $res->map_height . "' /> px</td>\n                        </tr>\n\n                        <tr>\n                            <td>" . __("Default Marker Image", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                            <td><input id=\"upload_default_marker\" name=\"upload_default_marker\" type='hidden' size='35' maxlength='700' value='' " . $wpgmza_act . "/> <input id=\"upload_default_marker_btn\" type=\"button\" value=\"" . __("Upload Image", "wp-google-maps") . "\" {$wpgmza_act} /><small><i> " . __("available in the", "wp-google-maps") . " <a href=\"http://www.wpgmaps.com/purchase-professional-version/?utm_source=plugin&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=default_marker\" title=\"" . __("Pro Edition", "wp-google-maps") . "\" target=\"_BLANK\">" . __("Pro Edition", "wp-google-maps") . "</a> " . __("only", "wp-google-maps") . ".   </i></small></td>\n                        </tr>\n                        <tr>\n                            <td>" . __("Map type", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                            <td><select id='wpgmza_map_type' name='wpgmza_map_type'>\n                                <option value=\"1\" " . $wpgmza_map_type[1] . ">" . __("Roadmap", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                <option value=\"2\" " . $wpgmza_map_type[2] . ">" . __("Satellite", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                <option value=\"3\" " . $wpgmza_map_type[3] . ">" . __("Hybrid", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                <option value=\"4\" " . $wpgmza_map_type[4] . ">" . __("Terrain", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                            </select>\n                            </td>\n                        </tr>\n                        <tr>\n                            <td>" . __("Map Alignment", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                            <td><select id='wpgmza_map_align' name='wpgmza_map_align'>\n                                <option value=\"1\" " . $wpgmza_map_align[1] . ">" . __("Left", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                <option value=\"2\" " . $wpgmza_map_align[2] . ">" . __("Center", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                <option value=\"3\" " . $wpgmza_map_align[3] . ">" . __("Right", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                <option value=\"4\" " . $wpgmza_map_align[4] . ">" . __("None", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                            </select>\n                            </td>\n                        </tr>\n                        <tr>\n                            <td>" . __("KML/GeoRSS URL", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                            <td>\n                             <input id='wpgmza_kml' name='wpgmza_kml' type='text' size='100' maxlength='700' class='regular-text' value='" . $res->kml . "' {$wpgmza_act} /><small><i> " . __("available in the", "wp-google-maps") . " <a href=\"http://www.wpgmaps.com/purchase-professional-version/?utm_source=plugin&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=kml\" title=\"" . __("Pro Edition", "wp-google-maps") . "\" target=\"_BLANK\">" . __("Pro Edition", "wp-google-maps") . "</a> " . __("only", "wp-google-maps") . ".   </i></small></td>\n                            </td>\n                        </tr>\n\n\n                        </table>\n                            <div id=\"wpgmaps_save_reminder\" style=\"display:none;\"><span style=\"font-size:16px; color:#1C62B9;\">\n                            " . __("Remember to save your map!", "wp-google-maps") . "\n                            </span></div>\n                            <p class='submit'><input type='submit' name='wpgmza_savemap' class='button-primary' value='" . __("Save Map", "wp-google-maps") . " &raquo;' /></p>\n                            <p style=\"width:600px; color:#808080;\">\n                                " . __("Tip: Use your mouse to change the layout of your map. When you have positioned the map to your desired location, press \"Save Map\" to keep your settings.", "wp-google-maps") . "</p>\n\n\n                            <div id=\"wpgmza_map\">&nbsp;</div>\n                            <div style=\"display:block; overflow:auto; background-color:#FFFBCC; padding:10px; border:1px solid #E6DB55; margin-top:5px; margin-bottom:5px;\">\n                                <h2 style=\"padding-top:0; margin-top:0;\">" . __("Add a marker", "wp-google-maps") . "</h2>\n                                <p>\n                                <table>\n                                <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"wpgmza_edit_id\" id=\"wpgmza_edit_id\" value=\"\" />\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td>" . __("Title", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\n                                    <td><input id='wpgmza_add_title' name='wpgmza_add_title' type='text' size='35' maxlength='200' value='' {$wpgmza_act} /> &nbsp;<br /></td>\n\n                                </tr>\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td>" . __("Address/GPS", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\n                                    <td><input id='wpgmza_add_address' name='wpgmza_add_address' type='text' size='35' maxlength='200' value='' /> &nbsp;<br /></td>\n\n                                </tr>\n\n                                <tr><td>" . __("Description", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\n                                    <td><textarea id='wpgmza_add_desc' name='wpgmza_add_desc' " . $wpgmza_act . "></textarea>  &nbsp;<br /></td></tr>\n                                <tr><td>" . __("Pic URL", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\n                                    <td><input id='wpgmza_add_pic' name=\"wpgmza_add_pic\" type='text' size='35' maxlength='700' value='' " . $wpgmza_act . "/> <input id=\"upload_image_button\" type=\"button\" value=\"" . __("Upload Image", "wp-google-maps") . "\" {$wpgmza_act} /><br /></td></tr>\n                                <tr><td>" . __("Link URL", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\n                                    <td><input id='wpgmza_link_url' name='wpgmza_link_url' type='text' size='35' maxlength='700' value='' " . $wpgmza_act . " /></td></tr>\n                                <tr><td>" . __("Custom Marker", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\n                                    <td><input id='wpgmza_add_custom_marker' name=\"wpgmza_add_custom_marker\" type='hidden' size='35' maxlength='700' value='' " . $wpgmza_act . "/> <input id=\"upload_custom_marker_button\" type=\"button\" value=\"" . __("Upload Image", "wp-google-maps") . "\" {$wpgmza_act} /> &nbsp;</td></tr>\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td>" . __("Animation", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\n                                    <td>\n                                        <select name=\"wpgmza_animation\" id=\"wpgmza_animation\" readonly disabled>\n                                            <option value=\"0\">" . __("None", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                    </td>\n                                </tr>\n\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td></td>\n                                    <td>\n                                        <span id=\"wpgmza_addmarker_div\"><input type=\"button\" class='button-primary' id='wpgmza_addmarker' value='" . __("Add Marker", "wp-google-maps") . "' /></span> <span id=\"wpgmza_addmarker_loading\" style=\"display:none;\">" . __("Adding", "wp-google-maps") . "...</span>\n                                        <span id=\"wpgmza_editmarker_div\" style=\"display:none;\"><input type=\"button\" id='wpgmza_editmarker'  class='button-primary' value='" . __("Save Marker", "wp-google-maps") . "' /></span><span id=\"wpgmza_editmarker_loading\" style=\"display:none;\">" . __("Saving", "wp-google-maps") . "...</span>\n                                    </td>\n\n                                </tr>\n\n                                </table>\n                            </div>\n                            <p>{$wpgmza_act_msg}</p>\n                            <h2 style=\"padding-top:0; margin-top:0;\">" . __("Your Markers", "wp-google-maps") . "</h2>\n                            <div id=\"wpgmza_marker_holder\">\n                                " . wpgmza_return_marker_list($_GET['map_id']) . "\n                            </div>\n\n                            <br /><br />{$wpgmza_csv}\n\n                            <table>\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td><img src=\"" . wpgmaps_get_plugin_url() . "/images/custom_markers.jpg\" width=\"160\" style=\"border:3px solid #808080;\" title=\"" . __("Add detailed information to your markers!") . "\" alt=\"" . __("Add custom markers to your map!", "wp-google-maps") . "\" /><br /><br /></td>\n                                    <td valign=\"middle\"><span style=\"font-size:18px; color:#666;\">" . __("Add detailed information to your markers for only", "wp-google-maps") . " <strong>\$14.99</strong>. " . __("Click", "wp-google-maps") . " <a href=\"http://www.wpgmaps.com/purchase-professional-version/?utm_source=plugin&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=image1\" title=\"Pro Edition\" target=\"_BLANK\">" . __("here", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></span></td>\n                                </tr>\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td><img src=\"" . wpgmaps_get_plugin_url() . "/images/custom_marker_icons.jpg\" width=\"160\" style=\"border:3px solid #808080;\" title=\"" . __("Add custom markers to your map!", "wp-google-maps") . "\" alt=\"" . __("Add custom markers to your map!", "wp-google-maps") . "\" /><br /><br /></td>\n                                    <td valign=\"middle\"><span style=\"font-size:18px; color:#666;\">" . __("Add different marker icons, or your own icons to make your map really stand out!", "wp-google-maps") . "</span></td>\n                                </tr>\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td><img src=\"" . wpgmaps_get_plugin_url() . "/images/get_directions.jpg\" width=\"160\" style=\"border:3px solid #808080;\" title=\"" . __("Add custom markers to your map!", "wp-google-maps") . "\" alt=\"" . __("Add custom markers to your map!", "wp-google-maps") . "\" /><br /><br /></td>\n                                    <td valign=\"middle\"><span style=\"font-size:18px; color:#666;\">" . __("Allow your visitors to get directions to your markers!", "wp-google-maps") . " " . __("Click", "wp-google-maps") . " <a href=\"http://www.wpgmaps.com/purchase-professional-version/?utm_source=plugin&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=image2\" title=\"" . __("Pro Edition", "wp-google-maps") . "\" target=\"_BLANK\">" . __("here", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></span></td>\n                                </tr>\n                            </table>\n\n                    </form>\n\n                    <p><br /><br />" . __("WP Google Maps encourages you to make use of the amazing icons created by Nicolas Mollet's Maps Icons Collection", "wp-google-maps") . " <a href='http://mapicons.nicolasmollet.com'>http://mapicons.nicolasmollet.com/</a> " . __("and to credit him when doing so.", "wp-google-maps") . "</p>\n                </div>\n\n\n            </div>\n\n\n\n        ";