Esempio n. 1
function wpgmza_basic_menu()
    global $wpgmza_tblname_maps;
    global $wpdb;
    /* deprecated
     *  if (!wpgmaps_check_permissions()) { wpgmaps_permission_warning(); }
    if ($_GET['action'] == "edit" && isset($_GET['map_id'])) {
        $res = wpgmza_get_map_data(sanitize_text_field($_GET['map_id']));
        if (function_exists("wpgmaps_marker_permission_check")) {
        $other_settings_data = maybe_unserialize($res->other_settings);
        if (isset($other_settings_data['store_locator_enabled'])) {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_enabled = $other_settings_data['store_locator_enabled'];
        } else {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_enabled = 0;
        if (isset($other_settings_data['store_locator_distance'])) {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_distance = $other_settings_data['store_locator_distance'];
        } else {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_distance = 0;
        if (isset($other_settings_data['store_locator_bounce'])) {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_bounce = $other_settings_data['store_locator_bounce'];
        } else {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_bounce = 1;
        if (isset($other_settings_data['store_locator_query_string'])) {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_query_string = stripslashes($other_settings_data['store_locator_query_string']);
        } else {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_query_string = __("ZIP / Address:", "wp-google-maps");
        if (isset($other_settings_data['weather_layer'])) {
            $wpgmza_weather_option = $other_settings_data['weather_layer'];
        } else {
            $wpgmza_weather_option = 2;
        if (isset($other_settings_data['weather_layer_temp_type'])) {
            $wpgmza_weather_option_temp_type = $other_settings_data['weather_layer_temp_type'];
        } else {
            $wpgmza_weather_option_temp_type = 1;
        if (isset($other_settings_data['cloud_layer'])) {
            $wpgmza_cloud_option = $other_settings_data['cloud_layer'];
        } else {
            $wpgmza_cloud_option = 2;
        if (isset($other_settings_data['transport_layer'])) {
            $wpgmza_transport_option = $other_settings_data['transport_layer'];
        } else {
            $wpgmza_transport_option = 2;
        if ($res->map_start_zoom) {
            $wpgmza_zoom[intval($res->map_start_zoom)] = "SELECTED";
        } else {
            $wpgmza_zoom[8] = "SELECTED";
        if ($res->type) {
            $wpgmza_map_type[intval($res->type)] = "SELECTED";
        } else {
            $wpgmza_map_type[1] = "SELECTED";
        if ($res->alignment) {
            $wpgmza_map_align[intval($res->alignment)] = "SELECTED";
        } else {
            $wpgmza_map_align[1] = "SELECTED";
        if ($res->bicycle) {
            $wpgmza_bicycle[intval($res->bicycle)] = "SELECTED";
        } else {
            $wpgmza_bicycle[2] = "SELECTED";
        if ($res->traffic) {
            $wpgmza_traffic[intval($res->traffic)] = "SELECTED";
        } else {
            $wpgmza_traffic[2] = "SELECTED";
        if (stripslashes($res->map_width_type) == "%") {
            $wpgmza_map_width_type_percentage = "SELECTED";
            $wpgmza_map_width_type_px = "";
        } else {
            $wpgmza_map_width_type_px = "SELECTED";
            $wpgmza_map_width_type_percentage = "";
        if (stripslashes($res->map_height_type) == "%") {
            $wpgmza_map_height_type_percentage = "SELECTED";
            $wpgmza_map_height_type_px = "";
        } else {
            $wpgmza_map_height_type_px = "SELECTED";
            $wpgmza_map_height_type_percentage = "";
        for ($i = 0; $i < 22; $i++) {
            if (!isset($wpgmza_zoom[$i])) {
                $wpgmza_zoom[$i] = "";
        for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
            if (!isset($wpgmza_map_type[$i])) {
                $wpgmza_map_type[$i] = "";
        for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
            if (!isset($wpgmza_map_align[$i])) {
                $wpgmza_map_align[$i] = "";
        for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
            if (!isset($wpgmza_bicycle[$i])) {
                $wpgmza_bicycle[$i] = "";
        for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
            if (!isset($wpgmza_traffic[$i])) {
                $wpgmza_traffic[$i] = "";
        $wpgmza_store_locator_enabled_checked[0] = '';
        $wpgmza_store_locator_enabled_checked[1] = '';
        $wpgmza_store_locator_distance_checked[0] = '';
        $wpgmza_store_locator_distance_checked[1] = '';
        $wpgmza_store_locator_bounce_checked[0] = '';
        $wpgmza_store_locator_bounce_checked[1] = '';
        if ($wpgmza_store_locator_enabled == 1) {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_enabled_checked[0] = 'selected';
        } else {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_enabled_checked[1] = 'selected';
        if ($wpgmza_store_locator_distance == 1) {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_distance_checked[0] = 'selected';
        } else {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_distance_checked[1] = 'selected';
        if ($wpgmza_store_locator_bounce == 1) {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_bounce_checked[0] = 'selected';
        } else {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_bounce_checked[1] = 'selected';
        $wpgmza_weather_layer_checked[0] = '';
        $wpgmza_weather_layer_checked[1] = '';
        $wpgmza_weather_layer_temp_type_checked[0] = '';
        $wpgmza_weather_layer_temp_type_checked[1] = '';
        $wpgmza_cloud_layer_checked[0] = '';
        $wpgmza_cloud_layer_checked[1] = '';
        $wpgmza_transport_layer_checked[0] = '';
        $wpgmza_transport_layer_checked[1] = '';
        if ($wpgmza_weather_option == 1) {
            $wpgmza_weather_layer_checked[0] = 'selected';
        } else {
            $wpgmza_weather_layer_checked[1] = 'selected';
        if ($wpgmza_weather_option_temp_type == 1) {
            $wpgmza_weather_layer_temp_type_checked[0] = 'selected';
        } else {
            $wpgmza_weather_layer_temp_type_checked[1] = 'selected';
        if ($wpgmza_cloud_option == 1) {
            $wpgmza_cloud_layer_checked[0] = 'selected';
        } else {
            $wpgmza_cloud_layer_checked[1] = 'selected';
        if ($wpgmza_transport_option == 1) {
            $wpgmza_transport_layer_checked[0] = 'selected';
        } else {
            $wpgmza_transport_layer_checked[1] = 'selected';
        $wpgmza_act = "disabled readonly";
        $wpgmza_act_msg = "<div class=\"update-nag\" style=\"padding:5px; \">" . __("Add custom icons, titles, descriptions, pictures and links to your markers with the", "wp-google-maps") . " \"<a href=\"\" title=\"" . __("Pro Edition", "wp-google-maps") . "\" target=\"_BLANK\">" . __("Pro Edition", "wp-google-maps") . "</a>\" " . __("of this plugin for just", "wp-google-maps") . " <strong>\$19.99</strong></div>";
        $wpgmza_csv = "<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_BLANK\" title=\"" . __("Pro Edition", "wp-google-maps") . "\">" . __("Purchase the Pro Edition", "wp-google-maps") . "</a> " . __("of WP Google Maps and save your markers to a CSV file!", "wp-google-maps") . "</p>";
    /* check if they are using W3 Total Cache and that wp-google-maps appears in the rejected files list */
    if (class_exists("W3_Plugin_TotalCache")) {
        $wpgmza_w3_check = new W3_Plugin_TotalCache();
        if (function_exists("w3_instance")) {
            $modules = w3_instance('W3_ModuleStatus');
            $cdn_check = $modules->is_enabled('cdn');
            if (strpos(esc_textarea(implode("\r\n", $wpgmza_w3_check->_config->get_array('cdn.reject.files'))), 'wp-google-maps') !== false) {
                $does_cdn_contain_our_plugin = true;
            } else {
                $does_cdn_contain_our_plugin = false;
            if ($cdn_check == 1 && !$does_cdn_contain_our_plugin) {
                echo "<div class=\"update-nag\" style=\"padding:5px; \"><h1>" . __("Please note", "wp-google-maps") . ":</h1>" . __("We've noticed that you are using W3 Total Cache and that you have CDN enabled.<br /><br />In order for the markers to show up on your map, you need to add '<strong><em>{uploads_dir}/wp-google-maps*</strong></em>' to the '<strong>rejected files</strong>' list in the <a href='admin.php?page=w3tc_cdn#advanced'>CDN settings page</a> of W3 Total Cache", "wp-google-maps") . "</div>";
    echo "\r\n\r\n           <div class='wrap'>\r\n                <h1>WP Google Maps</h1>\r\n                <div class='wide'>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n                    <h2>" . __("Map Settings", "wp-google-maps") . "</h2>\r\n                    <form action='' method='post' id='wpgmaps_options'>\r\n                    <p></p>\r\n                    <div id=\"wpgmaps_tabs\">\r\n                        <ul>\r\n                            <li><a href=\"#tabs-1\">" . __("General Settings", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\r\n                            <li><a href=\"#tabs-2\">" . __("Directions", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\r\n                            <li><a href=\"#tabs-3\">" . __("Store Locator", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\r\n                            <li><a href=\"#tabs-4\">" . __("Advanced Settings", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\r\n                            <li><a href=\"#tabs-5\">" . __("Marker Listing Options", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\r\n                            <li style=\"background-color: #d7e6f2; font-weight: bold;\"><a href=\"#tabs-6\">" . __("Pro Upgrade", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\r\n                        </ul>\r\n                        <div id=\"tabs-1\">\r\n                            <p></p>\r\n                            <input type='hidden' name='http_referer' value='" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "' />\r\n                            <input type='hidden' name='wpgmza_id' id='wpgmza_id' value='" . $res->id . "' />\r\n                            <input id='wpgmza_start_location' name='wpgmza_start_location' type='hidden' size='40' maxlength='100' value='" . $res->map_start_location . "' />\r\n                            <select id='wpgmza_start_zoom' name='wpgmza_start_zoom' style='display:none;' >\r\n                                        <option value=\"1\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[1] . ">1</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"2\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[2] . ">2</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"3\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[3] . ">3</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"4\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[4] . ">4</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"5\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[5] . ">5</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"6\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[6] . ">6</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"7\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[7] . ">7</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"8\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[8] . ">8</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"9\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[9] . ">9</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"10\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[10] . ">10</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"11\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[11] . ">11</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"12\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[12] . ">12</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"13\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[13] . ">13</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"14\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[14] . ">14</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"15\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[15] . ">15</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"16\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[16] . ">16</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"17\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[17] . ">17</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"18\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[18] . ">18</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"19\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[19] . ">19</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"20\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[20] . ">20</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"21\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[21] . ">21</option>\r\n                                    </select>\r\n                            <table>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                    <td>" . __("Short code", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                                    <td><input type='text' readonly name='shortcode' style='font-size:18px; text-align:center;' onclick=\"\" value='[wpgmza id=\"" . $res->id . "\"]' /> <small><i>" . __("copy this into your post or page to display the map", "wp-google-maps") . "</i></td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                    <td>" . __("Map Name", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                                    <td><input id='wpgmza_title' name='wpgmza_title' type='text' size='20' maxlength='50' value='" . $res->map_title . "' /></td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                     <td>" . __("Width", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                                     <td>\r\n                                     <input id='wpgmza_width' name='wpgmza_width' type='text' size='4' maxlength='4' value='" . $res->map_width . "' />\r\n                                     <select id='wpgmza_map_width_type' name='wpgmza_map_width_type'>\r\n                                        <option value=\"px\" {$wpgmza_map_width_type_px}>px</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"%\" {$wpgmza_map_width_type_percentage}>%</option>\r\n                                     </select>\r\n                                     <small><em>" . __("Set to 100% for a responsive map", "wp-google-maps") . "</em></small>\r\n\r\n                                    </td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                    <td>" . __("Height", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                                    <td><input id='wpgmza_height' name='wpgmza_height' type='text' size='4' maxlength='4' value='" . $res->map_height . "' />\r\n                                     <select id='wpgmza_map_height_type' name='wpgmza_map_height_type'>\r\n                                        <option value=\"px\" {$wpgmza_map_height_type_px}>px</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"%\" {$wpgmza_map_height_type_percentage}>%</option>\r\n                                     </select><span style='display:none; width:200px; font-size:10px;' id='wpgmza_height_warning'>" . __("We recommend that you leave your height in PX. Depending on your theme, using % for the height may break your map.", "wp-google-maps") . "</span>\r\n\r\n                                    </td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                    <td>" . __("Zoom Level", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                                    <td>\r\n                                    <input type=\"text\" id=\"amount\" style=\"display:none;\"  value=\"{$res->map_start_zoom}\"><div id=\"slider-range-max\"></div>\r\n                                    </td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                    <td>" . __("Map Alignment", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                                    <td><select id='wpgmza_map_align' name='wpgmza_map_align'>\r\n                                        <option value=\"1\" " . $wpgmza_map_align[1] . ">" . __("Left", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"2\" " . $wpgmza_map_align[2] . ">" . __("Center", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"3\" " . $wpgmza_map_align[3] . ">" . __("Right", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"4\" " . $wpgmza_map_align[4] . ">" . __("None", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                    </select>\r\n                                    </td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                    <td>" . __("Map type", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                                    <td><select id='wpgmza_map_type' name='wpgmza_map_type'>\r\n                                        <option value=\"1\" " . $wpgmza_map_type[1] . ">" . __("Roadmap", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"2\" " . $wpgmza_map_type[2] . ">" . __("Satellite", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"3\" " . $wpgmza_map_type[3] . ">" . __("Hybrid", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"4\" " . $wpgmza_map_type[4] . ">" . __("Terrain", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                    </select>\r\n                                    </td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n\r\n                                </table>\r\n                        </div>\r\n\r\n                        <div id=\"tabs-2\">\r\n                            <div class=\"wpgm_notice_message\">\r\n                                <ul>\r\n                                    <li>\r\n                                        <i class=\"fa fa-hand-o-right\"> </i> <a target='_BLANK' href=\"\">Enable directions</a> with the Pro version for only \$19.99 once off. Support and updates included forever.\r\n                                    </li>\r\n                                </ul>\r\n                            </div>\r\n                                        \r\n                                        \r\n\r\n                            <table class='form-table' id='wpgmaps_directions_options'>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                    <td width='200px'>" . __("Enable Directions?", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                                    <td><select class='postform' readonly disabled>\r\n                                        <option>" . __("No", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                        <option>" . __("Yes", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                    </select>\r\n                                    </td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                    <td>\r\n                                    " . __("Directions Box Open by Default?", "wp-google-maps") . ":\r\n                                    </td>\r\n                                    <td>\r\n                                    <select class='postform' readonly disabled>\r\n                                        <option>" . __("No", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                        <option>" . __("Yes, on the left", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                        <option>" . __("Yes, on the right", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                        <option>" . __("Yes, above", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                        <option>" . __("Yes, below", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                    </select>\r\n                                    </td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                    <td>\r\n                                    " . __("Directions Box Width", "wp-google-maps") . ":\r\n                                    </td>\r\n                                    <td>\r\n                                    <input type='text' size='4' maxlength='4' class='small-text' readonly disabled /> px\r\n                                    </td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n\r\n                            </table>\r\n                        </div><!-- end of tab2 -->\r\n                        \r\n                        <div id=\"tabs-3\">\r\n                            \r\n                            <table class='' id='wpgmaps_directions_options'>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                    <td width='200'>" . __("Enable Store Locator", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                                    <td><select id='wpgmza_store_locator' name='wpgmza_store_locator' class='postform'>\r\n                                            <option value=\"1\" " . $wpgmza_store_locator_enabled_checked[0] . ">" . __("Yes", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                            <option value=\"2\" " . $wpgmza_store_locator_enabled_checked[1] . ">" . __("No", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                        </select>\r\n                                    </td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                    <td>" . __("Show distance in", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                                    <td><select id='wpgmza_store_locator_distance' name='wpgmza_store_locator_distance' class='postform'>\r\n                                        <option value=\"1\" " . $wpgmza_store_locator_distance_checked[0] . ">" . __("Miles", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                        <option value=\"2\" " . $wpgmza_store_locator_distance_checked[1] . ">" . __("Kilometers", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                    </select>\r\n                                    </td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                    <td>" . __("Query string", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                                    <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"wpgmza_store_locator_query_string\" id=\"wpgmza_store_locator_query_string\" value=\"{$wpgmza_store_locator_query_string}\">\r\n                                    </td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                    <td width='200'>" . __("Show bouncing icon", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                                    <td><select id='wpgmza_store_locator_bounce' name='wpgmza_store_locator_bounce' class='postform'>\r\n                                            <option value=\"1\" " . $wpgmza_store_locator_bounce_checked[0] . ">" . __("Yes", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                            <option value=\"2\" " . $wpgmza_store_locator_bounce_checked[1] . ">" . __("No", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                        </select>\r\n                                    </td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n\r\n                            </table>\r\n                            <p><em>" . __('View', 'wp-google-maps') . " <a href=''>" . __('Store Locator Documentation', 'wp-google-maps') . "</a></em></p>\r\n                            <p><em>Please note: the store locator is still in Beta. If you find any bugs, please <a href=''>let us know</a></em></p>\r\n                        </div><!-- end of tab3 -->\r\n\r\n                        <div id=\"tabs-4\">\r\n\r\n                        <table class='' id='wpgmaps_advanced_options'>\r\n                        <tr>\r\n                            <td width='320'>" . __("Enable Bicycle Layer?", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                            <td><select id='wpgmza_bicycle' name='wpgmza_bicycle' class='postform'>\r\n                                <option value=\"1\" " . $wpgmza_bicycle[1] . ">" . __("Yes", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                <option value=\"2\" " . $wpgmza_bicycle[2] . ">" . __("No", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                            </select>\r\n                            </td>\r\n                        </tr>\r\n                        <tr>\r\n                        <td>" . __("Enable Traffic Layer?", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                            <td><select id='wpgmza_traffic' name='wpgmza_traffic' class='postform'>\r\n                                <option value=\"1\" " . $wpgmza_traffic[1] . ">" . __("Yes", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                <option value=\"2\" " . $wpgmza_traffic[2] . ">" . __("No", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                            </select></td>\r\n                        </tr>\r\n                        <tr>\r\n                            <td width='320'>" . __("Enable Weather Layer?", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                            <td>\r\n                            <select id='wpgmza_weather' name='wpgmza_weather' class='postform'>\r\n                                <option value=\"1\" " . $wpgmza_weather_layer_checked[0] . ">" . __("Yes", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                <option value=\"2\" " . $wpgmza_weather_layer_checked[1] . ">" . __("No", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                            </select>\r\n                            <select id='wpgmza_weather_temp_type' name='wpgmza_weather_temp_type' class='postform'>\r\n                                <option value=\"1\" " . $wpgmza_weather_layer_temp_type_checked[0] . ">" . __("Show in Degrees Celsius", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                <option value=\"2\" " . $wpgmza_weather_layer_temp_type_checked[1] . ">" . __("Show in Degrees Fahrenheit", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                            </select>\r\n                            </td>\r\n                        </tr>\r\n                        <tr>\r\n                            <td width='320'>" . __("Enable Cloud Layer?", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                            <td><select id='wpgmza_cloud' name='wpgmza_cloud' class='postform'>\r\n                                <option value=\"1\" " . $wpgmza_cloud_layer_checked[0] . ">" . __("Yes", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                <option value=\"2\" " . $wpgmza_cloud_layer_checked[1] . ">" . __("No", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                            </select>\r\n                            </td>\r\n                        </tr>\r\n                        <tr>\r\n                            <td width='320'>" . __("Enable Public Transport Layer?", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                            <td><select id='wpgmza_transport' name='wpgmza_transport' class='postform'>\r\n                                <option value=\"1\" " . $wpgmza_transport_layer_checked[0] . ">" . __("Yes", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                <option value=\"2\" " . $wpgmza_transport_layer_checked[1] . ">" . __("No", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                            </select>\r\n                            </td>\r\n                        </tr>\r\n                        </table>\r\n\r\n                            <div class=\"wpgm_notice_message\">\r\n                                <ul>\r\n                                    <li>\r\n                                        " . __("Get the rest of these advanced features with the Pro version for only <a href=\"\">\$19.99 once off</a>. Support and updates included forever.", "wp-google-maps") . "\r\n                                    </li>\r\n                                </ul>\r\n                            </div>\r\n\r\n                            <table class='form-table' id='wpgmaps_advanced_options'>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                    <td>" . __("Default Marker Image", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                                    <td><input id=\"\" name=\"\" type='hidden' size='35' class='regular-text' maxlength='700' value='" . $res->default_marker . "' " . $wpgmza_act . "/> <input id=\"upload_default_marker_btn\" type=\"button\" value=\"" . __("Upload Image", "wp-google-maps") . "\" {$wpgmza_act} /> <a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onClick=\"document.forms['wpgmza_map_form'].upload_default_marker.value = ''; var span = document.getElementById('wpgmza_mm'); while( span.firstChild ) { span.removeChild( span.firstChild ); } span.appendChild( document.createTextNode('')); return false;\" title=\"Reset to default\">-reset-</a></td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                    <td>" . __("Show User's Location?", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                                    <td><select class='postform' readonly disabled>\r\n                                        <option >" . __("No", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                        <option >" . __("Yes", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                    </select>\r\n                                    </td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n\r\n                                </tr>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                    <td></td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                    <td>" . __("KML/GeoRSS URL", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                                    <td>\r\n                                     <input type='text' size='100' maxlength='700' class='regular-text' readonly disabled /> <em><small>" . __("The KML/GeoRSS layer will over-ride most of your map settings", "wp-google-maps") . "</small></em></td>\r\n                                    </td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                    <td>" . __("Fusion table ID", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                                    <td>\r\n                                     <input type='text' size='20' maxlength='200' class='small-text' readonly disabled /> <em><small>" . __("Read data directly from your Fusion Table.", "wp-google-maps") . "</small></em></td>\r\n                                    </td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n                            </table>\r\n                        </div><!-- end of tab4 -->\r\n                        <div id=\"tabs-5\" style=\"font-family:sans-serif;\">\r\n                            <div class=\"wpgm_notice_message\">\r\n                                <ul>\r\n                                    <li>\r\n                                        " . __("Enable Marker Listing with the <a href=\"\">Pro version for only \$19.99 once off</a>. Support and updates included forever.", "wp-google-maps") . "\r\n                                    </li>\r\n                                </ul>\r\n                            </div>\r\n\r\n                            <table class='' id='wpgmaps_marker_listing_options'>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                     <td valign=\"top\">" . __("List Markers", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                                     <td>\r\n\r\n                                        <input type=\"radio\" disabled >" . __("None", "wp-google-maps") . "<br />\r\n                                        <input type=\"radio\" disabled >" . __("Basic table", "wp-google-maps") . "<br />\r\n                                        <input type=\"radio\" disabled >" . __("Advanced table with real time search and filtering", "wp-google-maps") . "<br />\r\n                                        <input type=\"radio\" disabled >" . __("Carousel", "wp-google-maps") . " (" . __("beta", "wp-google-maps") . ")<br />\r\n\r\n\r\n                                    </td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                     <td>" . __("Filter by Category", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                                     <td>\r\n                                        <input id='wpgmza_filterbycat' type='checkbox' disabled /> " . __("Allow users to filter by category?", "wp-google-maps") . "\r\n\r\n                                    </td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                     <td>" . __("Order markers by", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\r\n                                     <td>\r\n                                        <select disabled class='postform'>\r\n                                            <option >" . __("ID", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                            <option >" . __("Title", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                            <option >" . __("Address", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                            <option >" . __("Description", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                            <option >" . __("Category", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                        </select>\r\n                                        <select disabled class='postform'>\r\n                                            <option >" . __("Ascending", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                            <option >" . __("Descending", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                        </select>\r\n\r\n                                    </td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n\r\n                            </table>\r\n                            <div class=\"wrap about-wrap\" style=\"height:400px; display:block;\">\r\n                            <div class=\"feature-section three-col  clear\">\r\n                                <div style=\"width:28%;\">\r\n                                <h4>" . __("Basic", "wp-google-maps") . "</h4>\r\n                                <p style='display:block; height:40px;'>" . __("Show a basic list of your markers", "wp-google-maps") . "</p>\r\n                                 <img src='" . WPGMAPS_DIR . "base/assets/marker-listing-basic.jpg' style=\"border:5px solid #ccc;\" />              \r\n                                </div>\r\n                                <div style=\"width:28%;\">\r\n                                <h4>" . __("Carousel", "wp-google-maps") . "</h4>\r\n                                <p style='display:block; height:40px;'>" . __("Beautiful, responsive, mobile-friendly carousel marker listing", "wp-google-maps") . "</p>\r\n                                 <img src='" . WPGMAPS_DIR . "base/assets/marker-listing-carousel.jpg' style=\"border:5px solid #ccc;\" />              \r\n                                </div>\r\n                                <div style=\"width:28%;\">\r\n                                <h4>" . __("Tabular", "wp-google-maps") . "</h4>\r\n                                <p style='display:block; height:40px;'>" . __("Advanced, tabular marker listing functionality with real time filtering", "wp-google-maps") . "</p>\r\n                                 <img src='" . WPGMAPS_DIR . "base/assets/marker-listing-advanced.jpg' style=\"border:5px solid #ccc;\" />              \r\n                                </div>\r\n                            </div>\r\n                            </div>\r\n\r\n                        </div>\r\n                        <div id=\"tabs-6\" style=\"font-family:sans-serif;\">\r\n                            <h1 style=\"font-weight:200;\">12 Amazing Reasons to Upgrade to our Pro Version</h1>\r\n                            <p style=\"font-size:16px; line-height:28px;\">We've spent over two years upgrading our plugin to ensure that it is the most user-friendly and comprehensive map plugin in the WordPress directory. Enjoy the peace of mind knowing that you are getting a truly premium product for all your mapping requirements. Did we also mention that we have fantastic support?</p>\r\n                            <div id=\"wpgm_premium\">\r\n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\r\n                                        <h2>Create custom markers with detailed info windows</h2>\r\n                                        <p>Add titles, descriptions, HTML, images, animations and custom icons to your markers.</p>\r\n                                    </div>\r\n                                </div>\r\n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\r\n                                        <h2>Enable directions</h2>\r\n                                        <p>Allow your visitors to get directions to your markers. Either use their location as the starting point or allow them to type in an address.</p>\r\n                                    </div>\r\n                                </div>\r\n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\r\n                                        <h2>Unlimited maps</h2>\r\n                                        <p>Create as many maps as you like.</p>\r\n                                    </div>\r\n                                </div>\r\n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\r\n                                        <h2>List your markers</h2>\r\n                                        <p>Choose between three methods of listing your markers.</p>\r\n                                    </div>\r\n                                </div>                                \r\n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\r\n                                        <h2>Add categories to your markers</h2>\r\n                                        <p>Create and assign categories to your markers which can then be filtered on your map.</p>\r\n                                    </div>\r\n                                </div>                                \r\n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\r\n                                        <h2>Advanced options</h2>\r\n                                        <p>Enable advanced options such as showing your visitor's location, marker sorting, bicycle layers, traffic layers and more!</p>\r\n                                    </div>\r\n                                </div>  \r\n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\r\n                                        <h2>Import / Export</h2>\r\n                                        <p>Export your markers to a CSV file for quick and easy editing. Import large quantities of markers at once.</p>\r\n                                    </div>\r\n                                </div>                                \r\n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\r\n                                        <h2>Add KML & Fusion Tables</h2>\r\n                                        <p>Add your own KML layers or Fusion Table data to your map</p>\r\n                                    </div>\r\n                                </div>                                   \r\n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\r\n                                        <h2>Polygons and Polylines</h2>\r\n                                        <p>Add custom polygons and polylines to your map by simply clicking on the map. Perfect for displaying routes and serviced areas.</p>\r\n                                    </div>\r\n                                </div>\r\n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\r\n                                        <h2>Amazing Support</h2>\r\n                                        <p>We pride ourselves on providing quick and amazing support. <a target=\"_BLANK\" href=\"\">Read what some of our users think of our support</a>.</p>\r\n                                    </div>\r\n                                </div>\r\n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\r\n                                        <h2>Easy Upgrade</h2>\r\n                                        <p>You'll receive a download link immediately. Simply upload and activate the Pro plugin to your WordPress admin area and you're done!</p>\r\n                                    </div>\r\n                                </div>                                  \r\n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\r\n                                        <h2>Free updates and support forever</h2>\r\n                                        <p>Once you're a pro user, you'll receive free updates and support forever! You'll also receive amazing specials on any future plugins we release.</p>\r\n                                    </div>\r\n                                </div>              \r\n                                \r\n                                <br /><p>Get all of this and more for only \$19.99 once off</p>                                \r\n                                <br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_BLANK\" title=\"Upgrade now for only \$19.99 once off\" class=\"button-primary\" style=\"font-size:20px; display:block; width:150px; text-align:center; height:30px; line-height:26px;\">Upgrade Now</a>\r\n                                <br /><br />\r\n                                <a href=\"\" target=\"_BLANK\">View the demos</a>.<br /><br />\r\n                                Have a sales question? Contact either Nick or Jarryd on <a href=\"\"></a> or use our <a href=\"\" target=\"_BLANK\">contact form</a>. <br /><br />\r\n                                Need help? <a href=\"\" target=\"_BLANK\">Ask a question on our support forum</a>.       \r\n                                \r\n\r\n\r\n                        </div><!-- end of tab5 -->   \r\n                        \r\n                        </div>\r\n                        </div>\r\n                    \r\n                    <!-- end of tabs -->\r\n\r\n\r\n                            \r\n                            <p class='submit'><input type='submit' name='wpgmza_savemap' class='button-primary' value='" . __("Save Map", "wp-google-maps") . " &raquo;' /></p>\r\n                                \r\n                            <p style=\"width:100%; color:#808080;\">\r\n                                " . __("Tip: Use your mouse to change the layout of your map. When you have positioned the map to your desired location, press \"Save Map\" to keep your settings.", "wp-google-maps") . "</p>\r\n\r\n                            <div style='display:block; overflow:auto; width:100%;'>\r\n                            \r\n                            <div style='display:block; width:49%; margin-right:1%; overflow:auto; float:left;'>\r\n                                <div id=\"wpgmaps_tabs_markers\">\r\n                                    <ul>\r\n                                            <li><a href=\"#tabs-m-1\" class=\"tabs-m-1\">" . __("Markers", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\r\n                                            <li><a href=\"#tabs-m-2\" class=\"tabs-m-1\">" . __("Advanced markers", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\r\n                                            <li><a href=\"#tabs-m-3\" class=\"tabs-m-2\">" . __("Polygon", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\r\n                                            <li><a href=\"#tabs-m-4\" class=\"tabs-m-3\">" . __("Polylines", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\r\n                                    </ul>\r\n                                    <div id=\"tabs-m-1\">\r\n\r\n\r\n                                        <h2 style=\"padding-top:0; margin-top:0;\"><i class=\"fa fa-map-marker\"> </i> " . __("Markers", "wp-google-maps") . "</h2>\r\n                                        <table>\r\n                                            <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"wpgmza_edit_id\" id=\"wpgmza_edit_id\" value=\"\" />\r\n                                            <tr>\r\n                                                <td valign='top'>" . __("Address/GPS", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\r\n                                                <td><input id='wpgmza_add_address' name='wpgmza_add_address' type='text' size='35' maxlength='200' value=''  /> <br /><small><em>" . __("Or right click on the map", "wp-google-maps") . "</small></em><br /><br /></td>\r\n\r\n                                            </tr>\r\n\r\n                                            <tr>\r\n                                                <td>" . __("Animation", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\r\n                                                <td>\r\n                                                    <select name=\"wpgmza_animation\" id=\"wpgmza_animation\">\r\n                                                        <option value=\"0\">" . __("None", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                                        <option value=\"1\">" . __("Bounce", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                                        <option value=\"2\">" . __("Drop", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                                </td>\r\n                                            </tr>\r\n\r\n\r\n                                            <tr>\r\n                                                <td>" . __("InfoWindow open by default", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\r\n                                                <td>\r\n                                                    <select name=\"wpgmza_infoopen\" id=\"wpgmza_infoopen\">\r\n                                                        <option value=\"0\">" . __("No", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                                        <option value=\"1\">" . __("Yes", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                                </td>\r\n                                            </tr>\r\n                                        <tr>\r\n                                            <td></td>\r\n                                            <td>\r\n                                                <span id=\"wpgmza_addmarker_div\"><input type=\"button\" class='button-primary' id='wpgmza_addmarker' value='" . __("Add Marker", "wp-google-maps") . "' /></span> <span id=\"wpgmza_addmarker_loading\" style=\"display:none;\">" . __("Adding", "wp-google-maps") . "...</span>\r\n                                                <span id=\"wpgmza_editmarker_div\" style=\"display:none;\"><input type=\"button\" id='wpgmza_editmarker'  class='button-primary' value='" . __("Save Marker", "wp-google-maps") . "' /></span><span id=\"wpgmza_editmarker_loading\" style=\"display:none;\">" . __("Saving", "wp-google-maps") . "...</span>\r\n                                                    <div id=\"wpgm_notice_message_save_marker\" style=\"display:none;\">\r\n                                                        <div class=\"wpgm_notice_message\" style='text-align:left; padding:1px; margin:1px;'>\r\n                                                                 <h4 style='padding:1px; margin:1px;'>" . __("Remember to save your marker", "wp-google-maps") . "</h4>\r\n                                                        </div>\r\n\r\n                                                    </div>\r\n                                            </td>\r\n\r\n                                        </tr>\r\n\r\n                                        </table>\r\n                                    </div>\r\n\r\n                                    <div id=\"tabs-m-2\">\r\n                                        <h2 style=\"padding-top:0; margin-top:0;\"><i class=\"fa fa-map-marker\"> </i> " . __("Advanced markers", "wp-google-maps") . "</h2>\r\n                                        <div class=\"wpgm_notice_message\">\r\n                                            <ul>\r\n                                                <li>\r\n                                                    <i class=\"fa fa-hand-o-right\"> </i> <a target=\"_BLANK\" href=\"\">" . __("Add advanced markers", "wp-google-maps") . "</a> " . __("with the Pro version", "wp-google-maps") . "\r\n                                                </li>\r\n                                            </ul>\r\n                                        </div>\r\n                                        <table>\r\n                                        <tr>\r\n                                            <td>" . __("Address/GPS", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\r\n                                            <td><input id='' name='' type='text' size='35' maxlength='200' value=''  {$wpgmza_act} /> &nbsp;<br /></td>\r\n\r\n                                        </tr>\r\n\r\n                                        <tr>\r\n                                            <td>" . __("Animation", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\r\n                                            <td>\r\n                                                <select name=\"\" id=\"\">\r\n                                                    <option value=\"0\">" . __("None", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                                    <option value=\"1\">" . __("Bounce", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                                    <option value=\"2\">" . __("Drop", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                            </td>\r\n                                        </tr>\r\n\r\n\r\n                                        <tr>\r\n                                            <td>" . __("InfoWindow open by default", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\r\n                                            <td>\r\n                                                <select name=\"\" id=\"\">\r\n                                                    <option value=\"0\">" . __("No", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                                    <option value=\"1\">" . __("Yes", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                            </td>\r\n                                        </tr>\r\n                                        <tr>\r\n                                            <td>" . __("Title", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\r\n                                            <td><input id='' name='' type='text' size='35' maxlength='200' value='' {$wpgmza_act} /></td>\r\n\r\n                                        </tr>\r\n\r\n                                        <tr><td>" . __("Description", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\r\n                                            <td><textarea id='' name='' " . $wpgmza_act . "  style='background-color:#EEE; width:272px;'></textarea>  &nbsp;<br /></td></tr>\r\n                                        <tr><td>" . __("Pic URL", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\r\n                                            <td><input id='' name=\"\" type='text' size='35' maxlength='700' value='' " . $wpgmza_act . "/> <input id=\"\" type=\"button\" value=\"" . __("Upload Image", "wp-google-maps") . "\" {$wpgmza_act} /><br /></td></tr>\r\n                                        <tr><td>" . __("Link URL", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\r\n                                            <td><input id='' name='' type='text' size='35' maxlength='700' value='' " . $wpgmza_act . " /></td></tr>\r\n                                        <tr><td>" . __("Custom Marker", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\r\n                                            <td><input id='' name=\"\" type='hidden' size='35' maxlength='700' value='' " . $wpgmza_act . "/> <input id=\"\" type=\"button\" value=\"" . __("Upload Image", "wp-google-maps") . "\" {$wpgmza_act} /> &nbsp;</td></tr>\r\n                                        <tr>\r\n                                            <td>" . __("Category", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\r\n                                            <td>\r\n                                                <select readonly disabled>\r\n                                                    <option value=\"0\">" . __("Select", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                                            </td>\r\n                                        </tr>\r\n                                        <tr>\r\n                                            <td></td>\r\n                                            <td>\r\n                                                <input type=\"button\" class='button-primary' disabled id='' value='" . __("Add Marker", "wp-google-maps") . "' />\r\n                                            </td>\r\n\r\n                                            </tr>\r\n\r\n                                        </table>\r\n                                        <p>{$wpgmza_act_msg}</p>\r\n                                        <br /><br />{$wpgmza_csv}\r\n                                    </div>\r\n\r\n                                    <div id=\"tabs-m-3\">\r\n                                        <h2 style=\"padding-top:0; margin-top:0;\"><i class=\"fa fa-star\"> </i> " . __("Polygons", "wp-google-maps") . "</h2>\r\n                                        <span id=\"wpgmza_addpolygon_div\"><a href='" . get_option('siteurl') . "/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wp-google-maps-menu&action=add_poly&map_id=" . sanitize_text_field($_GET['map_id']) . "' id='wpgmza_addpoly' class='button-primary' value='" . __("Add a New Polygon", "wp-google-maps") . "' />" . __("Add a New Polygon", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></span>\r\n                                        <div id=\"wpgmza_poly_holder\">" . wpgmza_b_return_polygon_list(sanitize_text_field($_GET['map_id'])) . "</div>\r\n                                    </div>\r\n                                    <div id=\"tabs-m-4\">\r\n                                        <h2 style=\"padding-top:0; margin-top:0;\"><i class=\"fa fa-bars\"> </i> " . __("Polylines", "wp-google-maps") . "</h2>\r\n                                        <span id=\"wpgmza_addpolyline_div\"><a href='" . get_option('siteurl') . "/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wp-google-maps-menu&action=add_polyline&map_id=" . sanitize_text_field($_GET['map_id']) . "' id='wpgmza_addpolyline' class='button-primary' value='" . __("Add a New Polyline", "wp-google-maps") . "' />" . __("Add a New Polyline", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></span>\r\n                                        <div id=\"wpgmza_polyline_holder\">" . wpgmza_b_return_polyline_list(sanitize_text_field($_GET['map_id'])) . "</div>\r\n                                    </div>\r\n\r\n                                </div>\r\n                            </div>\r\n                            <div style='display:block; width:50%; overflow:auto; float:left;'>\r\n                            \r\n\r\n                                <div id=\"wpgmza_map\">\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_notice_message\" style='text-align:center;'>\r\n                                        <ul>\r\n                                            <li><small><strong>" . __("The map could not load.", "wp-google-maps") . "</strong><br />" . __("This is normally caused by a conflict with another plugin or a JavaScript error that is preventing our plugin's Javascript from executing. Please try disable all plugins one by one and see if this problem persists.", "wp-google-maps") . "</small>\r\n                                            </li>\r\n                                        </ul>\r\n                                    </div>\r\n                                </div>\r\n                                <div id=\"wpgmaps_save_reminder\" style=\"display:none;\">\r\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_notice_message\" style='text-align:center;'>\r\n                                        <ul>\r\n                                            <li>\r\n                                             <h4>" . __("Remember to save your map!", "wp-google-maps") . "</h4>\r\n                                            </li>\r\n                                        </ul>\r\n                                    </div>\r\n\r\n                                </div>\r\n                            </div>\r\n                        </div>\r\n                            \r\n\r\n\r\n                            \r\n                        </form>\r\n                            \r\n                            <h2 style=\"padding-top:0; margin-top:20px;\">" . __("Your Markers", "wp-google-maps") . "</h2>\r\n                            <div id=\"wpgmza_marker_holder\">\r\n                            " . wpgmza_return_marker_list(sanitize_text_field($_GET['map_id'])) . "\r\n                            </div>\r\n                        \r\n                            <table style='clear:both;'>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                    <td><img src=\"" . wpgmaps_get_plugin_url() . "/images/custom_markers.jpg\" width=\"260\" style=\"border:3px solid #808080;\" title=\"" . __("Add detailed information to your markers!") . "\" alt=\"" . __("Add custom markers to your map!", "wp-google-maps") . "\" /><br /><br /></td>\r\n                                    <td valign=\"middle\"><span style=\"font-size:18px; color:#666;\">" . __("Add detailed information to your markers for only", "wp-google-maps") . " <strong>\$19.99</strong>. " . __("Click", "wp-google-maps") . " <a href=\"\" title=\"Pro Edition\" target=\"_BLANK\">" . __("here", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></span></td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                    <td><img src=\"" . wpgmaps_get_plugin_url() . "/images/custom_marker_icons.jpg\" width=\"260\" style=\"border:3px solid #808080;\" title=\"" . __("Add custom markers to your map!", "wp-google-maps") . "\" alt=\"" . __("Add custom markers to your map!", "wp-google-maps") . "\" /><br /><br /></td>\r\n                                    <td valign=\"middle\"><span style=\"font-size:18px; color:#666;\">" . __("Add different marker icons, or your own icons to make your map really stand out!", "wp-google-maps") . " " . __("Click", "wp-google-maps") . " <a href=\"\" title=\"" . __("Pro Edition", "wp-google-maps") . "\" target=\"_BLANK\">" . __("here", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></span></td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n                                <tr>\r\n                                    <td><img src=\"" . wpgmaps_get_plugin_url() . "/images/get_directions.jpg\" width=\"260\" style=\"border:3px solid #808080;\" title=\"" . __("Add custom markers to your map!", "wp-google-maps") . "\" alt=\"" . __("Add custom markers to your map!", "wp-google-maps") . "\" /><br /><br /></td>\r\n                                    <td valign=\"middle\"><span style=\"font-size:18px; color:#666;\">" . __("Allow your visitors to get directions to your markers!", "wp-google-maps") . " " . __("Click", "wp-google-maps") . " <a href=\"\" title=\"" . __("Pro Edition", "wp-google-maps") . "\" target=\"_BLANK\">" . __("here", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></span></td>\r\n                                </tr>\r\n                            </table>\r\n\r\n                   \r\n\r\n                    <p><br /><br />" . __("WP Google Maps encourages you to make use of the amazing icons created by Nicolas Mollet's Maps Icons Collection", "wp-google-maps") . " <a href=''></a> " . __("and to credit him when doing so.", "wp-google-maps") . "</p>\r\n                </div>\r\n\r\n\r\n            </div>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n        ";
Esempio n. 2
 * Outputs (echo) map editor
 * @return void
function wpgmza_basic_menu()
    global $wpgmza_tblname_maps;
    global $wpdb;
    /* deprecated
     *  if (!wpgmaps_check_permissions()) { wpgmaps_permission_warning(); }
    if ($_GET['action'] == "edit" && isset($_GET['map_id'])) {
        $res = wpgmza_get_map_data(sanitize_text_field($_GET['map_id']));
        if (function_exists("wpgmaps_marker_permission_check")) {
        $other_settings_data = maybe_unserialize($res->other_settings);
        if (isset($other_settings_data['store_locator_enabled'])) {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_enabled = $other_settings_data['store_locator_enabled'];
        } else {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_enabled = 0;
        if (isset($other_settings_data['store_locator_distance'])) {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_distance = $other_settings_data['store_locator_distance'];
        } else {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_distance = 0;
        if (isset($other_settings_data['store_locator_bounce'])) {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_bounce = $other_settings_data['store_locator_bounce'];
        } else {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_bounce = 1;
        if (isset($other_settings_data['store_locator_query_string'])) {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_query_string = stripslashes($other_settings_data['store_locator_query_string']);
        } else {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_query_string = __("ZIP / Address:", "wp-google-maps");
        if (isset($other_settings_data['store_locator_default_address'])) {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_default_address = stripslashes($other_settings_data['store_locator_default_address']);
        } else {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_default_address = "";
        if (isset($other_settings_data['wpgmza_store_locator_restrict'])) {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_restrict = $other_settings_data['wpgmza_store_locator_restrict'];
        } else {
            $wpgmza_store_locator_restrict = "";
        /* deprecated in 6.2.0
           if (isset($other_settings_data['weather_layer'])) { $wpgmza_weather_option = $other_settings_data['weather_layer']; } else { $wpgmza_weather_option = 2; } 
           if (isset($other_settings_data['weather_layer_temp_type'])) { $wpgmza_weather_option_temp_type = $other_settings_data['weather_layer_temp_type']; } else { $wpgmza_weather_option_temp_type = 1; } 
           if (isset($other_settings_data['cloud_layer'])) { $wpgmza_cloud_option = $other_settings_data['cloud_layer']; } else { $wpgmza_cloud_option = 2; } 
        if (isset($other_settings_data['transport_layer'])) {
            $wpgmza_transport_option = $other_settings_data['transport_layer'];
        } else {
            $wpgmza_transport_option = 2;
        if (isset($other_settings_data['map_max_zoom'])) {
            $wpgmza_max_zoom[intval($other_settings_data['map_max_zoom'])] = "SELECTED";
        } else {
            $wpgmza_max_zoom[1] = "SELECTED";
        if (isset($res->map_start_zoom)) {
            $wpgmza_zoom[intval($res->map_start_zoom)] = "SELECTED";
        } else {
            $wpgmza_zoom[8] = "SELECTED";
        if (isset($res->type)) {
            $wpgmza_map_type[intval($res->type)] = "SELECTED";
        } else {
            $wpgmza_map_type[1] = "SELECTED";
        if (isset($res->alignment)) {
            $wpgmza_map_align[intval($res->alignment)] = "SELECTED";
        } else {
            $wpgmza_map_align[1] = "SELECTED";
        if (isset($res->bicycle)) {
            $wpgmza_bicycle[intval($res->bicycle)] = "checked";
        } else {
            $wpgmza_bicycle[2] = "";
        if (isset($res->traffic)) {
            $wpgmza_traffic[intval($res->traffic)] = "checked";
        } else {
            $wpgmza_traffic[2] = "";
        if (stripslashes($res->map_width_type) == "%") {
            $wpgmza_map_width_type_percentage = "SELECTED";
            $wpgmza_map_width_type_px = "";
        } else {
            $wpgmza_map_width_type_px = "SELECTED";
            $wpgmza_map_width_type_percentage = "";
        if (stripslashes($res->map_height_type) == "%") {
            $wpgmza_map_height_type_percentage = "SELECTED";
            $wpgmza_map_height_type_px = "";
        } else {
            $wpgmza_map_height_type_px = "SELECTED";
            $wpgmza_map_height_type_percentage = "";
        for ($i = 0; $i < 22; $i++) {
            if (!isset($wpgmza_zoom[$i])) {
                $wpgmza_zoom[$i] = "";
        for ($i = 0; $i < 22; $i++) {
            if (!isset($wpgmza_max_zoom[$i])) {
                $wpgmza_max_zoom[$i] = "";
        for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
            if (!isset($wpgmza_map_type[$i])) {
                $wpgmza_map_type[$i] = "";
        for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
            if (!isset($wpgmza_map_align[$i])) {
                $wpgmza_map_align[$i] = "";
        for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
            if (!isset($wpgmza_bicycle[$i])) {
                $wpgmza_bicycle[$i] = "";
        for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
            if (!isset($wpgmza_traffic[$i])) {
                $wpgmza_traffic[$i] = "";
        $wpgmza_store_locator_enabled_checked = $wpgmza_store_locator_enabled == 1 ? 'checked' : '';
        $wpgmza_store_locator_distance_checked = $wpgmza_store_locator_distance == 1 ? 'checked' : '';
        $wpgmza_store_locator_bounce_checked = $wpgmza_store_locator_bounce == 1 ? 'checked' : '';
        $wpgmza_weather_layer_checked[0] = '';
        $wpgmza_weather_layer_checked[1] = '';
        $wpgmza_weather_layer_temp_type_checked[0] = '';
        $wpgmza_weather_layer_temp_type_checked[1] = '';
        $wpgmza_cloud_layer_checked[0] = '';
        $wpgmza_cloud_layer_checked[1] = '';
        $wpgmza_transport_layer_checked[0] = '';
        $wpgmza_transport_layer_checked[1] = '';
        if ($wpgmza_weather_option == 1) {
            $wpgmza_weather_layer_checked[0] = 'selected';
        } else {
            $wpgmza_weather_layer_checked[1] = 'selected';
        if ($wpgmza_weather_option_temp_type == 1) {
            $wpgmza_weather_layer_temp_type_checked[0] = 'selected';
        } else {
            $wpgmza_weather_layer_temp_type_checked[1] = 'selected';
        if ($wpgmza_cloud_option == 1) {
            $wpgmza_cloud_layer_checked[0] = 'selected';
        } else {
            $wpgmza_cloud_layer_checked[1] = 'selected';
        if ($wpgmza_transport_option == 1) {
            $wpgmza_transport_layer_checked[0] = 'checked';
        } else {
            $wpgmza_transport_layer_checked[1] = 'checked';
        $wpgmza_act = "disabled readonly";
        $wpgmza_act_msg = "<div class=\"update-nag update-att\" style=\"padding:5px; \">" . __("Add custom icons, titles, descriptions, pictures and links to your markers with the", "wp-google-maps") . " \"<a href=\"\" title=\"" . __("Pro Edition", "wp-google-maps") . "\" target=\"_BLANK\">" . __("Pro Edition", "wp-google-maps") . "</a>\" " . __("of this plugin for just", "wp-google-maps") . " <strong>\$39.99</strong></div>";
        $wpgmza_csv = "<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_BLANK\" title=\"" . __("Pro Edition", "wp-google-maps") . "\">" . __("Purchase the Pro Edition", "wp-google-maps") . "</a> " . __("of WP Google Maps and save your markers to a CSV file!", "wp-google-maps") . "</p>";
    if (isset($other_settings_data['wpgmza_theme_selection'])) {
        $theme_sel_checked[$other_settings_data['wpgmza_theme_selection']] = "checked";
        $wpgmza_theme_class[$other_settings_data['wpgmza_theme_selection']] = "wpgmza_theme_selection_activate";
    } else {
        $wpgmza_theme = false;
        $wpgmza_theme_class[0] = "wpgmza_theme_selection_activate";
    for ($i = 0; $i < 9; $i++) {
        if (!isset($wpgmza_theme_class[$i])) {
            $wpgmza_theme_class[$i] = "";
    for ($i = 0; $i < 9; $i++) {
        if (!isset($theme_sel_checked[$i])) {
            $theme_sel_checked[$i] = "";
    /* check if they are using W3 Total Cache and that wp-google-maps appears in the rejected files list */
    if (class_exists("W3_Plugin_TotalCache")) {
        $wpgmza_w3_check = new W3_Plugin_TotalCache();
        if (function_exists("w3_instance")) {
            $modules = w3_instance('W3_ModuleStatus');
            $cdn_check = $modules->is_enabled('cdn');
            if (strpos(esc_textarea(implode("\r\n", $wpgmza_w3_check->_config->get_array('cdn.reject.files'))), 'wp-google-maps') !== false) {
                $does_cdn_contain_our_plugin = true;
            } else {
                $does_cdn_contain_our_plugin = false;
            if ($cdn_check == 1 && !$does_cdn_contain_our_plugin) {
                echo "<div class=\"update-nag\" style=\"padding:5px; \"><h1>" . __("Please note", "wp-google-maps") . ":</h1>" . __("We've noticed that you are using W3 Total Cache and that you have CDN enabled.<br /><br />In order for the markers to show up on your map, you need to add '<strong><em>{uploads_dir}/wp-google-maps*</strong></em>' to the '<strong>rejected files</strong>' list in the <a href='admin.php?page=w3tc_cdn#advanced'>CDN settings page</a> of W3 Total Cache", "wp-google-maps") . "</div>";
    if (isset($other_settings_data['wpgmza_theme_data'])) {
        $wpgmza_theme_data_custom = $other_settings_data['wpgmza_theme_data'];
    } else {
        /* convert old gold stylign to new styling */
        if (isset($res->styling_json)) {
            $wpgmza_theme_data_custom = stripslashes($res->styling_json);
        } else {
            $wpgmza_theme_data_custom = '';
    echo "\n\n           <div class='wrap'>\n                <h1>WP Google Maps</h1>\n                <div class='wide'>\n\n\n\n                    <h2>" . __("Create your Map", "wp-google-maps") . "</h2>\n                    <form action='' method='post' id='wpgmaps_options'>\n                    <p></p>\n                    <div id=\"wpgmaps_tabs\">\n                        <ul>\n                            <li><a href=\"#tabs-1\">" . __("General Settings", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\n                            <li><a href=\"#tabs-7\">" . __("Themes", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\n                            <li><a href=\"#tabs-2\">" . __("Directions", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\n                            <li><a href=\"#tabs-3\">" . __("Store Locator", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\n                            <li><a href=\"#tabs-4\">" . __("Advanced Settings", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\n                            <li><a href=\"#tabs-5\">" . __("Marker Listing Options", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\n                            <li style=\"background-color: #d7e6f2; font-weight: bold;\"><a href=\"#tabs-6\">" . __("Pro Upgrade", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\n                        </ul>\n                        <div id=\"tabs-1\">\n                            <p></p>\n                            <input type='hidden' name='http_referer' value='" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "' />\n                            <input type='hidden' name='wpgmza_id' id='wpgmza_id' value='" . $res->id . "' />\n                            <input id='wpgmza_start_location' name='wpgmza_start_location' type='hidden' size='40' maxlength='100' value='" . $res->map_start_location . "' />\n                            <select id='wpgmza_start_zoom' name='wpgmza_start_zoom' style='display:none;' >\n                                        <option value=\"1\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[1] . ">1</option>\n                                        <option value=\"2\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[2] . ">2</option>\n                                        <option value=\"3\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[3] . ">3</option>\n                                        <option value=\"4\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[4] . ">4</option>\n                                        <option value=\"5\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[5] . ">5</option>\n                                        <option value=\"6\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[6] . ">6</option>\n                                        <option value=\"7\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[7] . ">7</option>\n                                        <option value=\"8\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[8] . ">8</option>\n                                        <option value=\"9\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[9] . ">9</option>\n                                        <option value=\"10\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[10] . ">10</option>\n                                        <option value=\"11\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[11] . ">11</option>\n                                        <option value=\"12\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[12] . ">12</option>\n                                        <option value=\"13\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[13] . ">13</option>\n                                        <option value=\"14\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[14] . ">14</option>\n                                        <option value=\"15\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[15] . ">15</option>\n                                        <option value=\"16\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[16] . ">16</option>\n                                        <option value=\"17\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[17] . ">17</option>\n                                        <option value=\"18\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[18] . ">18</option>\n                                        <option value=\"19\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[19] . ">19</option>\n                                        <option value=\"20\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[20] . ">20</option>\n                                        <option value=\"21\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[21] . ">21</option>\n                                    </select>\n                            <table>\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td>" . __("Short code", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                                    <td><input type='text' readonly name='shortcode' class='wpgmza_copy_shortcode' style='font-size:18px; text-align:center;' onclick=\"\" value='[wpgmza id=\"" . $res->id . "\"]' /> <small><i>" . __("copy this into your post or page to display the map", "wp-google-maps") . "</i></td>\n                                </tr>\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td>" . __("Map Name", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                                    <td><input id='wpgmza_title' name='wpgmza_title' type='text' size='20' maxlength='50' value='" . stripslashes(esc_attr($res->map_title)) . "' /></td>\n                                </tr>\n                                <tr>\n                                     <td>" . __("Width", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                                     <td>\n                                     <input id='wpgmza_width' name='wpgmza_width' type='text' size='4' maxlength='4' value='" . esc_attr($res->map_width) . "' />\n                                     <select id='wpgmza_map_width_type' name='wpgmza_map_width_type'>\n                                        <option value=\"px\" {$wpgmza_map_width_type_px}>px</option>\n                                        <option value=\"%\" {$wpgmza_map_width_type_percentage}>%</option>\n                                     </select>\n                                     <small><em>" . __("Set to 100% for a responsive map", "wp-google-maps") . "</em></small>\n\n                                    </td>\n                                </tr>\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td>" . __("Height", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                                    <td><input id='wpgmza_height' name='wpgmza_height' type='text' size='4' maxlength='4' value='" . esc_attr($res->map_height) . "' />\n                                     <select id='wpgmza_map_height_type' name='wpgmza_map_height_type'>\n                                        <option value=\"px\" {$wpgmza_map_height_type_px}>px</option>\n                                        <option value=\"%\" {$wpgmza_map_height_type_percentage}>%</option>\n                                     </select><span style='display:none; width:200px; font-size:10px;' id='wpgmza_height_warning'>" . __("We recommend that you leave your height in PX. Depending on your theme, using % for the height may break your map.", "wp-google-maps") . "</span>\n\n                                    </td>\n                                </tr>\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td>" . __("Zoom Level", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                                    <td>\n                                    <input type=\"text\" id=\"amount\" style=\"display:none;\"  value=\"{$res->map_start_zoom}\"><div id=\"slider-range-max\"></div>\n                                    </td>\n                                </tr>\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td>" . __("Map Alignment", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                                    <td><select id='wpgmza_map_align' name='wpgmza_map_align'>\n                                        <option value=\"1\" " . $wpgmza_map_align[1] . ">" . __("Left", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                        <option value=\"2\" " . $wpgmza_map_align[2] . ">" . __("Center", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                        <option value=\"3\" " . $wpgmza_map_align[3] . ">" . __("Right", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                        <option value=\"4\" " . $wpgmza_map_align[4] . ">" . __("None", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                    </select>\n                                    </td>\n                                </tr>\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td>" . __("Map type", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                                    <td><select id='wpgmza_map_type' name='wpgmza_map_type'>\n                                        <option value=\"1\" " . $wpgmza_map_type[1] . ">" . __("Roadmap", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                        <option value=\"2\" " . $wpgmza_map_type[2] . ">" . __("Satellite", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                        <option value=\"3\" " . $wpgmza_map_type[3] . ">" . __("Hybrid", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                        <option value=\"4\" " . $wpgmza_map_type[4] . ">" . __("Terrain", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                    </select>\n                                    </td>\n                                </tr>\n\n                                </table>\n                        </div>\n                        <div id=\"tabs-7\">\n                            <h4>" . __("Select a theme for your map", "wp-google-maps") . "</h4>\n                            <table class='' id='wpgmaps_theme_table'>\n\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td width='50%'>        \n                                        <img src=\"" . WPGMAPS_DIR . 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"''></label>\n                            </div>\n                            </td>\n                        </tr>\n                        <tr>\n                        <td>" . __("Enable Traffic Layer?", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                            <td>\n\n                            <div class='switch'>\n                                <input type='checkbox' id='wpgmza_traffic' name='wpgmza_traffic' class='postform cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-yes-no' " . $wpgmza_traffic[1] . "> <label class='cmn-override-big' for='wpgmza_traffic' data-on='" . __("Yes", "wp-google-maps") . "' data-off='" . __("No", "wp-google-maps") . "''></label>\n                            </div>\n\n                            </td>\n                        </tr>\n                        \n                        <tr>\n                            <td width='320'>" . __("Enable Public Transport Layer?", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                            <td>\n\n                            <div class='switch'>\n                                <input type='checkbox' id='wpgmza_transport' name='wpgmza_transport' class='postform cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-yes-no' " . $wpgmza_transport_layer_checked[0] . "> <label class='cmn-override-big' for='wpgmza_transport' data-on='" . __("Yes", "wp-google-maps") . "' data-off='" . __("No", "wp-google-maps") . "''></label>\n                            </div>\n\n                            </td>\n                        </tr>\n                        \n                        <tr>\n                            <td width='320'>" . __("Maximum Zoom Level", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                            <td>\n                                <select id='wpgmza_max_zoom' name='wpgmza_max_zoom' >\n                                    <option value=\"1\" " . $wpgmza_max_zoom[1] . ">1</option>\n                                    <option value=\"2\" " . $wpgmza_max_zoom[2] . ">2</option>\n                                    <option value=\"3\" " . $wpgmza_max_zoom[3] . ">3</option>\n                                    <option value=\"4\" " . $wpgmza_max_zoom[4] . ">4</option>\n                                    <option value=\"5\" " . $wpgmza_max_zoom[5] . ">5</option>\n                                    <option value=\"6\" " . $wpgmza_max_zoom[6] . ">6</option>\n                                    <option value=\"7\" " . $wpgmza_max_zoom[7] . ">7</option>\n                                    <option value=\"8\" " . $wpgmza_max_zoom[8] . ">8</option>\n                                    <option value=\"9\" " . $wpgmza_max_zoom[9] . ">9</option>\n                                    <option value=\"10\" " . $wpgmza_max_zoom[10] . ">10</option>\n                                    <option value=\"11\" " . $wpgmza_max_zoom[11] . ">11</option>\n                                    <option value=\"12\" " . $wpgmza_max_zoom[12] . ">12</option>\n                                    <option value=\"13\" " . $wpgmza_max_zoom[13] . ">13</option>\n                                    <option value=\"14\" " . $wpgmza_max_zoom[14] . ">14</option>\n                                    <option value=\"15\" " . $wpgmza_max_zoom[15] . ">15</option>\n                                    <option value=\"16\" " . $wpgmza_max_zoom[16] . ">16</option>\n                                    <option value=\"17\" " . $wpgmza_max_zoom[17] . ">17</option>\n                                    <option value=\"18\" " . $wpgmza_max_zoom[18] . ">18</option>\n                                    <option value=\"19\" " . $wpgmza_max_zoom[19] . ">19</option>\n                                    <option value=\"20\" " . $wpgmza_max_zoom[20] . ">20</option>\n                                    <option value=\"21\" " . $wpgmza_max_zoom[21] . ">21</option>\n                                </select>\n                            </td>\n                        </tr>                        \n                        \n                    </table>\n\n                            <div class=\"update-nag update-att\">\n                                \n                                        <i class=\"fa fa-arrow-circle-right\"> </i> " . __("Get the rest of these advanced features with the Pro version for only <a href=\"\">\$39.99 once off</a>. Support and updates included forever.", "wp-google-maps") . "\n                                    \n                            </div>\n\n                            <table class='form-table' id='wpgmaps_advanced_options'>\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td>" . __("Default Marker Image", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                                    <td><input id=\"\" name=\"\" type='hidden' size='35' class='regular-text' maxlength='700' value='" . $res->default_marker . "' " . $wpgmza_act . "/> <input id=\"upload_default_marker_btn\" type=\"button\" value=\"" . __("Upload Image", "wp-google-maps") . "\" {$wpgmza_act} /> <a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onClick=\"document.forms['wpgmza_map_form'].upload_default_marker.value = ''; var span = document.getElementById('wpgmza_mm'); while( span.firstChild ) { span.removeChild( span.firstChild ); } span.appendChild( document.createTextNode('')); return false;\" title=\"Reset to default\">-reset-</a></td>\n                                </tr>\n\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td>" . __("Show User's Location?", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                                    <td><!--<select class='postform' readonly disabled>\n                                        <option >" . __("No", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                        <option >" . __("Yes", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                    </select>-->\n\n                                    <div class='switch grey-out'>\n                                        <input type='checkbox' class='cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-yes-no' disabled> <label class='cmn-override-big' data-on='" . __("Yes", "wp-google-maps") . "' data-off='" . __("No", "wp-google-maps") . "''></label>\n                                    </div>\n\n                                    </td>\n                                </tr>\n                                <tr>\n\n                                </tr>\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td></td>\n                                </tr>\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td>" . __("KML/GeoRSS URL", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                                    <td>\n                                     <input type='text' size='100' maxlength='700' class='regular-text' readonly disabled /> <em><small>" . __("The KML/GeoRSS layer will over-ride most of your map settings", "wp-google-maps") . "</small></em></td>\n                                    </td>\n                                </tr>\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td>" . __("Fusion table ID", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                                    <td>\n                                     <input type='text' size='20' maxlength='200' class='small-text' readonly disabled /> <em><small>" . __("Read data directly from your Fusion Table.", "wp-google-maps") . "</small></em></td>\n                                    </td>\n                                </tr>\n                            </table>\n                        </div><!-- end of tab4 -->\n                        <div id=\"tabs-5\" style=\"font-family:sans-serif;\">\n                            <div class=\"update-nag update-att\">\n                                \n                                        <i class=\"fa fa-arrow-circle-right\"> </i> " . __("Enable Marker Listing with the <a href=\"\">Pro version for only \$39.99 once off</a>. Support and updates included forever.", "wp-google-maps") . "\n                                    \n                            </div>\n                            <br>\n                            <table class='' id='wpgmaps_marker_listing_options' style='padding: 12px;'>\n                                <tr>\n                                     <td valign=\"top\">" . __("List Markers", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                                     <td>\n\n                                        <input type=\"radio\" disabled >" . __("None", "wp-google-maps") . "<br />\n                                        <input type=\"radio\" disabled >" . __("Basic table", "wp-google-maps") . "<br />\n                                        <input type=\"radio\" disabled >" . __("Advanced table with real time search and filtering", "wp-google-maps") . "<br />\n                                        <input type=\"radio\" disabled >" . __("Carousel", "wp-google-maps") . " (" . __("beta", "wp-google-maps") . ")<br />\n\n\n                                    </td>\n                                </tr>\n                                <tr>\n                                     <td>" . __("Filter by Category", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                                     <td>\n                                       <div class='switch'>\n                                         <input id='wpgmza_filterbycat' type='checkbox' class='cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-round-flat' disabled /> <label for='wpgmza_filterbycat'></label> </div>" . __("Allow users to filter by category?", "wp-google-maps") . "\n                                       \n                                    </td>\n                                </tr>\n                                <tr>\n                                     <td>" . __("Order markers by", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                                     <td>\n                                        <select disabled class='postform'>\n                                            <option >" . __("ID", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                            <option >" . __("Title", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                            <option >" . __("Address", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                            <option >" . __("Description", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                            <option >" . __("Category", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                        </select>\n                                        <select disabled class='postform'>\n                                            <option >" . __("Ascending", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                            <option >" . __("Descending", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                        </select>\n\n                                    </td>\n                                </tr>\n\n                                <tr style='height:20px;'>\n                                     <td></td>\n                                     <td></td>\n                                </tr>\n\n                                <tr>\n                                     <td valign='top'>" . __("Move list inside map", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                                     <td>\n                                       <div class='switch'>\n                                        <input disabled type='checkbox' value='1' class='cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-round-flat' /> <label></label></div>" . __("Move your marker list inside the map area", "wp-google-maps") . "<br />\n\n                                        " . __("Placement: ", "wp-google-maps") . "\n                                        <select readonly disabled id='wpgmza_push_in_map_placement' name='wpgmza_push_in_map_placement' class='postform'>\n                                            <option>" . __("Top Center", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                            <option>" . __("Top Left", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                            <option>" . __("Top Right", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                            <option>" . __("Left Top ", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                            <option>" . __("Right Top", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                            <option>" . __("Left Center", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                            <option>" . __("Right Center", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                            <option>" . __("Left Bottom", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                            <option>" . __("Right Bottom", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                            <option>" . __("Bottom Center", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                            <option>" . __("Bottom Left", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                            <option>" . __("Bottom Right", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                        </select> <br />\n                                    </td>\n                                </tr>\n                                <tr style='height:20px;'>\n                                     <td></td>\n                                     <td></td>\n                                </tr>                                \n\n                            </table>\n                            <div class=\"about-wrap\">\n                            <div class=\"feature-section three-col\">\n                                <div class=\"col\">\n                                 <div class='wpgmza-promo'>\n                                     <img src='" . WPGMAPS_DIR . "base/assets/marker-listing-basic.jpg'/>     \n                                     <div class='wpgmza-promo-overlay'>          \n                                         <h4>" . __("Basic", "wp-google-maps") . "</h4>\n                                         <p style='display:block; height:40px;'>" . __("Show a basic list of your markers", "wp-google-maps") . "</p>\n                                     </div>\n                                 </div>\n                                </div>\n                                <div class=\"col\">\n                                 <div class='wpgmza-promo'>\n                                     <img src='" . WPGMAPS_DIR . "base/assets/marker-listing-carousel.jpg' />\n                                     <div class='wpgmza-promo-overlay'>     \n                                         <h4>" . __("Carousel", "wp-google-maps") . "</h4>\n                                         <p style='display:block; height:40px;'>" . __("Beautiful, responsive, mobile-friendly carousel marker listing", "wp-google-maps") . "</p>\n                                     </div>\n                                 </div>            \n                                </div>\n                                <div class=\"col\">\n                                 <div class='wpgmza-promo'>\n                                     <img src='" . WPGMAPS_DIR . "base/assets/marker-listing-advanced.jpg' />    \n                                     <div class='wpgmza-promo-overlay'>   \n                                         <h4>" . __("Tabular", "wp-google-maps") . "</h4>\n                                         <p style='display:block; height:40px;'>" . __("Advanced, tabular marker listing functionality with real time filtering", "wp-google-maps") . "</p>   \n                                     </div>       \n                                 </div>\n                                </div>\n                            </div>\n                            </div>\n\n                        </div>\n                        <div id=\"tabs-6\" style=\"font-family:sans-serif;\">\n                            <h1 style=\"font-weight:200;\">12 Amazing Reasons to Upgrade to our Pro Version</h1>\n                            <p style=\"font-size:16px; line-height:28px;\">We've spent over two years upgrading our plugin to ensure that it is the most user-friendly and comprehensive map plugin in the WordPress directory. Enjoy the peace of mind knowing that you are getting a truly premium product for all your mapping requirements. Did we also mention that we have fantastic support?</p>\n                            <div id=\"wpgm_premium\">\n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\n                                        <h2>Create custom markers with detailed info windows</h2>\n                                        <p>Add titles, descriptions, HTML, images, animations and custom icons to your markers.</p>\n                                    </div>\n                                </div>\n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\n                                        <h2>Enable directions</h2>\n                                        <p>Allow your visitors to get directions to your markers. Either use their location as the starting point or allow them to type in an address.</p>\n                                    </div>\n                                </div>\n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\n                                        <h2>Unlimited maps</h2>\n                                        <p>Create as many maps as you like.</p>\n                                    </div>\n                                </div>\n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\n                                        <h2>List your markers</h2>\n                                        <p>Choose between three methods of listing your markers.</p>\n                                    </div>\n                                </div>                                \n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\n                                        <h2>Add categories to your markers</h2>\n                                        <p>Create and assign categories to your markers which can then be filtered on your map.</p>\n                                    </div>\n                                </div>                                \n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\n                                        <h2>Advanced options</h2>\n                                        <p>Enable advanced options such as showing your visitor's location, marker sorting, bicycle layers, traffic layers and more!</p>\n                                    </div>\n                                </div>  \n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\n                                        <h2>Import / Export</h2>\n                                        <p>Export your markers to a CSV file for quick and easy editing. Import large quantities of markers at once.</p>\n                                    </div>\n                                </div>                                \n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\n                                        <h2>Add KML & Fusion Tables</h2>\n                                        <p>Add your own KML layers or Fusion Table data to your map</p>\n                                    </div>\n                                </div>                                   \n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\n                                        <h2>Polygons and Polylines</h2>\n                                        <p>Add custom polygons and polylines to your map by simply clicking on the map. Perfect for displaying routes and serviced areas.</p>\n                                    </div>\n                                </div>\n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\n                                        <h2>Amazing Support</h2>\n                                        <p>We pride ourselves on providing quick and amazing support. <a target=\"_BLANK\" href=\"\">Read what some of our users think of our support</a>.</p>\n                                    </div>\n                                </div>\n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\n                                        <h2>Easy Upgrade</h2>\n                                        <p>You'll receive a download link immediately. Simply upload and activate the Pro plugin to your WordPress admin area and you're done!</p>\n                                    </div>\n                                </div>                                  \n                                <div class=\"wpgm_premium_row\">\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_icon\"></div>\n                                    <div class=\"wpgm_details\">\n                                        <h2>Free updates and support forever</h2>\n                                        <p>Once you're a pro user, you'll receive free updates and support forever! You'll also receive amazing specials on any future plugins we release.</p>\n                                    </div>\n                                </div>              \n                                \n                                <br /><p>Get all of this and more for only \$39.99 once off</p>                                \n                                <br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_BLANK\" title=\"Upgrade now for only \$39.99 once off\" class=\"button-primary\" style=\"font-size:20px; display:block; width:220px; text-align:center; height:42px; line-height:41px;\">Upgrade Now</a>\n                                <br /><br />\n                                <a href=\"\" target=\"_BLANK\">View the demos</a>.<br /><br />\n                                Have a sales question? Contact either Nick or Jarryd on <a href=\"\"></a> or use our <a href=\"\" target=\"_BLANK\">contact form</a>. <br /><br />\n                                Need help? <a href=\"\" target=\"_BLANK\">Ask a question on our support forum</a>.       \n                                \n\n\n                        </div><!-- end of tab5 -->   \n                        \n                        </div>\n                        </div>\n                    \n                    <!-- end of tabs -->\n\n\n                            \n                            <p class='submit'><input type='submit' name='wpgmza_savemap' class='button-primary' value='" . __("Save Map", "wp-google-maps") . " &raquo;' /></p>\n                                \n                            <p style=\"width:100%; color:#808080;\">\n                                " . __("Tip: Use your mouse to change the layout of your map. When you have positioned the map to your desired location, press \"Save Map\" to keep your settings.", "wp-google-maps") . "</p>\n\n                            <div style='display:block; overflow:auto; width:100%;'>\n                            \n                            <div style='display:block; width:49%; margin-right:1%; overflow:auto; float:left;'>\n                                <div id=\"wpgmaps_tabs_markers\">\n                                    <ul>\n                                            <li><a href=\"#tabs-m-1\" class=\"tabs-m-1\">" . __("Markers", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\n                                            <li><a href=\"#tabs-m-2\" class=\"tabs-m-1\">" . __("Advanced markers", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\n                                            <li><a href=\"#tabs-m-3\" class=\"tabs-m-2\">" . __("Polygon", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\n                                            <li><a href=\"#tabs-m-4\" class=\"tabs-m-3\">" . __("Polylines", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\n                                            <li><a href=\"#tabs-m-5\" class=\"tabs-m-3\">" . __("Heatmaps", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></li>\n                                    </ul>\n                                    <div id=\"tabs-m-1\">\n\n\n                                        <h2 style=\"padding-top:0; margin-top:0;\">" . __("Markers", "wp-google-maps") . "</h2>\n                                        <table>\n                                            <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"wpgmza_edit_id\" id=\"wpgmza_edit_id\" value=\"\" />\n                                            <tr>\n                                                <td valign='top'>" . __("Address/GPS", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\n                                                <td><input id='wpgmza_add_address' name='wpgmza_add_address' type='text' size='35' maxlength='200' value=''  /> <br /><small><em>" . __("Or right click on the map", "wp-google-maps") . "</small></em><br /><br /></td>\n\n                                            </tr>\n\n                                            <tr>\n                                                <td>" . __("Animation", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\n                                                <td>\n                                                    <select name=\"wpgmza_animation\" id=\"wpgmza_animation\">\n                                                        <option value=\"0\">" . __("None", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                                        <option value=\"1\">" . __("Bounce", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                                        <option value=\"2\">" . __("Drop", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                                </td>\n                                            </tr>\n\n\n                                            <tr>\n                                                <td>" . __("InfoWindow open by default", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\n                                                <td>\n                                                    <select name=\"wpgmza_infoopen\" id=\"wpgmza_infoopen\">\n                                                        <option value=\"0\">" . __("No", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                                        <option value=\"1\">" . __("Yes", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                                </td>\n                                            </tr>\n                                        <tr>\n                                            <td></td>\n                                            <td>\n                                                <span id=\"wpgmza_addmarker_div\"><input type=\"button\" class='button-primary' id='wpgmza_addmarker' value='" . __("Add Marker", "wp-google-maps") . "' /></span> <span id=\"wpgmza_addmarker_loading\" style=\"display:none;\">" . __("Adding", "wp-google-maps") . "...</span>\n                                                <span id=\"wpgmza_editmarker_div\" style=\"display:none;\"><input type=\"button\" id='wpgmza_editmarker'  class='button-primary' value='" . __("Save Marker", "wp-google-maps") . "' /></span><span id=\"wpgmza_editmarker_loading\" style=\"display:none;\">" . __("Saving", "wp-google-maps") . "...</span>\n                                                    <div id=\"wpgm_notice_message_save_marker\" style=\"display:none;\">\n                                                        <div class=\"update-nag\" style='text-align:left; padding:1px; margin:1px; margin-top:5px'>\n                                                                 <h4 style='padding:1px; margin:1px;'>" . __("Remember to save your marker", "wp-google-maps") . "</h4>\n                                                        </div>\n\n                                                    </div>\n                                                    <div id=\"wpgm_notice_message_addfirst_marker\" style=\"display:none;\">\n                                                        <div class=\"update-nag\" style='text-align:left; padding:1px; margin:1px; margin-top:5px'>\n                                                                 <h4 style='padding:1px; margin:1px;'>" . __("Please add the current marker before trying to add another marker", "wp-google-maps") . "</h4>\n                                                        </div>\n\n                                                    </div>\n                                            </td>\n\n                                        </tr>\n\n                                        </table>\n                                    </div>\n\n                                    <div id=\"tabs-m-2\">\n                                        <h2 style=\"padding-top:0; margin-top:0;\">" . __("Advanced markers", "wp-google-maps") . "</h2>\n                                        <div class=\"update-nag update-att\">\n                                                    <i class=\"fa fa-arrow-circle-right\"> </i> <a target=\"_BLANK\" href=\"\">" . __("Add advanced markers", "wp-google-maps") . "</a> " . __("with the Pro version", "wp-google-maps") . "\n                                        </div><br>\n                                        <table>\n                                        <tr>\n                                            <td>" . __("Address/GPS", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\n                                            <td><input id='' name='' type='text' size='35' maxlength='200' value=''  {$wpgmza_act} /> &nbsp;<br /></td>\n\n                                        </tr>\n\n                                        <tr>\n                                            <td>" . __("Animation", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\n                                            <td>\n                                                <select name=\"\" id=\"\">\n                                                    <option value=\"0\">" . __("None", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                                    <option value=\"1\">" . __("Bounce", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                                    <option value=\"2\">" . __("Drop", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                            </td>\n                                        </tr>\n\n\n                                        <tr>\n                                            <td>" . __("InfoWindow open by default", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\n                                            <td>\n                                                <select name=\"\" id=\"\">\n                                                    <option value=\"0\">" . __("No", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                                    <option value=\"1\">" . __("Yes", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                            </td>\n                                        </tr>\n                                        <tr>\n                                            <td>" . __("Title", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\n                                            <td><input id='' name='' type='text' size='35' maxlength='200' value='' {$wpgmza_act} /></td>\n\n                                        </tr>\n\n                                        <tr><td>" . __("Description", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\n                                            <td><textarea id='' name='' " . $wpgmza_act . "  style='background-color:#EEE; width:272px;'></textarea>  &nbsp;<br /></td></tr>\n                                        <tr><td>" . __("Pic URL", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\n                                            <td><input id='' name=\"\" type='text' size='35' maxlength='700' value='' " . $wpgmza_act . "/> <input id=\"\" type=\"button\" value=\"" . __("Upload Image", "wp-google-maps") . "\" {$wpgmza_act} /><br /></td></tr>\n                                        <tr><td>" . __("Link URL", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\n                                            <td><input id='' name='' type='text' size='35' maxlength='700' value='' " . $wpgmza_act . " /></td></tr>\n                                        <tr><td>" . __("Custom Marker", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\n                                            <td><input id='' name=\"\" type='hidden' size='35' maxlength='700' value='' " . $wpgmza_act . "/> <input id=\"\" type=\"button\" value=\"" . __("Upload Image", "wp-google-maps") . "\" {$wpgmza_act} /> &nbsp;</td></tr>\n                                        <tr>\n                                            <td>" . __("Category", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\n                                            <td>\n                                                <select readonly disabled>\n                                                    <option value=\"0\">" . __("Select", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                            </td>\n                                        </tr>\n                                        <tr>\n                                            <td></td>\n                                            <td>\n                                                <input type=\"button\" class='button-primary' disabled id='' value='" . __("Add Marker", "wp-google-maps") . "' />\n                                            </td>\n\n                                            </tr>\n\n                                        </table>\n                                        <p>{$wpgmza_act_msg}</p>\n                                        <br /><br />{$wpgmza_csv}\n                                    </div>\n\n                                    <div id=\"tabs-m-3\">\n                                        <h2 style=\"padding-top:0; margin-top:0;\"> " . __("Polygons", "wp-google-maps") . "</h2>\n                                        <span id=\"wpgmza_addpolygon_div\"><a href='" . get_option('siteurl') . "/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wp-google-maps-menu&action=add_poly&map_id=" . sanitize_text_field($_GET['map_id']) . "' id='wpgmza_addpoly' class='button-primary' value='" . __("Add a New Polygon", "wp-google-maps") . "' />" . __("Add a New Polygon", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></span>\n                                        <div id=\"wpgmza_poly_holder\">" . wpgmza_b_return_polygon_list(sanitize_text_field($_GET['map_id'])) . "</div>\n                                    </div>\n                                    <div id=\"tabs-m-4\">\n                                        <h2 style=\"padding-top:0; margin-top:0;\"> " . __("Polylines", "wp-google-maps") . "</h2>\n                                        <span id=\"wpgmza_addpolyline_div\"><a href='" . get_option('siteurl') . "/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wp-google-maps-menu&action=add_polyline&map_id=" . sanitize_text_field($_GET['map_id']) . "' id='wpgmza_addpolyline' class='button-primary' value='" . __("Add a New Polyline", "wp-google-maps") . "' />" . __("Add a New Polyline", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></span>\n                                        <div id=\"wpgmza_polyline_holder\">" . wpgmza_b_return_polyline_list(sanitize_text_field($_GET['map_id'])) . "</div>\n                                    </div>\n                                    <div id=\"tabs-m-5\">\n                                        <h2 style=\"padding-top:0; margin-top:0;\"> " . __("Heatmaps", "wp-google-maps") . "</h2>\n                                        <a target=\"_BLANK\" href=\"\">" . __("Add dynamic heatmap data", "wp-google-maps") . "</a> " . __("with the Pro version.", "wp-google-maps") . "\n                                        <a target=\"_BLANK\" href=\"\">" . __("View a demo.", "wp-google-maps") . "</a>\n                                    </div>\n                                </div>\n                            </div>\n                            <div style='display:block; width:50%; overflow:auto; float:left;'>\n                            \n\n                                <div id=\"wpgmza_map\">\n                                    <div class=\"update-nag\" style='text-align:center;'>\n                                        <small><strong>" . __("The map could not load.", "wp-google-maps") . "</strong><br />" . __("This is normally caused by a conflict with another plugin or a JavaScript error that is preventing our plugin's Javascript from executing. Please try disable all plugins one by one and see if this problem persists.", "wp-google-maps") . "</small>\n                                           \n                                    </div>\n                                </div>\n                                <div id=\"wpgmaps_save_reminder\" style=\"display:none;\">\n                                    <div class=\"update-nag\" style='text-align:center;'>\n                                        \n                                             <h4>" . __("Remember to save your map!", "wp-google-maps") . "</h4>\n                                           \n                                    </div>\n\n                                </div>\n                            </div>\n                        </div>\n                            \n\n\n                            \n                        </form>\n                            \n                            <h2 style=\"padding-top:0; margin-top:20px;\">" . __("Your Markers", "wp-google-maps") . "</h2>\n                            <div id=\"wpgmza_marker_holder\">\n                            " . wpgmza_return_marker_list(sanitize_text_field($_GET['map_id'])) . "\n                            </div>\n                        \n                            <table style='clear:both;'>\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td><img src=\"" . wpgmaps_get_plugin_url() . "images/custom_markers.jpg\" width=\"260\" class='wpgmza-promo' title=\"" . __("Add detailed information to your markers!") . "\" alt=\"" . __("Add custom markers to your map!", "wp-google-maps") . "\" /><br /><br /></td>\n                                    <td valign=\"middle\"><span style=\"font-size:18px; color:#666; margin-left: 15px;\">" . __("Add detailed information to your markers for only", "wp-google-maps") . " <strong>\$39.99</strong>. " . __("Click", "wp-google-maps") . " <a href=\"\" title=\"Pro Edition\" target=\"_BLANK\">" . __("here", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></span></td>\n                                </tr>\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td><img src=\"" . wpgmaps_get_plugin_url() . "images/custom_marker_icons.jpg\" width=\"260\" class='wpgmza-promo' title=\"" . __("Add custom markers to your map!", "wp-google-maps") . "\" alt=\"" . __("Add custom markers to your map!", "wp-google-maps") . "\" /><br /><br /></td>\n                                    <td valign=\"middle\"><span style=\"font-size:18px; color:#666; margin-left: 15px;\">" . __("Add different marker icons, or your own icons to make your map really stand out!", "wp-google-maps") . " " . __("Click", "wp-google-maps") . " <a href=\"\" title=\"" . __("Pro Edition", "wp-google-maps") . "\" target=\"_BLANK\">" . __("here", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></span></td>\n                                </tr>\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td><img src=\"" . wpgmaps_get_plugin_url() . "images/get_directions.jpg\" width=\"260\" class='wpgmza-promo' title=\"" . __("Add custom markers to your map!", "wp-google-maps") . "\" alt=\"" . __("Add custom markers to your map!", "wp-google-maps") . "\" /><br /><br /></td>\n                                    <td valign=\"middle\"><span style=\"font-size:18px; color:#666; margin-left: 15px;\">" . __("Allow your visitors to get directions to your markers!", "wp-google-maps") . " " . __("Click", "wp-google-maps") . " <a href=\"\" title=\"" . __("Pro Edition", "wp-google-maps") . "\" target=\"_BLANK\">" . __("here", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></span></td>\n                                </tr>\n\n                            </table>\n\n                   \n\n                    <p><br /><br />" . __("WP Google Maps encourages you to make use of the amazing icons created by Nicolas Mollet's Maps Icons Collection", "wp-google-maps") . " <a href=''></a> " . __("and to credit him when doing so.", "wp-google-maps") . "</p>\n                </div>\n\n\n            </div>\n\n\n\n        ";
Esempio n. 3
            echo wpgmza_return_marker_list($_POST['map_id']);
        if ($_POST['action'] == "edit_marker") {
            $cur_id = $_POST['edit_id'];
            $rows_affected = $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE {$table_name} SET address = %s, lat = %f, lng = %f WHERE id = %d", $_POST['address'], $_POST['lat'], $_POST['lng'], $cur_id));
            echo wpgmza_return_marker_list($_POST['map_id']);
        if ($_POST['action'] == "delete_marker") {
            $marker_id = $_POST['marker_id'];
            $wpdb->query("\r\r                        DELETE FROM {$wpgmza_tblname}\r\r                        WHERE `id` = '{$marker_id}'\r\r                        LIMIT 1\r\r                        ");
            echo wpgmza_return_marker_list($_POST['map_id']);
    // this is required to return a proper result
function wpgmaps_load_maps_api()
    wp_enqueue_script('google-maps', '', false, '3');
function wpgmaps_tag_basic($atts)
    global $wpgmza_current_map_id;
    extract(shortcode_atts(array('id' => '1'), $atts));
    $ret_msg = "";
    global $short_code_active;
    $wpgmza_current_map_id = $atts['id'];
    $res = wpgmza_get_map_data($atts['id']);
    $short_code_active = true;
    //$wpgmza_data = get_option('WPGMZA');
    $map_align = $res->alignment;
    $map_width_type = $res->map_width_type;
    $map_height_type = $res->map_height_type;
    if (!isset($map_width_type)) {
        $map_width_type == "px";
    if (!isset($map_height_type)) {
function wpgmaps_tag_pro($atts)
    global $wpgmza_current_map_id;
    global $wpgmza_current_map_cat_selection;
    global $wpgmza_current_map_shortcode_data;
    global $wpgmza_current_map_type;
    global $wpgmza_current_mashup;
    global $wpgmza_mashup_ids;
    global $wpgmza_mashup_all;
    $wpgmza_current_mashup = false;
    extract(shortcode_atts(array('id' => '1', 'mashup' => false, 'mashup_ids' => false, 'cat' => 'all', 'type' => 'default', 'parent_id' => false, 'lat' => false, 'lng' => false), $atts));
    /* first check if we are using custom fields to generate the map */
    if (isset($atts['lng']) && isset($atts['lat']) && isset($atts['parent_id']) && $atts['lat'] && $atts['lng']) {
        $atts['id'] = $atts['parent_id'];
        /* set the main ID as the specified parent id */
        $wpgmza_current_map_id = $atts['parent_id'];
        $wpgmza_current_map_shortcode_data[$wpgmza_current_map_id]['lat'] = $atts['lat'];
        $wpgmza_current_map_shortcode_data[$wpgmza_current_map_id]['lng'] = $atts['lng'];
        $wpgmza_current_map_shortcode_data[$wpgmza_current_map_id]['parent_id'] = $atts['parent_id'];
        $wpgmza_using_custom_meta = true;
    } else {
        $wpgmza_current_map_shortcode_data[$wpgmza_current_map_id]['lat'] = false;
        $wpgmza_current_map_shortcode_data[$wpgmza_current_map_id]['lng'] = false;
        $wpgmza_current_map_shortcode_data[$wpgmza_current_map_id]['parent_id'] = false;
        $wpgmza_using_custom_meta = false;
    $wpgmza_settings = get_option("WPGMZA_OTHER_SETTINGS");
    if (isset($atts['mashup'])) {
        $wpgmza_mashup = $atts['mashup'];
    if (isset($atts['parent_id'])) {
        $wpgmza_mashup_parent_id = $atts['parent_id'];
    if (isset($wpgmza_mashup_ids) && $wpgmza_mashup_ids == "ALL") {
    } else {
        if (isset($atts['mashup_ids'])) {
            $wpgmza_mashup_ids[$atts['id']] = explode(",", $atts['mashup_ids']);
    if (isset($wpgmza_mashup)) {
        $wpgmza_current_mashup = true;
    if (isset($wpgmza_mashup)) {
        $wpgmza_current_map_id = $wpgmza_mashup_parent_id;
        $res = wpgmza_get_map_data($wpgmza_mashup_parent_id);
    } else {
        $wpgmza_current_map_id = $atts['id'];
        if (isset($wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_marker_pull']) && $wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_marker_pull'] == '0') {
        } else {
            /* only check if marker file exists if they are using the XML method */
        $res = wpgmza_get_map_data($atts['id']);
    if (!isset($atts['cat']) || $atts['cat'] == "all" || $atts['cat'] == "0") {
        $wpgmza_current_map_cat_selection[$wpgmza_current_map_id] = 'all';
    } else {
        $wpgmza_current_map_cat_selection[$wpgmza_current_map_id] = explode(",", $atts['cat']);
    if (!isset($atts['type']) || $atts['type'] == "default" || $atts['type'] == "") {
        $wpgmza_current_map_type[$wpgmza_current_map_id] = '';
    } else {
        $wpgmza_current_map_type[$wpgmza_current_map_id] = $atts['type'];
    $map_other_settings = maybe_unserialize($res->other_settings);
    $iw_output = "";
    /* handle new modern infowindow HTML output */
    if (isset($wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_iw_type']) && $wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_iw_type'] == '1' || isset($map_other_settings['wpgmza_iw_type']) && $map_other_settings['wpgmza_iw_type'] == "1") {
        if (isset($wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_infowindow_link_text'])) {
            $wpgmza_settings_infowindow_link_text = $wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_infowindow_link_text'];
        } else {
            $wpgmza_settings_infowindow_link_text = __("More details", "wp-google-maps");
        $iw_output = "<div id='wpgmza_iw_holder_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "' style='display:none;'>";
        $iw_output .= "<div class='wpgmza_modern_infowindow_inner wpgmza_modern_infowindow_inner_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "'>";
        $iw_output .= "<div class='wpgmza_modern_infowindow_close'> x </div>";
        $iw_output .= "<div class='wpgmza_iw_image'>";
        $iw_output .= "<img src='' style='max-width:100% !important;' class='wpgmza_iw_marker_image' />";
        $iw_output .= "<div class='wpgmza_iw_title'>";
        $iw_output .= "<p class='wpgmza_iw_title_p'></p>";
        $iw_output .= "</div>";
        $iw_output .= "";
        $iw_output .= "</div>";
        $iw_output .= "<div class='wpgmza_iw_address'>";
        $iw_output .= "<p class='wpgmza_iw_address_p'></p>";
        $iw_output .= "</div>";
        $iw_output .= "<div class='wpgmza_iw_description'>";
        $iw_output .= "<p class='wpgmza_iw_description_p'></p>";
        $iw_output .= "</div>";
        $iw_output .= "<div class='wpgmza_iw_buttons'>";
        $iw_output .= "<a href='#' class='wpgmza_button wpgmza_left wpgmza_directions_button'>" . __("Directions", "wp-google-maps") . "</a>";
        $iw_output .= "<a href='#' class='wpgmza_button wpgmza_right wpgmza_more_info_button'>{$wpgmza_settings_infowindow_link_text}</a>";
        $iw_output .= "</div>";
        $iw_output .= "</div>";
        $iw_output .= "</div>";
    if (isset($wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_markerlist_category'])) {
        $hide_category_column = $wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_markerlist_category'];
    if (isset($wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_markerlist_icon'])) {
        $hide_icon_column = $wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_markerlist_icon'];
    if (isset($wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_markerlist_title'])) {
        $hide_title_column = $wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_markerlist_title'];
    if (isset($wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_markerlist_address'])) {
        $hide_address_column = $wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_markerlist_address'];
    if (isset($wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_markerlist_description'])) {
        $hide_description_column = $wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_markerlist_description'];
    if (isset($wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_filterbycat_type'])) {
        $filterbycat_type = $wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_filterbycat_type'];
    } else {
        $filterbycat_type = false;
    if (!$filterbycat_type) {
        $filterbycat_type = 1;
    $map_width_type = stripslashes($res->map_width_type);
    $map_height_type = stripslashes($res->map_height_type);
    if (!isset($map_width_type)) {
        $map_width_type = "px";
    if (!isset($map_height_type)) {
        $map_height_type = "px";
    if ($map_width_type == "%" && intval($res->map_width) > 100) {
        $res->map_width = 100;
    if ($map_height_type == "%" && intval($res->map_height) > 100) {
        $res->map_height = 100;
    $map_align = $res->alignment;
    if (!$map_align || $map_align == "" || $map_align == "1") {
        $map_align = "float:left;";
    } else {
        if ($map_align == "2") {
            $map_align = "margin-left:auto !important; margin-right:auto !important; align:center;";
        } else {
            if ($map_align == "3") {
                $map_align = "float:right;";
            } else {
                if ($map_align == "4") {
                    $map_align = "clear:both;";
    $map_style = "style=\"display:block; overflow:auto; width:" . $res->map_width . "" . $map_width_type . "; height:" . $res->map_height . "" . $map_height_type . "; {$map_align}\"";
    global $short_code_active;
    $short_code_active = true;
    wp_register_style('wpgmaps-style-pro', plugins_url('css/wpgmza_style_pro.css', __FILE__));
    global $wpgmza_short_code_array;
    $wpgmza_short_code_array[] = $wpgmza_current_map_id;
    $d_enabled = $res->directions_enabled;
    $filterbycat = $res->filterbycat;
    $map_width = $res->map_width;
    $map_width_type = $res->map_width_type;
    // for marker list
    $default_marker = $res->default_marker;
    if (isset($res->default_to)) {
        $default_to = $res->default_to;
    } else {
        $default_to = "";
    $show_location = $res->show_user_location;
    if ($show_location == "1") {
        $use_location_from = "<span style=\"font-size:0.75em;\"><button id=\"wpgmza_use_my_location_from\" mid=\"" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" title='" . __("Use my location", "wp-google-maps") . "' ><img src='" . plugins_url(plugin_basename(dirname(__FILE__))) . "/images/mylocation.png' title='" . __("Use my location", "wp-google-maps") . "' width='15' /></button></span>";
        $use_location_to = "<span style=\"font-size:0.75em;\"><button id=\"wpgmza_use_my_location_to\" mid=\"" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" title='" . __("Use my location", "wp-google-maps") . "' ><img src='" . plugins_url(plugin_basename(dirname(__FILE__))) . "/images/mylocation.png' title='" . __("Use my location", "wp-google-maps") . "' width='15' /></button></span>";
    } else {
        $use_location_from = "";
        $use_location_to = "";
    if ($default_marker) {
        $default_marker = "<img src='" . $default_marker . "' />";
    } else {
        $default_marker = "<img src='" . wpgmaps_get_plugin_url() . "/images/marker.png' />";
    $dbox_width = $res->dbox_width;
    $dbox_option = $res->dbox;
    /* set the width of the directions box */
    if (isset($map_other_settings['wpgmza_dbox_width_type'])) {
        $wpgmza_dbox_width_type = $map_other_settings['wpgmza_dbox_width_type'];
    } else {
        $wpgmza_dbox_width_type = "px";
    if ($dbox_option == "1") {
        $dbox_style = "display:none; width:" . $dbox_width . $wpgmza_dbox_width_type . "; clear:both;";
    } else {
        if ($dbox_option == "2") {
            $dbox_style = "float:left; width:" . $dbox_width . $wpgmza_dbox_width_type . "; padding-right:10px; display:block; overflow:auto;";
        } else {
            if ($dbox_option == "3") {
                $dbox_style = "float:right; width:" . $dbox_width . $wpgmza_dbox_width_type . "; padding-right:10px; display:block; overflow:auto;";
            } else {
                if ($dbox_option == "4") {
                    $dbox_style = "float:none; width:" . $dbox_width . $wpgmza_dbox_width_type . "; padding-bottom:10px; display:block; overflow:auto; clear:both;";
                } else {
                    if ($dbox_option == "5") {
                        $dbox_style = "float:none; width:" . $dbox_width . $wpgmza_dbox_width_type . "; padding-top:10px; display:block; overflow:auto; clear:both;";
                    } else {
                        $dbox_style = "display:none;";
    $wpgmza_marker_list_output = "";
    $wpgmza_marker_filter_output = "";
    // Filter by category
    if ($filterbycat == 1) {
        if ($filterbycat_type == "1") {
            $wpgmza_marker_filter_output .= "<p id='wpgmza_filter_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "' style='text-align:left; margin-bottom:0px;'>" . __("Filter by", "wp-google-maps") . "";
            $wpgmza_filter_dropdown = wpgmza_pro_return_category_select_list($wpgmza_current_map_id);
            $wpgmza_marker_filter_output .= "<select mid=\"" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" name=\"wpgmza_filter_select\" id=\"wpgmza_filter_select\">";
            $wpgmza_marker_filter_output .= $wpgmza_filter_dropdown;
            $wpgmza_marker_filter_output .= "</select></p>";
        } else {
            if (intval($filterbycat_type) == 2) {
                $wpgmza_marker_filter_output .= "<p id='wpgmza_filter_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "' style='text-align:left; margin-bottom:0px;'>" . __("Filter by", "wp-google-maps") . "</p>";
                $wpgmza_marker_filter_output .= "<div style=\"display:block; width:100%; height:auto; margin-top:10px;\">";
                $wpgmza_marker_filter_output .= "<div class='wpgmza_filter_container' id='wpgmza_filter_container_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "'>";
                $wpgmza_marker_filter_output .= wpgmza_pro_return_category_checkbox_list($wpgmza_current_map_id, true, false);
                $wpgmza_marker_filter_output .= "</div>";
                $wpgmza_marker_filter_output .= "</div>";
            } else {
                $wpgmza_marker_filter_output .= "<p id='wpgmza_filter_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "' style='text-align:left; margin-bottom:0px;'>" . __("Filter by", "wp-google-maps") . "";
                $wpgmza_filter_dropdown = wpgmza_pro_return_category_select_list($wpgmza_current_map_id);
                $wpgmza_marker_filter_output .= "<select mid=\"" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" name=\"wpgmza_filter_select\" id=\"wpgmza_filter_select\">";
                $wpgmza_marker_filter_output .= $wpgmza_filter_dropdown;
                $wpgmza_marker_filter_output .= "</select></p>";
    $wpgmza_marker_datatables_output = "";
    if (isset($hide_category_column) && $hide_category_column == "yes") {
        $wpgmza_marker_datatables_output .= "<style>.wpgmza_table_category { display: none !important; }</style>";
    if (isset($hide_icon_column) && $hide_icon_column == "yes") {
        $wpgmza_marker_datatables_output .= "<style>.wpgmza_table_marker { display: none; }</style>";
    if (isset($hide_title_column) && $hide_title_column == "yes") {
        $wpgmza_marker_datatables_output .= "<style>.wpgmza_table_title { display: none; }</style>";
    if (isset($hide_address_column) && $hide_address_column == "yes") {
        $wpgmza_marker_datatables_output .= "<style>.wpgmza_table_address { display: none; }</style>";
    if (isset($hide_description_column) && $hide_description_column == "yes") {
        $wpgmza_marker_datatables_output .= "<style>.wpgmza_table_description { display: none; }</style>";
    $sl_data = "";
    if (isset($map_other_settings['store_locator_enabled']) && $map_other_settings['store_locator_enabled'] == 1) {
        $sl_data = wpgmaps_sl_user_output_pro($wpgmza_current_map_id);
        $wpgmza_marker_filter_output = "";
    } else {
        $sl_data = "";
    if (isset($map_other_settings['list_markers_by']) && $map_other_settings['list_markers_by'] != "") {
        /* they are using the new listing options */
        if ($map_other_settings['list_markers_by'] == "3") {
            if ($wpgmza_current_mashup) {
                $wpgmc = new wpgmza();
                $wpgmza_marker_list_output .= $wpgmc->list_markers(false, 3, $wpgmza_mashup_parent_id, $wpgmza_current_map_cat_selection[$wpgmza_current_map_id], true, $wpgmza_mashup_ids[$atts['id']]);
            } else {
                $wpgmc = new wpgmza();
                $wpgmza_marker_list_output .= $wpgmc->list_markers(false, 3, $wpgmza_current_map_id, $wpgmza_current_map_cat_selection[$wpgmza_current_map_id]);
        } else {
            if ($map_other_settings['list_markers_by'] == "1") {
                if ($wpgmza_current_mashup) {
                    $wpgmc = new wpgmza();
                    $wpgmza_marker_list_output .= $wpgmc->list_markers(false, 1, $wpgmza_mashup_parent_id, $wpgmza_current_map_cat_selection[$wpgmza_mashup_parent_id], true, $wpgmza_mashup_ids[$atts['id']], false, $res->order_markers_by, $res->order_markers_choice);
                } else {
                    $wpgmc = new wpgmza();
                    $wpgmza_marker_list_output .= $wpgmc->list_markers(false, 1, $wpgmza_current_map_id, $wpgmza_current_map_cat_selection[$wpgmza_current_map_id], false, false, false, $res->order_markers_by, $res->order_markers_choice);
            } else {
                if ($map_other_settings['list_markers_by'] == "2") {
                    if ($wpgmza_current_mashup) {
                        $wpgmc = new wpgmza();
                        $wpgmza_marker_list_output .= $wpgmc->list_markers(false, 2, $wpgmza_mashup_parent_id, $wpgmza_current_map_cat_selection[$wpgmza_mashup_parent_id], true, $wpgmza_mashup_ids[$atts['id']]);
                    } else {
                        $wpgmc = new wpgmza();
                        $wpgmza_marker_list_output .= $wpgmc->list_markers(false, 2, $wpgmza_current_map_id, $wpgmza_current_map_cat_selection[$wpgmza_current_map_id]);
                } else {
                    if ($map_other_settings['list_markers_by'] == "4") {
                        if ($wpgmza_current_mashup) {
                            $wpgmc = new wpgmza();
                            $wpgmza_marker_list_output .= $wpgmc->list_markers(false, 4, $wpgmza_mashup_parent_id, $wpgmza_current_map_cat_selection[$wpgmza_mashup_parent_id], true, $wpgmza_mashup_ids[$atts['id']]);
                        } else {
                            $wpgmc = new wpgmza();
                            $wpgmza_marker_list_output .= $wpgmc->list_markers(false, 4, $wpgmza_current_map_id, $wpgmza_current_map_cat_selection[$wpgmza_current_map_id]);
    } else {
        if ($res->listmarkers == 1 && $res->listmarkers_advanced == 1) {
            if ($wpgmza_current_mashup) {
                $wpgmza_marker_list_output .= wpgmza_return_marker_list($wpgmza_mashup_parent_id, false, $map_width . $map_width_type, $wpgmza_current_mashup, $wpgmza_mashup_ids[$atts['id']]);
            } else {
                $wpgmza_marker_list_output .= wpgmza_return_marker_list($wpgmza_current_map_id, false, $map_width . $map_width_type, false);
        } else {
            if ($res->listmarkers == 1 && $res->listmarkers_advanced == 0) {
                global $wpdb;
                global $wpgmza_tblname;
                // marker sorting functionality
                if ($res->order_markers_by == 1) {
                    $order_by = "id";
                } else {
                    if ($res->order_markers_by == 2) {
                        $order_by = "title";
                    } else {
                        if ($res->order_markers_by == 3) {
                            $order_by = "address";
                        } else {
                            if ($res->order_markers_by == 4) {
                                $order_by = "description";
                            } else {
                                if ($res->order_markers_by == 5) {
                                    $order_by = "category";
                                } else {
                                    $order_by = "id";
                if ($res->order_markers_choice == 1) {
                    $order_choice = "ASC";
                } else {
                    $order_choice = "DESC";
                if ($wpgmza_current_mashup) {
                    $wpgmza_cnt = 0;
                    $sql_string1 = "";
                    if ($wpgmza_mashup_ids[$atts['id']][0] == "ALL") {
                        $wpgmza_sql1 = "SELECT * FROM {$wpgmza_tblname} ORDER BY `{$order_by}` {$order_choice}";
                    } else {
                        $wpgmza_id_cnt = count($wpgmza_mashup_ids[$atts['id']]);
                        foreach ($wpgmza_mashup_ids[$atts['id']] as $wpgmza_map_id) {
                            if ($wpgmza_cnt == 1) {
                                $sql_string1 .= "`map_id` = '{$wpgmza_map_id}' ";
                            } elseif ($wpgmza_cnt > 1 && $wpgmza_cnt < $wpgmza_id_cnt) {
                                $sql_string1 .= "OR `map_id` = '{$wpgmza_map_id}' ";
                            } else {
                                $sql_string1 .= "OR `map_id` = '{$wpgmza_map_id}' ";
                        $wpgmza_sql1 = "SELECT * FROM {$wpgmza_tblname} WHERE {$sql_string1} ORDER BY `{$order_by}` {$order_choice}";
                } else {
                    $wpgmza_sql1 = "SELECT * FROM {$wpgmza_tblname} WHERE `map_id` = '{$wpgmza_current_map_id}' ORDER BY `{$order_by}` {$order_choice}";
                $results = $wpdb->get_results($wpgmza_sql1);
                $wpgmza_marker_list_output .= "\r\n                    <div style='clear:both;'>\r\n                    <table id=\"wpgmza_marker_list\" class=\"wpgmza_marker_list_class\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" style='width:" . $map_width . "" . $map_width_type . "'>\r\n                    <tbody>\r\n            ";
                $wpgmza_settings = get_option("WPGMZA_OTHER_SETTINGS");
                if (isset($wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_image_resizing']) && $wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_image_resizing'] == 'yes') {
                    $wpgmza_image_resizing = true;
                } else {
                    $wpgmza_image_resizing = false;
                if (isset($wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_image_height'])) {
                    $wpgmza_image_height = $wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_image_height'];
                } else {
                    $wpgmza_image_height = false;
                if (isset($wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_image_height'])) {
                    $wpgmza_image_height = $wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_image_height'] . "px";
                } else {
                    $wpgmza_image_height = false;
                if (isset($wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_image_width'])) {
                    $wpgmza_image_width = $wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_image_width'] . "px";
                } else {
                    $wpgmza_image_width = false;
                if (!$wpgmza_image_height || !isset($wpgmza_image_height)) {
                    $wpgmza_image_height = "auto";
                if (!$wpgmza_image_width || !isset($wpgmza_image_width)) {
                    $wpgmza_image_width = "auto";
                $wmcnt = 0;
                foreach ($results as $result) {
                    $img = $result->pic;
                    $wpgmaps_id = $result->id;
                    $link = $result->link;
                    $icon = $result->icon;
                    $wpgmaps_lat = $result->lat;
                    $wpgmaps_lng = $result->lng;
                    $wpgmaps_address = $result->address;
                    /* added in 5.52 - phasing out timthumb */
                    /* timthumb completely removed in 5.54 */
                    /*if ($wpgmza_use_timthumb == "" || !isset($wpgmza_use_timthumb)) {
                    		$pic = "<img src='".wpgmaps_get_plugin_url()."/timthumb.php?src=".$result->pic."&h=".$wpgmza_image_height."&w=".$wpgmza_image_width."&zc=1' />";
                                 } else {*/
                    if (!$img) {
                        $pic = "";
                    } else {
                        if ($wpgmza_image_resizing) {
                            $pic = "<img src='" . $result->pic . "' class='wpgmza_map_image' style=\"margin:5px; height:" . $wpgmza_image_height . "px; width:" . $wpgmza_image_width . ".px\" />";
                        } else {
                            $pic = "<img src='" . $result->pic . "' class='wpgmza_map_image' style=\"margin:5px;\" />";
                    if (!$icon) {
                        $icon = $default_marker;
                    } else {
                        $icon = "<img src='" . $result->icon . "' />";
                    if ($d_enabled == "1") {
                        $wpgmaps_dir_text = "<br /><a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" id=\"{$wpgmza_current_map_id}\" title=\"" . __("Get directions to", "wp-google-maps") . " " . $result->title . "\" class=\"wpgmza_gd\" wpgm_addr_field=\"" . $wpgmaps_address . "\" gps=\"{$wpgmaps_lat},{$wpgmaps_lng}\">" . __("Directions", "wp-google-maps") . "</a>";
                    } else {
                        $wpgmaps_dir_text = "";
                    if ($result->description) {
                        $wpgmaps_desc_text = "<br />" . $result->description . "";
                    } else {
                        $wpgmaps_desc_text = "";
                    if ($wmcnt % 2) {
                        $oddeven = "wpgmaps_odd";
                    } else {
                        $oddeven = "wpgmaps_even";
                    $wpgmza_marker_list_output .= "\r\n                    <tr id=\"wpgmza_marker_" . $result->id . "\" mid=\"" . $result->id . "\" mapid=\"" . $result->map_id . "\" class=\"wpgmaps_mlist_row {$oddeven}\">\r\n                        <td height=\"40\" class=\"wpgmaps_mlist_marker\">" . $icon . "</td>\r\n                        <td class=\"wpgmaps_mlist_pic\" style=\"width:" . ($wpgmza_image_width + 20) . "px;\">{$pic}</td>\r\n                        <td  valign=\"top\" align=\"left\" class=\"wpgmaps_mlist_info\">\r\n                            <strong><a href=\"javascript:openInfoWindow({$wpgmaps_id});\" id=\"wpgmaps_marker_{$wpgmaps_id}\" title=\"" . stripslashes($result->title) . "\">" . stripslashes($result->title) . "</a></strong>\r\n                            " . stripslashes($wpgmaps_desc_text) . "\r\n                            {$wpgmaps_dir_text}\r\n                        </td>\r\n\r\n                    </tr>";
                $wpgmza_marker_list_output .= "</tbody></table></div>";
            } else {
                $wpgmza_marker_list_output = "";
    $dbox_div = "\r\n        <div id=\"wpgmaps_directions_edit_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" style=\"{$dbox_style}\" class=\"wpgmaps_directions_outer_div\">\r\n            <h2>" . __("Get Directions", "wp-google-maps") . "</h2>\r\n            <div id=\"wpgmaps_directions_editbox_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\">\r\n                <table>\r\n                    <tr>\r\n                        <td><label for=\"wpgmza_dir_type_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\">" . __("For", "wp-google-maps") . "</label></td><td>\r\n                            <select id=\"wpgmza_dir_type_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" name=\"wpgmza_dir_type_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\">\r\n                            <option value=\"DRIVING\" selected=\"selected\">" . __("Driving", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                            <option value=\"WALKING\">" . __("Walking", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                            <option value=\"BICYCLING\">" . __("Bicycling", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\r\n                            </select>\r\n                            &nbsp;\r\n                            <a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" mapid=\"" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" id=\"wpgmza_show_options_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" onclick=\"wpgmza_show_options(" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . ");\" style=\"font-size:10px;\">" . __("show options", "wp-google-maps") . "</a>\r\n                            <a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" mapid=\"" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" id=\"wpgmza_hide_options_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" onclick=\"wpgmza_hide_options(" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . ");\" style=\"font-size:10px; display:none;\">" . __("hide options", "wp-google-maps") . "</a>\r\n                        <div style=\"display:none\" id=\"wpgmza_options_box_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\">\r\n                            <input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"wpgmza_tolls_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" name=\"wpgmza_tolls_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" value=\"tolls\" /> <label for=\"wpgmza_tolls_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\">" . __("Avoid Tolls", "wp-google-maps") . "</label><br />\r\n                            <input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"wpgmza_highways_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" name=\"wpgmza_highways_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" value=\"highways\" /> <label for=\"wpgmza_highways_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\">" . __("Avoid Highways", "wp-google-maps") . "</label>\r\n                        </div>\r\n\r\n                        </td>\r\n                    </tr>\r\n                    <tr class='wpgmaps_from_row'><td class='wpgmaps_from_td1'><label for=\"wpgmza_input_from_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\">" . __("From", "wp-google-maps") . "</label></td><td width='90%' class='wpgmaps_from_td2'><input type=\"text\" value=\"\" id=\"wpgmza_input_from_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" style='width:80%' /> {$use_location_from}</td></tr>\r\n                    <tr class='wpgmaps_to_row'><td class='wpgmaps_to_td1'><label for=\"wpgmza_input_to_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\">" . __("To", "wp-google-maps") . "</td><td width='90%' class='wpgmaps_to_td2'><input type=\"text\" value=\"{$default_to}\" id=\"wpgmza_input_to_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" style='width:80%' /> {$use_location_to}</td></tr>\r\n                    <tr>\r\n\r\n                      <td>\r\n                        </td><td>\r\n                      <input onclick=\"javascript:void(0);\" class=\"wpgmaps_get_directions\" id=\"" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" type=\"button\" value=\"" . __("Go", "wp-google-maps") . "\"/>\r\n                      </td>\r\n                    </tr>\r\n                </table>\r\n            </div>\r\n\r\n\r\n    ";
    if ($dbox_option == "5" || $dbox_option == "1" || !isset($dbox_option)) {
        if ($wpgmza_current_mashup) {
            $wpgmza_anchors = $wpgmza_mashup_ids[$atts['id']];
        } else {
            $wpgmza_anchors = $wpgmza_current_map_id;
        $ret_msg = "\r\n            {$wpgmza_marker_datatables_output}\r\n            <style>\r\n            .wpgmza_map img { max-width:none !important; }\r\n            .wpgmza_widget { overflow: auto; }\r\n            </style>\r\n            " . wpgmaps_check_approval_string() . "\r\n            " . wpgmaps_return_marker_anchors($wpgmza_anchors) . "\r\n            {$wpgmza_marker_filter_output}\r\n            {$sl_data}\r\n            " . apply_filters("wpgooglemaps_filter_map_div_output", "<div class=\"wpgmza_map\" id=\"wpgmza_map_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" {$map_style}> </div>", $wpgmza_current_map_id) . "\r\n            {$wpgmza_marker_list_output}\r\n\r\n            <div style=\"display:block; width:100%;\">\r\n\r\n                {$dbox_div}\r\n                    <div id=\"wpgmaps_directions_notification_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" style=\"display:none;\">" . __("Fetching directions...", "wp-google-maps") . "...</div>\r\n                    <div id=\"wpgmaps_directions_reset_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" style=\"display:none;\">\r\n                        <a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='wpgmza_reset_directions(" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . ");' id='wpgmaps_reset_directions' title='" . __("Reset directions", "wp-google-maps") . "'>" . __("Reset directions", "wp-google-maps") . "</a>\r\n                        <br /><a href='' id='wpgmaps_print_directions_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "' title='" . __("Print directions", "wp-google-maps") . "'>" . __("Print directions", "wp-google-maps") . "</a>\r\n                    </div>\r\n                    <div id=\"directions_panel_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\"></div>\r\n                </div>\r\n            </div>\r\n\r\n        ";
    } else {
        if ($wpgmza_current_mashup) {
            $wpgmza_anchors = $wpgmza_mashup_ids[$atts['id']];
        } else {
            $wpgmza_anchors = $wpgmza_current_map_id;
        $ret_msg = "\r\n            {$wpgmza_marker_datatables_output}\r\n            <style>\r\n            .wpgmza_map img { max-width:none !important; }\r\n            .wpgmza_widget { overflow: auto; }\r\n            </style>\r\n            \r\n            <div style=\"display:block; width:100%; overflow:auto;\">\r\n\r\n            \t{$dbox_div}\r\n                <div id=\"wpgmaps_directions_notification_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" style=\"display:none;\">" . __("Fetching directions...", "wp-google-maps") . "...</div>\r\n                <div id=\"wpgmaps_directions_reset_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" style=\"display:none;\">\r\n                    <a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='wpgmza_reset_directions(" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . ");' id='wpgmaps_reset_directions' title='" . __("Reset directions", "wp-google-maps") . "'>" . __("Reset directions", "wp-google-maps") . "</a>\r\n                    <br /><a href='' id='wpgmaps_print_directions_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "' title='" . __("Print directions", "wp-google-maps") . "'>" . __("Print directions", "wp-google-maps") . "</a>\r\n                </div>\r\n                <div id=\"directions_panel_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\"></div>\r\n            </div>\r\n                \r\n                \r\n\r\n                {$wpgmza_marker_filter_output}\r\n                {$sl_data}\r\n\r\n            " . wpgmaps_return_marker_anchors($wpgmza_anchors) . "\r\n            " . apply_filters("wpgooglemaps_filter_map_div_output", "<div class=\"wpgmza_map\" id=\"wpgmza_map_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" {$map_style}> </div>") . "   \r\n            \r\n                <div style='text-align:center; width:90%; border:1px solid #ccc; padding:10px;'>\r\n                    <h1>" . __("The map could not load.", "wp-google-maps") . "</h1><p>" . __("This is normally caused by a conflict with another plugin or a JavaScript error that is preventing our plugin's Javascript from executing. Please try disable all plugins one by one and see if this problem persists. If it persists, please contact for support.", "wp-google-maps") . "</p>\r\n                    \r\n                </div>\r\n            </div>\r\n\r\n            {$wpgmza_marker_list_output}\r\n            </div>\r\n\r\n        ";
    if (function_exists("wpgmza_register_ugm_version")) {
        $ugm_enabled = $res->ugm_enabled;
        if ($ugm_enabled == 1) {
            $ret_msg .= wpgmaps_ugm_user_form($wpgmza_current_map_id);
    if ($wpgmza_using_custom_meta) {
        /* we're using meta fields to generate the map, ignore default functionality */
        $ret_msg = "\r\n            <style>\r\n                .wpgmza_map img { max-width:none !important; }\r\n                .wpgmza_widget { overflow: auto; }\r\n            </style>\r\n            " . apply_filters("wpgooglemaps_filter_map_div_output", "<div class=\"wpgmza_map\" id=\"wpgmza_map_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" {$map_style}> </div>") . "\r\n\r\n            ";
    $wpgmza_main_settings = get_option("WPGMZA_OTHER_SETTINGS");
    if (isset($wpgmza_main_settings['wpgmza_custom_css']) && $wpgmza_main_settings['wpgmza_custom_css'] != "") {
        $ret_msg = "\r\n            <!-- WP Google Maps Custom CSS -->\r\n            <style type=\"text/css\">" . $wpgmza_main_settings['wpgmza_custom_css'] . "</style>\r\n            " . $ret_msg;
    /* modern infowindow output */
    /* $ret_msg = $ret_msg.$iw_output; deprecated in version 5.63 as the info window is now being created programatically with JS */
    $ret_msg = $ret_msg;
    return $ret_msg;
function wpgmaps_tag_pro($atts)
    global $wpgmza_current_map_id;
    global $wpgmza_current_mashup;
    global $wpgmza_mashup_ids;
    global $wpgmza_mashup_all;
    $wpgmza_current_mashup = false;
    extract(shortcode_atts(array('id' => '1', 'mashup' => false, 'mashup_ids' => false, 'parent_id' => '1'), $atts));
    $wpgmza_mashup = $atts['mashup'];
    if ($wpgmza_mashup_ids == "ALL") {
    } else {
        $wpgmza_mashup_ids = explode(",", $atts['mashup_ids']);
    $wpgmza_mashup_parent_id = $atts['parent_id'];
    if ($wpgmza_mashup) {
        $wpgmza_current_mashup = true;
    if ($wpgmza_mashup) {
        $wpgmza_current_map_id = $wpgmza_mashup_parent_id;
        $res = wpgmza_get_map_data($wpgmza_mashup_parent_id);
    } else {
        $wpgmza_current_map_id = $atts['id'];
        $res = wpgmza_get_map_data($atts['id']);
    $wpgmza_general_settings = get_option('WPGMZA_OTHER_SETTINGS');
    $hide_category_column = $wpgmza_general_settings['wpgmza_settings_markerlist_category'];
    $map_width_type = stripslashes($res->map_width_type);
    $map_height_type = stripslashes($res->map_height_type);
    if (!isset($map_width_type)) {
        $map_width_type == "px";
    if (!isset($map_height_type)) {
        $map_height_type == "px";
    if ($map_width_type == "%" && intval($res->map_width) > 100) {
        $res->map_width = 100;
    if ($map_height_type == "%" && intval($res->map_height) > 100) {
        $res->map_height = 100;
    $map_align = $res->alignment;
    if (!$map_align || $map_align == "" || $map_align == "1") {
        $map_align = "float:left;";
    } else {
        if ($map_align == "2") {
            $map_align = "margin-left:auto !important; margin-right:auto; !important; align:center;";
        } else {
            if ($map_align == "3") {
                $map_align = "float:right;";
            } else {
                if ($map_align == "4") {
                    $map_align = "clear:both;";
    $map_style = "style=\"display:block; overflow:auto; width:" . $res->map_width . "" . $map_width_type . "; height:" . $res->map_height . "" . $map_height_type . "; {$map_align}\"";
    global $short_code_active;
    $short_code_active = true;
    global $wpgmza_short_code_array;
    $wpgmza_short_code_array[] = $wpgmza_current_map_id;
    $d_enabled = $res->directions_enabled;
    $filterbycat = $res->filterbycat;
    $map_width = $res->map_width;
    $map_width_type = $res->map_width_type;
    // for marker list
    $default_marker = $res->default_marker;
    $show_location = $res->show_user_location;
    if ($show_location == "1") {
        $use_location_from = "<span style=\"font-size:0.75em;\"><a href='javascript:void(0);' id='wpgmza_use_my_location_from' mid='{$wpgmza_current_map_id}' title='" . __("Use my location", "wp-google-maps") . "'>" . __("Use my location", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></span>";
        $use_location_to = "<span style=\"font-size:0.75em;\"><a href='javascript:void(0);' id='wpgmza_use_my_location_to' mid='{$wpgmza_current_map_id}' title='" . __("Use my location", "wp-google-maps") . "'>" . __("Use my location", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></span>";
    if ($default_marker) {
        $default_marker = "<img src='" . $default_marker . "' />";
    } else {
        $default_marker = "<img src='" . wpgmaps_get_plugin_url() . "/images/marker.png' />";
    $dbox_width = $res->dbox_width;
    $dbox_option = $res->dbox;
    if ($dbox_option == "1") {
        $dbox_style = "display:none;";
    } else {
        if ($dbox_option == "2") {
            $dbox_style = "float:left; width:" . $dbox_width . "px; padding-right:10px; display:block; overflow:auto;";
        } else {
            if ($dbox_option == "3") {
                $dbox_style = "float:right; width:" . $dbox_width . "px; padding-right:10px; display:block; overflow:auto;";
            } else {
                if ($dbox_option == "4") {
                    $dbox_style = "float:none; width:" . $dbox_width . "px; padding-bottom:10px; display:block; overflow:auto; clear:both;";
                } else {
                    if ($dbox_option == "5") {
                        $dbox_style = "float:none; width:" . $dbox_width . "px; padding-top:10px; display:block; overflow:auto; clear:both;";
                    } else {
                        $dbox_style = "display:none;";
    $wpgmza_marker_list_output = "";
    $wpgmza_marker_filter_output = "";
    // Filter by category
    if ($filterbycat == 1) {
        $wpgmza_marker_filter_output .= "<p style='text-align:left; margin-bottom:0px;'>" . __("Filter by", "wp-google-maps") . "";
        $wpgmza_filter_dropdown = wpgmza_pro_return_category_select_list();
        $wpgmza_marker_filter_output .= "<select mid=\"" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" name=\"wpgmza_filter_select\" id=\"wpgmza_filter_select\">";
        $wpgmza_marker_filter_output .= $wpgmza_filter_dropdown;
        $wpgmza_marker_filter_output .= "</select></p>";
    if ($hide_category_column) {
        $wpgmza_marker_filter_output .= "<style>.wpgmza_table_category { display: none; }</style>";
    if ($res->listmarkers == 1 && $res->listmarkers_advanced == 1) {
        if ($wpgmza_current_mashup) {
            $wpgmza_marker_list_output .= wpgmza_return_marker_list($wpgmza_mashup_parent_id, false, $map_width . $map_width_type, $wpgmza_current_mashup, $wpgmza_mashup_ids);
        } else {
            $wpgmza_marker_list_output .= wpgmza_return_marker_list($wpgmza_current_map_id, false, $map_width . $map_width_type, false);
    } else {
        if ($res->listmarkers == 1 && $res->listmarkers_advanced == 0) {
            global $wpdb;
            global $wpgmza_tblname;
            // marker sorting functionality
            if ($res->order_markers_by == 1) {
                $order_by = "id";
            } else {
                if ($res->order_markers_by == 2) {
                    $order_by = "title";
                } else {
                    if ($res->order_markers_by == 3) {
                        $order_by = "address";
                    } else {
                        if ($res->order_markers_by == 4) {
                            $order_by = "description";
                        } else {
                            if ($res->order_markers_by == 5) {
                                $order_by = "category";
                            } else {
                                $order_by = "id";
            if ($res->order_markers_choice == 1) {
                $order_choice = "ASC";
            } else {
                $order_choice = "DESC";
            if ($wpgmza_current_mashup) {
                $wpgmza_cnt = 0;
                $sql_string1 = "";
                if ($wpgmza_mashup_ids[0] == "ALL") {
                    $wpgmza_sql1 = "SELECT * FROM {$wpgmza_tblname} ORDER BY `{$order_by}` {$order_choice}";
                } else {
                    $wpgmza_id_cnt = count($wpgmza_mashup_ids);
                    foreach ($wpgmza_mashup_ids as $wpgmza_map_id) {
                        if ($wpgmza_cnt == 1) {
                            $sql_string1 .= "`map_id` = '{$wpgmza_map_id}' ";
                        } elseif ($wpgmza_cnt > 1 && $wpgmza_cnt < $wpgmza_id_cnt) {
                            $sql_string1 .= "OR `map_id` = '{$wpgmza_map_id}' ";
                        } else {
                            $sql_string1 .= "OR `map_id` = '{$wpgmza_map_id}' ";
                    $wpgmza_sql1 = "SELECT * FROM {$wpgmza_tblname} WHERE {$sql_string1} ORDER BY `{$order_by}` {$order_choice}";
            } else {
                $wpgmza_sql1 = "SELECT * FROM {$wpgmza_tblname} WHERE `map_id` = '{$wpgmza_current_map_id}' ORDER BY `{$order_by}` {$order_choice}";
            $results = $wpdb->get_results($wpgmza_sql1);
            $wpgmza_marker_list_output .= "\n                <table id=\"wpgmza_marker_list\" class=\"wpgmza_marker_list_class\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" style='width:" . $map_width . "" . $map_width_type . "'>\n                <tbody>\n        ";
            $wpgmza_settings = get_option("WPGMZA_OTHER_SETTINGS");
            $wpgmza_image_height = $wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_image_height'];
            $wpgmza_image_width = $wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_image_width'];
            if (!$wpgmza_image_height || !isset($wpgmza_image_height)) {
                $wpgmza_image_height = "100";
            if (!$wpgmza_image_width || !isset($wpgmza_image_width)) {
                $wpgmza_image_width = "100";
            foreach ($results as $result) {
                $img = $result->pic;
                $wpgmaps_id = $result->id;
                $link = $result->link;
                $icon = $result->icon;
                $wpgmaps_lat = $result->lat;
                $wpgmaps_lng = $result->lng;
                $wpgmaps_address = $result->address;
                if (!$img) {
                    $pic = "";
                } else {
                    $wpgmza_use_timthumb = $wpgmza_settings['wpgmza_settings_use_timthumb'];
                    if ($wpgmza_use_timthumb == "" || !isset($wpgmza_use_timthumb)) {
                        $pic = "<img src='" . wpgmaps_get_plugin_url() . "/timthumb.php?src=" . $result->pic . "&h=" . $wpgmza_image_height . "&w=" . $wpgmza_image_width . "&zc=1' title='' alt='' style=\"\" />";
                    } else {
                        $pic = "<img src='" . $result->pic . "' class='wpgmza_map_image' style=\"float:right; margin:5px; height:" . $wpgmza_image_height . "px; width:" . $wpgmza_image_width . ".px\" />";
                if (!$icon) {
                    $icon = $default_marker;
                } else {
                    $icon = "<img src='" . $result->icon . "' />";
                if ($d_enabled == "1") {
                    $wpgmaps_dir_text = "<br /><a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" id=\"{$wpgmza_current_map_id}\" title=\"" . _("Get directions to", "wp-google-maps") . " " . $result->title . "\" class=\"wpgmza_gd\" wpgm_addr_field=\"" . $wpgmaps_address . "\" gps=\"{$wpgmaps_lat},{$wpgmaps_lng}\">" . __("Directions", "wp-google-maps") . "</a>";
                if ($result->description) {
                    $wpgmaps_desc_text = "<br />" . $result->description . "";
                } else {
                    $wpgmaps_desc_text = "";
                if ($wmcnt % 2) {
                    $oddeven = "wpgmaps_odd";
                } else {
                    $oddeven = "wpgmaps_even";
                $wpgmza_marker_list_output .= "\n                <tr id=\"wpgmza_marker_" . $result->id . "\" mid=\"" . $result->id . "\" mapid=\"" . $result->map_id . "\" class=\"wpgmaps_mlist_row {$oddeven}\">\n                    <td height=\"40\" class=\"wpgmaps_mlist_marker\">" . $icon . "</td>\n                    <td class=\"wpgmaps_mlist_pic\" style=\"width:" . ($wpgmza_image_width + 20) . "px;\">{$pic}</td>\n                    <td  valign=\"top\" align=\"left\" class=\"wpgmaps_mlist_info\">\n                        <strong><a href=\"javascript:openInfoWindow({$wpgmaps_id});\" id=\"wpgmaps_marker_{$wpgmaps_id}\" title=\"" . $result->title . "\">" . $result->title . "</a></strong>\n                        {$wpgmaps_desc_text}\n                        {$wpgmaps_dir_text}\n                    </td>\n\n                </tr>";
            $wpgmza_marker_list_output .= "</tbody></table>";
        } else {
            $wpgmza_marker_list_output = "";
    $dbox_div = "\n        <div id=\"wpgmaps_directions_edit_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" style=\"{$dbox_style}\" class=\"wpgmaps_directions_outer_div\">\n            <h2>" . __("Get Directions", "wp-google-maps") . "</h2>\n            <div id=\"wpgmaps_directions_editbox_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\">\n                <table>\n                    <tr>\n                        <td>" . __("For", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td><td>\n                            <select id=\"wpgmza_dir_type_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" name=\"wpgmza_dir_type_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\">\n                            <option value=\"DRIVING\" selected=\"selected\">" . __("Driving", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                            <option value=\"WALKING\">" . __("Walking", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                            <option value=\"BICYCLING\">" . __("Bicycling", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                            </select>\n                            &nbsp;\n                            <a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" mapid=\"" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" id=\"wpgmza_show_options_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" onclick=\"wpgmza_show_options(" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . ");\" style=\"font-size:10px;\">" . __("show options", "wp-google-maps") . "</a>\n                            <a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" mapid=\"" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" id=\"wpgmza_hide_options_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" onclick=\"wpgmza_hide_options(" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . ");\" style=\"font-size:10px; display:none;\">" . __("hide options", "wp-google-maps") . "</a>\n                        <div style=\"display:none\" id=\"wpgmza_options_box_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\">\n                            <input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"wpgmza_tolls_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" name=\"wpgmza_tolls_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" value=\"tolls\" /> " . __("Avoid Tolls", "wp-google-maps") . " <br />\n                            <input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"wpgmza_highways_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" name=\"wpgmza_highways_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" value=\"highways\" /> " . __("Avoid Highways", "wp-google-maps") . "\n                        </div>\n\n                        </td>\n                    </tr>\n                    <tr><td>" . __("From", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td><td width='90%'><input type=\"text\" value=\"\" id=\"wpgmza_input_from_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" style='width:80%' /> {$use_location_from}</td><td></td></tr>\n                    <tr><td>" . __("To", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td><td width='90%'><input type=\"text\" value=\"\" id=\"wpgmza_input_to_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" style='width:80%' /> {$use_location_to}</td><td></td></tr>\n                    <tr>\n\n                      <td>\n                        </td><td>\n                      <input onclick=\"javascript:void(0);\" class=\"wpgmaps_get_directions\" id=\"" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" type=\"button\" value=\"" . __("Go", "wp-google-maps") . "\"/>\n                      </td>\n                    </tr>\n                </table>\n            </div>\n\n\n    ";
    if ($dbox_option == "5" || $dbox_option == "1" || !isset($dbox_option)) {
        if ($wpgmza_current_mashup) {
            $wpgmza_anchors = $wpgmza_mashup_ids;
        } else {
            $wpgmza_anchors = $wpgmza_current_map_id;
        $ret_msg = "\n            <style>\n            .wpgmza_map img { max-width:none !important; }\n            </style>\n            " . wpgmaps_return_marker_anchors($wpgmza_anchors) . "\n            {$wpgmza_marker_filter_output}\n            <div id=\"wpgmza_map_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" class='wpgmza_map' {$map_style}>&nbsp;</div>\n            {$wpgmza_marker_list_output}\n            <div id=\"display:block; width:100%;\">\n\n                {$dbox_div}\n                    <div id=\"wpgmaps_directions_notification_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" style=\"display:none;\">" . __("Fetching directions...", "wp-google-maps") . "...</div>\n                    <div id=\"wpgmaps_directions_reset_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" style=\"display:none;\"><a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='wpgmza_reset_directions(" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . ");' id='wpgmaps_reset_directions' title='" . __("Reset directions", "wp-google-maps") . "'>" . __("Reset directions", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></div>\n                    <div id=\"directions_panel_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\"></div>\n                </div>\n            </div>\n\n        ";
    } else {
        $ret_msg = "\n            <style>\n            .wpgmza_map img { max-width:none !important; }\n            </style>\n\n            <div id=\"display:block; width:100%; overflow:auto;\">\n\n                {$dbox_div}\n                    <div id=\"wpgmaps_directions_notification_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" style=\"display:none;\">" . __("Fetching directions...", "wp-google-maps") . "...</div>\n                    <div id=\"wpgmaps_directions_reset_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" style=\"display:none;\"><a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='wpgmza_reset_directions(" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . ");' id='wpgmaps_reset_directions' title='" . __("Reset directions", "wp-google-maps") . "'>" . __("Reset directions", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></div>\n                    <div id=\"directions_panel_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\"></div>\n                </div>\n                {$wpgmza_marker_filter_output}\n            <div id=\"wpgmza_map_" . $wpgmza_current_map_id . "\" class='wpgmza_map' {$map_style}>&nbsp;</div>\n            {$wpgmza_marker_list_output}\n            </div>\n\n        ";
    if (function_exists("wpgmza_register_ugm_version")) {
        $ugm_enabled = $res->ugm_enabled;
        if ($ugm_enabled == 1) {
            $ret_msg .= wpgmaps_ugm_user_form($wpgmza_current_map_id);
    return $ret_msg;
Esempio n. 6
function wpgmza_basic_menu()
    global $wpgmza_tblname_maps;
    global $wpdb;
    if (!wpgmaps_check_permissions()) {
    if ($_GET['action'] == "edit" && isset($_GET['map_id'])) {
        $res = wpgmza_get_map_data($_GET['map_id']);
        if ($res->map_start_zoom) {
            $wpgmza_zoom[intval($res->map_start_zoom)] = "SELECTED";
        } else {
            $wpgmza_zoom[8] = "SELECTED";
        if ($res->type) {
            $wpgmza_map_type[intval($res->type)] = "SELECTED";
        } else {
            $wpgmza_map_type[1] = "SELECTED";
        if ($res->alignment) {
            $wpgmza_map_align[intval($res->alignment)] = "SELECTED";
        } else {
            $wpgmza_map_align[1] = "SELECTED";
        $wpgmza_act = "disabled readonly";
        $wpgmza_act_msg = "<span style=\"font-size:16px; color:#666;\">" . __("Add custom icons, titles, descriptions, pictures and links to your markers with the", "wp-google-maps") . " \"<a href=\"\" title=\"" . __("Pro Edition", "wp-google-maps") . "\" target=\"_BLANK\">" . __("Pro Edition", "wp-google-maps") . "</a>\" " . __("of this plugin for just", "wp-google-maps") . " <strong>\$14.99</strong></span>";
        $wpgmza_csv = "<p><a href=\"\" title=\"" . __("Pro Edition", "wp-google-maps") . "\">" . __("Purchase the Pro Edition", "wp-google-maps") . "</a> " . __("of WP Google Maps and save your markers to a CSV file!", "wp-google-maps") . "</p>";
    echo "\n\n           <div class='wrap'>\n                <h1>WP Google Maps</h1>\n                <div class='wide'>\n\n\n\n                    <h2>" . __("Map Settings", "wp-google-maps") . "</h2>\n                    <form action='' method='post' id='wpgmaps_options'>\n                    <p></p>\n\n                    <input type='hidden' name='http_referer' value='" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "' />\n                    <input type='hidden' name='wpgmza_id' id='wpgmza_id' value='" . $res->id . "' />\n                    <input id='wpgmza_start_location' name='wpgmza_start_location' type='hidden' size='40' maxlength='100' value='" . $res->map_start_location . "' />\n                    <select id='wpgmza_start_zoom' name='wpgmza_start_zoom' style=\"display:none;\">\n                        <option value=\"1\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[1] . ">1</option>\n                        <option value=\"2\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[2] . ">2</option>\n                        <option value=\"3\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[3] . ">3</option>\n                        <option value=\"4\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[4] . ">4</option>\n                        <option value=\"5\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[5] . ">5</option>\n                        <option value=\"6\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[6] . ">6</option>\n                        <option value=\"7\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[7] . ">7</option>\n                        <option value=\"8\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[8] . ">8</option>\n                        <option value=\"9\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[9] . ">9</option>\n                        <option value=\"10\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[10] . ">10</option>\n                        <option value=\"11\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[11] . ">11</option>\n                        <option value=\"12\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[12] . ">12</option>\n                        <option value=\"13\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[13] . ">13</option>\n                        <option value=\"14\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[14] . ">14</option>\n                        <option value=\"15\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[15] . ">15</option>\n                        <option value=\"16\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[16] . ">16</option>\n                        <option value=\"17\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[17] . ">17</option>\n                        <option value=\"18\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[18] . ">18</option>\n                        <option value=\"19\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[19] . ">19</option>\n                        <option value=\"20\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[20] . ">20</option>\n                        <option value=\"21\" " . $wpgmza_zoom[21] . ">21</option>\n                    </select>\n                    <table>\n                        <tr>\n                            <td>" . __("Short code", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                            <td><input type='text' readonly name='shortcode' style='font-size:18px; text-align:center;' value='[wpgmza id=\"" . $res->id . "\"]' /> <small><i>" . __("copy this into your post or page to display the map", "wp-google-maps") . "</i></td>\n                        </tr>\n                        <tr>\n                            <td>" . __("Map Name", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                            <td><input id='wpgmza_title' name='wpgmza_title' type='text' size='20' maxlength='50' value='" . $res->map_title . "' /></td>\n                        </tr>\n                        <tr>\n                             <td>" . __("Width", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                             <td><input id='wpgmza_width' name='wpgmza_width' type='text' size='4' maxlength='4' value='" . $res->map_width . "' /> px </td>\n                        </tr>\n                        <tr>\n                            <td>" . __("Height", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                            <td><input id='wpgmza_height' name='wpgmza_height' type='text' size='4' maxlength='4' value='" . $res->map_height . "' /> px</td>\n                        </tr>\n\n                        <tr>\n                            <td>" . __("Default Marker Image", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                            <td><input id=\"upload_default_marker\" name=\"upload_default_marker\" type='hidden' size='35' maxlength='700' value='' " . $wpgmza_act . "/> <input id=\"upload_default_marker_btn\" type=\"button\" value=\"" . __("Upload Image", "wp-google-maps") . "\" {$wpgmza_act} /><small><i> " . __("available in the", "wp-google-maps") . " <a href=\"\" title=\"" . __("Pro Edition", "wp-google-maps") . "\" target=\"_BLANK\">" . __("Pro Edition", "wp-google-maps") . "</a> " . __("only", "wp-google-maps") . ".   </i></small></td>\n                        </tr>\n                        <tr>\n                            <td>" . __("Map type", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                            <td><select id='wpgmza_map_type' name='wpgmza_map_type'>\n                                <option value=\"1\" " . $wpgmza_map_type[1] . ">" . __("Roadmap", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                <option value=\"2\" " . $wpgmza_map_type[2] . ">" . __("Satellite", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                <option value=\"3\" " . $wpgmza_map_type[3] . ">" . __("Hybrid", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                <option value=\"4\" " . $wpgmza_map_type[4] . ">" . __("Terrain", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                            </select>\n                            </td>\n                        </tr>\n                        <tr>\n                            <td>" . __("Map Alignment", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                            <td><select id='wpgmza_map_align' name='wpgmza_map_align'>\n                                <option value=\"1\" " . $wpgmza_map_align[1] . ">" . __("Left", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                <option value=\"2\" " . $wpgmza_map_align[2] . ">" . __("Center", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                <option value=\"3\" " . $wpgmza_map_align[3] . ">" . __("Right", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                <option value=\"4\" " . $wpgmza_map_align[4] . ">" . __("None", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                            </select>\n                            </td>\n                        </tr>\n                        <tr>\n                            <td>" . __("KML/GeoRSS URL", "wp-google-maps") . ":</td>\n                            <td>\n                             <input id='wpgmza_kml' name='wpgmza_kml' type='text' size='100' maxlength='700' class='regular-text' value='" . $res->kml . "' {$wpgmza_act} /><small><i> " . __("available in the", "wp-google-maps") . " <a href=\"\" title=\"" . __("Pro Edition", "wp-google-maps") . "\" target=\"_BLANK\">" . __("Pro Edition", "wp-google-maps") . "</a> " . __("only", "wp-google-maps") . ".   </i></small></td>\n                            </td>\n                        </tr>\n\n\n                        </table>\n                            <div id=\"wpgmaps_save_reminder\" style=\"display:none;\"><span style=\"font-size:16px; color:#1C62B9;\">\n                            " . __("Remember to save your map!", "wp-google-maps") . "\n                            </span></div>\n                            <p class='submit'><input type='submit' name='wpgmza_savemap' class='button-primary' value='" . __("Save Map", "wp-google-maps") . " &raquo;' /></p>\n                            <p style=\"width:600px; color:#808080;\">\n                                " . __("Tip: Use your mouse to change the layout of your map. When you have positioned the map to your desired location, press \"Save Map\" to keep your settings.", "wp-google-maps") . "</p>\n\n\n                            <div id=\"wpgmza_map\">&nbsp;</div>\n                            <div style=\"display:block; overflow:auto; background-color:#FFFBCC; padding:10px; border:1px solid #E6DB55; margin-top:5px; margin-bottom:5px;\">\n                                <h2 style=\"padding-top:0; margin-top:0;\">" . __("Add a marker", "wp-google-maps") . "</h2>\n                                <p>\n                                <table>\n                                <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"wpgmza_edit_id\" id=\"wpgmza_edit_id\" value=\"\" />\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td>" . __("Title", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\n                                    <td><input id='wpgmza_add_title' name='wpgmza_add_title' type='text' size='35' maxlength='200' value='' {$wpgmza_act} /> &nbsp;<br /></td>\n\n                                </tr>\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td>" . __("Address/GPS", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\n                                    <td><input id='wpgmza_add_address' name='wpgmza_add_address' type='text' size='35' maxlength='200' value='' /> &nbsp;<br /></td>\n\n                                </tr>\n\n                                <tr><td>" . __("Description", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\n                                    <td><textarea id='wpgmza_add_desc' name='wpgmza_add_desc' " . $wpgmza_act . "></textarea>  &nbsp;<br /></td></tr>\n                                <tr><td>" . __("Pic URL", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\n                                    <td><input id='wpgmza_add_pic' name=\"wpgmza_add_pic\" type='text' size='35' maxlength='700' value='' " . $wpgmza_act . "/> <input id=\"upload_image_button\" type=\"button\" value=\"" . __("Upload Image", "wp-google-maps") . "\" {$wpgmza_act} /><br /></td></tr>\n                                <tr><td>" . __("Link URL", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\n                                    <td><input id='wpgmza_link_url' name='wpgmza_link_url' type='text' size='35' maxlength='700' value='' " . $wpgmza_act . " /></td></tr>\n                                <tr><td>" . __("Custom Marker", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\n                                    <td><input id='wpgmza_add_custom_marker' name=\"wpgmza_add_custom_marker\" type='hidden' size='35' maxlength='700' value='' " . $wpgmza_act . "/> <input id=\"upload_custom_marker_button\" type=\"button\" value=\"" . __("Upload Image", "wp-google-maps") . "\" {$wpgmza_act} /> &nbsp;</td></tr>\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td>" . __("Animation", "wp-google-maps") . ": </td>\n                                    <td>\n                                        <select name=\"wpgmza_animation\" id=\"wpgmza_animation\" readonly disabled>\n                                            <option value=\"0\">" . __("None", "wp-google-maps") . "</option>\n                                    </td>\n                                </tr>\n\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td></td>\n                                    <td>\n                                        <span id=\"wpgmza_addmarker_div\"><input type=\"button\" class='button-primary' id='wpgmza_addmarker' value='" . __("Add Marker", "wp-google-maps") . "' /></span> <span id=\"wpgmza_addmarker_loading\" style=\"display:none;\">" . __("Adding", "wp-google-maps") . "...</span>\n                                        <span id=\"wpgmza_editmarker_div\" style=\"display:none;\"><input type=\"button\" id='wpgmza_editmarker'  class='button-primary' value='" . __("Save Marker", "wp-google-maps") . "' /></span><span id=\"wpgmza_editmarker_loading\" style=\"display:none;\">" . __("Saving", "wp-google-maps") . "...</span>\n                                    </td>\n\n                                </tr>\n\n                                </table>\n                            </div>\n                            <p>{$wpgmza_act_msg}</p>\n                            <h2 style=\"padding-top:0; margin-top:0;\">" . __("Your Markers", "wp-google-maps") . "</h2>\n                            <div id=\"wpgmza_marker_holder\">\n                                " . wpgmza_return_marker_list($_GET['map_id']) . "\n                            </div>\n\n                            <br /><br />{$wpgmza_csv}\n\n                            <table>\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td><img src=\"" . wpgmaps_get_plugin_url() . "/images/custom_markers.jpg\" width=\"160\" style=\"border:3px solid #808080;\" title=\"" . __("Add detailed information to your markers!") . "\" alt=\"" . __("Add custom markers to your map!", "wp-google-maps") . "\" /><br /><br /></td>\n                                    <td valign=\"middle\"><span style=\"font-size:18px; color:#666;\">" . __("Add detailed information to your markers for only", "wp-google-maps") . " <strong>\$14.99</strong>. " . __("Click", "wp-google-maps") . " <a href=\"\" title=\"Pro Edition\" target=\"_BLANK\">" . __("here", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></span></td>\n                                </tr>\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td><img src=\"" . wpgmaps_get_plugin_url() . "/images/custom_marker_icons.jpg\" width=\"160\" style=\"border:3px solid #808080;\" title=\"" . __("Add custom markers to your map!", "wp-google-maps") . "\" alt=\"" . __("Add custom markers to your map!", "wp-google-maps") . "\" /><br /><br /></td>\n                                    <td valign=\"middle\"><span style=\"font-size:18px; color:#666;\">" . __("Add different marker icons, or your own icons to make your map really stand out!", "wp-google-maps") . "</span></td>\n                                </tr>\n                                <tr>\n                                    <td><img src=\"" . wpgmaps_get_plugin_url() . "/images/get_directions.jpg\" width=\"160\" style=\"border:3px solid #808080;\" title=\"" . __("Add custom markers to your map!", "wp-google-maps") . "\" alt=\"" . __("Add custom markers to your map!", "wp-google-maps") . "\" /><br /><br /></td>\n                                    <td valign=\"middle\"><span style=\"font-size:18px; color:#666;\">" . __("Allow your visitors to get directions to your markers!", "wp-google-maps") . " " . __("Click", "wp-google-maps") . " <a href=\"\" title=\"" . __("Pro Edition", "wp-google-maps") . "\" target=\"_BLANK\">" . __("here", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></span></td>\n                                </tr>\n                            </table>\n\n                    </form>\n\n                    <p><br /><br />" . __("WP Google Maps encourages you to make use of the amazing icons created by Nicolas Mollet's Maps Icons Collection", "wp-google-maps") . " <a href=''></a> " . __("and to credit him when doing so.", "wp-google-maps") . "</p>\n                </div>\n\n\n            </div>\n\n\n\n        ";